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Precast Wall Not Slender Example

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In accordance with EN1992-1-1:2004 incorporating corrigendum January 2008 and the UK national annex
Tedds calculation version 1.1.02

Design summary
Description Unit Allowable Actual Utilisation Result
Moment capacity kNm/m 96.73 32.63 0.34 PASS
Crack width mm 0.30 0.12 0.38 PASS
Design summary - lifting checks
Description Unit Allowable Actual Utilisation Result
Top reinf. - y axis - Lifting mm2 1885 1287 0.683 PASS
Bot reinf. - y axis - Lifting mm2 1885 1287 0.683 PASS
Shear cap. - y axis - Lifting kN 438.3 50.3 0.115 PASS
Top reinf. - x axis - Lifting mm2 2011 481 0.239 PASS
Bot reinf. - x axis - Pitching mm2 2011 1186 0.590 PASS
Shear cap. - x axis - Lifting kN 172.5 50.3 0.292 PASS
Punching shear cap. - Lifting N/mm2 0.44 0.15 0.333 PASS

Wall input details

Wall geometry
Thickness h = 200 mm
Length b = 1000 mm/m
Clear height between restraints l = 3000 mm
Stability about minor axis Braced
Concrete details
Concrete strength class C40/50
Partial safety factor for concrete ( C = 1.50
Coefficient cc (3.1.6(1)) cc = 0.85
Maximum aggregate size dg = 20 mm
Reinforcement details
Reinforcement in outer layer Horizontal
Nominal cover to outer layer cnom = 30 mm
Vertical bar diameter v = 16 mm
Spacing of vertical reinforcement sv = 200 mm
Area of vertical reinforcement (per face) Asv = 1005 mm2/m
Horizontal bar diameter h = 10 mm
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Spacing of horizontal reinforcement sh = 250 mm

Area of horizontal reinforcement (per face) Ash = 314 mm2/m
Characteristic yield strength fyk = 500 N/mm2
Partial safety factor for reinft ( S = 1.15
Modulus of elasticity of reinft (3.2.7(4)) Es = 200.0 kN/mm2
Fire resistance details
Fire resistance period R = 60 min
Exposure to fire Exposed on two sides
Ratio of fire design axial load to design resistance fi = 0.70

Axial load and bending moments from frame analysis

Design axial load NEd = 500.0 kN/m
Moment about minor axis at top Mtop = 20.0 kNm/m
Moment about minor axis at bottom Mbtm = 30.0 kNm/m
Wall effective length factor
Effective length factor for buckling about minor axis f = 0.70
Crack width details
Axial load due to quasi-permanent SLS. NEd_SLS = 325.0 kN/m
Moment at top due to quasi-permanent SLS. Mtop_SLS = 13.0 kNm/m
Moment at btm due to quasi-permanent SLS. Mbtm_SLS = 19.5 kNm/m
Duration of applied loading Long term
Maximum allowable crack width wk_max = 0.3 mm

Calculated wall properties

Concrete properties
Area of concrete Ac = h  b = 200000 mm2/m
Characteristic compression cylinder strength fck = 40 N/mm2
Design compressive strength (3.1.6(1)) fcd = cc  fck / C = 22.7 N/mm2
Mean value of cylinder strength (Table 3.1) fcm = fck + 8 MPa = 48.0 N/mm2
Mean value of tensile strength fctm = 3.51 N/mm2
Secant modulus of elasticity (Table 3.1) Ecm = 22000 MPa  (fcm / 10 MPa)0.3 = 35.2 kN/mm2
Long-term effects on tensile strength cofficient ct = 1.0
Mean value of axial tensile strength fctm = 0.3 N/mm2  (fck/ 1 N/mm2)2/3 = 3.5 N/mm2
Characteristic axial tensile strength of concrete fctk,0.05 = 0.7  fctm = 2.5 N/mm2
Design tensile strength fctd = ct  fctk,0.05 / C = 1.6 N/mm2
Ultimate strain – Table 3.1 cu2 =0.00350
Bending coeffincient k1 = 0.40 = 0.40
Bending coeffincient k2 = 1.00  (0.6 + 0.0014 / cu2) = 1.00
Bending coeffincient k3 = 0.40 = 0.40
Bending coeffincient k4 = 1.00  (0.6 + 0.0014 / cu2) = 1.00
Concrete strength limit in shear C50/60
Maximum cylinder strength in shear fck,lim = 50.0 N/mm2
Density of reinforced concrete conc = 2500 kg/m3

Rectangular stress block factors

Depth factor (3.1.7(3)) sb = 0.8
Stress factor (3.1.7(3))  = 1.0
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Strain limits
Compression strain limit (Table 3.1) cu3 = 0.00350
Pure compression strain limit (Table 3.1) c3 = 0.00175

Design yield strength of reinforcement

Design yield strength (3.2.7(2)) fyd = fyk / S = 434.8 MPa

Check nominal cover for fire and bond requirements

Min. cover reqd for bond ( Cmin,b = max(h, v - h) = 10 mm
Min axis distance for fire (EN1992-1-2 T 5.4) afi = 10 mm
Allowance for deviations from min cover ( cdev = 5 mm
Min allowable nominal cover cnom_min = max(afi - h / 2, cmin,b + cdev) = 15 mm
PASS - the nominal cover is greater than the minimum required
Effective depth of vertical bars
Effective depth d = h - cnom - h - v / 2 = 152 mm
Depth to compression face bars d’ = cnom + h + v / 2 = 48 mm

Wall effective length

Wall effective length l0 = f  l = 2100 mm

Column slenderness
Radius of gyration about minor axis i = h / (12) = 5.8 cm
Minor axis slenderness ratio (  = l0 / i = 36.4

Design bending moments

Frame analysis moments combined with moments due to imperfections (cl. 5.2 & 6.1(4))
Ecc. due to geometric imperfections ei = l0 /400 = 5.3 mm
Minimum end moment about minor axis M01 = min(abs(Mtop), abs(Mbtm)) + ei  NEd = 22.6 kNm/m
Maximum end moment about minor axis M02 = max(abs(Mtop), abs(Mbtm)) + ei  NEd = 32.6 kNm/m

Slenderness limit for buckling about minor axis (cl.

Factor A A = 0.7
Mechanical reinforcement ratio  = 2  Asv  fyd / (Ac  fcd) = 0.193
Factor B B = (1 + 2  ) = 1.177
Moment ratio rm = M01 / M02 = 0.693
Factor C C = 1.7 - rm = 1.007
Relative normal force n = NEd / (Ac  fcd) = 0.110
Slenderness limit lim = 20  A  B  C / (n) = 49.9
<lim - Second order effects may be ignored
Design bending moment
Design moment about minor axis MEd = max(M02, NEd  max(h/30, 20 mm)) = 32.6 kNm/m

Moment capacity about minor axis with axial load NEd

Moment of resistance of concrete
By iteration:-
Position of neutral axis z = 50.0 mm
Concrete compression force (3.1.7(3)) Fc =  fcd  min(max(sb  z, 0 mm) , h)  b = 906.7 kN/m
Moment of resistance MRdc = Fc  [h / 2 - (min(sb  z , h)) / 2] = 72.5 kNm/m

Moment of resistance of reinforcement

Strain in tension face bars  = cu3  (1 - d / z) = -0.00714
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Stress in tension face bars  = if(< 0, max(-1fyd, Es  ), min(fyd, Es  )) = -434.8 N/mm2
Force in tension face bars Fs = if(d > sb  z, Asv  , Asv  ( -   fcd)) = -437.1 kN/m
Strain in compression face bars ’ = cu3  (1 - d’ / z) = 0.00014
Stress in compression face bars ’ = if(’< 0, max(-1fyd, Es  ’), min(fyd, Es  ’)) = 28.0 N/mm2
Force in compression face bars Fs’ = if(d’ > sb  z, Asv  ’, Asv  (’ -   fcd)) = 28.1 kN/m
Resultant concrete/steel force F = Fc + Fs + Fs’ = 497.7 kN/m
PASS - This is within half of one percent of the applied axial load therefore say OK
Moment of resistance of tension face bars MRds = Fs  (d - h / 2) = -22.7 kNm/m
Moment of resistance of compression face bars MRds’ = Fs’  (h / 2 - d’) = 1.5 kNm/m

Combined moment of resistance

Moment of resistance about minor axis MRd = MRdc + MRds’ - MRds = 96.7 kNm/m
PASS - The moment capacity exceeds the design bending moment

Crack widths
Slenderness limit (cl.
Min 1st order moment about minor axis M01_SLS=min(abs(Mtop_SLS),abs(Mbtm_SLS))+eiNEd_SLS = 14.7 kNm/m
Max 1st order moment about minor axis M02_SLS=max(abs(Mtop_SLS),abs(Mbtm_SLS))+eiNEd_SLS = 21.2 kNm/m
Moment ratio rm_SLS = M01_SLS / M02_SLS = 0.693
Factor C CSLS = 1.7 - rm_SLS = 1.007
Relative normal force nSLS = NEd_SLS / (Ac  fcd) = 0.072
Slenderness limit lim_SLS = 20  A  B  CSLS / (nSLS) = 62.0
<lim_SLS - Second order effects may be ignored
Design bending moment (cl. 7.3.4)
Design moment about minor axis MEd_SLS = M02_SLS = 21.2 kNm/m
Cover to tension reinforcement c = h - d - v / 2 = 40.0 mm
Ratio of steel to concrete modulii e = Es / Ecm = 5.7
Area of reinft in concrete units As,eff = 2  e  Asv = 11417 mm2/m
Combined area of steel/conc in conc units Aeff = b  h + As,eff = 211417 mm2/m
Reinforcement ratio per face  = Asv /(b  d) = 0.007
Neutral axis depth with pure bending xb = d  [-2e + (4e22 + 2e(1+d’/d))] = 37.7 mm
Second moment of area of cracked section Ic = bxb3/3 + ebd[(xb-d’)2 + (d-xb)2] = 93047339 mm4/m
Strain in tension face steel due to bending sb = MEd_SLS  (xb - d) / (Ecm  Ic) = -0.00074
Strain in comp face steel due to bending sb’ = MEd_SLS  (xb - d’) / (Ecm  Ic) = -0.00007
Strain due to axial load axial = NEd_SLS / (Aeff  Ecm) = 0.00004
Resultant strain in tension face steel s = sb + axial = -0.00070
Resultant strain in comp face steel s’ = sb’ + axial = -0.00002
Stress in tension steel s = min(fyd, abs(Es  s)) = 139.2 MPa
Depth to neutral axis x = [(s’  d) - (s  d’)] / (s’ - s) = 44.5 mm
Effective depth of concrete in tension hc,ef = min(2.5(h-d), (h-x)/3, h/2) = 51.8 mm
Effective area of concrete in tension Ac,eff = hc,ef  b = 51847 mm2/m
Load duration factor kt = 0.4
Reinforcement ratio p,eff = Asv / Ac,eff = 0.019
Mean value of conc tensile strength fct,eff = fctm = 3.51 MPa
Difference between reinft and concrete strains diff = max([s-ktfct,eff(1+ep,eff)/p,eff]/Es, 0.6s/Es) = 0.00042
Greater tensile strain 1 = s  (h - x) / (d - x) = -0.00101
Lesser tensile strain 2 = min(0, s’  x / (x - d’)) = 0.00000
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Factor k1 k1cs = 0.8

Factor k2 k2cs = (1 + 2) / (2  1) = 0.500
Factor k3 k3cs = 3.40= 3.4
Factor k4 k4cs = 0.425
Maximum crack spacing sr,max = k3cs  c + k1cs  k2cs  k4cs  v / p,eff = 276.3 mm
Crack width wk = sr,max  diff = 0.115 mm
Allowable crack width wk_max = 0.3 mm
PASS - The maximum crack width is less than the maximum allowable

Factory lifting check

Concrete details at lifting
Lifting check concrete strength class C20/25,
Characteristic compressive cylinder strength fck_lift = 20 N/mm2
Design compressive strength fcd_lift = cc  fck_lift / C = 11.3 N/mm2
Mean value of cylinder strength (Table 3.1) fcm_lift = fck_lift + 8 N/mm2 = 28.0 N/mm2
Mean value of axial tensile strength fctm_lift = 0.3 N/mm2  (fck_lift/ 1 N/mm2)2/3 = 2.2 N/mm2

Precast element details

Height of precast wall (x axis) Lx,element = 6000 mm
Width of precast wall (y axis) Ly,element = 2000 mm
Distance between lifting points (x axis) Lx,lift = 3600 mm
Distance between lifting points (y axis) Ly,lift = 1200 mm
Lifting load coefficient lifting = 1.50
Partial factor for permanent actions G = 1.35
Formwork adhesion force qformwork = 2.0 kN/m2
Enhancement of moments due to factory lifting
Negative moment assigned to column strip 75 %
Positive moment assigned to column strip 55 %
Width of the column strip bcol.strip = min(Lx,lift, Ly,lift) / 2 = 600 mm
Analysis in x direction

Length of precast wall Lelement = Lx,element = 6000mm

Distance between lifting points Llift = Lx,lift = 3600mm
Thickness of precast wall section h= 200mm
Width of precast section b =Ly,element = 2000mm
Self weight of precast element wself_precast = b  h  conc  gacc + qformwork  b = 13.8 kN/m

Lifting check (positive moment)

Design bending moment across full width of wall Mx.pos = G  lifting  (wself_precast  Llift2 /8 - wself_precast  ((Lelement - Llift) /
2)2 / 2) = 25.2 kNm
Moment between lifting points MLift.Points = Mx.pos  Ly,lift / Ly,element = 15.1 kNm
Moment assigned to column strip MCol.Strip = 0.55  MLift.Points = 8.3 kNm
Equivalent enhanced full width moment M = MCol.Strip / bcol.strip  Ly,element = 27.7 kNm
Effective depth of tension reinforcement dx = 152 mm
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Redistribution ratio  = 1.000

K = M / (b  dx2  fck_lift) = 0.030
K' = (2    cc / C)  (1 - sb  ( - k1) / (2  k2))  (sb  ( - k1) / (2 
k2)) = 0.207
K' > K - No compression reinforcement is required
Lever arm zlever = min(0.5  dx  (1 + (1 - 2  K / (  cc / C))0.5), 0.95  dx) = 144
Depth of neutral axis x = 2  (dx - zlever) / sb = 19 mm
Area of tension reinforcement required As,pos = M / (fyd  zlever) = 441 mm2
Tension reinforcement provided 16  @ 200 c/c
Area of tension reinforcement provided As,prov = 2011 mm2
Minimum area of reinforcement - exp.9.1N As,min = max(0.26  fctm_lift / fyk, 0.0013)  b  dx = 395 mm2
Maximum area of reinforcement - cl.9.2.1(3) As,max = 0.04  b  h = 16000 mm2
Required area of reinforcement As,req = 441 mm2
As,req / As,prov = 0.22
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided is greater than the minimum area required

Lifting check (negative moment)

Design bending moment across full width of wall Mx.neg = G  lifting  wself_precast  ((Lelement - Llift) / 2)2 / 2 = 20.1 kNm
Moment between lifting points MLift.Points = Mx.neg  Ly,lift / Ly,element = 12.1 kNm
Moment assigned to column strip MCol.Strip = 0.75  MLift.Points = 9.1 kNm
Equivalent enhanced full width moment M = MCol.Strip / bcol.strip  Ly,element = 30.2 kNm
Effective depth of tension reinforcement dx = 152 mm
Redistribution ratio  = 1.000
K = M / (b  dx2  fck_lift) = 0.033
K' = (2    cc / C)  (1 - sb  ( - k1) / (2  k2))  (sb  ( - k1) / (2 
k2)) = 0.207
K' > K - No compression reinforcement is required
Lever arm zlever = min(0.5  dx  (1 + (1 - 2  K / (  cc / C))0.5), 0.95  dx) = 144
Depth of neutral axis x = 2  (dx - zlever) / sb = 19 mm
Area of tension reinforcement required As,neg = M / (fyd  zlever) = 481 mm2
Tension reinforcement provided 16  @ 200 c/c
Area of tension reinforcement provided As,prov = 2011 mm2
Minimum area of reinforcement - exp.9.1N As,min = max(0.26  fctm_lift / fyk, 0.0013)  b  dx = 395 mm2
Maximum area of reinforcement - cl.9.2.1(3) As,max = 0.04  b  h = 16000 mm2
Required area of reinforcement As,req = 481 mm2
As,req / As,prov = 0.24
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided is greater than the minimum area required

Lifting check (Shear)

Design shear force at critical shear plane VEd = G  lifting  wself_precast  max(Llift / 2, (Lelement - Llift) / 2) = 50.3 kN
CRd,c = 0.18 / C = 0.12
Depth of tension reinforcement dv = h - cnom - h - v / 2 = 152 mm
kshear = min(1 + (200 mm / dv)0.5, 2) = 2.000
Tension reinforcement Asl = (  2 / 4)  (1000 mm/ sx) / 1 m  b = 2011 mm2
Width of the cross section in tensile area bw = Ly,element = 2000 mm
Longitudinal reinforcement radio l = min(Asl / (bw  dv), 0.02) = 0.00661
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vmin = 0.035 N0.5/mm  kshear3/2  fck_lift1/2 = 0.44 N/mm2

Design shear resistance – exp. 6.2 a & b VRd,c = max(CRd,c  kshear  (100 N2/mm4  l  fck_lift)1/3, vmin)  bw  dv
VRd,c = 172.5 kN
VEd / VRd,c = 0.29
PASS - Design shear resistance exceeds design shear force
Analysis in y direction

Length of precast wall Lelement = Ly,element = 2000mm

Distance between lifting points Llift = Ly,lift = 1200mm
Thickness of precast wall section h= 200mm
Width of precast section b =Lx,element = 6000mm
Self weight of precast element wself_precast = b  h  conc  gacc + qformwork  b = 41.4 kN/m

Lifting check (positive moment)

Design bending moment across full width of wall My.pos = G  lifting  (wself_precast  Llift2 /8 - wself_precast  ((Lelement - Llift) /
2)2 / 2) = 8.4 kNm
Moment between lifting points MLift.Points = My.pos  Lx,lift / Lx,element = 5.0 kNm
Moment assigned to column strip MCol.Strip = 0.55  MLift.Points = 2.8 kNm
Equivalent enhanced full width moment M = MCol.Strip / bcol.strip  Lx,element = 27.7 kNm
Effective depth of tension reinforcement dy = 165 mm
Redistribution ratio  = 1.000
K = M / (b  dy2  fck_lift) = 0.008
K' = (2    cc / C)  (1 - sb  ( - k1) / (2  k2))  (sb  ( - k1) / (2 
k2)) = 0.207
K' > K - No compression reinforcement is required
Lever arm zlever = min(0.5  dy  (1 + (1 - 2  K / (  cc / C))0.5), 0.95  dy) = 157
Depth of neutral axis x = 2  (dy - zlever) / sb = 21 mm
Area of tension reinforcement required As,pos = M / (fyd  zlever) = 406 mm2
Tension reinforcement provided 10  @ 250 c/c
Area of tension reinforcement provided As,prov = 1885 mm2
Minimum area of reinforcement - exp.9.1N As,min = max(0.26  fctm_lift / fyk, 0.0013)  b  dy = 1287 mm2
Maximum area of reinforcement - cl.9.2.1(3) As,max = 0.04  b  h = 48000 mm2
Required area of reinforcement As,req = 1287 mm2
As,req / As,prov = 0.68
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided is greater than the minimum area required

Lifting check (negative moment)

Design bending moment across full width of wall My.neg = G  lifting  wself_precast  ((Lelement - Llift) / 2)2 / 2 = 6.7 kNm
Moment between lifting points MLift.Points = My.neg  Lx,lift / Lx,element = 4.0 kNm
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Moment assigned to column strip MCol.Strip = 0.75  MLift.Points = 3.0 kNm

Equivalent enhanced full width moment M = MCol.Strip / bcol.strip  Lx,element = 30.2 kNm
Effective depth of tension reinforcement dy = 165 mm
Redistribution ratio  = 1.000
K = M / (b  dy2  fck_lift) = 0.009
K' = (2    cc / C)  (1 - sb  ( - k1) / (2  k2))  (sb  ( - k1) / (2 
k2)) = 0.207
K' > K - No compression reinforcement is required
Lever arm zlever = min(0.5  dy  (1 + (1 - 2  K / (  cc / C))0.5), 0.95  dy) = 157
Depth of neutral axis x = 2  (dy - zlever) / sb = 21 mm
Area of tension reinforcement required As,neg = M / (fyd  zlever) = 443 mm2
Tension reinforcement provided 10  @ 250 c/c
Area of tension reinforcement provided As,prov = 1885 mm2
Minimum area of reinforcement - exp.9.1N As,min = max(0.26  fctm_lift / fyk, 0.0013)  b  dy = 1287 mm2
Maximum area of reinforcement - cl.9.2.1(3) As,max = 0.04  b  h = 48000 mm2
Required area of reinforcement As,req = 1287 mm2
As,req / As,prov = 0.68
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided is greater than the minimum area required

Lifting check (Shear)

Design shear force at critical shear plane VEd = G  lifting  wself_precast  max(Llift / 2, (Lelement - Llift) / 2) = 50.3 kN
CRd,c = 0.18 / C = 0.12
Depth of tension reinforcement dv = h - cnom - h / 2 = 165 mm
kshear = min(1 + (200 mm / dv)0.5, 2) = 2.000
Tension reinforcement Asl = (  2 / 4)  (1000 mm/ sy) / 1 m  b = 1885 mm2
Width of the cross section in tensile area bw = Lx,element = 6000 mm
Longitudinal reinforcement radio l = min(Asl / (bw  dv), 0.02) = 0.00190
vmin = 0.035 N0.5/mm  kshear3/2  fck_lift1/2 = 0.44 N/mm2
Design shear resistance – exp. 6.2 a & b VRd,c = max(CRd,c  kshear  (100 N2/mm4  l  fck_lift)1/3, vmin)  bw  dv
VRd,c = 438.3 kN
VEd / VRd,c = 0.11
PASS - Design shear resistance exceeds design shear force

Lifting check (Punching shear)

Punching shear resistance without shear reinforcement
Effective depth to reinforcement deff = (dx + dy) / 2 = 159 mm
Bar diameter in x direction x = 16 mm
Bar diameter in y direction y = 10 mm
Tension reinforcement x direction Asl.x = (  x 2 / 4)  (1000 mm/ sx) / 1 m  Ly,element = 2011 mm2
Tension reinforcement y direction Asl.y = (  y 2 / 4)  (1000 mm/ sy) / 1 m  Lx,element = 1885 mm2
Longitudinal reinforcement ratio - cl. 6.4.4(1) lx = min(Asl.x / (Ly,element  dx), 0.02) = 0.00661
ly = min(Asl.y / (Lx,element  dy), 0.02) = 0.00190
lxy = min((lx  ly), 0.02) = 0.00355
kpunc = min(1 + (200 mm / deff), 2) = 2.0
vmin.punc = 0.035 N0.5/mm  kpunc 3/2  fck_lift1/2 = 0.44 N/mm2
CRd.c.punc = 0.18 / C = 0.12
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Punching shear at control perimeter from lifting point

Lifting point centre xcentre = 1200 mm
ycentre = 400 mm
Basic control perimeter distance r1 = 2  deff = 317 mm
Punching shear perimeter classification EdgeX
Punching shear perimeter u1 =   r1 + 2  ycentre = 1796 mm
Design punching shear force VEd = G  lifting  (Lx,element  Ly,element  h  conc  gacc + qformwork 
(Lx,element  Ly,element)) / 4 = 41.9 kN
Design punching shear stress – exp. 6.38 vEd = VEd / (u1  deff)= 0.15 N/mm2
Design punching shear resistance -exp. 6.47 vRd.c.punc = max(CRd.c.punc  kpunc  (100 N2/mm4 lxy fck_lift)1/3, vmin.punc)
vRd.c.punc = 0.46 N/mm2
vEd / vRd.c.punc = 0.32
PASS - Punching shear capacity exceeds design punching shear stress

On site pitching check

Precast element details
Height of precast wall (x axis) Lx,element = 6000 mm
Width of precast wall (y axis) Ly,element = 2000 mm
Pitching points at top of wall (x axis)
Distance between pitching points (y axis) Ly,Pitching = 1200 mm
Lifting load coefficient pitching = 1.25
Partial factor for permanent actions G = 1.35

Analysis in x direction

Length of precast wall Lelement = Lx,element = 6000mm

Lifting points at top of wall Llift = Lelement = 6000mm
Thickness of precast wall section h= 200mm
Width of precast section b =Ly,element = 2000mm
Self weight of precast element wself_precast = b  h  conc  gacc = 9.8 kN/m

Lifting check (positive moment)

Design bending moment (at 0 mm) M = G  pitching  wself,precast_Pitching_x  Lelement2 / 8 = 74.5 kNm
Effective depth of tension reinforcement dx = 152 mm
Redistribution ratio  = 1.000
K = M / (b  dx2  fck) = 0.040
K' = (2    cc / C)  (1 - sb  ( - k1) / (2  k2))  (sb  ( - k1) / (2 
k2)) = 0.207
K' > K - No compression reinforcement is required
Lever arm zlever = min(0.5  dx  (1 + (1 - 2  K / (  cc / C))0.5), 0.95  dx) = 144
Depth of neutral axis x = 2  (dx - zlever) / sb = 19 mm
Area of tension reinforcement required As,pos = M / (fyd  zlever) = 1186 mm2
Tension reinforcement provided 16  @ 200 c/c
Area of tension reinforcement provided As,prov = 2011 mm2
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Minimum area of reinforcement - exp.9.1N As,min = max(0.26  fctm / fyk, 0.0013)  b  dx = 555 mm2
Maximum area of reinforcement - cl.9.2.1(3) As,max = 0.04  b  h = 16000 mm2
Required area of reinforcement As,req = 1186 mm2
As,req / As,prov = 0.59
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided is greater than the minimum area required

Lifting check (Shear)

Design shear force at critical shear plane VEd = G  pitching  wself,precast_Pitching_x  Lelement / 2 = 49.6 kN
CRd,c = 0.18 / C = 0.12
Depth of tension reinforcement dv = h - cnom - h - v / 2 = 152 mm
kshear = min(1 + (200 mm / dv)0.5, 2) = 2.000
Tension reinforcement Asl = (  2 / 4)  (1000 mm/ sx) / 1 m  b = 2011 mm2
Width of the cross section in tensile area bw = Ly,element = 2000 mm
Longitudinal reinforcement radio l = min(Asl / (bw  dv), 0.02) = 0.00661
vmin = 0.035 N0.5/mm  kshear3/2  fck1/2 = 0.63 N/mm2
Design shear resistance – exp. 6.2 a & b VRd,c = max(CRd,c  kshear  (100 N2/mm4  l  fck)1/3, vmin)  bw  dv
VRd,c = 217.4 kN
VEd / VRd,c = 0.23
PASS - Design shear resistance exceeds design shear force

Lifting check (Punching shear)

Punching shear resistance without shear reinforcement
Effective depth to reinforcement deff = (dx + dy) / 2 = 159 mm
Bar diameter in x direction x = 16 mm
Bar diameter in y direction y = 10 mm
Tension reinforcement x direction Asl.x = (  x 2 / 4)  (1000 mm/ sx) / 1 m  Ly,element = 2011 mm2
Tension reinforcement y direction Asl.y = (  y 2 / 4)  (1000 mm/ sy) / 1 m  Lx,element = 1885 mm2
Longitudinal reinforcement ratio - cl. 6.4.4(1) lx = min(Asl.x / (Ly,element  dx), 0.02) = 0.00661
ly = min(Asl.y / (Lx,element  dy), 0.02) = 0.00190
lxy = min((lx  ly), 0.02) = 0.00355
kpunc = min(1 + (200 mm / deff), 2) = 2.0
vmin.punc = 0.035 N0.5/mm  kpunc 3/2  fck1/2 = 0.63 N/mm2
CRd.c.punc = 0.18 / C = 0.12
Punching shear at control perimeter from lifting point
Lifting point centre xcentre = 0 mm
ycentre = 400 mm
Basic control perimeter distance r1 = 2  deff = 317 mm
Punching shear perimeter classification Corner
Punching shear perimeter u1 =  r1 / 2 + xcentre + ycentre = 898 mm
Design punching shear force VEd = G  pitching  (Lx,element  Ly,element  h  conc  gacc) / 4 = 24.8 kN
Design punching shear stress – exp. 6.38 vEd = VEd / (u1  deff)= 0.17 N/mm2
Design punching shear resistance -exp. 6.47 vRd.c.punc = max(CRd.c.punc  kpunc  (100 N2/mm4 lxy fck)1/3, vmin.punc)
vRd.c.punc = 0.63 N/mm2
vEd / vRd.c.punc = 0.28
PASS - Punching shear capacity exceeds design punching shear stress

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