Cleo 2023

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Chirped Solitary Wave Solutions for Optical

Frequency Comb Applications

Sanjana Bhatia ,1,* and C N Kumar2,†

1 Department of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh-160014, India
2 Department of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh-160014, India
*, †

Abstract: We demonstrate that the interplay of higher-order dispersion and nonlinear ef-
fects excites propagation of ultrashort, nonlinearly-chirped signals in an optical fiber. These
undamped excitations reproduce characteristics of Kerr-comb systems, including bright-
solitons and periodic wavetrains, and possess chirp that depends linearly on the pulse am-
plitude. © 2022 The Author(s)

1. Introduction
Optical frequency combs, which consist of equidistant frequency markers in the electromagnetic spectrum have
triggered substantial advancements in precision measurements, meteorology and spectroscopy. Early experiments
generated frequency combs using mode-locked lasers, which has now been advanced by compact, chip-scale
microresonators. Some features like soliton formation have been demonstrated analytically and experimentally,
however periodic wavetrain-based frequency combs have only been realized numerically [1]. Till date, an exact
analytical framework of Kerr-comb dynamics is lacking. To model the dynamics of Kerr-comb formation, we
consider pulse propagation in a fiber-microring in the absence of damping. Pulse formation and evolution in a
femtosecond optical fiber is typically dominated by the interplay of dispersion and nonlinearity. For most practical
purposes, dispersion-induced pulse broadening is dominated by the group velocity dispersion (GVD). However,
for ultrashort pulses with pulse width T0 < 1 ps, third-order dispersion (TOD) starts playing a significant role
in the pulse dynamics. Moreover, higher-order nonlinear effects such as self-steepening and self-frequency shift
become essential for agreement between theory and experiments. Hence, the dynamics of femtosecond pulse
propagation inside optical fiber can be understood within the formalism of nonlinear Schrdinger equation (NLSE)
with higher-order effects [2]

∂ ψ 1 ∂ 2ψ
∂ |ψ|2

2 ∂ ψ 2 ∂ψ
i + + |ψ| ψ + i A 3 + B|ψ| +Cψ = 0] (1)
∂ z 2 ∂t 2 ∂t ∂t ∂t
where ψ(z,t) is the complex envelope of the electric field, with z as propagation coordinate and t as local time,
A is the parameter of TOD, B and C represent self-steepening coefficient and self-frequency shift coefficient
respectively. Several solutions have been reported for Eq. (1), including bright and dark solitons [3], under different
parametric restrictions. In this paper, we report the existence of a new class of localized, as well as periodic-
wavetrain solutions to Eq. (1) in the presence of TOD, with nontrivial amplitude-dependent chirping.

2. Chirped Solutions
Recently, chirped solitons have been reported to be capable of tolerating huge cavity losses while maintaining
their stability in Kerr-resonators [4]. Studies suggests that in contrast to the chirp-free solitons, chirped solitary
waves could be compressed and amplified more efficiently in dispersion managed systems. In context of optical
solitons, linear up-chirp causes increase in the instantaneous frequency from the leading to the trailing edge.
Recently, much interest has been focused on the propagation of nonlinearly chirped solitons in cubic and cubic-
quintic materials [5]. In all these works, the chirp is found to be intensity-dependent. Nonlinear chirping can affect
the pulse dynamics in quite many ways, such as smooth degradation of the soliton with the increase in chirp
strength, formation of soliton pairs etc. Hence, initial chirp profile plays a decisive role for the subsequent pulse
evolution. The complex envelope travelling wave solutions of Eq. (1) can be generally represented as ψ(z,t) =
ei(χ(ξ )−ωz) ρ(ξ ) where ξ = t − vz; v, ω are wave parameters, ρ(ξ ) is the wave amplitude and χ(ξ ) is the phase
function. The choice leads us to the following pair of equations (′ denoting differentiation with respect to ξ )
vχ ′ ρ + ωρ + (ρ ′′ − χ ′2 ) + ρ 3 + A(−3χ ′′ ρ ′ − 3χ ′ ρ ′′ − χ ′′′ ρ + χ ′3 ρ) − Bρ 3 χ ′ = 0 (2)
(c) Soliton
(a) Wavetrain (m=0.2) (b) Wavetrain (m=0.8)

0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0.0 0.0
-0.1 -0.1

-0.2 -0.2 0.0

-200 0 200 -200 0 200 -200 0 200
t t t

Fig. 1. (a) and (b) Intensity (blue solid) and chirp profile (red dashed) for periodic wavetrain solutions
with A = 2, B = −3,C = 3.04. Other parameters are P̃ = −0.35, R̃ = 0.042, Q̃ = K̃ = 0, ε = −0.18
(c) bright soliton with A = 2, B = 3,C = 0.49. P̃ = 0.23, R̃ = −0.02, Q̃ = K̃ = 0, ε = 0.19

vρ ′ + χ ′ ρ ′ + χ ′′ ρ + A(ρ ′′′ − 3χ ′ χ ′′ ρ − 3χ ′2 ρ ′ ) + (2C + B)ρ 2 ρ ′ = 0 (3)
We assume a nontrivial amplitude dependent chirp form, χ ′ = αρ(ξ )+β , where α and β are real chirp parameters.
On using χ ′ in Eq. (3), and integrating once gives a second-order ODE
ρ ′′ + Pρ 3 + Qρ 2 + Rρ + K = 0 (4)
with P = −2α 2 + 2C+B 3
α − 9αβ and R = −v+β 2 . The consistency condition for Eq. (2) and

3A , Q = 4A 2 A − 3β
Eq. (3) restricts the values of chirp parameters
q α and β , wave parameters v and ω, and K in terms of model coef-
5B+22C 4A+B+6C 1 −6A+B 2

ficients A, B and C. In particular α = ± 60A , β = 2A(5B+18C) , v = 12A 1 − 7( 5B+18C ) . On making a scaling
transformation ρ −→ ρ + ε, the amplitude equation (4) can be cast to another similar equation with effective
ρ ′′ + P̃ρ 3 + Q̃ρ 2 + R̃ρ + K̃ = 0 (5)
which admits a variety of solutions such as bright, dark, rational, periodic and lorentzian solutions for different
parametric regimes. Here two classes of solutions relevant to Kerr-comb dynamics are given in Figure 1.

Wavetrain Solution Bright Soliton

ρ(t) = σ dn(λt,m)

+ ε where
1+ 1−√m cn (λt,m)
√ q
−r mλ 2
σ2 = √
P̃(1− m)2
R̃ √
, λ 2 = 1+m+6 m
and 0 < m < 1 [6] ρ(t) = −2P̃R̃ sech( −R̃t) + ε
Fig. 1(a), (b) show intensity and chirp profile for m = For this case, the intensity and chirp profile are shown
0.2 and m = 0.8 It is clear that the frequency lines in Fig. 1(c). Here chirp induced velocities have a max-
are equidistant and the spacing between them can be ima at the center around which sub-pulses that move
tuned using modulation parameter m. faster than the edges tend to cluster-up.

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