Class Xi Ip - MS
Class Xi Ip - MS
Class Xi Ip - MS
23. Primary key is the attribute or set of attributes which uniquely identifies a tuple in a
relation. There are many candidate keys in a relation but only one of them can be made
primary key.
1 mark for definition and 1 for keys relation
It is a non key attribute of the table which is the primary key of some other table. The table
where it is primary key is called Master table and from that table the details are referenced
by the child table.
1 mark for definition and 1 for table key relation
29. Write the output of the queries based on the following table Accessories:-
(i) Motherboard
(ii) 5
(iii) 12500 13000
30. Different types of arithmetic operators are addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication(*),
division(/), modulus(%), floor division(//), exponentiation(**). Augmented assignment
operator combines the arthemetic operator with the assignment operator.
Eg. X+=3 means x=x+3
(i) Escape sequences in Python are formed with backslash like \n, \t etc. ½ mark for
explanation and ½ for example.
(ii) Single line and multiline strings in python. 1 mark for each.
31. (a) Write a program to print the type of skills of the above .
fee= {‘B’:300,’I’:450,’A’:600}
for key in fee.key():
(b)Write a program to print the values of the skill types.
fee= {‘B’:300,’I’:450,’A’:600}
for v in fee.values():
(a) machine learning:- Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and
computer science which focuses on the use of data and algorithms to imitate the way
that humans learn, gradually improving its accuracy.
(b) some applications of machine learning:- Applications of Machine learning · 1.
Image Recognition: · 2. Speech Recognition · 3. Traffic prediction: · 4. Product
recommendations: · 5. Self-driving cars
35. (a) Consider the table Item and answer the given questions:- 1+1+2
Table : Item
(i) Select ICode, IName and Vcode from Item where Iname=’Refrigerator’.
(ii) Select IName, ICode, Vcode, price from item where price >=23000
(b) Sanjay can make Icode as primary key as there is unique icode for each item.
Rajesh can make use of keyword “distinct” to get the names of every area only once.
The query can be :-
Select distinct area_cust from customer.