Torts & Consumer Protection Law FYLLB Sem I ATKT 2023
Torts & Consumer Protection Law FYLLB Sem I ATKT 2023
Torts & Consumer Protection Law FYLLB Sem I ATKT 2023
2 hours paper Total Marks 60
Q-2 Write short notes (any two) qiuffltl dr ar eieHiiT au fin (12)
I, Assauitandbattcry.a€en3TrfuH51{
2. Extrajudicial remedies 3rfanffirfu3ma
3. Procedure offiling complaints as per the consumer protcctioii ActHTFTrfuerfun
3Trfu affiiT ait!a ffidi rfu
4. Sixcarpentercasefinrfufa
I) A person's dog has a tendency to blte. Bobby a small child was playing in` the premises.
The Dog bites him and caused injuryT qa5T 6qifa g5qTen aTquun ITaq errE+ fflT 5rrri
a. What is the liability of the owner of the dog? g5qli5qTqTREqqTut¥FTgq5rr.
b. Will the answer change ifth.e animal was adeer in the zoo? FTahitiH6l-ti-qld^lQl
2) A school has prohibited smoking by pupils in school and in public places. A school boy was
found smokiiig in a public street. School master admmistcred five strokes of cane to him. FIT
" finrfu rfu fin RTran HTife fan tTIrrmH rd rfu an. FT ffrorfu
HTRE {Fan aT ezxpFT aj{a 37HtrmT iEqF at fuadi FTT iinrfu rna 5th ffiERE fuar
a. Wiitc the case law and cxplain the principle attached to it? qlff un erch
frfu fa a qia fa erg iFTr.
b. Whether in same way an adult student i`an be punished? FT fan faenQfr aT rfe
iFTffl 3rfu FT q5iiT 3]¥TTiF Her fuar q5raT ft7
3) Reshma was admitted in citycare hospital. This hospital is run by a trust where no mohey
charged from any patlent. A nurse injected wrong medicine due to which Reshma got
some severe issue. Reshma wants to file a case against hospital. tr fir FTia"un
exit FTdi, RE gr rfu faffl* wh tilt FT`ft EFdr FqfR wi nd. dr ¥F
tr fanem FiFr ETEN q5{FTaT 3TTa`
a. Whether any kind of` wrong is committed by the hospjta! for which they can be
held iiab{e7 Exp!ain, © aaTa3iT €rd rfe eta an gffl Efan #
ut rm] RE FT.
b. If the cntii.c treatment is frcc ol`cost, whether Hospital can be made liable under
FTEN rm aiu ap
4. Mrs James went to a cafe and got bottle of ginger beer. The ginger beer contained a
decomposed snail. Mrs James suffered from personal injury due to consumption therefore she
proceeded cla„n compeiisation from the manufacturer. RE hal Ta5T froa`ffi rfu fan
c Identify the case and tlie prin.`iple Involved. RE ]li] 3Trfu qFTed rfu dfa
d. Explain the priiicipie Involved. qiTT€ati#FT 3TFaaflanrda5IT.
Q.No.4: Answer any two in detail. ah`iuirv i6^I an ufaRE Gift fin. (24)
I. Explain in detail the aims and objects of the consumer protection Act. HT6EF
2. Explain vicarious liability with relevantcase laws. rfurfutirfu3fiFrfu
fgiv fflq fiufun 5FTtIT fro Fv¥ q5IT.
3. Explain the general defence`s available in an action of Tort? 3+Hqirqld^ltl ed
4. What is mean by defamation? Explain the defences available in tort of
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