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APRIL 2016


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Environmental and Social Screening report

The Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMP)
has been prepared by Environment and Social Unit, Safety, Health
and Environment Department (SHE), Kenya Power, Nairobi. The
ESMP has been prepared based on an overall environmental and
social assessment, which includes (i) the general baseline
information of project areas (ii) Evaluation of potential environmental
and social impacts of different project components and
subcomponents and (iii) Assessment of environmental practices in
different ongoing and completed projects.
The ESMP provides a guideline for the implementation of all
mitigation measures and actions to respond to any anticipated
project impacts, once the LMCP project begins.

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Client:Kenya Power and Lighting Company Limited

Assignment: To carry out an Environmental and social screening of the

Proposed Last mile connectivity project

Report Prepared by:

Wilfred Koech Lead Expert, NEMA Reg. No. 0259
Simon Mwangangi Lead Expert, NEMA Reg. No. 2046
Samuel Gathu Mbugua Lead Expert, NEMA Reg. No. 8147
David Murage Lead Expert, NEMA Reg. No. 6230
Winfred Omondi Associate Expert, NEMA Reg. No. 7627
Pius Ngari Associate Expert, NEMA Reg. No. 1862
Samuel Abaya Lead Expert, NEMA Reg.1245
Mercy Towett Associate Expert, NEMA Reg.No. 4093
Roseline Njeru Associate Expert Reg. No. 2548

Signed : ..................................................... Date:……………………………………

Wilfred Koech (Team Leader)
Lead EIA/Audit Expert,
NEMA Reg. No. 0259

The Kenya Power & Lighting Company (KPLC),
P. O. Box 30099 – 00100,

Signed : ........................................................ Date : …………………………………

John Guda-Manager; Safety, Health & Environment

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Table of Contents
CERTIFICATION: ............................................................................................................................................. 3
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................ 11
PROJECT LOTS PER REGION ........................................................................................................................ 13
LEGAL FRAMEWORK ................................................................................................................................... 14
The Environment Management and Co-ordination Act, 1999 ............................................................... 14
The Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003 ................................................. 14
The Environmental Management Coordination (Waste Management) Regulations): Legal Notice 121
................................................................................................................................................................ 15
The Environmental Management Coordination (Water Quality) Regulations): Legal Notice 120 ......... 15
Environmental Management and Coordination (Noise and Excessive Vibration pollution) (Control)
Regulations, 2009: Legal Notice 61 ......................................................................................................... 15
Environmental Management and Coordination (Conservation of Biological Diversity and Resources,
Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing) Regulations, 2006 ................................................... 15
Environmental Management and Coordination (Fossil Fuel Emission Control) Regulations 2006 ........ 16
Public Health Act (Cap. 242) ................................................................................................................... 16
Energy Act of 2006 .................................................................................................................................. 16
Africa Development Bank Operational Safeguard Policies ..................................................................... 16
PROJECT OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................................... 18
1 LOT 1: NORTH RIFT ............................................................................................................................. 19
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................ 20
1.1 Introduction and project brief .................................................................................................... 21
1.1.1 Importance of LMCP ........................................................................................................... 21
1.1.2 Justification of LMCP ........................................................................................................... 22
1.2 The Project Overview .................................................................................................................. 22
1.2.1 Location of the project ........................................................................................................ 22
1.2.2 Baseline information of the project sites............................................................................ 22
1.3 Project screening ........................................................................................................................ 25
1.3.1 Introduction of screening.................................................................................................... 25
1.3.2 Objective of screening ........................................................................................................ 25
1.3.3 Importance of screening ..................................................................................................... 25

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1.4 Potential impacts of the project ................................................................................................. 39
1.4.1 Positive impacts .................................................................................................................. 39
1.4.2 Negative impacts................................................................................................................. 40
1.5 Environmental and Social Management Plan ............................................................................. 41
1.6 Conclusion and recommendation ............................................................................................... 46
2 LOT2: WESTERN KENYA....................................................................................................................... 47
2.1 INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT BRIEF.......................................................................................... 48
2.1.1 Last Mile Connectivity Project ............................................................................................ 48
2.1.2 Justification of the project .................................................................................................. 48
2.2 PROJECT OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................... 49
2.2.1 Baseline information of the project area ............................................................................ 49
2.2.2 Population ........................................................................................................................... 49
2.2.3 Vegetation Distribution....................................................................................................... 50
2.2.4 Topography ......................................................................................................................... 50
2.2.5 Climate ................................................................................................................................ 50
2.2.6 Soils ..................................................................................................................................... 51
2.3 PROJECT SCREENING ................................................................................................................... 52
2.3.1 Environmental and Social Screening ................................................................................... 52
2.4 POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT ....................................................................................... 69
2.4.1 Positive Impacts .................................................................................................................. 69
2.5 Negative Environmental and Social Impacts .............................................................................. 71
2.6 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ............................................................... 73
2.7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................. 79
2.8 Photographic Presentation of Findings ....................................................................................... 80
3 LOT3: SOUTH NYANZA ........................................................................................................................ 81
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................ 82
3.1 INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT BRIEF.......................................................................................... 84
3.1.1 Last Mile Connectivity Project ............................................................................................ 84
3.1.2 Justification of the project .................................................................................................. 84
3.2 PROJECT OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................... 85
3.2.1 Baseline information of the project areas in Homa Bay County ........................................ 85
3.2.2 Baseline information of the project areas in Migori County .............................................. 86

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3.2.3 Baseline information of the project areas in Kisii County................................................... 87
3.2.4 Baseline information of the project areas in Nyamira County ........................................... 88
3.2.5 Baseline information of the project areas in Bomet County .............................................. 89
3.2.6 Baseline information of the project areas in Kericho County ............................................. 90
3.3 PROJECT SCREENING ................................................................................................................... 91
3.3.1 Introduction to Environmental and Social Screening ......................................................... 91
3.3.2 Environmental Screening for the last mile connectivity project ........................................ 91
3.3.3 Importance of Environmental Screening ............................................................................ 91
3.4.1 Picture gallery ................................................................................................................... 115
3.5 POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT ..................................................................................... 116
3.5.1 Positive Impacts ................................................................................................................ 116
3.6 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ............................................................. 120
3.7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................... 126
4 LOT4: CENTRAL RIFT.......................................................................................................................... 127
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................... 128
4.1 INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT BRIEF........................................................................................ 130
4.1.1 Last Mile Connectivity Project .......................................................................................... 130
4.1.2 Justification of the project ................................................................................................ 130
4.2 PROJECT OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................. 131
4.2.1 Baseline information of the project area .......................................................................... 131
4.3 PROJECT SCREENING ................................................................................................................. 135
4.3.1 Environmental and Social Screening ................................................................................. 135
4.3.2 Environmental Screening for Last Mile Connectivity Project ........................................... 135
4.3.3 Objective of Environmental Screening.............................................................................. 135
4.4 POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT ..................................................................................... 145
4.4.1 Positive Impacts ................................................................................................................ 145
4.4.2 Negative Environmental and Social Impacts..................................................................... 147
4.5 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ............................................................. 149
4.6 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................... 156
5 LOT5: NAIROBI REGION..................................................................................................................... 157

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................... 158
5.1 Introduction and Project Brief .................................................................................................. 160
5.1.1 Importance of LMCP ......................................................................................................... 161
5.1.2 Project component ........................................................................................................... 161
5.1.3 Justification of LMCP ......................................................................................................... 162
5.2 Project Overview ....................................................................................................................... 163
5.2.1 Location of the project ...................................................................................................... 163
5.2.2 Baseline information of the project sites in Kiambu County ............................................ 163
5.2.3 Baseline information of the project sites in Nairobi County ............................................ 164
5.3 Project Screening ...................................................................................................................... 166
5.3.1 Introduction of screening.................................................................................................. 166
5.3.2 Objective of screening ...................................................................................................... 166
5.4 Potential impacts of the project ............................................................................................... 167
5.4.1 Positive impacts ................................................................................................................ 167
 Improved standard of living........................................................................................................ 167
 Increase in Revenues ................................................................................................................. 168
5.4.2 Negative impacts of the project and their mitigations ..................................................... 168
5.5 THE RESULTS OF THE SCREENING EXERCISE ............................................................................. 171
5.6 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ............................................................. 181
5.7 Conclusion and Recommendation ............................................................................................ 189
5.8 Photo Plates .............................................................................................................................. 190
6 LOT6: NORTH EASTERN ..................................................................................................................... 191
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................... 192
6.1 INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT BRIEF........................................................................................ 194
6.1.1 Last Mile Connectivity Project .......................................................................................... 194
6.1.2 Justification of the project ................................................................................................ 194
6.2 PROJECT OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................. 195
6.2.1 Baseline information of the project area .......................................................................... 195
6.3 PROJECT SCREENING ................................................................................................................. 197
6.3.1 Environmental and Social Screening ................................................................................. 197
6.3.2 Environmental Screening for Last Mile Connectivity Project ........................................... 197
6.3.3 Objective of Environmental Screening.............................................................................. 197

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6.3.4 Environmental and Social Characteristics of Proposed Project Sites ............................... 198
6.3.5 Photo gallery ..................................................................................................................... 201
6.4 POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT ..................................................................................... 202
6.4.1 Positive Impacts ................................................................................................................ 202
6.4.2 Negative Environmental and Social Impacts..................................................................... 204
6.5 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ............................................................. 206
6.6 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................... 211
7 LOT7: MOUNT KENYA ....................................................................................................................... 212
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................... 213
LOT 7. 214
7.2 INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT BRIEF........................................................................................ 214
7.2.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................... 214
7.2.2 IMPORTANCE/BENEFITS OF LMCP .................................................................................... 215
7.3 BASELINE INFORMATION OF THE COUNTIES UNDER LOT 7 ..................................................... 217
7.3.1 Baseline Information of Muranga County ........................................................................ 217
7.3.2 Baseline Information of Meru County .............................................................................. 218
7.3.3 Baseline Information of Kirinyaga County ........................................................................ 219
7.3.4 Baseline Information of Nyeri County............................................................................... 221
7.3.5 Baseline Information of Laikipia County ........................................................................... 223
7.3.6 Baseline Information of Isiolo County............................................................................... 225
7.3.7 Baseline Information of Embu County .............................................................................. 227
7.3.8 Baseline Information of Tharaka Nithi County ................................................................. 228
7.4 Environmental and Social Characteristics of Proposed Project Sites ....................................... 229
7.4.1 Environmental and Social Characteristics of Proposed Project Sites ............................... 230
7.4.2 Photo Galery ..................................................................................................................... 243
7.5 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT OF THE PROJECT ........................................... 244
7.5.1 Environmental and Social Screening ................................................................................. 244
7.5.2 Objective of Environmental screening .............................................................................. 244
7.5.3 Potential Negative Impacts ............................................................................................... 245
7.6 Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) .............................................................. 246
7.7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................... 251

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8 LOT8: NAIROBI WEST/SOUTH ........................................................................................................... 252
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................... 253
8.1 INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT BRIEF........................................................................................ 255
8.1.1 Last Mile Connectivity Project .......................................................................................... 255
8.1.2 Justification of the project ................................................................................................ 255
8.2 PROJECT OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................. 256
8.2.1 Location of the project ...................................................................................................... 256
8.2.2 Baseline Information ......................................................................................................... 256
8.3 PROJECT SCREENING ................................................................................................................. 259
8.3.1 Environmental and Social Screening ................................................................................. 259
8.3.2 Environmental Screening for Last Mile Connectivity Project ........................................... 259
8.3.3 Objective of Environmental Screening.............................................................................. 259
8.4 Environmental and Social Characteristics of Project sites ........................................................ 260
8.4.2 Photos ............................................................................................................................... 268
8.5 POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT ..................................................................................... 269
8.5.1 Positive Impacts ................................................................................................................ 269
8.5.2 Negative Environmental and Social Impacts..................................................................... 271
8.6 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ............................................................. 273
8.7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................... 280
9 LOT9: COAST ..................................................................................................................................... 282
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................... 283
9.1 INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT BRIEF........................................................................................ 285
9.1.1 Last Mile Connectivity Project .......................................................................................... 285
9.1.2 Justification of the project ................................................................................................ 285
9.2 PROJECT OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................. 286
9.2.1 Baseline information of the project area .......................................................................... 286
i. Population.................................................................................................................................. 287
9.3 PROJECT SCREENING ................................................................................................................. 290
9.3.1 Environmental and Social Screening ................................................................................. 290
9.3.2 Environmental Screening for Last Mile Connectivity Project ........................................... 290
9.3.3 Objective of Environmental Screening.............................................................................. 290

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9.4 POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT ..................................................................................... 299
9.4.1 Positive Impacts ................................................................................................................ 299
9.4.2 Negative Environmental and Social Impacts..................................................................... 301
9.5 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ............................................................. 303
9.6 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................... 309
10 LOT10: NORTH EASTERN .............................................................................................................. 310
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................... 311
10.1 Introduction and Project Brief .................................................................................................. 312
10.1.1 Importance of LMCP ......................................................................................................... 313
10.1.2 Project component ........................................................................................................... 313
10.1.3 Justification of LMCP ......................................................................................................... 314
10.2 Project Overview ....................................................................................................................... 315
10.2.1 Location of the project ...................................................................................................... 315
10.2.2 Baseline information of the project sites in Garisa County .............................................. 315
10.2.3 Baseline information of the project sites in Kitui County ................................................. 316
10.2.4 Baseline information of the project sites in Tana River County ....................................... 316
10.2.5 Baseline information of the project sites in Lamu County ............................................... 317
10.3 Project Screening ...................................................................................................................... 320
10.3.1 Introduction of screening.................................................................................................. 320
10.3.2 Objective of screening ...................................................................................................... 320
10.4 Potential impacts of the project ............................................................................................... 322
10.4.1 Positive impacts ................................................................................................................ 322
 Improved standard of living........................................................................................................ 322
10.4.2 Negative impacts of the project and their mitigations ..................................................... 323
10.5 Environmental and Social Characteristics of Proposed Project Sites ....................................... 326
10.6 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ............................................................. 334
10.7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................... 340

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This is an environmental screening report summarizes the 10Lots under the Last Mile Connectivity Project. The last
mile connectivity project is an initiative to help achieve government pledge of stimulating economic growth and
accelerating job creation for the wellbeing of Kenyans. The project is supported through external funding and thus
shall enable Kenya Power to supply electricity to customers at a subsidized cost. Supply of electricity at a subsidized
cost shall enable persons in low income groups to access electricity and will result into connection of more customers
to the national grid. The last mile connectivity project phase one will involve maximizing existing transformers i.e
connecting customers that are within 600m of transformer protection distance/radius. The project will also involve
fitting of prepaid meters for customers. The project’s benefits cannot be overemphasized and includes; provision of
new supply, promotion of ICT, education, security, income generating activities access to information and direct
employment to name but a few.

The last mile connectivity project is a national wide project and will cover all the 47 counties in Kenya ranging from
Coast, North Eastern, Western, North Rift, Central Rift, Mt. Kenya and Nairobi regions where Kenya power has
administrative structure. In order to ensure that the project is implemented in an Environmental and Social
sustainable manner, the project was subjected to environmental screening. The objective of screening was
undertaken to assess the potential environmental and social impacts of the project. During the screening exercise
baseline information that could be observed around the project site was picked and documented including general
information on the following; population density, vegetation distribution, climatic conditions of the project sites,
topography and soils.

The proposed project areas have varied population except renging from high density in the highlands and cities,
medium density and low density especially in the northern frontier. The counties mainly have agriculture based
economies mixed with urban centres and small towns where there is higher population density. Other economic
activities include commercial activities in towns and urban centres. Most of the counties have good/plenty of
vegetation cover comprising natural forests, planted forests, some medicinal plants, and exotic and indigenous tree
species in different areas. The project areas have different cash crops such as tea, coffee, wheat, miraa, bananas,
pineapples, coconuts, cashewnuts, and rice in othert counties. Other areas have large farms with wheat and flowers
especially in Laikipia towards Timau. The project areas receive adequate rainfalls save for some dryland areas in the
north part which receives low rainfall. Topography of the proposed project area is characterized by undulating hills,
gentle slope to slopy areas and very flat areas in the rice fields and drylands. Most soils are rich and well drained
except for Mwea area, Ahero and Bura where we have irrigation schemmes.

As already noted the project presents various benefits but also will have some negative impacts that must be
addressed/ mitigated. The potential negative environmental and social impacts during construction and
implementation of the project include; transformer oil leakages, electric shocks, electrocution of people, social vices,
vegetation disturbance, dehydration especially in coast and northern frontier and risk of sparks and fire from live
conductors among others. To address the negative impacts, an Environmental and social management plan (ESMP)
has been developed to guide in mitigating the said negative impacts. The company will ensure implementation of the
developed environmental and social monitoring plan to mitigate the potential negative impacts while maximizing on
the positive impacts identified. The ESMP developed will ensure compliance with regulatory authority stipulations and
the financier’s guidelines.

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In conclusion, the last mile connectivity project will accrue benefits that exceed the negative impacts. However, for
the company to ensure sustainable development takes place, the implementation of the ESMP is vital and the
management must see to it that the contractors follow suite by observing and implementing the ESMP to the letter.
The project will result in great economic, environmental and social benefits both at individual level, communal level
and the country at large.

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There is a growing concern in Kenya and at global level that many forms of development activities cause damage to
the environment. Development activities have the potential to damage the natural resources upon which the
economies are based. It is now accepted that development projects must be economically viable, socially acceptable
and environmentally sound.

A detailed review of relevant institutional and legal as well as policy framework that bears significance or implication
to this Last Mile Connectivity project is presented in this chapter. The African Development Bank Safeguard
Operational Policies applicable to the project as well as the international laws and conventions that bear relevance to
the implementation of this project have also been highlighted in this chapter.

The Environment Management and Co-ordination Act, 1999

This is an Act of Parliament providing for the establishment of an appropriate legal and institutional framework for the
management of the environment and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto. This Act is divided into
13 Parts, covering main areas of environmental concern as follows: Preliminary (I); General principles (II);
Administration (III); Environmental planning (IV); Protection and Conservation of the Environment (V), Environmental
impact assessments (EIA), audits and monitoring (VI); Environmental audit and monitoring (VII); Environmental
quality standards (VIII); Environmental Restoration orders, Environmental Easements (IX); Inspection, analysis and
records (IX); Inspection Analysis and Records (X); International Treaties, Conventions and Agreements (XI) National
Environment Tribunal (XII); Environmental Offences (XIII).

Part II of the Environment Management & Coordination Act, 1999 states that every person in Kenya is entitled to a
clean and healthy environment and has the duty to safeguard and enhance the environment. In order to partly ensure
this is achieved, Part VI of the Act directs that any new programme, activity or operation should undergo
environmental impact assessment and a report prepared for submission to the National Environmental Management
Authority (NEMA), who in turn may issue a license as appropriate.

The Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit)

Regulations, 2003
This regulation provides guidelines for conducting Environmental Impact Assessments and Audits. It offers guidance
on the fundamental aspects on which emphasis must be laid during field study and outlines the nature and structure
of Environmental Impact Assessments and Audit reports. The legislation further explains the legal consequences of
partial or non-compliance to the provisions of the Act.

This regulation requires that project that are out of character undergo environmental impact assessment (EIA).
However the LMCP was not subjected to EIA because it involved use of existing transformers and connections to the
last customer using low voltage lines. To ensure the environment is protected, screening was done to find out
potential impacts of the project and put measures to mitigate against them.

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The Environmental Management Coordination (Waste
Management) Regulations): Legal Notice 121
The regulation provides that a waste generator shall use cleaner production methods, segregate waste generated
and the waste transporter should be licensed. The notice further states no person shall engage in any activity likely to
generate any hazardous waste without a valid Environmental Impact Assessment license issued by the National
Environment Management Authority. Hazardous waste will not be generated from this project.

The Environmental Management Coordination (Water

Quality) Regulations): Legal Notice 120
This Legal Notice on Water Quality provides that anyone who discharges effluent into the environment or public
sewer shall be required to apply for Effluent Discharge License. The license for discharge is Kshs 5,000 while annual
license fee for discharge into the environment will be Kshs. 20,000 or Kshs 100,000 depending on the facility. Non-
compliance with the regulations attracts a fine not exceeding Kshs 500,000 and the polluter pay principle may apply
depending on the court ruling.

Environmental Management and Coordination (Noise and

Excessive Vibration pollution) (Control) Regulations, 2009:
Legal Notice 61
This regulation prohibits any person to cause unreasonable, unnecessary or unusual noise which annoys, disturbs,
injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health or safety of others and the environment. Part 11 section 6(1)
provides that no person is shall cause noise from any source which exceeds any sound level as set out in the First
Schedule of the regulations.

Environmental Management and Coordination (Conservation

of Biological Diversity and Resources, Access to Genetic
Resources and Benefit Sharing) Regulations, 2006
This legislation aims at enhancing preservation of biodiversity and safeguarding of endangered and rare plant and
animal species within any human activity area. Section 4 of the legislation expressly prohibits any activity which may
have adverse effects on any ecosystem, lead to introduction of alien species in a given area or result in
unsustainable utilization of available ecosystem resources.

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Environmental Management and Coordination (Fossil Fuel
Emission Control) Regulations 2006
These regulations are described in Legal Notice No. 131 of the Kenya Gazette Supplement no. 74, October 2006 and
will apply to all internal combustion engine emission standards, emission inspections, the power of emission
inspectors, fuel catalysts, licensing to treat fuel, cost of clearing pollution and partnerships to control fossil fuel
emissions. The fossil fuels considered are petrol, diesel, fuel oils and kerosene

Public Health Act (Cap. 242)

Part IX, section 115, of the Act states that no person/institution shall cause nuisance or condition liable to be injurious
or dangerous to human health. Section 116 requires that Local Authorities take all lawful, necessary and reasonably
practicable measures to maintain their jurisdiction clean and sanitary to prevent occurrence of nuisance or condition
liable to be injurious or dangerous to human health. Such nuisance or conditions are defined under section 118 and
include nuisances caused by accumulation of materials or refuse which in the opinion of the medical officer of health
is likely to harbour rats or other vermin.

Energy Act of 2006

The Energy Act, amongst other issues, deals with all matters relating to all forms of energy including the generation,
transmission, distribution and supply and use of electrical energy as well as the legal basis for establishing the
systems associated with these purposes.
The Act also established the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) whose mandate is to regulate all functions and
players in the Energy sector. One of the duties of the ERC is to ensure compliance with Environmental, Health and
Safety Standards in the Energy Sector, as empowered by Section 98 of the Energy Act, 2006. The players are
expected to operate their businesses in a manner that protects the environment and conserve natural resources.
Further they must be in a position to operate in a manner designated to protect the health and safety of the project
employees; the local and other potentially affected communities.

Africa Development Bank Operational Safeguard Policies

The AfDB is concerned about the environmental and social impacts of its activities and requires environmental
assessments be done for all projects it finances. Its safeguard policies are aimed at preventing and mitigating undue
harm to people and their environment in the development process also provide a platform for the participation of
stakeholders in project design and implementation.

Environmental and social assessment. This overarching safeguard governs the process of determining a project’s
environmental and social category and the resulting environmental and social assessment requirements. This
overarching safeguard governs the process of determining a project’s environmental and social category and the
resulting environmental and social assessment requirements: the scope of application; categorization; use of a SESA
and ESIA, where appropriate; Environmental and Social Management Plans; climate change vulnerability

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assessment; public consultation; community impacts; appraisal and treatment of vulnerable groups; and grievance

Based on this legal assessment it was thought necessary that an Environmental and Social Management Framework
(ESMF) be prepared to guide management of environmental and social impacts of the project. It was found that the
negative impacts were not adverse and so screening was to be done to identify the impacts and an ESMP prepared
to guide contractors.

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This Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) is a compliance tool for the works and activities
under the Kenya Power’s Last Mile Connectivity Project Grant which the Kenya of Government has sought
from the Africa Development Bank. The capital works will contribute to improving the reliability of power
supplies by reducing the frequency and duration of power supply interruptions in the 47 Counties. KPLC
plans to use the AfDB money to strengthen the power distribution network in the entire County, to improve
the network efficiency and reliability, and to meet growing and new demands for electricity. Planning and
design of the network upgrade is underway by KPLC and it’s Engineers which include upgrading and
installing new transformers, up-rating and extending the existing distribution lines and installing a new
dispatch /systems control room. The proposed works to be co-financed by the AfDB Credits include –
maximum utilization of existing Transformers to improve electricity access to low end customers or

The objective of this Environmental and Social Screening Process (the screening process) is to ensure that
the projects are designed and implemented in an environmentally and socially sustainable manner, taking
into account Kenya's relevant sector legislation as well as the donors’ Safeguard Policies.
KPLC PIT - with help of regional staff - will be responsible for completing the Environmental and Social
Screening Form, and based on the screening results, the appropriate level of environmental work will be
determined by KPLC’s Environment unit and carried out by qualified KPLC staff. The screening process
has been developed because the locations and types of the distribution and transmission component for
the projects which are now known project, and therefore potential adverse localized environmental and
social impacts can be be precisely identified and descriped in an EMP. Furthermore, Kenya’s
environmental legislation does not provide for the environmental and social screening of small-scale
projects, such as those included in the distribution and transmission component of KPLC Projects, whereas
the EMCA and other international legislations and donors’ safeguard policies like on Environmental Impact
Assessment requires that all projects are screened for potential adverse environmental and social impacts
to determine the appropriate mitigation measures.

The this screening report has covered the 10 lots in 47 counties with each having lot specific ESMP for its
activities depending on the topographical, population, vegetation cover, solid waste, locational, accessibility
and power network considerations.

Below find the LOT specific screening report and ESMP for each of the lots covered in the 47 counties.

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The Last Mile Connectivity Project is an initiative to help achieve government pledge of stimulating economic growth
and accelerating job creation for the wellbeing of Kenyans. The project benefits from AfDB funding and thus shall
enable Kenya Power to supply electricity to customers at a subsidized cost while also maximizing on the existing
infrastructure. Supply of electricity at a subsidized cost shall enable persons in low income groups to access
electricity thus ensuring connection of more customers to the national grid. The project’s benefits include provision of
new supply over a short period of time and accelerated access to electricity among others.

The Environmental and Social screening is undertaken to determine whether LMCP requires EIA or not and to
provide indication at the level that this should be done. The screening process aims at enhancing environmental and
social suitability of LMCP. This will help manage environmental and social risks associated with the project. The
screening process has been developed because the locations and types of the distribution and transmission
component for the projects which are not known prior to the appraisal of the parent project, and therefore potential
adverse localized environmental and social impacts cannot be precisely identified. Furthermore, Kenya’s
environmental legislation does not provide for the environmental and social screening of small-scale projects, such
as those included in the distribution and transmission component of KPLC Projects. The EMCA and other
international legislations and donors’ safeguard policies like on Environmental Impact Assessment requires that all
projects are screened for potential adverse environmental and social impacts to determine the appropriate mitigation

The Last mile connectivity project has numerous positive impacts not only to the company but also to customers. The
project aims at enabling customers in low income groups access electricity, enhanced security in different areas,
promote social inclusion, gender consideration, benefit education and improve livelihood among others. Anticipated
negative environmental and social impacts during construction and implementation of the project include: transformer
oil leakages, electric shocks and electrocution of people, social vices, vegetation disturbance and risk of sparks and
fire from live conductors among others. The company will ensure implementation of the developed environmental and
social monitoring plan to mitigate the potential negative impacts while maximizing on the positive impacts identified.

The company acknowledges that the Last Mile Connectivity Project has some negative impacts on the environment
and social wellbeing of the people. As such, the Environmental Social Management Plan has been developed to
assist the company in mitigating and managing the environmental and social issues associated with the life-cycle of
the project. The ESMP developed will ensure compliance with regulatory authority stipulations and AfDB guidelines.
It will also enhance sufficient allocation of resources on the project budget so that the scale of ESMP-related
activities is consistent with the significance of project impacts.

In conclusion, the last mile connectivity project will ensure supply of electricity at an affordable cost to customers,
connection of more customers to the national grid and improvement of security in different areas through availability
of reliable electricity. On the other hand, negative impact of the project which include; oil leaks from transformers,
shock and electrocution of people as well as noise from construction will be mitigated as outlined in the ESMP. On
the basis of the above and taking cognizance that the company has proved to be environmentally and socially
credible, it is important to have the project implemented to enhance economic wellbeing of the society.

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1.1 Introduction and project brief
The Government of Kenya has pledged to stimulate economic growth and accelerate job creation to improve the
economic wellbeing of Kenyans. Among the many interventions to achieve this is expansion of the power distribution
system to be within reach and thus enable more Kenyans connect to the grid at affordable cost and hence initiate
economic activities at the micro-economic level. The current trend of network expansion driven by customer demand
is approaching saturation. In the foreseeable future there is a likelihood of the annual connectivity stagnating at the
300,000-400,000 level. To jumpstart and accelerate connectivity, a new thinking is needed as happened in 2004.

To reduce the cost burden of increased connectivity on KPLC, as well as reduce the amount paid by the customer to
connect to the grid, the strategy proposed is to extend the distribution network to as near the customer as possible
using external or government funding. This can initially be achieved by extending the low voltage network on existing
and other upcoming distribution transformers to reach households lying within transformer protection distance
(maximization). This model would involve building low voltage lines both single phase and three phase (to a small
extent) along rural access roads.
KPLC has a total of 35,000 distribution transformers spread across the country. The transformers were installed for
various reasons, i.e., for new customers, reinforcement of existing transformers due to load growth, reinforcement to
reduce length of the low voltage lines hence improve transformer protected distances, etc. As such majority of the
transformers will be having varied lengths of the low voltage network emanating from them, some of which will be
passing in close proximity to ready and potential customers.
Data collected from KPLC regions indicates that the company has potential to connect approximately 472,002
households that are within 600 meters of the transformers through individual service lines. Of these households,
some will be within developed areas, majority of who will be reached by a service cable drop or a pole or two,
whereas in the expansive zones in the peri-urban and rural areas, construction of a 600m low voltage line for a single
customer will not be an exception. Based on an average of two spans (@ 50m) single phase LV line, 30m service
cable drop (10% of the service drops assumed to be three phase), 40km return transport and implementation by
labour and transport contractors, the projected cost of connecting all these households is approximately USD
685million (KShs. 58.2Billion).
In the financial year 2011/2012, KPLC connected 307,000 customers to the grid after implementing 123,000
maximization projects. In effect each maximization project generated approximately 2.496 customers.
With data collected from the field showing that there exist approximately 472,002 households within reach of
distribution transformers, implementation of the network to reach them will result in connection of approximately
1.2million customers.

The AfDB has proposed to fund the project to the tune of US$ 153.4 million (exclusive of taxes, Levies and duties).
With this in mind, a criterion has been proposed to define which parts of the country will benefit from the fund. The
number of customers to be reached with the proposed funding is 200,000 at a total cost of USD 153.4million.

1.1.1 Importance of LMCP

Last mile connectivity project is important in that it will ensure that the vast infrastructure that the company has
invested in is fully utilized and that more customers are connected to the grid. It is important also because it will lead
to improved standards of living as it will result in connection of 1.2 million people.

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1.1.2 Justification of LMCP
The Last Mile Connectivity Project is justified in that it will facilitate the government`s vision of achieving universal
power connection by the year 2030.

1.2 The Project Overview

The Last Mile Connectivity Project for Lot 1 shall be undertaken in the North rift region which comprises the following
counties; Nandi, Uasin- Gishu, Trans- Nzoia, Baringo, Elgeyo Marakwet, West Pokot and Turkana. The baseline
information for the proposed project area considers population densities of project sites, vegetation distribution,
climatic conditions, topography and soils. The proposed project area`s population varies by county but notably the
major urban areas like Eldoret and Kitale are densely populated. This is attributed to improved infrastructure,
business opportunities among other factors.

The screening process also considered potential impacts of the connectivity project on Land value, job opportunities,
income and economic activities. Findings reveal that implementation of the connectivity project within the Counties
shall increase land value, create job opportunities and provide more income for persons opting for business ventures.

1.2.1 Location of the project

The North Rift region is located to the northern part of the Rift Valley in Kenya and is made up of eight counties
namely; Turkana, Baringo, Elgeyo Marakwet, Nandi, Uasin Gishu, West Pokot, and Trans-Nzoia.

The environmental and social screening was carried out in Elgeyo Marakwet, Nandi, Baringo, Transzoia, Uasin Gishu
and West Pokot Counties. The Environmental and social characteristics of these areas were identified based on;
population density, existing land uses, vegetation, topography, soil types, general ecological setting and public
safety. These factors contributed to the settlement patterns and therefore the population densities varied with
Turkana, West Pokot and Baringo having very low population densities whereas Nandi, Uasin Gishu and Transzoia
had the highest population densities.

1.2.2 Baseline information of the project sites

This gives background information of the project area in terms of its location, size, administrative and political units,
physical features description, settlement patterns, demographic features and natural conditions Population
The region has varying population densities in the different counties but it is estimated that the North Rift region has a
population of 5.2 million people with the major towns like Eldoret and Kitale accounting for high population.

Nandi County occupies an area of 2,884.4 Km2. Geographically, the unique jug-shaped structure of Nandi County is
bound by the Equator to the south and extends northwards to latitude 0034’N. The Western boundary extends to
Longitude 34045’E, while the Eastern boundary reaches Longitude 35025’E. According to a 2009 census, the county
has a population of 752,965.
Uasin Gishu County is located on a plateau and has a cool and temperate climate. It lies between Longitudes 340 50‟
East and 350 37‟ West and Latitudes 00 03‟ South and 00 55‟ North. It covers an area of 3,345.2Km2 with
476.3Km2 under forest cover according to the 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census. According to the 2009
Population and Housing Census, the total population of Uasin Gishu County stood at 894,179. With a population

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growth rate of 3.8%, the total population is projected to grow to 1,211,853 by 2017. The population density is 267
persons per sq. Km. which is expected to increase to 362 persons per sq. km. by 2017. In 2012, the population age
group between 0 to 14 years was 41.4%, while the economically active age group of between 15 and 64 years
accounted for 55.7% and those above 64 years accounting for 2.9% of the total population.
Elgeyo Marakwet County is located in the Rift Valley and It covers an area of 3,029.8Km2. According to the 2009
Kenya Population and Housing Census the population is 369,998 with a population density of 122 people per
Km2 and an annual growth rate of 2.8%. Age Distribution is; 0-14 years 46.4%, 15-64 years 49.6 %, 65+ years 4.0
West Pokot County is a county of Kenya. It lies between latitudes 240 40’North, and 10 7’North and longitudes
340 37’East and 350 49’East. It covers an area of 9,169.39 Sq. Km. The County has a total population of 512,690
persons, with male population constituting 49.7 percent while the female are at 50.3 percent female. The growth rate
of the county stands at 3.1 percent per annum. The county has a total of 93,777 Households (HH) according to the
2009 population census. The population density is estimated at 56 people per Km2 with 69 percent of the population
living below the poverty line. The County is home to mainly the Pokot people, with the dominant community being the
Kalenjin, speaking people. The county’s population is expected to grow to 683,808 by 2017.

Baringo County covers an area of about 11,015 km2. The 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census (KPHC)
(GoK, 2010) put the county’s population at 555,561 (279,081 males and 276,480 females). The county’s inter-
censual growth rate is 3.3% per annum which is above the national average of 3%. The population of the county is
projected to be 613,376 in 2012 consisting of 308,124 males and 305,252 females. This population is further
projected to increase to 677,209 and 723,411 in 2015 and 2017 respectively. Out of the total labour force in the
county, 68% are unemployed. The major sources of employment are: agriculture, rural self-employed, urban self-
employed and wage employment. Wage employment is the main source of employment in the county, generating
about 34 per cent of the total employment.

Trans Nzoia County covers an area of 2,495.6 km2. The county population as per the 2009 population census was
818,757 (407,172 males and 411,585 females). The 2012 projected population based on a growth rate of 3% was
912,134 (453,525 males and 458,525 females). By 2015, the population is projected to grow to 1,016,161 (505,342
males and 510,819 females) and to 1,092,023 (543,069 males and 548,955 females) by 2017. The increase in the
overall population calls for more investment in economic and social facilities, education, agriculture, health as well as
creating employment opportunities. Vegetation
The area has vast vegetation cover comprising of planted forests, medicinal plants, exotic and indigenous tree
species in different areas. The project area is also characterized by large maize farms as well as small agricultural
fields especially in Uasin Gishu and Trans Nzoia counties. Topography
Nandi County occupies 2,884.4 km2 of land characterized by hilly topography that includes an outcrop of basement
systems rocks. The dissected scarp at the Southern border of the Sub-County is another manifestation of rock
exposure. The physiographic outlook of Nandi County is composed of five units with typical topography namely: the
rolling hills to the West of the County, the Kapsabet plateau (part of Uasin Gishu plateau), the wooded
highlands and foothills of Tinderet Volcanic mass in the South East, the Kingwal swamp in the centre (Baraton-
Chepterit) and the dissected Nyando Escarpment at the Southern border (Nandi South Sub-County).

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The Kerio River binds Elgeyo Marakwet County on the eastern side. From its alluvial plain the topography gradually
rises towards the west. The Elgeyo Escarpment stands out distinctly and causes elevation differences of up to 1,500
m. In the northern and southern part of the county the topography is rugged, giving way to more subdued relief
differences going westwards. The underlying geology mainly consists of gneisses from the Basement System.
The Cherangany Hills rise gently to form the western half of the Great Rift Valley and extend northwest in a broken
chain to Mount Moroto in Uganda. Non-volcanic in origin, the Cherangany Hills resulted from faulting in the Rift
Valley. The range is approximately 30 miles (48 km) long and 25 miles (40 km) wide and averages 9,000 feet (2,700
metres) in height; its highest point reaches more than 11,000 feet (3,370 metres). Many of the summits are covered
with huge groundsels and lobelias. Some of the hills include Kameleogon (3581 m), Chebon (3375 m), Chepkotet
(3370 m), Alaleigelat (3350 m) and Sodang (3211 m). Climate
Uasin Gishu County experiences high and reliable rainfall which is evenly distributed throughout the year. The
average rainfall ranges between 624.9mm to 1,560.4mm with the wettest months occurring between the months of
April and May and the driest months occurring between January and February. It has a cool and temperate climate,
with annual temperatures ranging between 70C and 290C.
Situated in the slopes of the mountain, Trans Nzoia County has a cool and temperate climate with average annual
temperatures ranging between a minimum of 10°C to a maximum of 27°C. The county receives annual precipitation
ranging between 1000 and 1200mm, with the wettest months being experienced between April and October.

Elgeyo Marakwet County has temperatures ranging from a minimum of 14 °C to a maximum of 24 °C. Rainfall
ranges from 400 to 1,400 mm annually.
Nandi County has a cool wet climate with two rainy seasons; the long rains between March and June, and the short
rains between October and November. The rainfall varies between 1,200 mm and 2,000 mm annually, with
temperatures of between 15°C and 25°C. Soils
The dominant soil type in the proposed project area is loam soil (mixture of clay and sandy soil). The soil is ideal for
farming since its very fertile, well drained and has moderate moisture retention capabilities. Other parts especially in
Baringo County have sandy soils which support scanty vegetation.

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1.3 Project screening

1.3.1 Introduction of screening

Environmental and social screening is a process carried out to determine whether a given project requires EIA or not.
This is done through identifying the potential positive and negative impacts of the project. The table below shows the
environmental and social characteristics of the proposed project sites.

1.3.2 Objective of screening

The main objective of the screening process is to determine the potential adverse environmental and social impacts
of the proposed project which in turn informs whether an Environmental Impact Assessment should be undertaken.

1.3.3 Importance of screening

Environmental and social screening is undertaken to enhance environmental and social sustainability of the proposed
projects. The screening process focuses on both environmental and social benefits of a project and the potential
negative impact. The aim of the screening process is thus to identify and manage environmental and social risks that
could be associated with proposed projects. As a result, an environmental and social management plan is developed
assigning responsibilities, actions and mitigation measures for identified negative impacts.

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Environmental and social characteristics of the proposed project sites are as below:

Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Sparsely  Commercial (Markets)  Natural vegetation acacia Gently sloping Sandy soil Terrestrial Public safety awareness be
populated  Residential and shrubs birds conducted to alleviate
 Churches accidents especially on
 Schools livestock.
 Agricultural
 Administrative


Medium and Commercial  Trees and planted edges e.g. Sloppy Sandy soil Terrestrial Public safety awareness be
other places Churches Cyprus, Shrubs, Acacia, Avocado, birds conducted to alleviate
Low Residential oranges and croton accidents especially on
Agricultural livestock
Health facilities
 Schools


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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium to  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, Relatively flat Loam soil Terrestrial Area connected to power
high (Markets) Croton, Cyprus Eucalyptus, birds and need for public safety
 Residential avocado, blue gum, Nandi awareness
 Churches flame and bananas.
 Schools  Natural vegetation Aloe
 Agricultural Vera, Elgon teak, Oak,
Lantana camara and wild


High  Commercial Natural vegetation like grass, herbs Relatively flat Loam soil Terrestrial Area connected to power.
especially (Markets) and shrubs. birds Need for Public safety
close to  Residential Planted vegetation like Croton, awareness
Ravine town  Churches Cyprus, sisal, blue gum and
and medium  Schools gravellea
on other  Informal
areas settlements

Medium  Commercial  Natural vegetation: Flat Loam soil Terrestrial Livestock rearing is
(shops) acacia, shrubs birds dominant in the area
 Residential  Planted vegetation: sisal, therefore safety
 Churches gravelia considerations for the
 Schools same.
 Health facilities
Agricultural -


Medium  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. wattle Relatively flat Red soil Terrestrial The infrastructure in most

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
(shops) trees, blue gum and birds parts of Kapseret is well
 Residential bananas, Cyprus, acacia done. Public safety
 Churches  Natural vegetation grass awareness should be
 Schools undertaken to ensure
 Health facilities proper use of the
 Agricultural - infrastructure

Medium  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, Gentle sloping Loam soil Terrestrial The project will benefit the
(Markets) Quavas, Acacia, birds community especially
 Residential Eucalyptus Wattle tree and farmers in the area.
 Churches Croton
 Schools  Natural vegetation
 Agricultural – dominated by grass
maize, bananas, scattered Lantana Camara
napier, livestock


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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium and  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Sisal, Relatively flat Red soil Terrestrial Most TXs are along the
high in some (Markets) acacia, wattle tree, birds, wayleaves therefore
areas  Residential Eucalyptus, Kay apples and minimum safety concerns.
 Churches Sodom apple.
 Schools  Natural vegetation grass,
 Health facilities herbs, shrubs
 Agricultural -
maize & Livestock

Medium  Commercial  Planted e.g. Sugarcane, Relatively flat Loam Terrestrial Way leaves will be
(Markets) Croton, Grevillea, Mangoes, soils birds maintained
 Residential Eucalyptus, Cyprus,
 Churches Avocado trees, bananas,
 Schools wattle trees, sun flower,
 Health facilities nappier grass, croton
 Water points  Natural vegetation Acacia,
 Agricultural – grass, herbs, shrubs,
Sugarcane, Lantana Camara, wild
Napier grass, berries
sunflower and
Dairy Livestock


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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium and  Commercial  Planted e.g. Sugarcane, Gently sloping Red soil Terrestrial
high (Markets) Croton, Grevillea, Mangoes, and other places birds
 Residential Wattle trees, Eucalyptus, relatively flat,
 Churches Pine, Cyprus, Nandi flame,
 Schools Bamboo, Kay apples,
 Health facilities Bananas, Avocado trees,
 Water points  Natural vegetation grass,
 Agricultural – herbs, shrubs, Lantana
Sugarcane, Camara
Napier grass &
Dairy Livestock
Sparsely  Commercial  Planted e.g. Croton, Gently sloping Red soil Terrestrial Way leaves will be
populated (Markets) Grevillea, Mangoes, and other places birds maintained
 Residential Eucalyptus, Cyprus, Relatively flat
 Churches Avocado trees, bananas,
 Schools Kay Apple, acacia , Nandi
 Health facilities flame
 Water points  Natural vegetation grass,
 Agricultural – herbs, shrubs, Lantana
Sugarcane and Camara, Sodom apple
Dairy Livestock



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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Sparsely  Commercial  Planted e.g Sisal Sloping Sandy Terrestrial Most Txs to be maximized
populated (Markets)  Natural vegetation e.g Soil birds are in schools hence need
 Residential shrubs, cactus and acacia for safety awareness
 Churches
 Schools
 Health facilities
 Water points
 Agricultural –

Medium and  Commercial  Planted trees e.g.avocado Gently sloping Loam soil Terrestrial Most of the TXs to be
high (Markets) croton, gravellia, birds maximized are in schools
 Residential eucalyptus, pine, Nandi therefore the need for
 Churches flame, macamia lutea and safety awareness in these
 Schools Cyprus. institutions.
 Health facilities  Natural vegetation grass,
 Agricultural - Tea herbs, shrubs
Bananas, maize
& Livestock


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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, Gently sloping Sandy Terrestrial Some parts have poor
(Markets) croton, avocado, sisal, loam soil birds terrain hence caution
 Residential Nandi flame and Kay apples and black should be taken during the
 Churches  Natural vegetation e.g cotton soil project implementation
 Schools cactus, acacia and shrubs
 Health facilities
 Agricultural -
maize & Livestock


Medium  Commercial  Planted e.g. Cyprus, Relatively flat Red soil Terrestrial There is a water pan close
(Markets) eucalyptus, wattle trees, birds to TX no. 28066 but will not
 Residential croton and Sodom apples, be affected during
 Churches Kay apples, croton, maize, maximization.
 Schools bananas
 Health facilities  Natural vegetation grass,
 Water points herbs, shrubs, acacia.
 Agricultural –
Sugarcane and
Dairy Livestock


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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Dense to  Commercial  Planted e.g. Sugarcane, Gently sloping Loam Soil Terrestrial Some parts have poor
Medium (Markets) Croton, Gravellia, with some parts with some birds terrain hence caution
population  Residential Eucalyptus Cyprus, wheat, having steep parts should be taken during the
 Churches sun flowers slopes having red project implementation.
 Schools  Natural vegetation Guavas, soil
 Health facilities grass, herbs, shrubs.
 Water points
 Agricultural –
bananas, maize,
wheat and
Medium to  Commercial  Planted e.g. Nandi flame, Gently sloping Red soil Terrestrial Way leaves to be
high (Markets) Cyprus, lantana camara, birds maintained.
 Residential eucalyptus, sodom apples,
 Churches avocados and bananas,
 Schools nandi flame.
 Health facilities  Natural vegetation grass,
 Water points herbs, shrubs
 Agricultural –
maize, Bananas,


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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium  Commercial  Planted e.g. Avocados, Gently sloping Red soil Terrestrial The Tx in Mubere Primary
(Markets) Croton, Quavas, bananas, birds (Kaibei) area is new and
 Residential Eucalyptus, Cyprus, Kay unmarked.
 Churches apples.
 Schools  Natural vegetation grass,
 Health facilities herbs, shrubs, acacia.
 Water points
 Agricultural –
maize, , Bananas,
High  Commercial  Planted e.g. Avocados, Relatively flat Red soil Terrestrial Some immediate homes
(Markets) Nandi flame, Croton, birds not connected to electricity.
 Residential Grevillea, Mangoes, Nandi
 Churches, flames, Eucalyptus, Cyprus,
Mosque bananas
 Schools  Natural vegetation grass,
 Health facilities herbs, shrubs
 Water points


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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium and  Commercial  Planted e.g. quavas, Relatively flat Red soil Terrestrial The farmers in the region
high (Markets) Cyprus, gravellia, croton, birds will benefit from this
 Residential bananas, Kay apples. project. Especially dairy
 Churches  Natural vegetation grass, farmers
 Schools herbs, shrubs, Lantana
 Health facilities Camara, acacia, wild
 Water points berries, Sodom apple ,
 Agricultural –
Sugarcane and
Dairy Livestock

Medium and  Commercial  Planted e.g. Sugarcane, Relatively flat Red soil Terrestrial There is a proposed school
high (Markets) Croton, Grevillea, Mangoes, birds (Chris Wamalwa School)
 Residential Eucalyptus, Cyprus, next to TX no. 23641 which
 Churches Avocado trees, sisal, will benefit from the project.
 Schools Nappier grass
 Health facilities  Natural vegetation Acacia,
 Water points grass, herbs, shrubs,
 Agricultural – Lantana Camara
Sugarcane and
Dairy Livestock


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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
High  Commercial Planted : wattle trees, eucalyptus, Slopping Red soil Terrestrial The wayleaves are existing
(Markets) Cyprus, tea, birds and should be maintained
 Residential Natural : Sodom apple
 Churches
 Schools
 Health facilities
 Water points
Agricultural – Sugarcane
and Dairy Livestock

Medium  Commercial Planted: croton, Cyprus, wattle Gentle sloping Black Terrestrial The sloppy nature of the
(Markets) trees, sugarcane cotton soil birds terrain makes it hard to
 Residential Natural : Sodom apple, access.
 Churches
 Schools
 Health facilities
 Water points
Agricultural – Sugarcane
and Dairy Livestock

Medium and  Commercial Planted: Eucalyptus, Wattle trees, Relatively flat Red soil Terrestrial Way leaves will be
high in some (Markets) Cyprus and Nandi flame. birds maintained
areas  Residential
 Churches
 Schools
 Health facilities
Agricultural –maize,

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological

High  Commercial Planted: Eucalyptus, wattle trees, Relatively flat Red soil Terrestrial A big population will benefit
(Markets) Cyprus and croton, gravellia birds from the project since most
 Residential of them are in close
 Churches proximity to the TXs
 Schools
 Health facilities
Agricultural – Tea,

High  Commercial Planted: Croton, tea, Gentle sloping Red soil Terrestrial Most TXs are in learning
(Markets) Cyprus,eucalyptus birds institutions hence need for
 Residential Natural: Sodom apple, acacia Public safety awareness
 Churches
 Schools
 Health facilities
Agricultural – Tea,


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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium in  Commercial (Markets) Planted trees e.g. Neam, Relatively flat in Sandy loam Terrestrial TX 23518 at KWS is
Kainuk and  Residential Ornamental trees town and gentle animals and faulty, TX 22385 not
low at KWS  Churches  Natural vegetation dominated by slope near birds marked on ground
TX  Schools Acacia and Prosopis Catholic
 Mosques
 Administrative
 Ranch land


Medium  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Neam, Relatively flat and Sandy and Terrestrial TXs 100610,
(Markets)  Natural vegetation dominated by gentle slopy Sandy animals and 100608,100602, 100601
 Residential Acacia and Prosopis loam birds not marked on ground
 Schools
 Mosques
 Administrative
 Airstrip

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1.4 Potential impacts of the project

1.4.1 Positive impacts

4.1.1. Health benefit of the project

Although access to electricity has improved a majority of Kenyans are still using kerosene for lighting. This poses
health problems as reported by World Bank report 2008 on the Welfare of Rural Electrification. The report notes that
kerosene lamps emit particles that cause air pollution; these are measured by the concentration of the smallest
particles per cubic meter (PM10). Burning a liter of kerosene emits PM51 micrograms per hour, which is just above
the World Health Organization 24-hour mean standard of PM10 of 50 micrograms per cubic meter. But these
particles do not disperse, so burning a lamp for four hours can result in concentrations several times the World
Health Organization standard. The health risks posed by this indoor air pollution mainly include acute lower
respiratory infections, but also low birth weight, infant mortality, and pulmonary tuberculosis. Additionally available
data suggest that insufficient illumination (low light) conditions can cause some degree of eye strain, and reading in
these conditions over long periods of time may have the potential to increase the development of nearsightedness
(myopia) in children and adults. The Last Mile project will result in many families replacing kerosene lamps for lighting
with electricity there-by reducing disease burden at the family level and on the government.

4.1.2. Benefits to education

Access to electricity at the household level and schools will create opportunities for children to study. For example
children from households with electricity have an advantage because they have more time for study and doing
homework in the evening as opposed to children from households without electricity. This benefit will in the end
translate to better results. Additionally children in households with electricity can also access T.V. which gives them
an advantage of benefiting from education programs being aired through such communication channels. Appropriate
lighting through electricity will provide school going children in homes an opportunity to study after household chores
especially girls who have to assist their mothers in preparing dinner.

4.1.3. Improved standard of living

The implementation of this project will result in connecting about 851,149 beneficiaries to the national grid. Access to
electricity will change the standard of living of the people as they can use domestic appliances like iron boxes,
fridges, television sets, washing machines to mention but a few. Use of electricity for lighting implies that the people
will not be exposed to smoke arising from use of kerosene lamps which predisposes people to respiratory diseases.

4.1.4. Increase in Revenues

The implementation of the project will boost income streams accrued from increased sales of electricity to KPLC in
the long run. Though not in the short term, these revenues will go to system reinforcement to ensure reliable quality
supply while some of it goes to the government as taxes which results in improvement in service provision by the
government to its citizens.

4.1.5. Security
There will be enhanced security in the country arising from well-lit social, commercial and individual premises. With
the implementation of the project, the level of security will increase across the country. This is as a result of more
security lights which helps keep off opportunistic crimes and gender based violence.

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1.4.2 Negative impacts
4.2.1 Occupation safety and health hazards
During construction many people will be engaged in activities such as pole and conductor wiring and working at
heights. Workers can be exposed to occupational risks like falling from heights, being pressed by poles etc.

4.2.2. Electric shocks and electrocution of people

Electricity, though a good master and a bad servant, is a hazard and safety precautions must be adhered to and
properly used. Within the households electric shocks are likely in case of poor handling of electricity such as using
wet hands, poor wiring and overloading of sockets.

4.2.3. Public health risk

At project implementation many new workers will be involved and new interactions between people are likely to take
place. These interactions are likely to pose risks to the social fabric of the society. Such risks include public health
related issues such as (HIV/AIDS, communicable and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

4.2.4. Oil Leaks from transformers

Transformers can experience a leak arising from a fault, poor handling and vandalism. These leaks may result in
potential contamination of surface and groundwater as well as soil.

4.2.5. Noise during construction

Noise pollution from the proposed development during construction noise will be generated from the construction
machines and construction workers

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1.5 Environmental and Social Management Plan
The Environmental and social management plan for the proposed development projects allows for identification of
environmental and social impacts, development of mitigation measures, management actions and establishment of a
structure to ensure effective implementation of the mitigation measures. ESMP is an important outcome of the
environmental and social screening process as it provides a checklist for project monitoring and evaluation. The
ESMP specifies the mitigation and management measures that the proponent shall undertake and shows how the
project shall mobilize organizational capacity and resources to implement these measures.

The environmental and Social Management Plan is as shown below:

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Minimize vegetation disturbance along construction site
Vegetation Disturbance 1 Properly demarcate the project area Project Engineer and Contractor 1 Month 1) 3,00
to be cleared during installation of 0.00
supply cables
2 Designate parking lots within the
project area to prevent vegetation 2) 0.00
3 Introduction of trees within the
project area in replacement of 3) 30,0
disturbed vegetation 00.00

Reduce soil erosion and surface run off

Increased soil erosion and surface 1) Ensure leveling of the project site Project engineer and contractor Throughout 1) 0.00
run off to reduce run off velocity and construction period
increase infiltration of storm water
2) Site excavation works be planned
in such a manner that a section is 2) 2,000.00 per
completed and rehabilitated before unit
another commences

Air Pollution
Dust emission 1) Avoid excavation works in Project engineer and contractor Throughout project 30,000.00
extremely dry seasons period
2) Sprinkle water on degraded
access routes to reduce dust
emission during transportation of
materials to project sites
3) Provide and ensure use of
appropriate personal protective

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
equipment by workers on site

Exhaust emission 1) Minimize vehicle idling time 0.00

2) Sensitize truck drivers to avoid
unnecessary running engines on
stationery vehicles and switch off
engines whenever possible

Minimize occupational safety and health risks

Open excavations 1) Barricade the Project engineer and contractor Throughout project 2,000.00
proposed project area using period
high visibility tape to avoid
falls into open excavations

Working at height 1) Provide appropriate Contractor and project engineer Throughout project 1) 50,000.00
personal protective period
equipment for workers
involved in activities above 2
meters from ground level
2) Whenever using scaffolds 2) 0.00
ensure workers maintain a
secure clearance from
power lines.
3) Test the power lines to 3) 0.00
ensure they are shut down
before work
4) Provide storage bags for 4) 0.00
portable tools used while
working at height.

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Safety And Health Awareness 1) Carry out safety and health Contractor and project engineer Throughout project 0.00
inductions and toolbox talks period
for all workers involved in
the project to enhance
awareness on safety and
health requirements.

Pricks and cuts 1) Ensure project area is kept Contractor and project engineer Throughout project 1) 0.00
free of sharp objects period
2) Provide appropriate PPEs to 2) 20,000.00
workers within the site
Public Safety and Health
Shocks and electrocutions 1) Create awareness to the Contractor and proponent Before commencement 5,000.00
public on the potential of the project
impacts of powered lines to
prevent electrical hazards
Project infrastructure 1) Create public awareness on
the need to protect public
infrastructure for continued
supply of electricity and to
minimize exposure to
electrical hazards

HIV/AIDS 1) Create awareness to the

public and workers on
HIV/AIDS and liaise with the
ministry of health to provide
protection for use when

Social Vices 1) Awareness creation to the

public and liaising with area
administration to enhance

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)

Damage to property
Damage to structures erected on1) Ensure timely dissemination of Contractor and proponent Before commencement 5,000.00
the way leaves information on the need to carry out of the project
works on occupied way leaves to
allow for relocation of erected

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1.6 Conclusion and recommendation
The Last Mile connectivity project will have numerous positive impacts not only to the company but also to the
consumers especially those in low income groups. This is through improved security especially in areas that do not
have power connection, improving living standards, ensuring social inclusion, enhancing communication among
people through television and radios as well as benefiting education in Kenya especially through connecting schools.
Negative impacts resulting from construction and implementation of the project include: emission of exhaust fumes,
solid wastes generation, transformer oil leaks, shocks and electrocutions and noise during construction among others
shall be adequately mitigated.

The company is committed to putting in place several measures to mitigate the negative environmental, safety,
health and social impacts associated with the life cycle of the project. It is recommended that in addition to this
commitment, the company focuses on implementing the measures outlined in the ESMP as well as adhering to all
relevant national and international environmental, health and safety standards, policies and regulations that govern
establishment and operation of such projects.

It is also recommended that the positive impacts that emanate from the LMCP be maximised as much as possible. It
is expected that these measures will go a long way in ensuring the best possible environmental compliance and
performance standards.

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2.1.1 Last Mile Connectivity Project

The Government of Kenya has pledged to stimulate economic growth and accelerate job creation for economic
wellbeing of Kenyans. This pledge can mainly be achieved through expansion of power distribution system to be
within reach of more Kenyans thus enabling them connect to the grid at affordable costs. The need to reduce cost
burden of increased connectivity on Kenya Power as well as reduce amount paid by customer to connect to the grid
resulted into conception of Last Mile Connectivity Project.

The Last Mile Connectivity Project benefits from external funding and aims at extending low voltage network on
existing distribution transformers; to households lying within transformer protection distance. The project involves
building low voltage lines both single phase and three phase along rural access roads. The project also focuses on
availing service connection including meters to customers’ premises prior to engaging customers for payment.
Therefore, activities such as way leaves acquisitions together with attendant county and other authorities’ permits
and approvals, materials procurement/delivery logistics, construction, etc. shall be dealt with prior to the customer
being requested to connect.

Benefits of Last Mile Connectivity project include:

i. Accelerated access to electricity;

ii. Improved standards of construction hence improved quality of supply;
iii. Provision of new supply in a shorter time;
iv. Opportunity for the company to develop long term network expansion plans.
Last Mile Connectivity Project aims at ensuring increased access to electricity, especially among low income groups.
The company will make use of the existing 35,000 distribution transformers to connect approximately 1.2 million
customers. The project does not expect any resettlement but there will be need to compensate people whose assets
e.g. crops and trees will be damaged during project implementation.

2.1.2 Justification of the project

Kenya Power being the sole supplier of electricity and having implemented policies and engaged in maximization
projects to ensure increased connectivity to electricity to customers’; it has foreseen network expansion driven by
customer demand approaching saturation. As such, there is need to have a new approach to jumpstart and
accelerate connectivity at a subsidized cost to consumers.

Despite increasing demand for supply of electricity at a subsidized cost among low income groups, the company has
not been able to successfully achieve the need due to increased costs of all inputs used in the process. Therefore,
implementation of Last Mile Connectivity Project; which benefits from external funding, is a sure way of connecting
more consumers, especially low income groups to the grid. This will ensure achievement of government pledge to
stimulate economic growth and accelerate job creation for economic wellbeing of Kenyans; provision of new supply in
a shorter duration of time and availability of reliable power supply.

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The Last Mile Connectivity Project for LOT 2 shall be undertaken for identified transformers located within
constituencies in Kisumu County (Kisumu Central, Kisumu East, Kisumu West, Seme, Muhoroni, Nyando and
Nyakach); Vihiga County (Luanda, Emuhaya, Hamisi, Sabatia and Vihiga); Bungoma County (Bumula, Kanduyi,
Kimilili, Sirisia, Kabuchai, Webuye West, Webuye East, Tongaren and Mt Elgon); Kakamega County (Lugari,
Likayuni, Malava, Navakholo, Lurambi, Shinyalu, Ikolomani, Mumias West, Mumias East, Mutungu, Kwisero and
Butere); Busia County (Budalangi, Teso South, Nambale, Matayos, Teso North, Butula and Funyula) and Siaya
County (Ugenya, Ugunja, Alego Usonga, Gem, Bondo and Rarieda).

2.2.1 Baseline information of the project area

Some of the environmental and social aspects considered for Last Mile Connectivity Project include; population,
vegetation distribution, topography, climate and soils.

2.2.2 Population
The project area is mainly characterized by High, medium and low population densities. High population densities
mostly in urban and some peri-urban areas; medium population densities in peri-urban and some rural areas and
Low population densities in rural areas. Some rural areas are also characterized by high population density. The
main communities residing in the project area are sub groups of the Abaluhya and Luo communities. There are other
communities who have settled in the project area because of employment, commercial activities or intermarriages.
The communities mostly speak tribal languages and due to close interactions and education, Kiswahili and English
are also widely spoken. Data collected over a period of time describe the area population as below:

The 2013 projected population for Bungoma County based on the growth rate of 3.1% is 1,557,236 (Male 760,564
Female 796,672). The projections for 2015 give the County a population of 1,655,281 (Male 808,449, Female
846,832) and by 2017 the population is projected to be 1,759,499 (Male 859,350 and Female 900,149). The Male to
Female ratio is 1: 1.2. The county has a growing population with varying demographics, which include fertility,
mortality, birth rates, migrations, immigrations among others.

According to the 2009 National Population and Housing Census, Vihiga County had a population of 554,622, with a
population density of 1044 persons per square km, one of the highest in the country. 7.8 % of the population were
male while 52.2% were female. The county population is estimated to have grown to 572,577 persons in 2012 and is
projected to grow to 603,856 persons in 2017 (KNBS 2013).

The 2012 population of Busia was estimated to be 816,452with females numbering 425,622 (53.13%) and the males
390,830 (47.87%) respectively. By the year 2017, the population is estimated to have grown to a total of
953,337(456,356 males and 496,981 females). Out of the estimated total population in 2012, a total of 144,616
(17.71%) people were below the age of five years while in 2017 the number is expected to be 168, 862.

The population of Kisumu County as at 2015 was a total of 1,098,560 (538,231 males and 560,329 female). The total
population of the County is expected to increase to 1,145, 747 (561,351 male and 584, 396 female) by 2017. The
population density of Kisumu County is influenced by climatic conditions, topography, soil composition, and
infrastructure and land ownership in the County.

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2.2.3 Vegetation Distribution
The project site has some lowland and montane rainforest in the western highlands and on higher hills and
mountains along the southern border. Highest diversities in vegetation within the area are in Kakamega forest which
has indigenous species such as Elgon Teak, Red stinkwood and African satinwood. Other trees available in the
project site include; woody trees, fruit trees, herbal plants and ornamental plants. The project area also has tree
farms as well as planted forests to enhance tree cover within the area. Most of the planted forest comprise of exotic
tree species such as eucalyptus, Grivellia, pine and cypress among others. Locally in tree coverage parts of the
project area such as Siaya County has an average of 2.9%.

2.2.4 Topography
Topographic information of the project area is discussed per county as below:

Kisumu County is divided into 3 topographical zones namely: the Kano Plains, the upland area of Nyabondo Plateau
and the midland areas of Maseno. The Kano Plains lie on the floor of the Rift Valley, which is a flat stretch bordered
to the North and East by the escarpment, while the upland area comprise ridges which rise gently to an altitude of
1,835m above sea level.

The altitude of Bungoma County ranges from over 4,321m (Mt. Elgon) to 1200m above sea level. Mount Elgon is a
4,321m high extinct volcano, Kenya’s second highest mountain (after Mount Kenya). The County has only one
gazetted forest, the Mt. Elgon forest reserve which measures 618.2Km2, and one National park, which measures
50.683 Km2. It is the source of major rivers including the Nile, Nzoia, Kuywa, sosio, Kibisi and Sio-Malaba/Malakisi.

Vihiga County has undulating hills and valleys with streams flowing from northeast to southwest and draining into
Lake Victoria. There are two main rivers, Yala and Esalwa, which drain into Lake Victoria. The County experiences
High River -line erosion. Consequently, the eroded soils are swept to Kisumu County where they are deposited
mainly as building sand.

Most parts of Busia County fall within the Lake Victoria Basin. The altitude is undulating and rises from about 1,130m
above sea level at the shores of Lake Victoria to a maximum of about 1,500m in the Samia and North Teso Hills. The
central part of the county, especially Butula and Nambale Sub-counties, are occupied by a peneplain marked by low
flat divides of approximately uniform height, often capped by lateritic and a shallowly incised swampy drainage

Siaya County has three major geomorphologic areas namely: Dissected Uplands, Moderate Lowlands and Yala
Swamp. These have different relief, soils and land use patterns. The altitude of the County rises from 1,140m on the
shores of Lake Victoria to 1,400m above sea level on the North. There are few hills found in the County namely;
Mbaga, Odiado, Akala, Regea, Nyambare, Usenge, Ramogi hills, Rambugu, Abiero, Sirafuongo and Naya hills. River
Nzoia and Yala traverse the County and enter Lake Victoria through the Yala Swamp.

2.2.5 Climate
The project area records some of the highest amounts of rainfall in the country with parts of Vihiga, Bungoma, Busia
and Kakamega Counties famed for their evergreen farms. Kisumu County, which is the heart of Lake Victoria exhibits
the most unique climate in the area. It records temperatures as high as 350C and despite the scorching sun, the
county receives a lot of rainfall with weather analysts recording annual rainfall of 1200mm and above.

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Vihiga County records an average annual rainfall of 1900mm with temperature ranging between 140C – 320C. Busia
County also records high amounts of rainfall throughout the year; ranging from 760mm in to 2000mm and maximum
temperatures between 260C and 300C. Minimum temperatures recorded in the county range between 140C and 220C.

Bungoma County experiences rainfall ranging between 400mm to 1800mm annually and temperatures ranging
between 00C at Mt Elgon Peak to the highest of 320C at other altitudes of the County. Siaya County receives rainfall
ranging from 800mm to 2000mm in the highlands while lowland areas receive rainfalls ranging from 800mm to
highest of 1600mm.

All counties in the project area experience bi-modal rainfall with long rains falling between March- July and short rains
falling between September-December.

2.2.6 Soils
The project area lies on rich agricultural West Kenya counties that are characterized by fertile soils in most regions.
Soils in Kisumu County are dominated by lake sediments commonly sand and clay soils. In Kano Plains the soils are
dark brown and grey, poorly drained and are generally very deep and firm. In the western part of Kano Plains are
dark cotton soils commonly associated with the swampy areas. These types constitute more than 70 per cent of all
soil types found in Kisumu County.

Vihiga County is categorized into two main agro ecological zones, the upper and lower midlands. The upper midland
zone comprising of Hamisi, Sabatia and parts of Vihiga Constituencies, is well drained with fertile soils. The lower
midland zone comprising Emuhaya and Luanda constituencies, has mainly the red loamy sand soils derived from
sedimentary and basalt rocks.

Bungoma County has fertile well drained loam soils suitable for agricultural activities. Busia County has sandy loam
soils, dark clay soils covering the northern and central parts of the County. These parts of the county are suitable for
food and cash crops growth. Other soil types are sandy clays and clay.

Soils in Kakamega County are generally Acrisols of low fertility, which are heavily leached, medium to heavy texture
clay loams and clays. These soils are usually acidic with pH below 5.5. The bedrock substrate on which the forest
sits consists of basalt, phenolites, and ancient gneisses. These rock formations are overlaid by a layer of clay-loam

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2.3.1 Environmental and Social Screening

Screening is a process of determining whether a project requires EIA or not, and provides indication at the level that
this should be done. Screening clarifies the level of environmental assessment and therefore serves to cut cost and
time and also ensures that projects with serious environmental impacts also do not escape the right level of EIA

Environmental and social screening is also undertaken to enhance environmental and social sustainability of
proposed projects. The screening process focuses on environmental and social benefits of a project and identifying
potential negative impacts of proposed projects. The aim of the screening process is thus to identify and manage
environmental and social risks that could be associated with proposed projects. As a result, an environmental and
social management plan is developed assigning responsibilities of actions and mitigation measures for identified
negative impacts. Environmental Screening for Last Mile Connectivity Project

The Environmental Management Coordination Act of 1999 and the Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit)
Regulations (June 2003) prescribe the conduct for Environmental Impact Assessment for development projects.
However, these instruments do not contain guidelines regarding the screening, identification, assessment and
mitigation and monitoring of potential adverse, localized environmental and social impacts of small-scale
investments, where the project details and specific project sites are not known at the time of appraisal of the parent
project. Thus, the environmental and social screening process complements Kenya’s EIA procedures for meeting the
environmental and social management requirements. The Environmental and Social Screening Process also meets
the requirements of the donors i.e. AfDB.

The screening process has been developed based on identified Transformers that need to be maximized across the
country. The EMCA and other international legislations and donors’ safeguard policies like on Environmental Impact
Assessment requires that all projects are screened for potential adverse environmental and social impacts to
determine the appropriate mitigation measures.

The environmental and social screening process is consistent with Kenya's environmental policies and laws as well
as with other international legislations like for the WB, JICA and AFDB safeguard policies on Environmental
Assessment. Objective of Environmental Screening

To ensure that the projects are designed and implemented in an environmentally and socially sustainable manner,
taking into account Kenya's relevant sector legislation as well as the donors’ Safeguard Policies. Findings from Environmental Screening

The environmental and social screening is undertaken for Last Mile Connectivity Project to determine the potential
environmental and social impacts of connecting the customers to the grid from distribution transformers. Connection
of customers will be done from distribution transformers within 600m radius from their premises. Some connections
will involve extension of low voltage line using poles with others will only require dropping of cables. In order to
determine the potential impacts of implementing the project; the screening process considered the environmental and
social characteristic of project sites per constituency as outlined in the table below.

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Table 1: Environmental and Social Characteristics of Proposed Project Sites

Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types
Medium e.g.  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, Mangoes, Sloping to the Loam Terrestrial Area connected to
around Koru (Markets) Eucalyptus, Bananas, cypress, pine, West animals transformer `9373 reported
market and  Residential Jacaranda, Nandi flame, Sisal, Pine and birds to have frequent power
AIC Church,  Churches Makhamia Lutea. outages
Low density  Schools  Natural vegetation dominated by grass
around Koru  Agricultural - Sugar and Lantana Camara
Police Station  Administrative
and Koru
Medium and  Commercial  Trees and planted edges e.g. Euphorbia, Relatively Flat Black Terrestrial Location of TX 40219 is
other places  (Markets and Micro- Cyprus, Grevillea Robusta, Acacia, Lantana cotton animals Alendu mixed, not Alendu
Low enterprises) Camara, Croton and birds girls
 Churches  Maize and millet, Cassia spectabilis, Yellow
 Residential oleander, Grass, Shrubs, Acacia, Euphorbia,
 Agricultural Pine, Eucalyptus, cypress, Green houses
 Health facilities
 Schools


Medium and  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, Eucalyptus, Relatively flat Black Terrestrial Area connected to power
high (Markets) Cassia spectabilis, Yellow Oleander cotton animals and need for public safety
 Residential  Natural vegetation Euphorbia, Cactus, and birds awareness
 Churches Whistling thorn, grass, herbs
 Schools
 Agricultural - maize

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types
High  Commercial  Scarce Relatively flat Black Terrestrial Area connected to power
(Markets)  Natural vegetation like grass, herbs and cotton animals TX not marked. Need for
 Residential shrubs. planted like eucalyptus grevillea and other and birds Public awareness
 Churches areas
 Schools Loam
 Informal


Medium  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, Mangoes, Relatively flat Black Terrestrial TX Number on ground was
(Markets) Eucalyptus, Pine, Cypress, Jacaranda, cotton & animals 41732, on paper 54334,
 Residential Cassia spectabilis, Yellow Oleander, murram and birds Chulaimbo Health centre
 Churches Euphorbia, Makhamia lutea TX Number on paper is
 Schools  Natural vegetation grass, herbs, shrubs 41228, on ground not
 Health facilities legible. Poles burnt,
 Agricultural - maize slunting and need to be
& Livestock replaced.
Medium  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, Mangoes, Slopy Red Terrestrial 11 KV power line serving
(Markets) Eucalyptus, Bananas, cypress, pine, animals TX 40303 (ground) 4004
 Residential Jacaranda, Nandi flame, Sisal, Pine, and birds (paper) sagging and
 Churches Makhamia Lutea, Nandi flame, Mangoes, intertwining causing
 Schools Croton shortcircuiting and
 Agricultural – maize,  Natural vegetation dominated by grass explosive sound on
bananas, Avocadoes, scattered Lantana Camara Transformer as screening
napier, livestock continued


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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types
Medium  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, Mangoes, Gently sloping Red soil Terrestrial TX Number on ground was
(Markets) Eucalyptus, Pine, Cypress, Yellow Oleander, animals 9197, 24252 immediate
 Residential Euphorbia, Makhamia lutea, maize, Roses, and birds, houses not connected to
 Churches  Natural vegetation grass, herbs, shrubs electricity. TX Number
 Schools 41794 not marked on
 Health facilities ground and is next to
 Agricultural - maize Chezeywe Primary and not
& Livestock Lynaginga Church as
indicated on paper is
41228, on ground not
legible. Poles burnt,
slanting and need to be

Medium and  Commercial  Planted e.g. Tea plantations, Umbrella Gently sloping Red Soil Terrestrial TX Number 40848,
high (Markets) trees, Palm trees, Croton, Grevillea, animals adjacent homes not
 Residential Mangoes, Eucalyptus, Pine, Cypress, and birds connected. TX Number
 Churches  Natural vegetation grass, herbs, shrubs 54353 not marked on
 Schools ground. Eucalypts and
 Health facilities other trees sprouting below
 Water points 11 KV line, some touching.
 Agricultural – Tea, It’s next to Tsimbalu
maize, Maize, Primary not Visuru market.
Bananas, Livestock
Medium and  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, Mangoes, Gently sloping Red soil Terrestrial TX Number 25346 not
high (Markets) Eucalyptus, Pine, Cypress, tea, avocado animals marked on ground,
 Residential trees, and birds adjacent homes not
 Churches  Natural vegetation grass, herbs, shrubs connected to electricity. TX
 Schools 25347 adjacent homes not
 Health facilities connected.
 Agricultural - Tea

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types
plantations, Bananas,
maize & Livestock
Medium  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, Mangoes, Gently sloping Red Soil Terrestrial TX Number 38671 Poles
(Markets) maize, Eucalyptus, Pine, Cypress, animals slanting. Tree outgrowth/
 Residential Jacaranda, Napier grass Makhamia lutea and birds branches touching 11 KV
 Churches  Natural vegetation Lantana camara, grass, line.
 Schools herbs, shrubs
 Health facilities
 Agricultural - maize
& Livestock
Medium and  Commercial  Planted e.g. Sugarcane, Croton, Grevillea, Gently sloping Black Terrestrial TX Number 40178, 25411
high (Markets) Mangoes, Eucalyptus, Pine, Cypress, and other sandy animals 7& 88228 adjacent homes
 Residential Avocado trees places slopy, clay and birds not connected. TX Number
 Churches  Natural vegetation grass, herbs, shrubs, flowing rivers at Lubao engraved similar
 Schools Lantana Camara to that on paper, Pinned
 Health facilities number (new) different.
 Water points
 Agricultural –
Sugarcane and Dairy
Medium  Commercial  Planted e.g. Sugarcane, Croton, Grevillea, Gently sloping Red Soil Terrestrial TX Number 41296 Way
(Markets) Mangoes, Eucalyptus Cypress, animals leaves with trees
 Residential  Natural vegetation Guavas, grass, herbs, and birds outgrowth. Adjacent homes
 Churches shrubs, Shiyuma tree with medicinal value to and school not connected
 Schools be preserved. to Electricity. Stalled water
 Health facilities project next to TX.
 Water points
 Agricultural –
Sugarcane, Cassava,

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types

Medium and  Commercial  Planted e.g. Bamboo, Croton, Grevillea, Gently sloping Sandy Terrestrial Way leaves to be
high (Markets) Jacaranda, Cypress, Palm trees, Mangoes, and rivers Clay animals maintained.
 Residential Eucalyptus, Pine, Cypress, sugarcane and birds
 Churches plantations
 Schools  Natural vegetation grass, herbs, shrubs
 Health facilities
 Water points
 Agricultural –
Sugarcane, maize,
Bananas, livestock
Medium  Commercial  Planted e.g. Sugarcane plantations, Gently sloping, Sandy Terrestrial TX Number 40766 on
(Markets) Umbrella trees, Palm trees, Croton, Grevillea, and sloppy clay animals paper different from what
 Residential Mangoes, Eucalyptus, Pine, Cypress, towards rivers and birds was observed on ground
 Churches Jacaranda (40177), adjacent homes
 Schools  Natural vegetation grass, herbs, shrubs, not connected.
 Health facilities Bougainvillea
 Water points
 Agricultural –
Sugarcane, maize,
Bananas, Livestock


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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types
High  Commercial  Planted e.g. pawpaw, Nandi flame, Gently sloping Sandy Terrestrial TX Number not marked on
(Markets) Umbrella trees, Palm trees, Croton, Grevillea, other areas Clay animals ground. Some immediate
 Residential Mangoes, Nandi flames, Eucalyptus, Pine, relatively flat and birds homes not connected to
 Churches, Mosque Cypress, electricity.
 Schools  Natural vegetation grass, herbs, shrubs
 Health facilities
 Water points
Medium  Commercial  Planted e.g. Sugarcane, Croton, Grevillea, Relatively flat, Black Terrestrial TX Number 41988 was not
(Markets) Mangoes, Eucalyptus, Pine, Cassia flowing stream sandy animals found on ground, marking
 Residential spectabilis, Cypress, Avocado trees, clay, and birds existing, TX38368& 40639
 Churches Umbrella, bananas, Murram, adjacent homes and
 Mosque  Natural vegetation Acacia, grass, herbs, red soil shopping centre not
 Schools shrubs, Lantana Camara connected. TX
 Health facilities Number40369 not marked
 Water points on ground.
 Agricultural –
Sugarcane, Maize
Medium and  Commercial  Planted e.g. Sugarcane, Croton, Grevillea, Gently sloping Red soil Terrestrial TX Number 41865 & 38489
high (Markets) Mangoes, Eucalyptus, Pine, Cypress, and other animals adjacent homes and shops
 Residential Avocado trees, bananas, Napier grass places relatively and birds not connected. TX Number
 Churches  Natural vegetation grass, herbs, shrubs, flat, 41865 some home owners
 Schools Lantana Camara, Makhamia Lutea complain to be connected
 Health facilities but not metered.
 Water points
 Agricultural –
Sugarcane and Dairy

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types
Medium and  Commercial  Planted e.g. Sugarcane, Croton, Grevillea, Gently sloping Red soil Terrestrial TX Number 25396 school
high (Markets) Mangoes, Eucalyptus, Pine, Cypress, and other animals reported of regular arcing,
 Residential Avocado trees, Bottle brush, Jacaranda, Pine, places relatively and birds TX25396& 25294 not
 Churches  Natural vegetation Acacia, Makhamia flat marked on ground and
 Schools Lutea, grass, herbs, shrubs, Lantana Camara some adjacent homes not
 Health facilities connected to electricity.
 Water points
 Agricultural –
Sugarcane and Dairy
Medium  Commercial  Planted e.g. Sugarcane, Croton, Grevillea, Gently sloping Red Soil Terrestrial TX Number 38213 & 88413
(Markets) Mangoes, Eucalyptus, Pine, Cypress, and other animals not marked on ground. TX
 Residential Avocado trees, bananas, sunflower places relatively and birds Number 88413 adjacent
 Churches  Natural vegetation Acacia, grass, herbs, flat, Some Friends Church
 Schools shrubs, Lantana Camara springs Khamukuywa and
 Health facilities homesteads not
 Agricultural – connected. Way leave
Sugarcane, Napier needs clearance of
grass, sunflower and undergrowth.
Dairy Livestock
Medium and  Commercial  Planted e.g. Sugarcane, Croton, Grevillea, Gently sloping Red soil Terrestrial TX Number 41871 11 KV
high (Markets) Mangoes, Eucalyptus, Pine, Cypress, Nandi and other animals Power Line has under
 Residential flame, Bamboo, bottle brush, Kay apples, places relatively and birds growth. TX Numbers on
 Churches Bananas, palm trees, Avocado trees, flat, paper and ground not the
 Schools Hibiscus same
 Health facilities  Natural vegetation grass, herbs, shrubs,
 Water points Lantana Camara
 Agricultural –
Sugarcane, Napier
grass & Dairy

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types
Medium and  Commercial  Planted e.g. Sugarcane, Croton, Grevillea, Gently sloping Red soil Terrestrial TX Number 41440 & 41827
high (Markets) Mangoes, Eucalyptus, Pine, Cypress, and other birds adjacent homes not
 Residential Avocado trees, bananas, Kay Apple places connected
 Churches  Natural vegetation grass, herbs, shrubs, Relatively flat
 Schools Lantana Camara, Cassia spectabilis
 Health facilities
 Water points
 Agricultural –
Sugarcane and Dairy
Medium  Commercial  Planted e.g. Palms, Tobacco, Croton, Gently sloping sandy Terrestrial TX Number 88377 not
(Markets) Grevillea, Mangoes, Eucalyptus, Umbrella, and other clay birds marked on ground. Way
 Residential Kay apple, Pine, Cypress, Bougainvillea places relatively leaves with overgrown
 Churches  Natural vegetation Sycamore tree, flat, water wells undergrowth. TX 41867 &
 Schools Euphorbia, grass, herbs, shrubs, Lantana 88377 some adjacent
 Health facilities Camara, Cassia spectabilis homes not connected
 Water points
 Agricultural –
Tobacco, palms,
cassava, and Dairy


Medium  Commercial  Planted e.g. Nandi flame, Croton, Gently sloping Red soil Terrestrial TX Number 25022, 38843
(Markets) Grevillea, Yellow Oleander, Umbrella, bottle and other & sandy birds not marked on ground. TX
 Residential brush, Eucalyptus, Pine, Cypress, Avocado places are clay 41094 & 38843 & 25022
trees relatively flat, Some adjacent homes not

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types
 Churches  Natural vegetation Sodom apple, grass, Water wells and connected.
 Schools herbs, shrubs, Lantana Camara, Makhamia boreholes
 Health facilities Lutea, Cassia Spectabilis
 Water points
 Agricultural –
Maize, Napier grass
Dairy Livestock
Medium  Commercial  Planted e.g. Croton, Grevillea, Mangoes, Gently sloping Red soil Terrestrial TX Number 40980 not
(Markets) Eucalyptus, Pine, Cypress, Avocado trees, and other birds marked on ground, not. TX
 Residential bananas, pawpaw trees, Bougainvillea places relatively Number 38014 conflicting
 Churches  Natural vegetation grass, herbs, shrubs, flat, on ground and paper.
 Schools Lantana Camara, Makhamia Lutea, Cassia TX lying on ground need to
 Health facilities spectabilis be recovered to stores. TX
 Water points 41607 & 40980 some
 Agricultural – adjacent homes not
Cassava, maize and connected to electricity
Dairy Livestock
Medium and  Commercial  Planted e.g. Cassia spectabilis, Gently sloping Red Soil Terrestrial TX Number 54725 not
high (Markets) Jacaranda, Croton, Grevillea, Mangoes, and other birds marked on ground. Some
 Residential Eucalyptus, Umbrella, Kay apple, Pine, places relatively adjacent homes not
 Churches Cypress flat, Flowing connected. TX 54845 not
 Schools  Natural vegetation Guavas, Euphorbia, river same as marked on
 Health facilities grass, herbs, shrubs, Lantana Camara ground, TX 54717 & 54845
 Police post adjacent homes not
 Water points connected to electricity
 Agricultural –
Cassava, Napier, and
Dairy Livestock

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types
Medium and  Commercial  Planted e.g. Croton, Nandi flame Grevillea, sloping and Red Soil Terrestrial TX Number 38083 not
high (Markets) Mangoes, Eucalyptus, Jacaranda, Umbrella, other places birds marked on ground.. TX
 Residential Kay apple, Pine, Cypress, Bougainvillea relatively flat, 41338 is approximately 80
 Churches  Natural vegetation Euphorbia, grass, herbs, water wells and meters from documented
 Police post shrubs, Lantana Camara and cassia borehole GPS coordinates. Some
 Mosque spectabilis adjacent homes not
 Schools connected.
 Health facilities
 Water points
 Agricultural –Maize,
cassava, and Dairy
Medium and  Commercial  Planted e.g. Croton, Grevillea, Mangoes, Gently sloping Red Soil Terrestrial TX Number 9944 not found
high (Markets) Eucalyptus, Bamboo, Umbrella, Kay apple, and other birds on ground, Way leaves
 Residential Pine, Cypress, Bougainvillea places relatively with overgrown
 Churches  Natural vegetation Makhamia lutea, flat, undergrowth. TX 25469
 Schools Euphorbia, grass, herbs, shrubs, Lantana some adjacent homes not
 Health facilities Camara and Cassia spectabilis connected
 Water points
 Children homes
 Agricultural –maize,
vegetables, napier,
cassava, and Dairy

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types
High  Commercial  Planted e.g. Jacaranda, Croton, Grevillea, Gently sloping Red Soil Terrestrial TX Number 24534 not
(Markets) Mangoes, Eucalyptus, Umbrella, Kay apple, and other birds marked on ground. Some
 Residential Pine, Cypress, Yellow Oleander, Nandi flame places relatively adjacent homes not
 Churches  Natural vegetation Guavas, euphorbia, flat, Water connected. TX 41006 not
 Schools tree, grass, herbs, shrubs, Lantana Camara points marked on ground and off
 Health facilities and Makhamia Lutea and Cassia spectabilis documented GPS
 Police post coordinates
 Water points
 Agricultural –
Maize, Livestock


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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types
High  Commercial  Planted e.g., Nandi flame, Cassia Gently sloping Red Soil Terrestrial TX Number 54476 on
(Markets) spectabilis Jacaranda, Croton, Grevillea, and other birds paper is 54472 on ground.
 Residential Mangoes, Eucalptus, Umbrella, Kay apple, places relatively TX 41471 & 55062some
 Churches Pine, Cypress and Yellow Oleander flat, adjacent homes not
 Schools  Natural vegetation Acacia, Guavas, connected to electricity
 Health facilities euphorbia, tree, grass, herbs, shrubs,
 Police post Lantana Camara
 Water points
 Agricultural –Green
houses, Maize,
Cassava, Napier, and


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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types
Medium and  Commercial  Planted e.g. Jacaranda, Croton, Grevillea, Gently sloping Red Soil Terrestrial TX Number 40606 not
high (Markets) Mangoes, Eucalyptus, Umbrella, Kay apple, and other birds marked on ground. Some
 Residential Pine, Cypress, Nandi flame, Yellow Oleander places relatively adjacent homes not
 Churches  Natural vegetation Guavas, euphorbia, flat, Water connected.
 Schools tree, grass, herbs, shrubs, Lantana Camara, points
 Health facilities Makhamia Lutea and Cassia spectabilis
 Police post
 Water points
 Agricultural –Maize
& Livestock


Page | 65
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types
Medium  Commercial  Planted e.g. Jacaranda, Croton, Grevillea, Gently sloping Red Soil Terrestrial TX Number 54883, 38673
(Markets) Mangoes, Eucalptus, Umbrella, Kay apple, and other birds & 38320 some adjacent
 Residential Pine, Cypress, Yellow oleander places relatively homes not connected. TX
 Churches  Natural vegetation Guavas, euphorbia, flat, 38320 complains of arcing
 Schools tree, grass, herbs, shrubs, Lantana Camara
 Health facilities and cassia spectabilis
 Police post
 Water points
 Agricultural –Maize
& Livestock


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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types
Medium and  Commercial  Planted e.g. Jacaranda, Croton, Grevillea, Sloppy, Gently Black Terrestrial TX Number 8161 not same
high (Markets) Mangoes, Eucalyptus, Umbrella, Kay apple, sloping and cotton, birds as on ground. TX 25418,
 Residential Pine, Cypress, Yellow Oleander, guavas, other places Sandy 41004 not marked on
 Churches Casuarina, Pawpaws, relatively flat, loam ground, Some adjacent
 Schools  Natural vegetation Guavas, euphorbia Flowing river, homes not connected to
 Health facilities tree, cassia spectabilis, grass, herbs, shrubs, boreholes electricity
 Police post Lantana Camara and sausage tree
 Water points
 Agricultural –
Subsistence crop
farming & Livestock


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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types
High  Commercial  Planted e.g. Cassia spectabilis, Jacaranda, Sloping and Black Terrestrial TX Number 40092 and
(Markets) Croton, Grevillea, Mangoes, Eucalyptus, other places Cotton birds 40079 not marked on
 Residential Umbrella, Kay apple, Pine, Cypress relatively flat, Soil ground. TX 40079, 40092
 Churches  Natural vegetation Guavas, Euphorbia, Flowing river and 25776 adjacent homes
 Schools grass, herbs, shrubs, Lantana Camara, not connected to electricity
 Health facilities Acacia, Solana indica, “Muuku” (medicinal
 Water points plant)
 Agricultural –
Maize, beans and

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The section identifies both negative and positive impacts associated with the project. The impacts affect both social
and environmental wellbeing of the project area.

2.4.1 Positive Impacts

Employment and Wealth Creation

Last Mile connectivity project shall create employment opportunities during construction and operational phases.
During the construction phase, there shall be direct and indirect opportunities for workers who shall be employed to
work on the low voltage lines and those that will start businesses to satisfy the needs of the former respectively.
Earnings received from the direct and indirect employments shall help improve livelihoods of persons in employment.
In addition direct and indirect employment will translate into incomes at the household levels which will trigger other
spending and demand in the local economy.

Electricity access to low income groups

Last mile connectivity project shall enable Kenya Power to supply electricity at low costs to persons within 600m
radius of existing distribution transformers. The low cost of supplying electricity has attracted many people in the low
income groups who feel they shall be able to afford the subsidized costs.

Loan Payment Model

Last Mile Connectivity Project shall implement the Stima Loan payment model especially for customers in the low
income bracket who will not be able to pay the required connection fee upfront. Loan payment for an extended period
of time shall enable customers in low income and vulnerable groups to afford electricity connection without much

Local Supply of Materials

Poles to be used during construction phase shall be sourced locally thus reducing extra costs incurred during
transportation. Local sourcing of materials shall also be beneficial to locals suppliers especially from payments
received during purchase. Local sourcing of materials shall therefore generate new income revenues for the local
population across the country. The new income revenues received will create demand for other goods and services
causing a trickledown effect to the entire economy

Improved living standards

Implementation of last mile connectivity project will result in connecting approximately 1.2 million customers to the
national grid. Access to electricity enables people to use domestic electric appliances such as electric cookers, iron
boxes etc. It also limits exposure to smoke during cooking and is appropriate for lighting.

Social Inclusion

LMCP aims at connecting electricity to all social groups in the country. This is in line with the tenets of social inclusion
which the World Bank defines as the process of improving the terms for individuals and groups to take part in society.
Further, Social inclusion aims to empower poor and marginalized people to take advantage of burgeoning global

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opportunities. It ensures that people have a voice in decisions which affect their lives and that they enjoy equal
access to markets, services and political, social and physical spaces.

Awareness creation on HIV/AIDS

The Kenya Power HIV/AIDS policy underscores the fact that HIV/AIDS has no cure and the only way to stop its
spread is through attitudinal and behavioral changes as well as management that can be secured effectively through
education (awareness and information campaigns). As such, the project will ensure dissemination of information on
HIV/AIDS to communities and workers who otherwise would not have had the correct information. Information on
HIV/AIDS will be disseminated via radio and televisions; a means that is quite reliable. In addition Kenya Power shall
also disseminate information through awareness creation by the contractor and company Safety, Health &
Environment Department.

Health Benefits of LMCP

According to 2009 population census, 70% of Kenyans used kerosene for lighting. This poses health risk as reported
by World Bank report 2008 on the Welfare of Rural Electrification. Health risks posed by indoor air pollution from
burning of kerosene mainly include acute lower respiratory infections, low birth weight, infant mortality, and
pulmonary tuberculosis. Available data suggest that insufficient illumination (low light) conditions can cause some
degree of eye strain, and reading in these conditions over long periods of time may have the potential to increase the
development of nearsightedness (myopia) in children and adults. The Last Mile project will result in many families
replacing kerosene lamps for lighting with electricity there-by reducing disease burden at the family level and on the

Benefits to Education

Access to reliable electricity at the household level and schools will create opportunities for children to study, access
more information through informative TV channels and radios. This increases the amount of time spent by children
studying and accessing valuable information as a result translating into better results and an informed society.

Increased revenue

The implementation of the project will boost income streams accrued from increased sales of electricity to KPLC in
the long run. Though not in the short term, these revenues will go to system reinforcement to ensure reliable quality
supply while some of it goes to the government as taxes which results in improvement in service provision by the
government to its citizens.

Improved Security

There will be enhanced security in the country arising from well-lit social, commercial and individual premises. With
the implementation of the project, the level of security will increase across the country. This is as a result of more
security lights which helps keep off opportunistic crimes and gender based violence.

Improved Communication

Access to electricity will lead to improved communication for the beneficiaries. This will be enabled by the fact that
charging of mobile phones will be easier and cheaper. Access also to mass media like radio and T.V will provide
opportunity for the households to access a wide range of information which is useful for decision making. Some

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information that shall be received include: information on markets, farm inputs, crop management and local affairs,
nutrition, diseases, investments and entertainment among others.

Gender Considerations

Electricity is a basic service especially for lighting but is still a luxury for many rural women and men. Access to
modern electricity will go a long way towards alleviating the daily household burdens of women, giving them more
time, improving their health and enhancing their livelihoods. The Last Mile Project will increase access to electricity
across the whole country. Available literature on gender and energy suggests that providing electricity to
communities and homes and motive power for tasks considered women‘s work can promote gender equality,
women‘s empowerment, and women‘s and girls’ access to education, health care, and employment.

2.5 Negative Environmental and Social Impacts

Despite the various socio economic and environmental benefits outlined, the project will also have some negative
impacts. As regards the proposed KPLC Projects, potential adverse environmental and social impacts on the natural
and human environment are likely to arise from inputs as well as project processes at the construction and operation
and maintenance phases. The following are the negative impacts and suggested mitigation measures.

Impacts on Natural vegetation and biodiversity

The project will involve short service lines within the 600m radius mainly along the road reserve. No tall growing trees
will be allowed below the lines or along the way leave trace. Grass and short vegetation will be cleared to pave way
for erection of poles.

Impacts on air quality from vehicle exhaust fumes

Exhaust emissions are likely to be generated by the construction vehicles and equipment. Motor vehicles that will be
used to ferry construction materials would cause air quality impact by emitting pollutants through exhaust emissions.

Risks of sparks/fire from live conductors

Potential adverse impacts related to fire hazards can result from the project. The live conductors can cause short
circuiting in case conductors touch one another due to strong winds, falling tree branches or trees. In case of big
sparks falling on dry grass there can be a likelihood of fire.

Solid waste

Little if any solid waste will be generated which includes conductor cuttings and tree cuttings.

Electric shocks and electrocution of people

Electricity, though a good master and a bad servant, is a hazard and safety precautions must be adhered to and
properly used. Within the households electric shocks are likely in case of poor handling of electricity such as using
wet hands, poor wiring and overloading of sockets.

Occupation safety and health hazards

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During construction contractor workers will be engaged in activities such as pole and conductor wiring and working at
heights. Workers can be exposed to occupational risks like falling from heights, being pressed by poles, slips and

Public health risk

At project implementation many new workers will be involved and new interactions between people are likely to take
place. These interactions are likely to pose risks to the social fabric of the society. Such risks include public health
related issues such as (HIV/AIDS, communicable and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Oil Leaks from transformers

Transformers can experience a leak arising from a fault, poor handling and vandalism. These leaks may result in
potential contamination of surface and groundwater as well as soil.

Noise during construction

Noise pollution from the proposed development during construction noise will be generated from the construction
machines and construction workers

Contamination from creosote-treated poles

Soil and water pollution due to unsafe disposal of creosote-treated poles my occur if proper care and management
procedures are not put in place

Social Vices

Increasing numbers of workers in construction sites during project period can result into social vices in the project
area such as increased cases of theft among.

Soil erosion and surface runoff

Loose soils from excavations done during erection of poles can be washed away if not compacted thereafter.

Open Excavations

Open excavations made during erection of poles can result into accidents when left unprotected using high visibility
tapes and can act as breeding grounds for vectors especially when left unused for a long period of time.

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The Environmental and social management plan for the proposed development project allows for identification of
environmental and social impacts, development of mitigation measures, management actions and establishment of a
structure to ensure effective implementation of the mitigation measures. ESMP is an important outcome of the
environmental and social screening process as it provides a checklist for project monitoring and evaluation. The
ESMP specifies the mitigation and management measures that the proponent shall undertake and shows how the
project shall mobilize organizational capacity and resources to implement these measures.

The environmental and Social Management Plan is as shown below:

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Table 2: Environmental and Social Management Plan

Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Minimize vegetation disturbance
Vegetation Disturbance 4 Properly demarcate the project area Project engineer and contractor 1 Month 4) 3,000.00
to be cleared during installation of
supply cables and erection of poles
5 Designate parking lots within the 5) 0.00
project area to prevent vegetation
6 Introduction of trees within the 6) 30,000.00
project area in replacement of
disturbed vegetation
7 Select alternative alignments to
avoid disturbance of sensitive natural
Local Sourcing of wooden 1) Plant more trees to compensate 1) 100,000.00
poles for the poles used
2) Ensure accurate budgeting to only
have necessary material is ordered 2) 0.00
3) Properly store the poles to
minimize potential loss
4) Supply seedlings to farmers to 3) 0.00
increase forest cover 4) 100,000.00
Reduce soil erosion and surface run off
Increased soil erosion and 3) Ensure leveling of the project site Project engineer and contractor Throughout 3) 0.00
surface run off to reduce run off velocity and construction period
increase infiltration of storm water
4) Site excavation works be planned
in such a manner that a section is 4) 2,000.00 per unit
completed and rehabilitated before
another commences
Air Pollution

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Dust emission 4) Avoid excavation works in Project engineer and contractor Throughout project 30,000.00
extremely dry seasons period
5) Sprinkle water on degraded
access routes to reduce dust
emission during transportation of
materials to project sites
6) Provide and ensure use of
appropriate personal protective
equipment by workers on site

Exhaust emission 3) Minimize vehicle idling time to 0.00

lower amounts of exhaust fumes
4) Sensitize truck drivers to avoid
unnecessary running engines on
stationery vehicles and switch off
engines whenever possible
5) Maintain machinery and vehicle in
good working conditions to ensure
minimal emissions are produced
Generation of Wastes
Solid waste e.g. conductor and 1) All left over conductor cuttings to
tree cuttings. be disposed appropriately or be
returned to the store for proper
2) Proper budgeting of materials to
reduce wastage
3) Practice 3Rs of waste
management: reduce, reuse, recycle
of materials

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)

Waste oils from transformers 1) Properly Manage storage, transfer,

and disposal of transformer oils
according to industry standards

Minimize occupational safety and health risks

Open excavations 2) Barricade the proposed project Project engineer and contractor Throughout project 2,000.00
area using high visibility tape to avoid period
falls into open excavations
3) Cover all open excavations
immediately after erection of poles
Working at height 5) Provide appropriate personal Contractor and project engineer Throughout project 5) 50,000.00
protective equipment for workers period
involved in activities above 2 meters
from ground level
6) Whenever using scaffolds ensure
workers maintain a secure clearance 6) 0.00
from power lines.
7) Provide storage bags for portable
tools used while working at height
8) Carry out safety and health 7) 0.00
inductions and toolbox talks for all
workers involved in the project to
enhance awareness on safety and 8) 0.00
health requirements

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Shocks and Electrocutions 1) Only trained & certified workers to Contractor and Company Throughout project 1) 0.00
install, maintain or repair electrical Management period
2) Test the power lines to ensure they
are shut down before work
3) Whenever using scaffolds ensure
workers maintain a secure clearance
from power lines.

Pricks and cuts 3) Ensure project area is kept free of Contractor and project engineer Throughout project 3) 0.00
sharp objects period
4) Provide appropriate foot protection 4) 20,000.00
to workers within the site
Public safety and health
Shocks and electrocutions 2) Create awareness to the public on Contractor and proponent Before commencement 5,000.00
the potential impacts of powered lines and during
to prevent electrical hazards implementation of the
3) Display appropriate signage for project
use during construction and
implementation of the project to
enhance awareness creation on the
potential hazards of the project
HIV/AIDS and Communicable 2) Create awareness to the public
Diseases and workers on HIV/AIDS and liaise
with the ministry of health to provide
protection for use when necessary
3) Distribute HIV & AIDS awareness
materials in collaboration NACC

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Social Vices 2) Awareness creation to the public
and liaising with area administration
to enhance security
2) Create public awareness on the
need to protect public infrastructure
for continued supply of electricity and
to minimize exposure to electrical
Damage to property
Damage to structures erected 2) Ensure timely dissemination of Contractor and proponent Before commencement 5,000.00
on the way leaves information on the need to carry out of the project
works on occupied way leaves to
allow for relocation of erected

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The Last Mile connectivity project will have numerous positive impacts not only to the company but also to the
consumers especially those in low income groups. This is through improving security especially in areas that do not
have power connection, improving living standards, ensuring social inclusion, enhancing communication among
people through television and radios as well as benefiting education in Kenya especially through connecting schools.
Negative impacts resulting from construction and implementation of the project include: emission of exhaust fumes,
solid wastes generation, transformer oil leaks, shocks and electrocutions and noise during construction among others
shall be adequately mitigated.

The company is committed to putting in place several measures to mitigate the negative environmental, safety,
health and social impacts associated with the life cycle of the project. It is recommended that in addition to this
commitment, the company focuses on implementing the measures outlined in the ESMP as well as adhering to all
relevant national and international environmental, health and safety standards, policies and regulations that govern
establishment and operation of such projects.

It is also recommended that the positive impacts that emanate from the LMCP be maximised as much as possible. It
is expected that these measures will go a long way in ensuring the best possible environmental compliance and
performance standards.

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2.8 Photographic Presentation of Findings

Way leave maintenance required on 11 kV powerline

Transformer not found on ground
from Nabola Transformer

Medicinal plants growing on way leave Transformer at Mikayu Friends Primary School

Transformer number 41867 on ground Transformer number not marked on ground

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The last mile connectivity project is an initiative to help achieve government pledge of stimulating economic growth
and accelerating job creation for the wellbeing of Kenyans. The project benefits from external funding and thus shall
enable Kenya Power to supply electricity to customers at a subsidized cost while also implementing the Stima Loan
payment model. Supply of electricity at a subsidized cost shall enable persons in low income groups to access
electricity and also accelerate connection of more customers to the national grid. The last mile connectivity project
shall also avail meters to customers prior to engaging them for payment. The project’s benefits include provision of
new supply over a short period of time and accelerated access to electricity among others.

The last mile connectivity project for shall be undertaken countrywide. In south nyanza it shall be undertaken in the
following counties; Kisii, Migori, Homa bay, Nyamira, Kericho and Bomet counties. Collection of baseline information
for the proposed project area considerd population densities of project sites, vegetation distribution, climatic
conditions of the project sites, topography and soils. The proposed project area in most places is densely populated
both in urban areas and agriculturally rich rural areas. The area has plenty of vegetation cover comprising natural
forests, planted forests, some medicinal plants, exotic and indigenous tree species in different areas. The project
area is also characterized by large sugarcane plantations, coffee plantations, tea plantations, maize farms as well as
small agricultural fields. The area also receives bimodal rainfall throughout the year, with long rains falling between
March-July and short rains between September and December. Topography of the proposed project area is
characterized undulating hills and valleys especially in areas of Mbita, kisii and kericho. Most of the project area is
characterized by rich well drained red loam soil.

Environmental and Social screening is undertaken to determine whether LMCP requires EIA or not and to provide
indication at the level that this should be done. The screening process aims at enhancing environmental and social
suitability of LMCP. This will help manage environmental and social risks associated with the project. The screening
process has been developed because the locations and types of the distribution and transmission component for the
projects are not known prior to the appraisal of the parent project, and therefore potential adverse localized
environmental and social impacts cannot be precisely identified. Furthermore, Kenya’s environmental legislation does
not provide for the environmental and social screening of small-scale projects, such as those included in the
distribution and transmission component of KPLC Projects. The EMCA and other international legislations and
donors’ safeguard policies like those on Environmental Impact Assessment requires that all projects are screened for
potential adverse environmental and social impacts to determine the appropriate mitigation measures. The Last mile
connectivity project has numerous positive impacts not only to the company but also to customers. The project aims
at implementing Stima Loan payment model to enable customers in low income groups access electricity, supply of
electricity at a subsidized cost will enhance security in different areas, promote social inclusion, gender consideration,

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benefit education and improve livelihood among others. Anticipated negative environmental and social impacts
during construction and implementation of the project include; transformer oil leakages, electric shocks and
electrocution of people, social vices, vegetation disturbance and risk of sparks and fire from live conductors among
others. The company will ensure implementation of the developed environmental and social monitoring plan to
mitigate the potential negative impacts while maximizing on the positive impacts identified. The company
acknowledges that the Last Mile Connectivity Project has some negative impacts on the environment and social
wellbeing of the people. As such, the Environmental Social Management Plan has been developed to assist the
company in mitigating and managing the environmental and social issues associated with the life-cycle of the project.
The ESMP developed will ensure compliance with regulatory authority stipulations and AfDB guidelines. It will also
enhance sufficient allocation of resources on the project budget so that the scale of ESMP-related activities is
consistent with the significance of project impacts.

In conclusion, the last mile connectivity project will ensure supply of electricity at an affordable cost to customers,
connection of more customers to the national grid and improvement of security in different areas through availability
of reliable electricity. On the other hand, negative impact of the project which include; oil leaks from transformers,
shock and electrocution of people as well as noise from construction will be mitigated as outlined in the ESMP. On
the basis of the above and taking cognizance that the company has proved to be environmentally and socially
credible, it is important to have the project implemented to enhance economic wellbeing of the society

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3.1.1 Last Mile Connectivity Project

The Government of Kenya has pledged to stimulate economic growth and accelerate job creation for economic
wellbeing of Kenyans. This pledge can mainly be achieved through expansion of power distribution system to be
within reach of more Kenyans thus enabling them connect to the grid at affordable costs. The need to reduce cost
burden of increased connectivity on Kenya Power as well as reduce amount paid by customer to connect to the grid
resulted into conception of Last Mile Connectivity Project.

The Last Mile Connectivity Project benefits from external funding and aims at extending low voltage network on
existing distribution transformers; to households lying within transformer protection distance. The project involves
building low voltage lines both single phase and three phase along rural access roads. The project also focuses on
availing service connection including meters to customers’ premises prior to engaging customers for payment.
Therefore, activities such as way leaves acquisitions together with attendant county and other authorities’ permits
and approvals, materials procurement/delivery logistics, construction, etc. shall be dealt with prior to the customer
being requested to connect.

Benefits of Last Mile Connectivity project include:

v. Accelerated access to electricity;

vi. Improved standards of construction hence improved quality of supply;
vii. Provision of new supply in a shorter time;
viii. Opportunity for the company to develop long term network expansion plans.
Last Mile Connectivity Project aims at ensuring increased access to electricity, especially among low income groups.
The company will make use of the existing 35,000 distribution transformers to connect approximately 1.2 million
customers. The project does not expect any resettlement but there will be need to compensate people whose assets
e.g. crops and trees will be damaged during project implementation.

3.1.2 Justification of the project

Kenya Power being the sole supplier of electricity and having implemented policies and engaged in maximization
projects to ensure increased connectivity to electricity to customers’; it has foreseen network expansion driven by
customer demand approaching saturation. As such, there is need to have a new approach to jumpstart and
accelerate connectivity at a subsidized cost to consumers.

Despite increasing demand for supply of electricity at a subsidized cost among low income groups, the company has
not been able to successfully achieve the need due to increased costs of all inputs used in the process. Therefore,
implementation of Last Mile Connectivity Project; which benefits from external funding, is a sure way of connecting
more consumers, especially low income groups to the grid. This will ensure achievement of government pledge to
stimulate economic growth and accelerate job creation for economic wellbeing of Kenyans; provision of new supply in
a shorter duration of time and availability of reliable power supply.

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The Last Mile Connectivity Project for lot 3 shall be undertaken for identified transformers located within
constituencies in Homa bay County (Homa bay township, Mbita, Kasipul, Kasipul Kabondo, Rangwe, Suba Nthiwa
and Karachuonyo); Migori County (Rongo, Kuria East, Kuria West, Suna East, Suna West, Nyatike and Uriri,); Kisii
County ( South Mugirango, Nyaribari Masaba, Nyaribari Chache, Kitutu Chache South, Nyaribari Masaba, Bonchari,
Bomachage Chache, Bomachage Borabu and Bobasi ); Nyamira County ( West Mugirango, North Mugirango, Kitutu
Masaba, Borabu); Kericho County (Ainamoi, Belgut, Bureti, Kipkelion East, Kipkelion West, and Sigowet/soin ) and
Bomet County ( Bomet Central, Bomet East, Chepalungu, Koinon and Sotik).

3.2.1 Baseline information of the project areas in Homa Bay County

Some of the environmental and social aspects considered for Last Mile Connectivity Project include; population,
vegetation distribution, topography, climate and soils. Population
According to the Kenya Population and Housing Census conducted in 2009 (Gok, 2010), Homa bay County had an
estimated population of 963,794 persons (462,454 males and 501,340 females). This population was projected to be
1,038,858 consisting of 498,472 males and 540,386 females in 2012. It is also expected to rise to 1,119,769 and
1,177,181 by 2015 and 2017, respectively. Physical & Topographic Features

The county is divided into two main relief regions namely the lakeshore lowlands and the upland plateau. The
lakeshore lowlands lie between 1,163 – 1,219 m above the sea level and comprise a narrow stretch bordering the
Lake Victoria especially in the northern parts of the county. The upland plateau starts at 1,219 m above the sea level
and has an undulating surface which has resulted from erosion of an ancient plain. It is characterized by residual
highlands such as Gwassi and Ngorome hills in Suba, Gembe and Ruri Hills in Mbita, Wire Hills in Kasipul as well as
Homa hills in Karachuonyo. Kodera forest in Kasipul and the Kanyamwa escarpment that runs along the borders of
Ndhiwa and Mbita also form part of the upland plateau. To the west of the county lies the Lambwe Valley where
Ruma National park is located. The county is dissected by a number of rivers namely Awach Kibuon, Awach Tende,
Maugo, Kuja, Rangwe and Riana rivers, most of which originates from Kisii and Nyamira counties. There are also
several seasonal rivers and streams which originate from highlands within the county. The county has 16 islands,
some with unique fauna and flora and an impressive array of physiographic features with great aesthetic value as
well as breath-taking scenery and forested landscape particularly those around the islands and the coast of Lake
Victoria and a peninsula like Sikri of Mbita sub-county. Climatic Conditions

Homa Bay County has an inland equatorial type of climate. The climate is however modified by the effects of altitude
and nearness to the lake which makes temperatures lower than in equatorial climate. There are two rainy seasons
namely the long rainy season from March to June and the short rainy season from August to November. The rainfall
received in the long rainy season is 60 per cent reliable and ranges from 250 – 1000 mm while 500 –700 mm is
received in the short rainy season. The county receives an annual rainfall ranging from 700 to 800 mm.

Temperatures in the county ranges from 18.6°C to 17.1°C, with hot months being between December and March.
February is usually the hottest month in the year. The temperatures are however lower in areas bordering Kisii and
Nyamira highlands and higher in areas bordering the lake.

Page | 85 Geological and Soil characteristics

The county is underlain by various rock types, namely, agglomerates, conglomerates, tuff sandstone, granite and
other deposits which are useful in the construction industry.


The soil is black cotton soil, which is difficult to work upon with simple hand implements. It is also difficult to work on
during heavy rains, making farming difficult. The lake shore lowland is dominated by alluvial soils, mainly the sandy
loam type which is well drained and suitable for cotton, sunflower, maize, beans, cow peas and vegetable production.
Other crops with potential are sugar cane and potatoes.

3.2.2 Baseline information of the project areas in Migori County Population
The total population of Migori County according to the 2009 population census was 917,170 comprising of 444,357
male and 472,814 female or 48.6 per cent male and 51.4 per cent female. This was projected to increase to
1,028,028 persons in the year 2012 and with a population growth rate of 3.8 per cent per annum, the population is
expected to stand at 1,152,165 persons in 2015 and 1,243,272 persons in the year 2017. Physical and Topographic Features

The county has an altitude varying between 1140m at the shores of Lake Victoria in Nyatike Sub-county to 4625m in
Uriri Sub-county. Undulating hills covers most of the county with a few stretches of flat land. Some of the hills found
in the county include Nyakune (4625m), Ogengo (4300m) and God Sibwoche (1475m) in Uriri sub-county, God Kwer
(1420m), Mukuro (1454m) and Nyabisawa (1489m) in Migori Sub-county, God Kwach (1340m) in Nyatike Sub-
county, Renjoka (1592m) in Kuria West Sub-county, and Maeta (1733m) in Kuria East Sub-county. The main rivers in
the county are Kuja, Migori and Riana all of which originate in the highland region of Kisii and Narok Counties. The
other small rivers are Ongoche, Oyani and Sare. Migori and Ongoche rivers join Kuja River at different places within
Nyatike Sub-county while river Oyani joins River Kuja around Gogo Market in Uriri Sub-county. River Sare also joins
River Kuja around Pala Market in Ndhiwa Sub-county of Homa Bay County. Another spectacular feature found in the
county is Gogo Falls found in River Kuja. Most parts of the county are underlain by relatively acid‘ parent rock.
Granite covers most parts of Kuria East, Kuria West, Nyatike, some parts of Rongo and Migori Sub-counties. The
rest of the county is covered by the Nyanzian and Bukoban rocks. There is also presence of gold deposits in the
county particularly in Macalder in Nyatike sub-county, Masara in Migori sub-county and some parts of Rongo, Kuria
and Uriri sub-counties. Climatic Conditions

The county has an inland equatorial climate modified by the effects of altitude, relief and the influence of the large
body of water of Lake Victoria. The existence of favourable agricultural climate favours the cultivation of cotton,
maize and a variety of other food crops. Rainfall is generally continuous with little distinction between first and second
rains. Annual rainfall averages between 700 and 1,800 mm. Long rains are between March and May while the short
rains are between September and November. Dry seasons are between December and February and June and
September. Land preparation for the main food crops which include maize, cassava, sweet potatoes and pineapples
falls between November-February and July-September. Harvesting is done between June-September and
December-February. Nyatike, Karungu, Kegonga and Muhuru divisions have comparatively harsher climatic

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conditions than other divisions. The lakeshore divisions experience unreliable and poorly distributed rainfall.
Temperatures show mean minimum of 240C and maximum of 310C, with high humidity and a potential evaporation
of 1800 to 2000 mm per year. Soils
The soils are well-drained and tend to be loamy. This favors the cultivation of tobacco, sugarcane, maize, beans,
coffee, groundnuts and vegetables. However, agricultural production is restricted by the drought periods if no
irrigation water is available.

3.2.3 Baseline information of the project areas in Kisii County Population
The population of Kisii County was estimated at 1,226,873 in 2012 consisting of 586,062 males and 640,811
females. Based on a growth rate of 2.1 per cent, the population was projected to reach 1,306,652 in 2015 and
1,362,779 in 2017 (650,982 males and 711,797 females) respectively.
The county’s population density in 2012 was 935 persons per square kilometre. The density ranged from 804 in
Nyaribari Masaba to 1,348 in Kitutu Chache South. The high population density in Kitutu Chache South is attributed
to its close proximity to Kisii town and high agricultural potential in Mosocho area.
The youthful population (15-30 years) was estimated at 385,143 in 2012 representing 31.4 per cent of the total
county population. The youth constituted about 61 per cent of the unemployed population in the county. This
population is expected to increase to 437,692 in 2015 and 518,775 in 2017. This emphasizes the need for the county
government to implement projects and programmes that create employment including capacity building. Vegetation
Even though the county does not have a gazzetted forest, there are non-gazzetted forests like Nyangweta, Ritumbe
and Ndonyo in Gucha South sub- County, and Keboye Hills in Kisii South. Others are Sameta Hills in Sameta Sub-
County, Nyacheki Hills in Nyamache Sub-County, Igorera and Ibencho Hills in Kenyenya, Taracha Hill in Kisii central,
Intamocha Hill in Gucha sub-County and Emborogo forest in Masaba South. The total forest cover is approximated at
228.4 ha. Efforts to gazette the forests need to be made through the Forest Department in the county and
sensitizations of the communities need to be enhanced on protection of forests. Climatic Conditions

Kisii County exhibits a highland equatorial climate resulting into a bimodal rainfall pattern with average annual rainfall
of 1,500mm. The long rains are between March and June while the short rains are received from September to
November; with the months of January and July being relatively dry. The maximum temperatures in the County range
between 21°C – 30°C, while the minimum temperatures range between 15°C and 20°C. The high and reliable
rainfall coupled with moderate temperatures are suitable for growing crops like tea, coffee, pyrethrum, maize, beans
and bananas as well dairy farming Physical and Topographic Features

Kisii County is characterized by a hilly topography with several ridges and valleys. It can be divided into three main
topographical zones. The first zone cover areas lying below 1,500m above sea level located on the western
boundary and include parts of Suneka, Marani and Nyamarambe. The second zone covers 1500- 1800m. The third
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zone covers areas lying above 1800m above sea level in parts of eastern and southern Keumbu, Masaba and
Mosocho.The most notable features of these topographical zones are hills of Sameta (1970m), Nyamasibi (2170m),
Kiong’anyo (1710m), Kiamwasi (1785m), Kiongongi, Kiombeta, Sombogo, Nyanchwa and Kegochi hills. The general
slope of the land is from east to west. The county is dissected by permanent rivers which flow westwards into Lake
Victoria. Among the notable ones are Kuja, Mogusii, and Riana and Iyabe rivers. There are also depressions and

3.2.4 Baseline information of the project areas in Nyamira County Population
According to the 2009 population census, the county had a population of 598,252 (287,048 male and 311,204
female) with an average population density of 656 persons per km2. The population was projected to increase to
692,641 persons by 2017 (male projected at 332,337 and female at 360,304). The inter census population growth
rate for the County is 1.83 percent which is below the national growth rate of 3 percent. The projected average
population density for the county in 2012 was 693 persons per km2 and is expected to increase to 732 persons per
km2 and 770 persons per km2 in 2015 and 2017 respectively.
The labour force population has been projected to increase from 313,712 in 2009 to 363,208 in 2017. This
constitutes 52 percent of the total population with majority being engaged in the agricultural sector. In order to absorb
the increasing labour force, investments in diverse sectors such as modern agriculture and agro-based industries is
required. Physiographic and Natural Conditions.

The county’s topography is mostly hilly “Gusii highlands”. The Kiabonyoru, Nyabisimba, Nkoora, Kemasare hills and
the Manga ridge are the most predominant features in the county. The two topographic zones in the county lie
between 1,250 m and 2,100 m above the sea level. The low zones comprise of swampy, wetlands and valley
bottoms while the upper zones are dominated by the hills. The high altitude has enabled the growth of tea which is
the major cash crop and income earner in the county. The permanent rivers and streams found in the county include
Sondu, Eaka, Kijauri, Kemera, Charachani, Gucha (Kuja), Bisembe, Mogonga, Chirichiro, Ramacha and Egesagane.
All these rivers and several streams found in the county drain their water into Lake Victoria. River Eaka is important
to Nyamira residents as this is where the intake of Nyamira water supply is located. On the other hand river Sondu
has a lot of potential for hydro-electricity power generation which if harnessed can greatly contribute towards the
county’s economic development and poverty reduction efforts. The levels of these rivers have been declining over
years due to environmental degradation especially improper farming methods and planting of blue gum trees in the
catchments areas and river banks. The major types of soil found in the county are red volcanic (Nitosols) which are
deep, fertile and well-drained accounting for 75 per cent while the remaining 25 per cent are those found in the valley
bottoms and swampy areas suitable for brick making. Though the red volcanic soils are good for farming, they make
construction and road maintenance expensive. The county is divided into two major agro-ecological zones. The
highlands cover 82 per cent of the county while the upper midland zone covers the remaining 18 per cent. Climatic Conditions

The county has a bimodal pattern of annual rainfall that is well distributed, reliable and adequate for a wide range of
crops. Annual rainfall ranges between 1200 mm-2100 mm per annum. The long and short rain seasons start from
December to June and July to November respectively, with no distinct dry spell separating them. The maximum day
and minimum night temperatures are normally between 28.7 C and 10.1 C respectively, resulting to an average

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normal temperature of 19.4 C which is favourable for both agricultural and livestock production. Agriculture is the
main economic countributor to the county. Main cash crops are tea and pyrethrum. Others include sugarcane,
bananas maize, dairy and livestock products. The county experiences experience relatively good weather patterns
with rainfall occurring regularly throughout the year. However opportunities exist for development of large-scale
irrigation schemes.

3.2.5 Baseline information of the project areas in Bomet County Population
The population of Bomet County was estimated at 723,813 in 2009 Population and Housing Census. The population
was estimated to be 782,531 in 2012 and projected to reach 846,012 in 2015 and 891,168 by 2017 at an estimated
population growth rate of 2.7 per cent. The rapid population growth exerts pressure on the existing infrastructure and
provision of services in the County, including pre-primary schools (ECD), primary, secondary and tertiary institutions.
It requires greater investments in basic social services and hence exerts pressure on the economy thus limiting
prospects of savings and production in a setting where a large population lives below poverty line. A large proportion
of labor force are not in gainful employment. Physical and topographic features

A large part of the County is characterized by undulating topography that gives way to flatter terrain in the south. The
overall slope of the land is towards the south, except the north eastern part which rises eastwards towards the
3,000m high Mau Ridges. The land slopes gently from Kericho plateau to about 1,800m in the lower area where the
land is generally flat with a few scattered hills in Chepalungu and Sigor plain

The County has several rivers: Kipsonoi river flows through Sotik to Lake Victoria, Chemosit flows through Kimulot in
Konoin Sub-County, Nyongores flows from the Mau Forest southwards through Tenwek area, Amalo which originates
in the Transmara Forest (Kimunchul) flows along south western boundary of the County, and Tebenik/Kiptiget Rivers
which flow along the northern boundaries of the County. Dams are found in the drier zones of Chepalungu, parts of
Sotik sub-County and Longisa in Bomet East sub-County. Bomet County is made up of volcanic as well as igneous
and metamorphic rocks. In addition to tertiary lava (phonolites) and intermediate igneous rocks there are basement
systems (granite), volcanic ash mixtures and other pyroclastic rocks. Also present are quaternary volcanoes to the
south west parts and faults along the Mau escarpment bordering Narok County. The higher altitudes in the north
eastern parts of the County are particularly suitable for tea and dairy farming. The middle part of the County which
lies 2,300m above sea level is suitable for tea, maize, pyrethrum and coffee. In the southern parts of the County such
as Sigor and parts of Longisa, the main economic activity is livestock production, while milk production is a major
economic activity in Sotik sub-County. Areas between 1,800m and 2,300m above sea level are mostly suitable for
maize, pyrethrum, vegetables and beef production. Climatic Conditions

Rainfall in the County is highest in the lower highland zone with a recorded annual rainfall of between 1000 mm and
1400mm. The upper midland zone which lies west of the rift valley experiences uniform rainfall while in the upper
midland zone on the southern part of the County, rainfall is low. Rainfall is evenly distributed except for the short dry
season in January and February. The wettest months are April and May. Overall, there is little break between short
and long rains in the whole County. In the extreme south, rains start in November and continue intermittently until
June. June to November is the dry season. In the extreme north, rains start towards the end of March and continue
intermittently up to the end of December. The temperature levels range from 16 0 C to 24 0 C with the coldest

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months between February and April, while the hot seasons fall between December and January. There are abundant
water .This explains why agriculture and livestock production are main economic activities of the County.

3.2.6 Baseline information of the project areas in Kericho County Population
The county’s population was 758,339 in 2009 as per the national Population and Housing Census. The inter-censal
growth rate between 1999 and 2009 was 2.5 per cent per annum. The 2012 population is projected to be 817,402
consisting of 411,730 males and 405,671 females. The male to female ratio is 1:1.01. This population is projected to
increase further to 881,064 in 2015 and 926,237 by 2017. There is one town and three major urban centres with
population of above 2000 but less than 10,000 namely Kericho, Kipkelion, Londiani and Litein respectively. According
to the 2009 population and housing census, their respective populations were as follows: Kericho 42, 039 consisting
of 22,199 males and 19,830 females; Kipkelion 3,629 comprising of 1,799 males and 1,830 females; Londiani 5,437
composed of 2,672 males and 2,765 females and Litein 6,061 consisting 2,990 and 3.071 females respectively. In
2012, the population is projected to be 45,302, 3,912, 5,860 and 6,533 for Kericho, Kipkelion, Londiani and Litein
respectively. Bureti Constituency is the most populated in 2012 with a population of 180,706 followed by Ainamoi with
a population of 155,553. Belgut has a population of 145,151 while Kipkelion East has a population of 126,272.
Sigowet/Soin has a population of 113,312 while Kipkelion West is the least populated with a population of 96,408. Climatic conditions

Kericho has a warm and temperate climate making it an ideal location for agriculture and in particular, the large scale
cultivation of tea. Temperatures range from 16°C to 27°C. Average rainfall range between 1,400 mm and 2,000mm
per annum Topography
Topographically, Kericho is characterized by an undulating landscape. The north and central part of the district is well
watered with major rivers such as Youth, Kiptaret, Tumbilil, Mara, Nyando, Kipchorian and Maraget. The rivers are
characterized by falls and rapids which have made electricity generation possible. Indeed, most tea factories and
installations generate their own electricity.

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3.3.1 Introduction to Environmental and Social Screening

Screening is a process of determining whether a project requires EIA or not, and provides indication at the level that
this should be done. Screening clarifies the level of environmental assessment and therefore serves to cut cost and
time and also ensures that projects with serious environmental impacts also do not escape the right level of EIA

Environmental and social screening is also undertaken to enhance environmental and social sustainability of
proposed projects. The screening process focuses on environmental and social benefits of a project and identifying
potential negative impacts of proposed projects. The aim of the screening process is thus to identify and manage
environmental and social risks that could be associated with proposed projects. As a result, an environmental and
social management plan is developed assigning responsibilities of actions and mitigation measures for identified
negative impacts.

3.3.2 Environmental Screening for the last mile connectivity project

The Environmental Management Coordination Act of 1999 and the Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit)
Regulations (June 2003) prescribe the conduct for Environmental Impact Assessment for development projects.
However, these instruments do not contain guidelines regarding the screening, identification, assessment and
mitigation and monitoring of potential adverse, localized environmental and social impacts of small-scale
investments, where the project details and specific project sites are not known at the time of appraisal of the parent
project. Thus, the environmental and social screening process complements Kenya’s EIA procedures for meeting the
environmental and social management requirements. The Environmental and Social Screening Process also meets
the requirements of the donors i.e. AfDB.

The screening process has been developed because the locations and types of the distribution and transmission
component for the projects which are not known prior to the appraisal of the parent project, and therefore potential
adverse localized environmental and social impacts cannot be precisely identified. Furthermore, Kenya’s
environmental legislation does not provide for the environmental and social screening of small-scale projects, such
as those included in the distribution and transmission component of KPLC Projects. The EMCA and other
international legislations and donors’ safeguard policies like on Environmental Impact Assessment requires that all
projects are screened for potential adverse environmental and social impacts to determine the appropriate mitigation

The environmental and social screening process is consistent with Kenya's environmental policies and laws as well
as with other international legislations like for the WB, JICA and AFDB safeguard policies on Environmental

3.3.3 Importance of Environmental Screening

To ensure that the projects are designed and implemented in an environmentally and socially sustainable manner,
taking into account Kenya's relevant sector legislation as well as the donors’ Safeguard Policies. The environmental
and social screening is undertaken for Last Mile Connectivity Project to determine the potential environmental and
social impacts of connecting the customers to the grid from distribution transformers. Connection of customers will be

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done from distribution transformers within 600m radius from their premises. Some connections will involve extension
of low voltage line using poles with others will only require dropping of cables. In order to determine the potential
impacts of implementing the project; the screening process considered the environmental and social characteristic of
project sites per constituency as outlined in the table below.

Page | 92
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Sparsely  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees and naturaly Very hilly Black Terrestrial Public awareness
populated e.g  Residential occurring trees e.g. Grevillea, cotton birds campaigns on the safe use
around kirindo  Churches Mangoes, Eucalyptus, acacia, of electricity required
primary  Schools mercamia lutea, Cypress.
school, Temo  Agricultural (Food crops)  Shrubs.
village, St.  Administrative  Natural vegetation dominated by
Joseph girls grass and Lantana Camara
school,  Food crops e.g millet and cashew
Ramba nuts.
market and St

Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological

Page | 93
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Moderately  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees and naturally hilly Rich Terrestrial Public awareness
populated e.g  Residential occurring trees e.g. Grevillea,, Loam birds campaigns on the safe use
around Olare  Churches Guavas, Eucalyptus, Makhamia soil of electricity required
secondary  Schools Lutea.
school,  Agricultural – Food crops  Coffee and tea farms
Wikoteng  Administrative  Food crops (maize and beans
health centre,  Natural vegetation dominated by
Ogang’a grass and Lantana Camara
market and
Koyoo primary

Medium and Commercial  Trees and planted hedges e.g. Gently sloping Loam Terrestrial Public awareness
other places (Markets and Micro- Euphorbia, Cypress, Grevillea, birds campaigns on the safe use
low e.g in enterprises) eucalyptus Acacia, guava, Croton of electricity required
kojowi Churches  Sugar plntations
dispensary, Residential  food crops (Maize and millet)
obera market, Agricultural  Shrubs and grass
aoro chuotho Health facilities
primary  Schools

Page | 94
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
school and
malele market

Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium e.g  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, Gently sloping Loam Terrestrial Public awareness
Around  Residential Mangoes, avocado trees, lukewots birds campaigns required on the
Kosele village,  Churches Eucalyptus, marcamia lutea use of electricity
Nyatwere  Schools  Food crops. (cashew nuts, millet,
primary shool  Agricultural - maize)
Karabok  Administrative  Naturally occurring vegetation
market, Ahiro dominated by grass, shrubs and
Ombek some indigenous trees
school and

Page | 95
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium and Commercial (Markets and  Trees and planted hedges e.g. Relatively Flat Red Terrestrial The network infrastructure
sparsely Micro-enterprises) Cypress, Grevillea, Acacia, Croton, loam birds on the ground needs to be
populated e.g Churches marcamia lutea, Pine, Eucalyptus, maintained specially
around Residential Acacia, cypress pruning of trees along the
Ongalo Agricultural  Food crops(Maize and millet) way leave
primary Health facilities  Grass and Shrubs.
school,  Schools  Naturally occurring indigenous
Nyaburi trees
school of the
blind, Simbi
nyaima health
centre and

Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Sparsely  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, paw Relatively flat Red Terrestrial Public awareness
populated e.g  Residential paw, guava, Eucalyptus, Sisal, Loam birds campaigns on the safe use
around Jwelu  Churches marcamia lutea, pine of electricity is required in
primary  Schools  Food crops including maize and the area
school, Owiro  Agricultural – Food crops bananas
Secondary  Administrative  Fruit trees including mango and
School, ovacado trees

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
and Dudi girls


Medium and Commercial (Markets and  Trees and planted Hedges e.g. Relatively flat Red Terrestrial Public awareness
other places Micro-enterprises) Euphorbia, Grevillea Acacia, Loam birds campaigns on the safe use
Low e.g Churches Lantana Camara, Croton, of electricity is required in
Kogwe Residential Eucalyptus cypress. the area
village,Pedo Agricultural  Food crops e.g Maize and millet.
school, Ngere Health facilities  Natural vegetation dominated by
primary, and  Schools grass and shrubs
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological

Page | 97
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Densely  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, hilly Red Terrestrial Public awareness
populated e.g  Residential Mangoes, Eucalyptus, cypress, Loam birds campaigns on the safe use
around  Churches pine, Jacaranda, Nandi flame, of electricity is required in
Nyamira  Schools Sisal, Pine Makhamia Lutea. the area
primary  Agricultural - Sugar  Food crops e.g maize and beans
school,  Administrative  Small scale tea plantations
Masosa mixed  Health facilities
school, Kimori
school and
health Centre
Densely Commercial (Markets and  Trees e.g Nandi flame, Cypress, hilly Red Terrestrial The network infrastructure
populated e.g Micro-enterprises) Grevillea , Acacia, eucalyptus, loam birds on the ground needs to be
around Churches marcamia lutea, pine and fruit trees maintained specially
Nyamusi Residential  Coffee and tea pruning of trees along the
health centre, Agricultural  food crops (maize and beans) way leave
Matongo Health facilities
youth  Schools
coffee factory
and Ikamu

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Densely  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, hilly Loam Terrestrial Public awareness on the
populated e.g  Residential Eucalyptus, Pine Makhamia Lutea, birds safe cutting of trees
around  Churches nandi flame, Cypress, especially along way leave
Gesoso coffee  Schools  Food crops e.g maize and beans required
factory, Geke  Agricultural – Food crops  Plenty of bananas
primary  Administrative  Coffee farms
school,  Health centres
DOK primary
Nyabiosi and
Gekano boys
Densely Commercial (Markets and  Planted Trees e.g., Cypress, Gently sloping Red Terrestrial Public awareness on the
populated e.g Micro-enterprises) Grevillea carsitina, eucalyptus, Loam birds safe cutting of trees
Riomanoti Churches pine, Cypress, Acacia, Lantana especially along way leave
primary Residential Camara, bananas required
school, Agricultural  Small scale Tea farms
Magori bange, Health facilities  Food crops e.g maize and beans
Metameyua  Schools
Nemisi market
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological

Page | 99
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium e.g  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, Gently sloping Red Terrestrial Public awareness on the
around  Residential Mangoes, Eucalyptus, Bananas, Loam birds safe cutting of trees
Nyabiege  Churches cypress, pine, Jacaranda, Nandi especially along way leave
market, Riosiri  Schools flame, Sisal, Pine, Makhamia required
market,  Agricultural – food crops Lutea.
Nyachenge  Administrative  Food crops ( maize and beans)
polytechnic,  Tea farms
school and
primary .


Moderately Commercial  Trees e.g jacaranda, Cypress, Gently sloping Red Terrestrial Public awareness on the
populated e.g (Markets and Micro- Grevillea, pine, Acacia, Lantana loam birds safe cutting of trees
Amariba enterprises) Camara, cypress, Eucalyptus especially along way leave
market,, Churches  Tea farms required
Mosocho Residential  Food crops
primary Agricultural  Naturally occurring indigenous
school, Health facilities trees
Raganga  Schools
school and

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological

Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Dense and  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, hilly Red Terrestrial Public awareness on the
Medium e.g  Residential Eucalyptus, Sisal, Cypress, Pine Loam birds safe cutting of trees
around Kiogi  Churches Makhamia Lutea. especially along way leave
girls school,  Schools  tea farms required
Nyabururu  Agricultural – Food crops  food crops (maize and beans)
town centre,  Administrative  Few naturally occurring
Riotero SDA  Health Centers indigenous trees
gorwa primary
school and

Page | 101
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Densely Commercial  Trees and planted Hedges e.g. Gently sloping Red Terrestrial Public awareness on the
populated e.g (Markets and Micro- Euphorbia, Cypress, Grevillea , Loam birds safe cutting of trees
around enterprises) Nandi flame, eucalyptus, pine, especially along way leave
Gesangero Churches Cypress, Lantana Camara, Croton required
Village, Residential  Small scale Tea farms
Kegongi Agricultural  Food crops.eg maize and beans
Market and Health facilities  Plenty of bananas
Geturi  Schools
market and
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Sparsely  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, hilly Loam Terrestrial Electrical infrastructure is
populated e.g  Residential Mangoes,Eucalyptus, Pine and few birds in good condition however
nyamome  Churches naturally occurring indigenous public awareness
primary  Schools trees e.g Makhamia Lutea. campaigns in the area
school,  Agricultural  Food crops (maize and beans) should continue
highway  Administrative  Natural vegetation dominated by
health centre,  Health facilities grass and shrubs
kowino school

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium and Commercial (Markets and  Planted Trees e.g. Euphorbia, , hilly Red Terrestrial Electrical infrastructure is
other places Micro-enterprises) Grevillea , pine, Cypress, Lantana loam birds in good condition however
Low e.g Churches Camara, Eucalyptus, and few soil public awareness
around Savo Residential naturally naturally occurring campaigns in the area
dispensary, Agricultural indigenous trees should continue
Mwachi Health facilities  Food crops e.g Maize and millet,
market,  Schools  Sugarcane farms
primary and

Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium e.g  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, hilly Red Terrestrial Public awareness
around Kanga  Residential Eucalyptus, fruit trees, Pine Loam birds campaigns on the safe use
secondary,  Churches Makhamia Lutea and few of electricity is required in
Nyarach  Schools indigenous trees. the area
primary,Obad  Agricultural – (sugar cane  Sugar cane plantations
o village and Food crops)  Food crops (maize and millet and
Lwala  Administrative cashew nuts)
community  Health facilities
health centre
and Nyamuga

Page | 103
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium and Commercial (Markets and  Trees e.g. Cypress, Grevillea, hilly Loam Terrestrial Frequent outages
other places Micro-enterprises) Acacia, Lantana Camara, birds experienced in the area
Low e.g Churches Eucalyptus marcamia lutea, especially around kibwon
Muhuru health Residential eucalyptus, Nandi flame, pine secondary school.
centres, St Agricultural  Food crops (maize,beans, millet,
Camillus Health facilities sorghum.
hospital, Wath  Schools  Sugar Plantations
school and
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium e.g  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, Gently Sloping Red Terrestrial Public awareness
Igina primary  Residential Mangoes, Eucalyptus, Cypress, Loam birds campaigns on the safe use
school,  Churches pine, Jacaranda, Nandi flame, of electricity required
Keburo  Schools Sisal, Pine Makhamia Lutea.
school,  Agricultural – Maize and  Food crops (maize and beans)
Nyaigutu beans  Natural vegetation dominated by
primary  Administrative grass and shrubs.
school,  Health facilities
school and

Page | 104
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Dense and Commercial (Markets and  Trees e.g. Cypress, Grevillea Gently sloping Rich Terrestrial Public awareness
other places Micro-enterprises) Lantana Camara, marcamia lutea, red birds campaigns on the safe use
medium e.g Churches pine, and Eucalyptus, nandi flame, loam of electricity required
around Residential jacaranda soil
Kegonga Agricultural  Naturally occurring indigenous
market, Health facilities trees and shrubs
Gokehera  Schools  Food crops (maize, beans, millet)
school, China
and Kebaroti

Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Dense and  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, hilly Lred Terrestrial Public awareness
other areas  Residential Eucalyptus, Pine, jacaranda, loam birds campaigns on the safe use
medium e.g  Churches mercamia lutea of electricity required
around Oruba  Schools  Sisal
market, Uriri  Agricultural – sugarcane  Sugar plantations
market, Mori and Food crops  Food crops e.g maize and
primary  Administrative cassava
school,  Natural vegetation dominated by
Othoro grass and Lantana Camara
school and

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Kajulu market
Dense and Commercial (Markets and  Trees e.g. Euphorbia, Hilly and other Loam Terrestrial The network infrastructure
other places Micro-enterprises) eucalyptus, Cypress, Grevillea, areas gently birds on the ground needs to be
Medium e.g Churches Acacia, Lantana Camara, sloping maintained specially
Kuja school, Residential marcamia lutea, avocado trees. pruning of trees along the
Mahena Agricultural  Food crops (maize, beans, way leave
market and Health facilities cashew nuts)
school,  Schools  Sugar plantations
Ombasa  Natural vegetation dominated by
primary grass and Lantana Camara
and Siruti
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium e.g  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, Gently sloping Loam Terrestrial The network infrastructure
around Koru  Residential Mangoes, Eucalyptus, Bananas, birds on the ground needs to be
market and  Churches cypress, pine, Jacaranda, Nandi maintained specially
AIC Church,  Schools flame, Sisal, Pine MakhamiaLutea. pruning of trees along the
Low density  Agricultural - Sugar  Natural vegetation dominated by way leave
around Koru  Administrative grass and Lantana Camara
Police Station  Food crops (maize and beans
and Koru among others)

Page | 106
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Densely Commercial  Trees e.g. Cypress, eucalyptus, hilly Red Terrestrial Public awareness on the
populated e.g (Markets and Micro- pine, Grevillea, Lantana Camara, loam birds safe cutting of trees
around enterprises) mango trees, avocado trees, paw soil especially along way leave
Gitenyi Churches paw, lukewots required
primary Residential  Food crops (Maize bananas
school, Agricultural millet)
Kenyenya Health facilities  Small scale Tea and coffee farms
market,  Schools
school and

Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Densely  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, hilly Loam Terrestrial Public awareness on the
populated e.g  Residential Eucalyptus, Pine , Cypress, birds safe cutting of trees
around  Churches Makhamia Lutea. especially along way leave
Raimbase  Schools  Tea and coffee farms required
secondary  Agricultural – Cash crops  Food crops (maize and beans
school, and Food crops  Bananas farms
Naikururu  Administrative  Fruit trees e.g mangoes and
primary  Health facilities avocado

Page | 107
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
school and

Densely Commercial (Markets and  Trees e.g. Grevillea fruit trees, Gently sloping Red Terrestrial Public awareness on the
populated e.g Micro-enterprises) Lantana Camara, , marcamia lutea, Loam birds safe cutting of trees
around sisters Churches Nandi flame, pine, Cypress. especially along way leave
convent Residential  Food crops (maize and beans) required
Asumbi, Agricultural  Small scale Coffee farms
Nyabieyo Health facilities  Bananas
secondary  Schools
school, Mwata
school and
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Dense e.g  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, Gently sloping Red Terrestrial Public awareness on the
around  Residential Mango trees, Eucalyptus, cypress, Loam birds safe cutting of trees
Segera  Churches pine, Jacaranda, Nandi flame, especially along way leave
school,  Schools Sisal, Pine Makhamia Lutea. required
Imbecho  Agricultural -  Coffee farms
market,  Administrative  Food crops
Gekondo DEB  Health facilities  Sisal
school,  Bananas,

Page | 108
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
market and
Densely Commercial (Markets and  Trees e.g. Euphorbia, Cypress, hilly Red Terrestrial Public awareness on the
populated e.g Micro-enterprises) Grevillea Robusta, Lantana loam birds safe cutting of trees
around Churches Camara, eucalyptus soil especially along way leave
Kaporuso Residential  Maize and other food crops required
market, Ketitui Agricultural  Planted forest of eucalyptus
secondary Health facilities  Tea plantations
school,  Schools  Natural vegetation of grass and
Kiboybei shrubs,
market Maso
primary and

Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Dense and  Commercial (Markets)  Trees e.g. Euphorbia, Cypress, hilly Red Terrestrial Public awareness
some areas  Residential Grevillea Lantana Camara, pine, Loam birds campaigns on the safe use
medium e.g  Churches Cypress, nandi flame. soil of electricity required
around  Schools  Maize and other food crops
Korongoi  Agricultural – Tea and  Planted forest of eucalyptus
secondary Food crops  Tea plantations
school,  Administrative

Page | 109
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
school, Tulwet
market and
Dense and Commercial (Markets and  Trees e.g. Cypress, Grevillea, Hilly terrain Red Terrestrial Public awareness
other places Micro-enterprises) Lantana Camara, pine,nandi flame. Loam birds campaigns on the safe use
moderate e.g Churches fruit trees soil of electricity required
jogor primary Residential  Maize and other food crops
school, Agricultural  Planted forest of eucalyptus
kapsinende Health facilities  Tea plantations
market, sirel  Schools
market and
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Dense and  Commercial (Markets)  Tea plantations hilly Red Terrestrial Public awareness
medium e.g  Residential  Food crops (maize and bean) Loam birds campaigns on the safe use
Gatarakwa  Churches  Eucalyptus plantations, grevilaea soil of electricity required
police post,  Schools and croton species, acacia, pine,
Kipsogori  Agricultural - Cypress.
market,  Administrative
primary and

Page | 110
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium and Commercial  Tea plantations hilly Red Terrestrial Public awareness
other places (Markets and Micro-  Food crops (maize and other Loam birds campaigns on the safe use
Low e.g enterprises) food crops) soil of electricity required
around Churches  Eucalyptus plantations, grevilaea
Kamongomoni Residential and croton species, pine, Cypress
school, Terek Agricultural  Natural vegetation dominated
market, Health facilities mostly by grass
Kiptedet  Schools
market and
Michira health

Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium e.g  Commercial (Markets)  Tea plantations hilly Loam Terrestrial Public awareness
around  Residential  Food crops (maize and beans) birds campaigns on the safe use
Kaplelwa tea  Churches  Eucalyptus plantations, grevilaea of electricity required
buying centre,  Schools and croton species, markamia
Kebenet  Agricultural – Food crops lutea, pine, Cypress
market,  Administrative  Natural vegetation dominated by
Taiywet shrubs and grass
school, and

Page | 111
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Dense and Commercial (Markets and  Tea plantations hilly Red Terrestrial Public awareness
mediun e.g in Micro-enterprises)  Food crops Loam birds campaigns on the safe use
cheptigit Churches  Eucalyptus plantations, grevilaea soil of electricity required
primary, Residential pine, nandi flame, neem tree and
kiptabo tea Agricultural croton species
buying centre, Health facilities
taploti market  Schools
and getumbe
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium and  Commercial (Markets)  Tea plantations Hilly Red Terrestrial Public awareness
other places  Residential  Food crops (maize and beans) loam birds campaigns on the safe use
Dense e.g  Churches  Eucalyptus plantations, grevilaea soil of electricity required
kamungei  Schools nandi flame, pine, cypress and
market,  Agricultural croton species
kipsaun  Administrative
school and

Page | 112
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium e.g Commercial  Trees e.g., Cypress, Grevillea Gently sloping Red Terrestrial Public awareness
Sachwagan (Markets and Micro- Robusta, Acacia, Lantana, Croton, loam birds campaigns on the safe use
market, enterprises) eucalyptus soil of electricity required
Kapsebetet Churches  Food crops (Maize and millet)
school, Residential
Kamusini Agricultural
market and Health facilities
Kipkoi school.  Schools

Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium e.g  Commercial (Markets)  Trees e.g. Euphorbia, Cypress, Gently sloping Loam Terrestrial Public awareness
around  Residential Grevillea Robusta, Acacia, Lantana birds campaigns on the safe use
kipyosit  Churches Camara, Croton, pine, nandi flame, of electricity required
market,  Schools eucalyptus
kiborlong  Agricultural – Food crops  Food crops e.g Maize and millet
polytechnic,  Administrative  Natural vegetation dominated by
kimuchul grass and shrubs

Page | 113
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium and Commercial (Markets and  Trees e.g. Cypress, Grevillea, Gently sloping Poor Terrestrial Public awareness
other places Micro-enterprises) Acacia, Croton, Eucalyptus,neem Loam birds campaigns on the safe use
Low e.g Churches tree soil of electricity required
Chepkosa Residential  Food crops (Maize and millet)
school, Agricultural  Natural vegetation dominated by
Tilangok Health facilities Grass and shrubs
dispensary,  Schools
school and

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3.4.1 Picture gallery

Food crops and eucalyptus trees in Nthiwa constituency Hilly terrain in Mbita constituency

A sample of the transformer to be maximized Sisal and grevvilea trees in Kasipul Kabondo

Some of the households to benefit from the project in Kisii Vegetation along part of the project area in Migori

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The section identifies both negative and positive impacts associated with the project. The impacts affect both social
and environmental wellbeing of the project area.

3.5.1 Positive Impacts Employment and Wealth Creation

Last Mile connectivity project shall create employment opportunities during construction and operational phases.
During the construction phase, there shall be direct and indirect opportunities for workers who shall be employed to
work on the low voltage lines and those that will start businesses to satisfy the needs of the former respectively.
Earnings received from the direct and indirect employments shall help improve livelihoods of persons in employment.
In addition direct and indirect employment will translate into incomes at the household levels which will trigger other
spending and demand in the local economy. Electricity access to low income groups

Last mile connectivity project shall enable Kenya Power to supply electricity at low costs to persons within 600m
radius of existing distribution transformers. The low cost of supplying electricity has attracted many people in the low
income groups who feel they shall be able to afford the subsidized costs. Loan Payment Model

Last Mile Connectivity Project shall implement the Stima Loan payment model especially for customers in the low
income bracket who will not be able to pay the required connection fee upfront. Loan payment for an extended period
of time shall enable customers in low income and vulnerable groups to afford electricity connection without much
strain. Local Supply of Materials

Poles to be used during construction phase shall be sourced locally thus reducing extra costs incurred during
transportation. Local sourcing of materials shall also be beneficial to locals suppliers especially from payments
received during purchase. Local sourcing of materials shall therefore generate new income revenues for the local
population across the country. The new income revenues received will create demand for other goods and services
causing a trickledown effect to the entire economy Improved living standards

Implementation of last mile connectivity project will result in connecting approximately 1.2 million customers to the
national grid. Access to electricity enables people to use domestic electric appliances such as electric cookers, iron
boxes etc. It also limits exposure to smoke during cooking and is appropriate for lighting. Social Inclusion

LMCP aims at connecting electricity to all social groups in the country. This is in line with the tenets of social inclusion
which the World Bank defines as the process of improving the terms for individuals and groups to take part in society.
Further, Social inclusion aims to empower poor and marginalized people to take advantage of burgeoning global
opportunities. It ensures that people have a voice in decisions which affect their lives and that they enjoy equal
access to markets, services and political, social and physical spaces.

Page | 116 Awareness creation on HIV/AIDS
The Kenya Power HIV/AIDS policy underscores the fact that HIV/AIDS has no cure and the only way to stop its
spread is through attitudinal and behavioral changes as well as management that can be secured effectively through
education (awareness and information campaigns). As such, the project will ensure dissemination of information on
HIV/AIDS to communities and workers who otherwise would not have had the correct information. Information on
HIV/AIDS will be disseminated via radio and televisions; a means that is quite reliable. In addition Kenya Power shall
also disseminate information through awareness creation by the contractor and company Safety, Health &
Environment Department. Health Benefits of LMCP

According to 2009 population census, 70% of Kenyans used kerosene for lighting. This poses health risk as reported
by World Bank report 2008 on the Welfare of Rural Electrification. Health risk posed by indoor air pollution from
burning of kerosene mainly include acute lower respiratory infections, low birth weight, infant mortality, and
pulmonary tuberculosis. Available data suggest that insufficient illumination (low light) conditions can cause some
degree of eye strain, and reading in these conditions over long periods of time may have the potential to increase the
development of nearsightedness (myopia) in children and adults. The Last Mile project will result in many families
replacing kerosene lamps for lighting with electricity there-by reducing disease burden at the family level and on the
government. Benefits to Education

Access to reliable electricity at the household level and schools will create opportunities for children to study, access
more information through informative TV channels and radios. This increases the amount of time spent by children
studying and accessing valuable information resulting into better results and an informed society. Increased revenue

The implementation of the project will boost income streams accrued from increased sales of electricity to KPLC in
the long run. Though not in the short term, these revenues will go to system reinforcement to ensure reliable quality
supply while some of it goes to the government as taxes which results in improvement in service provision by the
government to its citizens. Improved Security

There will be enhanced security in the country arising from well-lit social, commercial and individual premises. With
the implementation of the project, the level of security will increase across the country. This is as a result of more
security lights which helps keep off opportunistic crimes and gender based violence. Improved Communication

Access to electricity will lead to improved communication for the beneficiaries. This will be enabled by the fact that
charging of mobile phones will be easier and cheaper. Access also to mass media like radio and T.V will provide
opportunity for the households to access a wide range of information which is useful for decision making. Some
information that shall be received include: information on markets, farm inputs, crop management and local affairs,
nutrition, diseases, investments and entertainment among others. Gender Considerations

Electricity is a basic service especially for lighting but is still a luxury for many rural women and men. Access to
modern electricity will go a long way towards alleviating the daily household burdens of women, giving them more
time, improving their health and enhancing their livelihoods. The Last Mile Project will increase access to electricity
Page | 117
across the whole country. Available literature on gender and energy suggests that providing electricity to
communities and homes and motive power for tasks considered women‘s work can promote gender equality,
women‘s empowerment, and women‘s and girls’ access to education, health care, and employment. Negative Environmental and Social Impacts

Despite the various socio economic and environmental benefits outlined, the project will also have some negative
impacts. As regards the proposed KPLC Projects, potential adverse environmental and social impacts on the natural
and human environment are likely to arise from inputs as well as project processes at the construction and operation
and maintenance phases. The following are the negative impacts and suggested mitigation measures. Impacts on Natural vegetation and biodiversity

The project will involve short service lines within the 600m radius mainly along the road reserve. No tall growing trees
will be allowed below the lines or along the way leave trace. Grass and short vegetation will be cleared to pave way
for erection of poles. Impacts on air quality from vehicle exhaust fumes

Exhaust emissions are likely to be generated by the construction vehicles and equipment. Motor vehicles that will be
used to ferry construction materials would cause air quality impact by emitting pollutants through exhaust emissions. Risks of sparks/fire from live conductors

Potential adverse impacts related to fire hazards can result from the project. The live conductors can cause short
circuiting in case conductors touch one another due to strong winds, falling tree branches or trees. In case of big
sparks falling on dry grass there can be a likelihood of fire. Solid waste

Little if any solid waste will be generated which includes conductor cuttings and tree cuttings. Electric shocks and electrocution of people

Electricity, though a good master and a bad servant, is a hazard and safety precautions must be adhered to and
properly used. Within the households electric shocks are likely in case of poor handling of electricity such as using
wet hands, poor wiring and overloading of sockets. Occupation safety and health hazards

During construction contractor workers will be engaged in activities such as pole and conductor wiring and working at
heights. Workers can be exposed to occupational risks like falling from heights, being pressed by poles, slips and
shocks. Public health risk

At project implementation many new workers will be involved and new interactions between people are likely to take
place. These interactions are likely to pose risks to the social fabric of the society. Such risks include public health
related issues such as (HIV/AIDS, communicable and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Oil Leaks from transformers

Transformers can experience a leak arising from a fault, poor handling and vandalism. These leaks may result in
potential contamination of surface and groundwater as well as soil.

Page | 118 Noise during construction
Noise pollution from the proposed development during construction noise will be generated from the construction
machines and construction workers Contamination from creosote-treated poles

Soil and water pollution due to unsafe disposal of creosote-treated poles my occur if proper care and management
procedures are not put in place Social Vices

Increasing numbers of workers in construction sites during project period can result into social vices in the project
area such as increased cases of theft among others. Soil erosion and surface runoff

Loose soils from excavations done during erection of poles can be washed away if not compacted thereafter. Open Excavations

Open excavations made during erection of poles can result into accidents when left unprotected using high visibility
tapes and can act as breeding grounds for vectors especially when left unused for a long period of time.

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The Environmental and social management plan for the proposed development project allows for identification of
environmental and social impacts, development of mitigation measures, management actions and establishment of a
structure to ensure effective implementation of the mitigation measures. ESMP is an important outcome of the
environmental and social screening process as it provides a checklist for project monitoring and evaluation. The
ESMP specifies the mitigation and management measures that the proponent shall undertake and shows how the
project shall mobilize organizational capacity and resources to implement these measures.

The environmental and Social Management Plan is as shown below:

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Table 1: Environmental and Social Management Plan

Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Minimize vegetation disturbance
Vegetation Disturbance 8 Properly demarcate the project area Project engineer and contractor 1 Month 7) 3,000.00
to be cleared during installation of
supply cables and erection of poles
9 Designate parking lots within the 8) 0.00
project area to prevent vegetation
10 Introduction of trees within the 9) 30,000.00
project area in replacement of
disturbed vegetation
11 Select alternative alignments to
avoid disturbance of sensitive natural
Local Sourcing of wooden 5) Plant more trees to compensate 5) 100,000.00
poles for the poles used
6) Ensure accurate budgeting to only
have necessary material is ordered 6) 0.00
7) Properly store the poles to
minimize potential loss
8) Supply seedlings to farmers to 7) 0.00
increase forest cover 8) 100,000.00
Reduce soil erosion and surface run off
Increased soil erosion and 5) Ensure leveling of the project site Project engineer and contractor Throughout 5) 0.00
surface run off to reduce run off velocity and construction period
increase infiltration of storm water
6) Site excavation works be planned
in such a manner that a section is 6) 2,000.00 per unit
completed and rehabilitated before
another commences
Air Pollution

Page | 121
Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Dust emission 7) Avoid excavation works in Project engineer and contractor Throughout project 30,000.00
extremely dry seasons period
8) Sprinkle water on degraded
access routes to reduce dust
emission during transportation of
materials to project sites
9) Provide and ensure use of
appropriate personal protective
equipment by workers on site

Exhaust emission 6) Minimize vehicle idling time to 0.00

lower amounts of exhaust fumes
7) Sensitize truck drivers to avoid
unnecessary running engines on
stationery vehicles and switch off
engines whenever possible
8) Maintain machinery and vehicle in
good working conditions to ensure
minimal emissions are produced
Generation of Wastes
Solid waste e.g. conductor and 4) All left over conductor cuttings to
tree cuttings. be disposed appropriately or be
returned to the store for proper
5) Proper budgeting of materials to
reduce wastage
6) Practice 3Rs of waste
management: reduce, reuse, recycle
of materials

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)

Waste oils from transformers 2) Properly Manage storage, transfer,

and disposal of transformer oils
according to industry standards

Minimize occupational safety and health risks

Open excavations 4) Barricade the proposed project Project engineer and contractor Throughout project 2,000.00
area using high visibility tape to avoid period
falls into open excavations
5) Cover all open excavations
immediately after erection of poles
Working at height 9) Provide appropriate personal Contractor and project engineer Throughout project 9) 50,000.00
protective equipment for workers period
involved in activities above 2 meters
from ground level
10) Whenever using scaffolds
ensure workers maintain a secure 10) 0.00
clearance from power lines.
11) Provide storage bags for
portable tools used while working at
height 11) 0.00
12) Carry out safety and health
inductions and toolbox talks for all
workers involved in the project to 12) 0.00
enhance awareness on safety and
health requirements

Page | 123
Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)

Shocks and Electrocutions 4) Only trained & certified workers to Contractor and Company Throughout project 2) 0.00
install, maintain or repair electrical Management period
5) Test the power lines to ensure they
are shut down before work
6) Whenever using scaffolds ensure
workers maintain a secure clearance
from power lines.

Pricks and cuts 5) Ensure project area is kept free of Contractor and project engineer Throughout project 5) 0.00
sharp objects period
6) Provide appropriate foot protection 6) 20,000.00
to workers within the site
Public safety and health
Shocks and electrocutions 4) Create awareness to the public on Contractor and proponent Before commencement 5,000.00
the potential impacts of powered lines and during
to prevent electrical hazards implementation of the
5) Display appropriate signage for project
use during construction and
implementation of the project to
enhance awareness creation on the
potential hazards of the project

Page | 124
Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
HIV/AIDS and Communicable 4) Create awareness to the public
Diseases and workers on HIV/AIDS and liaise
with the ministry of health to provide
protection for use when necessary
5) Distribute HIV & AIDS awareness
materials in collaboration NACC

Social Vices 3) Awareness creation to the public

and liaising with area administration
to enhance security
3) Create public awareness on the
need to protect public infrastructure
for continued supply of electricity and
to minimize exposure to electrical
Damage to property
Damage to structures erected 3) Ensure timely dissemination of Contractor and proponent Before commencement 5,000.00
on the way leaves information on the need to carry out of the project
works on occupied way leaves to
allow for relocation of erected

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The Last Mile connectivity project will have numerous positive impacts not only to the company but also to the
consumers especially those in low income groups. This is through improving security especially in areas that do not
have power connection, improving living standards, ensuring social inclusion, enhancing communication among
people through television and radios as well as benefiting education in Kenya especially through connecting schools.
Negative impacts resulting from construction and implementation of the project include: emission of exhaust fumes,
solid wastes generation, transformer oil leaks, shocks and electrocutions and noise during construction among others
shall be adequately mitigated.

The company is committed to putting in place several measures to mitigate the negative environmental, safety,
health and social impacts associated with the life cycle of the project. It is recommended that in addition to this
commitment, the company focuses on implementing the measures outlined in the ESMP as well as adhering to all
relevant national and international environmental, health and safety standards, policies and regulations that govern
establishment and operation of such projects.

It is also recommended that the positive impacts that emanate from the LMCP be maximised as much as possible. It
is expected that these measures will go a long way in ensuring the best possible environmental compliance and
performance standards.

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The last mile connectivity project is an initiative to help achieve government of Kenya pledge of stimulating economic
growth and accelerating job creation for the wellbeing of its citizens. The project benefits from external funding and
thus shall enable Kenya Power to supply electricity to customers at a subsidized cost while also implementing the
Stima Loan payment model. Supply of electricity at a subsidized cost shall enable persons in low income groups to
access electricity and accelerate connection of more customers to the national grid. The last mile connectivity project
shall also avail meters to customers prior to engaging them for payment. The project’s benefits include provision of
new supply over a short period of time and accrued benefits of electricity access among others.

The last mile connectivity project for Lot 4 shall be undertaken in central rift region counties which include;
Nyandarua, Nakuru, Narok and Samburu

Baseline information for the proposed project area analyzed during the screening exercise considered population
density, vegetation distribution, climatic conditions, topography, Soils and Social set ups with a key focus on
identifying sensitive ecosystems that could be affected by the LMCP. The project area is diverse with high to medium
populations in urban areas and low populations in the rural areas. The area has diverse vegetation cover comprising
of planted and natural species. The project area is also characterized by agricultural crops e.g. sugarcane
plantations, maize farms, wheat species, potato farms etc. The project area experiences high to low temperatures
ranging from 350C to 120C annually with high temperatures recorded in Samburu County and lowest temperatures in
Nakuru County in Kuresoi and Molo. The area also receives bimodal rainfall throughout the year, with long rains
falling between March-July and short rains between September and December. Topography of the proposed project
area is characterized by Mau Escarpments, rift valley floor, Kinangop plateau, aberdare ranges and steep slopes

Environmental and Social screening is undertaken to determine whether LMCP requires EIA or not and to provide
indication at the level that this should be done. The screening process aims at enhancing environmental and social
suitability of LMCP. This will help manage environmental and social risks associated with the project. The screening
process has been developed because the locations and types of the distribution component for the projects has been
pegged to identified transformers that will be maximized across the country with general droplines to connect
customers and at other places extension of the Low voltage lines to a maximum of two poles in order to achieve
accelerated connections. Furthermore, Kenya’s environmental legislation does not provide for the environmental and
social screening of small-scale projects, such as those included in the distribution and customer connections at the
end user levels. The Last mile connectivity project has numerous positive impacts not only to the company but also to
customers. The project aims at implementing Stima Loan payment model to enable customers in low income groups
access electricity, supply of electricity at a subsidized cost will enhance security in different areas, promote social
inclusion, gender consideration, benefit education and improve livelihood among others. Anticipated negative
environmental and social impacts during construction and implementation of the project include: transformer oil
leakages, electric shocks and electrocution of people, social vices, vegetation disturbance, risk of sparks and fire
from live conductors, occupational health hazards among others. The company will ensure implementation of the
developed environmental and social monitoring plan to mitigate the potential negative impacts while maximizing on
the positive impacts identified.

To mitigate the anticipated negative and social impacts, an Environmental and Social Management Plan has been
developed to assist the company in mitigating and managing the environmental and social issues associated with the
life-cycle of the project. The ESMP developed will ensure compliance with regulatory authority stipulations and AfDB

Page | 128
guidelines. It will also enhancesufficient allocation of resources on the project budget so that the scale of ESMP-
related activities is consistent with the significance of project impacts.

In conclusion, the last mile connectivity project will ensure supply of electricity at an affordable cost to customers,
connection of more customers to the national grid and improvement of security in different areas through availability
of reliable electricity. On the other hand, negative impacts of the project which include; oil leaks from transformers,
shock and electrocution of people, noise from construction works, Occupations health and safety hazards among
others will be mitigated as outlined in the ESMP. Diligence on the part of the contractor will be paramount to ensure
minimization and where possible avoidance of anticipated negative impacts.

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4.1.1 Last Mile Connectivity Project

The Government of Kenya has pledged to stimulate economic growth and accelerate job creation for economic
wellbeing of Kenyans. This pledge can mainly be achieved through expansion of power distribution system to be
within reach of more Kenyans thus enabling them connect to the grid at affordable costs. The need to reduce cost
burden of increased connectivity on Kenya Power as well as reduce amount paid by customer to connect to the grid
resulted into conception of Last Mile Connectivity Project.

The Last Mile Connectivity Project benefits from external funding and aims at extending low voltage network on
existing distribution transformers; to households located within transformer protection distance. The project involves
building low voltage lines both single phase and three phase along rural access roads. The project also focuses on
availing service connection including meters to customers’ premises prior to engaging customers for payment.
Therefore, activities such as way leaves acquisitions together with attendant county and other authorities’ permits
and approvals, materials procurement/delivery logistics, construction, etc. shall be dealt with prior to the customer
being requested to connect.

Benefits of Last Mile Connectivity project include:

ix. Accelerated access to electricity;

x. Improved standards of construction hence improved quality of supply;
xi. Provision of new supply in a shorter time;
xii. Opportunity for the company to develop long term network expansion plans.
Last Mile Connectivity Project aims at ensuring increased access to electricity, especially among low income groups.
The company will make use of the existing 35,000 distribution transformers to connect approximately 1.2 million
customers. The project does not expect any resettlement but there will be need to compensate people whose assets
e.g. crops and trees will be damaged during project implementation.

4.1.2 Justification of the project

Kenya Power being the sole supplier of electricity and having implemented policies and engaged in maximization
projects to ensure increased connectivity to electricity to customers, has foreseen network expansion driven by
customer demand approaching saturation. As such, there is need to have a new approach to jumpstart and
accelerate connectivity at a subsidized cost to consumers.

Despite increasing demand for supply of electricity at a subsidized cost among low income groups, the company has
not been able to successfully achieve the need due to increased costs of all inputs used in the process. Therefore,
implementation of Last Mile Connectivity Project; which benefits from external funding, is a sure way of connecting
more consumers, especially low income groups to the grid. This will ensure achievement of government pledge to
stimulate economic growth and accelerate job creation for economic wellbeing of Kenyans; provision of new supply in
a shorter duration of time and availability of reliable power supply.

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The Last Mile Connectivity Project for LOT 4 shall be undertaken for identified transformers located within
constituencies in Central region covering Nyandarua County (Kinangop, Ndaragua, Naivasha, Olnjoro orok, Ol
karao); Nakuru County (Nakuru town East, Nakuru town West, Rongai, Subukia, Njoro, Kuresoi North, Kuresoi
South, Gilgil); Narok County (Narok North, Narok East, Narok West Narok south); and Samburu County (Samburu
North, Samburu West, Samburu East, Emurua Kiddir).

4.2.1 Baseline information of the project area

Some of the environmental and social aspects considered for Last Mile Connectivity Project include; population,
vegetation distribution, topography, climate, soils and the social setup especially settlement and road networks within
the project area.

The county covers an area of 7,495.1 Km² and is located between Longitude 35 º 28` and 35º 36` East and Latitude
0 º 13 and 1º 10`

Nyandarua County has an area of 3245.2km2 lying between latitude 0°8‘ to the North and 0°50‘ to South and
between 35° 13‘ East and 36°42‘West

Samburu County is located in the former Rift Valley Province of Kenya; about 300km north of Nairobi. The County
covers an area of 21,022.27 sq km with a population of about 224,000 people.

Narok County is located to the south-western part of the country and in the southern part of Great Rift Valley. It
covers an area of 17,944 sq km. Narok County constitutes of 4 sub-counties namely; Narok North, Narok South,
Transmara East and Transmara West Sub-Counties. It lies between latitudes 0°50‟ and 2° 05‟ South and
longitudes 35° 8‟ and 36° 00‟ East.

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Map showing general project area for LMC Lot 4 Population
The project area is mainly characterized by High, medium and low population densities. High population densities are
mostly in urban and some peri-urban areas; medium population densities in peri-urban and some rural areas and
medium to Low population densities in rural areas. The main communities residing in the rural areas of the project
area are Kikuyus, Maasai, Karenjins and Samburus. However urban areas are cosmopolitan. There are other
communities who have settled in the project area because of employment, commercial activities or intermarriages.
The communities mostly speak tribal languages and due to close interactions and education, Kiswahili and English
are also widely spoken.

Page | 132 Vegetation Distribution
The project area has diverse vegetative cover which includes planted and natural flora species. Some of the planted
flora species includes: eucalyptus, gravellia, pine and agro-forestry trees while the natural species includes: acacia,
wattle barks, baobab. Other vegetative cover includes agricultural crops e.g. wheat, maize, sugarcane etc. Topography
The main topographic features in Nakuru County are the Mau Escarpment covering the Western part of the county,
the Rift Valley floor, Ol Doinyo Eburru Volcano, Akira plains, Menengai Crater, elaborate drainage and relief system
and the various inland lakes on the floor of the Rift Valley where nearly all the permanent rivers and streams in the
county drain into. These rivers include river Njoro, Makalia which drain into Lake Nakuru, Malewa which drains into
Lake Naivasha and Molo River which drains into Lake Baringo among others.

The main physical features of Nyandarua County include Kinangop Plateau and Ol’kalou/Ol’joroOrok plateau which
have slopes that are interrupted by low undulating hills. The gentle slopes flatten to plain-like features encouraging
formation of marshlands and swamps. The county was affected by volcanic and faulting which gave rise to major
land forms, the Great Rift Valley to the west and Aberdare ranges to the east. There are steep slopes that have
undergone great transformation through weathering creating shallow valleys and gorges. The ranges drop gradually
in a series of faults giving way to an escarpment that has been broken into sharp valleys occasioned by change in
levels of the river courses.

North, East and south parts of Narok County are relatively flat while Narok west is characterized by medium to steep
Samburu east is generally flat while Samburu North and West are mostly characterized by gentle and steep slopes. Climate
The climate of the project area is strongly influenced by the altitude and physical features. Nakuru County
experiences three broad climatic zones (II, III and IV). Zone II covers areas with an altitude between 1980 and 2700
m above the sea level and receives minimum rainfall of 1000mm per annum. This zone covers Upper Subukia,
Rongai and Mau scarpment.
Zone III receives rainfall of between 950 and 1500 mm per annum and covers areas with an altitude of between 900-
1800m above sea level. This zone covers most parts of the county and is the most significant for agricultural
cultivation. Zone IV occupies more or less the same elevation (900-1800m) as Zone III. However, it has lower rainfall
of about 500-1000mm per annum. This zone dominates Solai and Naivasha. The county has a bimodal rainfall
pattern. The short rains fall between October and December while the long rains fall between March and May.
Temperatures in the county ranges from a high of 29.3oC between the months of December, January, February, and
part of early March to low temperatures of up to 12oC during the month of June and July. Molo and Kuresoi Sub-
Counties are relatively cold while Naivasha, Gilgil and parts of Rongai Sub-County experience extreme hot weather.

Nyandarua county experiences moderate to low temperatures. The highest temperatures are recorded in the month
of December, with a mean average of 250C while the lowest is recorded in the month of July, with a mean average
temperature of 120C. The cold air rises during clear nights on the moor lands of the Aberdare Ranges flows down the
Plateau, through the valleys west of the plateau. The temperatures in these valleys can fall to between 1.20 C and -
1.30C which last for few hours before sunrise. The County experiences two rainy seasons: Long rains from March to

Page | 133
May with a maximum rainfall of 1600 mm and short rains From September to December and with a maximum rainfall
of 700mm. The rainfall intensity varies according to the location. Areas near the Aberdare slopes receive sufficient
rainfall with the plateau receiving scanty and erratic rainfall.

Samburu is one of the driest counties in Kenya with temperatures ranging between 25°C during the coldest months
(June and July) and 35°C during the hottest months (January to March). The county receives between 200mm and
250mm of rainfall annually. The rainfall pattern is unpredictable and at times the county receives no rain in a whole

Narok County temperature range is 12 to 28 0C and the average rainfall range of 500 to 1,800 mm per annum. Soils
The soil pattern in Nakuru County presents a complex distribution with three main classifications that have been
influenced by climatic conditions, volcanic activities and underlying rock type. These main soil classifications include:
Latosolic soils; are the well-drained red volcanic soils (common in upper Subukia valley) and imperfectly drained
loam with dark brown subsoil covers (common in Njoro, Nakuru Central Elementaita and Maai Mahiu in Naivasha
areas) with fertility ranging from moderate to high. The main crops supported by these soils are wheat,Maize,
pyrethrum, sunflower, finger millet potatoes, pigeon peas, vegetables and beans and peas. Planosolic Soils; these
comprises of poorly drained dark brown clay soils with highly developed textured top soils as well as well drained
humic lawns with dark brown sub soils.

These soils are classified as fertile. Areas covered under these soils range from Olenguruoni in Kuresoi, Molo,
Rongai and parts of Njoro. The main agriculture activities in these areas include sheep rearing, dairy farming, wheat,
barley, potatoes, pyrethrum and vegetables farming.
Alluvial and Lacustrine Deposits; these are shallow soils resulting from volcanic ash sediments as well as other
sources. They occupy the Rift Valley bed in Lake Nakuru, Lake Naivasha, Lake Elementaita, Solai and the Menengai
Crater as well as the adjacent areas to these features.
Generally the soils in Samburu are sandy and sandy loam, Narok is characterized by sandy and cotton loam soils
while nyandarua soils are mostly loam and cotton loam.

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4.3.1 Environmental and Social Screening

Screening is a process of determining whether a project requires EIA or not, and provides indication at the level that
this should be done. Screening clarifies the level of environmental assessment and therefore serves to cut cost and
time and also ensures that projects with serious environmental impacts also do not escape the right level of EIA

Environmental and social screening is also undertaken to enhance environmental and social sustainability of
proposed projects. The screening process focuses on environmental and social benefits of a project and identifying
potential negative impacts of proposed projects. The aim of the screening process is thus to identify and manage
environmental and social risks that could be associated with proposed projects. As a result, an environmental and
social management plan is developed assigning responsibilities of actions and mitigation measures for identified
negative impacts.

4.3.2 Environmental Screening for Last Mile Connectivity Project

The Environmental Management and Coordination (Amendment) Act of 2015 and the Environmental (Impact
Assessment and Audit) Regulations (June 2003) prescribe the conduct for Environmental Impact Assessment for
development projects. The environmental and social screening process complements Kenya’s EIA procedures for
meeting the environmental and social management requirements. The Environmental and Social Screening Process
also meets the requirements of the Financiers i.e. Africa Development Bank (AfDB).

The screening process has been developed based on identified Transformers that need to be maximized across the
country. The EMCA and other international legislations and donors’ safeguard policies like on Environmental Impact
Assessment requires that all projects are screened for potential adverse environmental and social impacts to
determine the appropriate mitigation measures.

The environmental and social screening process is consistent with Kenya's environmental policies and laws as well
as with other international legislations like for the WB, JICA and AfDB safeguard policies on Environmental

4.3.3 Objective of Environmental Screening

To ensure that the projects are designed and implemented in an environmentally and socially sustainable manner,
taking into account Kenya's relevant sector legislation as well as the donors’ Safeguard Policies.

The environmental and social screening is undertaken for Last Mile Connectivity Project to determine the potential
environmental and social impacts of connecting the customers to the grid from distribution transformers. Connection
of customers will be done from distribution transformers within 600m radius from their premises. Some connections
will involve extension of low voltage line using poles with others will only require dropping of cables. In order to
determine the potential impacts of implementing the project; the screening process considered the environmental and
social characteristic of project sites per constituency as outlined in the table below.

Page | 135
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types (terrestrial/

Medium- in  Commercial (Markets)  Trees e.g. wattle barks, Relatively flat on the Cotton/ Terrestrial; Some TXs have no
towns e.g  Residential Eucalyptus, cypress, pine. lower sides and Loam birds, identification no. e.g, tx-
Ndunyu Njeru,  Churches  grass sloppy towards the domestic 50367, 35104.
Engineer and  Schools  Agricultural crops e.g. mountain(aberdares) animals (public awareness on
medium low in  Agricultural – e.g, maize. potatoes safety is needed)
the rural potatoes, cabbages
settings  Administrative


Medium and Commercial  Trees e.g. wattle barks, gentle slope Loam Domestic Some TXs have no
other places (Markets and Micro- gravellia, croton, Eucalyptus, cotton animals, identification no. e.g, tx-
Low enterprises) cypress, pine. birds 35254.
Churches  grass and Shrubs (public awareness on
Residential safety is needed)
Health facilities
 Schools


Page | 136
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types (terrestrial/
Medium and Commercial  Trees e.g. wattle barks, gentle slope Loam/ Domestic Some TXs have no
other places (Markets and Micro- gravellia, croton, Eucalyptus, cotton animals, identification no.
Low enterprises) cypress, pine. birds
Churches  grass and Shrubs (public awareness on
Residential safety is needed)
 Schools

High, Medium Commercial gravellia, croton, Eucalyptus, gentle slope and Cotton Domestic Some TXs have no
and other (Markets and Micro- acacia, shrubs Relative flat loam, animals, identification no.
places enterprises) sandy birds
Low Churches loam (public awareness on
Residential safety is needed)

Medium Commercial  Trees e.g. gravellia, croton, gentle slope and Loam/ birds
Churches Eucalyptus, pine. Relative flat cotton Some TXs have no
Residential identification no.
 Schools
(public awareness on
safety is needed)


Page | 137
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types (terrestrial/
Medium Commercial  Trees e.g gravellia, Relative flat Sandy/lo Domestic
Churches Eucalyptus, pine. am animals, Some TXs have no
Residential identification no.
 Schools Birds
 Police station (public awareness on
safety is needed)

Medium low Agricultural  Trees e.g gravellia, Gentle slope Loam/ Domestic Some TXs have no
Commercial Eucalyptus, pine. Croton cotton animals, identification no.
Churches  Agricultural crops e.g.
Residential maize. bananas Birds
 School (public awareness on
safety is needed)

Medium low Agricultural  Trees e.g gravellia, Generally Gentle Loam/ Domestic (public awareness on
and some Commercial Eucalyptus, pine. Croton slope cotton animals, safety is needed)
areas low Churches  Agricultural crops e.g.
Residential maize Birds
 Schools


Page | 138
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types (terrestrial/
Generally low Agricultural  Trees e.g gravellia, Relative flat Loam/ Domestic (public awareness on
Commercial Eucalyptus, pine. Croton, cotton animals, safety is needed)
Churches acacia
Residential Birds
 Schools


Medium high Agricultural  Trees e.g gravellia, Relative flat and loam Terrestrial (public awareness on
in Njoro town Commercial Eucalyptus, pine. Croton, gentle slope birds, safety is needed)
and low in the Churches acacia
rural areas Residential  Agricultural crops e.g. Domestic
Schools wheat, maize animals

Medium high Agricultural  Trees e.g gravellia, Generally sloppy loam Terrestrial (public awareness on
in Molo town Commercial Eucalyptus, pine. Croton, birds, safety is needed)
and low in Churches acacia
other areas Residential Domestic
Schools animals


Page | 139
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types (terrestrial/
Low Agricultural  Trees e.g gravellia, Gentle slope loam Terrestrial (public awareness on
Commercial Eucalyptus, pine. Croton, birds, safety is needed)
Churches acacia
Residential Domestic
Schools animals
Low Agricultural  Trees e.g gravellia, sloppy loam Terrestrial
Commercial Eucalyptus, pine. Croton, birds,
Churches acacia
Residential  Agricultural crops e.g. Domestic (public awareness on
Schools wheat, potatoes animals safety is needed)

Medium and Commercial gravellia, croton, Eucalyptus, gentle slope and Cotton Domestic Some TXs have no
other places (Markets and Micro- acacia, shrubs Relative flat loam, animals, identification no.
Low enterprises) sandy birds
Churches loam (public awareness on
Residential safety is needed)


Page | 140
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types (terrestrial/
Low and Agricultural  Trees e.g gravellia, baobab Relatively flat Cotton Terrestrial (public awareness on
some areas Commercial(small scale) Eucalyptus, pine. Croton, loam birds, safety is needed)
very low Churches acacia, shrubs
Residential  Agricultural crops e.g. Domestic (Most sites lacking TXs)
Schools wheat, Maize animals

Medium high Agricultural  Trees e.g Eucalyptus, pine. Gentle slope Cotton Terrestrial
in town and Commercial Croton, acacia, shrubs loam birds, Some sites lacking TXs on
low outside Churches  Agricultural crops e.g. the ground
town Residential wheat, Maize Domestic
Schools animals (public awareness on
safety is needed)

Medium low Agricultural  Trees e.g Generally hilly loam Terrestrial (public awareness on
Commercial Eucalyptus,gravellia, pine. birds, safety is needed)
Churches Croton, shrubs
Residential  Agricultural crops e.g. Domestic
Schools Maize animals


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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types (terrestrial/
Generally low Agricultural  Trees e.g Eucalyptus, pine. Gentle slope and Cotton Terrestrial Some txs not marked on
and medium Commercial Croton, shrubs, gravellia, relatively flat in the loam birds, ground
low in centres Churches  Agricultural crops e.g. lower areas
Residential Wheat Domestic (public awareness on
Schools animals safety is needed)

Generally low Agricultural  Trees e.g Eucalyptus, Gentle slope Sandy Terrestrial (public awareness on
Commercial Croton, shrubs loam; birds, safety is needed)
Churches  Agricultural crops e.g. rocky
Residential maize Domestic
Schools animals

Generally low Agricultural  Trees e.g Eucalyptus, Gentle slope Sandy Terrestrial (public awareness on
But medium Commercial glavellia, acacia ,Croton, loam; birds, safety is needed)
low in kilgoris Churches shrubs rocky
town Residential  Agricultural crops e.g. Domestic
Schools maize animals

Generally low Pasture/ Grazing  Trees e.g Eucalyptus, Gentle slope Sandy Terrestrial (public awareness on
But medium Commercial acacia, shrubs loam birds, safety is needed)
low in Achers Churches  Agricultural crops e.g.
post and Residential maize Domestic
Wamba town Schools animals


Page | 142
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types (terrestrial/
Generally low Commercial  Trees e.g Eucalyptus, Gentle slope and Sandy Terrestrial (public awareness on
But medium Churches acacia, glavellia, croton, hilly loam birds, safety is needed)
lin Mararal Residential shrubs
town Schools Domestic
National museums(Kenyatta animals
Generally low Commercial  Trees e.g acacia, cactus, Gentle slope Sandy Terrestrial (public awareness on
But medium Churches euphorbia, sisal shrubs loam birds, safety is needed)
low in Baragoi Residential
town Schools Domestic
Kenya Power generation animals

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Photo gallery

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The section identifies both negative and positive impacts associated with the project. The impacts affect both social
and environmental wellbeing of the project area.

4.4.1 Positive Impacts

Employment and Wealth Creation

Last Mile connectivity project shall create employment opportunities during construction and operational phases.
During the construction phase, there shall be direct and indirect opportunities for workers who shall be employed to
connect customers to the grid, artisan work in wiring premises, a wide range of businesses extending to service
industry. Earnings received from the direct and indirect employments shall help improve livelihoods of persons in
employment. In addition direct and indirect employment will translate into incomes at the household levels which will
trigger other spending and demand in the local economy.

Electricity access to low income groups

Last mile connectivity project shall enable Kenya Power to supply electricity at low costs to persons within 600m
radius of existing distribution transformers. The low cost of supplying electricity has attracted many people in the low
income groups who feel they shall be able to afford the subsidized costs.

Loan Payment Model

Last Mile Connectivity Project shall implement the Stima Loan payment model especially for customers in the low
income bracket who will not be able to pay the required connection fee upfront. Loan payment for an extended period
of time shall enable customers in low income and vulnerable groups to afford electricity connection without much

Local Supply of Materials

Poles to be used during construction phase shall be sourced locally thus reducing extra costs incurred during
transportation. Local sourcing of materials shall also be beneficial to locals suppliers especially from payments
received during purchase. Local sourcing of materials shall therefore generate new income revenues for the local
population across the country. The new income revenues received will create demand for other goods and services
causing a trickledown effect to the entire economy

Improved living standards

Implementation of last mile connectivity project will result in connecting approximately 1.2 million customers to the
national grid. Access to electricity enables people to use domestic electric appliances such as electric cookers, iron
boxes etc. It also limits exposure to smoke during cooking and is appropriate for lighting.

Social Inclusion

LMCP aims at connecting electricity to all social groups in the country. This is in line with the tenets of social inclusion
which the World Bank defines as the process of improving the terms for individuals and groups to take part in society.
Further, Social inclusion aims to empower poor and marginalized people to take advantage of burgeoning global

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opportunities. It ensures that people have a voice in decisions which affect their lives and that they enjoy equal
access to markets, services and political, social and physical spaces.

Awareness creation on HIV/AIDS

The Kenya Power HIV/AIDS policy underscores the fact that HIV/AIDS has no cure and the only way to stop its
spread is through attitudinal and behavioral changes as well as management that can be secured effectively through
education (awareness and information campaigns). As such, the project will ensure dissemination of information on
HIV/AIDS to communities and workers who otherwise would not have had the correct information. Kenya Power shall
disseminate information through awareness creation through the contractor and company’s Safety, Health &
Environment Department.

Health Benefits of LMCP

According to 2009 population census, 70% of Kenyans used kerosene for lighting. This poses health risk as reported
by World Bank report 2008 on the Welfare of Rural Electrification. Health risks posed by indoor air pollution from
burning of kerosene mainly include acute lower respiratory infections, low birth weight, infant mortality, and
pulmonary tuberculosis. Available data suggest that insufficient illumination (low light) conditions can cause some
degree of eye strain, and reading in these conditions over long periods of time may have the potential to increase the
development of nearsightedness (myopia) in children and adults. The Last Mile project will result in many families
replacing kerosene lamps for lighting with electricity there-by reducing disease burden at the family level and on the

Benefits to Education

Access to reliable electricity at the household level and schools will create opportunities for children to study, access
more information through informative TV channels and radios. This increases the amount of time spent by children
studying and accessing valuable information as a result translating into better results and an informed society.

Increased revenue

The implementation of the project will boost income streams accrued from increased sales of electricity to KPLC in
the long run. Though not in the short term, these revenues will go to system reinforcement to ensure reliable quality
supply while some of it goes to the government as taxes which results in improvement in service provision by the
government to its citizens.

Improved Security

There will be enhanced security in the country arising from well-lit social, commercial and individual premises. With
the implementation of the project, the level of security will increase across the country. This is as a result of more
security lights which helps keep off opportunistic crimes and gender based violence.

Improved Communication

Access to electricity will lead to improved communication for the beneficiaries. This will be enabled by the fact that
charging of mobile phones will be easier and cheaper. Access also to mass media like radio and T.V will provide

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opportunity for the households to access a wide range of information which is useful for decision making. Some
information that shall be received include: information on markets, farm inputs, crop management and local affairs,
nutrition, diseases, investments and entertainment among others.

Gender Considerations

Electricity is a basic service especially for lighting but is still a luxury for many rural women and men. Access to
modern electricity will go a long way towards alleviating the daily household burdens of women, giving them more
time, improving their health and enhancing their livelihoods. The Last Mile Project will increase access to electricity
across the whole country. Available literature on gender and energy suggests that providing electricity to
communities and homes and motive power for tasks considered women‘s work can promote gender equality,
women‘s empowerment, and women‘s and girls’ access to education, health care, and employment.

4.4.2 Negative Environmental and Social Impacts

Despite the various socio economic and environmental benefits outlined, the project will also have some negative
impacts. As regards the proposed KPLC Projects, potential adverse environmental and social impacts on the natural
and human environment are likely to arise from inputs as well as project processes at the construction and operation
and maintenance phases. The following are the negative impacts and suggested mitigation measures.

Impacts on Natural vegetation and biodiversity

The project will involve short service lines within the 600m radius mainly along the road reserve. No tall growing trees
will be allowed below the lines or along the way leave trace. Grass and short vegetation will be cleared to pave way
for erection of poles.

Impacts on air quality from vehicle exhaust fumes

Exhaust emissions are likely to be generated by the construction vehicles and equipment. Motor vehicles that will be
used to ferry construction materials would cause air quality impact by emitting pollutants through exhaust emissions.

Risks of sparks/fire from live conductors

Potential adverse impacts related to fire hazards can result from the project. The live conductors can cause short
circuiting in case conductors touch one another due to strong winds, falling tree branches or trees. In case of big
sparks falling on dry grass there can be a likelihood of fire.

Solid waste

Little if any solid waste will be generated which includes conductor cuttings and tree cuttings.

Electric shocks and electrocution of people

Electricity is a hazard if safety precautions are not adhered to and properly used. Within the households electric
shocks are likely in case of poor handling of electricity such as using wet hands, poor wiring and overloading of

Occupation safety and health hazards

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During construction contractor workers will be engaged in activities such as pole and conductor wiring and working at
heights. Workers can be exposed to occupational risks like falling from heights, being pressed by poles, slips and

Public health risk

At project implementation many new workers will be involved and new interactions between people are likely to take
place. These interactions are likely to pose risks to the social fabric of the society. Such risks include public health
related issues such as (HIV/AIDS, communicable and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Oil Leaks from transformers

Transformers can experience a leak arising from a fault, poor handling and vandalism. These leaks may result in
potential contamination of surface and groundwater as well as soil.

Noise during construction

Noise will be generated from the construction machines and construction workers during the construction phase and
is expected to be minimal and spread.

Contamination from creosote-treated poles

Soil and water pollution due to unsafe disposal of creosote-treated poles may occur if proper care and management
procedures are not put in place

Social Vices

Increasing numbers of workers in construction sites during project period can result into social vices in the project
area such as increased cases of theft among.

Soil erosion and surface runoff

Loose soils from excavations done during erection of poles can be washed away if not compacted thereafter.

Open Excavations

Open excavations made during erection of poles can result into accidents when left unprotected using high visibility
tapes and can act as breeding grounds for vectors especially when left unused for a long period of time.

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The Environmental and social management plan for the proposed development project allows for identification of
environmental and social impacts, development of mitigation measures, management actions and establishment of a
structure to ensure effective implementation of the mitigation measures. ESMP is an important outcome of the
environmental and social screening process as it provides a checklist for project monitoring and evaluation. The
ESMP specifies the mitigation and management measures that the proponent shall undertake and shows how the
project shall mobilize organizational capacity and resources to implement these measures.

The environmental and Social Management Plan is as shown below:

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Table 4-1: Environmental and Social Management Plan
Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Minimize vegetation disturbance along construction site
Vegetation Disturbance 12 Choose routes that offer minimal Project engineer and contractor 2 Months
disturbance to vegetation and where
inevitable clear manually only
necessary vegetation. 10) 150,000.00

13 Properly demarcate the project

area to be cleared during installation
of supply drop lines
14 Designate parking lots within the
project area to prevent vegetation
15 Plant suitable trees within the
project area to compensate for any
damaged ones
5) To be
16 Compensate for any damaged
trees and crops
Reduce soil erosion and surface run off

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Increased soil erosion and 7) Use existing roads and avoid Project engineer and contractor Throughout 7) No Cost
surface run off ground disturbance as much as construction period
8) Site excavation works be planned
in such a manner that a section is 8) 200,000

completed and rehabilitated before

another commences
Air Pollution
Dust emission 10) Avoid excavation works in Project engineer and contractor Throughout project 30,000.00
extremely dry seasons period
11) Sprinkle water on degraded
access routes to reduce dust
emission during transportation of
materials to project sites
12) Provide and ensure use of
appropriate personal protective
equipment by workers on site

Exhaust emission 9) Use well serviced vehicles and any No cost

other motorized equipment
10) Sensitize truck drivers to avoid
unnecessary running engines on

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
stationery vehicles and switch off
engines whenever possible

Minimize occupational safety and health risks

Open excavations 6) Barricade the proposed project Throughout project To be determined
area using high visibility tape to avoid period
falls into open excavations
7) Pole pits should be dug and poles
erected immediately and where
inevitable the pit shall be covered to Contractor
avoid falls and injury to humans and
animals, or traffic accidents.
8) Contractor to compensate any
injuries to the public and animals
arising from his negligence

Working at height 13) Observe clearance from Throughout project 13) No cost
power lines and workers to be period
experienced with necessary
14) Test power lines to ensure 14) No cost

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
they are shut down before work
15) Provide appropriate
personal protective equipment for
workers involved in activities above 2 15) 300,000.00

meters from ground level

16) Provide storage bags for
16) 20,000.00
portable tools used while working at
Safety and health awareness 2) Carry out safety and health Contractor and project engineer Throughout project No cost
inductions and toolbox talks for all period
workers involved in the project to
enhance awareness on safety and
health requirements

Pricks and cuts 7) Ensure project area is kept free of Contractor and project engineer Throughout project No cost
sharp objects period
8) Provide appropriate foot protection 7) 100,000.00
to workers within the site
Public safety and health
Shocks and electrocutions 6) Create awareness to the public on Contractor and proponent Before commencement 500,000.00
the potential impacts of powered lines of the project
to prevent electrical hazards

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Project infrastructure 4) Create public awareness on the
need to protect public infrastructure
for continued supply of electricity and
to minimize exposure to electrical
5) Install Txs at the sites earmarked
(where no tx available)

HIV/AIDS 6) Create awareness to the public

and workers on HIV/AIDS and liaise
with the ministry of health to provide
condom dispensers at all project

Social Vices 4) Awareness creation to the public

and liaising with area administration
to enhance security
Damage to property
Damage to structures erected 4) Ensure timely dissemination of Contractor and proponent Before commencement To be determined
on the way leaves information on the need to carry out of the project
works on occupied way leaves to

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
allow for relocation of erected
5) Use existing wayleaves and road
reserves to minimize disturbance and
unnecessary compensations
6) Where it is inevitable,
compensate for damaged property
Risk of sparks/ fires from live  Contractor to ensure all fittings are Contractor, Proponent Implementation 0
conductors tight and implemented using
quality materials to prevent
arcing and any loose
 Contractor to ensure right tension
and spacing is well
implemented for conductors.
 Premises to be wired by qualified Customers Before connection
technicians and test certificates

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The Last Mile connectivity project will have numerous positive impacts not only to the company but also to the
consumers especially those in low income groups. This is through improving security especially in areas that do not
have power connection, improving living standards, ensuring social inclusion, enhancing communication among
people through television and radios as well as benefiting education in Kenya especially through connecting schools.
Negative impacts resulting from construction and implementation of the project include: emission of exhaust fumes,
solid wastes generation, transformer oil leaks, shocks and electrocutions and noise during construction among others
and shall be adequately mitigated.

The company is committed to putting in place several measures to mitigate the negative environmental, safety,
health and social impacts associated with the life cycle of the project. It is recommended that in addition to this
commitment, the company focuses on implementing the measures outlined in the ESMP as well as adhering to all
relevant national and international environmental, health and safety standards, policies and regulations that govern
establishment and operation of such projects.

It is also recommended that the positive impacts that emanate from the LMCP be maximised as much as possible. It
is expected that these measures will go a long way in ensuring the best possible environmental compliance and
performance standards.

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The last mile connectivity project is an initiative to help achieve government pledge of stimulating economic growth
and accelerating job creation for the wellbeing of Kenyans. The project benefits from external funding and thus shall
enable Kenya Power to supply electricity to customers at a subsidized cost while also implementing the Stima Loan
payment model. Supply of electricity at a subsidized cost shall enable persons in low income groups to access
electricity and see into connection of more customers to the national grid. The last mile connectivity project shall also
avail meters to customers prior to engaging them for payment. The project’s benefits include provision of new supply
over a short period of time and accelerated access to electricity among others.

Environmental and Social screening is undertaken to determine whether LMCP requires EIA or not and to provide
indication at the level that this should be done. The screening process aims at enhancing environmental and social
suitability of LMCP. This will help manage environmental and social risks associated with the project. The screening
process has been developed because the locations and types of the distribution and transmission component for the
projects which are not known prior to the appraisal of the parent project, and therefore potential adverse localized
environmental and social impacts cannot be precisely identified. Furthermore, Kenya’s environmental legislation does
not provide for the environmental and social screening of small-scale projects, such as those included in the
distribution and transmission component of KPLC Projects. The EMCA and other international legislations and
donors’ safeguard policies like on Environmental Impact Assessment requires that all projects are screened for
potential adverse environmental and social impacts to determine the appropriate mitigation measures.

The Last mile connectivity project has numerous positive impacts not only to the company but also to customers. The
project aims at implementing Stima Loan payment model to enable customers in low income groups access
electricity, supply of electricity at a subsidized cost will enhance security in different areas, promote social inclusion,
gender consideration, benefit education and improve livelihood among others. Anticipated negative environmental
and social impacts during construction and implementation of the project include: transformer oil leakages, electric
shocks and electrocution of people, social vices, vegetation disturbance and risk of sparks and fire from live
conductors among others. The company will ensure implementation of the developed environmental and social
monitoring plan to mitigate the potential negative impacts while maximizing on the positive impacts identified.

The company acknowledges that the Last Mile Connectivity Project has some negative impacts on the environment
and social wellbeing of the people. As such, the Environmental Social Management Plan has been developed to
assist the company in mitigating and managing the environmental and social issues associated with the life-cycle of
the project. The ESMP developed will ensure compliance with regulatory authority stipulations and AfDB guidelines.
It will also enhance sufficient allocation of resources on the project budget so that the scale of ESMP-related
activities is consistent with the significance of project impacts.

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In conclusion, the last mile connectivity project will ensure supply of electricity at an affordable cost to customers,
connection of more customers to the national grid and improvement of security in different areas through availability
of reliable electricity. On the other hand, negative impact of the project which include; oil leaks from transformers,
shock and electrocution of people as well as noise from construction will be mitigated as outlined in the ESMP. On
the basis of the above and taking cognizance that the company has proved to be environmentally and socially
credible, it is important to have the project implemented to enhance economic wellbeing of the society.

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5.1 Introduction and Project Brief
The Government of Kenya has pledged to stimulate economic growth and accelerate job creation to improve the
economic wellbeing of Kenyans. Among the many interventions to achieve this is expansion of the power distribution
system to be within reach and thus enable more Kenyans connect to the grid at affordable cost and hence initiate
economic activities at the micro-economic level. The current trend of network expansion driven by customer demand
is approaching saturation. In the foreseeable future there is a likelihood of the annual connectivity stagnating at the
300,000-400,000 level. To jumpstart and accelerate connectivity, a new thinking is needed as happened in 2004.

To reduce the cost burden of increased connectivity on KPLC, as well as reduce the amount paid by the customer to
connect to the grid, the strategy proposed is to extend the distribution network to as near the customer as possible
using external or government funding. This can initially be achieved by extending the low voltage network on existing
and other upcoming distribution transformers to reach households lying within transformer protection distance
(maximization). This model would involve building low voltage lines both single phase and three phase (to a small
extent) along rural access roads.

KPLC has a total of 35,000 distribution transformers spread across the country. The transformers were installed for
various reasons, i.e., for new customers, reinforcement of existing transformers due to load growth, reinforcement to
reduce length of the low voltage lines hence improve transformer protected distances, etc. As such majority of the
transformers will be having varied lengths of the low voltage network emanating from them, some of which will be
passing in close proximity to ready and potential customers.

Data collected from KPLC regions indicates that the company has potential to connect approximately 472,002
households that are within 600 meters of the transformers through individual service lines. Of these households,
some will be within developed areas, majority of who will be reached by a service cable drop or a pole or two,
whereas in the expansive zones in the peri-urban and rural areas, construction of a 600m low voltage line for a single
customer will not be an exception. Based on an average of two spans (@ 50m) single phase LV line, 30m service
cable drop (10% of the service drops assumed to be three phase), 40km return transport and implementation by
labour and transport contractors, the projected cost of connecting all these households is approximately USD
685million (KShs. 58.2Billion).

Benefits of Last Mile Connectivity project include:

xiii. Accelerated access to electricity;

xiv. Improved standards of construction hence improved quality of supply;
xv. Provision of new supply in a shorter time;
xvi. Opportunity for the company to develop long term network expansion plans.
Currently, only 35% of the households are connected to the national electricity grid. The Government plans to
increase this to 65 % by 2020 and 100 % by 2030 and has put in place strategies to accelerate access to modern
energy services through public and private initiatives. The government, with support from development partners, has
allocated substantial resources for development of energy infrastructure including exploitation of renewable energy
resources. This effort provides opportunities for collaboration with the private sector in renewable energy
development and national electrification.

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5.1.1 Importance of LMCP
The Kenya Government, through the ministry of Energy & Petroleum, intends to increase electricity access in the
country to 70% by 2017 and as part of the initiative to connect many households, has secured funding of US$ 153.4
Million from the African Development Bank (AfDB) under the Last Mile Connectivity project (LMCP) which involves
mostly electrification programs through maximizing existing transformers.

The Last Mile Connectivity project is aimed to support the Government’s initiatives of ensuring increased electricity
access to Kenyans, particularly among the low income groups. The existing distribution transformers shall be
exploited to the maximum through extension of the low voltage network to reach households located in the vicinity of
these transformers.

KPLC has a total of about 35,000 distribution transformers spread across the country. Within a 600 meter radius from
these transformers, and the company has a potential to connect 472,002 households corresponding to approximately
1.2 million customers. The cost of connecting these households is estimated at about USD 685 Million (KShs 58.2

The project will involves connection of customers within 600m of existing transformers. Of these households, some
will be within developed areas, majority of who will be reached by a drop or a pole or two. This can also be achieved
by extending the low voltage network on existing and other upcoming distribution transformers to reach households
lying within transformer protection distance (maximization).
Consequently, the potential negative environmental and social impacts anticipated are negligible. The actual level of
environmental assessment will range from; no environmental assessment being required, the application of simple
mitigation measures (using the environmental and social screening) to the preparation of a simple EIA report if need
be after screening has been done.

The project beneficiaries will include individuals at household level, commercial enterprises in market centres and
public institutions such as learning institutions, health facilities and administrative offices.

5.1.2 Project component

The project aims at extending the low voltage system so that counties with low penetration rate benefit the most from
the project. The proposed project is expected to benefit 200,000 customers, equivalent to approximately1, 000,000

The main project component focuses on the expansion of the low voltage lines from the existing distribution
transformers to customers as well as the installation of pre-paid energy meters.

The project consists of the following components:

- Construction of the low voltage network and installation of energy meters;

- Project supervision and management by a consultancy firm to assist KPLC during the project implementation;

- Financial audit of the project accounts carried out on an annual basis;

- Environmental and social costs of the project;

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5.1.3 Justification of LMCP
Kenya Power being the sole supplier of electricity and having implemented policies and engaged in maximization
projects to ensure increased connectivity to electricity to customers’; it has foreseen network expansion driven by
customer demand approaching saturation. As such, there is need to have a new approach to jumpstart and
accelerate connectivity at a subsidized cost to consumers.
Despite increasing demand for supply of electricity at a subsidized cost among low income groups, the company has
not been able to successfully achieve the need due to increased costs of all inputs used in the process. Therefore,
implementation of Last Mile Connectivity Project; which benefits from external funding, is a sure way of connecting
more consumers, especially low income groups to the grid. This will ensure achievement of government pledge to
stimulate economic growth and accelerate job creation for economic wellbeing of Kenyans; provision of new supply in
a shorter duration of time and availability of reliable power supply.

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5.2 Project Overview

5.2.1 Location of the project

The environmental and social screening was undertaken within constituencies in Nairobi and Kiambu Counties, these
include: Dagoretti North, Dagoretti South, Embakasi Central, Embakasi East, Embakasi North, Embakasi South,
Embakasi West, Kamukunji, Kasarani, Kibra, Langata, Makandara, Viwandani and Mathare. Githunguri, Kiambaa,
Kabete, Limuru, Lari, Gatundu North, Gatundu South, Ruiru, Kikuyu, Juja, Thika and Kiambu.

5.2.2 Baseline information of the project sites in Kiambu County Population
Kiambu County is one of the 47 counties in the Republic of Kenya. It is located in the central region and covers a
total area of 2,543.5 Km2 with 476.3 Km2 under forest cover according to the 2009 Kenya Population and Housing
Census. The county lies between latitudes 00 25‘ and 10 20‘ South of the Equator and Longitude 360 31‘ and 370 15‘

According to the 2009 Census, Kiambu County population was projected to hit 2,032,464 people by the end of 2017.
This is influenced by the county‘s high population growth rate, at 2.81 per cent and the influx of people working in the
city who prefer to stay in Kiambu and its environs where there is less congestion and well developed infrastructure. Topography
Kiambu county is divided into four broad topographical zones viz, Upper Highland, Lower Highland, Upper Midland
and Lower Midland Zone. The Upper Highland Zone is found in Lari Constituency and it is an extension of the
Aberdare ranges that lies at an altitude of 1,800-2,550 metres above sea level. It is dominated by highly dissected
ranges and it is very wet, steep and important as a water catchment area. The lower highland zone is mostly found in
Limuru and some parts of Gatundu North, Gatundu South, Githunguri and Kabete constituencies. The area is
characterised by hills, plateaus, and high-elevation plains. The area lies between 1,500-1,800 metres above sea level
and is generally a tea and dairy zone though some activities like maize, horticultural crops and sheep farming are
also practised.

The upper midland zone lies between 1,300-1,500 metres above sea level and it covers mostly parts of Juja and
other constituencies with the exception of Lari. The landscape comprises of volcanic middle level uplands. The lower
midland zone partly covers Thika Town (Gatuanyaga), Limuru and Kikuyu constituencies. The area lies between
1,200-1,360 metres above sea level. The soils in the midland zone are dissected and are easily eroded. Other
physical features include steep slopes and valleys, which are unsuitable for cultivation. Some parts are also covered
by forest as shown in the photo below. Climate
The County experiences long rains between Mid-March to May followed by a cold season usually with drizzles and
frost during June to August and the short rains between Mid-October to November. The average rainfall received by
the county is 1,200 mm.

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The mean temperature in the county is 260C with temperatures ranging from 70C in the upper highlands to 340C in
the lower midlands. July and August are the months during which the lowest temperatures are experienced, whereas
January to March are the hottest months. Soils
The county is covered by three broad categories of soils which are: high level upland soils, plateau soils and volcanic
footbridges soils. These soils are of varying fertility levels with soils from high-level uplands, which are from volcanic
rocks, being very fertile. Their fertility is conducive for livestock keeping and growth of various cash and food crops
such as tea, coffee, horticultural products, pyrethrum, vegetables, maize, beans, peas and potatoes. These soils are
found in the highlands, mostly in Gatundu South, Gatundu North, Githunguri, Kiambu, Kiambaa, Lari, Kikuyu, Kabete
and Limuru Constituencies.

5.2.3 Baseline information of the project sites in Nairobi County Population
Nairobi is located at approximately 1° 9’S, 1° 28’S and 36° 4’E, 37° 10’E at the south-eastern end of Kenya’s
agricultural heartland. It occupies an area of about 696km2 and the altitude varies between 1,600 and 1,850 metres
above sea level

According to the 2009 national housing and population census, the county had 3,134,265 people which is projected
to rise to 4,247,770 by year 2017. Topography
The surrounding area is developed with Kenyatta University the surrounding area is sloppy with shallow red soils and
prominent subsurface hard rock which may offer good foundation support for the proposed Substation.

The project site is currently undeveloped and one side of the site is used as a temporary dumping site for
domestic/household rubbish, this dumping site has been relocated and rubbish cleared was already being cleared
from the site at the time of site assessment. There is one three on site, some shrubs and grass. However the
surrounding area is developed as it is within Kenyatta University. The proposed project site is surrounded
immediately to the North, East and West by infrastructure and facilities belonging to Kenyatta University. These
include a weather station, student hostels and the main administration block. To the south of the proposed site lies a
residential area.

These developments include: Nairobi Aboretum, Nairob river several buildings, road, electrical infrastructure, Base
Transmission masts among others. Some distant physical features include Karura forest in the northern part of
Nairobi city, Ngong River to the south, and the Ngong hills stand towards the west.

Some distant physical features include Karura forest in the northern part of Nairobi city, Ngong River to the south,
and the Ngong Hills stand towards the west of Nairobi, Mount Kenya towards the north and Mount Kilimanjaro
towards the south. As Nairobi is adjacent to the Rift Valley, minor earth tremors occasionally occur. The major River
found in the County is Nairobi River but has been polluted with open sewers directed towards it, garages located in
river banks and raw human waste being thrown in the river among others. Therefore its economic importance has
been interfered with due to human activities.

Page | 164 Climate
The average daily temperature throughout the year (See table below) varies slightly from month to month with
average temperatures of around 17 degrees Celsius during the months of July and August to about 20 degrees
Celsius in March. But, the daily range is much higher, with the differences between maximum and minimum
temperatures each day around 10 degrees in May and up to 15 degrees in February. Between the months of June to
September, southeast winds prevail in the coastal parts of Kenya and last up to several days without a break. The
clouds cause day temperatures to remain low and most times the maximum temperature stay below 18 degrees
Celsius. The minimum temperatures also remain low during cloudy nights, usually hovering around 8 degrees
Celsius and sometimes even reaching 6 degrees Celsius. Clear skies in January and February also bring colder
nights. The highest temperature ever reached in Nairobi was 32.8 degrees Celsius and the lowest was 3.9 degrees
Celsius. Soil
The rocks in the Nairobi area mainly comprise a succession of lavas and Pyroclastics of the Cainozoic age and
overlying the foundation of folded Precambrian schist’s and gneisses of the Mozambique belt. The crystalline rocks
are rarely exposed but occasionally fragments are found as agglomerates derived from former Ngong volcano. The
soils of the Nairobi area are products of weathering of mainly volcanic rocks. Weathering has produced red soils that
reach more than 50 feet (15m) in thickness. A number of subdivisions are recognized in the Nairobi area according to
drainage, climatic regions and slopes, and other categories have been introduced for lithosols and regosols

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5.3 Project Screening

5.3.1 Introduction of screening

Many projects are considered by the public and private agencies every year. Development projects have biophysical
as well as social and economic impacts. Sufficient understanding of these factors are necessary for the initial
screening decision. It is therefore, important to establish mechanisms by identifying projects which requires EIA, and
this process of selection of project is referred to as "Screening".

Screening process divides the project proposals within the following three categories

 project clearly requiring an EIA

 project not requiring an EIA
 project for which the need of application of an EIA is not clear

Environmental and social screening is undertaken to enhance environmental and social sustainability of proposed
projects. The screening process focuses on environmental and social benefits of a project and identifying potential
negative impacts of proposed projects. The aim of the screening process is thus to identify and manage
environmental and social risks that could be associated with proposed projects. As a result, an environmental and
social management plan is developed assigning responsibilities of actions and mitigation measures for identified
negative impacts.

Environmental and social characteristics of the proposed project sites were identified based on; population density,
existing land uses, vegetation, topography, soil types, general ecological setting and public safety.

The screening process also considered potential impacts of the connectivity project on Land value, job opportunities,
income and economic activities. Findings reveal that implementation of the connectivity project within Kiambu and
Nairobi County shall increase land value, create job opportunities and provide more income for persons opting for
business ventures.

5.3.2 Objective of screening

Determine the potential adverse environmental and social impacts of the proposed project;

Determine the appropriate environmental category as per OS 1 environmental assessment;

Based on the assigned environmental category, determine the appropriate level of environmental work required (i.e.
whether an EIA is required or not (environmental category 1); whether the application of simple mitigation measures
will suffice (environmental category 2); or whether the project has negligible adverse environmental and social risks.
(Environmental category 3).

Determine appropriate mitigation measures for addressing adverse impacts

Determine the extent of potential solid and liquid waste generation, including hazardous wastes such as PCB and
creosote, and appropriate mitigation measures;

Determine potential adverse impacts on physical cultural resources, and provide guidance to be applied in the case
of chance finds;

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Determine potential adverse social impacts due to land acquisition;

Determine whether indigenous peoples are likely to be affected by the project;

Facilitate the review and approval of the screening results and separate ESMP reports (the screening form would be
looking at planned construction and rehabilitation activities); and

Provide environmental and social monitoring indicators to be followed during the construction, rehabilitation,
operation and maintenance of the infrastructure service facilities and related project activities;

5.4 Potential impacts of the project

5.4.1 Positive impacts

The proposed last mile connectivity project will provide a milestone in spurring social and economic development in
the country and will greatly help in achieving the objective of the Vision 2030 within the shortest time possible. Some
of the socio economic benefits expected to accrue from the project includes but not limited to:-

 Employment opportunities
During implementation of the project various employment opportunities will be available. These include building of the
service lines and wiring of individual houses. Given the magnitude of the project and number of connection
envisaged, this project will create a considerable number of job opportunities across the country. This will go a long
way in easing unemployment in the nation while the new income revenues received will create demand for other
goods and services causing a trickledown effect to the entire economy.

 Education
Access to electricity at the household level and schools will lead to betterment of education services. Children will
have opportunity to extend their study time because of better lighting system at home and in schools. Further, access
to power will facilitate development and equipping of Laboratories in schools, promote use of laptops as well as
introduction of ICT.

 Reduction of pollution associated with use of thermal power, kerosene and wood fuel:
Electricity supplied from National Grid would ensure less or no people use diesel generator sets for domestic power
needs like pumping water, reduced reliance on kerosene both for lighting and cooking and will be an alternative to
wood fuel and charcoal because of better and effective use of electrical appliances like cookers and electric irons.
Consequently, this results in less carbon dioxide being released to the environment while less use of charcoal means
reduced destruction of forests which will go a long way in conserving the environment.
 Improved standard of living
The implementation of this project will result in connecting about 1.2 million customers to the national grid. Access to
electricity will change the standard of living of the people as they can use domestic appliances like iron boxes, fridge,
television sets, washing machines to mention but a few. Use of electricity for lighting implies that the people will not
be exposed to smoke arising from use of tin lamps which predisposes people to respiratory diseases.

 Opportunity for business development

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Availability of power for more customers provides opportunities to establish small micro enterprises such as salons,
barber shops, charging of phones, welding, baking use of electric sewing machines, agribusiness like poultry farming
among others. The incomes earned by these people will create demand for other goods and services hence
promoting the economy.

 Communications
Improved communication amongst the communities and connectivity to global facilities through internet, mobile
technology etc. all powered by electricity.
 Increase in Revenues
The implementation of the project will boost it income streams accrued from increased sales of electricity. These
revenues will go to system reinforcement to ensure reliable quality supply while some of it goes to the government as
taxes which results to improvement in the economy.

 Improved Security
With the implementation of the project, the level of security will increase across the country. This is as a result of
more security lights which helps keep off opportunistic crimes while other people are able to use electric fences.

5.4.2 Negative impacts of the project and their mitigations

 Electric shocks and electrocution of people.
Electricity like fire is a good master and a bad servant if safety precautions are not adhered to and if not used


 Proper public education to the people on safety of using electricity

 Proper wiring in the houses by qualified technicians
 Use of danger/hatari signs on the poles

 Occupation safety and health hazards.

During construction many people will be engaged in working. Such people are exposed to occupational risks like
falling from heights, being pressed by poles e.t.c


 The contractor must observe all the safety precautions to ensure workers work safely
 Safety awareness creation to the workers
 Use of personal protective equipment like gloves, helmet, climbing shoes etc.
 Staff Training and regular equipment service and testing
 Only trained & certified workers to install, maintain or repair electrical equipment;
 Use of signs, barriers and education/ public outreach to prevent public contact with potentially dangerous
 Community policing to be encouraged to reduce vandalism of transformers and distribution cables
 Follow safe work procedures
 Maintain a fully stocked and accessible first aid kit

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 Observe OSHA 2007 regulations

 Public health risk

At project implementation many new workers will be involved and new interactions between people are likely to take
place. These interactions are likely to pose risks to the social fabric of the society. Such risks include public health
related issues such as (HIV/AIDS, communicable and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).


Public awareness of the public health issues identified.

 Impact on Natural Vegetation

The project will involve short service lines within the 600m radius mainly along the road reserve. No tall growing trees
will be allowed below the lines or along the way leave trace.

Grass and short vegetation will be cleared to pave way for erection of poles.


 KPLC to plant trees as a way of compensation for the cleared ones

 Clear limited areas only where the pole will be erected
 Construction material sourcing-wooden poles.
Majority of these service lines are constructed using wooden poles. This would impact on the environment as close to
a million poles will be needed according to the preliminary estimates


 Consider use of concrete poles to avoid deforestation

 Plant more trees to compensate for the poles used
 Ensure accurate budgeting to ensure only necessary material is ordered
 Proper storage to ensure minimal loss

 Impacts on air quality from vehicle exhaust emissions

Exhaust emissions are likely to be generated by the vehicles used to ferry materials during construction. These
exhaust emissions can impact on the quality of air.


 Drivers shall not leave vehicles idling so that exhaust emissions are lowered.
 Maintain all machinery and equipment in good working order to ensure minimum emissions are produced.
 Keep stockpiles for the shortest possible time
 Minimise movement of construction traffic around site this can be achieved through better planning of
vehicle movement

 Solid waste
Little if any solid waste will be generated which includes conductor and tree cuttings.

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 All left over conductor cuttings to be disposed appropriately or be returned to the store for proper disposal
 Proper budgeting of materials to reduce wastage
 Re use of materials

 Risk of Fire from live conductors and Transformers-

Potential adverse impacts related to fire hazards remain a main feature of this project. The Transformers will have
combustible products like the transformer oil and the risks associated with fire hazards form a significant adverse
impact on the human health and environment

 No burning of vegetation along the distribution lines rights-of-way
 Timely maintenance of the right of way
 Time maintenance of transformers

 Oil Leaks
The refilling and empting of the transformer oil can lead to accidental oil spills. There is a possibility of oil leaking from
the transformers can lead to oil spills. This may lead to potential contamination of surface and groundwater as well
as soil.

 Need to design appropriate protection devices against accidental discharge of transformer oil substances.
 Frequent inspection and maintenance of the transformers should be done to minimize spilling.

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium -  Commercial  Natural vegetation Gentle sloping Sandy Terrestrial Mihango area has new
 Residential dominated by grass Loam soil birds flats are being built there
 Churches  Planted: gravellia great potential.
 Schools
 Administrative
High (both Commercial None Relatively Flat Black Terrestrial There are businesses
residential (Markets and Micro- cotton soil birds under TX no. 30322 which
and enterprises) poses a safety issue.
commercial Churches Customers served by TX
activities) Residential 46242 complained of
Health facilities frequent outages.
 Schools
High  Commercial (Markets) Planted : Avocado and croton Relatively flat Red soil Terrestrial Due to its high density
 Residential inside the mosque birds there is need for public
 Churches safety awareness and
 Schools proper consultation for
passage of lines.
Most TXs not marked

High  Commercial (Markets) None Relatively flat Red soil Terrestrial Businesses operate below
 Residential birds TX 30322 which poses
 Churches safety concerns. Public
 Schools safety awareness

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
High  Commercial (Petrol  Acacia Gentle sloping Clay soil Terrestrial Police quarters will benefit
station) birds from the connections.
 Residential There is need for public
 Churches safety awareness
 Schools
 Administrative
(police station buruburu)
Medium  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea Relatively Flat Clay - Avi-fauna Transformer No. 14351 is
 Residential Robusta, Jacaranda, Cyprus, Loam e.g. not stable
 Churches Acacia, Pine, Mango trees, Croton, Marabou
 Schools Nandi flame and Bamboo stocks,
 Petrol stations weaver birds
 Railway Station
 Health Centers
 Administrative
purposes (Chief’s office)
High and Commercial Minimal vegetation cover Relatively Flat Clay-Loam Avi fauna- Good
Medium (Markets and Micro- e.g. weaver
enterprises) birds
Social Hall
 Banks
 Kenya Power
 Medium Industries

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
 Residential
High density No vegetation cover Relatively Flat Mostly Avi-fauna Repair the cut powered
 Churches hardscape e.g. weaver electrical cable of
 Schools s birds transformer No.44094
 Health facilities
 Commercial (Micro
Low and  Agriculture (Large and  Planted edges e.g. eucalyptus, Relatively flat Red soil Avi fauna- Clear the bushes around
Medium small scale) lantana camara and euphorbia e.g. Ibis and climbing plants on
 Residential tirucalli Terrestrial transformer No.567
 Churches  Trees e.g. Makhamia Lutea, fauna-e.g.
 Commercial (Micro- Jacaranda, pine, avocado trees, cattle,
enterprises) croton and mango trees sheep, goats
 Health centers  Coffee plantation Aqua-fauna
e.g. frogs

Low and  Residential  Shrubs Relatively flat Black  Aqua- Indicate TX No. on
Medium  Agricultural (Livestock  Edge plants e.g. Euphorbia Cotton fauna e.g. transformer 104059
keeping and small scale tirucalli, Grevillea robusta and frogs
agriculture) Lantana Camara  Avi-fauna
 Schools  Planted trees e.g. Pine and e.g. weaver
 Commercial (Micro- Avocado trees. birds
enterprises and banks) Grass Terrestrial
 Recreational fauna e.g.
(Stadium) chicken,

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
High and  Industrial  Planted Trees e.g. Makhamia  Gently sloping  Loam  Avi-fauna Good
Medium  Schools Lutea, Eucalyptus, croton,  Relatively flat  Clay- e.g. doves
 Residential umbrella and acacia. Loam  Terrestria
 Churches  Shrubs l fauna
 Commercial (Micro e.g.
enterprises and goats


Dense e.g  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, , The terrain is Red loam Terrestrial Public awareness
around  Residential Eucalyptus, , cypress, pine, gently Sloping soil birds campaigns required
nyakinywa,  Churches Jacaranda, Nandi flame, , Pine, especially around the
kinyanjui  Schools MakhamiaLutea especially around slums in kawangware
road, ndwaru  Administrative ndwaru.
and kangemi  agricultural  Food crops e.g maize and beans
primary especially around ndwaru
Dense Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, , Gently sloping Red loam Terrestrial Area around transformer
especially (Markets and Micro- Eucalyptus, , cypress, pine, soil birds 4493 (mutuini) experiences
around enterprises) Jacaranda, Nandi flame, , Pine, frequent outages
kabiria, uthiru, Churches MakhamiaLutea especially around
riruta and Residential mutuini and waithaka.
waithaka. Agricultural Food crops e.g maize and beans
moderate in Health facilities especially around mutuini and

Page | 174
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
mutuini  Schools waithaka

Dense e.g  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, , Gently sloping Loam Prope care to be taken
around  Residential Eucalyptus, Jacaranda when pruning trees
kangemi and  Churches  Natural hedges especially around especially the ornamental
mountain  Schools mountain view estate trees
view estate  Administrative  Variety of flowers dot most
Sparsely Commercial  Trees and planted edges e.g. Gently sloping Red loam Terrestrial Consult land owners before
populated (Markets and Micro- Euphorbia, Cyprus, Grevillea soil birds pruning trees especially
especially enterprises) Robusta, marcamia lutea, fig trees, around the Karen area
around Karen Churches croton, jacaranda,nandi flame and
and Residential a variety of indigenous trees
moderately Health facilities especially around Karen area
populated  Schools

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium and  Industrial (tea factories)  Planted Trees e.g. tea  Sloping and  Loam/Re  Avi-fauna Good
Low  Schools plantations, pineapples, gravellia, other places d soil e.g. doves
 Residential avocado trees, Makhamia Lutea, hilly with flowing  Black  Terrestria
 Churches Eucalyptus, bananas, coffee streams cotton l fauna
 Commercial (Micro plantations, maize, croton, e.g. cattle
enterprises and umbrella, mangoes and palm
Markets) trees.
 Administrative (Police  Shrubs, wattle bark
 Agricultural
Medium and  Agricultural  Planted Trees e.g. jacaranda,  Sloping and  Loam  Avi-fauna Some TX not marked on
Low  Water treatment plant croton, grivellia, avocado trees, other places /Red soil e.g. doves ground.
 Schools Makhamia Lutea, Eucalyptus, hilly with flowing  Terrestria
 Residential bananas, pineapples, river l fauna
 Churches macadamia, coffee plantations, e.g. cattle
 Commercial (Micro maize, croton, umbrella and tea
enterprises and plantations.
Markets)  Shrubs
 Administrative (Police
 Agricultural
Medium  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea Relatively Flat Clay – Avi-fauna Area connected to
 Residential Robusta, Acacia, Eucalyptus, Sisal, Loam e.g. weaver transformer 3026 is faced
 Churches Pine, Lantana Camara, Makhamia Murram birds by frequent power outages
 Schools Lutea.
 Agricultural (pineapple  Grass
 Barracks

Page | 176
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
High and Commercial  Trees and planted edges e.g. Relatively Flat Clay-Loam Avi fauna- Indicate TX No. on
Medium (Markets and Micro- Euphorbia, Cyprus, Grevillea Gently sloping Murram e.g. weaver transformer 85052
enterprises) Robusta, Acacia, Lantana Camara, birds
Churches Croton
Residential  Grass
Social Hall  Shrubs
 Schools
 Administrative police

Medium and  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea Relatively Flat Loam Avi-fauna Good
High  Residential Robusta, Jacaranda, Pine e.g. weaver
 Churches Eucalyptus, Lantana Camara, birds
 Schools Croton
 Police post  Grass


Medium and  Commercial (Markets)  Planted vegetation e.g. pine, Gently sloping Cotton Avi-fauna Some TX not marked on
Low  Residential eucalyptus, maize, Grevillea, and other places Loam and ground.
 Churches Avocado trees, Eucalyptus, Pine Relatively Flat Terrestrial
 Schools and croton. with flowing fauna
 Agricultural (maize  Grass and shrubs stream
and cabbages)

Page | 177
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
High and Commercial  Trees and planted edges e.g. Relatively Flat Clay-Loam Avi fauna- good
Medium (Markets and Micro- Euphorbia, Cyprus, Grevillea Gently sloping e.g. weaver
enterprises) Robusta, Acacia, Lantana Camara, birds,
Churches Croton, Eucalyptus, Pine and Terrestrial
Residential ovacado trees fauna e.g.
Social Hall  Grass cattle, sheep
 Schools  Shrubs and goats
 Administrative police


Medium and  Agricultural  Planted Trees e.g. avocado  gently sloping  Red soil  Avi-fauna Good
Low  Water treatment plant trees, mango trees Makhamia e.g. doves
 Residential Lutea, Eucalyptus, bananas, ,  Terrestria
 Churches macadamia, coffee plantations, l fauna
 Schools jacaranda, croton, grivellia, e.g.
 Commercial (Micro maize, croton, and umbrella cattle,
enterprises and  Shrubs sheep
Markets) and
 Administrative (Police goats
 Agricultural

Page | 178
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Densely  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, Gently sloping Red Loam Terrestrial Public awareness
populated e.g  Residential Mangoes, Eucalyptus, , cypress, birds campaigns on the safe use
around  Churches pine, Jacaranda, Nandi flame, Pine of electricity required
muguga,  Schools Makhamia Lutea.
kikuyu  Agricultural – (food  Planted natural hedges
town,gikambu crops)
ra, mutuini,  Administrative
kiroe and
Medium e.g Commercial  Trees and planted edges e.g., Flat in some areas Red loam Terrestrial Public safety awareness on
area like (Markets and Micro- Cyprus, Grevillea Robusta, Acacia, like ndeiya and soil birds the safe used of electricity
mirithu,rwamb enterprises) , Croton, Eucalyptus and marcamia hilly in areas like required in the area.
uru, teikinu Churches lutea mirithu
and low in Residential  Food crops eg maize and beans.
places like Agricultural (food  Shrubs and grasslands
ndeiya crops)
Health facilities
 Schools

Page | 179
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Densely  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, The terrain is Red Loam Terrestrial Way leave needs to be
populated e.g  Residential Mangoes, ovacado, Eucalyptus, , gently Sloping soil birds maintained e.g by frequent
around lower  Churches cypress, pine, Jacaranda, Nandi pruning of trees.
kabete,  Schools flame and Pine
kingeero, and  Agricultural (food  Food crops e.g maize and beans
ndumboini.mo crops)  Some areas have tea plantations
derately  Administrative
around e.g
around karura
and mukui.

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The Environmental and social management plan for the proposed development projects allows for identification of
environmental and social impacts, development of mitigation measures, management actions and establishment of a
structure to ensure effective implementation of the mitigation measures. ESMP is an important outcome of the
environmental and social screening process as it provides a checklist for project monitoring and evaluation. The
ESMP specifies the mitigation and management measures that the proponent shall undertake and shows how the
project shall mobilize organizational capacity and resources to implement these measures.

The environmental and Social Management Plan is as shown below:

Page | 181

Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Minimize vegetation disturbance along construction site
Vegetation Disturbance 17 Choose routes that offer minimal Project engineer and contractor 2 Months
disturbance to vegetation and where
inevitable clear manually only
necessary vegetation. 11) 200,000.0
18 Properly demarcate the project 0
area to be cleared during installation
of supply droplines
19 Designate parking lots within the
project area to prevent vegetation
20 Plant suitable trees within the
project area to compensate for any
damaged ones
21 Compensate for any damaged
trees and crops 6) To be determined
Reduce soil erosion and surface run off

Page | 182
Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Increased soil erosion and 9) Use existing roads and avoid Project engineer and contractor Throughout 9) 0.00
surface run off ground disturbance as much as construction period
10) Site excavation works be
planned in such a manner that a
section is completed and
rehabilitated before another
Air Pollution
Dust emission 13) Avoid excavation works in Project engineer and contractor Throughout project 50,000.00
extremely dry seasons period
14) Sprinkle water on degraded
access routes to reduce dust
emission during transportation of
materials to project sites
15) Provide and ensure use of
appropriate personal protective
equipment by workers on site

Exhaust emission 11) Use wheel serviced vehicles and 0.00

any other motorized equipment
12) Sensitize truck drivers to avoid
unnecessary running engines on

Page | 183
Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
stationery vehicles and switch off
engines whenever possible

Minimize occupational safety and health risks

Open excavations 9) Barricade the Throughout project To be determined
proposed project area period
using high visibility tape to
avoid falls into open
10) Pole pits should Contractor
be dug and poles erected
immediately and where
inevitable the pit shall be
covered to avoid falls and
injury to humans and
animals, or traffic
11) Contractor to
compensate any injuries to
the public and animals
arising from his negligence

Page | 184
Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Working at height 17) Observe clearance from Throughout project 17) 0.00
power lines and workers to period
be experienced with
necessary qualifications
18) Test power lines to ensure
they are shut down before
19) Provide appropriate
personal protective
equipment for workers
involved in activities above
2 meters from ground level
20) Provide storage bags for
portable tools used while
working at height.
Safety and health awareness 3) Carry out safety and health Contractor and project engineer Throughout project 0.00
inductions and toolbox talks period
for all workers involved in
the project to enhance
awareness on safety and
health requirements

Page | 185
Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Pricks and cuts 9) Ensure project area is kept Contractor and project engineer Throughout project
free of sharp objects period
10) Provide appropriate foot
protection to workers within
the site
Public safety and health
Shocks and electrocutions 7) Create awareness to the Contractor and proponent Before 200,000.00
public on the potential commencement of the
impacts of powered lines to project
prevent electrical hazards
Project infrastructure 6) Create public awareness
on the need to protect
public infrastructure for
continued supply of
electricity and to minimize
exposure to electrical

HIV/AIDS 7) Create awareness to the

public and workers on
HIV/AIDS and liaise with
the ministry of health to
provide condom dispensers

Page | 186
Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
at all project worksites

Social Vices 5) Awareness creation to the

public and liaising with area
administration to enhance
Damage to property
Damage to structures7) Ensure timely dissemination of Contractor and proponent Before To be determined
erected on the way leaves information on the need to carry out commencement of the
works on occupied way leaves to project
allow for relocation of erected
8) Use existing wayleaves and road
reserves to minimize disturbance
and unnecessary compensations
9) Where it is inevitable, compensate
for damaged property
Risk of sparks/ fires from live  Contractor to ensure all fittings are Contractor, Proponent Implementation 0
conductors tight and implemented using
quality materials to prevent
arcing and any loose
 Contractor to ensure right tension
Page | 187
Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
and spacing is well
implemented for conductors.
 Premises to be wired by qualified Customers Before connection
technicians and test certificates

Page | 188
5.7 Conclusion and Recommendation
The Last Mile connectivity project will have numerous positive impacts not only to the company but also to the
consumers especially those in low income groups. This is through improving security especially in areas that do not
have power connection, improving living standards, ensuring social inclusion, enhancing communication among
people through television and radios as well as benefiting education in Kenya especially through connecting schools.
Negative impacts resulting from construction and implementation of the project include: emission of exhaust fumes,
solid wastes generation, transformer oil leaks, shocks and electrocutions and noise during construction among others
and shall be adequately mitigated.

The company is committed to putting in place several measures to mitigate the negative environmental, safety,
health and social impacts associated with the life cycle of the project. It is recommended that in addition to this
commitment, the company focuses on implementing the measures outlined in the ESMP as well as adhering to all
relevant national and international environmental, health and safety standards, policies and regulations that govern
establishment and operation of such projects.


 The positive impacts that emanate from the LMCP be maximised as much as possible. It is expected that
these measures will go a long way in ensuring the best possible environmental compliance and
performance standards.
 KPLC to carry out adequate public/customer engagements must be carried out to ensure the potential
customers understand the project and assess their eligibility in terms of willingness and ability to pay for
 All the customers under this project to be put on prepaid meters such that tokens bought may take into
account the cost of connection and also to avoid bad debts as consumption will be paid up front.
 KPLC to have a dedicated team to follow up and monitor the project implementation and utilisation of
electricity as well as the quality of service to the targeted customers and also to deal with any emerging

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5.8 Photo Plates

TX 18421 TX 34656

TX 45670
TX 30870

TX 30717

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The last mile connectivity project is an initiative to help achieve government of Kenya pledge of stimulating economic
growth and accelerating job creation for the wellbeing of its citizens. The project benefits from external funding and
thus shall enable Kenya Power to supply electricity to customers at a subsidized cost while also implementing the
Stima Loan payment model. Supply of electricity at a subsidized cost shall enable persons in low income groups to
access electricity and accelerate connection of more customers to the national grid. The last mile connectivity project
shall also avail meters to customers prior to engaging them for payment. The project’s benefits include provision of
new supply over a short period of time and accrued benefits of electricity access among others.

The last mile connectivity project for Lot 1 shall be undertaken inOff grid region covering Mandera, Wajir and
Marsabit Counties.

Baseline information for the proposed project area analyzed during the screening exercise consideredpopulation
density, vegetation distribution, climatic conditions, topography, Soils and Social set ups with a key focus on
identifying sensitive ecosystems that could be affected by the LMCP. The project area is diverse with medium
populations in urban areas and medium to low in the rural places.The area has moderate vegetation cover
comprising of planted neam trees in town centres,and the vast area is covered of semi-arid to arid vegetation
dominated by scattered Acacia, and Prosospis. The project area is also characterized by small scale farming
especially in Saku Sub county with maize farms, Miraa farming, and a mixture of agroforestry with mangoes, grivelia,
guavas, some eucalypts among others. The project area experiences high temperatures ranging from 300C to slightly
over 400C annually with dry winds. Except for Saku Subcounty all the other areas receive minimal rainfall and are
characterized by long dry spells and safe for the town centres a greater percentage of the population rely on pastoral
nomadism for their livelihood.

Environmental and Social screening is undertaken to determine whether LMCP requires EIA or not and to provide
indication at which level it could be carried out. The screening process aims at enhancing environmental and social
suitability of LMCP. This will help manage environmental and social risks associated with the project. The screening
process has been developed because the locations and types of the distribution component for the projects has been
pegged to identified transformers that will be maximized across the country with general drop lines to connect
customers and at other places extension of the Low voltage lines to a maximum of two poles in order to achieve
accelerated connections. Furthermore, Kenya’s environmental legislation does not provide for the environmental and
social screening of small-scale projects, such as those included in the distribution and customer connections at the
end user levels. The Last mile connectivity project has numerous positive impacts not only to the company but also to
customers. The project aims at implementing Stima Loan payment model to enable customers in low income groups
access electricity, supply of electricity at a subsidized cost will enhance security in different areas, promote social
inclusion, gender consideration, benefit education and improve livelihood among others. Anticipated negative
environmental and social impacts during construction and implementation of the project include: transformer oil
leakages, electric shocks and electrocution of people, social vices, vegetation disturbance, risk of sparks and fire
from live conductors, occupational health hazards among others. The company will ensure implementation of the
developed environmental and social monitoring plan to mitigate the potential negative impacts while maximizing on
the positive impacts identified.

To mitigate the anticipated negative and social impacts, an Environmental and Social Management Plan has been
developed to assist the company in mitigating and managing the environmental and social issues associated with the

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life-cycle of the project. The ESMP developed will ensure compliance with regulatory authority stipulations and AfDB
guidelines. It will also enhancesufficient allocation of resources on the project budget so that the scale of ESMP-
related activities is consistent with the significance of project impacts.

In conclusion, the last mile connectivity project will ensure supply of electricity at an affordable cost to customers,
connection of more customers to the national grid and improvement of security in different areas through availability
of reliable electricity. On the other hand, negative impacts of the project which include; oil leaks from transformers,
shock and electrocution of people, noise from construction, Occupational health and safety hazards among others
will be mitigated as outlined in the ESMP. Diligence on the part of the contractor will be paramount to ensure
minimization and where possible avoidance of anticipated negative impacts.

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6.1.1 Last Mile Connectivity Project

The Government of Kenya has pledged to stimulate economic growth and accelerate job creation for economic
wellbeing of Kenyans. This pledge can mainly be achieved through expansion of power distribution system to be
within reach of more Kenyans thus enabling them connect to the grid at affordable costs. The need to reduce cost
burden of increased connectivity on Kenya Power as well as reduce amount paid by customer to connect to the grid
resulted into conception of Last Mile Connectivity Project.

The Last Mile Connectivity Project benefits from external funding and aims at extending low voltage network on
existing distribution transformers; to households located within transformer protection distance. The project involves
building low voltage lines both single phase and three phase along rural access roads. The project also focuses on
availing service connection including meters to customers’ premises prior to engaging customers for payment.
Therefore, activities such as way leaves acquisitions together with attendant county and other authorities’ permits
and approvals, materials procurement/delivery logistics, construction, etc. shall be dealt with prior to the customer
being requested to connect.

Benefits of Last Mile Connectivity project include:

xvii. Accelerated access to electricity;

xviii. Improved standards of construction hence improved quality of supply;
xix. Provision of new supply in a shorter time;
xx. Opportunity for the company to develop long term network expansion plans.
Last Mile Connectivity Project aims at ensuring increased access to electricity, especially among low income groups.
The company will make use of the existing 35,000 distribution transformers to connect approximately 1.2 million
customers. The project does not expect any resettlement but there will be need to compensate people whose assets
e.g. crops and trees will be damaged during project implementation.

6.1.2 Justification of the project

Kenya Power being the sole supplier of electricity and having implemented policies and engaged in maximization
projects to ensure increased connectivity to electricity to customers’; has foreseen network expansion driven by
customer demand approaching saturation. As such, there is need to have a new approach to jumpstart and
accelerate connectivity at a subsidized cost to consumers.

Despite increasing demand for supply of electricity at a subsidized cost among low income groups, the company has
not been able to successfully achieve the need due to increased costs of all inputs used in the process. Therefore,
implementation of Last Mile Connectivity Project; which benefits from external funding, is a sure way of connecting
more consumers, especially low income groups to the grid. This will ensure achievement of government pledge to
stimulate economic growth and accelerate job creation for economic wellbeing of Kenyans; provision of new supply in
a shorter duration of time and availability of reliable power supply.

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The Last Mile Connectivity Project for LOT 1shall be undertaken for identified transformers located within
constituencies in Offgrid region covering Marsabit County (Saku and Moyale subcounties); WajirCounty (Wajir
East, Wajir South and Wajir North Sub- counties); and Mandera County (Mandera East, Mandera North, Mandera
South and Mandera West).

6.2.1 Baseline information of the project area

Some of the environmental and social aspects considered for Last Mile Connectivity Project include; population,
vegetation distribution, topography, climate, soils and the social setup especially settlement and road networks within
the project area. Population
Mandera County:

Mandera East that hosts the County headquarters at Mandera Town is the most densely populated constituency with
72 persons per square Kilometre that is project to be 81 and 87 persons per square kilometre in 2015 and 2017
respectively. Mandera North is the least densely populated constituency with 35 persons per square kilometre that is
projected to be 39 and 41 persons per square kilometre in 2015 and 2017 respectively. Population distribution in the
county affects infrastructure development and provision of social amenities.

Wajir County:

Projections from the Kenya 2009 Population and Housing census indicate that the county has a total population of
727,965 which is projected to be 852,963 in 2017. Males comprise 55 per cent of the population whereas female
population account for 45 per cent. The county has an inter-censual growth rate of 3.22 per cent which is higher than
the national population growth rate of 3.0 per cent.

Marsabit County:

From the 2009 National Population and Housing Census, the county’s projected population was 316,206 people in
2012. This comprised of 164,105 males and 152,101 females. The projections are based on annual growth rate of
2.75 per cent. .Ecological Conditons:

Mandera County:

There are two ecological zones in the county namely arid and semi-arid. 95% of the county is semi arid with dense
vegetation mainly thorny shrubs and bushes along foots of isolated hills and mathenge‘ trees along river banks and
gullies. Temperatures are relatively very high with a minimum of 24oC in July and a maximum of 42oC in February.
Variation in altitude brings differences in temperatures across the county where places near Banissa constituency
experiences low temperatures due to neighbouring highlands in Ethiopia. Rainfall is scanty and unpredictable
averaging 255mm. The long rains fall in the months of April and May while the short rains fall in October and
November. Most parts of the county experiences long hours (approximately 11 hours) of sunshine in a day. This
causes high evaporation rates thus causing withering to most of the vegetation before maturity. The continuous
sunshine in the county has a potential for harvesting and utilization of solar energy.

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Wajir County:

Wajir County is a semi-arid area falling in the ecological zone V-VI. Zone V receives rainfall between 300-600mm
annually, has low trees, grass and shrubs. On the other hand zone VI receives an annual rainfall of 200-400mm. The
county receives an average of 240 mm of rainfall per year. The rainfall is usually erratic and short making it
unfavourable for vegetation growth. There are two rainy seasons‘i.e. short and long rains. The short rains are
experienced between October to December and the long rains from March to May each year. Crop activity is carried
out in the Lorian swamp and along the drainage lines in Bute. The crops grown in the area are sorghum, beans and

The county experiences annual average relative humidity of 61.8 per cent which ranges from 56 per cent in February
to 68 per cent in June. The county does not experience frost conditions.

The county receives an average of 240 mm precipitation annually or 20 mm each month. There are 24 days annually
in which greater than 0.1 mm of precipitation (rain, sleet, snow or hail). June is the driest month with an average of 1
mm of rain across zero days while April is the wettest month with an average of 68 mm of rain, sleet, hail or snow
across 6 days. The higher areas of Bute and Gurar receive higher rainfall of between 500mm and 700mm.

The average temperature is 27.9 °C. The range of average monthly temperatures is 3.5 °C. The warmest months are
February & March with an average of 36°C while the coolest months are June, July, August & September with an
average low of 21 °C.

Marsabit County:

Most parts of the county are arid, with the exception of high potential areas around Mt. Marsabit such as Kulal, Hurri
Hills and the Moyale-Sololo escarpment. The county experiences extreme temperatures ranging from a minimum of
10.10 C to a maximum of 30.2o C, with an annual average of 20.10 C. Rainfall ranges between 200mm and
1,000mm per annum and its duration, amount and reliability increases with increase in altitude. North Horr (550m)
has a mean annual rainfall of 150mm; Mt. Marsabit and Mt. Kulal 800mm while Moyale receives a mean annual
rainfall of 700mm.

Most of the county constitutes an extensive plain lying between 300m and 900m above the sea level, sloping gently
towards the south east. The plain is bordered to the west and north by hills and mountain ranges and is broken by
volcanic cones and calderas. The most notable topographical features of the county are: Ol Donyo Ranges (2066m
above sea level) in the South West, Mt. Marsabit (1865m above sea level) in the Central part of the county, Hurri Hills
(1685m above sea level) in the North Eastern part of the county, Mt. Kulal (2235m above sea level) in North West
and the mountains around Sololo-Moyale escarpment (up to 1400m above sea level) in the North East.

The main physical feature is the Chalbi Desert which forms a large depression covering an area of 948 Km2. This
depression lies between 435m and 500m elevation. The depression is separated from Lake Turkana, which is 65-
100m lower in elevation, by a ridge that rises to 700m. There are no permanent rivers in the county, but four drainage
systems exist, covering an area of 948 Km2. Chalbi Desert is the largest of these drainage systems. The depression
receives run-off from the surrounding lava and basement surfaces of Mt. Marsabit, Hurri Hills, Mt. Kulal and the
Ethiopian plateau. The seasonal rivers of Milgis and Merille to the extreme south flow eastward and drain into the
Sori Adio Swamp. Other drainage systems include the Dida Galgallu plains which receive run-off from the eastern
slopes of Hurri hills, and Lake Turkana into which drain seasonal rivers from Kulal and Nyiru Mountains.

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6.3.1 Environmental and Social Screening

Screening is a process of determining whether a project requires EIA or not, and provides indication at the level that
this should be done. Screening clarifies the level of environmental assessment and therefore serves to cut cost and
time and also ensures that projects with serious environmental impacts also do not escape the right level of EIA

Environmental and social screening is alsoundertaken to enhance environmental and social sustainability of
proposed projects. The screening process focuses on environmental and social benefits of a project and identifying
potential negative impacts of proposed projects. The aim of the screening process is thus to identify and manage
environmental and social risks that could be associated with proposed projects. As a result, an environmental and
social management plan is developed assigning responsibilities of actions and mitigation measures for identified
negative impacts.

6.3.2 Environmental Screening for Last Mile Connectivity Project

The Environmental Management and Coordination (Ammendment) Act of 2015 and the Environmental (Impact
Assessment and Audit) Regulations (June 2003)prescribe the conduct for Environmental Impact Assessment for
development projects. The environmental and social screening process complements Kenya’s EIA procedures for
meeting the environmental and social management requirements. The Environmental and Social Screening Process
also meets the requirements of the Financiers i.e.Africa Development Bank(AfDB).

The screening process has been developed based on identified Transformers that need to be maximized across the
country. The EMCA and other international legislations and donors’ safeguard policies like on Environmental Impact
Assessment requires that all projects are screened for potential adverse environmental and social impacts to
determine the appropriate mitigation measures.

The environmental and social screening process is consistent with Kenya's environmental policies and laws as well
as with other international legislations like for the WB, JICA and AfDB safeguard policies on Environmental

6.3.3 Objective of Environmental Screening

To ensure that the projects are designed and implemented in an environmentally and socially sustainable manner,
taking into account Kenya's relevant sector legislation as well as the donors’ Safeguard Policies.

The environmental and social screening is undertaken for Last Mile Connectivity Project to determine the potential
environmental and social impacts of connecting the customers to the grid from distribution transformers. Connection
of customers will be done from distribution transformers within 600m radius from their premises. Some connections
will involve extension of low voltage line using poles with others will only require dropping of cables. In order to
determine the potential impacts of implementing the project; the screening process considered the environmental and
social characteristic of project sites per constituency as outlined in the table below.

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6.3.4 Environmental and Social Characteristics of Proposed Project Sites
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types
Low and  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Neam, Ornamental Relatively flat Sandy Terrestrial TX 33760 not marked, TX
medium in (Markets) trees and animals 33763 on ground marked
towns  Residential  Natural vegetation dominated by Acacia Sandy and birds as 33767
 Churches and Prosopis clay
 Schools
 Mosques
 Administrative
 Ranch land
Medium and  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Neam, Ornamental Relatively Flat Sandy Terrestrial All three TXs not marked
other places (Markets) trees and animals on Paper and ground
Low  Residential  Natural vegetation dominated by Acacia Sandy and birds
 Schools and Prosopis clay
 Mosques
 Administrative
 Ranch land
Medium  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Neam, Ornamental Relatively flat Sandy Terrestrial TXs 231132, 46223&
(Markets) trees animals 46177 not marked on
 Residential  Natural vegetation dominated by Acacia and birds ground
 Churches and Prosopis
 Schools
 Mosques
 Administrative
 Health facilities
 Ranch land
Medium  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Neam, Euphobia Gentle slope Sandy Terrestrial None
loam birds

Page | 198
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types
(Markets)  Natural vegetation dominated by Acacia
 Residential and Prosopis
 Churches
 Schools
 Mosques
 Administrative
 Health facilities
Ranch land
Medium  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Neam, Ornamental Relatively flat Sandy& Terrestrial TX 16126,16217, 16218
(Markets) trees Sandy animals and 16215 on paper
 Residential  Natural vegetation dominated by Acacia rocky and birds marked for Banisa are in
 Churches and Prosopis Mandera South ( Elwak)
 Schools
 Mosques
 Administrative
 Health facilities
Medium  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Neam, Ornamental Relatively flat Sandy Terrestrial TXs marked for West and
(Markets) trees and other areas animals North are in Mandera East.
 Residential  Natural vegetation dominated by Acacia gently sloping and birds
 Churches and Prosopis
 Schools
 Health facilities
 Graveyard

Page | 199
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types
Medium  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, Mangoes, Slopy and Red Soils Terrestrial Most TXs not marked on
(Markets) Eucalyptus, Bananas, Jacaranda, Sisal, relatively flat and animals ground
 Residential Croton Sandy and birds
 Churches  Natural vegetation dominated by grass loam
 Schools Acacia, and Prosopis
 Agricultural – maize,
Avocadoes, napier,
livestock , Miraa


Medium  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, Mangoes, Gently sloping Red soil Terrestrial TX Number on ground was
(Markets) Eucalyptus, Pine, Cypress, Yellow Oleander, animals 9197, 24252 immediate
 Residential Euphorbia, Makhamia lutea, maize, Roses, and birds, houses not connected to
 Churches  Natural vegetation grass, herbs, shrubs electricity. TX Number
 Schools 41794 not marked on
 Health facilities ground and is next to
 Agricultural - maize Chezeywe Primary and not
& Livestock Lynaginga Church as
indicated on paper is
41228, on ground not
legible. Poles burnt,
slanting and need to be

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6.3.5 Photo gallery

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The section identifies both negative and positive impacts associated with the project. The impacts affect both social
and environmental wellbeing of the project area.

6.4.1 Positive Impacts

Employment and Wealth Creation

Last Mile connectivity project shall create employment opportunities during construction and operational phases.
During the construction phase, there shall be direct and indirect opportunities for workers who shall be employed to
connect customers to the grid, artisan work in wiring premises, a wide range of businesses extending to service
industry. Earnings received from the direct and indirect employments shall help improve livelihoods of persons in
employment. In addition direct and indirect employment will translate into incomes at the household levels which will
trigger other spending and demand in the local economy.

Electricity access to low income groups

Last mile connectivity project shall enable Kenya Power to supply electricity at low costs to households within 600m
radius of existing distribution transformers. The low cost of supplying electricity has attracted many people in the low
income groups who feel they shall be able to afford the subsidized costs.

Loan Payment Model

Last Mile Connectivity Project shall implement the Stima Loan payment model especially for customers in the low
income bracket who will not be able to pay the required connection fee upfront. Loan payment for an extended period
of time shall enable customers in low income and vulnerable groups to afford electricity connection without much

Local Supply of Materials

Poles to be used during construction phase shall be sourced locally thus reducing extra costs incurred during
transportation. Local sourcing of materials shall also be beneficial to locals suppliers especially from payments
received during purchase. Local sourcing of materials shall therefore generate new incomerevenues for the local
population across the country. The new income revenues received will create demand for other goods and services
causing a trickledown effect to the entire economy

Improved living standards

Implementation of last mile connectivity project will result in connecting approximately 1.2 million customers to the
national grid. Access to electricity enables people to use domestic electric appliances such as electric cookers, iron
boxes etc. It also limits exposure to smoke during cooking and is appropriate for lighting.

Social Inclusion

LMCP aims at connecting electricity to all social groups in the country. This is in line with the tenets of social inclusion
which the World Bank defines as the process of improving the terms for individuals and groups to take part in society.
Further, Social inclusion aims to empower poor and marginalized people to take advantage of burgeoning global

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opportunities. It ensures that people have a voice in decisions which affect their lives and that they enjoy equal
access to markets, services and political, social and physical spaces.

Awareness creation on HIV/AIDS

The Kenya Power HIV/AIDS policy underscores the fact that HIV/AIDS has no cure and the only way to stop its
spread is through attitudinal and behavioral changes as well as management that can be secured effectively through
education (awareness and information campaigns). As such, the project will ensure dissemination of information on
HIV/AIDS to communities and workers who otherwise would not have had the correct information. Kenya Power shall
disseminate information through awareness creation through the contractor and company’s Safety, Health &
Environment Department.

Health Benefits of LMCP

According to 2009 population census, 70% of Kenyans used kerosene for lighting. This poses health risk as reported
by World Bank report 2008 on the Welfare of Rural Electrification. Health risks posed by indoor air pollution from
burning of kerosene mainly include acute lower respiratory infections, low birth weight, infant mortality, and
pulmonary tuberculosis. Available data suggest that insufficient illumination (low light) conditions can cause some
degree of eye strain, and reading in these conditions over long periods of time may have the potential to increase the
development of nearsightedness (myopia) in children and adults. The Last Mile project will result in many families
replacing kerosene lamps for lighting with electricity there-by reducing disease burden at the family level and on the

Benefits to Education

Access to reliable electricity at the household level and schools will create opportunities for children to study, access
more information through informative TV channels and radios. This increases the amount of time spent by children
studying and accessing valuable information, as a result translating into better results and an informed society.

Increased revenue

The implementation of the project will boost income streams accrued from increased sales of electricity to KPLC in
the long run. Though not in the short term, these revenues will go to system reinforcement to ensure reliable quality
supply while some of it goes to the government as taxes which results in improvement in service provision by the
government to its citizens.

Improved Security

There will be enhanced security in the country arising from well-lit social, commercial and individual premises. With
the implementation of the project, the level of security will increase across the country. This is as a result of more
security lights which helps keep off opportunistic crimes and gender based violence.

Improved Communication

Access to electricity will lead to improved communication for the beneficiaries. This will be enabled by the fact that
charging of mobile phones will be easier and cheaper. Access also to mass media like radio and T.V will provide
opportunity for the households to access a wide range of information which is useful for decision making. Some

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information that shall be received include: information on markets, farm inputs, crop management and local affairs,
nutrition, diseases, investments and entertainment among others.

Gender Considerations

Electricity is a basic service especially for lighting but is still a luxury for many rural women and men. Access to
modern electricity will go a long way towards alleviating the daily household burdens of women, giving them more
time, improving their health and enhancing their livelihoods. The Last Mile Project will increase access to electricity
across the whole country. Available literature on gender and energy suggests that providing electricityto communities
and homes and motive power for tasks considered women‘s work can promote gender equality, women‘s
empowerment, and women‘s and girls’ access to education, health care, and employment.

6.4.2 Negative Environmental and Social Impacts

Despite the various socio economic and environmental benefits outlined, the project will also have some negative
impacts. As regards the proposed KPLC Projects, potential adverse environmental and social impacts on the natural
and human environment are likely to arise from inputs as well as project processes at the construction and operation
and maintenance phases. The following are the negative impacts and suggested mitigation measures.

Impacts on Natural vegetation and biodiversity

The project will involve short service lines within the 600m radius mainly along the road reserve. No tall growing trees
will be allowed below the lines or along the way leave trace. Grass and short vegetation will be cleared to pave way
for erection of poles.

Impacts on air quality from vehicle exhaust fumes

Exhaust emissions are likely to be generated by the construction vehicles and equipment. Motor vehicles that will be
used to ferry construction materials would cause air quality impact by emitting pollutants through exhaust emissions.

Risks of sparks/fire from live conductors

Potential adverse impacts related to fire hazards can result from the project. The live conductors can cause short
circuiting in case conductors touch one another due to strong winds, falling tree branches or trees. In case of big
sparks falling on dry grass there can be a likelihood of fire.

Solid waste

Little if any solid waste will be generated which includes conductor cuttings and tree cuttings.

Electric shocks and electrocution of people

Electricity is a hazard if safety precautions are not adhered to and properly used. Within the households electric
shocks are likely in case of poor handling of electricity such as using wet hands, poor wiring and overloading of

Occupation safety and health hazards

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During construction contractor workers will be engaged in activities such as pole and conductor wiring and working at
heights. Workers can be exposed to occupational risks like falling from heights, being pressed by poles, slips and

Public health risk

At project implementation many new workers will be involved and new interactions between people are likely to take
place. These interactions are likely to pose risks to the social fabric of the society. Such risks include public health
related issues such as (HIV/AIDS, communicable and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Oil Leaks from transformers

Transformers can experience a leak arising from a fault, poor handling and vandalism. These leaks may result in
potential contamination of surface and groundwater as well as soil.

Noise during construction

Noise will be generated from the construction machines and construction workers during the construction phase and
is expected to be minimal and spread.

Contamination from creosote-treated poles

Soil and water pollution due to unsafe disposal of creosote-treated poles may occur if proper care and management
procedures are not put in place

Social Vices

Increasing numbers of workers in construction sites during project period can result into social vices in the project
area such as increased cases of theft among.

Soil erosion and surface runoff

Loose soils from excavations done during erection of poles can be washed away if not compacted thereafter.

Open Excavations

Open excavations made during erection of poles can result into accidents when left unprotected using high visibility
tapes and can act as breeding grounds for vectors especially when left unused for a long period of time.

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The Environmental and social management plan for the proposed development project allows for identification of
environmental and social impacts, development of mitigation measures, management actions and establishment of a
structure to ensure effective implementation of the mitigation measures. ESMP is an important outcome of the
environmental and social screening process as it provides a checklist for project monitoring and evaluation. The
ESMP specifies the mitigation and management measures that the proponent shall undertake and shows how the
project shall mobilize organizational capacity and resources to implement these measures.

The environmental and Social Management Plan is as shown below:

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Table 1: Environmental and Social Management Plan

Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Minimize vegetation disturbance along construction site
Vegetation Disturbance 22 Choose routes that offer minimal Project engineer and contractor 2 Months
disturbance to vegetation and where
inevitable clear manually only
necessary vegetation. 12) 150,000.00
23 Properly demarcate the project
area to be cleared during installation
of supply droplines
24 Designate parking lots within the
project area to prevent vegetation
25 Plant suitable trees within the
project area to compensate for any
damaged ones
26 Compensate for any damaged 7) To be
trees and crops determined
Reduce soil erosion and surface run off
Increased soil erosion and 11) Use existing roads and Project engineer and contractor Throughout 10) 0.00
surface run off avoid ground disturbance as much construction period
as possible
12) Site excavation works be
planned in such a manner that a 11) 200,000
section is completed and
rehabilitated before another

Air Pollution

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Dust emission 16) Avoid excavation works in Project engineer and contractor Throughout project 30,000.00
extremely dry seasons period
17) Sprinkle water on degraded
access routes to reduce dust
emission during transportation of
materials to project sites
18) Provide and ensure use of
appropriate personal protective
equipment by workers on site

Exhaust emission 13) Use well serviced vehicles and 0.00

any other motorized equipment
14) Sensitize truck drivers to avoid
unnecessary running engines on
stationery vehicles and switch off
engines whenever possible
Minimize occupational safety and health risks
Open excavations 12) Barricade the proposed project Throughout project To be determined
area using high visibility tape to avoid period
falls into open excavations
13) Pole pits should be dug and poles
erected immediately and where
inevitable the pit shall be covered to Contractor
avoid falls and injury to humans and
animals, or traffic accidents.
14) Contractor to compensate any
injuries to the public and animals
arising from his negligence

Page | 208
Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Working at height 21) Observe clearance from Throughout project 18) 0.00
power lines and workers to be period
experienced with necessary
22) Test power lines to ensure 19) 0.00
they are shut down before work
23) Provide appropriate
personal protective equipment for
workers involved in activities above 2 20) 200,000.00
meters from ground level
24) Provide storage bags for
portable tools used while working at 21) 20,000.00
Safety and health awareness 4) Carry out safety and health Contractor and project engineer Throughout project 0.00
inductions and toolbox talks for all period
workers involved in the project to
enhance awareness on safety and
health requirements

Pricks and cuts 11) Ensure project area is kept Contractor and project engineer Throughout project 8) 0.00
free of sharp objects period
12) Provide appropriate foot 9) 100,000.00
protection to workers within the site
Public safety and health
Shocks and electrocutions 8) Create awareness to the public on Contractor and proponent Before commencement 500,000.00
the potential impacts of powered lines of the project
to prevent electrical hazards
Project infrastructure 7) Create public awareness on the
need to protect public infrastructure
for continued supply of electricity and
to minimize exposure to electrical

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
HIV/AIDS 8) Create awareness to the public
and workers on HIV/AIDS and liaise
with the ministry of health to provide
condom dispensers at all project

Social Vices 6) Awareness creation to the public

and liaising with area administration
to enhance security
Damage to property
Damage to structures erected 10) Ensure timely dissemination of Contractor and proponent Before commencement To be determined
on the way leaves information on the need to carry out of the project
works on occupied way leaves to
allow for relocation of erected
11) Use existing wayleaves and road
reserves to minimize disturbance and
unnecessary compensations
12) Where it is inevitable,
compensate for damaged property
Risk of sparks/ fires from live  Contractor to ensure all fittings are Contractor, Proponent Implementation 0
conductors tight and implemented using
quality materials to prevent
arcing and any loose
 Contractor to ensure right tension
and spacing is well
implemented for conductors.
 Premises to be wired by qualified Customers Before connection
technicians and test certificates

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The Last Mile connectivity project will have numerous positive impacts not only to the company but also to the
consumers especially those in low income groups. This is through improving security especially in areas that do not
have power connection, improving living standards, ensuring social inclusion, enhancing communication among
people through television and radios as well as benefiting education in Kenya especially through connecting schools.
Negative impacts resulting from construction and implementation of the project include: emission of exhaust fumes,
solid wastes generation, transformer oil leaks, shocks and electrocutions and noise during construction among others
and shall be adequately mitigated.

The company is committed to putting in place several measures to mitigate the negative environmental, safety,
health and social impacts associated with the life cycle of the project. It is recommended that in addition to this
commitment, the company focuses on implementing the measures outlined in the ESMP as well as adhering to all
relevant national and international environmental, health and safety standards, policies and regulations that govern
establishment and operation of such projects.

It is also recommended that the positive impacts that emanate from the LMCP be maximised as much as possible. It
is expected that these measures will go a long way in ensuring the best possible environmental compliance and
performance standards.

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This is an environmental screening report for Lot 7 under the Last Mile Connectivity Project. The last mile
connectivity project is an initiative to help achieve government pledge of stimulating economic growth and
accelerating job creation for the wellbeing of Kenyans. The project is supported through external funding and thus
shall enable Kenya Power to supply electricity to customers at a subsidized cost. Supply of electricity at a subsidized
cost shall enable persons in low income groups to access electricity and will result into connection of more customers
to the national grid. The last mile connectivity project phase one will involve maximizing existing transformers i.e
connecting customers that are within 600m of transformer protection distance/radius. The project will also involve
fitting of prepaid meters for customers. The project’s benefits cannot be overemphasized and includes; provision of
new supply, promotion of ICT, education, security, income generating activities access to information and direct
employment to name but a few.

The last mile connectivity project is a national wide project and Lot 7 will cover counties mainly in Mt Kenya region of
Kenya Power’s administrative structure. The counties include; Nyeri, Laikipia, Isiolo, Meru, Embu, Tharaka Nithi,
Kirinyaga and Muranga. In order to ensure that the project is implemented in an Environmental and Social
sustainable manner, the project was subjected to environmental screening. The objective of screening was
undertaken to assess the potential environmental and social impacts of the project. During the screening exercise
baseline information that could be observed around the project site was picked and documented including general
information on the following; population density, vegetation distribution, climatic conditions of the project sites,
topography and soils.

The proposed project area (lot 7) has high population except in Isiolo and some parts of Tharaka Nithi. The counties
mainly have agriculture based economies mixed with urban centres and small towns where there is higher population
density. Other economic activities include commercial activities in towns and urban centres. Most of the counties
have good/plenty of vegetation cover comprising natural forests, planted forests, some medicinal plants, exotic and
indigenous tree species in different areas. The project areas have different cash crops such as tea, coffee, wheat,
miraa, bananas, pineapples and rice in Kirinyaga County. Other areas have large farms with wheat and flowers
especially in Laikipia towards Timau. The project area receives adequate rainfalls save for Isiolo and some parts
within the counties receive low rainfall. Topography of the proposed project area is characterized by undulating hills,
gentle slope to slopy areas and very flat areas in the rice fields. Most soils are rich and well drained except for Mwea

As already noted the project presents various benefits but also will have some negative impacts that must be
addressed/ mitigated. The potential negative environmental and social impacts during construction and
implementation of the project include; transformer oil leakages, electric shocks, electrocution of people, social vices,
vegetation disturbance and risk of sparks and fire from live conductors among others. To address the negative
impacts, an Environmental and social management plan (ESMP) has been developed to guide in mitigating the said
negative impacts. The company will ensure implementation of the developed environmental and social monitoring
plan to mitigate the potential negative impacts while maximizing on the positive impacts identified. The ESMP
developed will ensure compliance with regulatory authority stipulations and the financier’s guidelines.

In conclusion, the last mile connectivity project will accrue benefits that exceed the negative impacts. However, for
the company to ensure sustainable development takes place, the implementation of the ESMP is vital and the
management must see to it that the contractors follow suite by observing and implementing the ESMP to the letter.
The project will result in great economic, environmental and social benefits both at individual level, communal level
and the country at large.
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Over the last 10 years the country has seen a steady growth in electricity connections both in urban and rural areas.
This has been driven by a combination of various factors chief among them being the incoming of a new political
dispensation in 2002. The new government demanded that the company accelerate connectivity. This called for a
totally new approach in the connectivity model within KPLC. In 2004, a new connection policy was developed to
address this new challenge. A new model geared at increasing electricity access was introduced and the cost of
connection to customers on low voltage was standardized for single phase and three phase to a minimum of KShs.
32,480 and KShs. 44,080 respectively. This saw an unprecedented increase in connections.

The Government has pledged to stimulate economic growth and accelerate job creation to improve the economic
wellbeing of Kenyans. Among the many interventions to achieve this is expansion of the power distribution system to
be within reach and thus enable more Kenyans connect to the grid at affordable cost and hence initiate economic
activities at the micro-economic level. In order to accelerate the connectivity rate and achieve annual connections in
the range of 1.3 million, it was proposed that a new model be adopted that would help overcome bottlenecks in the
connectivity pipeline.

The strategy proposed is to extend the distribution network to as near the customer as possible using external or
government funding. This can initially be achieved by extending the low voltage network on existing and other
upcoming distribution transformers to reach households lying within transformer protection distance (maximization).
The project is popular known as Last Mile Connectivity Project (LCMP).


Data collected from KPLC the company shown potential to connect approximately 472,002 households that are
within 600 meters of the transformers through individual service lines. Of these households, some will be within
developed areas, majority of who will be reached by a service cable drop or a pole or two, whereas in the expansive
zones in the peri-urban and rural areas, construction of a 600m low voltage line for a single customer will not be an
exception. The main project component focuses on the expansion of the low voltage lines from the existing
distribution transformers to customers as well as the installation of pre-paid energy meters.

The project consists of the following components:

 Construction of the low voltage network and installation of energy meters;
 Project supervision and management during the project implementation;
 Environmental and social management to ensure the project is implemented in an environmental and social
sustainable manner
 The project involves connection of customers within 600m of existing transformers.
 Of these households, some will be within developed areas, majority of who will be reached by a drop or a
pole or two.
 The project beneficiaries will include individuals at household level, commercial enterprises in market
centres and public institutions such as learning institutions, health facilities and administrative offices.

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The Last Mile Connectivity project is aimed to support the Government’s initiatives of ensuring increased electricity
access to Kenyans, particularly among the low income groups. The existing distribution transformers shall be
exploited to the maximum through extension of the low voltage network to reach households located in the vicinity of
these transformers.

The proposed Last Mile Connectivity Project will provide a milestone in spurring social and economic development in
the country and will greatly help in achieving the objectives of the Vision 2030. Some of the socio-economic benefits
expected to accrue from the project includes but not limited to:-

Employment opportunities
During implementation of the project various employment opportunities will be available. These include building of the
service lines and wiring of individual houses. Given the magnitude of the project and number of connections
envisaged, this project will create a considerable number of job opportunities across the country. This will go a long
way in easing unemployment in the nation while the new income revenues received will create demand for other
goods and services causing a trickledown effect to the entire economy.

Access to electricity at the household level and schools will lead to betterment of education services. Children will
have opportunity to extend their study time because of better lighting system at home and in schools. Further, access
to power will facilitate development and equipping of Laboratories in schools, promote use of laptops as well as
introduction of ICT.

Reduction of pollution associated with use of thermal power, kerosene and wood fuel:
Electricity supplied from National Grid would ensure less or no people use diesel generator sets for domestic power
needs like pumping water, reduced reliance on kerosene both for lighting and cooking and will be an alternative to
wood fuel and charcoal because of better and effective use of electrical appliances like cookers and electric irons.
Consequently, this results in less carbon dioxide being released to the environment while less use of charcoal means
reduced destruction of forests which will go a long way in conserving the environment.

Improved standard of living

The implementation of this project will result in connecting about 1.2 million customers to the national grid. Access to
electricity will change the standard of living of the people as they can use domestic appliances like iron boxes,
fridges, television sets, washing machines to mention but a few. Use of electricity for lighting implies that the people
will not be exposed to smoke arising from use of tin lamps which predisposes people to respiratory diseases.

Opportunity for business development

Availability of power for more customers provides opportunities to establish small micro enterprises such as salons,
barber shops, charging of phones, welding, baking, use of electric sewing machines, agribusiness like poultry farming
among others. The incomes earned by these people will create demand for other goods and services hence
promoting accelerated growth in the economy.

Increase in Revenues

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The implementation of the project will boost income streams accrued from increased sales of electricity to KPLC.
These revenues will go to system reinforcement to ensure reliable quality supply while some of it goes to the
government as taxes which results to improvement in service provision by the government to its citizens.

There will be enhanced security in the country arising from well-lit social, commercial and individual premises. With
the implementation of the project, the level of security will increase across the country. This is as a result of more
security lights which helps keep off opportunistic crimes while other people are able to use electric fences.

Improved communication amongst the communities and connectivity to global facilities through internet, mobile
technology etc All powered by electricity.

Urban-rural migration
The expected convenient lifestyle created by this electrification project will facilitate urban-rural migration which may
eventually contribute to more productivity in foodstuffs and poverty eradication/reduction and improved habitation in
the rural areas rather than the slums in the urban areas

Improved gender relations at homes and communities

Most tensions within families and communities revolve around resources, overwhelming tasks, time burdens and low
quality of lives. With electricity, significant improvement of life will be evident – mechanized tasks and efficiency; time
burdens will be significantly reduced – leading to investments in more income productive activities; leisure activities
will be more readily available, e.g. television and radio. Women’s access to information will be greatly enhanced and
empowerment facilitated through increased media access.

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Lot 7 consists of eight counties most of which are in mount Kenya region according to the company’s administrative
structure. The counties covered include; Nyeri, Laikipia, Isiolo, Meru, Tharaka Nthi, Embu, Kirinyaga and Muranga.
This chapter describes in short baseline information of the counties.

7.3.1 Baseline Information of Muranga County

Location and size
Murang’a County is one of the five counties in Central region of the Republic of Kenya. It is bordered to the North by
Nyeri, to the South by Kiambu, to the West by Nyandarua and to the East by Kirinyaga, Embu and Machakos
counties. It lies between latitudes 0o 34’ South and 107’ South and Longitudes 36o East and 37o 27’ East. The
county occupies a total area of 2,558.8Km2.

The county lies between 914m above sea level (ASL) in the East and 3,353m above sea level (ASL) along the slopes
of the Aberdare Mountains in the West. The highest areas in the west have deeply dissected topography and are
drained by several rivers. All the rivers flow from the Aberdare ranges to the West, South Eastward to join Tana

The geology of the County consists of volcanic rocks of the Pleistocene age and basement system rock of Achaean
type. Volcanic rocks occupy the western part of the county bordering the Aberdare’s while rocks of the basement
system are in the eastern part. Porous beds and disconformities within the volcanic rock system form important
aquifers, collecting and moving
ground water, thus regulating water supply from wells and boreholes.

The topography and geology of the county is both an asset and liability to the county’s development. The highest
areas form the rain catchment areas from where most of rivers draining the county originate. The terrain is dissected
creating the menace of landslides and gulley erosion. The numerous streams and valleys necessitate the
construction of numerous bridges to connect one ridge to the other; construction and maintenance of roads are
therefore made difficult and expensive.

The County is divided into three climatic regions: The western region with an equatorial type of
climate, the central region with a sub-tropical climate and the eastern part with semi-arid conditions. The long rains
fall in the months of March, April and May. The highest amount of rainfall is recorded in the month of April, and
reliability of rainfall during this month is very high. The short rains are received during the months of October and
November. The western region, Kangema, Gatanga, and higher parts of Kigumo and Kandara, is generally wet and
humid due to the influence of the Aberdares and Mt. Kenya. The eastern region, lower parts of Kigumo,
Kandara, Kiharu and Maragwa constituencies receive less rain and crop production requires

Variations in altitude, rainfall and temperature between the highland and lowland coupled with the differences in the
underlying geology of both volcanic and basement system rocks give rise to a variety of soil types. Highland areas
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have rich brown loamy soils suitable especially for tea. Soils in the lower areas are predominantly black cotton clay
soils with seasonal impended drainage.

The 2009 Census recorded a population of 936,228 persons for Murang’a County consisting of 451,751 males and
484,477 females and a growth rate of 0.4 per cent per annum. This population is projected to rise to 966,672 persons
in 2017. The male: female sex ratio for the county is 48:52. The higher female population in relation to male is
attributed to high male emigration to other counties and towns in search of employment and business opportunities.

The county has five indigenous gazetted forests covering a total area of 254.4 Km2. They are: Gatare, Karua,
Kimakia, Kiambicho and Wanjerere forests. These forests are divided into two zones; the tropical montane forest
zone located along the Aberdare ranges and the semi-arid forest zone located in the lower parts of the county. There
are also exotic trees planted within the homesteads including gravelia, Kay apple, blue gum, Euphobia, Nandi flame,
mango, avocado, croton, umbrella, nuts, cypress, jacaranda, lutea macamia, banana, Lantana camara and other

7.3.2 Baseline Information of Meru County

Physical and Topographic Features
The county’s position on the eastern slopes of Mt Kenya and the equator has highly influenced its natural conditions.
Altitude ranges from 300m to 5,199m above sea level. This has influenced the atmospheric conditions leading to a
wide variety of microclimates and agro-ecological zones.
The drainage pattern in the county is characterized by rivers and streams originating from catch-ment areas such as
Mt. Kenya and Nyambene ranges in the North. The rivers cut through the hilly terrain on the upper zones to the lower
zones and drain into the Tana and UasoNyiro Rivers.
The rivers form the main source of water for both domestic and agricultural us

Ecological Conditions
The county has varied ecological zones ranging from upper highlands, lower highlands, upper midlands and lower
midlands. This has greatly influenced the major economic activities. The upper highlands zones covers majority of
the county’s area ranging from Imenti South, Imenti Central, Imenti North, Tigania East, Tigania West, Igembe North,
Igembe Central and Igembe South constituencies. The lower midland zones are only found in lower parts of Buuri
and Tigania which borders Isiolo County.

Climatic conditions
The county receives moderate amounts of rainfall except for the lower parts of Buuri area bordering Isiolo County
which are arid. The distribution of rainfall ranges from 300mm per annum in the lower midlands in the North to
2500mm per annum in the South East. Other areas receive on average 1250mm of rainfall annually. There are two
seasons with the long rains occurring from mid-March to May and short rains from October to December.
Temperatures range from a low of 8o C to a high of 32o C during the cold and hot seasons respectively.

The county has a population growth rate of 2.1 per cent. The 2009 population census stood at 670,656 male and
685,645 female respectively totalling to 1,356,301indicates that males s2012 projected population of the County

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stood at 1,443,555, which consist of 713,801 males and 729,754 females. The county population is projected to be
1,536,422 in 2015 and 1,601,629 in 2017. The growth in population will strain the available resources such as land.

Energy Access
The main source of energy for cooking by household is wood fuel and charcoal which accounts for 86.1 per cent and
6.6 per cent respectively. The number of household connected to electricity
is 13.6 per cent; those using paraffin are 4.5 per cent, gas 2.4 per cent, biogas 0.1 per cent and solar 6.6 per cent.
Major public and private institutions are connected to national grid but the major challenge for the county is how to
connect the over 85 per cent households with electricity

The county forest cover totals 1,776.1 km2, which is 25.6 per cent of the total county area. There are ten gazetted
forest, with Mt Kenya and Imenti forest being the major ones and occupying 63,358 ha in the county. The ungazetted
forests are 19 with 345 ha coverage. Encroachment of forested areas has resulted to major human wildlife conflicts in
the region such as destruction of farm crops by elephants. The aspect of agro-forestry is highly practiced within the
county, with the Forest department giving permits to farmers to ensure they get their livelihood as well as con -serve
the forest. The squatters in Timau area are major beneficiaries of agro-forestry activities in the Mt. Kenya forest. The
two broad categories of forest are natural forest and manmade forests. The county has Mt Kenya and Imenti forests
which are natural forests with rich biodiversity. Conventional tree planting is mainly incorporated in the farms and
along the river banks.

7.3.3 Baseline Information of Kirinyaga County

Administrative and Political Units
The county borders Nyeri County to the North West, Murang‟a County to the West and Embu County to the East and
South. It covers an area of 1,478.1 square kilometres. Administratively, the county is divided into five sub
countnamely; Kirinyaga East, Kirinyaga West, Mwea East, Mwea West and Kirinyaga Central.

The county has four constituencies namely Mwea, Ndia, Kirinyaga Central and Gichugu. Mwea Constituency
comprises of two districts namely Mwea East and Mwea West Districts, while the other constituencies form Kirinyaga
West, Kirinyaga Central and Kirinyaga East districts respectively. Kirinyaga County has twenty (20) county assembly

Physical and Topographic Features

The county lies between 1,158 metres and 5,380 metres above sea level in the South and at the Peak of Mt. Kenya
respectively. Mt. Kenya which lies on the northern side greatly influences the landscape of the county as well as
other topographical features.

The mountain area is characterized by prominent features from the peak, hanging and V-shaped valleys. The snow
melting from the mountain forms the water tower for the rivers that drain in the county and other areas that lie south
and west of the county. The Snow flows in natural streams that form a radial drainage system and drop to rivers with
large water volumes downstream.

Ecological Conditions
The county can be divided into three ecological zones; the lowland areas that fall between 1158 metres to 2000
metres above sea level, the midland areas that lie between 2000 metres to 3400 metres above sea level and the
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highland comprising areas of falling between 3400 metres to 5380 metres above sea level. The lowland area is
characterized by gentle rolling plains that cover most of Mwea constituency. The midland area includes Ndia,
Gichugu and Kirinyaga Central constituencies. The highland area covers the upper areas of Ndia, Gichugu and
Central constituencies and the whole of the mountain area.

The county is well endowed with a thick, indigenous forest with unique types of trees covering Mt. Kenya. Mt. Kenya
Forest covers 350.7 Km2 and is inhabited by a variety of wildlife including elephants, buffaloes, monkeys, bushbucks
and colourful birds while the lower parts of the forest zone provides grazing land for livestock. The rich flora and
fauna within the forest coupled with mountain climbing are a great potential for tourist activities.

The county has six major rivers namely; Sagana, Nyamindi, Rupingazi, Thiba, Rwamuthambi and Ragati, all of which
drain into the Tana River. These rivers are the principal source of water in the county. The water from these rivers
has been harnessed through canals to support irrigation at the lower zones of the county especially in Mwea. The
rivers are also important sources of domestic water through various water supply schemes. The rapid populating
increase is however constraining many of the schemes since the designs were meant to cater for a smaller
population. There is therefore a dam being constructed in the county at Gichugu Constituency as well as
rehabilitation and expansion of Mwea irrigation scheme which will address some of these problems. The water
resources, if optimally harnessed, can boost agricultural production in the county and contribute to sustained
economic development and poverty reduction.

The geology of the county consists of volcanic rocks, which influence formation of magnificent natural features such
as “God’s bridge” along Nyamindi River, and the seven spectacular water falls within the county.

Climatic Conditions
The county has a tropical climate and an equatorial rainfall pattern. The climatic condition is influenced by the county
position along the equator and its position on the windward side of Mt Kenya. The county has two rainy seasons, the
long rains which average 2,146 mm and occur between the months of March to May and the short rains which
average 1,212 mm and occur between the months of October to November. The amount of rainfall declines from the
high altitude slopes of Mt. Kenya towards the Semi-arid zones in the eastern part of Mwea constituency. The
temperature ranges from a mean of 8.10C in the upper zones to 30.30C in the lower zones during the hot season.

Population density and distribution

Generally, there are two types of settlements in the county namely; clustered settlement and scattered settlement.
Clustered settlement patterns are primarily found around towns and irrigation schemes where those who work in the
rice fields have settled. Scattered settlement patterns are found mostly in the lower zones of the county where land
sizes are large. Ecological and climatic factors influence settlement in upper zones where land is fertile and receives
more rainfall. Another factor that influences settlement is the type of farming practiced in the upper zone where cash
crops such as tea and coffee attract a high population because residents have a higher preference for cash crops
farming compared to food crops. Another reason for clustered settlement is the growth of towns such as Kerugoya,
Sagana and Wang’uru where there are many migrant workers and business people.

There are also marked variations in settlement patterns in the constituencies within the county. Mwea constituency
exhibits two types of settlements. There is a clustered settlement in Wang’uru town and Kagio urban centre and
scattered settlement occupying the lower arid parts of the constituency. Ngariama ranch is also a fast growing area
owing to the government programme of re-settling the landless in the area. Settlements in Ndia constituency are
concentrated in Sagana, Baricho and Kibirigwi towns and in the upper part of the constituency where coffee and tea
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are grown. There is no marked variation in settlement pattern in Gichugu, even though the upper part of the
constituency are more populated than the lower part.

The population density for the County was 488 people per Km2 in 2012 but expected to increase to 524 people per
Km2 in 2017.

Energy Access
All the major towns and urban centres in the county such as Kerugoya, Sagana, Wang’uru, Kianyaga, Kimunye,
Kagio, and Kagumo are connected with electricity, however the major source of energy in the county is firewood
which is used by 105,756 households followed by charcoal and gas used by 59,579 households and 28,987
households respectively. There are only 11,652 rural homes with electricity and 40 trading centres are not connected
to the national grid.

Main Forest Types and size of forests. The main types of forests in the county are indigenous natural forests which
cover an area of 35,876 Ha, plantations which cover 1,540 Ha, bamboo forests which cover 7,500 Ha, bush
land/grassland forests that cover 6,956 Ha and tea zone forests which cover 290 Ha. The main types of forests in the
county are indigenous natural forests which cover an area of 35,876 Ha, plantations which cover 1,540 Ha, bamboo
forests which cover 7,500 Ha, bush land/grassland forests that cover 6,956 Ha and tea zone forests which cover 290

There are 7 forests in Kirinyaga County with 5 gazetted forests namely, Mt. Kenya forest covering 35,043 Ha; Njukiini
west forest covering an area of 570.2 Ha; Murinduku forest covering an area of 194.2 Ha; Kariani forest covering an
area of 24.28 Ha and Kamuruana forest with an area of 23 Ha. There are also 2 non gazetted forests namely
Karimandu forest covering an area of 12 Ha and Kerugoya urban forest covering an area of 10 Ha. The main
products from these forests are timber, poles, fuel wood, fruits and honey.

7.3.4 Baseline Information of Nyeri County

Physical and Topographic Features
The main physical features of the county are Mount Kenya (5,199m) to the east and the Aberdare ranges (3,999m) to
the west. The western part of the county is flat, whereas further southwards, the topography is characterized by steep
ridges and valleys, with a few hills such as Karima, Nyeri and Tumutumu. These hills affect rainfall patterns, thus
influencing the mode of agricultural production in some localized areas.

The major rivers found in the county are Sagana, Ragati, Chania, Gura and Nairobi. If well tapped, these rivers and
the numerous streams can make the county self-sufficient in surface and
sub-surface water resources for domestic, agriculture and industrial development.

Ecological Conditions
The county has two forest eco-systems, namely Aberdare and Mt. Kenya. It also has other isolated forested hills
under the management of County Government such as Karima, Nyeri and
Tumutumu. Apart from being a source of traditional forest products such as timber, fuel, fodder, herbal medicine
among others, these forests play vital roles which include; maintenance of water cycle, wildlife habitat and are also
repository of a wide range of biodiversity. Since soil conditions in the county are similar, agricultural productivity is
influenced by rainfall intensity and temperature conditions.
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Climatic Conditions
The county experiences equatorial rainfall due to its location within the highland zone of Kenya.
The long rains occur from March to May while the short rains come in October to December; occasionally this pattern
is disrupted by abrupt and adverse changes in climatic conditions. The annual rainfall ranges between 1,200mm-
1,600mm during the long rains and 500mm-1,500mm during the short rains. In terms of altitude, the county lies
between 3,076 meters and 5,199 meters above sea level and registers monthly mean temperature ranging from
12.8ºC to 20.8ºC.

Administrative and Political Units

Nyeri County is divided into various administrative and political units. The administrative units
are crucial for the management and service delivery to the public. The political units are represented by elected
persons such as the members of National and County assemblies.

Nyeri County is divided into various administrative units. These units are the sub-counties, divisions, locations and
sub-locations. The county is divided into eight administrative sub counties that includes; Kieni East, Kieni West,
Mathira East, Mathira West, Nyeri Central, Mukurweini, Tetu and Nyeri South. Kieni East Sub County is the largest
with a land size of 817.1 Km2 while Mathira East is the smallest with an area of 131 Km2. Mathira East has got the
highest number of locations and sub locations while Nyeri Town has got the least.

The population growth rate in the county is 0.48 per cent against the national average of 3.0 per cent and 1.6 per
cent for the region. The county has a population of 707,003 comprising of 346,311 males and 360,692 females in
2013 as projected from the 2009 population and housing census.
The highest and the lowest population for 2013 are the cohort of age 10-14 and 75-79 respectively. Ages 10-14
represent 11.4 per cent, while 75-79 comprise of just one per cent of the total population. Over 60 per cent of the
population is below 30 years, portraying a youthful population which is more productive.

Energy Access
The county is poorly supplied with electricity with only 26.3 per cent (2009 population and housing census) of the
households connected. A total of 112 trading centers and 170 secondary schools are connected with electricity.
There are plans to increase the percentage of households and institutions connected with electricity through up
scaling of the rural electrification programme. The main sources of energy are; firewood, paraffin, electricity, gas,
charcoal, biomass residue, biogas and others. Firewood is widely used with 72.2 per cent of the households using it
as main cooking fuel. Markets and Urban Centres. In Nyeri County, there are 192 trading centers with 14,010
registered retail traders and 274 wholesalers. Most of the traders are small scale dealing with locally produced
merchandise for household consumption

Main Forest Types and Size Of Forests The county has a total of 12 gazetted forests mainly of indigenous and
plantation trees. The major forests are found within the Aberdare ranges and Mt. Kenya with the size of gazetted
forest being 861.7 Km2. The ungazetted forests are managed by the county government. There are also a number of
important hills, with a combination of indigenous and plantation flora (Karima, Tumutumu, Nyeri etc).

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7.3.5 Baseline Information of Laikipia County
Position and Size
Laikipia County is one of the 14 counties within the Rift Valley region and one of the 47 counties in the Republic of
Kenya. It borders Samburu County to the North, Isiolo County to the
North East, Meru County to the East, Nyeri County to the South East, Nyandarua County and Nakuru County to the
South West and Baringo County tothe West. It lies between latitudes 0o18” and 0o51” North and between longitude
36o11” and 37o24’ East. It covers an area of 9,462km2 and is ranked as the15th largest county in the country by land

Administrative Units and Political Units

Laikipia County is one of the 47 countiesin the country. It comprises of three administrative sub-counties namely
Laikipia East, Laikipia North, and Laikipia West (the sub county units are geographically equivalent to the
The sub county headquarters are at Nanyuki, Doldol, Rumuruti and Nyahururu respectively. The county is further
sub-divided into15 divisions, 51 locations and 96 sub-locations respectively. The Laikipia East subcounty lies to the
east, Laikipia North to the North, Laikipia Central to the south east, Nyahururu to the south west and Laikipia West to
the west of the county.
The county has three sub county units namely Laikipia East constituency, Laikipia West Constituency and Laikipia
North constituency. The county has 15 electoral wards, 5 in Laikipia East, 6 in Laikipia West and 4 in Laikipia North

Physical and Topographic Features

The altitude of Laikipia County varies between 1,500 m above sea level at Ewaso Nyiro basin in the North to a
maximum of 2,611 m above sea level around Marmanet forest. The other areas of high altitude include Mukogodo
and Ol Daiga Forests in the eastern part of the county at 2,200 m above sea level. The county consists mainly of a
plateau bordered by the Great Rift Valley to the
West, the Aberdares to the South and Mt. Kenya massifs to the South East all of which have significant effects on the
climatic conditions of the county. The level plateau and the entire county drainage is dominated by the Ewaso Nyiro
North basin with its tributaries which have their sources in the slopes of the Aberdares and Mt. Kenya and flow from
South to North. The tributaries include Nanyuki, Timau, Rongai, Burguret, Segera, Naromoru, Engare, Moyak, Ewaso
Narok, Pesi and Ngobit Rivers. The flow of these rivers matches the county’s topography
which slopes gently from the highlands in the South to the lowlands in the North. The rivers determine to a large
extent the settlement patterns, as they are a source of water for human and livestock consumption as well as
irrigation activities. There are two major swamps in the county namely: Marura Swamp which runs along the Moyot
valley in Ol Pajeta Ranch and the Ewaso Narok Swamp around Rumuruti Township. The swamps have some
agricultural potential if properly protected and managed. However, they are currently under pressure due to
encroachment for human settlement and agricultural production. The South-western part of the county has the
highest potential for forestry and mixed farming due to its favorable climatic conditions. These conditions have
resulted in some areas especially around Marmanet being the most densely populated. The eastern and northern
parts of the county are suitable for grazing while the plateau lying in the central and the northern parts of the county
is suitable for ranching.

Ecological Conditions
The county is endowed with several natural resources. These include pasture rangeland, forest, wildlife, undulating
landscapes and rivers among others. The high and medium potential land constitutes 20.5 per cent of the total

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county’s land area while the remaining 79.5 per cent is low potential hence unsuitable for crop farming. The major
soils in the county are mainly loam, sand and clay. Black cotton soil which has inherent fertility spreads in most parts
of the plateaus. The dark reddish brown to red friable soils and rocky soils are mainly found on the hillsides. The
limiting factors to agricultural production are the poor weather conditions characterized by frequent dry spells and
poor rainfall distribution.

The county has gazetted forest area totalling to 580 Km2comprising of both the indigenous and plantation forests.
The indigenous forests include Mukogodo and Rumuruti which are under threat from encroachment. The
plantation forests include Marmanet and Shamaneik. Laikipia County is richly endowed with wildlife, which is
widely distributed in the semi arid areas extending to Samburu, Meru and Mt. Kenya wildlife
corridors/ecosystems. Most of the wildlife is found in the large scale private ranches, which occupy over 50
per cent of the total area of the county. The rest is found in group ranches predominantly owned by the Maasai,
in the gazetted forests of Mukogodo, Rumuruti and Marmanet and the other uninhabited tracts of land in the
county. Though this is an important natural resource, it has been a source of conflict between the farming and
pastoralist communities. Among the major wildlife species found in this county are the lion, leopard,
elephant, buffalo and the rhinoceros though there are other smaller species also in abundance particularly the
African wild dog and gazelles

Climatic Conditions
The county experiences a relief type of rainfall due to its altitude and location. The annual average rainfall varies
between 400mm and 750mm though higher annual rainfall totals are observed on the areas bordering the slopes of
Mt. Kenya and the Aberdare Ranges. North Marmanet receives over 900mm of rainfall annually; while the drier parts
of Mukogodo and Rumuruti receive slightly over 400mm annually. The plateau receives about 500mm of rain
annually, while Mukogodo Forest receives an average rainfall of about 706mm annually. The northern parts of the
county represented by Dol Dol receive lower rainfall compared to the southern parts such as Nyahururu

The seasonal distribution of rainfall in the county is as a result of the influences of Northeast and South trade winds,
the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone and the Western winds. The long rains occur from March to May while the short
rains are in October and November. The parts neighbouring Aberdare Ranges and Mt. Kenya form an exception to
this pattern as they receive conventional rainfall between June and August because of the influence of the trade
winds. The annual mean temperature of the county ranges between 16o C and 26oC. This is as a result of relief and
trade winds resulting to cooler conditions in eastern side which is near Mt. Kenya and hotter in the low-lying areas in
the North. The western and southern parts of the county have cooler temperatures with the coolest month being April
and the hottest month being February. The average duration of sunshine is between ten and twelve hours daily.

Population size and composition

According to the 2009 KNBS Housing and Population Census, the total population for the county stood at 399,227
people of which 198,625 were males and 200,602 were females. This population is projected to be 427, 173 persons
in 2012. It is also expected to rise to 457,514 and 479,072 in 2015 and 2017 respectively. The ratio of men to women
stands at almost one to one. The proportion of women is higher than that of men in all the age cohorts except for
those in the range of five to 19 years. It therefore means that the county will require to look into the special needs of
women as they form the bigger proportion of the population.

There are six gazetted and one non gazetted forests in Laikipia covering a total area of 580 square kilometers.
Mukogodo is one of natural forests within the county. Artificial forests include Lariak, Marmanet, Ng’arua, Rumuruti
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and Shamaneik. Part of the forests especially in Ng’arua and Rumuruti have been excised for agricultural and
settlement purposes. Recovery of farmland has been successful through farm forestry. However, deforestation, forest
fires and
grazing have contributed to gradual depletion of the forest cover over the years

7.3.6 Baseline Information of Isiolo County

Location and size
Isiolo County borders Marsabit County to the north, Samburu and Laikipia counties to the west, Garissa County to
the south east, Wajir County to the north east, Tana River and Kitui counties to the south and Meru and Tharaka Nithi
counties to the south west as shown in Figure 1.1. Isiolo town lies 285 kilometres north of Nairobi, the Capital City of
Kenya. The county has an area of 25,700 Km2.

Administrative and Political Units

The County has three sub-counties, ten wards, 22 locations and locations and 43 sub locations.
Isiolo sub-county has the highest number of wards (five) while Garbatulla has the highest number of locations (ten)
and sub-locations (19). Merti sub-county is the largest area of 12,612 Km2 while Isiolo sub-county is the smallest with
an area of 3,269 Km2 Figure 3 shows the county’s administrative boundaries.

The County has two constituencies and ten wards. The constituencies are Isiolo North and Isiolo South. Isiolo North
Constituency has seven wards which are Wabera, Bulla Pesa, Chari, Cherab, Ngare Mara, Burat and Oldo/Nyiro.
Isiolo South Constituency has three wards namely Sericho, Kinna and Garbatulla. Table 2 below shows the county’s
electoral wards by constituencies and corresponding ward population

Population Size and Composition

The county’s population stood at 143,294 as per the 2009 Population Census comprising of 73,694 males and
69,600 females. The population was projected to rise to 159,797 by the end of 2012 and 191,627 by 2017. The
population consists largely of Cushites communities (Oromo-speaking Boran and Sakuye) and Turkana, Samburu,
Meru, Somali and other immigrant communities from other parts of the country. The planned massive capital
investments under development of the LAPSSET Corridor including International Airport, Resort City, and oil storage
facilities are expected to boost rapid population growth in the county.

Physical &Topographic Features

Most of the land in the county is flat low lying plain resulting from weathering and sedimentation. The plains rise
gradually from an altitude of about 200 M above sea level at Lorian swamp (Habaswein) in the northern part of the
county to about 300M above sea level at Merti Plateau.

There are six perennial rivers in the county namely; Ewaso Ngiro North, Isiolo, Kinna, Bisanadi, Likiundu and Liliaba
rivers. Ewaso Ngiro North River has its catchments area in the Aberdare ranges and Mount Kenya. It also serves as
a boundary mark between Isiolo North and Isiolo South constituencies. Isiolo River originates from Mount Kenya and
drains into Ewaso Ngiro River. Kinna and Bisanadi rivers are found in the Southern part of the county and drains into
the Tana River. Likiundu and Liliaba originate from Nyambene hills and drains into Ewaso Ngiro North River.

The county has a combination of metamorphic rocks and other superficial rock deposits. Tertiary rocks (Olive Basalt)
are found in the northern parts of the county, where oil exploration has been going on. The areas covered with
tertiary marine sediments that have a high potential for ground water harvesting.
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Ecological Conditions
The county is classified into three ecological zones namely Semi-Arid, Arid and the very Arid. Semi Arid zone covers
part of Wabera Ward, Bulla Pesa Ward and some parts of Burat Ward in Isiolo North Constituency. It also covers
some Southern part of Kinna Ward in Isiolo South Constituency. This zone covers five percent of the total area of the
county and receives rainfall ranging between 400 – 650 mm annually. The relatively high rainfall is due to influence of
Mount Kenya and Nyambene Hills in the neighbouring Meru County. The vegetation in this zone is mainly thorny
bush with short grass. Arid zone covers Oldo/Nyiro, Ngare Mara and some parts of Burat Wards in Isiolo North
Constituency and whole of Garbatulla Ward and northern part of Kinna Ward in Isiolo South Constituency. The zone
covers 30 percent of the total area of the county. Rainfall received here ranges between 300 mm and 350 mm
annually and supports grassland and few shrubs. Severe arid zone covers Chari, Cherab, parts of Oldo/Nyiro Ward
in Isiolo North Constituency and Sericho Ward in Isiolo South Constituency. These areas account for 65 percent of
total area of the county. Rainfall received here ranges between 150 and 250 mm annually. The area is barren and
very hot and dry most of the year.

Climatic Conditions
The county is hot and dry in most months in the year with two rainy seasons. The short rains season occurs in
October and November while the long rain occurs between March and May. The rainfall received in the County is
usually scarce and unreliable posting an annual average of 580.2 mm. The wettest months are November with an
average of 143 mm of rainfall and April with an average of 149 mm of rainfall. The erratic and unreliable rainfall
cannot support crop farming which partly explains the high food insecurity and food poverty levels recorded in the
county. Rain fed crops are grown in Bulla Pesa, Wabera and Kinna wards where the black cotton soil retains
moisture long enough to make crops mature.

High temperatures are recorded in the county throughout the year, with variations in some places due to differences
in altitude. The mean annual temperature in the county is 29 degrees centigrade. The county records more than nine
hours of sunshine per day and hence has a huge potential for harvesting and utilization of solar energy. Strong winds
blow across the county throughout the year peaking in the months of July and August. The strong winds provide a
huge potential for wind generated energy.

Population Density and Distribution by Constituency

Isiolo North Constituency has a total population of 100,176 as per 2009 census report distributed as follows: Wabera
ward with a population of 17,431; Bulla Pesa ward 22,722; Burat ward 18,774; Chari ward 4,781; Cherab ward
15,560; Ngare Mara ward 5,520; and Oldo/Nyiro ward 15,388. The 2009 census results also showed that Isiolo North
Constituency had a population density of 6 persons per square Kilometre.

Isiolo South Constituency had a total population of 43,118 distributed as follows: Garbatulla ward with a population of
16,401; Kinna ward 14,618; and Sericho ward 12,099. The Constituency had a population density of four persons per
Km2. There is dire need to have strategic plans and spatial plans for the two constituencies.

Energy Access (Main Sources of Energy, Electricity Coverage)

The county’s main source of energy is wood fuel. Over 70 percent of the households rely on fire wood as their main
source of power. This has led to over-harvesting of trees primarily for charcoal causing extensive land degradation in
the county. Of the 31,326 households in the county, only 2,500 have access to electricity. 85 percent of the trading
centres, most schools and health facilities are not connected with electricity. Provision of clean sources of alternative

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energy will be critical in slowing down the cutting of trees. It will further save the time spent especially by women and
girls in fetching wood fuel for domestic purposes.

Currently two forests are earmarked for gazettement in the county, namely Gotu and Kipsing forests. The types of
trees in found are those suitable for dry areas. These are mainly Acacia Propopis and Cassiasis species.

7.3.7 Baseline Information of Embu County

Location and size
Embu County covers an area of 2,818 Km2. It borders Kirinyaga County to the West, Kitui County to the East,
Tharaka-Nithi County to the North and Machakos County to the South.

Administrative and political units

Embu County is divided into five administrative sub-counties: Embu West, Embu North, Embu East, Mbeere South
and Mbeere South. These sub-counties are further divided into 11 divisions, 42 locations and 111 sub-locations. The
county has four parliamentary constituencies: Manyatta, Runyenjes, Mbeere North and Mbeere South.

Physical and Topographic Features

Embu County slopes from North-West towards East and South-East with a few isolated hills such as Kiambere,
Kianjiru and Kiang'ombe which rise above the general height and slope. The County is characterised by highlands
and lowlands. It rises from about 515m above sea level at the Tana river basin in the East to over 4,570m above sea
in the North West which is part of Mt. Kenya. Embu County is served by six major rivers;for of them, Thũci, Tana, Kiĩ
and Rũvingasĩ which form part of the Embu County's boundaries.The other two rivers are Thiba and Ĩna. All these
rivers are perennial. Between Embu town and Thũci river lies an area with an altitude ranging from 910m to 1,525m
above sea level. The Southern part of the County is covered by Mwea plains. It then rises Northwards,culminating in
hills and valleys to the Northern and Eastern parts.

Climatic Conditions
The rainfall pattern is bi-modal with two distinct rainy seasons.Long rains occur between March and June while the
short rains fall between October and December. Rainfall quantity received varies with altitude averaging to about
1067.5mm annually and ranging from 640mm in some areas to as high as 1,495mm per annum. At higher altitudes,
(above 1700m), the pattern changes to tri-modal. Temperatures range from a minimum of 12 °C in July to a
maximum of 30 °C in March with a mean of 21 °C. The extensive altitudinal range of Embu County influences
temperatures that range from 20 °C to 30 °C. July is usually the coldest month with an average monthly temperature
of 15 °C while September is the warmest month with an average monthly temperature rising to 27.1 °C. There is
however localised climate in some parts of the County especially the Southern region due to their proximity to the
Masinga, Kamburu, Gĩtaru, Kĩndaruma and Kĩambere dams.

Demographic characteristics
The 2009 population census put the county’s population at 516,212 (254,303 male; 261,909 female). The 2012
projected population based on a growth rate of 1.7% was 543,221 (267,609 male; 275,612 female). By 2015 the
population is projected to grow to 571,645 (281,613 male; 290,033 female), and to 591,412 (291,348 male; 300,064
female) by 2017. The number of people employed was 295,565, which represented 91% of the total labour force
based on the 2009 census. The projected county labour force at 2012 is 311,021 (152,734 male; 158,287 female)
representing about 57 % of the county’s population. The majority of the labour force is engaged in farming either
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directly or indirectly. There is need to identify development strategies that will lead to the establishment of small-scale
industries and other income-generating activities to absorb the labour force and enhance household incomes.

There are four non gazetted forests in the county: Kiang’ombe, Kirimiri, Kianjiru and Kiambere with a total area of
3,751 ha. Mount Kenya Forest, which is gazetted, occupies 20,879 ha in the county. The main forest products
obtained include timber, poles, firewood, carvings, charcoal, posts, seedlings and honey.

7.3.8 Baseline Information of Tharaka Nithi County

Location and Size
Tharaka Nithi County covers an area of about 2,662.1 km2; including the shared Mt Kenya forest estimated to cover
360 km2. It is located in the upper Eastern region of Kenya and borders Embu County to the South and South West,
Meru County to the North and North East, Kirinyaga and Nyeri Counties to the West and Kitui to the East and South
East. The county lies between latitude 000 07' and 000 26' South and between longitudes 370 19' and 370 46' East.
The County is approximately 2,662.1 Km2; including the shared Mt Kenya forest estimated to have 360Km2 in
Tharaka Nithi County.

Administrative and Political Units

Tharaka Nithi County is divided into four (4) administrative sub-counties namely: Tharaka North, Tharaka South,
Meru South and Maara. Tharaka North sub-county is the largest covering an area of 803.4 km2, while Maara is the
smallest sub-county covering an area of 468.2 km2.

Ecological Zone and climatic conditions

The county lies between altitudes 5,200m and 600m height above sea level. The county has 360 Km 2 forest cover
within M.T. Kenya which serves as a water catchment area for Rivers, Tourist Attraction site, Source of fuel, fodder
and Honey. Temperatures in the highland areas range between 14oC to 30oC while those of the lowland area range
between 22oC to 36oC.

The county has a bi-modal rainfall pattern with the long rains between the months of April and June and the short
rains between the months October to December. The county receives high rainfall of about 2,200mm in M.T Kenya
Forest and low rainfall of about 500mm in Tharaka region. The high altitude areas experience reliable rainfall while
middle areas of the county receive moderate rainfall. The lower regions receive low, unreliable and poorly distributed

Physical and Topographical features

The county has a number of Hills in its landscape, these includes: Kiera, Munuguni and Njuguni in Maara
constituency, Kijege and Ntugi in Tharaka constituency. The topography of Chuka/Igambang'ombe and Maara
constituencies is greatly influenced by the Mt. Kenya volcanic activity leading to formation of 'V' shaped valleys
within which the main tributaries of River Tana flows originating from Mt. Kenya forest. The tributaries flowing
eastwards are: - R.Thuuci, R.Maara(South and North), R.Nithi, R.Mutonga, Naka, and R.Ruguti. Tharaka on the
other hand is traversed by several rivers, which originate from both the Mt. Kenya and Nyambene Hills, flowing
eastwards as tributaries of Tana River. These include R.Mutonga, R.Thingithu, R.Kathita, R.Thanantu, R.Thangatha,
R.Kithinu and R.Ura which provides water for irrigation in the moderately densely populated locations in parts of
Tharaka. The region comprises of low, hilly, stony and sandy marginal lowlands with moderate forest cover.

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Demographic Characteristics
According to 2009 population census, the county had a total population of 365,330 with an average population
density of 150 persons per km2. The 2012 projected population based on a growth rate of 3% was 399,735 (195,256
males; 204,479 females) and to 478,570 (233,765 males and 244,805 females) by 2017. Furthermore, the total
workforce was 202,887 representing 55.5% of the total population. In particular, 62,785 (31%) were employed in
different sectors in the county. This implies that a very small proportion of the work force contribute to the county’s
economy. Therefore concerted efforts are needed to make use of the unemployed population whether skilled or
unskilled labour.

7.4 Environmental and Social Characteristics of Proposed

Project Sites
During the screening exercise the following information was observed and documented and it gives the
characteristics of the project site generally as shown in the following page.

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7.4.1 Environmental and Social Characteristics of Proposed Project Sites

SUB COUNTY Population Public Safety Existing Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna General Comments
Density Land Uses Types Ecological
NYERI TOWN High Potential Public Gravelia Gently sloping Loam Avi-fauna No sensitive
Electric Commercial Cypress Flat environment
shocks, Agricultural Croton species but good
electrocution Residential Avocado vegetation
and OSH Jacaranda cover
hazards Blue gum
Kay apple
Sugar cane
Lantana camara
MATHIRA High Potential Public Gravelia Gently sloping Red loam Avi-fauna No sensitive
Electric Commercial Croton species Slopy Sandy environment
shocks, Agricultural Avocado loam but good
electrocution Residential Blue gum vegetation
and OSH Kay apple cover
hazards Maize
Lantana camara
OTHAYA High Potential Public Gravelia Relatively flat Red Avi-fauna No sensitive
Medium Electric Commercial Cypress Gently sloping loam environment
shocks, Agricultural Blue gum but good
electrocution Residential Crotons vegetation
and OSH coffee cover
hazards Castor oil

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Nappier grass
Lantana camara
Tea bushes
TETU High Potential Public Gravelia Slopy Red Avi-fauna Good
Electric Commercial Cypress vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Blue gum cover
electrocution Residential Avocado
and OSH Maize
hazards Wattle
Nandi flame
Tea bushes
Lantana camara

MUKURWEINI High Potential Public Gravelia Slopy Red and Avi-fauna Good
Electric Commercial Cypress dark loam vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Blue gum cover
electrocution Residential Avocado
and OSH Mango
hazards Maize
Nandi flame
Lantana camara

KIENI Medium Potential Public Gravelia Flat Sandy Avi-fauna Medium

Electric Commercial Cypress Relatively flat loam vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Blue gum Gently sloping Clay loam cover

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electrocution Residential Maize
and OSH Wheat
hazards Kay apple
Nappier gras
IGEMBE SOUTH High Potential Public Gravelia Slopy Loam Avi-fauna Good
Electric Commercial Avocado vegetation but
shocks, Agricultural Blue gum very slopy
electrocution Residential Crotons challenge for
and OSH Maize small cars
hazards Miraa
Nappier gras
Lantana camara
IGEMBE High Potential Public Blue gum Gentle sloping Loam Avi- fauna Good
CENTRAL Electric Commercial Gravelia vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Banana cover
electrocution Residential Croton
and OSH Castor oil
hazards Miraa
Kay apple
Paw paw
IGEMBE NORTH High Potential Public Blue gum Relatively flat Loam Mongoose Good
Electric Commercial Gravelia Gently sloping Some Avi –fauna vegetation

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shocks, Agricultural Banana areas cover
electrocution Residential Croton with rocks
and OSH Avocado
hazards Maize
Nandi flame
Castor oil

IMENTI CENTRAL High Potential Public Blue gum Gentle sloping Sandy Avi-fauna Good
Electric Commercial Gravelia loam vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Banana Loam cover
electrocution Residential Mango Wetland
and OSH Paw paw within the
hazards Croton vicinity of Tx
Nandi flame
Castor oil
Lantana camara

TIGANIA High Potential Public Blue gum Relatively flat Loam Avi fauna Good
EAST Electric Commercial Gravelia vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Banana cover
electrocution Residential Mango
and OSH Kay apple
hazards Sisal

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Lantana camara

TIGANIA WEST High Potential Public Blue gum Flat Loam Avi fauna Good
Electric Commercial Gravelia vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Banana
electrocution Residential Whistling pine
and OSH Jacaranda
hazards Mango
Lutea macamia
Paw paw
Nandi flame
Lantana camara
IMENTI SOUTH High Potential Public Blue gum Gently sloping Loam Avi fauna Good
Electric Commercial Gravelia Slopy vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Banana
electrocution Residential Mango
and OSH Avocado
hazards Maize
Lantana camara

IMENTI NORTH High Potential Public Blue gum Slopy Loam Avi fauna Good
Medium Electric Commercial Gravelia Flat vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Banana cover
electrocution Residential Cypress including
and OSH Cassava many
hazards Nandi flame bananas

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Avocado One Tx is
Nuts near Meru
Maize national park
Lantana camara

BUURI High Potential Public Blue gum Relatively flat Loam Avi fauna Good
Electric Commercial Gravelia vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Banana cover
electrocution Residential Cypress
and OSH Euphobia
hazards Jacaranda
Paw paw
Kay apple
ISIOLO NORTH High Potential Public Euphobia Flat Sandy Avi fauna Medium
Electric Commercial Acacia loam vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Macamia lutea Sandy
electrocution Residential Jacaranda
and OSH Gravelia
hazards Cactus

LAIKIPIA NORTH High Potential Public Gravelia Slopy Sandy Avi fauna Good
Electric Commercial Blue gum loam vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Crotons cover
electrocution Residential Nappier grass
and OSH Maize
hazards Kale

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Whistling pine
LAIKIPIA EAST High Potential Public Gravelia Gently sloping Sandy Avi fauna Good
Electric Commercial Blue gum Flat loam vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Crotons cover
electrocution Residential Nappier grass
and OSH Cypress
hazards Maize
Kay apple
Whistling pine
MAARA High Potential Public Gravelia Slopy Sandy Avi fauna Good
Electric Commercial Coffee loam vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Blue gum Red loam cover
electrocution Residential Crotons Red
and OSH Nappier grass
hazards Jacaranda
Nandi flame

THARAKA High Potential Public Mango Relatively flat Sandy Avi fauna Medium
Medium Electric Commercial Acacia Undulating loam vegetation

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shocks, Agricultural Paw paw cover
electrocution Residential Baobab
and OSH Euphobia
hazards Bougainvillea

IGAMBA High Potential Public Gravelia Sloppy Red loam Avi fauna Good
NGOMBE Electric Commercial Croton Gently Sloping vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Sugar cane cover
electrocution Residential Avocado
and OSH banana
hazards Blue gum

MANYATTA High Potential Public Gravelia Relatively flat Red loam Avi-fauna Good
Electric Commercial Croton vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Sugar cane cover
electrocution Residential Avocado
and OSH umbrella
hazards Kay apple
Paw paw
Whistling pine
Blue gum

RUNYENJES High Potential Public Gravelia Gentle slope Loam Avi fauna Good
Electric Commercial Croton Relatively flat vegetation

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shocks, Agricultural Sugar cane cover
electrocution Residential Avocado
and OSH umbrella
hazards Kay apple
Paw paw
Whistling pine
Blue gum

MBEERE NORTH High Potential Public Acacia Relatively flat Sandy Avi fauna Medium
Medium Electric Commercial Euphobia Gently sloping vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Cactus cover
electrocution Residential Baobab
and OSH Gravelia
hazards Sisal
Lantana camara

MBEERE SOUTH High Potential Public Acacia Flat Sandy Avi fauna Good
Electric Commercial Euphobia vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Cactus cover
electrocution Residential Baobab
and OSH Gravelia
hazards Sisal

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Lantana camara


KIRINYAGA High Potential Public Coffee Gently sloping Loam Avi fauna Good
CENTRAL Electric Commercial Banana vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Gravelia cover
electrocution Residential Cypress
and OSH Croton
hazards Mango
Blue gum

GICHUGU High Potential Public Coffee Gentle sloping Red loam Avi fauna Good
Electric Commercial Banana vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Gravelia cover
electrocution Residential Cypress
and OSH Croton
hazards Mango
Blue gum

NDIA High Potential Public Coffee Sloppy Loam Avi fauna Good
Electric Commercial Banana vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Gravelia cover
electrocution Residential Jacaranda
and OSH Lutea macamia

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hazards Croton
Blue gum

MWEA High Potential Public Croton Flat Loam Avi fauna Good
Electric Commercial Gravelia Clay loam vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Blue gum cover
electrocution Residential Banana
and OSH Lantana camara
hazards Euphobia
Rice field
MARAGWA High Potential Public Croton Gentle slope Loam Avi fauna Good
Electric Commercial Gravelia vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Kay apple Cover
electrocution Residential Blue gum
and OSH Banana
hazards Lantana camara
Nandi flame
KANGEMA High Potential Public Banana Slopy Loam Avi fauna Good
Electric Commercial Gravelia vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Mango cover
electrocution Residential Blue gum
and OSH Avocado
hazards Croton

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Tea bushes
lantana camara
KIGUMO High Potential Public Blue gum Slopy Loam Avi fauna Good
Electric Commercial Wattle avocado vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Croton cover
electrocution Residential Coffee
and OSH Cypress
hazards Mango
Lantana camara
KIHARU High Potential Public Blue gum Gentle slope Loam Avi fauna Good
Electric Commercial Croton Slopy Red loam vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Tea cover
electrocution Residential Lutea macamia
and OSH Cypress
hazards Jacaranda
Sodom apple
Whistling pine
Lantana camara
KANDARA High Potential Public Blue gum Sloppy Red loam Avi fauna Good
Electric Commercial Gravelia Gentle slope vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Banana cover
electrocution Residential Avocado
and OSH Wattle
hazards Umbrella
Lantana camara

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GATANGA High Potential Public Gravelia Gentle slope Loam Avi fauna Good
Electric Commercial Banana vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Blue gum cover
electrocution Residential Lantana
and OSH Avocado
hazards Lantana camara
MATHIOYA High Potential Public Gravelia Slopy Loam Avi fauna Good
Electric Commercial Banana vegetation
shocks, Agricultural Blue gum cover
electrocution Residential Lantana
and OSH Avocado
hazards Lantana camara

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7.4.2 Photo Galery

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7.5.1 Environmental and Social Screening

To ensure that the project is implemented in an environmental and social sustainable manner, an Environmental and
Social Management Framework (ESMF) was prepared to guide project implementation. The ESMF recommended
that environmental and social screening for the project be undertaken and an Environmental and social management
plan (ESMP) be prepared. The project implementation would be done through dividing it into ten lots in line with the
company’s administrative structure for easy of management. Therefore this environmental and social screening
report is for Lot 7.

7.5.2 Objective of Environmental screening

The Environmental Management and Coordination (Ammendment) Act of 2015 and the Environmental (Impact
Assessment and Audit) Regulations (June 2003) prescribe the conduct for Environmental Impact Assessment for
development projects. The environmental and social screening process complements Kenya’s EIA procedures for
meeting the environmental and social management requirements. The Environmental and Social Screening Process
also meets the requirements of the Financiers i.e. Africa Development Bank (AfDB).

The objective of Environmental and Social Screening is to ensure that the projects are designed and implemented in
an environmentally and socially sustainable manner, taking into account Kenya's relevant sector legislation as well as
the donors’ Safeguard Policies. Screening was done because the project does not fall in the category of those which
must undergo environmental impact assessment. The environmental and social screening is undertaken for Last Mile
Connectivity Project to determine the potential environmental and social impacts of connecting the customers to the
grid from distribution transformers. The environmentalists undertook screening of some of the selected transformers
sampled under the LMCP to determine the impacts that will be related to the project. The LMCP provides many
positive impacts but also has some negative impacts that must be mitigated against to ensure protection of the
environment. The negative impacts are presented below.

The environmental and social screening process is consistent with Kenya's environmental policies and laws as well
as with other international legislations like for the WB, JICA and AfDB safeguard policies on Environmental

The screening process was undertaken through a combination of different methods. Prior to going to the field, a desk
appraisal of the project description was done in order to understand the project in terms of its design. A Screening
form was prepared to help gather data once in the field. Once in the field data was collected through observations,
photography and talking to people who were nearby the transformers. The screening form was then filled and data
keyed in so as to be processed. The findings are reported in a qualitative form by describing major themes such as;
population, land uses, topography, occupational health and safety, topography, vegetation, soils and population
density to name but afew.

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7.5.3 Potential Negative Impacts
Despite the various socio economic and environmental benefits outlined in earlier chapter, the project will also have
some negative impacts. The following are the negative impacts and suggested mitigation measures.

Impact on Natural Vegetation

The project will involve short service lines within the 600m radius mainly along the road reserve. No tall growing trees
will be allowed below the lines or along the way leave trace. Grass and short vegetation will be cleared to pave way
for erection of poles.

Impacts on air quality from vehicle exhaust emissions

Exhaust emissions are likely to be generated by the construction vehicles and equipment. Motor vehicles that will be
used to ferry construction materials would cause air quality impact by emitting pollutants through exhaust emissions.

Risk of sparks/fire from live conductors

Potential adverse impacts related to fire hazards can result from the project. The live conductors can cause short
circuiting in case conductors touch one another due to strong winds, falling tree branches or trees. In case of big
sparks falling on dry grass there can be a likelihood of fire.

Solid waste
Little if any solid waste will be generated which includes conductor cuttings and tree cuttings.

Electric shocks and electrocution of people

Electricity, though a good master and a bad servant, is a hazard and safety precautions must be adhered to and
properly used. Within the households electric shocks are likely in case of poor handling of electricity such as using
wet hands, poor wiring and overloading of sockets.

Occupation safety and health hazards

During construction many people will be engaged in activities such as pole and conductor wiring and working at
heights. Workers can be exposed to occupational risks like falling from heights, being pressed by poles etc.

Public health risk

At project implementation many new workers will be involved and new interactions between people are likely to take
place. These interactions are likely to pose risks to the social fabric of the society. Such risks include public health
related issues such as (HIV/AIDS, communicable and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Construction material sourcing-wooden poles

Majority of these service lines are constructed using wooden poles. This would impact on the environment because
many poles will be used during construction.

Oil Leaks from transformers

Transformers can experience a leak arising from a fault, poor handling and vandalism. These leaks may result in
potential contamination of surface and groundwater as well as soil.

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7.6 Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)
Effectiveness in addressing environmental and social concerns requires a number of functions. These include:
Ensuring that proper appraisal of environmental and social impacts of new interventions takes place and proper
measures are put in place to mitigate these impacts. As already noted when negative impacts are identified and
cannot be avoided then mitigating those impacts is important to reduce any harm it may cause to the environment.
The end product of the screening exercise will be ESMP. The basis for compliance in ensuring environmental
sustainability of the project is through implementation of ESMPs by the contractors during construction. The SHE
Department of the company will monitor implementation of the ESMP.

Mitigation measures involve avoiding of impact altogether, minimizing the impact, rectifying the impact and gradual
elimination of impact over time. Mitigation measures are twofold: physical and socio-economic. Physical measures
relate to issues of project siting, re-vegetation and preventive measures like bush clearing, erosion, sedimentation
and pollution control and good construction / farming practices, waste management, and application of Environmental
Guidelines for Contractors. Socio-economic measures will include education and awareness, use of qualified staff,
adherence to rules and regulations, institutional support through supervision and recruitment of qualified personnel.

The mitigation measures for the public health issues; explore options to accommodate crew off site and avoid camps
and in absence of that, educate the crew about preserving vegetation, provide decent temporary sanitation facilities
like toilets if necessary. Further there is need to use local and regional labour as much as possible, use protective
gear during work and provide HIV/AIDS awareness creation to the workers and the community.

The mitigation measures for use of hazardous waste include; use off site treatment methods and only deliver poles
ready for fixing, proper disposal of any waste and or materials from construction activities.

A summary of typical environmental and social impacts and the corresponding typical mitigation measures for the
impacts are presented in the ESMP. Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for development projects
provides a logical framework within which identified negative environmental and socio–economic impacts can be
mitigated and monitored. In addition, the ESMP assigns responsibilities of actions to various actors and provides a
timeframe within which mitigation measures and monitoring can be done. This section presents the environmental
and social management plan (ESMP) for the proposed project. The ESMP covers information on the management
and/or mitigation measures that will be taken into consideration to address impacts in respect of the following project
phases: design, construction, operation and decommissioning.

ESMP is a vital output of the Environmental screening process as it provides a checklist for project monitoring and
evaluation. The ESMP outlined below addresses the potential negative impacts and mitigation measures associated
with the proposed last mile connectivity project during construction, operational and decommissioning phases for lot

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Environmental and Social Management & Monitoring Plan

No Potential negative impacts Mitigation measures Monitoring Responsibility for Performance Timing/project Estimated
. activities and management and Indicator phase Cost (Ksh)
surveillance Monitoring
1 Impact on Vegetation and  Clear limited areas only Inspections Project engineer  No. of trees cut Construction & 1,500,000
trees where the pole will be Way leaves officer  No of trees operation
erected Contractor planted
 Some tree branches can be
pruned instead of cutting
the whole tree
 KPLC to plant trees as a
way of compensation for
the cleared ones

2 Construction material  Ensure accurate budgeting Inspections Project Engineer  No of trees Construction -
sourcing-wooden poles. to ensure only necessary Contractor planted period
material is ordered  No materials left
 Any remaining material to on site
be taken back to stores
 Proper storage to ensure
minimal loss
 Plant more trees to
compensate for the poles
3 Occupation safety and  The contractor must Inspection Contractor  Workers in PPE Construction 50,000
health hazards. observe all the safety Safety Engineer  Records of safety Operation &
precautions to ensure Project Engineer awareness decommissioning
workers work safely sessions held
 Safety awareness creation with workers
to the workers –tool box  Fully stacked
talk before work First Aid Kit
 Use of personal protective  Competency
equipment like gloves, records based on
helmet, safety shoes, work being done
climbing shoes etc.
 Follow safe work
 Work that demand skills

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No Potential negative impacts Mitigation measures Monitoring Responsibility for Performance Timing/project Estimated
. activities and management and Indicator phase Cost (Ksh)
surveillance Monitoring
should be performed by
technical people
 Observe clearance from
power lines and workers to
be experienced with
necessary qualifications
 Test power lines to ensure
they are shut down/dead
before work
 Maintain a fully stocked and
accessible first aid kit
 Observe OSHA 2007
4 Impacts on air quality from  Drivers shall not leave Inspection Contractor  Vehicle Construction & Nil
vehicle exhaust emissions vehicles idling so that Project engineer maintenance decommissioning
exhaust emissions are Records
 Maintain and service
vehicles and machinery and
equipment so that they are
in good working order to
ensure minimum emissions
are produced.
5 Noise  Proper servicing of vehicles Inspection Contractor  Vehicle Construction & Nil
 Contractor should ensure Project Engineer maintenance decommissioning
minimal noise generation Records
6 Damage to crops and trees  Compensation for Inspections/spot Project engineer  Records of Construction and In project
loss/damage of crops and checks Way leaves officer payments made operation budget
trees to the owners
7 Solid waste  All left over conductor Inspection Contractor  No waste on site Construction & Nil
cuttings to be disposed Project Engineer  Records of Decommissioning
appropriately or be returned material return to
to the store for proper store if any
 Proper budgeting of
materials to reduce

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No Potential negative impacts Mitigation measures Monitoring Responsibility for Performance Timing/project Estimated
. activities and management and Indicator phase Cost (Ksh)
surveillance Monitoring
8 Public health risk  Public awareness of the Inspection/intervi Safety Engineer/  Records/No. of Construction 50,000
Such risks include public public health issues to both ews Public safety public awareness
health related issues such as workers and communities officer sessions with
(HIV/AIDS, communicable and Contractor workers and
sexually transmitted diseases communities
6 Electric shocks and  Proper public education to Inspection Contractor  No of Public Operation Normal budget
electrocution of people. the people on safe use of Project Engineer safety awareness
electricity Safety engineers sessions
 Proper wiring in the  No of accidents
customers’ premises by recorded
qualified technicians  No of deaths
 Use of danger/hatari signs  Presence of
on the poles Hazard
 Staff Training and regular communication
equipment service and signs
 Only trained & certified
workers to install and work
on electrical installations
8 Risk of Fire from live  No burning of vegetation Routine Operation and Cleared way leave Operation Normal budget
conductors and along the distribution lines maintenance Maintenance
Transformers- Potential rights-of-way Engineer
adverse impacts related to fire  Timely maintenance of the
hazards. The right of way
 Time maintenance of

10. Oil Leaks -  Need to design appropriate Routine Operation and No leaks Operation Normal budget
protection devices against maintenance Maintenance
accidental discharge of Engineer
transformer oil substances.
 Frequent inspection and

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No Potential negative impacts Mitigation measures Monitoring Responsibility for Performance Timing/project Estimated
. activities and management and Indicator phase Cost (Ksh)
surveillance Monitoring
maintenance of the
transformers should be done
to minimize spilling.
 All waste oils from
maintenance of transformers
and other associated
equipment should be
segregated and disposed
properly by a
reputable/registered waste
handler in accordance with
the waste disposal plan.
11. Open excavations  Barricade the proposed Spot checks Contractor Open excavations Operation Normal budget
project area using high Project engineer must be marked if any
visibility tape to avoid falls into
open excavations
 Pole pits should be dug and
poles erected immediately
and where inevitable the pit
shall be covered to avoid falls
and injury to humans and
animals, or traffic accidents.
 Contractor to compensate any
injuries to the public and
animals arising from his
Vandalism  Community policing to be Spot checks Operation and Public campaigns Through out Normal budget
encouraged to reduce Maintenance
vandalism of transformers Engineer
and distribution cables
 Create public awareness on
the need to protect public
infrastructure for continued
supply of electricity and to
minimize exposure to
electrical hazards

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The findings of this exercise reveal that the Last Mile connectivity project will have numerous positive impacts not
only to the company but also to the consumers especially those in low income groups. This is through improving
power connection, security especially in areas that do not have power connection, improving living standards,
ensuring social inclusion, enhancing communication among people through television and radios as well as benefits
to education through connecting schools.

The positive impacts notwithstanding the project will also have some negative impacts resulting from construction
and implementation of the project such as; emission of exhaust fumes, solid wastes generation, transformer oil leaks,
shocks and electrocutions and noise during construction among others. The proponent is committed to ensure that
the LMCP is implemented in an environmental and social sustainable way. This will be achieved through
implementation of the ESMP developed.

The ESMP outlines several measures to mitigate the negative environmental, safety, health and social impacts
associated with the life cycle of the project. It is recommended that in addition to this commitment, the company
focuses on implementing the measures outlined in the ESMP as well as adhering to all relevant national and
international environmental, health and safety standards, policies and regulations that govern establishment and
operation of such projects.

With proper mitigation and enhancement of the positive impacts the project will accrue many benefits to all Kenyans
in general.

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The last mile connectivity project is an initiative implemented by Kenya Power to help achieve government pledge of
stimulating economic growth and accelerating job creation for the wellbeing of Kenyans. The project benefits from
external funding by AfDB and will enable Kenya Power to supply electricity to customers at a subsidized cost. Supply
of electricity at a subsidized cost shall enable persons in low income groups to access electricity and see into
connection of more customers to the national grid. The last mile connectivity project will also avail meters to
customers prior to engaging them for payment. The project’s benefits include provision of new supply over a short
period of time and accelerated access to electricity among others.

Last mile connectivity project for Lot 8 will be undertaken in Kajiado, Makueni and Machakos Counties. Collection of
baseline information for the proposed project area consider population densities of project sites, vegetation
distribution, climatic conditions of the project sites, topography and soils. The proposed project area is densely
populated both in urban and peri urban areas, especially those near major towns and Nairobi. The area has
moderate vegetation cover comprising of indigenous and exotic forest covers, farm forests are also common in the
area especially in the hilly agriculturally rich areas. The project area is sparsely populated mainly in the semi arid
areas. The project area receives high temperatures ranging from 290C-35.80C and low temperatures ranging from
100C-20.20C. The area also receives bimodal rainfall, with long rains falling between March-July and short rains
between September and December. Topography of the proposed project area is characterized by Athi Kapiti plains,
hilly areas such as Chyulu and Mbooni. A part of the project area has black cotton soils while others are
characterized by shallow dark red soils.

Environmental and Social screening is undertaken to determine whether LMCP requires EIA or not and to provide
indication at the level that this should be done. The screening process aims at enhancing environmental and social
suitability of LMCP. This will help manage environmental and social risks associated with the project. The screening
process has been developed because the locations and types of the distribution and transmission component for the
projects which are not known prior to the appraisal of the parent project, and therefore potential adverse localized
environmental and social impacts cannot be precisely identified. Furthermore, Kenya’s environmental legislation does
not provide for the environmental and social screening of small-scale projects, such as those included in the
distribution and transmission component of KPLC Projects. The EMCA and other international legislations and
donors’ safeguard policies like on Environmental Impact Assessment requires that all projects are screened for
potential adverse environmental and social impacts to determine the appropriate mitigation measures.

The Last mile connectivity project has numerous positive impacts not only to the company but also to customers. The
project aims at implementing Stima Loan payment model to enable customers in low income groups access
electricity, supply of electricity at a subsidized cost will enhance security in different areas, promote social inclusion,
gender consideration, benefit education and improve livelihood among others. Anticipated negative environmental
and social impacts during construction and implementation of the project include: transformer oil leakages, electric
shocks and electrocution of people, social vices, vegetation disturbance and risk of sparks and fire from live
conductors among others. The company will ensure implementation of the developed environmental and social
monitoring plan to mitigate the potential negative impacts while maximizing on the positive impacts identified.

The company acknowledges that Last Mile Connectivity Project has some negative impacts on the environment and
social wellbeing of people. As such, an Environmental Social Management Plan has been developed to assist the
company in mitigating and managing the environmental and social issues associated with the life-cycle of the project.

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The ESMP developed will ensure compliance with regulatory authority stipulations and AfDB guidelines. It will also
enhance sufficient allocation of resources on the project budget so that the scale of ESMP-related activities is
consistent with the significance of project impacts.

In conclusion, last mile connectivity project will ensure supply of electricity at an affordable cost to customers,
connection of more customers to the national grid and improvement of security in different areas through availability
of reliable electricity. On the other hand, negative impact of the project which include; oil leaks from transformers,
shock and electrocution of people as well as noise from construction will be mitigated as outlined in the ESMP. On
the basis of the above and taking cognizance that the company has proved to be environmentally and socially
credible, it is important to have the project implemented to enhance economic wellbeing of the society.

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8.1.1 Last Mile Connectivity Project

The Government has pledged to stimulate economic growth and accelerate job creation for economic wellbeing of
Kenyans. This pledge can mainly be achieved through expansion of power distribution system to be within reach of
more Kenyans thus enabling them connect to the grid at affordable costs. The need to reduce cost burden of
increased connectivity on Kenya Power as well as reduce amount paid by customer to connect to the grid resulted
into conception of Last Mile Connectivity Project.

The Last Mile Connectivity Project benefits from external funding and aims at extending low voltage network on
existing distribution transformers; to households lying within transformer protection distance. The project involves
building low voltage lines both single phase and three phases along rural access roads. The project also focuses on
availing service connection including meters to customers’ premises prior to engaging customers for payment.
Therefore, activities such as way leaves acquisitions together with attendant county and other authorities’ permits
and approvals, materials procurement/delivery logistics, construction, etc. shall be dealt with prior to the customer
being requested to connect.

Benefits of Last Mile Connectivity project include:

xxi. Accelerated access to electricity;

xxii. Improved standards of construction hence improved quality of supply;

xxiii. Provision of new supply in a shorter time;

xxiv. Opportunity for the company to develop long term network expansion plans.

Last Mile Connectivity Project aims at ensuring increased access to electricity, especially among low income groups.
The company will make use of the existing 35,000 distribution transformers to connect approximately 1.2 million
customers. The project does not expect any resettlement but there will be need to compensate people whose assets
e.g. crops and trees will be damaged during project implementation.

8.1.2 Justification of the project

Kenya Power being the sole supplier of electricity and having implemented policies and engaged in maximization
projects to ensure increased connectivity to electricity to customers’; it has foreseen network expansion driven by
customer demand approaching saturation. As such, there is need to have a new approach to jumpstart and
accelerate connectivity at a subsidized cost to consumers.

Despite increasing demand for supply of electricity at a subsidized cost among low income groups, the company has
not been able to successfully achieve the need due to increased costs of all inputs used in the process. Therefore,
implementation of Last Mile Connectivity Project; which benefits from external funding, is a sure way of connecting
more consumers, especially low income groups to the grid. This will ensure achievement of government pledge to
stimulate economic growth and accelerate job creation for economic wellbeing of Kenyans; provision of new supply in
a shorter duration of time and availability of reliable power supply.

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8.2.1 Location of the project

The last mile connectivity project for Lot 8 consider maximization of underutilized transformers located in
constituencies within Kajiado, Makueni and Machakos Counties. Such constituencies include: Kajiado County
(Kajiado Central, Kajiado South, Kajiado West, Kajiado North and Kajiado East); Makueni County (Makueni, Kibwezi
East and West, Mukaa, Kathonzweni, Makindu, Mbooni East and West and Nza) and Machakos County (Machakos,
Masinga, Yatta, Kangundo, Kathiani, Athi River and Mwala).

8.2.2 Baseline Information

The screening process for Last Mile Connectivity Project examined various environmental and social aspects of the
project site such as; population density, vegetation distribution, topography, climatic conditions and soils. Population density

The project area which comprises of Kajiado, Makueni and Machakos Counties has high population density in urban
areas and in some agriculturally rich peri urban areas. Medium population densities are mostly in peri-urban and
agriculturally rich rural areas. Most of the rural areas within the project area are sparsely populated thus low
population density.

Kajiado North is the Most populated constituency in Kajiado County with a projected population of 294, 857 (147,167
male and 147, 690 females) by 2017. Kajiado North constituency also has a density of 1,369 persons per Km2. The
density is projected to reach 2,087 persons per Km2 by 2017. This is due to presence of highly populated areas of
Rongai, Ngong and Kiserian which are residential areas serving the Nairobi City. Kajiado West has the lowest density
of 14 persons per Km2 due to its vast area. The area is sparsely populated due to harsh climatic conditions
unfavourable for farming and settlement. The county had a population density of 31 persons per Km2 in 2009 and is
expected to increase to 46 persons per Km2 by 2017.

Makueni County is generally sparsely populated except in Kaiti and Mbooni constituencies which have Kilungu and
Mbooni hills respectively. These areas have a fairly high projected population density of 296 and 203 persons per
square kilometer, respectively compared to the county’s density of 115 in 2012, Kaiti and Mbooni constituencies also
lie in the fertile upper parts of the county which experience a higher average rainfall of 800mm-1200mm.

According to the 2009 Kenya Population and Housing census the total population of Machakos County is 1,098,584.
It was projected to increase to 1,166,516 in 2012; 1,238,649 in 2015 and 1,315,244 in 2017. This increase suggests
that population will be increasing by 2%. The population density and distribution in the County is driven by the
economic activity carried out in the specific sub county. As at 2009 the County had a population density of 177 per
Km2, it was projected at 188 per Km2 as at 2012, 200 per Km2 as at 2015 and 212 per Km2 as at 2017. Vegetation Distribution

Kajiado County has a total forest area of 16,866.88 Ha comprising of indigenous and exotic forests. A total of
15,626.8 Ha of the forest land is gazetted forest while 1,240 Ha is trust land. Gazetted forest areas are found at the
border areas of the county, mainly Ngong hills (3,077 Ha), Loitokitok (765.8 Ha), and Namanga (11,784 Ha). Forest
in trust land includes Embakasi (573 Ha) and Oloolua (667 Ha). The project area also has farms under forest cover, a
concept that is promoted to help increase tree cover in the County. Farm forestry involves growth of fruit trees, wind
breakers and tree species used for medicinal purposes.

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The total area under forest cover in Makueni County is 191 Km2, which includes 151Km2 of the five Gazetted forests
and 40 Km2 of the three non-gazetted forests. The Gazetted forests are Nthangu, Makuli, Mbooni, Kilungu and
Kibwezi forests. Farm forestry is undertaken in the County to prevent the increasing need for cutting of indigenous
tree species for charcoal.

The forests in Machakos County cover an area of 477.617 Km2 which is 7.6 per cent of the County’s total land. The
forests are categorized as gazetted and un-gazetted. The gazetted forest covers 606.97 ha while the un- gazetted
cover 1774 ha. These forests are distributed in various parts of the County. Other trees grown in the area for
commercial purposes and to prevent soil erosion include: Eucalyptus, Grivellia, Cypress and pine. Topography
Kajiado County is divided into three different areas namely; Rift Valley, Athi Kapiti plains and Central Broken Ground.
The Rift Valley is a low depression on the western side of the county running from north to south. It is made up of
steep faults giving rise to plateau, scarps and structural plains. The Athi Kapiti Plains consist mainly of gently
undulating slopes, which become rolling and hilly towards the Ngong hills. The altitude ranges from 1580 to 2460
metres above sea level. The hills are the catchment areas for Athi River, which is fed by Mbagathi and Kiserian
tributaries. The Central Broken Ground is an area stretching 20-70 kilometres wide from the north-eastern boarder
across the county to the southwest where altitude ranges from 1220 to 2073 metres above sea level.

Makueni County is characterised by volcanic hills such as chyulu, which lie along the southwest border of the county
in Kibwezi West Constituency, Mbooni Hills in Mbooni constituency and Kilungu Hills in Kaiti constituency which rise
to 1,900m above sea level. The county terrain is generally low-lying from 600m above sea level in Tsavo at the
southern end of the county.

Machakos County has hills and a small plateau rising to 1800-2100m above sea level constitutes the Central part of
the County. To the West, the County has a large plateau elevated to about 1700m which is southeast sloping. The
County rises from 790 to 1594 m above sea level. In the North West the County has stand-alone hills. Climate
Kjiado County has a bi-modal rainfall pattern. The short rains fall between October and December while the long
rains fall between March and May. The bimodal rainfall pattern is not uniform across the County as it increases with
altitude. The long (March to May) rains are more pronounced in the western part of the County while the short
(October to December) rains are heavier in the eastern part. The rainfall amount ranges from as low as 300mm in the
Amboseli basin to as high as 1250mm in the Ngong hills and the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro. The highest temperatures
of about 340C are recorded around Lake Magadi while the lowest of 100C is experienced at Loitokitok on the eastern
slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro.

Makueni County experiences two rainy seasons, the long rains occurring in March /April while the short rains occur in
November/December. The hilly parts of Mbooni and Kilungu receive 800-1200mm of rainfall per year. High
temperatures of 35.8C are experienced in the low-lying areas causing high evaporation which worsens the dry
conditions. The areas to the North such as Kilungu and Mbooni hills are usually cool with temperatures ranging from
20.2C to 24.6C.

The average rainfall in Machakos County falls between 500 mm and 1300 mm. The short rains are expected in
October and December while the long rains are expected in March to May. The highland areas within the County
such as Mua, Iveti and Kangundo receive an average of 1000mm while the lowland areas receive about 500mm;

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ideally the rainfall within the County is influence by the latitude. In terms of temperature, July is the coldest month
while October and March are the warmest. Temperature varies between 180C and 290C throughout the year. Since
the County does not experience rain throughout the year it then means that there are months that experience dry
spells. These months are mainly February to March and August to September. Soils
Kajiado County consists of three geological regions: quaternary volcanic, Pleistocene and basement rock soils.
Alluvia soils are also found in some areas. Quaternary Volcanic soil is found in the Rift Valley. Basement System
Rocks which comprise various gneisses, cists, quartzite and crystalline limestone, are found mainly along the river
valleys and some parts of the plains. Pleistocene soils are found in the inland drainage lake system around Lake

Makueni County has a total arable land of 5042.69Km2 which is 74 percent of the total area. A total of 1,762.71Km2 is
non-arable accounting for 21.9 percent of the total area. The soils within Makueni County support crops such as
maize, green grams, pigeon peas, sorghum and fruits such as mangoes.

Machakos County has well drained shallow, dark red clay soils particularly in the plains. The Athi plains, are mainly
underlain by phonolite lava and tuff, are flat and end in a bluff just west of the Athi River, the bluff representing the
end of a lava flow. The underlying rocks of Kapiti Plains are volcanic lavas, tuffs and basement complex.

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8.3.1 Environmental and Social Screening

Screening is a process of determining whether a project requires EIA or not, and provides indication at the level that
this should be done. Screening clarifies the level of environmental assessment and therefore serves to cut cost and
time and also ensures that projects with serious environmental impacts also do not escape the right level of EIA

Environmental and social screening is also undertaken to enhance environmental and social sustainability of
proposed projects. The screening process focuses on environmental and social benefits of a project and identifying
potential negative impacts of proposed projects. The aim of the screening process is thus to identify and manage
environmental and social risks that could be associated with proposed projects. As a result, an environmental and
social management plan is developed assigning responsibilities of actions and mitigation measures for identified
negative impacts.

8.3.2 Environmental Screening for Last Mile Connectivity Project

The Environmental Management Coordination Act of 1999 and the Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit)
Regulations (June 2003) prescribe the conduct for Environmental Impact Assessment for development projects.
However, these instruments do not contain guidelines regarding the screening, identification, assessment and
mitigation and monitoring of potential adverse, localized environmental and social impacts of small-scale
investments, where the project details and specific project sites are not known at the time of appraisal of the parent
project. Thus, the environmental and social screening process complements Kenya’s EIA procedures for meeting the
environmental and social management requirements. The Environmental and Social Screening Process also meets
the requirements of the donors i.e. AfDB.

The screening process has been developed because the locations and types of the distribution and transmission
component for the projects which are not known prior to the appraisal of the parent project, and therefore potential
adverse localized environmental and social impacts cannot be precisely identified. Furthermore, Kenya’s
environmental legislation does not provide for the environmental and social screening of small-scale projects, such
as those included in the distribution and transmission component of KPLC Projects. The EMCA and other
international legislations and donors’ safeguard policies like on Environmental Impact Assessment requires that all
projects are screened for potential adverse environmental and social impacts to determine the appropriate mitigation

The environmental and social screening process is consistent with Kenya's environmental policies and laws as well
as with other international legislations like for the WB, JICA and AFDB safeguard policies on Environmental

8.3.3 Objective of Environmental Screening

To ensure that the projects are designed and implemented in an environmentally and socially sustainable manner,
taking into account Kenya's relevant sector legislation as well as the donors’ Safeguard Policies.

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8.4 Environmental and Social Characteristics of Project
The environmental and social screening is undertaken for Last Mile Connectivity Project to determine the potential
environmental and social impacts of connecting the customers to the grid from distribution transformers. Connection
of customers will be done from distribution transformers within 600m radius from their premises. Some connections
will involve extension of low voltage line using poles with others will only require dropping of cables. In order to
determine the potential impacts of implementing the project; the screening process considered the environmental and
social characteristic of project sites per constituency as outlined in the table below.

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types
High and  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, Gently sloping Black Terrestrial Good
other places  Residential Mangoes, Eucalyptus, Cypress, and other places cotton animals and
Medium  Churches Jacaranda, Pine, Euphorbia, relatively flat birds
 Schools Croton and Kay apples
 Agricultural – (Dairy  Natural vegetation dominated by
and Maize) grass and Acacia
 Kenya Power
Medium and Commercial  Trees and planted edges e.g. Relatively Flat and Black Terrestrial TX no. 12689 not found on
other places (Markets and Micro- Euphorbia, Cypress, Grevillea other places cotton animals and ground.
Low enterprises) Robusta, Acacia, Lantana Camara, gently sloping birds TX nos. 12264 & 12706 not
Churches Croton, kay apples marked on ground
Residential  Maize, Grass, Shrubs, Acacia,
Agricultural (Maize, Euphorbia, Pine, Eucalyptus,
onions and cypress.
Health facilities
 Schools

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types
Medium and  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, Relatively flat Black Terrestrial TX no. 15112 not marked
high  Residential Eucalyptus, Cassia spectabilis, cotton animals and on ground. The TX is
 Churches Makhamia Lutea, Pine, Cypress, birds located next to Lilyanna
 Schools kay apples Preparatory Kindergaten
 Agricultural – maize  Natural vegetation Euphorbia,
and greenhouses Cactus,grass, herbs
 Water points
 Health facilities
High  Commercial (Markets)  Scarce Relatively flat Black Terrestrial TX NO. 20177 not found
 Residential  Natural vegetation like grass, cotton and animals and on ground.
 Churches acacia, euphorbia, lantana camara, other birds Some homes adjacent to
 Schools herbs and shrubs. planted like areas red TX nos. 19917 & 19916
 Agricultural jacaranda, Grevillea, croton, maize soil are not connected to


High and  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, Gently sloping Sandy Terrestrial Some homes adjacent to
Medium  Residential Mangoes, Eucalyptus, Pine, Relatively flat loam and animals and TX Numbers 15727, 30283
 Churches Cypress, Jacaranda, Cassia other birds & 15324 are not connected
 Schools spectabilis, Umbrella, pawpaw places red to electricity.
 Mosque Euphorbia, Makhamia lutea soil
 Health facilities  Natural vegetation grass, herbs,
 Agricultural - maize & shrubs, acacia,

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types
Medium  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, Sloping with Red soil Terrestrial Some homes adjacent to
 Residential Mangoes, Eucalyptus, cypress, flowing rivers animals and TX Nos. 32127 & 31386
 Churches pine, Jacaranda, Nandi flame, birds are not connected to
 Schools Makhamia Lutea, kay apples, electricity
 Agricultural – maize & Croton & bouganvillea
livestock  Natural vegetation dominated by
grass, acacia, cactus

Medium  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, Relatively flat Red soil Terrestrial TX Number 30975 not
 Residential Mangoes, Pine, Cypress, Yellow animals and marked on ground.
 Churches Oleander, Euphorbia, sisal, maize, birds, TX numbers 30975 &
 Schools Croton 46891; immediate houses
 Health facilities  Natural vegetation e.g. Lantana not connected to electricity.
 Agricultural - maize & Camara, acacia, shrubs and other
Livestock indigenous tree species
 Administration offices
Medium and  Commercial (Markets)  Planted e.g. Tea plantations, Gently sloping Red Soil Terrestrial TX Numbers 77362 &
Low  Residential Umbrella trees, Palm trees, Croton, and black animals and 85118, adjacent homes
 Churches Grevillea, Mangoes, Eucalyptus, cotton birds and shops not connected
 Schools Pine, Cypress, to electricity. TX Number
 Health facilities  Natural vegetation grass, herbs, 77656 not marked on
 Water points shrubs ground.
 Agricultural – maize
and livestock
 Hotels

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types
Medium and  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Mangoes, Relatively flat and Red soil Terrestrial TX Numbers 86203,
Low  Residential Grivellia, Guavas, Croton, tea, other places animals and 86524, 86523, 85724 &
 Churches sisal, maize, Euphorbia gently sloping with birds 86204, adjacent homes not
 Schools  Natural vegetation grass, herbs, seasonal streams connected.
 Health facilities shrubs, Acacia, Cactus, Sodom
 Agricultural –maize, & apple, cassia spectabilis

Medium  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, Relatively flat Black Terrestrial TX Number 46906 not
 Residential Mangoes, maize, Eucalyptus, Pine, cotton animals and marked on ground.
 Churches Cypress, Jacaranda birds
 Schools  Natural vegetation Lantana
 Health facilities camara, grass,shrubs
 Agricultural – maize,
chicken & Livestock

Medium and  Commercial (Markets)  Planted e.g. Maize, Croton, Gently sloping Red soil Terrestrial TX Numbers 15413,
high  Residential Euphorbia, Grevillea, Mangoes, and other places animals and 14765, 14763, 30533
 Churches Eucalyptus, Jacaranda, Cypress relatively flat and birds adjacent homes not
 Schools  Natural vegetation grass, herbs, seasonal rivers connected to electricity.
 Health facilities shrubs, Lantana Camara & Acacia TX number 30533 not
 Water points marked on ground.
 Agricultural – Maize Way leaves to be
and livestock maintained

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types
Medium  Commercial (Markets)  Planted e.g. Maize, Croton, Gently sloping Red Soil Terrestrial TX Number 85571,
 Residential Grevillea, Mangoes, Eucalyptus and other places animals and immediate houses not
 Churches Cypress, Pine, Guavas relatively flat birds connected to electricity.
 Schools  Natural vegetation Guavas,
 Health facilities grass, shrubs, Cassia spectabilis
 Agricultural – Maize &


Medium and  Commercial (Markets)  Planted e.g. Sisal plantation, Gently sloping Red soil Terrestrial TX number 20024,
Low  Residential Yellow Oleander, Grevillea, and other places animals and immediate homes not
 Churches Jacaranda & Cassia spectabilis relatively flat birds connected to electricity.
 Schools  Natural vegetation sycamore, TX number 33084 on
 Health facilities shrubs & Lantana Camara paper is different from what
 Water points was observed on ground
 Agricultural – sisal (35084)
Medium  Commercial (Markets)  Planted e.g. Maize, Croton, Relatively flat Sandy Terrestrial TX Number 32054,
 Residential Grevillea, Jacaranda, Yellow animals and adjacent homes not
 Churches Oleander, birds connected to electricity.
 Schools  Natural vegetation grass, shrubs,
 Health facilities acacia, sycamore & cassia
 Administrative offices spectabilis


Page | 265
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types
High, Medium  Commercial (Markets)  Planted e.g. Croton, Nandi flame, Gently sloping Sandy & Terrestrial TX Number 33328 not
and Low  Residential Cypress, Jacaranda, Grevillea, other areas Red soil animals and marked on ground. TX
 Churches Eucalyptus, Pine relatively flat birds numbers 16248, 16251
 Administrative offices  Natural vegetation grass, herbs, and 14944, immediate
 Schools shrubs, acacia, cassia spectabilis & homes not connected to
 Health facilities other indigenous species electricity.
 GK Prisons
High and  Commercial (Markets)  Planted e.g. planted forests, Sloping with Red soil Terrestrial TX Numbers 16567,
Medium  Residential euphorbia, eucalyptus, Pine, streams animals and 16566, 31169 & 32876,
 Churches Cassia spectabilis, Cypress, birds adjacent homes not
 Schools Grivellia, Avocado trees, coffee & connected to electricity.
 Health facilities bananas, TX number 32876 not
 Agricultural – Dairy  Natural vegetation Acacia, grass, marked on ground
farming and Maize herbs, shrubs, Lantana Camara &
 Planted forests sycamore
Medium  Commercial (Markets)  Planted e.g. Grivellia, Croton, Gently sloping Red soil Terrestrial TX Numbers46457 &
 Residential Mangoes, Pine & Euphorbia and other areas animals and 14893, adjacent homes
 Churches  Natural vegetation grass, herbs, relatively flat birds and shops not connected.
 Schools shrubs, Lantana Camara, Cassia TX Number 16669 on
 Health facilities spectabilis, Acacia paper is different from what
 Agricultural – was observed on ground
Livestock (324181).
TX number 46457 not
marked on ground.

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Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Fauna Public Safety
Density Types
Medium  Commercial (Markets)  Planted e.g. Croton, Yellow Gently sloping Red soil Terrestrial TX numbers 31464, 31463
 Residential Oleander, Eucalyptus, Pine, and other places and sandy animals and & 16597, some adjacent
 Churches Mangoes, Maize, Cypress, & relatively flat soil birds homes not connected to
 Schools Jacaranda electricity.
 Agricultural – Maize  Natural vegetation Acacia,

High and  Commercial (Markets)  Planted e.g. Coffee, Kay apples, Sloping with Red Soil Terrestrial TX Number 46988 not
Medium  Residential Croton, Grevillea, Mangoes, flowing streams animals and marked on ground.
 Churches Eucalyptus, Pine, Sisal, Cypress & birds TX Number 31018 & 13857
 Schools bananas not same as the one found
 Agricultural – Maize,  Natural vegetation Acacia, grass, on ground.
Mangoes and Livestock herbs, shrubs, Lantana Camara,
 Coffee factories Makhamia Lutea,

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8.4.2 Photos

One of the transformers in Kajiado County with its surrounding environment

One of the transformers in Machakos County

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The section identifies both negative and positive impacts associated with the project. The impacts affect both social
and environmental wellbeing of the project area.

8.5.1 Positive Impacts

Employment and Wealth Creation

Last Mile connectivity project shall create employment opportunities during construction and operational phases.
During the construction phase, there shall be direct and indirect opportunities for workers who shall be employed to
work on the low voltage lines and those that will start businesses to satisfy the needs of the former respectively.
Earnings received from the direct and indirect employments shall help improve livelihoods of persons in employment.
In addition direct and indirect employment will translate into incomes at the household levels which will trigger other
spending and demand in the local economy.

Electricity access to low income groups

Last mile connectivity project shall enable Kenya Power to supply electricity at low costs to persons within 600m
radius of existing distribution transformers. The low cost of supplying electricity has attracted many people in the low
income groups who feel they shall be able to afford the subsidized costs.

Loan Payment Model

Last Mile Connectivity Project shall implement the Stima Loan payment model especially for customers in the low
income bracket who will not be able to pay the required connection fee upfront. Loan payment for an extended period
of time shall enable customers in low income and vulnerable groups to afford electricity connection without much

Local Supply of Materials

Poles to be used during construction phase shall be sourced locally thus reducing extra costs incurred during
transportation. Local sourcing of materials shall also be beneficial to locals suppliers especially from payments
received during purchase. Local sourcing of materials shall therefore generate new income revenues for the local
population across the country. The new income revenues received will create demand for other goods and services
causing a trickledown effect to the entire economy

Improved living standards

Implementation of last mile connectivity project will result in connecting approximately 1.2 million customers to the
national grid. Access to electricity enables people to use domestic electric appliances such as electric cookers, iron
boxes etc. It also limits exposure to smoke during cooking and is appropriate for lighting.

Social Inclusion

LMCP aims at connecting electricity to all social groups in the country. This is in line with the tenets of social inclusion
which the World Bank defines as the process of improving the terms for individuals and groups to take part in society.
Further, Social inclusion aims to empower poor and marginalized people to take advantage of burgeoning global

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opportunities. It ensures that people have a voice in decisions which affect their lives and that they enjoy equal
access to markets, services and political, social and physical spaces.

Awareness creation on HIV/AIDS

The Kenya Power HIV/AIDS policy underscores the fact that HIV/AIDS has no cure and the only way to stop its
spread is through attitudinal and behavioral changes as well as management that can be secured effectively through
education (awareness and information campaigns). As such, the project will ensure dissemination of information on
HIV/AIDS to communities and workers who otherwise would not have had the correct information. Information on
HIV/AIDS will be disseminated via radio and televisions; a means that is quite reliable. In addition Kenya Power shall
also disseminate information through awareness creation by the contractor and company Safety, Health &
Environment Department.

Health Benefits of LMCP

According to 2009 population census, 70% of Kenyans used kerosene for lighting. This poses health risk as reported
by World Bank report 2008 on the Welfare of Rural Electrification. Health risk posed by indoor air pollution from
burning of kerosene mainly include: acute lower respiratory infections, low birth weight, infant mortality, and
pulmonary tuberculosis. Available data suggest that insufficient illumination (low light) conditions can cause some
degree of eye strain, and reading in these conditions over long periods of time may have the potential to increase the
development of nearsightedness (myopia) in children and adults. The Last Mile project will result in many families
replacing kerosene lamps for lighting with electricity there-by reducing disease burden at the family level and on the

Benefits to Education

Access to reliable electricity at the household level and schools will create opportunities for children to study, access
more information through informative TV channels and radios. This increases the amount of time spent by children
studying and accessing valuable information. Translating into better results and an informed society.

Increased revenue

The implementation of the project will boost income streams accrued from increased sales of electricity to KPLC in
the long run. Though not in the short term, these revenues will go to system reinforcement to ensure reliable quality
supply while some of it goes to the government as taxes which results in improvement in service provision by the
government to its citizens.

Improved Security

There will be enhanced security in the country arising from well-lit social, commercial and individual premises. With
the implementation of the project, the level of security will increase across the country. This is as a result of more
security lights which helps keep off opportunistic crimes and gender based violence.

Improved Communication

Access to electricity will lead to improved communication for the beneficiaries. This will be enabled by the fact that
charging of mobile phones will be easier and cheaper. Access also to mass media like radio and T.V will provide
opportunity for the households to access a wide range of information which is useful for decision making. Some

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information that shall be received include: information on markets, farm inputs, crop management and local affairs,
nutrition, diseases, investments and entertainment among others.

Gender Considerations

Electricity is a basic service especially for lighting but is still a luxury for many rural women and men. Access to
modern electricity will go a long way towards alleviating the daily household burdens of women, giving them more
time, improving their health and enhancing their livelihoods. The Last Mile Project will increase access to electricity
across the whole country. Available literature on gender and energy suggests that providing electricity to
communities and homes and motive power for tasks considered women‘s work can promote gender equality,
women‘s empowerment, and women‘s and girls’ access to education, health care, and employment.

8.5.2 Negative Environmental and Social Impacts

Despite the various socio economic and environmental benefits outlined, the project will also have some negative
impacts. As regards the proposed KPLC Projects, potential adverse environmental and social impacts on the natural
and human environment are likely to arise from inputs as well as project processes at the construction and operation
and maintenance phases. The following are the negative impacts and suggested mitigation measures.

Impacts on Natural vegetation and biodiversity

The project will involve short service lines within the 600m radius mainly along the road reserve. No tall growing trees
will be allowed below the lines or along the way leave trace. Grass and short vegetation will be cleared to pave way
for erection of poles.

Impacts on air quality from vehicle exhaust fumes

Exhaust emissions are likely to be generated by the construction vehicles and equipment. Motor vehicles that will be
used to ferry construction materials would cause air quality impact by emitting pollutants through exhaust emissions.

Risks of sparks/fire from live conductors

Potential adverse impacts related to fire hazards can result from the project. The live conductors can cause short
circuiting in case conductors touch one another due to strong winds, falling tree branches or trees. In case of big
sparks falling on dry grass there can be a likelihood of fire.

Solid waste

Little if any solid waste will be generated which includes conductor cuttings and tree cuttings.

Electric shocks and electrocution of people

Electricity, though a good master and a bad servant, is a hazard and safety precautions must be adhered to and
properly used. Within the households electric shocks are likely in case of poor handling of electricity such as using
wet hands, poor wiring and overloading of sockets.

Occupation safety and health hazards

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During construction contractor workers will be engaged in activities such as pole and conductor wiring and working at
heights. Workers can be exposed to occupational risks like falling from heights, being pressed by poles, slips and

Public health risk

At project implementation many new workers will be involved and new interactions between people are likely to take
place. These interactions are likely to pose risks to the social fabric of the society. Such risks include public health
related issues such as (HIV/AIDS, communicable and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Oil Leaks from transformers

Transformers can experience a leak arising from a fault, poor handling and vandalism. These leaks may result in
potential contamination of surface and groundwater as well as soil.

Noise during construction

Noise pollution from the proposed development during construction noise will be generated from the construction
machines and construction workers

Contamination from creosote-treated poles

Soil and water pollution due to unsafe disposal of creosote-treated poles my occur if proper care and management
procedures are not put in place

Social Vices

Increasing numbers of workers in construction sites during project period can result into social vices in the project
area such as increased cases of theft among.

Soil erosion and surface runoff

Loose soils from excavations done during erection of poles can be washed away if not compacted thereafter.

Open Excavations

Open excavations made during erection of poles can result into accidents when left unprotected using high visibility
tapes and can act as breeding grounds for vectors especially when left unused for a long period of time.

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The Environmental and social management plan for the proposed development projects allows for identification of
environmental and social impacts, development of mitigation measures, management actions and establishment of a
structure to ensure effective implementation of the mitigation measures. ESMP is an important outcome of the
environmental and social screening process as it provides a checklist for project monitoring and evaluation. The
ESMP specifies the mitigation and management measures that the proponent shall undertake and shows how the
project shall mobilize organizational capacity and resources to implement these measures.

The environmental and Social Management Plan is as shown below:

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Minimize vegetation disturbance
Vegetation Disturbance  Properly demarcate the project Project engineer and contractor 1 Month 3,000.00
area to be cleared during
installation of supply cables and
erection of poles 0.00
 Designate parking lots within
the project area to prevent
vegetation disturbance 30,000.00
 Introduction of trees within the
project area in replacement of
disturbed vegetation
 Select alternative alignments to
avoid disturbance of sensitive
natural vegetation
Local Sourcing of wooden  Plant more trees to compensate 100,000.00
poles for the poles used
 Ensure accurate budgeting to
only have necessary material is 0.00
 Properly store the poles to
minimize potential loss 0.00
 Supply seedlings to farmers to 100,000.00
increase forest cover
Reduce soil erosion and surface run off

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Increased soil erosion and  Ensure leveling of the project Project engineer and contractor Throughout 0.00
surface run off site to reduce run off velocity construction period
and increase infiltration of storm
 Site excavation works be 2,000.00
planned in such a manner that a
section is completed and
rehabilitated before another
Air Pollution
Dust emission  Avoid excavation works in Project engineer and contractor Throughout project 30,000.00
extremely dry seasons period
 Sprinkle water on degraded
access routes to reduce dust
emission during transportation
of materials to project sites
 Provide and ensure use of
appropriate personal protective
equipment by workers on site
Exhaust emission  Minimize vehicle idling time to 0.00
lower amounts of exhaust
fumes released
 Sensitize truck drivers to avoid
unnecessary running engines
on stationery vehicles and
switch off engines whenever
 Maintain machinery and vehicle
in good working conditions to

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
ensure minimal emissions are
Generation of Wastes
Solid waste e.g. conductor and  All left over conductor cuttings
tree cuttings. to be disposed appropriately or
be returned to the store for
proper disposal
 Proper budgeting of materials to
reduce wastage
 Practice 3Rs of waste
management: reduce, reuse,
recycle of materials
Waste oils from transformers  Properly Manage storage,
transfer, and disposal of
transformer oils according to
industry standards

Minimize occupational safety and health risks

Open excavations  Barricade the proposed project Project engineer and contractor Throughout project 2,000.00
area using high visibility tape to period
avoid falls into open
 Cover all open excavations
immediately after erection of
poles Contractor and project engineer

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Working at height  Provide appropriate personal Throughout project 50,000.00
protective equipment for period
workers involved in activities
above 2 meters from ground
 Whenever using scaffolds 0.00
ensure workers maintain a
secure clearance from power
 Provide storage bags for 0.00
portable tools used while
working at height
 Carry out safety and health 0.00
inductions and toolbox talks for
all workers involved in the
project to enhance awareness
on safety and health
Shocks and Electrocutions  Only trained & certified workers Contractor and Company Throughout project 0.00
to install, maintain or repair Management period
electrical equipment;
 Test the power lines to ensure
they are shut down before work
 Whenever using scaffolds
ensure workers maintain a
secure clearance from power

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Pricks and cuts  Ensure project area is kept free Contractor and project engineer Throughout project 0.00
of sharp objects period
 Provide appropriate foot 20,000.00
protection to workers within the
Public safety and health
Shocks and electrocutions  Create awareness to the public Contractor and proponent Before commencement 5,000.00
on the potential impacts of and during
powered lines to prevent implementation of the
electrical hazards project
 Display appropriate signage for
use during construction and
implementation of the project to
enhance awareness creation on
the potential hazards of the
HIV/AIDS and Communicable  Create awareness to the public
Diseases and workers on HIV/AIDS and
liaise with the ministry of health
to provide protection for use
when necessary
 Distribute HIV & AIDS
awareness materials in
collaboration NACC
Social Vices  Awareness creation to the
public and liaising with area
administration to enhance
 Create public awareness on the

Page | 278
Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
need to protect public
infrastructure for continued
supply of electricity and to
minimize exposure to electrical
Damage to property
Damage to structures erected  Ensure timely dissemination of Contractor and proponent Before commencement 5,000.00
on the way leaves information on the need to carry of the project
out works on occupied way
leaves to allow for relocation of
erected structures

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The Last Mile connectivity project will have numerous positive impacts not only to the company but also to the
consumers especially those in low income groups. This is through improving security especially in areas that do not
have power connection, improving living standards, ensuring social inclusion, enhancing communication among
people through television and radios as well as benefiting education in Kenya especially through connecting schools.
Negative impacts resulting from construction and implementation of the project include: emission of exhaust fumes,
solid wastes generation, transformer oil leaks, shocks and electrocutions and noise during construction among others
shall be adequately mitigated.

The company is committed to putting in place several measures to mitigate the negative environmental, safety,
health and social impacts associated with the life cycle of the project. It is recommended that in addition to this
commitment, the company focuses on implementing the measures outlined in the ESMP as well as adhering to all
relevant national and international environmental, health and safety standards, policies and regulations that govern
establishment and operation of such projects.

It is also recommended that the positive impacts that emanate from the LMCP be maximised as much as possible. It
is expected that these measures will go a long way in ensuring the best possible environmental compliance and
performance standards.

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The last mile connectivity project is an initiative to help achieve government of Kenya pledge of stimulating economic
growth and accelerating job creation for the wellbeing of its citizens. The project benefits from external funding and
thus shall enable Kenya Power to supply electricity to customers at a subsidized cost while also implementing the
Stima Loan payment model. Supply of electricity at a subsidized cost shall enable persons in low income groups to
access electricity and accelerate connection of more customers to the national grid. The last mile connectivity project
shall also avail meters to customers prior to engaging them for payment. The project’s benefits include provision of
new supply over a short period of time and accrued benefits of electricity access among others.

The last mile connectivity project for Lot 9 shall be undertaken in counties within Coast region covering Kilifi, Kwale,
Mombasa and Taita Taveta Counties.

Baseline information for the proposed project area analyzed during the screening exercise considered population
density, vegetation distribution, climatic conditions, topography, Soils and Social set ups with a key focus on
identifying sensitive ecosystems that could be affected by the LMCP. The project area is diverse with dense
populations in urban areas and medium to low in the rural places. The area has moderate vegetation cover
comprising of planted palm trees, cashew nuts, neam, casuarina and scattered Acacia in the rural areas especially of
Ganze and Kwale. The project area is also characterized by sugarcane plantations, maize farms as well as
Mangofera species. The project area experiences high temperatures ranging from 300C to 380C annually with high
humid levels along the coast lines. The area also receives bimodal rainfall throughout the year, with long rains falling
between March-July and short rains between September and December. Topography of the proposed project area is
characterized by low lying lands along the sea belt and some undulating landscape in areas of Kwale and Ganze sub
counties. Most of the project area has sandy soils and limestone and coral rock.

Environmental and Social screening is undertaken to determine whether LMCP requires EIA or not and to provide
indication at the level that this should be done. The screening process aims at enhancing environmental and social
suitability of LMCP. This will help manage environmental and social risks associated with the project. The screening
process has been developed because the locations and types of the distribution component for the projects has been
pegged to identified transformers that will be maximized across the country with general drop lines to connect
customers and at other places extension of the Low voltage lines to a maximum of two poles in order to achieve
accelerated connections. Furthermore, Kenya’s environmental legislation does not provide for the environmental and
social screening of small-scale projects, such as those included in the distribution and customer connections at the
end user levels. The Last mile connectivity project has numerous positive impacts not only to the company but also to
customers. The project aims at implementing Stima Loan payment model to enable customers in low income groups
access electricity, supply of electricity at a subsidized cost will enhance security in different areas, promote social
inclusion, gender consideration, benefit education and improve livelihood among others. Anticipated negative
environmental and social impacts during construction and implementation of the project include: transformer oil
leakages, electric shocks and electrocution of people, social vices, vegetation disturbance, risk of sparks and fire
from live conductors, occupational health hazards among others. The company will ensure implementation of the
developed environmental and social monitoring plan to mitigate the potential negative impacts while maximizing on
the positive impacts identified.

To mitigate the anticipated negative and social impacts, an Environmental and Social Management Plan has been
developed to assist the company in mitigating and managing the environmental and social issues associated with the
life-cycle of the project. The ESMP developed will ensure compliance with regulatory authority stipulations and AfDB

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guidelines. It will also enhance sufficient allocation of resources on the project budget so that the scale of ESMP-
related activities is consistent with the significance of project impacts.

In conclusion, the last mile connectivity project will ensure supply of electricity at an affordable cost to customers,
connection of more customers to the national grid and improvement of security in different areas through availability
of reliable electricity. On the other hand, negative impacts of the project which include; oil leaks from transformers,
shock and electrocution of people, noise from construction, Occupations health and safety hazards among others will
be mitigated as outlined in the ESMP. Diligence on the part of the contractor will be paramount to ensure
minimization and where possible avoidance of anticipated negative impacts.

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9.1.1 Last Mile Connectivity Project

The Government of Kenya has pledged to stimulate economic growth and accelerate job creation for economic
wellbeing of Kenyans. This pledge can mainly be achieved through expansion of power distribution system to be
within reach of more Kenyans thus enabling them connect to the grid at affordable costs. The need to reduce cost
burden of increased connectivity on Kenya Power as well as reduce amount paid by customer to connect to the grid
resulted into conception of Last Mile Connectivity Project.

The Last Mile Connectivity Project benefits from external funding and aims at extending low voltage network on
existing distribution transformers; to households located within transformer protection distance. The project involves
building low voltage lines both single phase and three phase along rural access roads. The project also focuses on
availing service connection including meters to customers’ premises prior to engaging customers for payment.
Therefore, activities such as way leaves acquisitions together with attendant county and other authorities’ permits
and approvals, materials procurement/delivery logistics, construction, etc. shall be dealt with prior to the customer
being requested to connect.

Benefits of Last Mile Connectivity project include:

xxv. Accelerated access to electricity;

xxvi. Improved standards of construction hence improved quality of supply;
xxvii. Provision of new supply in a shorter time;
xxviii. Opportunity for the company to develop long term network expansion plans.
Last Mile Connectivity Project aims at ensuring increased access to electricity, especially among low income groups.
The company will make use of the existing 35,000 distribution transformers to connect approximately 1.2 million
customers. The project does not expect any resettlement but there will be need to compensate people whose assets
e.g. crops and trees will be damaged during project implementation.

9.1.2 Justification of the project

Kenya Power being the sole supplier of electricity and having implemented policies and engaged in maximization
projects to ensure increased connectivity to electricity to customers’; has foreseen network expansion driven by
customer demand approaching saturation. As such, there is need to have a new approach to jumpstart and
accelerate connectivity at a subsidized cost to consumers.

Despite increasing demand for supply of electricity at a subsidized cost among low income groups, the company has
not been able to successfully achieve the need due to increased costs of all inputs used in the process. Therefore,
implementation of Last Mile Connectivity Project; which benefits from external funding, is a sure way of connecting
more consumers, especially low income groups to the grid. This will ensure achievement of government pledge to
stimulate economic growth and accelerate job creation for economic wellbeing of Kenyans; provision of new supply in
a shorter duration of time and availability of reliable power supply.

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The Last Mile Connectivity Project for LOT 9 shall be undertaken for identified transformers located within
constituencies in Coast region covering Kilifi County (Ganze, Malindi, Magarini, Rabai, Kaloleni); Kwale County
(Matunga, Msabweni, Kinango, LungaLunga); Mombasa County (Mvita, Nyali, Changamwe, Jomvu, Kisauni,Likoni);
and Taita Taveta County (Taveta, Wundanyi, Mwatate, Voi).

9.2.1 Baseline information of the project area

Some of the environmental and social aspects considered for Last Mile Connectivity Project include; population,
vegetation distribution, topography, climate, soils and the social setup especially settlement and road networks within
the project area. The mid-point operation within coast region is Mombasa County. Mombasa county is located South
Eastern part of the Coastal region of Kenya. It covers an area of 229.9km2 excluding 65 km2 of water mass which is
200 nautical miles inside the Indian Ocean. It borders Kilifi County to the North, Kwale County to the South West and
the Indian Ocean to the East. The county lies between latitudes 360 80’ to the East and 40 10’ south of the equator
and between longitude 390 34’ and 390 46’ east of the Greenwich meridian.

The county also enjoys proximity to an expansive water mass as it borders the exclusive ecological zone of the
Indian Ocean to the east.

The general project area for LMC Lot 9 covered Kilifi, Kwale, and Mombasa and Taita Taveta counties in Coast
region as shown in the map in the following page.

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Map showing general project area for LMC Lot 9

i. Population
The project area is mainly characterized by High, medium and low population densities. High population densities
mostly in urban and some peri-urban areas; medium population densities in peri-urban and some rural areas and
Low population densities in rural areas. Some rural areas are also characterized by high population density. The
main communities residing in the project area are the Mijikenda (rural) and the Arabs (cities) and the general area is
cosmopolitan. There are other communities who have settled in the project area because of employment, commercial

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activities or intermarriages. The communities mostly speak tribal languages and due to close interactions and
education, Kiswahili and English are also widely spoken. Vegetation Distribution

The project area has Coastal climate along the indian beaches dominated mainly by Magrove vegetation. There are
natural forests with indigenous trees especially in the Kaya forests, Shimba hills national park, and in the wider
spread there are acacia, Lantana Camara, and Most of the planted trees include Palms, Casuarina, Cashewnuts,
and some plantations of Sisal and sugarcane. Some trees of traditional value observed during the screening exercise
included Baobab trees. Topography

The terrain is characterized by three distinct physiographic features which includes the coastal plain which is found
along the shoreline covering parts of the south coast, the island, parts of Changamwe and the North Coast. The plain
consist of an expansive flat land with raised beach terraces covered mainly by coral limestone and back reef sand
deposits that not only provide firm foundation for construction but also provide building materials.

The second category is the hilly areas mainly found within the western part that is underlain by shells and rises gently
from 45m to 132m above the sea level. This is characterized by poorly drained clay soils which restrict resettlement
and infrastructural development.

The third category is the Indian Ocean and the shoreline covered with geologically sedimentary rocks of Jurassic to
recent age. The topography has evolved as a result of the lowering of the sea level over time leading to severe
erosion by the storm water draining into the sea. In addition the subsequent rise in sea level led to the submergence
of the valleys and the creation of Mombasa Island surrounded by deep natural creeks, ports and harbors such as
Kilindini, Tudor, Makupa and old port creeks.

Other notable physiographical features include the fringing coral reefs, cliffs, and tidal flats, sandy beaches the
coastal plain and a hilly severely dissected and eroded terrain. These features have greatly influenced the economic
development in a number of ways. For instance, the sea supports maritime trade while the fringing coral reef, creeks
and tidal flats with extensive mangrove forests which are breeding grounds for fish. The fringing coral reefs in North
Coast are an important marine conservation area hosting the Mombasa marine national park and reserve. Kwale
county habours Shimba hills national park with undulating terrain and areas with red soils are suitable for cashewnut,
oranges and tropical crops farming. The dry areas of Kilifi County including Ganze are characterized with rugged
terrain with sandy loam, Sandy clay to red soils with massive areas of denudated land with marginal economic
production. Climate
The project area has varying climatic conditions. Mombasa county lies within the coastal strip in the hot tropical
region where the climate is influenced by monsoon winds.

I) Rainfall

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The rainfall pattern is characterized by two distinct long and short seasons corresponding to changes in the monsoon
winds. The long rains occur in April –June with an average of1040mm and correspond to the south eastern monsoon
winds. The short rains start towards the end of October lasting until December and correspond to the comparatively
dry north eastern monsoons, averaging 240mm. The annual average rainfall for the county is 640mm.

II) Temperature

The annual mean temperature in the county is 27.90c with a minimum of 22.70c and a maximum of 33.10c. The
hottest month is February with a maximum average of 22.70c. Average humidity at noon is about 65 per cent

The climate in Kwale County is generally associated to the regional climatic patterns attributed to the semiannual
movement of the inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ) as well as the two monsoons experienced in the area,
namely, the northeastern monsoon (kazkaz) in January to March and the southeastern monsoon in June October.
The dominant rainy season occurs in the March to June period while the short rains are in November to December.
The average annual rainfall is approximately 1000 mm (NES, 1985). The long rains season amounts to over 155
days of rain in 6 out of 10 years, while for the short rains amounts to about 40-55 days. The wettest area in the region
is around Ramisi, with the climate becoming drier to the west and north.

The average annual temperature in the area is usually above 280C (NES, 1985). The months of January and
February are the direst with a maximum average temperature of 330C. The coldest month is usually July with a
minimum of 230C. The area is generally hot and humid all the year round with an average humidity at noon of about
65% due to a high evaporation rate. Soils
The project area has a wide range of soils ranging from sandy within the coastal fronts, limestone in the greater area.
Kwale County has areas with titanium deposits and redsoils in Matuga and Kinango as well as a greater part of
shimba hills national park. Deep red and and Sandy loam clay soils in Wundanyi supports a wide range of planted
trees as well as crops. Due to climatic change and land degradation, some areas of Kilifi county like Ganze have
sandy clay denudated soils with minimal vegetation cover and greater spans of pastoral land. The general area is
rich in limestone deposits.

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9.3.1 Environmental and Social Screening

Screening is a process of determining whether a project requires EIA or not, and provides indication at the level that
this should be done. Screening clarifies the level of environmental assessment and therefore serves to cut cost and
time and also ensures that projects with serious environmental impacts also do not escape the right level of EIA

Environmental and social screening is also undertaken to enhance environmental and social sustainability of
proposed projects. The screening process focuses on environmental and social benefits of a project and identifying
potential negative impacts of proposed projects. The aim of the screening process is thus to identify and manage
environmental and social risks that could be associated with proposed projects. As a result, an environmental and
social management plan is developed assigning responsibilities of actions and mitigation measures for identified
negative impacts.

9.3.2 Environmental Screening for Last Mile Connectivity Project

The Environmental Management and Coordination (Ammendment) Act of 2015 and the Environmental (Impact
Assessment and Audit) Regulations (June 2003) prescribe the conduct for Environmental Impact Assessment for
development projects. The environmental and social screening process complements Kenya’s EIA procedures for
meeting the environmental and social management requirements. The Environmental and Social Screening Process
also meets the requirements of the Financiers i.e. Africa Development Bank (AfDB).

The screening process has been developed based on identified Transformers that need to be maximized across the
country. The EMCA and other international legislations and donors’ safeguard policies like on Environmental Impact
Assessment requires that all projects are screened for potential adverse environmental and social impacts to
determine the appropriate mitigation measures.

The environmental and social screening process is consistent with Kenya's environmental policies and laws as well
as with other international legislations like for the WB, JICA and AfDB safeguard policies on Environmental

9.3.3 Objective of Environmental Screening

To ensure that the projects are designed and implemented in an environmentally and socially sustainable manner,
taking into account Kenya's relevant sector legislation as well as the donors’ Safeguard Policies.

The environmental and social screening is undertaken for Last Mile Connectivity Project to determine the potential
environmental and social impacts of connecting the customers to the grid from distribution transformers. Connection
of customers will be done from distribution transformers within 600m radius from their premises. Some connections
will involve extension of low voltage line using poles with others will only require dropping of cables. In order to
determine the potential impacts of implementing the project; the screening process considered the environmental and
social characteristic of project sites per constituency as outlined in the table below.

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Table 3: Environmental and Social Characteristics of Proposed Project Sites

Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
High  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Mbao, Gently sloping Sandy Terrestrial transformer `19352
 Residential Umbrella, Acacia, Casuarina, to slopy clay, birds &19362 not marked on
 Churches Neam, Croton, Nandi flame, Sisal, Sandy ground, frequent outages
 Mosques  Natural vegetation dominated by Loam, at Shimba hills market,
 Schools shrubs, grass and Lantana TX’s along Mombasa road
 Agricultural – Maize, Camara contractors and public to
Pawpaw, mangoes, Bananas,  Wayleave acquisition where exercise extra care during
Cashew nuts, palm necessary, compensate damaged works, safe wiring by
 Administrative property and clear only necessary approved technicians to be
vegetation ascertained at customers
premises Contractors to
observe OSHA 2007
Medium, High  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Mbao, Gently sloping Sandy Terrestrial transformer `19965 marked
 Residential Umbrella, Acacia, Casuarina, clay, birds, No as 7794 on ground, 18369
 Churches Neam, Croton, Nandi flame, Sisal, Sandy, sensitive not marked on ground,
 Mosques Bananas, sugarcane, eucalypts Sandy ecosystems TX’s along busy roads;
 Schools  Natural vegetation dominated by Loam, contractors and public to
 Agricultural – Maize, shrubs, grass and Lantana exercise extra care during
Pawpaw, mangoes, Bananas, Camara works, safe wiring by
Cashew nuts, palm  Wayleave acquisition where approved technicians to be
 Administrative necessary, compensate damaged ascertained at customers
property and clear only necessary premises Contractors to
vegetation observe OSHA 2007


Page | 291
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium to  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Mbao, Gently sloping Sandy Terrestrial transformer `20180 marked
High  Residential Umbrella, Acacia, Casuarina, clay, birds; No as 7800 on ground, TX’s
 Churches Neam, Croton, Nandi flame, Sisal, Loam, sensitive along Mombasa road
 Mosques Bougain Villea, Cactus, ornamental Murram ecosystems contractors and public to
 Schools plants , exercise extra care during
 Agricultural – Maize,  Natural vegetation dominated by Limesto works, safe wiring by
Pawpaw, mangoes, Bananas, shrubs, grass and Lantana ne rock approved technicians to be
Cashew nuts, palm Camara ascertained at customers
 Administrative  Wayleave acquisition where premises Contractors to
necessary, compensate damaged observe OSHA 2007
property and clear only necessary

High  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Cashew nuts, Relatively flat, Sandy, Terrestrial TX’s along road
 Residential Umbrella, Acacia, Casuarina, Gently sloping Loam, birds contractors and public to
 Churches Neam, Croton, Nandi flame, Sandy exercise extra care during
 Mosques Mangoes, Banana, Eucalypts, Loam works, safe wiring by
 Schools Pawpaw, palm, neam approved technicians to be
 Agricultural – Maize,  Natural vegetation dominated by ascertained at customers
Pawpaw, mangoes, Bananas, shrubs, grass and Lantana premises Contractors to
Cashew nuts, palm Camara, scattered sycamous trees observe OSHA 2007
 Administrative  Wayleave acquisition where
necessary, compensate damaged
property and clear only necessary



Page | 292
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Cashew nuts, Gently sloping Sandy, Terrestrial TX 20504 marked as
(Markets and Micro- Umbrella, Acacia, Casuarina, and Relatively Loam, birds, No 36022 on ground, TX
enterprises) Neam, Croton, Nandi flame, flat sensitive 19321 has Prosopis
Churches Mangoes, Banana, Eucalypts, ecosystems outgrowth underneath.
Residential Pawpaw, palm, neam TX’s along road
Agricultural  Natural vegetation dominated by contractors and public to
Health facilities shrubs, grass and Lantana exercise extra care during
 Schools Camara, scattered sycamous trees works, safe wiring by
 Wayleave acquisition where approved technicians to be
necessary, compensate damaged ascertained at customers
property and clear only necessary premises Contractors to
vegetation observe OSHA 2007
 Invasive vegetation dominated by
Prosopis Juliflora (Mathenge)
prompting frequent wayleave

Medium and Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Cashew nuts, Gently sloping Red Terrestrial Some TX’s not marked on
High (Markets and Micro- Umbrella, Acacia, Casuarina, and Relatively soils birds, No ground, TX’s along road
enterprises) Neam, Croton, Nandi flame, flat sensitive contractors and public to
Churches Mangoes, Banana, Eucalypts, ecosystems exercise extra care during
Residential Pawpaw, palm, neam, sisal, works, safe wiring by
Agricultural  Natural vegetation dominated by approved technicians to be
Health facilities shrubs, grass and Lantana ascertained at customers
 Schools Camara, scattered Acacia, premises Contractors to
Baobab, cactus observe OSHA 2007
 Wayleave acquisition where
necessary, compensate damaged
property and clear only necessary
 Invasive vegetation dominated by
Prosopis Juliflora (Mathenge)

Page | 293
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
prompting frequent wayleave

Medium and Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Mangoes, Hilly Red Terrestrial For TX’s along road
High (Markets and Micro- grivellia, Mbao, Pawpaw, Umbrella, clay, birds, contractors and public to
enterprises) Croton, Cedar, Sugarcane, Red rugged exercise extra care during
Churches Banana, Eucalypts, Jacaranda, soils terrain and works, safe wiring by
Residential Maize immense approved technicians to be
Agricultural  Natural vegetation dominated by tree cover ascertained at customers
Health facilities Croton,s grass and Lantana needs to be premises Contractors to
 Schools Camara, Euphobia, Kay Apple, factored. observe OSHA 2007
Sycamous, Wayleave acquisition
where necessary, compensate
damaged property and clear only
necessary vegetation

High Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Mangoes, Slopy, Gently Sandy Terrestrial TX 7724& 6779 not
(Markets and Micro- grivellia, Mbao, Pawpaw, Umbrella, sloping and birds, next to marked on ground, For
enterprises) Croton, Cashew nuts, Bananas, relatively flat the ocean. TX’s along road
Churches Casuarina contractors and public to
Residential  Natural vegetation Lantana exercise extra care during
Agricultural Camara, Acacia, Baobab, works, safe wiring by
Health facilities Wayleave acquisition where approved technicians to be
 Schools necessary, compensate damaged ascertained at customers
property and clear only necessary premises Contractors to
vegetation observe OSHA 2007; area

Page | 294
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
very congested and extra
caution necessary

High Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Mangoes, Gently sloping Sandy Terrestrial For TX’s along road
(Markets and Micro- grivellia, Mbao, Pawpaw, Umbrella, and relatively & birds, No contractors and public to
enterprises) Croton, Cashew nuts, Bananas, flat Sandy sensitive exercise extra care during
Churches Neam, Palm, Casuarina, oranges, loam ecosystems works, safe wiring by
Residential Sugarcane approved technicians to be
Agricultural  Natural vegetation Lantana ascertained at customers
Health facilities Camara and Sodom apple. premises Contractors to
 Schools Wwhere necessary, compensate observe OSHA 2007; area
damaged property and clear only very congested and extra
necessary vegetation caution necessary

High Commercial  Planted trees e.g., Neam, Bougain Gently sloping Sandy Terrestrial For TX’s along road
(Markets and Micro- villia, Palm, Paw paw, Nandi flame Limesto birds, No contractors and public to
enterprises)  Natural vegetation minimal coz ne sensitive exercise extra care during
Churches area developed with housing ecosystems works, safe wiring by
Residential approved technicians to be
Agricultural ascertained at customers
Health facilities premises Contractors to
 Schools observe OSHA 2007; area
very congested and extra
caution necessary

Page | 295
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
High Commercial  Few Planted trees e.g., Neam, Undulating and Sandy Terrestrial For TX’s along road
(Markets and Micro- Mang, Bananas, Umbrella, Slopy Limesto birds, contractors and public to
enterprises) Casuarina, Palm, Cashew nut ne, sensitive exercise extra care during
Churches  Natural vegetation Shrubs Sandy ecosystems works, safe wiring by
Residential clay, due to approved technicians to be
Health facilities Sandy gullies ascertained at customers
 Schools red undulating premises Contractors to
terrain observe OSHA 2007; area
very congested and extra
caution necessary
High and  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Neam, Gently sloping Sandy Terrestrial TX Number 6745 not
Medium past  Residential Casuarina, palm, pawpaws, loam birds, marked on ground, For
Malindi salt  Churches Cashew nuts, pumpkins No need to TX’s along road
plants  Schools  Natural vegetation grass, herbs, clear shrubs contractors and public to
 Health facilities shrubs, Baobab, Accacia, that will exercise extra care during
 Agricultural - maize & Mwangati, Mkwaju, never grow works, safe wiring by
Livestock to touch approved technicians to be
powerlines ascertained at customers
premises Contractors to
observe OSHA 2007; area
very congested and extra
caution necessary.
Medium  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Grevillea, Gently sloping Red Terrestrial TX Number 20947 on
 Residential Mangoes, maize, Eucalyptus,Pine, Soil birds ground marked as 20919.
 Churches Cypress, Jacaranda, Napier grass TX 19267 not marked
 Schools Makhamia lukea
 Health facilities  Natural vegetation Lantana
 Agricultural - maize & camara, grass, herbs, shrubs

Page | 296
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Palm, Gently sloping Sandy Terrestrial TX Number 38671 Poles
 Residential Mangoes, maize, Sisal, Cashew to relatively flat & Red birds slunting. Tree outgrowth/
 Churches nuts, Neam, Bananas, pawpaws, Soil branches touching 11 KV
 Mosque eucalypts line. and need to be
 Schools Solanum indica replaced.
 Health facilities
 Agricultural - maize &
Medium  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Cashew nuts, Gently sloping SandyS Terrestrial TX Number 38671 Poles
 Residential palms, Grevillea, Mangoes, maize, oil birds slunting. Tree outgrowth/
 Churches pineapples, Casuarina branches touching 11 KV
 Schools  Natural vegetation Lantana line. and need to be
 Health facilities camara, baobab, Accacia,grass, replaced.
 Agricultural herbs, shrubs
High  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Cashew nuts, Slopy, other Sandy Terrestrial No issues
 Residential palms, Grevillea, Mangoes, maize, areas relatively loam birds
 Churches pineapples, Casuarina , Bananas flat Soil
 Schools Natural vegetation Accacia,grass,
 Health facilities herbs, shrubs
 Agricultural

Page | 297
Population Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil General Public Safety
Density Types Ecological
Medium to  Commercial (Markets)  Planted trees e.g. Cashew nuts, Gently sloping Sandy Terrestrial No issues
High  Residential palms, Grevillea, Mangoes, maize, Clay, birds
 Churches pineapples, Casuarina , umbrella, Sandy
 Mosques Mbao, Casuarina, Cassava, Cha Loam
 Schools mama, Jatropha Soil
 Health facilities  Natural vegetation Lantana
 Agricultural camara, Accacia,grass, herbs,

Medium  Commercial (Markets)  Planted e.g. Sugarcane, Croton, Relatively flat, Black Terrestrial TX Number 41988 was not
 Residential Grevillea, Mangoes, Eucalyptus, flowing stream sandy birds found on ground, marking
 Churches Pine, Mbao,Cypress, Avocadoe, clay, existing, TX38368& 40639
 Mosque Umbrella, bananas, Marrum adjacent homes and
 Schools  Natural vegetation Acacia, grass, , red shopping centre not
 Health facilities herbs, shrubs, Lantana Camara soil connected. TX
 Water points Number40369 not marked
on ground.
 Agricultural – Sugarcane,
Medium  Commercial (Markets)  Planted e.g. Palm trees, Mkwaju, Gently sloping Red soil Terrestrial TX along road, enure traffic
 Residential Casuarina, birds and public safety.
 Churches  Natural vegetation grass, herbs,
 Schools shrubs, Lantana Camara,
 Health facilities
 Water points
 Agricultural –Livestock

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The section identifies both negative and positive impacts associated with the project. The impacts affect both social
and environmental wellbeing of the project area.

9.4.1 Positive Impacts

Employment and Wealth Creation

Last Mile connectivity project shall create employment opportunities during construction and operational phases.
During the construction phase, there shall be direct and indirect opportunities for workers who shall be employed to
connect customers to the grid, artisan work in wiring premises, a wide range of businesses extending to service
industry. Earnings received from the direct and indirect employments shall help improve livelihoods of persons in
employment. In addition direct and indirect employment will translate into incomes at the household levels which will
trigger other spending and demand in the local economy.

Electricity access to low income groups

Last mile connectivity project shall enable Kenya Power to supply electricity at low costs to persons within 600m
radius of existing distribution transformers. The low cost of supplying electricity has attracted many people in the low
income groups who feel they shall be able to afford the subsidized costs.

Loan Payment Model

Last Mile Connectivity Project shall implement the Stima Loan payment model especially for customers in the low
income bracket who will not be able to pay the required connection fee upfront. Loan payment for an extended period
of time shall enable customers in low income and vulnerable groups to afford electricity connection without much

Local Supply of Materials

Poles to be used during construction phase shall be sourced locally thus reducing extra costs incurred during
transportation. Local sourcing of materials shall also be beneficial to locals suppliers especially from payments
received during purchase. Local sourcing of materials shall therefore generate new income revenues for the local
population across the country. The new income revenues received will create demand for other goods and services
causing a trickledown effect to the entire economy

Improved living standards

Implementation of last mile connectivity project will result in connecting approximately 1.2 million customers to the
national grid. Access to electricity enables people to use domestic electric appliances such as electric cookers, iron
boxes etc. It also limits exposure to smoke during cooking and is appropriate for lighting.

Social Inclusion

LMCP aims at connecting electricity to all social groups in the country. This is in line with the tenets of social inclusion
which the World Bank defines as the process of improving the terms for individuals and groups to take part in society.
Further, Social inclusion aims to empower poor and marginalized people to take advantage of burgeoning global

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opportunities. It ensures that people have a voice in decisions which affect their lives and that they enjoy equal
access to markets, services and political, social and physical spaces.

Awareness creation on HIV/AIDS

The Kenya Power HIV/AIDS policy underscores the fact that HIV/AIDS has no cure and the only way to stop its
spread is through attitudinal and behavioral changes as well as management that can be secured effectively through
education (awareness and information campaigns). As such, the project will ensure dissemination of information on
HIV/AIDS to communities and workers who otherwise would not have had the correct information. Kenya Power shall
disseminate information through awareness creation through the contractor and company’s Safety, Health &
Environment Department.

Health Benefits of LMCP

According to 2009 population census, 70% of Kenyans used kerosene for lighting. This poses health risk as reported
by World Bank report 2008 on the Welfare of Rural Electrification. Health risk posed by indoor air pollution from
burning of kerosene mainly include acute lower respiratory infections, low birth weight, infant mortality, and
pulmonary tuberculosis. Available data suggest that insufficient illumination (low light) conditions can cause some
degree of eye strain, and reading in these conditions over long periods of time may have the potential to increase the
development of nearsightedness (myopia) in children and adults. The Last Mile project will result in many families
replacing kerosene lamps for lighting with electricity there-by reducing disease burden at the family level and on the

Benefits to Education

Access to reliable electricity at the household level and schools will create opportunities for children to study, access
more information through informative TV channels and radios. This increases the amount of time spent by children
studying and accessing valuable information. As a result translating into better results and an informed society.

Increased revenue

The implementation of the project will boost income streams accrued from increased sales of electricity to KPLC in
the long run. Though not in the short term, these revenues will go to system reinforcement to ensure reliable quality
supply while some of it goes to the government as taxes which results in improvement in service provision by the
government to its citizens.

Improved Security

There will be enhanced security in the country arising from well-lit social, commercial and individual premises. With
the implementation of the project, the level of security will increase across the country. This is as a result of more
security lights which helps keep off opportunistic crimes and gender based violence.

Improved Communication

Access to electricity will lead to improved communication for the beneficiaries. This will be enabled by the fact that
charging of mobile phones will be easier and cheaper. Access also to mass media like radio and T.V will provide
opportunity for the households to access a wide range of information which is useful for decision making. Some

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information that shall be received include: information on markets, farm inputs, crop management and local affairs,
nutrition, diseases, investments and entertainment among others.

Gender Considerations

Electricity is a basic service especially for lighting but is still a luxury for many rural women and men. Access to
modern electricity will go a long way towards alleviating the daily household burdens of women, giving them more
time, improving their health and enhancing their livelihoods. The Last Mile Project will increase access to electricity
across the whole country. Available literature on gender and energy suggests that providing electricity to
communities and homes and motive power for tasks considered women‘s work can promote gender equality,
women‘s empowerment, and women‘s and girls’ access to education, health care, and employment.

9.4.2 Negative Environmental and Social Impacts

Despite the various socio economic and environmental benefits outlined, the project will also have some negative
impacts. As regards the proposed KPLC Projects, potential adverse environmental and social impacts on the natural
and human environment are likely to arise from inputs as well as project processes at the construction and operation
and maintenance phases. The following are the negative impacts and suggested mitigation measures.

Impacts on Natural vegetation and biodiversity

The project will involve short service lines within the 600m radius mainly along the road reserve. No tall growing trees
will be allowed below the lines or along the way leave trace. Grass and short vegetation will be cleared to pave way
for erection of poles.

Impacts on air quality from vehicle exhaust fumes

Exhaust emissions are likely to be generated by the construction vehicles and equipment. Motor vehicles that will be
used to ferry construction materials would cause air quality impact by emitting pollutants through exhaust emissions.

Risks of sparks/fire from live conductors

Potential adverse impacts related to fire hazards can result from the project. The live conductors can cause short
circuiting in case conductors touch one another due to strong winds, falling tree branches or trees. In case of big
sparks falling on dry grass there can be a likelihood of fire.

Solid waste

Little if any solid waste will be generated which includes conductor cuttings and tree cuttings.

Electric shocks and electrocution of people

Electricity is a hazard if safety precautions are not adhered to and properly used. Within the households electric
shocks are likely in case of poor handling of electricity such as using wet hands, poor wiring and overloading of

Occupation safety and health hazards

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During construction contractor workers will be engaged in activities such as pole and conductor wiring and working at
heights. Workers can be exposed to occupational risks like falling from heights, being pressed by poles, slips and

Public health risk

At project implementation many new workers will be involved and new interactions between people are likely to take
place. These interactions are likely to pose risks to the social fabric of the society. Such risks include public health
related issues such as (HIV/AIDS, communicable and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Oil Leaks from transformers

Transformers can experience a leak arising from a fault, poor handling and vandalism. These leaks may result in
potential contamination of surface and groundwater as well as soil.

Noise during construction

Noise will be generated from the construction machines and construction workers during the construction phase and
is expected to be minimal and spread.

Contamination from creosote-treated poles

Soil and water pollution due to unsafe disposal of creosote-treated poles may occur if proper care and management
procedures are not put in place

Social Vices

Increasing numbers of workers in construction sites during project period can result into social vices in the project
area such as increased cases of theft among.

Soil erosion and surface runoff

Loose soils from excavations done during erection of poles can be washed away if not compacted thereafter.

Open Excavations

Open excavations made during erection of poles can result into accidents when left unprotected using high visibility
tapes and can act as breeding grounds for vectors especially when left unused for a long period of time.

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The Environmental and social management plan for the proposed development project allows for identification of
environmental and social impacts, development of mitigation measures, management actions and establishment of a
structure to ensure effective implementation of the mitigation measures. ESMP is an important outcome of the
environmental and social screening process as it provides a checklist for project monitoring and evaluation. The
ESMP specifies the mitigation and management measures that the proponent shall undertake and shows how the
project shall mobilize organizational capacity and resources to implement these measures.

The environmental and Social Management Plan is as shown below:

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Table 4: Environmental and Social Management Plan

Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Minimize vegetation disturbance along construction site
Vegetation Disturbance  Choose routes that offer Project engineer and contractor 2 Months
minimal disturbance to
vegetation and where inevitable 150,000.00
clear manually only necessary
 Properly demarcate the project
area to be cleared during
installation of supply droplines
 Designate parking lots within
the project area to prevent
vegetation disturbance
 Plant suitable trees within the
project area to compensate for To be determined
any damaged ones
 Compensate for any damaged
trees and crops
Reduce soil erosion and surface run off
Increased soil erosion and  Use existing roads and avoid Project engineer and contractor Throughout 0.00
surface run off ground disturbance as much as construction period
 Site excavation works be
planned in such a manner that a 200,000
section is completed and
rehabilitated before another

Air Pollution

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Dust emission  Avoid excavation works in Project engineer and contractor Throughout project 30,000.00
xtremely dry seasons period
 Sprinkle water on degraded
access routes to reduce dust
emission during transportation
of materials to project sites
 Provide and ensure use of
appropriate personal protective
equipment by workers on site

Exhaust emission  Use well serviced vehicles and 0.00

any other motorized equipment
 Sensitize truck drivers to avoid
unnecessary running engines
on stationery vehicles and
switch off engines whenever
Minimize occupational safety and health risks
Open excavations  Barricade the proposed project Throughout project To be determined
area using high visibility tape to period
avoid falls into open
 Pole pits should be dug and
poles erected immediately and Contractor
where inevitable the pit shall be
covered to avoid falls and injury
to humans and animals, or
traffic accidents.
 Contractor to compensate any
injuries to the public and
animals arising from his

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Working at height  Observe clearance from power Throughout project 0.00
lines and workers to be period
experienced with necessary
 Test power lines to ensure they 0.00
are shut down before work
 Provide appropriate personal
protective equipment for
workers involved in activities 300,000.00
above 2 meters from ground
 Provide storage bags for 20,000.00
portable tools used while
working at height.
Safety and health awareness  Carry out safety and health Contractor and project engineer Throughout project 0.00
inductions and toolbox talks period
for all workers involved in
the project to enhance
awareness on safety and
health requirements

Pricks and cuts  Ensure project area is kept free Contractor and project engineer Throughout project 0.00
of sharp objects period
 Provide appropriate foot 100,000.00
protection to workers within the
Public safety and health
Shocks and electrocutions  Create awareness to the public Contractor and proponent Before commencement 500,000.00
on the potential impacts of of the project
powered lines to prevent
electrical hazards

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Project infrastructure  Create public awareness on the
need to protect public
infrastructure for continued
supply of electricity and to
minimize exposure to electrical

HIV/AIDS  Create awareness to the public

and workers on HIV/AIDS and
liaise with the ministry of health
to provide condom dispensers
at all project worksites

Social Vices  Awareness creation to the

public and liaising with area
administration to enhance
Damage to property
Damage to structures erected  Ensure timely dissemination of Contractor and proponent Before commencement To be determined
on the way leaves information on the need to carry of the project
out works on occupied way
leaves to allow for relocation of
erected structures
 Use existing wayleaves and
road reserves to minimize
disturbance and unnecessary
 Where it is inevitable,
compensate for damaged
Risk of sparks/ fires from live  Contractor to ensure all fittings Contractor, Proponent Implementation 0
conductors are tight and implemented using
quality materials to prevent

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
arcing and any loose
 Contractor to ensure right
tension and spacing is well
implemented for conductors.
 Premises to be wired by Customers Before connection
qualified technicians and test
certificates maintained

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The Last Mile connectivity project will have numerous positive impacts not only to the company but also to the
consumers especially those in low income groups. This is through improving security especially in areas that do not
have power connection, improving living standards, ensuring social inclusion, enhancing communication among
people through television and radios as well as benefiting education in Kenya especially through connecting schools.
Negative impacts resulting from construction and implementation of the project include: emission of exhaust fumes,
solid wastes generation, transformer oil leaks, shocks and electrocutions and noise during construction among others
and shall be adequately mitigated.

The company is committed to putting in place several measures to mitigate the negative environmental, safety,
health and social impacts associated with the life cycle of the project. It is recommended that in addition to this
commitment, the company focuses on implementing the measures outlined in the ESMP as well as adhering to all
relevant national and international environmental, health and safety standards, policies and regulations that govern
establishment and operation of such projects.

It is also recommended that the positive impacts that emanate from the LMCP be maximised as much as possible. It
is expected that these measures will go a long way in ensuring the best possible environmental compliance and
performance standards.

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The last mile connectivity project is an initiative to help achieve government pledge of stimulating economic growth
and accelerating job creation for the wellbeing of Kenyans. The project benefits from external funding and thus shall
enable Kenya Power to supply electricity to customers at a subsidized cost while also implementing the Stima Loan
payment model. Supply of electricity at a subsidized cost shall enable persons in low income groups to access
electricity and see into connection of more customers to the national grid. The last mile connectivity project shall also
avail meters to customers prior to engaging them for payment. The project’s benefits include provision of new supply
over a short period of time and accelerated access to electricity among others.

Environmental and Social screening is undertaken to determine whether LMCP requires EIA or not and to provide
indication at the level that this should be done. The screening process aims at enhancing environmental and social
suitability of LMCP. This will help manage environmental and social risks associated with the project. The screening
process has been developed because the locations and types of the distribution and transmission component for the
projects which are not known prior to the appraisal of the parent project, and therefore potential adverse localized
environmental and social impacts cannot be precisely identified. Furthermore, Kenya’s environmental legislation does
not provide for the environmental and social screening of small-scale projects, such as those included in the
distribution and transmission component of KPLC Projects. The EMCA and other international legislations and
donors’ safeguard policies like on Environmental Impact Assessment requires that all projects are screened for
potential adverse environmental and social impacts to determine the appropriate mitigation measures.

The Last mile connectivity project has numerous positive impacts not only to the company but also to customers. The
project aims at implementing Stima Loan payment model to enable customers in low income groups access
electricity, supply of electricity at a subsidized cost will enhance security in different areas, promote social inclusion,
gender consideration, benefit education and improve livelihood among others. Anticipated negative environmental
and social impacts during construction and implementation of the project include: transformer oil leakages, electric
shocks and electrocution of people, social vices, vegetation disturbance and risk of sparks and fire from live
conductors among others. The company will ensure implementation of the developed environmental and social
monitoring plan to mitigate the potential negative impacts while maximizing on the positive impacts identified.

The company acknowledges that the Last Mile Connectivity Project has some negative impacts on the environment
and social wellbeing of the people. As such, the Environmental Social Management Plan has been developed to
assist the company in mitigating and managing the environmental and social issues associated with the life-cycle of
the project. The ESMP developed will ensure compliance with regulatory authority stipulations and AfDB guidelines.
It will also enhance sufficient allocation of resources on the project budget so that the scale of ESMP-related
activities is consistent with the significance of project impacts.

In conclusion, the last mile connectivity project will ensure supply of electricity at an affordable cost to customers,
connection of more customers to the national grid and improvement of security in different areas through availability
of reliable electricity. On the other hand, negative impact of the project which include; oil leaks from transformers,
shock and electrocution of people as well as noise from construction will be mitigated as outlined in the ESMP. On
the basis of the above and taking cognizance that the company has proved to be environmentally and socially
credible, it is important to have the project implemented to enhance economic wellbeing of the society.

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10.1 Introduction and Project Brief
The Government of Kenya has pledged to stimulate economic growth and accelerate job creation to improve the
economic wellbeing of Kenyans. Among the many interventions to achieve this is expansion of the power distribution
system to be within reach and thus enable more Kenyans connect to the grid at affordable cost and hence initiate
economic activities at the micro-economic level. The current trend of network expansion driven by customer demand
is approaching saturation. In the foreseeable future there is a likelihood of the annual connectivity stagnating at the
300,000-400,000 level. To jumpstart and accelerate connectivity, a new thinking is needed as happened in 2004.

To reduce the cost burden of increased connectivity on KPLC, as well as reduce the amount paid by the customer to
connect to the grid, the strategy proposed is to extend the distribution network to as near the customer as possible
using external or government funding. This can initially be achieved by extending the low voltage network on existing
and other upcoming distribution transformers to reach households lying within transformer protection distance
(maximization). This model would involve building low voltage lines both single phase and three phase (to a small
extent) along rural access roads.

KPLC has a total of 35,000 distribution transformers spread across the country. The transformers were installed for
various reasons, i.e., for new customers, reinforcement of existing transformers due to load growth, reinforcement to
reduce length of the low voltage lines hence improve transformer protected distances, etc. As such majority of the
transformers will be having varied lengths of the low voltage network emanating from them, some of which will be
passing in close proximity to ready and potential customers.

Data collected from KPLC regions indicates that the company has potential to connect approximately 472,002
households that are within 600 meters of the transformers through individual service lines. Of these households,
some will be within developed areas, majority of who will be reached by a service cable drop or a pole or two,
whereas in the expansive zones in the peri-urban and rural areas, construction of a 600m low voltage line for a single
customer will not be an exception. Based on an average of two spans (@ 50m) single phase LV line, 30m service
cable drop (10% of the service drops assumed to be three phase), 40km return transport and implementation by
labour and transport contractors, the projected cost of connecting all these households is approximately USD
685million (KShs. 58.2Billion).

Benefits of Last Mile Connectivity project include:

xxix. Accelerated access to electricity;

xxx. Improved standards of construction hence improved quality of supply;
xxxi. Provision of new supply in a shorter time;
xxxii. Opportunity for the company to develop long term network expansion plans.
Currently, only 35% of the households are connected to the national electricity grid. The Government plans to
increase this to 65 % by 2020 and 100 % by 2030 and has put in place strategies to accelerate access to modern
energy services through public and private initiatives. The government, with support from development partners, has
allocated substantial resources for development of energy infrastructure including exploitation of renewable energy
resources. This effort provides opportunities for collaboration with the private sector in renewable energy
development and national electrification.

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10.1.1 Importance of LMCP
The Kenya Government, through the ministry of Energy & Petroleum, intends to increase electricity access in the
country to 70% by 2017 and as part of the initiative to connect many households, has secured funding of US$ 153.4
Million from the African Development Bank (AfDB) under the Last Mile Connectivity project (LMCP) which involves
mostly electrification programs through maximizing existing transformers.

The Last Mile Connectivity project is aimed to support the Government’s initiatives of ensuring increased electricity
access to Kenyans, particularly among the low income groups. The existing distribution transformers shall be
exploited to the maximum through extension of the low voltage network to reach households located in the vicinity of
these transformers.

KPLC has a total of about 35,000 distribution transformers spread across the country. Within a 600 meter radius from
these transformers, and the company has a potential to connect 472,002 households corresponding to approximately
1.2 million customers. The cost of connecting these households is estimated at about USD 685 Million (KShs 58.2

The project will involves connection of customers within 600m of existing transformers. Of these households, some
will be within developed areas, majority of who will be reached by a drop or a pole or two. This can also be achieved
by extending the low voltage network on existing and other upcoming distribution transformers to reach households
lying within transformer protection distance (maximization).
Consequently, the potential negative environmental and social impacts anticipated are negligible. The actual level of
environmental assessment will range from; no environmental assessment being required, the application of simple
mitigation measures (using the environmental and social screening) to the preparation of a simple EIA report if need
be after screening has been done.

The project beneficiaries will include individuals at household level, commercial enterprises in market centres and
public institutions such as learning institutions, health facilities and administrative offices.

10.1.2 Project component

The project aims at extending the low voltage system so that counties with low penetration rate benefit the most from
the project. The proposed project is expected to benefit 200,000 customers, equivalent to approximately1, 000,000

The main project component focuses on the expansion of the low voltage lines from the existing distribution
transformers to customers as well as the installation of pre-paid energy meters.

The project consists of the following components:

- Construction of the low voltage network and installation of energy meters;

- Project supervision and management by a consultancy firm to assist KPLC during the project implementation;

- Financial audit of the project accounts carried out on an annual basis;

- Environmental and social costs of the project;

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10.1.3 Justification of LMCP
Kenya Power being the sole supplier of electricity and having implemented policies and engaged in maximization
projects to ensure increased connectivity to electricity to customers’; it has foreseen network expansion driven by
customer demand approaching saturation. As such, there is need to have a new approach to jumpstart and
accelerate connectivity at a subsidized cost to consumers.
Despite increasing demand for supply of electricity at a subsidized cost among low income groups, the company has
not been able to successfully achieve the need due to increased costs of all inputs used in the process. Therefore,
implementation of Last Mile Connectivity Project; which benefits from external funding, is a sure way of connecting
more consumers, especially low income groups to the grid. This will ensure achievement of government pledge to
stimulate economic growth and accelerate job creation for economic wellbeing of Kenyans; provision of new supply in
a shorter duration of time and availability of reliable power supply.

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10.2 Project Overview

10.2.1 Location of the project

The environmental and social screening was undertaken within constituencies in Nairobi and Kiambu Counties, these
include: Lamu East, lamu west , Kitui East, Kitui rural, Kitui Central, Kitui South, Kitui west, Kitui North, Garsen, Bura
Constituency, Galore, Ijara, Mwingi East, Mwingi South, Mwingi West, Balambala and Garisa Township

10.2.2 Baseline information of the project sites in Garisa County Population
Garissa County is one of the three counties in the North Eastern region of Kenya. It covers an area of 44,174Km2
and lies between latitude 10 58’N and 20 1’ S and longitude 380 34’E and 410 32’E. It borders the Republic of
Somalia to the east, Lamu County to the south, Tana River County to the west, Isiolo County to the north - west and
Wajir County to the north.

The county has a total population of 700,050 consisting of 376,327 males and 323,723 females as at 2012. The
population is projected to increase to 786,553 and to 850,080 persons in 2015 and 2017 respectively. Urban
population constitutes about 16% of the county’s total population. Garissa County has 124,115 children who are
below five years old. This is about 17.7% of the total population. In the county, there are 191,837 children who are
within the primary school going age. Of this, 54.8 per cent are boys while 45.2 per cent are girls. There is a total of
168,456 children who are within the secondary school going age. The secondary school age population for girls is
72,282 since most girls do not proceed to secondary school in the county due to early marriages. The primary school
going population age of 10-14 years is high compared to the population of the secondary school going age of 15-19
years. Youth (18-35 years old) population stands at 199,384, and therefore the youth constitutes about 28.5 per cent
of the total population. This is a significant proportion of the population whose needs must be addressed. Thus the
county requires a comprehensive program targeting this segment of the population.. The elderly population (i.e 80
years old and above is low This is due to low life expectancy rate in the county which stands at 56 years for males
and 65 years for females. The dependency ratio in the county stands at 48%. This has a negative impact on
development since more resources are required to take care of this population. .Topography
Garissa County is basically flat and low lying without hills, valleys and mountains. It rises from a low altitude of 20m
to 400m above sea level. The major physical features are seasonal Laghas and the Tana river Basin on the western
side. The river Tana has tremendous effect on the climate, settlement patterns and economic activities within the
county. Given the arid nature of the county, there is great potential for expansion of agriculture through harnessing of
river Tana and Laghas. Climate

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10.2.3 Baseline information of the project sites in Kitui County Population
Kitui County Its capital and largest town is Kitui although Mwingi is also another major urban centre. The county has
a population of 1,012,709 (2009 census) [2]and an area of 24,385.1 km²According to the 2009 national housing and
population census, the county had 3,134,265 people which is projected to rise to 4,247,770 by year 2017. Climate
The climate is semi-arid; it receives roughly 71 cm (28 inches). A significant point however is that rainfall occurs
practically only during the rainy seasons (one long around May and June, and one short, around September and
October). Soil
The soils in the East are relatively low in natural fertility but rich in sodium, making them highly suitable for grazing.
The soils in the Central parts of the County are usually high in fertility, but not intensively used for agricultural
production due to the lack of water. Alluvial deposits (Fluvisols) occur in isolated patches along rivers and on hill

These so-called ‘black cotton soils’ mainly consist of clays (silty to silty-clayey loam). The soils are found in the
Western part of the County. In the South shallow stony soils exist, with rock outcrops alternated with the black cotton
soils and light brown sandy loams.The drainage of all soils is very poor and most are easy erodible. This results in
high runoff and erosion: big parts of the soils are highly degraded and eroded, with gullies through the soils to the
bedrock. It also results in low infiltration of rainwater on the valley sides and the banks of rivers

10.2.4 Baseline information of the project sites in Tana River County Population
Tana River County is one of the six Counties in the Coast region. It borders Kitui County to the West, Garissa County
to the North East, Isiolo County to the North, Lamu County to the South East and Kilifi County to the South. The
county lies between latitudes 0 00’53” and 200’41’’ South and longitudes 38025’43” and 40015’ East. The county has
a total area of 38,862.2 Km 2 with a projected population of 276,567(KNBS, 2014) and covers about 76 kms of the
coastal strip

The projected population of Tana River County in 2012 was estimated at 261,348 with 130,875 being female and
130,473 male. The county has an inter census population growth rate of 2.83 per cent slightly lower than the national
average of 2.9 per cent. The ratio of male to female is 99:100 and the pattern is projected to remain the same by
June 2018. Climatic Conditions

The region has a hot and dry climate within ecological zones ranging from III (in the very high grounds) to VII (in the
plains or lowlands). Average annual temperatures are about 300C with the highest being 410C around January-
March and the lowest being 20.60C around June-July. Rainfall is low, bimodal, erratic and conventional in nature.

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The total annual rainfall ranges between 280 mm and 900 mm with long rains occurring in April and May, short rains
in October and November with November being the wettest month. The Inter Tropical Conventional Zone (ITCZ),
which influences the wind and non-seasonal air pattern for the river Tana, determines the amount of rainfall along the
river line. The dry climate in the hinterland can only support nomadic pastoralism. Soils
Tana River Delta falls within the Coastal Plains, one of the three physiographic zones on the Kenyan coast that rises
from sea level to 140 m. The delta has a coastal strip 35 km long protected by a 50 metre high sand dune system.
The geomorphology of the Coastal Plain is dominated by a series of raised old sea level terraces. Most of the coastal
environment and the modern shore configuration follow the 0-5m and the 5-15m sea level terrace complexes.
Tana River County has generally deep to very deep soils and this condition helps to justify the vegetation in the
range land map. In addition, crop farming also do well in deep soils therefore this map is useful to the agriculturalists.
The soil types that exist in the county include loamy, clay and sandy. Climate
Climatic conditions for the Tana Basin catchment range from humid in the highlands to very arid in the lowlands.
Similarly, temperatures vary from 100C to 300C (Table 3). Mean annual rainfall ranges from 2400mm – 200mm in
the same order. Rainfall is bimodal, coming during the long rains season of March – May, and short rains season of
Land cover in the Tana Basin reflects the climatic range and varies from alpine type at the top of Mt. Kenya through
moorlands, tropical forests, savannah grassland in middle region to semi-arid lands and coastal mangrove forests.
The Region has over 80% of its land under Arid and Semi-Arid Land conditions. Tana Delta is characterized by low
and unreliable rainfall. It receives low and erratic bimodal rainfall that is slightly variable in both space and time. In
most cases, rain falls as short high intensity storms that produce
Considerable runoff and soil erosion. Mean annual rainfall ranges from 300 – 900 mm per annum. Average humidity
is 85%.

10.2.5 Baseline information of the project sites in Lamu County

The County has two constituencies namely Lamu West and Lamu East. Lamu West constituency covers Amu, Hindi,
Mpeketoni and Witu Divisions while Lamu East constituency covers Faza, Kizingitini and Kiunga Divisions. Settlement Patterns

Settlement patterns in the County are diverse because they are determined by many factors which include access to
economic opportunities in agriculture, livestock keeping, fishing and trade. Other factors include government
settlement programmes and security concerns. Witu Division which is predominantly a livestock zone is occupied
mainly by the Orma community. Mpeketoni, Hindi and some parts of Witu are settlement scheme areas established
in the 1970’s and 1980’s. These are predominantly agricultural areas and are inhabited by almost all the Kenyan
communities. In Hindi and Mpeketoni the Kikuyu community are however the majority. Mpeketoni Division is also
home to the Sanye which is one the smallest tribes in Kenya which are normally excluded from mainstream
development activities. Amu Division where Lamu town is located harbours almost all Kenyan communities but the
majorities are the Bajunis.

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In the Island which includes Patte, Kizingitini Ndau and Siyu amongst others, the predominant community are the
Bajunis who live in villages. One of the main economic activities in the Islands is fishing, though small scale
agriculture is also practiced. Kiunga Division is inhabited by the Boni community and Bajunis. The Bonis are
preoccupied with traditional bee keeping while the Bajunis are fishermen. Kiunga which is the main town is popular
with many communities due to its location which is on the border with the Republic of Somalia.

There is marked variation in population densities in the district with Kizingitini Division, which is the smallest in the
area having the highest density. Other divisions which are densely populated are Amu and Faza Divisions. Kiunga
Division is the most sparsely populated having a density of 3 persons per square kilometre. Topographic Features

Lamu County is generally flat and lies between zero and 50 meters above sea level which makes some parts of the
county become flooded during the rainy seasons; mostly those around Lake Kenyatta in Mpeketoni Division and
along Tana River Delta like Chalaluma in Witu Division occasionally become flooded during rainy seasons. Other
areas which are near the sea experience floods during the high tides. Other important features in the County are rock
outcrops which occur on the Islands of Manda and Kiwayuu and sand dunes which are found mostly in Lamu Island
and parts of Mkokoni in Kiunga Division.

The main topographical features include the coastal plains, Island plains, Dodori River plain and the sand dunes
while the most common rock formation are residual coral limestone and columns of sand. The coastal plain, though
not extending to the coastline creates the best agricultural land in the district. Also to be found in these plains are
sand dunes though not many. The island plain is found to the coastal, northern and western parts of the county and
has good potential for agricultural development. The Dodori River plain which is in the Dodori national reserve is
home to many wildlife species. The sand dunes which are found to the north-eastern and the southern parts of the
county rise to a height of about 50metres above sea level and are a source of fresh water in the county.

There are 4 major catchments areas each with its own characteristics. These are Dodori catchments and coastal
zone. Duldul catchments, the Lamu Bay drainage catchments and the Tana River catchments. The lack of
permanent river flow in the county indicates that groundwater storage is not very high. Lake Kenyatta in Mpeketoni
Division is the only permanent open water site in the county though it has been known to dry during the exceptionally
dry years. The few seasonal streams in the district flow from the west towards the south-eastern part of the county.
However, none of these streams reach the Indian Ocean. As a result of rainfall, several swamp sites exist throughout
the county with the main ones located in Dodori, Belebele in Hindi, Ziwa la Magarini and Chomo Ndogo – Chomo
Kuu along the Hindi – Bargoni road, Luimshi and Kenza on Nairobi ranch and Kitumbini and Ziwa la Gorjji in Witu. Climatic Conditions

There are no marked variations in temperatures within the county. Temperatures generally range from 23 degrees
centigrade to 32 degrees centigrade throughout the county. The hottest months are December to April while the
coldest months are May to July. The mean temperature is usually 29 degrees centigrade. The county can therefore
be divided into two livelihood zones, namely the rich agricultural and livestock zone in the mainland (mainly
settlement schemes) and the fishing and marine zones (the islands) both with varying economic diversities. The
zones are also distinct in terms of ecology, infrastructural network and population distribution.

The county has a bimodal pattern of rainfall. The long rains occur from mid-April to the end of June, with the highest
rainfall occurring in the month of May. The short rains occur in November and December and are generally
unreliable. The months of January to March and August to October are usually hot and dry. Due to Ocean influence,

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the rain pattern is such that its reliability decreases as one move towards the hinterlands. There are therefore 3 major
rainfall zones in the county. The arid areas along the northern borders receiving below 540mm of rainfall annually,
while the semi-arid areas covering Amu division and the Islands receive between 550mm and 850mm annually. The
sub humid zone covering Witu and Mpeketoni Division receive between 850mm and 1,110mm of rainfall annually.

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10.3 Project Screening

10.3.1 Introduction of screening

Many projects are considered by the public and private agencies every year. Development projects have biophysical
as well as social and economic impacts. Sufficient understanding of these factors are necessary for the initial
screening decision. It is therefore, important to establish mechanisms by identifying projects which requires EIA, and
this process of selection of project is referred to as "Screening".

Screening process divides the project proposals within the following three categories

 project clearly requiring an EIA

 project not requiring an EIA
 project for which the need of application of an EIA is not clear

Environmental and social screening is undertaken to enhance environmental and social sustainability of proposed
projects. The screening process focuses on environmental and social benefits of a project and identifying potential
negative impacts of proposed projects. The aim of the screening process is thus to identify and manage
environmental and social risks that could be associated with proposed projects. As a result, an environmental and
social management plan is developed assigning responsibilities of actions and mitigation measures for identified
negative impacts.

Environmental and social characteristics of the proposed project sites were identified based on; population density,
existing land uses, vegetation, topography, soil types, general ecological setting and public safety.

The screening process also considered potential impacts of the connectivity project on Land value, job opportunities,
income and economic activities. Findings reveal that implementation of the connectivity project within Kiambu and
Nairobi County shall increase land value, create job opportunities and provide more income for persons opting for
business ventures.

10.3.2 Objective of screening

Determine the potential adverse environmental and social impacts of the proposed project;

Determine the appropriate environmental category as per OS 1 environmental assessment;

Based on the assigned environmental category, determine the appropriate level of environmental work required (i.e.
whether an EIA is required or not (environmental category 1); whether the application of simple mitigation measures
will suffice (environmental category 2); or whether the project has negligible adverse environmental and social risks.
(Environmental category 3).

Determine appropriate mitigation measures for addressing adverse impacts

Determine the extent of potential solid and liquid waste generation, including hazardous wastes such as PCB and
creosote, and appropriate mitigation measures;

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Determine potential adverse impacts on physical cultural resources, and provide guidance to be applied in the case
of chance finds;

Determine potential adverse social impacts due to land acquisition;

Determine whether indigenous peoples are likely to be affected by the project;

Facilitate the review and approval of the screening results and separate ESMP reports (the screening form would be
looking at planned construction and rehabilitation activities); and

Provide environmental and social monitoring indicators to be followed during the construction, rehabilitation,
operation and maintenance of the infrastructure service facilities and related project activities;

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10.4 Potential impacts of the project

10.4.1 Positive impacts

The proposed last mile connectivity project will provide a milestone in spurring social and economic development in
the country and will greatly help in achieving the objective of the Vision 2030 within the shortest time possible. Some
of the socio economic benefits expected to accrue from the project includes but not limited to:-

 Employment opportunities
During implementation of the project various employment opportunities will be available. These include building of the
service lines and wiring of individual houses. Given the magnitude of the project and number of connection
envisaged, this project will create a considerable number of job opportunities across the country. This will go a long
way in easing unemployment in the nation while the new income revenues received will create demand for other
goods and services causing a trickledown effect to the entire economy.

 Education
Access to electricity at the household level and schools will lead to betterment of education services. Children will
have opportunity to extend their study time because of better lighting system at home and in schools. Further, access
to power will facilitate development and equipping of Laboratories in schools, promote use of laptops as well as
introduction of ICT.

 Reduction of pollution associated with use of thermal power, kerosene and wood fuel:
Electricity supplied from National Grid would ensure less or no people use diesel generator sets for domestic power
needs like pumping water, reduced reliance on kerosene both for lighting and cooking and will be an alternative to
wood fuel and charcoal because of better and effective use of electrical appliances like cookers and electric irons.
Consequently, this results in less carbon dioxide being released to the environment while less use of charcoal means
reduced destruction of forests which will go a long way in conserving the environment.
 Improved standard of living
The implementation of this project will result in connecting about 1.2 million customers to the national grid. Access to
electricity will change the standard of living of the people as they can use domestic appliances like iron boxes, fridge,
television sets, washing machines to mention but a few. Use of electricity for lighting implies that the people will not
be exposed to smoke arising from use of tin lamps which predisposes people to respiratory diseases.

 Opportunity for business development

Availability of power for more customers provides opportunities to establish small micro enterprises such as salons,
barber shops, charging of phones, welding, baking use of electric sewing machines, agribusiness like poultry farming
among others. The incomes earned by these people will create demand for other goods and services hence
promoting the economy.

 Communications
Improved communication amongst the communities and connectivity to global facilities through internet, mobile
technology etc. all powered by electricity.
 Increase in Revenues

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The implementation of the project will boost it income streams accrued from increased sales of electricity. These
revenues will go to system reinforcement to ensure reliable quality supply while some of it goes to the government as
taxes which results to improvement in the economy.

 Improved Security

With the implementation of the project, the level of security will increase across the country. This is as a result of
more security lights which helps keep off opportunistic crimes while other people are able to use electric fences.

10.4.2 Negative impacts of the project and their mitigations

 Electric shocks and electrocution of people.
Electricity like fire is a good master and a bad servant if safety precautions are not adhered to and if not used


 Proper public education to the people on safety of using electricity

 Proper wiring in the houses by qualified technicians
 Use of danger/hatari signs on the poles

 Occupation safety and health hazards.

During construction many people will be engaged in working. Such people are exposed to occupational risks like
falling from heights, being pressed by poles e.t.c


 The contractor must observe all the safety precautions to ensure workers work safely
 Safety awareness creation to the workers
 Use of personal protective equipment like gloves, helmet, climbing shoes etc.
 Staff Training and regular equipment service and testing
 Only trained & certified workers to install, maintain or repair electrical equipment;
 Use of signs, barriers and education/ public outreach to prevent public contact with potentially dangerous
 Community policing to be encouraged to reduce vandalism of transformers and distribution cables
 Follow safe work procedures
 Maintain a fully stocked and accessible first aid kit
 Observe OSHA 2007 regulations

 Public health risk

At project implementation many new workers will be involved and new interactions between people are likely to take
place. These interactions are likely to pose risks to the social fabric of the society. Such risks include public health
related issues such as (HIV/AIDS, communicable and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).


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Public awareness of the public health issues identified.

 Impact on Natural Vegetation

The project will involve short service lines within the 600m radius mainly along the road reserve. No tall growing trees
will be allowed below the lines or along the way leave trace.

Grass and short vegetation will be cleared to pave way for erection of poles.


 KPLC to plant trees as a way of compensation for the cleared ones

 Clear limited areas only where the pole will be erected
 Construction material sourcing-wooden poles.
Majority of these service lines are constructed using wooden poles. This would impact on the environment as close to
a million poles will be needed according to the preliminary estimates


 Consider use of concrete poles to avoid deforestation

 Plant more trees to compensate for the poles used
 Ensure accurate budgeting to ensure only necessary material is ordered
 Proper storage to ensure minimal loss

 Impacts on air quality from vehicle exhaust emissions

Exhaust emissions are likely to be generated by the vehicles used to ferry materials during construction. These
exhaust emissions can impact on the quality of air.


 Drivers shall not leave vehicles idling so that exhaust emissions are lowered.
 Maintain all machinery and equipment in good working order to ensure minimum emissions are produced.
 Keep stockpiles for the shortest possible time
 Minimise movement of construction traffic around site this can be achieved through better planning of
vehicle movement

 Solid waste
Little if any solid waste will be generated which includes conductor and tree cuttings.


 All left over conductor cuttings to be disposed appropriately or be returned to the store for proper disposal
 Proper budgeting of materials to reduce wastage
 Re use of materials

 Risk of Fire from live conductors and Transformers-

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Potential adverse impacts related to fire hazards remain a main feature of this project. The Transformers will have
combustible products like the transformer oil and the risks associated with fire hazards form a significant adverse
impact on the human health and environment

 No burning of vegetation along the distribution lines rights-of-way
 Timely maintenance of the right of way
 Time maintenance of transformers

 Oil Leaks
The refilling and empting of the transformer oil can lead to accidental oil spills. There is a possibility of oil leaking from
the transformers can lead to oil spills. This may lead to potential contamination of surface and groundwater as well
as soil.

 Need to design appropriate protection devices against accidental discharge of transformer oil substances.
 Frequent inspection and maintenance of the transformers should be done to minimize spilling.

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10.5 Environmental and Social Characteristics of Proposed Project Sites
Table 5: Environmental and Social Characteristics of Proposed Project Sites

Population Density Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Types General Public Safety
High and in other  Commercial  Acacia, Shrubs and Gently sloping Sandy Terrestrial and Public
areas Medium (Markets) indigenous tree Avi-fauna awareness on
 Residential species safe use of
 Churches/Mosques electricity
 Schools required.
 Health facilities Consult with
 Police station local elders
 Cemetery before cutting
or pruning any


High and in other  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Relatively flat with Sandy soil Terrestrial and TX No. 1903
areas (Markets) Neem, mangoes, presence of ocean Avi-fauna on paper not
Medium  Residential sorghum and pawpaws and flowing rivers same on
 Churches/mosques  Grass, shrubs and ground
 Schools indigenous trees (19009)
 Administrative Consult with
(Chief’s camp) local elders
 KWS Mpeketoni before cutting
or pruning any

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Population Density Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Types General Public Safety


Medium and Low Commercial  MakhamiaLutea, Relatively Flat and Sandy soil Avi fauna and Public
(Markets and Micro- acacia, shrubs, cactus other places terrestrial fauna awareness on
enterprises) and sisal etc. Gently sloping with safe use of
Churches flowing rivers and electricity
Residential streams required -
 Schools


Low  Commercial  Planted e.g. grivellia Hilly with flowing Sand soil Avi-fauna and Public
(Markets) and sisal stream terrestrial fauna awareness on
 Residential  Grass, acacia, safe use of
 Churches cactus, meru oak, electricity
 Schools shrubs required -


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Population Density Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Types General Public Safety
Medium and High  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Gently sloping, Sandy soil and Red Avi-fauna and Good
(Markets) Croton, Grevillea, flowing stream loam soil terrestrial fauna
 Residential Jacaranda, sisal and
 Churches food crops
 Schools  Grass,
 Agriculture MakhamiaLutea, Meru
oak, Cactus, Acacia


Medium and Low  Commercial  Planted e.g. sisal, Relatively flat Sandy soil Avi-fauna and Public
(Markets) food crops and terrestrial fauna awareness on
 Residential grevillea, safe use of
 Schools  Natural e.g. cactus, electricity
 Agricultural Grass, baobab, cactus required -


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Population Density Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Types General Public Safety
Medium and Low  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Relatively flat and Sandy soil Avi-fauna and Public
(Markets) mangoes, grivellia, other places gently terrestrial fauna awareness on
 Residential sorghum, bananas, sloping with flowing safe use of
 Churches pigeon peas, croton, streams electricity
 Schools sisal and maize required
 Agricultural  Natural e.g. Grass,
 Health facilities acacia, fig tree


High and Moderate  Commercial  Acacia, Baobab and Hilly and other places Sandy soil Avi fauna and -
 Schools Cactus relatively flat terrestrial fauna
 Residential
 Agricultural


Page | 329
Population Density Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Types General Public Safety
Medium and Low  Commercial  Planted trees Gently sloping Sandy soil Avi-fauna and Public
(Markets) e.g.Neem, sisal, Pine, terrestrial fauna awareness on
 Residential Eucalyptus, grevillea, safe use of
 Schools Plenty of indigenous electricity
 Agricultural trees required
 Health facilities  Natural e.g. Grass,
shrubs, cactus,
prosopisjuliflora, and

Medium and Low  Commercial  Planted e.g. onions, Gently sloping and Sandy soil Avi-fauna and Public
(Markets) maize, other food other places relatively terrestrial fauna awareness on
 Health facilities crops, Croton, flat with flowing river safe use of
 Residential grevillea, electricity
 Churches  Natural e.g. Grass, required
 Mosques Acacia, prospis juliflora
 Schools
 Small scale
irrigation schemes

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Population Density Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Types General Public Safety
Low  Commercial  Shrubs, Acacia and Relatively flat Sand soil Avi-fauna and Public
(Markets) Prosopis juliflora terrestrial fauna awareness on
 Residential safe use of
 Churches electricity
 Health facilities required
 Schools
 Agricultural
 Mosque
Low  Commercial  Cactus, Acacia and Relatively flat Sand soil Avi-fauna and Public
 Residential Prosopis juliflora, terrestrial fauna awareness on
 Mosques shrubs safe use of
 Water supply and electricity
treatment works required
 Schools
 Agricultural
 Health facilities
 Administrative
(police station and
government offices)


Page | 331
Population Density Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Types General Public Safety
Low  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Relatively flat Red Loam Avi-fauna and Public
(Markets) Croton terrestrial fauna awareness on
 Residential  Natural e.g. Grass, safe use of
 Churches acacia, cactus electricity
 Schools required -
 KETRACO Mwingi
132/33kV substation
 Water points
Medium and Low  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Relatively flat and Sandy soil Avi-fauna and -
(Markets) Cypress, Croton, other places hilly terrestrial fauna
 Residential  Natural e.g. Grass,
 Churches cactus, shrubs, acacia
 Schools and baobab
 Health facilities
 Transmission
Medium and Low  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Hilly Sandy loam Avi-fauna and
(Markets) Eucalyptus, grevillea, terrestrial fauna Public
 Residential croton, fruits and food awareness on
 Churches crops safe use of
 Schools  Natural e.g. Grass, electricity
 Administrative acacia, shrubs and required
purposes cactus
 Agricultural

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Population Density Existing Land Uses Vegetation Topography Soil Types General Public Safety
Medium and Low  Commercial  Grass, acacia, shrubs Relatively flat Sandy soil Avi-fauna and Public
(Markets) terrestrial fauna awareness on
 Residential safe use of
 Churches electricity
 Schools required
 Health facilities
 Agricultural


High, Medium and  Commercial  Planted trees e.g. Relatively flat Sandy loam Avi-fauna and Public
other places Low (Markets) Neem, Casorina, terrestrial fauna awareness on
 G.K Prison Croton, safe use of
 Recreational  Natural e.g. Grass, electricity
Centre shrubs, required
 Residential prosopisjuliflora,
 Churches Acacia
 Schools
 Administrative
 Health facilities
 Agricultural
 Mosques
 Transmission
treatment works

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The Environmental and social management plan for the proposed development project allows for identification of
environmental and social impacts, development of mitigation measures, management actions and establishment of a
structure to ensure effective implementation of the mitigation measures. ESMP is an important outcome of the
environmental and social screening process as it provides a checklist for project monitoring and evaluation. The
ESMP specifies the mitigation and management measures that the proponent shall undertake and shows how the
project shall mobilize organizational capacity and resources to implement these measures.

The environmental and Social Management Plan is as shown below:

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Table 6: Environmental and Social Management Plan

Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Minimize vegetation disturbance along construction site
Vegetation Disturbance  Choose routes that offer Project engineer and contractor 2 Months
minimal disturbance to
vegetation and where
inevitable clear manually only 200,000.00
necessary vegetation.
 Properly demarcate the project
area to be cleared during
installation of supply droplines
 Designate parking lots within
the project area to prevent
vegetation disturbance
 Plant suitable trees within the
project area to compensate for
any damaged ones To be determined
 Compensate for any damaged
trees and crops
Reduce soil erosion and surface run off
Increased soil erosion and  Use existing roads and avoid Project engineer and contractor Throughout 0.00
surface run off ground disturbance as much construction period
as possible
 Site excavation works be
planned in such a manner that
a section is completed and
rehabilitated before another

Air Pollution

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
Dust emission  Avoid excavation works in Project engineer and contractor Throughout project 50,000.00
extremely dry seasons period
 Sprinkle water on degraded
access routes to reduce dust
emission during transportation
of materials to project sites
 Provide and ensure use of
appropriate personal protective
equipment by workers on site

Exhaust emission  Use wheel serviced vehicles 0.00

and any other motorized
 Sensitize truck drivers to avoid
unnecessary running engines
on stationery vehicles and
switch off engines whenever
Minimize occupational safety and health risks
Open excavations  Barricade the proposed Throughout project To be determined
project area using high period
visibility tape to avoid falls into
open excavations
 Pole pits should be dug and
poles erected immediately Contractor
and where inevitable the pit
shall be covered to avoid falls
and injury to humans and
animals, or traffic accidents.
 Contractor to compensate any
injuries to the public and
animals arising from his

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)

Working at height  Observe clearance from Throughout project 0.00

power lines and workers to be period
experienced with necessary
 Test power lines to ensure
they are shut down before
 Provide appropriate personal
protective equipment for
workers involved in activities
above 2 meters from ground
 Provide storage bags for
portable tools used while
working at height.
Safety and health awareness  Carry out safety and health Contractor and project engineer Throughout project 0.00
inductions and toolbox talks period
for all workers involved in the
project to enhance awareness
on safety and health

Pricks and cuts  Ensure project area is kept Contractor and project engineer Throughout project
free of sharp objects period
 Provide appropriate foot
protection to workers within
the site
Public safety and health
Shocks and electrocutions  Create awareness to the public Contractor and proponent Before 200,000.00
on the potential impacts of commencement of
powered lines to prevent the project

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Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
electrical hazards

Project infrastructure  Create public awareness on

the need to protect public
infrastructure for continued
supply of electricity and to
minimize exposure to electrical

HIV/AIDS  Create awareness to the public

and workers on HIV/AIDS and
liaise with the ministry of health
to provide condom dispensers
at all project worksites

Social Vices  Awareness creation to the

public and liaising with area
administration to enhance
Damage to property
Damage to structures  Ensure timely dissemination of Contractor and proponent Before To be determined
erected on the way leaves information on the need to commencement of the
carry out works on occupied project
way leaves to allow for
relocation of erected structures
 Use existing wayleaves and
road reserves to minimize
disturbance and unnecessary
 Where it is inevitable,
compensate for damaged
Risk of sparks/ fires from  Contractor to ensure all fittings Contractor, Proponent Implementation 0

Page | 338
Expected Negative Impacts Recommended Mitigation Responsible Party Time frame Cost (Ksh)
live conductors are tight and implemented
using quality materials to
prevent arcing and any loose
 Contractor to ensure right
tension and spacing is well
implemented for conductors.
 Premises to be wired by Customers Before connection
qualified technicians and test
certificates maintained

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The Last Mile connectivity project will have numerous positive impacts not only to the company but also to the consumers
especially those in low income groups. This is through improving security especially in areas that do not have power
connection, improving living standards, ensuring social inclusion, enhancing communication among people through television
and radios as well as benefiting education in Kenya especially through connecting schools. Negative impacts resulting from
construction and implementation of the project include: emission of exhaust fumes, solid wastes generation, transformer oil
leaks, shocks and electrocutions and noise during construction among others and shall be adequately mitigated.

The company is committed to putting in place several measures to mitigate the negative environmental, safety, health and
social impacts associated with the life cycle of the project. It is recommended that in addition to this commitment, the company
focuses on implementing the measures outlined in the ESMP as well as adhering to all relevant national and international
environmental, health and safety standards, policies and regulations that govern establishment and operation of such projects.


 The positive impacts that emanate from the LMCP be maximised as much as possible. It is expected that these
measures will go a long way in ensuring the best possible environmental compliance and performance standards.
 KPLC to carry out adequate public/customer engagements must be carried out to ensure the potential customers
understand the project and assess their eligibility in terms of willingness and ability to pay for power.
 All the customers under this project to be put on prepaid meters such that tokens bought may take into account the
cost of connection and also to avoid bad debts as consumption will be paid up front.
 KPLC to have a dedicated team to follow up and monitor the project implementation and utilisation of electricity as
well as the quality of service to the targeted customers and also to deal with any emerging challenges.

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