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Problem Set in Soil Compaction

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4 The water content in one of five standard

(Submit on or before Midterm Exam, failure to comply within Proctor test samples is 15.2%. The corresponding degree of
the date of submission will not be entertained.) saturation is 85%. Calculate the dry unit weight if Gs = 2.67.
Situation No. 5 The data from a standard Proctor test are
Assume Gs = 2.7, where necessary, for solving the following shown in the table below.
a. Determine the maximum dry unit weight and the
Situation No. 1 Discuss the effects of not dropping the optimum water content.
hammer in a standard Proctor test from a height of 305 mm. b. Determine the degree of saturation at the maximum dry
Plot a graph of energy versus hammer height from 250 mm to unit weight.
400 mm in steps of 50 mm to discuss the effects. Assume the
mold, hammer mass, number of layers (3), and number of Diameter of mold = 101.4 mm
blows (25) are all constants. Height of mold = 116.7 mm
Mass of mold = 4196.50 grams
Situation No. 2 (a) Plot the theoretical dry unit weight versus Specific gravity, Gs = 2.69
water content using the following data

(b) Determine the maximum dry unit weight and optimum

water content.
Situation No. 3 A soil at a mining site is classified according
to USCS as GW-GM.
a. Would this soil be suitable for the base course of a
b. What type of field compaction equipment would you
recommend? Situation No. 6 A fine-grained soil has 60% clay with LL 5
c. How would you check that the desired compaction is 220%, PL 5 45%, and a natural water content of 6%. A
achieved in the field? standard Proctor test was carried out in the laboratory and the
d. Would you specify compaction dry or wet of optimum? following data were recorded.
Diameter of mold = 101.40 mm
Height of mold = 116.70 mm
Mass of mold = 4196.50 grams The sandy clay in the borrow pit has a porosity of 65%
Specific gravity, Gs = 2.69 and a water content of 5.2%. A highway embankment is to be
constructed using this soil.
a. Specify the compaction (dry unit weight and water
content) to be achieved in the field. Justify your
b. How many cubic meters of borrow pit soil are
needed for 1 cubic meter of highway fill?
c. How much water per unit volume is required to
meet the specification?
d. How many truckloads of soil will be required for a
100,000-m3 highway embankment? Each truck has
a load capacity of 22.5 m3 and regulations require a
maximum load capacity of 90%.
e. Determine the cost for 100,000 m3 of compacted
soil based on the following: Purchase and load
borrow pit material at site, haul 2 km round-trip, and
spread with 200 HP dozer = PhP 750/m3 ; extra
a. Determine the maximum dry unit weight and optimum mileage charge for each km = PhP 30/m3 ; round-
water content. trip distance = 10 km; compaction = PhP 50/m3
b. If the desired compaction in the field is 95% of the
standard Proctor test results, what values of dry unit
weight and water content would you specify? Explain
why you select these values.
c. What field equipment would you specify to compact the Situation No. 8 A sand cone test was conducted for quality
soil in the field, and why? control during the compaction of sandy clay. The data are as
d. (d) How would you check that the specified dry unit follows.
weight and water content are achieved in the field?
a. Determine the dry unit weight.
Situation No. 7 Standard Proctor compaction test results on a b. The standard Proctor maximum dry unit weight of the
sandy clay (35% sand, 55% clay, and 10% silt), taken from a sandy clay is 17.8 kN/m3 at an optimum water content
borrow pit, are given in the following table. of 10%. The specifcation requires 95% Proctor dry unit
weight at acceptable water contents ranging from 9%
to 10.8%. Is the specification met? Justify your answer.
a. Compute the Density Index.
b. If the dry unit weight at optimum water
content was 16.2 kN/m3, what is the
minimum dry unit weight?
c. Determine the dry unit weight at zero air

Situation No.11: The field compaction of an

earthwork was checked by an inspection
engineer. In the laboratory test, the soil gives
a maximum dry density of 1.523 gram/cc, at
optimum moisture content of 23.4%.
Construction specifications requires that the
soil compacted dry density must be at least
95% of the maximum dry density obtained
from laboratory within ±2% of optimum
moisture content.
The following data were obtained in the field
Situation No. 9: The maximum dry unit
using the sand cone test:
weight of soil is 18.8 KN/m3 and the minimum
Volume of soil excavated = 1425 cm3
dry unit weight is 15.5 KN/m3
Weight of soil excavated = 2542 grams
a. Determine the relative compaction in the
Dry Weight of Soil = 2068 grams
field if the relative density is 72%.
a. What is the field unit weight of the soil?
b. Determine the dry unit weight in the field
b. What is the in-situ moisture content of the
c. Determine the moist unit weight in the field
if water content is 15%
c. Determine the relative compaction of the
Situation No.10: The moist unit weight of
sample of soil is 17.43 kN/m3. It has specific
Situation No. 12: The relative compaction of
gravity of solid of 2.65 and water content of
sand in the field is 94%. The maximum and
16%. The sample has a void ratio of 0.88 in
minimum dry unit weights of the sand are
the loosest condition and 0.36 in the densest
16.2 kN/m3 and 14.9 kN/m3 respectively. For
the field condition determine the following:
Dry unit weight (15.23)
Relative density of compaction (27%)
Moist unit weight at moisture content of 8%

Situation No. 13: A sand cone test has been

performed in a compacted fill of soil. The test
results were as follows:
Initial mass of sand cone apparatus w/
sand = 5.912 kg
Final mass of sand cone apparatus w/
sand = 2.378 kg
Mass of soil recovered from hole =
2.833 kg
Moisture content of soil from hole = 7%
Density of sand =1300 kg/m3
Volume of cone below valve =1.114 x
103 m3
Max. dry unit weight =19 kN/m3
Determine the following:
a. Moist unit weight
b. Dry Unit Weight
c. Relative compaction

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