DLL Matatag - Mathematics 7 Q2 W7

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School: Visit DepEdResources.com for More Grade Level: 7

MATATAG Name of Teacher Learning Area: MATHEMATICS
K to 10 Curriculum Teaching Dates and Time: NOVEMBER 11 - 15, 2024 (WEEK 7-8) Quarter: Second
Weekly Lesson Log


A. Content The learners should have knowledge and understanding of sets and subsets, and the union and intersection of sets
Standards using Venn diagrams

B. Performance By the end of the week, the learners are able to

Standards • describe sets and their subsets, and the union and intersection of sets.
• illustrates sets and subsets, and union and intersection of sets, using Venn diagrams.

C. Learning The learners …

Competencies • describe and identify sets and their elements.
and Objectives • identify the different types of sets – finite set, infinite set, empty set, and universal set.
• express sets using the description and roster methods.
• evaluate basic set operations, including union and intersection of sets.
• define and determine the cardinality of sets.
• visualize and use the Venn Diagram to illustrate and compare sets.

D. Content Sets, Subsets, Union and Intersection of Sets, Cardinality of Sets, and Venn Diagram

E. Integration Collective Nouns


BBC Bitesize. (n.d.). Describing Sets. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z8nfrdm/revision/1#

BYJU'S. (n.d.). What is a Set? https://byjus.com/maths/what-is-a-set/
CueMath. (n.d.). Cardinality. https://www.cuemath.com/algebra/cardinality/
CueMath. (n.d.). Universal Set. https://www.cuemath.com/algebra/universal-set/
OpenAI. (n.d.). Chat: Sets. https://chat.openai.com/c/7e22924d-77a4-48a6-b168-e90d93d4a415
Story of Mathematics. (n.d.). Describing Sets. https://www.storyofmathematics.com/describing-sets/
World Campus - Penn State Online. (n.d.). Math 17: Sets. https://courses.worldcampus.psu.edu/welcome/math017/lesson01_04



A. Activating Prior DAY 1 This activity will guide and lead

Knowledge 1. Short Review the students to know the
List items that are visible at home and in school. Write your answer in the characteristics of a set.
circle. On the first day, limit the
discussion on the definition of a

Later on, this activity can also be

used in illustrating the Venn
Diagram and working on the
Operations on Sets. The circles
Guide Questions: will be realigned to show the
1. Name the groups identified. Union and Intersection of Sets.
2. What are the items in each group?
3. Are the items distinct from each other?

2. Feedback (Optional)

B. Establishing 1. Lesson Purpose

Lesson Purpose Ask questions that encourage the learners to think about the use of sets, The teacher should lead the
such as using sets to organize their personal belongings. The question must students to group their
highlight the practical significance of sets in a real-world context, specifically belongings based on some
for Grade 7 students. common characteristics such as
Sample questions: colors, sizes, functionality, etc.
1. How do you arrange your clothes and shoes?
2. How do you organize your school materials? Other examples here are
Other examples:
1. Imagine you are organizing a school club fair. You have a list of clubs,
such as the chess club, art club, and music club. Some students want
to join more than one club. How can you use sets to keep track of
which students are members of different clubs?
2. Imagine you have a collection of your favorite books, some of which
are science fiction, some are mystery, and others are adventure
novels. If we use sets to categorize these books, how would you


represent each category as a set, and how could you use these sets to
find out how many books you have in total and how many belong to
more than one category?

2. Unlocking Content Area Vocabulary

A set is a collection of well-defined, distinct objects. The objects contained
in the set are called elements. A set A is a subset of another set B if its
elements are contained in set B.

C. Developing and SUB-TOPIC 1: SETS

Deepening 1. Explicitation
Understanding Begin the lesson by asking the
learners if they have an idea of the term
“set” in general and in a mathematical
context. Draw the figure on the board.
Divide the class into 4 groups. Ask the
group to brainstorm on their
understanding of sets. Let them write
their answers in the box assigned to each

Introduce “Set” as “a collection of well-defined distinct objects. The objects A set is a well defined collection
contained in the set are called elements.” Emphasize and explain the keywords: of objects. By “well defined”, we
elements, collection, well-defined, and distinct. mean that it must be clear from
the way the set is described
Present examples of a set and let the students identify the elements of each set. whether any given object is in
Present examples of “well-defined sets” and “not well-defined sets”. the set or not in the set.
 Well-defined set: The set of odd numbers between 5 and 15.
 Not well-defined set: The set of pretty ladies in Grade 7. The teacher guides the learners
in the small group discussion
Next, discuss the concepts that follow. and ensures that they clearly
Set notation is used in mathematics to essentially list numbers, objects, or understand the concept of sets
outcomes. Set notation uses curly brackets { }, which are sometimes referred and elements.
to as braces. Objects placed within the brackets are called the elements of a
set, and do not have to be in any specific order. Sets are named using capital
letters, with some sets having predefined names, like N for natural numbers
and W for whole numbers.


2. Worked Example
Example 1:
A is the set of prime numbers less than 10.
A = {2, 3, 5, 7}
B is the set of letters in the word “brain.”
B = {a, b, i, n, r}
C is the set of primary colors.
C = {blue, red, yellow}
N is the set of counting or natural numbers.
N = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5...}
S is the set of perfect squares less than 100.
S = {0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81}


There are two basic methods to describe a set.
A. Verbal Description Method
The set is described in words using a verbal statement.
B. Roster or Listing Method
The elements of the set are listed in a row, separated using commas,
and enclosed with braces.

Example 2:
Examples of sets written using the verbal description method:
1. The set of colors in the Philippine Flag.
2. The set of odd numbers less than 10.
3. The set of Grade 7 subjects in the MATATAG curriculum.

Examples of sets written using the roster or listing method:

1. A = {blue, yellow, red, white}
2. B = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
3. C = {Math, Science, English, Filipino, AP, MAPEH, VE, TLE}

3. Lesson Activity
The teacher checks students’ understanding of the concepts presented by The lesson activity here may be
giving an activity or a quiz. Describe the following sets using the Roster Method. given as a homework.
1. Set A contains the surnames of women Presidents of the Republic of the


2. Set B contains the surnames of male classmates born in the month of

3. Set C contains even integers between 10 and 20.

1. Explicitation
The teacher discusses the following concepts. Begin the day by recalling the
A. Finite Set previous lesson on sets, types of
The set has a limited number of elements and can be counted. sets, and methods of describing
B. Infinite Set sets. Discuss also the previous
The set has an unlimited number of elements, which may or may not lesson activity.
be countable.
C. Empty or Null Set
The set has no elements. The teacher checks students’
D. Universal Set understanding of the concepts
The set contains all relevant elements for a particular context. presented by asking students to
give examples of each type of set.
2. Worked Example
The following are examples of each type of set.
Examples of finite sets.
1. The set of planets in the solar system.
2. S = {5, 10, 15, 20, 25 }
3. The set of letters of the word “MATHEMATICS”

Examples of infinite sets.

1. The set of points in the number line.
2. W = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …. }
3. The set of odd numbers.

Examples of empty sets.

1. The set of all unicorns that exist in the real world.
2. The set of even prime numbers greater than 2.
3. The set of black hearts in a standard deck of playing cards.
We use braces, { }, or the symbol Ø, to denote an empty set.


Examples of universal sets.

1. The set of all countries in the globe.
2. The set of all provinces in the Philippines.
3. The set of students enrolled in our school this year.
We usually use the capital letter U to denote a universal set.


1. Explicitation
The cardinality of a set is defined as the number of elements in the set. It
can be finite or infinite.

2. Worked Example
The cardinality of set A = {blue, yellow, red, white} is 4.
The cardinality of set B = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19} is 10.
The cardinality of set C = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, …} is infinite.

3. Lesson Activity
The teacher checks students’ understanding of the concepts presented by giving
an activity or a quiz.
Find the cardinality of each set. Answers:
1. M = {100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700} 1. 7
2. The set of prime numbers P that are greater than 1 but less than 15. 2. 6
3. D = {3, 6, 9, 12, …, 24} 3. 8

1. Explicitation
Use the set of “Toys” to
introduce the concept of subsets.
Provide a box of assorted toys. If
this is not possible, write the name
of the toy on a piece of paper and
put it inside a box. Ask the learners
to pick a toy and let them create
another set based on the categories:
toy car, toy doll, toy gun, and the


Define “Subset” as “part of the set.” Explain that subsets can be smaller or
equal in size to the original set, but they can not have extra elements.
Present the definition of subsets in a mathematical context using
mathematical symbols. Illustrate the method of determining and writing the
subsets of a set. You may use the succeeding definitions.
If every element in a set A is also a member of a set B, then A is called a
subset of B. We also say that A is contained in B or B contains A. This

A⊆ B B ⊇ A.
relationship is written as:

to B, we write A ⊈ B or B ⊉ A.
If A is not a subset of B, that is, if at least one element of A does not belong

Present the definition of proper subset as “a subset of a given set which is

not equal to the given set itself.”

2. Worked Example For better understanding, give

Example 1: Enumerate all the subsets of C = {red, yellow, blue}. several examples of sets with 2,
Answer: These are the subsets of C: 3, 4, or 5 elements and ask the
C1 = {red} C4 = {red, yellow} C7 = {red, yellow, blue} students to enumerate all the
C2 = {yellow} C5 = {red, blue} C8 = { } subsets and identify the proper
C3 = {blue} C6 = {yellow, blue} subsets of the given set. Guide
the learners on their answers.
Introduce the formula for the number of subsets. “The number of distinct Let the learners present their
subsets of a set containing n elements is 2n.” answers and engage them in the
discussion to ensure
Example 2: Which of the following sets is a subset of Z = {3, 6, 9}? comprehension.
a) P = {3, 9} c) R = {3, 6, 9, 12} e) T = {3, 6, 12}
b) Q = {6} d) S = {9, 6, 3} f) V = { }

a) P ⊆ Z since all the elements of P are in Z.


b) Q ⊆ Z because 6 is also in Z.
c) R ⊈ Z since one of the elements of R, which is 12, is not in Z.
d) S ⊆ Z since all the elements of S, regardless of order, are in Z.
e) T ⊈ Z because 12 in set T is not in set Z.
f) V ⊆ Z. In order for { } to be a subset, every element in { } must also be in
{3, 6, 9}. Since there are no elements in { }, it is true that every element
in { } is also an element of {3, 6, 9}. Thus, the empty set is a subset of
every set, including the empty set itself.


Example 3: Which of the subsets of Z are its proper subsets?

Answer: The proper subsets of Z are Q and V. Since the subsets P and S are
equal to Z, these are not proper subsets of Z.

3. Learning Activity The teacher is advised to give the

Give the first learning activity sheet to the students. first learning activity sheet to the
1. Explicitation
Ask three learners from the class to write their favorites, like favorite snack, This activity will introduce the
favorite food, favorite subject, favorite sports, etc. concept of representation and
visualization as characteristics of
the Venn Diagram. It will
likewise stimulate the creativity
and innovativeness of the learner
and have a picture of the future

From their responses, lead the learners to have an idea of the union and
intersection of sets. Ask the students to enumerate all the favorite subjects of
the three learners (Union) and let them observe what are common to both or all
the learners (Intersection).
Introduce the concept of the Union of Sets. Explain its definition and

sets A and B, denoted by A ⋃ B, is the set containing all elements that are
characteristics using illustrative examples. Use this definition: “The union of

either in A or in B or in both A and B.”

Introduce the concept of the Intersection of Sets. Explain its definition and

of sets A and B, denoted by A ⋂ B, is the set containing all elements that are in
characteristics using illustrative examples. Use this definition: “The intersection

both A and B.”


Example 1: Let M = {b, e, a, u, t, y} and N = {b, r, a, i, n}. What is M ⋃ N? What

2. Worked Example

is M ⋂ N?
Solution: Since the operation is union of sets, we have to combine all the letters

M ⋃ N = {b, e, a, u, t, y, r, i, n}.
but write the repeated letters only once. Thus,

So, we have M ⋂ N = {b, a}.

To find the intersection, just enumerate the common elements of M and N.

What is the union of sets O and E? What is O ⋂ E?

Example 2: Let O = {positive odd numbers} and E = {positive even numbers}.

Solution: If we combine the sets O and E, their union would be the set of

O ⋃ E = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …}.
counting numbers or in set notation, we have

O ⋂ E = { } or Ø.
Their intersection is an empty set, that is,

then what is R ⋂ S? What is the cardinality of R ⋂ S?

Example 3: If R = {positive even numbers less than 24} and S = {factors of 24},

Solution: Set R = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22} and set S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6,

So, R ⋂ S = {2, 4, 6, 8, 12} and its cardinality is 5.

8, 12, 24}.

For better understanding, provide more examples of sets and ask the learners to
perform the operations on Union and Intersection on them.

3. Learning Activity
Give the second learning activity sheet to the students.


1. Explicitation
Invite the learners to give their predictions about the future. Ask someone
to visualize the design and features of tomorrow’s gadgets and technologies.
Example: Draw the possible design of television, cellular phones, laptops, cars,
motorcycles, etc. in the year 2030.


Connect the previous activity to the idea that Venn Diagrams are visual tools
used to represent and compare sets. Explain the purpose of Venn Diagram.
Describe that Venn Diagrams are used to show the relationships between
different sets. They consists of overlapping circles or shapes where each circle
represents a set, and overlap represents the elements shared between sets.
Demonstrate a simple Venn Diagram with the integration of the concepts of
Union and Intersection of Sets.
Union Intersection

The teacher may also use the previous activity to represent Venn Diagram. The teacher is advised to give the
second learning activity sheet to
2. Worked Example the students.


Assist the students to represent the favorite subjects of learner 2 and

learner 3 using Venn Diagram. Challenge the learners to represent the favorite
subjects of the three learners using Venn Diagram. For better understanding,
provide the students with more illustrative examples. The teacher may also
require learners to create and interpret Venn Diagrams for various scenarios.
At this point, the teacher is
advised to give the third learning
3. Learning Activity activity sheet to the students.
Use the third learning activity sheet.

D. Making 1. Learners’ Takeaways

Generalizations Structured Data Organization: Sets help organize data in a structured and
logical way, making it easier to work with and analyze.
Elements and Inclusion: Sets are made up of elements, and they allow you to
determine whether elements are part of the set or not, which is essential for
classification and categorization.
Theoretical Foundation: Sets form the foundation of set theory, a branch of
mathematics that has applications in various fields and serves as a basis for
understanding more complex mathematical structures.
Set Operations: Learners should understand set operations like union,
intersection, difference, and complement, which are crucial for working with
sets effectively.

2. Reflection on Learning
Ask the learners to create an acronym for SETS based on their understanding.



A. Evaluating DAY 4 Answers:

Learning 1. Formative Assessment A.
A. Complete the table by applying the concepts learned about sets. 1. Elements: Luzon, Visayas,
Proper Cardinality: 3
Set Elements Cardinality Proper Subsets: {Luzon},
{Visayas}, {Mindanao}, {Luzon,
1. A = {Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao} Visayas}, {Luzon, Mindanao},
{Visayas, Mindanao}, { }
2. The set B of months with 30 days only
2. Elements: {April, June,
B. Given sets S and D below. September, November}
Cardinality: 4
Students who like Students who like Proper Subsets: {April}, {June},
singing (S) dancing (D) …, {June, September,
Januard Dannie November}, { }
Lyndon Shanna

1) S ⋃ D = { Januard, Lyndon,
Shanna Rex B.
Abraham Abraham
Princess Shanna, Abraham, Princess,

2) S ⋂ D = {Shanna,
Dannie, Rex}
Determine 1) S ⋃ D and 2) S ⋂ D. Draw the Venn diagrams representing
the union and intersection of the sets. Abraham} Note: Please
provide the Venn diagrams.
C. Given the sets below

1) A ⋃ B = {0, 1, 2, 3, 5}
U = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } C.
A = {0, 1, 2} C = {3, 4}
B = {1, 3, 5} D = {3} 2) C ⋃ D = {3, 4}
3) A ⋂ C = { }
4) B ⋂ D = {3}
1) A ⋃ B
Evaluate and illustrate using the Venn Diagram

2) C ⋃ D 5) (A ⋃ C) ⋂ (B ⋃ D) = {0, 1, 2, 3,
3) A ⋂ C 4} ⋂ {1, 3, 5} = {1, 3}
4) B ⋂ D
5) (A ⋃ C) ⋂ (B ⋃ D)


2. Integration of Technology. For the game SET, the teacher

Learners are encouraged to play the online game “SET”: will request the learners to
https://www.setgame.com/set/puzzle learn the mechanics of the game
and ask them to play it several
3. Homework (Optional) times for mastery. Then, let it be
Integrate the Concept of Collective Nouns as an application of sets. played in school for more
Flock of Birds Bouquet of Flower Herd of Cows
interaction, fun, and learning.
Colony of Ants Nest of Rumors Band of Musicians

B. Teacher’s Note observations on any The teacher may take note of

Effective Practices Problems Encountered
Remarks of the following areas: some observations related to the
effective practices and problems
strategies explored encountered after utilizing the
different strategies, materials
materials used used, learner engagement, and
learner engagement/ other related stuff.
Teachers may also suggest ways
others to improve the different activities
explored/lesson exemplar.
C. Teacher’s Reflection guide or prompt can be on: Teacher’s reflection in every
Reflection ▪ principles behind the teaching lesson conducted/facilitated is
What principles and beliefs informed my lesson? essential and necessary to
Why did I teach the lesson the way I did? improve practice. You may also
consider this as an input for the
▪ students LAC/Collab sessions.
What roles did my students play in my lesson?
What did my students learn? How did they learn?

▪ ways forward
What could I have done differently?
What can I explore in the next lesson?


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