MGT420 Reflection Essay Nur Iylia Syafiqah 2023983897
MGT420 Reflection Essay Nur Iylia Syafiqah 2023983897
MGT420 Reflection Essay Nur Iylia Syafiqah 2023983897
From this subject, I gain a lot of knowledge. One of them is about organizational
management and planning. Without proper planning and management , things will
undoubtly turn out badly. Moreover this subject helped me to improve my
management abilities and teamwork.
Skill that acquired from this subject can be related to critical thinking, problem solving,
communication skill, leadership and motivation, teamwork and most important is time
managing for people who struggling work while study.
Of course, one example skill is “communication skill” is why I should using this skill in
future is good communication is still essential for managing effectively. An
organization's culture can be positively impacted by managers who can inspire teams,
communicate openly, and effectively convey information.
5. What are the benefits that you acquired from this subject?
Benefit that we can get is this course give you a strong foundation in fundamental
idea of management. Also we get to know how to develop ability to analyze complex
problem and search for solution.
6. What do you like best about this subject?
Most part that I like in this course is focus on problem solving which is that the main I
can input in my workplace and it teach us how to analyze complex issue and develop
effective solution. Beside, best about this subject we can learn to enchance our
communication skill, written and also oral as these are use in professional setting
No, think that would be enough for this subject. As it will be related with all my work
life, I got many information with this subject. Hope can ease since I got knowledge
from this subject.