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System 800xA with AC 870P
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Page Page
AC 870P I/O modules 9
Efficient service structure 14
en t
Efficient engineering, configuration, Trends in technology – Industrial IT 14
maintenance, and diagnostics 10
Pro-active service creates added value 14
Functional planning – a must for
cross-system engineering 10
FDT/DTM – the integrated solution for
PROFIBUS engineering and HART
engineering 11
From the field to control level:
System 800xA for AC 870P offers
seamless information integration
dancy throughout your whole system enables information on the state of process related
ultimate process availability. The powerful assets and electrical devices to seamlessly
AC 870P controllers are networked via a redun- integrate the process into your enterprise in-
dant bus system. In addition, they constitute the formation management.
links to I/O modules, field devices, operator
stations, and engineering tools. System 800xA To efficiently build the control infrastructure,
with AC 870P as the evolution of our proven DCS the engineering tool Composer for AC 870P
Symphony Melody is not only a well established with its intuitive multi-user interface supports
control system, but is continuously improved the entire DCS lifecycle from planning, engi-
and enhanced to increase our customers com- neering, commissioning and maintaining your
petitiveness. System 800xA with AC 870P process information management.
perfectly protects our customers investments
by combining the AC 870P process control The ABB Aspect Objects technology enables
system for large installations with the Extended you to access the right information wherever
Automation System 800xA featuring best-in- and whenever you need it. In this process,
class productivity enhancement software such System 800xA with AC 870P asset manage-
as 800xA Operations or 800xA Information ment tools help you to operate equipment,
Management. plant components, or even entire plants at
their maximum performance.
Using open, standardized interfaces, you can
connect all sorts of systems from third-party
suppliers, such as SAP R/3, CAE-, Web-
based tools, or plant optimization tools.
System 800xA with AC 870P
System 800xA’s AC 870P controller is proven System 800xA gathers information from multiple
by thousands of successful applications world- plant sources and transforms it into relevant
wide and has established itself as a modular, information for a diverse set of users such as
open, and future-oriented process control sys- maintenance technicians, process engineers,
tem for any market and their specific require- production managers or plant operators. Con-
ments. System 800xA with AC 870P provides textual navigation presents the entire production
enterprise-wide support for different platforms, facility in a single window for these users.
applications, and services required for modern
process automation. • AC 870P Composer
AC 870P Composer ties the efficient engineer-
Enjoy reading this brochure to obtain information ing, maintenance, and diagnostics functionality
about the ABB System 800xA with AC 870P together into one integral package. AC 870P
components and performance. Composer supports the entire lifecycle of your
project, starting from planning and engineering,
Powerful system packages commissioning to system documentation, re-
lease and upgrade.
The multi-level architecture of System 800xA
with AC 870P is based on a combination of AC 870P Composer with its extensive version-
system packages – Controller and I/O, Engi- ing capabilities supports concurrent engineer-
neering Tool, Operator Interface – and optional ing, delivery in lots and integrates with common
packages such as system-integrated solutions CAE environments. With AC 870P Composer,
for process optimization or batch processes. we enable our customers to set up distributed
environments with comprehensive multi user
• 800xA Operations engineering capabilities.
800xA Operations provides a consistent method
for accessing enterprise-wide data and for inter-
acting with multiple applications from connected
workstation in the plant or office. It offers an in-
tuitive system interface with a single window for
navigating, accessing, and viewing plant infor-
mation in real time to facilitate the right business
decisions and actions to maximize productivity.
• 800xA Information Management • System 800xA Controller AC 870P
Information is a key asset of all businesses. To and Rack mounted I/O
achieve and maintain a sustainable competitive The powerful System 800xA AC 870P controller
advantage, manufacturing and process busi- family with its known sturdiness is made for
nesses must be able to adapt quickly to change. demanding applications in large systems. With
Reduced time to decision and action is critical a maximum number of 250,000 I/O, System
for improving quality and productivity. 800xA with AC 870P extends the range for
possible applications far beyond usual plant
800xA Information Management provides intel- sizes and thus provides our customers with a
ligent data access functions and views to both unique system scalability.
real-time and historical information from all
applications in the extended automation system The whole system has been designed as fully
regardless of where it originated or is stored. redundant; nevertheless, our customers can
Historical, process and business data are col- downscale redundancy wherever wanted with-
lected and transformed into meaningful informa- out additional effort - System 800xA with
tion via a variety of straightforward customizable AC 870P internally manages any redundancy
views and reports assisting all levels of personnel issues.
in making quick, informed decisions, to take the
appropriate actions to improve efficiency and The comprehensive bus concept of the AC 870P
profitability. controller allows for the easy integration of
PROFIBUS and IEC 61850 electrical assets.
• 800xA Batch Management The proven AC 870P rack mounted I/O provides
800xA Batch Management is a comprehensive you with an ultimate packing density that reduces
recipe management, batch and procedural con- the system demand for installation space.
trol software. It provides the tools necessary to
support the market‘s changing focus from tradi- The AC 870P hardware series provides the
tional supervisory batch management to pro- opportunity to be mounted in racks for central-
duction management by supporting integrated ized system topology or, in case of a distributed
production historian and production schedule system architecture, to be mounted on rails.
interface for batch as well as procedural control Additionally, S900 Remote I/O for use in
applications in continuous and discrete pro- hazardous areas, or S800 Remote I/O may be
cesses. used.
System 800xA with AC 870P system architecture
800xA Operations
800xA Batch Management
800xA Asset Optimization
800xA Information Management
t e r
AC 870P
AC 870P
AC 870P I/O S900 I/O (Ex i) S800 I/O
(Ex i)
Asset Asset Asset
In designing the System 800xA with AC 870P
system architecture, ABB Automation has created
Gateway @ a basis for plug-and-play management. System
800xA with AC 870P has a unique network-
oriented architecture, which offers seamless
800xA Network communication throughout all automation levels
– from your process assets to plant-wide and
multi-plant/multi-site information systems.
With its 1ms time stamping within the entire
system, System 800xA with AC 870P provides
you with the complete Sequence of Events
AC 870P (SoE) in your plant history.
The new AC 870P controller PM876 widens the
scope of System 800xA with AC 870P with a
new, additional Ethernet interface for integration
of electrical subsystems according to IEC 61850.
IEC 61850
IEC 61850
Electrical Subsystem
System 800xA with AC 870P –
automation with highly reliable controllers
module redundancy to redundancy throughout Redundancy
the entire system. With the ABB Hot Configura-
Link Module
tion in Run (HCIR) functionality, that provides RLM01
bumpless switchover in case of failure or hard-
ware exchange, we also offer full redundancy
coverage for your PROFIBUS assets. S800
AC 870P
D S900
Fully integrated PROFIBUS engineering
cation. • Process interface components offer the
option of an Ex i design
• Field signal connections on the front of the
AC 870P I/O modules I/O modules for efficient usage of mounting
• Maximum availability design by module
integrated redundancy concepts
• The capability for operators to configure the
system themselves without difficulty enables
you to save both time and money. Calibration
is not necessary.
• Hot-swap ability allows for module exchange
in operation
Efficient engineering, configuration, maintenance,
and diagnostics during the whole plant lifecycle
Composer is the efficient multi user engineering Functional planning – a must for cross-
environment for System 800xA with AC 870P. system engineering
It simplifies configuration, documentation, com-
missioning, and maintenance along the entire The Composer engineering workflow is based
lifecycle of your production. on Function Block Diagrams and Sequential
Function Charts as the main representation of
Composer accompanies you from the definition the automation solution. The Function Block
of process points and loops, the functional plan- Diagram consists of a structured aggregation of
ning of process control functions, the creation base functionalities like a PID Controller or an
of the system structure and cabinet configura- I/O block. The function block itself is a view on
tion to the fully integrated field device configura- the automation functionality as well as its repre-
tion for HART and PROFIBUS. sentation in operations and plantwide informa-
tion management systems. Thus, the function
Composer also offers service and diagnostics block diagram contains operating, monitoring,
functions for economical system configuration, processing, or input/output functions and, if
documentation, commissioning, and mainte- necessary, also field components. Function
nance. block diagrams as well as the hardware structure
of the control system are structured in an under-
Composer includes an extensive configuration lying automation network. The automation net-
management with versioning and handling of work can be navigated within predefined views
system upgrades. like the functional structure, the system struc-
ture or the location structure as well as in user
Composer interfaces the Control System Engi- defined views on smaller parts of the automa-
neering with the common CAE tools, including tion network. The relations between the net-
versioning and change management. works elements can be directly navigated as
well. Selecting the interesting cross reference
Composer supports distributed and concurrent from a context menu leads to the semantically
engineering workflows and provides extensive connected network element. If you simply re-
support for delivery in lots. quire a rough view of the automation functions,
you can use general charts and area charts. Of
Composer is the key component for the easy course, you can switch from these to the corre-
evolution from legacy systems on field, control sponding detailed function charts.
and operations level.
Besides function block diagrams, Composer
allows for the configuration of sequences with
its IEC 61131–3 SFC editor. The Composer
SFC editor automatically generates the required
function charts, thus ensuring that the functional
forward documentation is consistent. Any ele-
ment of the SFC is part of the automation net-
work as well and thus can be navigated with the
same context oriented paradigm.
10 ABB
FDT/DTM – the integrated solution for
PROFIBUS / HART engineering
use Composer to call up any external docu-
ments/applications for specific objects as well With Composer version 5.1, IEC 61850 electrical
as their representations in operation. subsystems are integrated into the Composer
control engineering and 800xA Operations.
For the integration of DCS engineering into the Composer interfaces the intelligent electronic
plant engineering workflow, Composer provides devices (IED) and allows for the integration of
extensive bulk data functionalities for Micro- their Alarm and Event Handling, their I/O vari-
soft® Office Excel and interfaces CAE Tools like ables and state messages into System 800xA
Comos PT®. Any exchanged data is subject to information management.
the Composer versioning and quality assurance
technologies. The same engineering for PROFIBUS
devices as for AC 870P Rack I/O
Particular properties of the Composer Once the device dependent specifications in the
engineering system include Composer Engineering System are known, the
PROFIBUS device system is planned as for
• Efficient engineering for instrumentation and conventional AC 870P I/O devices simply using
control systems drag & drop.
• Function-oriented configuration, The calling up of DTMs for configuration, online
commissioning, and maintenance and offline parameterization, as well as measured-
• Functional CAE Tool Integration value representation in the field device itself works,
• Delivery in lots as usual, using the various displays (function
• Support for distributed concurrent engineering chart, system overview, etc.). Due to the planned
• Multi User Engineering system topology, the PROFIBUS master and
• Integrated FDT/DTM field device configuration devices are configured automatically in Composer.
• Integration of IEC 61850 electrical subsystems The device-specific data or the master data is
• Integration of external documents and likewise loaded automatically when the corre-
applications sponding function charts are loaded.
• Consistent functional forward documentation
• Online and offline processing
• Project-specific libraries and macro technology
• Straightforward navigation and intuitive user
ABB 11
Operator Interface
System 800xA’s operator interface 800xA Opera- Graphical representation and process
tions is one of the industry’s most intuitive HSI control
for process management and operation.
The engineering and operator system has a
The enabling technology for this data access, modern graphical user interface and contains a
storage, and management is ABB’s patented clearly-structured working area in which:
Aspect Object framework. Aspects are informa- • Alarms are signaled and events reported
tional items associated with objects, such as • The actual operator dialogs are contained
I/O definitions, engineering drawings, process • The navigation area for calling all objects is
graphics, etc. that are assigned to each object located
in the system.
The engineering and operator system has a
With the Aspect Objects Technology, 800xA complete series of standard graphic displays,
Operations seamlessly includes the proven such as area displays, measured-value-specific
800xA Asset Optimization and MES/ERP System faceplates, trend curves, and overview graphics.
connectivity into the system’s HSI. The engineer- A user-friendly graphics editor is used to create
ing and operator level of System 800xA with the application-specific graphics and an exten-
AC 870P also serves as a platform for S88- sive library of 2D and 3D symbols is provided.
compliant and NAMUR-compliant batch and A system can contain a plenty of displays with
recipe administration. both standard and custom graphics, also allow-
ing you to include animations and video
Open system architecture streams.
The open architecture of 800xA Operations During engineering with the Composer, the
allows you to scale both, small and large distrib- basic operator interface is generated by simple
uted and redundant operator levels. upload into 800xA Operations. With this upload,
faceplates, logs, trends, etc. are generated.
The System 800xA with 870P is entirely client/
server-based. Thus, all dialogs are available In this way, the DCS base functionality for an
on all clients and their use is only restricted by efficient commissioning is generated automati-
the rights of the respective user profiles in the cally in operations. Any changes in the functional
system. structure are thus published into operations by
simple upload.
12 ABB
Integration of Aspect Objects Operator Interface Navigator
In addition to the standard and custom graphics, The navigator ensures that all the displays
the operator interface navigator also allows you are adjusted to meet the requirements of the
to use applications and programs which are not window management. The window manage-
part of the operator system itself but offer useful ment also includes dialogs from other soft-
additional information. Thus, you can call up ad- ware such as Microsoft ® Office, Adobe
ditional Aspects or information based on a mea- Acrobat, or SAP R/3, which can be called up
sured value or an object of your choice within the as Aspect views.
operator interface.
Comprehensive archiving
Examples of such Aspects are:
• Group display The client/server architecture of the operator
• Trend display interface also contains a comprehensive
• Data sheet archiving server, equipped with all the neces-
• P&ID drawing sary functions, which captures and saves the
• Process instruction following data:
• Images or video streams • Trend data
• Asset optimization • Events and alarms
• Quality system • Files (i. e. reports)
• Internet pages
Alarm and message management
Control System Evolution
The operator interface has a powerful alarm
As a world leading manufacturer of automation and message management system which
systems, we are obligated to protect our custo- takes alarm and event messages from the
mers investments. System 800xA with AC 870P process stations or generates them itself.
evolution capabilities offer an efficient and rea- For alarms and messages, according to your
sonable migration path from Contronic or Melo- requirements, you can create and use your
dy systems. own:
• Area lines (areas)
• Migration of Contronic P, E, 3 • Message sequence lines (single messages)
to System 800xA with AC 870P • Status pages
• Migration of Maestro UX Operations • History pages
• Maestro UX and System 800xA Operations in
parallel In addition to the configurable filters, users
• Evolution of SymBatch to 800xA Batch can set their own filters online within the
Management defined framework and in this way analyze
• Online upgrade / No plant shutdown the events that are important for them.
• Bumpless upgrade
• Migration Rack
ABB 13
Comprehensive customer service
Our service organization team of over 7,500 New technological trends and developments
employees, with 100 years of experience in have various effects on the automation of pro-
automation technology, supports our customers duction processes and the associated demands
in more than 140 countries all over the world. regarding services. From networking various
data flows to combining automation technology
By making our services consistent and available with modern information technology: ABB has
throughout the world for leading industry prod- the experience and know-how required to keep
ucts in process control, drive technology, and pace with these new demands. Using new
analysis technology as well as instrumentation, communications capabilities such as remote
we are able to provide solutions to problems services or the Internet and e-commerce brings
and respond to new demands extremely quickly. customers real additional benefits for maximum
availability and productivity.
Efficient service structure
Pro-active service creates added value
Service signifies a profitable investment in con-
tinually maximizing and optimizing the availabil- Our comprehensive Life Cycle Services enable
ity, quality, and security of a plant. us to increase the value of your plant over its
entire lifetime. The classical, reactive service can
By structuring our organization into the follow- reduce production downtimes, while the use of
ing four areas: new technologies offers an increased number of
• Customer Support Services capabilities for preventive service measures to
• Training identify and avoid cost-intensive faults at an
• Spare Parts & Logistics, Repair Shops early stage.
• Process, Application & Consulting Services
and through the resulting specialization of our Proactive service, such as asset management
employees, we guarantee maximum compe- or ongoing modernization, increases the value
tence for each task we perform. Whether it‘s of our customers‘ plants and gives them a dis-
more traditional service support such as com- tinct competitive edge.
missioning and maintenance or individual con-
sultative services – the result is efficient and Are you interested? Then get in touch with us to
measurable customer benefit. obtain more information about our wide range
of services.
14 ABB
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ABB 15
System 800xA with AC 870P
We like it large
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For additional information,
please visit our Web pages at:
abb D C S
Process Automation Division Process Automation Division
Mannheim, Germany Västerås, Sweden
Phone: +49 (0) 1805 266776 Phone: +46 (0) 21 34 20 00
Fax: +49 (0) 1805 776329 Fax: +46 (0) 21 13 78 45
e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
Process Automation Division Process Automation Division
Wickliffe, Ohio, USA Singapore
Phone: +1 440 585 8500 Phone: +65 6776 5711
Fax: +1 440 585 8756 Fax: +65 6778 0222
e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
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© Copyright 2008 ABB. All rights reserved.
The content is subject to change without prior notice. Pictures, diagrams, and other graphics in this document are simply provided for illustration and do not represent
any product configurations or product functions. The user documentation supplied with the product is the sole source for descriptions of product functionality.
IndustrialIT, Aspect Objects, and all product names mentioned above in the form XXXXXXIT are registered or requested trademarks of ABB.
All rights to trademarks reside with their respective owners.
16 ABB