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enterprise affecting interstate commerce
commit two or more acts of fraud or extortion resulting in
damages to property or a business. Property includes bank accounts and money. Lost business opportunity is damage to a business interest. Before any party can legally prevail in any lawsuit, the party must be prepared to show standing to sue in the jurisdiction and standing to sue the respondent party. Corporations must also be prepared to show that the corporation�s charter authorizes the activity sued over and also authorizes suing. The party legally prevailing in any lawsuit must show that a contract exists if the matter is a breach; and regardless, every prevailing party must �prove up� a claim of damages. After judgment is rendered, there must always be a second proceeding in rem for collection. Even though in rem proceedings have been simplified in most jurisdictions, don�t count on attorneys knowing how to file an in rem petition. The Debt Collection Industry is a multi-billion dollar racket run throughout the country. Just as a photocopy of a $100 bill is evidence of a $100 bill, it is not the actual Federal Reserve note; it�s a copy that doesn't spend. Yet, debt collectors are collecting billions on photocopies of debt. That is, evidence of debt, not the debt. The evidence of debt is being sold for and purchased for pennies on the dollar, while debt collectors/attorneys are collecting on the full face value plus penalties and attorney fees. There have been numerous occasions where 2, 3, and even 4 debt collectors have had photocopies of the same debt and were all trying to collect on the same debt, How To Legally Beat Debt Collectors 15 Julio Martinez-Clark � at the same time. How many times does one owe on the same debt? If at all? The Courts have been rubber-stamping these transactions for so long that it has now become custom to rubber stamp. A custom that is at its best, difficult to overcome. The Courts don't like having to actually consider the facts and evidence, it is so much easier to hand out your money than for them to behave according to their own rules of procedure and evidence. The Courts want you to prove a negative that you don�t owe. While refusing to require the Plaintiff to prove the charges he has brought against you. Recently, a housewife in Colorado had gotten totally fed up. She has sued Wells Fargo for their participation in this racket. What happens most often is that a bank or credit card company will bundle defaulted accounts and sell them on the debt wholesale market. This is after they have written them off on their corporate taxes and collected the bad debt insurance. Then they destroy all of their records so they cannot be compelled to show that they have collected insurance to pay off the debt. The wholesaler will then re-bundle and sell either to attorneys or to companies dedicated to collecting on these defaulted, already paid for, accounts. (Again, this is after they have been written off on corporate taxes and bad debt insurance has been collected.) What is being sold are photocopies of debt, they don't (except on very rare occasions) have the original thus cannot extinguish the debt when paid. What is worse, if there are a thousand photocopies, there will be a thousand claims and since none are the original, none can be satisfied/extinguished. Isn�t that great! It�s come to my attention that there is web site where attorneys can go to purchase supposed Affidavits from their supposed clients; just fill in the blanks and low and behold an Affidavit appears. Now isn�t that slick? The Affidavit that appears is at best defective, at worse, a fraud upon the Court; don�t forget the Rubber Stamp Factor of the Courts. The debt collection racket is one of the biggest components of the obscenely corrupt legal industry. If after reading this book you were to carefully examine any debt collection lawsuit case you will very likely find that almost none of them was done properly. How To Legally Beat Debt Collectors 16 Julio Martinez-Clark � 3. Secrets of the Legal Industry Most judgments are not merely voidable, but are in fact void judgments. They can be vacated; made to go away (Although, it is an up hill battle). Rarely has any authenticated evidence, competent fact witness, or even a claim been put before a court and on the record. Defective affidavits, hearsay as evidence and no stated damages are but a few elements that rob the court of subject matter jurisdiction (at last count there are more than twenty elements that deprive the court of subject matter jurisdiction. Some of the elements are: denial of due process, denial of access to court, fraud upon the court, and fraud upon the court by the court. Although these pages are aimed primarily towards debt, credit card debt, the principals set forth herein apply to virtually all civil and criminal cases. Common pleas such as "open account" or "account stated" are often used in place of, and sometimes in conjunction with, breach of contract. To file under breach a contract would require that they (the creditors) bring in the signed contract, agreement, or note. If they don�t bring in a contract, they bring in the "terms of agreement" which has no signature or persons name on it, a template that could apply to anyone. These are just some of the tools used by debt collectors (credit card debt collectors in particular) and their attorneys (also called counsels) to perpetrate a fraud upon the court, with or without the courts cooperation or complicity. At the same time, courts, almost as a rule, openly display a bitter and venomous hatred of pro se / pro per litigants. Pro se is a Latin adjective meaning "for self", that is applied to someone who represents himself or herself without a lawyer in a court proceeding, whether as a defendant or a plaintiff and whether the matter is civil or criminal. So don't expect the courts to just roll over and give you what you demand without a battle. It doesn't matter to them that you are right, it matters only that you are pro se; an inferior, low life being, and the courts have a position and the income of their brotherhood to protect. These are the four secrets of the legal industry: 1. Courts of general, limited, or inferior jurisdiction have no inherent judicial power. Courts of general, How To Legally Beat Debt Collectors 17 Julio Martinez-Clark � limited, or inferior jurisdiction get their jurisdiction from one source and one source only: sufficient pleadings. Someone before the court must tell the court what its jurisdiction is. Without pleadings sufficient to empower the court to act, that court cannot have judicial capacity. No judge has the power to determine whether he has jurisdiction. He does have the duty to tell when he does not. What this means to you is that no court can declare that it has the legal power to hear or decide cases, i.e. jurisdiction. Jurisdiction must be proved and on the record. Without sufficient pleadings, without jurisdiction, no court can issue a judgment that isn�t void ab initio, void from the beginning, void on its face, a nullity, without force and effect. 2. We have a common law system. No statute, no rule, or no law means what it says as it is written. Only the holding tells you what it means. The statute means what the highest court of competent jurisdiction has ruled and determined that the statute means in their most recent ruling. What this means to you is that courts are governed/ruled by case law, what has been determined before, what the highest court of competent jurisdiction has said the law is, means. It is called the Doctrine of Precedent. This doctrine is so powerful that it can kill and has. A family in Florida has become quite familiar with this doctrine when they tried for 15 years to prevent feeding tubes from being removed from their daughter who was in a vegetative state. a. The real law is found in the Annotated Statutes. Sometimes referred to as a state or federal "Code." The Annotated Statutes is a collection of state or federal laws, generally organized by topic area, that is accompanied by a brief summary, or "annotation," of the court decisions of the appropriate state or federal appeals courts that have interpreted the meaning, constitutionality or limitations on the enforceability of the statutes. The importance of annotated law: (1). It is organized. (2). It is abbreviated (you don�t need to read the whole How To Legally Beat Debt Collectors 18 Julio Martinez-Clark � case) (3). The �holdings� define the real law. Examples of holdings: i. Debtor, as natural person who was obligated to pay debt to hospital for services provided in connection with her kidney infection, was "consumer" within meaning of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). Creighton v. Emporia Credit Service, Inc., E.D.Va.1997, 981 F.Supp. 411. ii. Patient who had received medical services on credit, and who was primarily responsible for payment of account at medical center, qualified as "consumer" under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). Adams v. Law Offices of Stuckert & Yates, E.D.Pa.1996, 926 F.Supp. 521. iii. Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, establishing liability of debt collector who fails to comply with the Act "with respect to any person," does not limit recovery to "consumers," and thus would not preclude recovery by person to whom debt collector sent letter seeking to collect debt of such person's deceased father even if such person were not a consumer; but, in any event, such person was a "consumer" when collectors admittedly demanded payment of debt from him. Dutton v. Wolhar, D.Del.1992, 809 F.Supp. 1130. iv. Unpaid administrative and other fees charged under rental agreement by automobile and truck rental company in event of accident constituted "debt" under Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Brown v. Budget Rent-A-Car Systems, Inc., C.A.11 (Fla.) 1997, 119 F.3d 922. You will find the Annotated Statutes in law libraries under the Lexis-Nexis brand or Thomson/Westlaw. 3. Attorneys cannot testify. Statements of counsel in brief or in argument are never facts before the court. What this means to you is that no attorney can state a fact before the court. This was more than adequately pointed out in 2000 when thousands of How To Legally Beat Debt Collectors 19 Julio Martinez-Clark � Florida ballots were taken before the U.S. Supreme Court, without even so much as one competent fact witness. Without a witness the court could not see the ballots, the ballots were not before the court, and the ballots could not be introduced as evidence. 4. Before any determination, there must be a court of complete or competent jurisdiction. a. There must be two parties with capacity to be there. b. There must be subject matter jurisdiction. c. Appearance or testimony of a competent fact witness. What this means to you is that without jurisdiction, complete jurisdiction, no court can issue a judgment that isn�t void, a nullity, without force or effect, on its face and in fact. 3.1 Twenty-Two Reasons To Vacate A Void Judgment The real issue in void judgments is, subject matter jurisdiction. Void judgments are those rendered by a court which lacked jurisdiction, either of the subject matter or the parties. Wahl v. Round Valley Bank 38 Ariz, 411, 300 P. 955(1931), Tube City Mining & Millng Co. v. Otterson, 16 Ariz. 305, 146p 203(1914); and Millken v. Meyer, 311 U.S. 457, 61 S. CT. 339,85 L. Ed. 2d 278 (1940). The really big deal with subject matter jurisdiction is that it can never be presumed, never be waived, and cannot be constructed even by mutual consent of the parties. Subject matter jurisdiction is two part: The statutory or common law authority for the court to hear the case and the appearance and testimony of a competent fact witness; in other words, sufficiency of pleadings. Even if a court (judge) has or appears to have subject matter jurisdiction, subject matter jurisdiction can be lost. Major reasons why subject matter jurisdiction is lost: 1. No petition in the record of the case, Brown v. VanKeuren, 340 Ill. 118,122 (1930). 2. Defective petition filed, Same case as above.
Complaint Seeking Damages For Violation of The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Lary V Receivables Performance Management FDCPA 20816 44th Ave W Lynnwood WA
HOT CHRONO CHASE MCCLISTER and FDCPA Sherman and Intentional Infliction Emotional Distress See Timing Plus Mom and His Knowledge Re Reason For My Financial Condition
Complaint Seeking Damages For Violation of The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Lary V Receivables Performance Management FDCPA 20816 44th Ave W Lynnwood WA
HOT CHRONO CHASE MCCLISTER and FDCPA Sherman and Intentional Infliction Emotional Distress See Timing Plus Mom and His Knowledge Re Reason For My Financial Condition