BREEAM2016 V6 Wat01 Calculator v4.1 Rev.3 SP
BREEAM2016 V6 Wat01 Calculator v4.1 Rev.3 SP
BREEAM2016 V6 Wat01 Calculator v4.1 Rev.3 SP
Important information
This version of the BREEAM International 2016 Wat 01 calculator can be used for the following building types:
1) Offices
2) Retail
3) Industrial
4) Education
5) Other building types
Assessors may use the ‘Other building type calculator’ for the assessment of Residential buildings, Residential institut
stay,selecting the relevant option from the drop-down list.
For Bespoke projects, please, see the criteria appendix for details of which building type to use for the assessment of
The BREEAM International 2016 Wat 01 calculator tool is compatible with Microsoft Excel versions 2007, 2010 and 20
User instructions
There are two ways to calculate performance using the BREEAM International 2016 Wat 01 calculator:
The standard BREEAM water efficiency method determines water efficiency (measured in l/person/day and m3/person
default usage patterns for the building type and its activity areas. This output is compared with the same output for a b
determine the number of BREEAM credits achieved.
The standard approach is the default method for calculating water efficiency of a BREEAM assessed building and is th
available, including:
1) Offices
2) Retail
3) Industrial
4) Education
Where it is not possible to use the standard approach to determine the buildings water consumption total, and therefor
can be completed using the alternative method. The alternative method is used for any Other building type not listed a
sumption calculator - User instructions
al buildings, Residential institutions - Long term stay and Hotels and Residential institutions - Shorte term
at 01 calculator:
d in l/person/day and m3/person/yr) for a building based on the building's actual component specification and
red with the same output for a baseline component specification and the percentage improvement used to
EAM assessed building and is that used for most of the common building types, where usage data is
consumption total, and therefore a percentage improvement on the baseline specification, the assessment
Other building type not listed above under the standard method.
BREEAM International 2016 / Version 6 Wat 01 Water consumption calculator - Office bu
Building details
Building name
Office Offices and workshop business (including those with a basic (category 1)
laboratory area)
> Office - Office areas Cellular or open plan office space, including staff kitchen where present/adjac
meeting rooms, visitor waiting or circulation areas.
> Office - Small workshop / laboratory space Small scale workshop or category 1 laboratory area
> Office - Staff canteen dining area Seated dining areas that accompany a permanently staffed kitchen preparing
(excludes small un-staffed kitchen's used by office staff to re-heat food, make
Manual/automatic operated pressure flushing Flush volume (litres)
valve (all activity areas) No. of urinal bowls
> Waterless urinals (all activity areas) Flush volume (litres)
No. of urinal bowls
Tap components (cleaning and food preparation) - staff canteen food preparation area
Kitchen taps - pre-rinse nozzle Flow rate (litres/min)
Dishwasher Litres/rack
Waste disposal unit Flow rate (litres/min)
Fixed use - food preparation Litres/person/day
Fixed use - kitchen cleaning Litres/person/day
Please select
ce space, including staff kitchen where present/adjacent and reception areas. Exlcude Please select
aiting or circulation areas.
accompany a permanently staffed kitchen preparing food for consumption on the premises Please select
d kitchen's used by office staff to re-heat food, make tea etc.)
t is part of the office building/development and used by the building's employees only. Please select
n changing facility with showers.
4.00 0.25
0.154 5.60
- - -
1.00 0.67
0.04 1.00
paration area
- 60.00
- 0.217
- 30.00
- - -
- - -
Typical greywater yield (litres) Frequency of yield (days) Greywater yield (litres/day)
How has the storage capacity for the proposed system been calculated?
Hydraulic filter efficiency (%) Yield co-efficient (%) Annual rainwater yield (Litres)
Water consumption - modelled baseline performance benchmark (excludes fixed uses) Requires building information
Microcomponent Water consumption - modelled performance (excludes fixed uses) Requires building information
Modelled water demand met via greywater and rainwater sources Requires building information
pecified has the minimum % efficiency improvement for component specifications been met System not specified
Net modelled water consumption (excludes fixed uses) Requires building information
Key Performance Indicator - use of freshwater resource (includes fixed uses) Requires building information
Cells that are white with a black border require user input (data entry/o
Cells that are light grey contain fixed data or a formula and do not requi
Cells that are dark grey are user input cells which are not applicable due
> A red arrow indicates that option selection or mandatory
data entry is required in one of the cells on the row
where this arrow appears. Without appropriate
selection/data the calculator will not be able to
determine the number of BREEAM credits. Where the
term "Requires building information" appears check to
make sure there are no red arrows indicating an absence
Default daily hours of operation of option selection or data entry.
Note: the activity areas defined opposite are used to estimate the assessed
Net Floor Area (m2) building's default occupancy and therefore water consumption benchmark.
These areas are chosen as they are deemed, by in large, to represent the
permanently occupied spaces in the building and therefore reflect the number
of building occupants/users. As a result it is not necessary to include all areas
of the building that may be present, as the areas not defined are assumed to
be used by the occupants of the building already accounted for by those areas
that are listed.
Note: Only select this activity if there is a permanently staffed kitchen that will
prepare hot and cold meals for the building's staff (and visitors). Enter the area
of the seated dining area only (not kitchen/servery areas), this is used to
estimate the number of covers per day for the restaurant and subsequently
the number of kitchen staff and water consumption from food preparation
activity area.
Consumption (L/person/day)
Requires building information Note: please seelct the relevant option for WC component opposite
0.00 Note: Where the WC facilities are non-gender specific, please still enter the
WC specification against both WC male and WC female categories i.e. if there
are two WCs with a 6 litre effective flush, then enter 6 litres against both male
and female categories. The calculation will not double count water
Consumption (L/person/day) consumption in this instance as the consumption figure calculated for each WC
0.00 component is adjusted by the ratio of male to female users for this building
Consumption (L/person/day)
0.00 Note: This consumption total accounts for the ratio of male users for this
building type i.e. the ratio of building users who will operate the flush. Where
more than one type of urinal flushing control is specified in the building, this
consumption figure is adjusted by a ratio of use. the ratio is determined
Consumption (L/person/day) according to the proportion of urinals bowls in the building operated using this
type of control.
Consumption (L/person/day)
Microcomponent Consumption Note: This total includes the contributions from fixed uses, including where
(L/person/day) applicable vessel filling, kitchen cleaning and food preparation. Default fixed
use totals are included with the calculations to provide a more accurate
Requires building information reflection of the buildings total water consumption. The fixed use totals are
not however included in the water consumption total used to determine the
assessed buildings percentage improvement and the number of BREEAM
credits achieved. The percentage improvement is based only on the
consumption of water from uses that can be heavily influenced by the
microcomponent specification e.g. WC flushing.
Greywater yield
Greywater yield
Greywater yield
Please select
Rainwater yield
Rainwater yield
Please select
Requires building information
Building details
Building name
> Retail - Staff canteen dining area Seated areas in a staff canteen that accompany a food p
on the premises.
> Retail - Goods-in and storage area Internal areas for receiving and storing goods.
Manual/automatic operated pressure flushing valve (all activity Flush volume (litres)
areas) No. of urinal bowls
> Waterless urinals (all activity areas) Flush volume (litres)
No. of urinal bowls
Tap components (cleaning and food preparation) - staff canteen food preparation area
Kitchen taps - pre-rinse nozzle Flow rate (litres/min)
Dishwasher Litres/rack
Waste disposal unit Flow rate (litres/min)
Fixed use - food preparation Litres/person/day
Fixed use - kitchen cleaning Litres/person/day
Water consumption - mo
Microcomponent Wate
Please select
Does the retail development contain sanitary facilities for use by visiting customers?
eas in department stores, supermarkets, shops and/or customer service waiting and/or
nks, post office, bookmakers etc. Please select
within a shopping centre used for access by shoppers (typically a covered area containing
cafes, escalators etc.) Please select
nteen that accompany a food preparation areas where food and drink is consumed by staff Please select
vicing area within a car showroom or general workshop in other type of retail development.
Please select
Specification Usage/person/day Usage factor
Requires building information Requires building information
Requires building information Requires building information
- 60.00
- 0.248
- 30.00
- - -
- - -
Has, or will, the greywater system be specified and installed?
Typical greywater yield (litres) Frequency of yield (days) Greywater yield (litres/day)
500 1 500.00
How has the storage capacity for the proposed system been calculated?
Hydraulic filter efficiency (%) Yield co-efficient (%) Annual rainwater yield (Litres)
90.00% 90.00% 1273320
Water consumption - modelled baseline performance benchmark (excludes fixed uses) Requires building information
Microcomponent Water consumption - modelled performance (excludes fixed uses) Requires building information
Modelled water demand met via greywater and rainwater sources Requires building information
pecified has the minimum % efficiency improvement for component specifications been met Requires building information
Net modelled water consumption (excludes fixed uses) Requires building information
Key Performance Indicator - use of freshwater resource (includes fixed uses) Requires building information
Cells that are white with a black border require user input (data entry/o
Cells that are light grey contain fixed data or a formula and do not requi
Cells that are dark grey are user input cells which are not applicable due
Note: the activity areas defined opposite are used to estimate the assessed building's default
Net Floor Area (m2) water consumption benchmark. These areas are chosen as they are deemed, by in large, to re
occupied spaces in the building and therefore reflect the number of building occupants/users.
necessary to include all areas of the building that may be present, as the areas not defined are
the occupants of the building already accounted for by those areas that are listed.
Note: Only select this activity if there is a permanently staffed kitchen that will prepare hot an
building's staff. Enter the area of the seated dining area only (not kitchen/servery areas), this i
number of covers per day and subsequently the default number of kitchen staff and water con
preparation activity area.
Consumption (L/person/day)
Requires building information Note: please seelct the relevant option for WC component opposite
Requires building information Note: Where the WC facilities are non-gender specific, please still enter the WC specification a
WC female categories i.e. if there are two WCs with a 6 litre effective flush, then enter 6 litres
female categories. The calculation will not double count water consumption in this instance as
calculated for each WC component is adjusted by the ratio of male to female users for this bui
Consumption (L/person/day)
Requires building information
Consumption (L/person/day)
Requires building information Note: This consumption total accounts for the ratio of male users for this building type i.e. the
will operate the flush. Where more than one type of urinal flushing control is specified in the b
figure is adjusted by a ratio of use. the ratio is determined according to the proportion of urina
operated using this type of control.
Consumption (L/person/day)
Requires building information
Consumption (L/person/day)
Microcomponent Consumption Note: This total includes the contributions from fixed uses, including where applicable vessel fi
(L/person/day) food preparation. Default fixed use totals are included with the calculations to provide a more
buildings total water consumption. The fixed use totals are not however included in the water
Requires building information determine the assessed buildings percentage improvement and the number of BREEAM credit
improvement is based only on the consumption of water from uses that can be heavily influen
microcomponent specification e.g. WC flushing.
Please select
Greywater yield
Greywater yield
Greywater yield
Requires building information
Please select
Rainwater yield
Rainwater yield
Requires building information
Requires building information
hen that will prepare hot and cold meals for the
kitchen/servery areas), this is used to estimate the
f kitchen staff and water consumption from food
enter the WC specification against both WC male and
tive flush, then enter 6 litres against both male and
nsumption in this instance as the consumption figure
e to female users for this building type.
for this building type i.e. the ratio of building users who
g control is specified in the building, this consumption
ng to the proportion of urinals bowls in the building
Building details
Industrial - 24hr x 7 day operation General and specialist industrial and warehouse and storage units operating
24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Main building activity areas Description of activity area
> Industrial - Office areas Cellular or open plan office space, including staff kitchen where present/adj
meeting rooms, visitor waiting or circulation areas.
Industrial - Staff canteen dining area Seated dining areas that accompany a permanently staffed kitchen preparin
(excludes small un-staffed kitchen's used by office staff to re-heat food, mak
Industrial - Fitness suite/gym (with changing A fitness suite or gym that is part of the office building/development and us
facility and showers) The gym will have its own changing facility with showers.
Manual/automatic operated pressure flushing Flush volume (litres)
valve (all activity areas) No. of urinal bowls
> Waterless urinals (all activity areas) Flush volume (litres)
No. of urinal bowls
Tap components (cleaning and food preparation) - staff canteen food preparation area
Kitchen taps - pre-rinse nozzle Flow rate (litres/min)
Dishwasher Litres/rack
Waste disposal unit Flow rate (litres/min)
Fixed use - food preparation Litres/person/day
Fixed use - kitchen cleaning Litres/person/day
Precipitation zone 3
dustrial and warehouse and storage units operating Requires building information 365
On average how many shifts are there likely to be during a single 24 hour period of operation?
ational/manufacturing/workshop area No
laboratory area. No
ce space, including staff kitchen where present/adjacent and reception areas. Exlcude Please select
aiting or circulation areas.
accompany a permanently staffed kitchen preparing food for consumption on the premises Yes
d kitchen's used by office staff to re-heat food, make tea etc.)
t is part of the office building/development and used by the building's employees only. No
n changing facility with showers.
7.20 - 60.00
- 0.201
- 30.00
- - -
- - -
will, the greywater system be specified and installed in compliance with BS8525-1:2010 Greywater Systems - Part 1 Code of Practice
, the rainwater system be specified and installed in compliance with BS8515:2009 Rainwater Harvesting Systems - Code of practice
How has the storage capacity for the proposed system been calculated?
Hydraulic filter efficiency (%) Yield co-efficient (%) Annual rainwater yield (Litres)
Water consumption - modelled baseline performance benchmark (excludes fixed uses) Requires building information
Microcomponent Water consumption - modelled performance (excludes fixed uses) Requires building information
Modelled water demand met via greywater and rainwater sources Requires building information
pecified has the minimum % efficiency improvement for component specifications been met Requires building information
Net modelled water consumption (excludes fixed uses) Requires building information
Key Performance Indicator - use of freshwater resource (includes fixed uses) Requires building information
Cells that are white with a black border require user input (data entry/o
Cells that are light grey contain fixed data or a formula and do not requi
Cells that are dark grey are user input cells which are not applicable due
Note: the number of shifts is used to estimate the building's total occupancy and therefore wa
Please select unknown at the time assessment, then assume three shifts for a single 24 hour period.
Note: the activity areas defined opposite are used to estimate the assessed building's default
Net Floor Area (m2) water consumption benchmark. These areas are chosen as they are deemed, by in large, to re
occupied spaces in the building and therefore reflect the number of building occupants/users.
necessary to include all areas of the building that may be present, as the areas not defined are
the occupants of the building already accounted for by those areas that are listed.
Note: Only select this activity if there is a permanently staffed kitchen that will prepare hot an
building's staff (and visitors). Enter the area of the seated dining area only (not kitchen/server
203.83 estimate the number of covers per day for the restaurant and subsequently the number of kit
consumption from food preparation activity area.
Consumption (L/person/day)
2.00 Note: Where the WC facilities are non-gender specific, please still enter the WC specification a
WC female categories i.e. if there are two WCs with a 6 litre effective flush, then enter 6 litres
female categories. The calculation will not double count water consumption in this instance as
calculated for each WC component is adjusted by the ratio of male to female users for this bui
Consumption (L/person/day)
Consumption (L/person/day)
0.00 Note: This consumption total accounts for the ratio of male users for this building type i.e. the
will operate the flush. Where more than one type of urinal flushing control is specified in the b
figure is adjusted by a ratio of use. the ratio is determined according to the proportion of urina
operated using this type of control.
Consumption (L/person/day)
0.00 Note: Please select the relevant option for waterless urinals specification opposite.
Consumption (L/person/day)
Microcomponent Consumption Note: This total includes the contributions from fixed uses, including where applicable vessel fi
(L/person/day) food preparation. Default fixed use totals are included with the calculations to provide a more
buildings total water consumption. The fixed use totals are not however included in the water
12.49 determine the assessed buildings percentage improvement and the number of BREEAM credit
improvement is based only on the consumption of water from uses that can be heavily influen
microcomponent specification e.g. WC flushing.
Please select
Greywater yield
Greywater yield
Greywater yield
Please select
Rainwater yield
Requires building information
Rainwater yield
Requires building information
Requires building information
hen that will prepare hot and cold meals for the
rea only (not kitchen/servery areas), this is used to
sequently the number of kitchen staff and water
enter the WC specification against both WC male and
tive flush, then enter 6 litres against both male and
nsumption in this instance as the consumption figure
e to female users for this building type.
for this building type i.e. the ratio of building users who
g control is specified in the building, this consumption
ng to the proportion of urinals bowls in the building
fication opposite.
Building details
Building name
Education - Higher education institutions Non-residential higher education learning resource cen
> Education - dining area Seated dining areas that accompany a permanently staff
(excludes small un-staffed kitchen's used by staff to re-h
> Sporting facility with changing rooms and showers Changing facility with showers, used by students and/o
part of the assessed building.
Manual/automatic operated pressure flushing valve (all activity Flush volume (litres)
areas) No. of urinal bowls
> Waterless urinals (all activity areas) Flush volume (litres)
No. of urinal bowls
Tap components (cleaning and food preparation) - school canteen food preparation area
Kitchen taps - pre-rinse nozzle Flow rate (litres/min)
Dishwasher Litres/rack
Waste disposal unit Flow rate (litres/min)
Fixed use - food preparation Litres/person/day
Fixed use - kitchen cleaning Litres/person/day
Water consumption - mo
Microcomponent Wate
Please select
ce space, including staff rooms and staff kitchen where present/adjacent and reception
ception desk areas if present). Exlcudes meeting rooms, visitor waiting or circulation areas Please select
t permanently occupied.
Please select
accompany a permanently staffed kitchen preparing food for consumption on the premises Please select
d kitchen's used by staff to re-heat food, make tea etc.)
wers, used by students and/or staff, linked to a sporting/fitness facility e.g. gym, that is Please select
manent seating and/or stage used by lecturers and/or for staged performances.
Please select
ing I.T equipment and used for teaching/research related to information technology
Please select
4.00 0.25
0.030 5.60
- - -
0.0610 0.67
0.0025 1.00
- 60.00
- 0.248
- 30.00
- - -
- - -
Has, or will, the greywater system be specified and installed?
Typical greywater yield (litres) Frequency of yield (days) Greywater yield (litres/day)
How has the storage capacity for the proposed system been calculated?
Hydraulic filter efficiency (%) Yield co-efficient (%) Annual rainwater yield (Litres)
95.00% 95.00% 45125000
Greywater and/or rainwater utilised Proportion of components using
Component for component greywater and/or rainwater yield (%)
WC flushing
Urinal flushing
Water consumption - modelled baseline performance benchmark (excludes fixed uses) Requires building information
Microcomponent Water consumption - modelled performance (excludes fixed uses) Requires building information
Modelled water demand met via greywater and rainwater sources Requires building information
pecified has the minimum % efficiency improvement for component specifications been met Requires building information
Net modelled water consumption (excludes fixed uses) Requires building information
Key Performance Indicator - use of freshwater resource (includes fixed uses) Requires building information
Cells that are white with a black border require user input (data entry/o
Cells that are light grey contain fixed data or a formula and do not requi
Cells that are dark grey are user input cells which are not applicable due
> A red arrow indicates that option selection or mandatory data entry is re
calculator will not be able to determine the number of BREEAM credits.
an absence of option selection or data entry.
Note: the activity areas defined opposite are used to estimate the assessed building's default
Net Floor Area (m2) large, to represent the permanently occupied spaces in the building and therefore reflect the
present, as the areas not defined are assumed to be used by the occupants of the building alre
Note: Only select this activity if there is a permanently staffed kitchen that will prepare hot an
default number of kitchen staff and water consumption from food preparation activity area. If
Consumption (L/person/day)
Requires building information Note: please seelct the relevant option for WC component opposite
0.00 Note: Where the WC facilities are non-gender specific, please still enter the WC specification a
6 litres against both male and female categories. The calculation will not double count water c
of male to female users for this building type.
Consumption (L/person/day)
Consumption (L/person/day)
0.00 Note: This consumption total accounts for the ratio of male users for this building type i.e. the
specified in the building, this consumption figure is adjusted by a ratio of use. the ratio is dete
Consumption (L/person/day)
Consumption (L/person/day)
Requires building information
Microcomponent Consumption Note: This total includes the contributions from fixed uses, including where applicable vessel fi
(L/person/day) a more accurate reflection of the buildings total water consumption. The fixed use totals are n
improvement and the number of BREEAM credits achieved. The percentage improvement is b
Requires building information specification e.g. WC flushing.
Greywater yield
Greywater yield Note: If greywater is collected from a component/source not accounted for above i.e. their co
(L/person/day) accounted for. This can include wastewater from active hygiene flushing, i.e. a regular hygiene
Greywater yield
Please select
Rainwater yield
Requires building information
Rainwater yield
Please select
Requires building information
e assessed building's default occupancy and therefore water consumption benchmark. These areas are chosen as they are deemed, by in
ng and therefore reflect the number of building occupants/users. As a result it is not necessary to include all areas of the building that may be
ccupants of the building already accounted for by those areas that are listed.
hen that will prepare hot and cold meals for the building's staff/students/pupils. Enter the area of the seated dining area only (not kitchen/servery
preparation activity area. If an assembly hall is used as a dining area, then enter the area of the assembly hall used for dining against this function.
enter the WC specification against both WC male and WC female categories i.e. if there are two WCs with a 6 litre effective flush, then enter
will not double count water consumption in this instance as the consumption figure calculated for each WC component is adjusted by the ratio
for this building type i.e. the ratio of building users who will operate the flush. Where more than one type of urinal flushing control is
atio of use. the ratio is determined according to the proportion of urinals bowls in the building operated using this type of control.
ng where applicable vessel filling, kitchen cleaning and food preparation. Default fixed use totals are included with the calculations to provide
on. The fixed use totals are not however included in the water consumption total used to determine the assessed buildings percentage
ercentage improvement is based only on the consumption of water from uses that can be heavily influenced by the microcomponent
unted for above i.e. their consumption is not estimated, then the amount of greywater collected can be added here so that it may be
ushing, i.e. a regular hygiene flushing programme to minimize poor water quality in a potable cold or hot water system.
default setting. Note these cells can change to ones requiring user input depending on the users option selection in other cells.
ppears. Without appropriate selection/data the
s check to make sure there are no red arrows indicating
er the area of the seated dining area only (not kitchen/servery areas), this is used to estimate the number of covers per day and subsequently the
area of the assembly hall used for dining against this function.
WC component - all activity areas
Please select
ere are two WCs with a 6 litre effective flush, then enter WC - female
alculated for each WC component is adjusted by the ratio
Note: If greywater is collected from a component/source not accounted for above i.e. the
Note: This consumption total accounts for the ratio of male users for this building type i.e
Note: Where waterless urinals are specified in the assessed building, for the purpose of th
Note: Please select the relevant option for waterless urinals specification opposite.
option selection in other cells.
Performance Specification Urinal consumption (L/bowl/day)
0 0
Performance Specification Usage/person/day
1.5 3.00
Performance Specification Usage/person/day
1.5 3.00
0.00 0.06
0.00 0.00
eparation) - canteen/restaurant
0.00 -
0.00 -
0.00 -
N/A -
N/A -
% actual improvement
Credits achieved
Please select
Default occupancy rate Waterless urinals - specified
0.00 Waterless urinals - not specified
component/source not accounted for above i.e. their consumption is not estimated, then the amount of greywater collected can be added here so
for the ratio of male users for this building type i.e. the ratio of building users who will operate the flush. Where more than one type of urinal flush
cified in the assessed building, for the purpose of the baseline benchmark standard 1.5 litre flush urinals are assumed. Where waterless urinals and
n for waterless urinals specification opposite.
Usage factor Baseline Consumption (L/person/day)
1.00 0.00
1.00 0.00
0.67 0.00
1.00 0.00
60.00 0.00
0.25 0.00
30.00 0.00
N/A 0.00
N/A 0.00
Please select the option that best defines the building type being assesse
Type 1
Type 2
Type 3
Type 4
Type 5
Type 6
Type 6
Type 7
Type 8
Please select from the drop down list below how you would like to assess performance of the specified system(s) an
Please select
Wat 01 Results
Please select the option that best defines the building type being assessed
Precipitation zone:
Please confirm the BREEAM water efficient component level achieved for this component - type 1
Please confirm the no. of type 1 components specified
Type 1 - aggregate component level
Please confirm the BREEAM water efficient component level achieved for this component - type 2
Please confirm the no. of type 2 components specified
Type 2 - aggregate component level
Please confirm the BREEAM water efficient component level achieved for this component - type 3
Please confirm the no. of type 3 components specified
Type 3 - aggregate component level
Please confirm the BREEAM water efficient component level achieved for this component - type 4
Please confirm the no. of type 4 components specified
Type 4 - aggregate component level
Please confirm the BREEAM water efficient component level achieved for this component - type 5
Please confirm the no. of type 5 components specified
Type 5 - aggregate component level
Please confirm the BREEAM water efficient component level achieved for this component - type 6
Please confirm the no. of type 6 components specified
Type 6 - aggregate component level
Please confirm the BREEAM water efficient component level achieved for this component - type 7
Please confirm the no. of type 7 components specified
Type 7 - aggregate component level
Please confirm the BREEAM water efficient component level achieved for this component - type 8
Please confirm the no. of type 8 components specified
Type 8 - aggregate component level
Other permissi
ease select from the drop down list below how you would like to assess performance of the specified system(s) and then enter the rel
ease select
Wat 01 Results
Please select
Please select
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
Note: for the purpose of awarding credits this figure is rounded down to the nearest whole component
iance with BS8525-1:2010 Greywater Systems - Part 1 Code of Practice Please select
nce with BS8515:2009 Rainwater Harvesting Systems - Code of practice Please select
BREEAM component level achieved for water recycling Baseline Note: credits only available for achieving BR
pecify/describe the building type being assessed:
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
- - - - -
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
Please select Please select Please select Please select Please select
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
wn to the nearest whole component level, e.g. if the total from the individual component levels is 0.7, then the component level achieve
ding process
edits only available for achieving BREEAM component level 4 or 5 in the elemental method.
In some instances a component may be specified and present but its contribution to
Please select Please select achieving BREEAM credits will be low. Likewise, those consuming a significant majo
toward achieving BREEAM credits (depending on the component level achieved).Th
referring to the component weighting factors, below.
- -
- -
- -
- -
Cells that are dark grey are user input cells which are not applicable due to either building type or user input/option selection or defau
A red arrow indicates that option selection or mandatory data entry is required in one of the cells on the row where this arrow appear
calculator will not be able to determine the number of BREEAM credits. Where the term If the calculator does not confirm the numbe
no red arrows indicating an absence of option selection or data entry.
ng microcomponents covered by BREEAM are typically not present in some building types e.g. no baths will be specified in a law court,
nents do not require assessment under Wat01 using this calculation method. The components applicable are indicated opposite. As a
sed and awarded on the basis of the performance specification for the components that could potentially be specified (if the
component is applicable, but that component is not specified, then the user must confirm this in the relative cell opposite).
nent may be specified and present but its contribution to overall water consumption may be low, as a result its contribution to
will be low. Likewise, those consuming a significant majority of the water use for a given building type will contribute a greater amount
credits (depending on the component level achieved).This contribution can be checked for each applicable and specified component by
weighting factors, below.
equire user input (data entry/option selection)
a or a formula and do not require any user input
ls which are not applicable due to either building type or user input/option selection or default setting. Note these cells can change to ones requirin
on or mandatory data entry is required in one of the cells on the row where this arrow appears. Without appropriate selection/data the
he number of BREEAM credits. Where the term If the calculator does not confirm the number of credits achieved, check to make sure there are
ption selection or data entry.
ically not present in some building types e.g. no baths will be specified in a law court,
ng this calculation method. The components applicable are indicated opposite. As a
specification for the components that could potentially be specified (if the
ot specified, then the user must confirm this in the relative cell opposite).
Building Details
Building name
WC type
1 Inodoro con fluxómetro
Tap type
1 Lavadero de mano
Tap type
1 Grifería para lavatorio
Shower type
1 Grifería en ducha modular
bath type
Consumption: Average flow rate calculator
Effective flush volume (litres) Quantity (No.) Total per fitting type
1.00 204 204.00
Total 204 204.00
Average effective flushing volume (litres) 1.00 Enter this average compone
Flush volume (litres) Quantity (No.) Total per fitting type
0.91 72 65.52
Total 72 65.52
Flow rate (litres/minute) Quantity (No.) Total per fitting type
0.08 207 16.56
Total 207 16.56
Flow rate (litres/minute) Quantity (No.) Total per fitting type
0.12 8 0.96
Total 8 0.96
Flow rate (litres/minute) Quantity (No.) Total per fitting type
0.12 56 6.72
Total 56 6.72
Capacity to overflow (litres) Quantity (No.) Total per fitting type
Total 0 0.00
Enter this average component consumption figure in to the relevant component specification of the water consumption calculator
Enter this average component consumption figure in to the relevant component specification of the water consumption calculator
Enter this average component consumption figure in to the relevant component specification of the water consumption calculator
Enter this average component consumption figure in to the relevant component specification of the water consumption calculator
Enter this average component consumption figure in to the relevant component specification of the water consumption calculator
mption calculator
mption calculator
mption calculator
mption calculator
mption calculator
BREEAM International 2016 / Version 6 Wat 01 Calculator
Current Version Release date Description of changes/additions to previous version resulting in curren
4.1 5/31/2022 Title updated to include BREEAM International New Construction Versio
3.0 2/21/2017 Included 'Retail - bar/public house or restaurant' and 'Retail - bar/public
Other building type calculator.
2.0 11/8/2016 Fixed error in selecting Residential Institutions - Long term stay building
ucation tab and improved the links between precipitation zones and
ant' and 'Retail - bar/public house (no restaurant)' building types within
ns - Long term stay building type within Other building type calculator.
16 go live version.
DE AH Versioin