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1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3 - Neutral
4 - Agree
5 - Strongly Agree

10 items per variable

1. After-Hours Work Demands

1. I receive work-related tasks through digital communication after school
2. I frequently respond to emails, messages, or calls from administrators
outside of working hours.
3. My school regularly expects me to be available after official work hours.
4. I often complete lesson planning or grading after school hours due to
administrative requests.
5. I am contacted by parents or students outside of work hours to address
academic concerns.
6.After-hours work demands have increased with the rise of digital
7. I am expected to attend meetings or respond to requests after regular
working hours.
8. My school does not provide clear guidelines on after-hours communication.
9. I feel pressured to complete work-related tasks after my official work hours
10.I can avoid consequences if I delay responding to after-hours

2. Work-Life Balance
1. My personal time is interrupted frequently by work-related communication
after school hours.
2. I struggle to manage time effectively between my professional duties and
personal life.
3. My personal relationships are negatively impacted due to work demands
outside of official hours.
4. I find it difficult to disconnect from work during evenings or weekends.
5. I am able to prioritize personal activities over after-hours work demands.
6. My work-life balance has worsened because of after-hours communication
from the school.
7. I often feel that my work bleeds into my personal time, leaving little space
for relaxation.
8. After-hours work demands affect my ability to participate in social or
recreational activities.
9. I rarely have uninterrupted time for myself due to work-related demands
after school.
10. I have missed important personal or family events due to work
responsibilities outside school hours.

3. Mental Health and Stress

1. I feel overwhelmed by the volume of work I am expected to handle outside
school hours.
2. I experience stress due to the expectation of being available after regular
working hours.
3. After-hours communication makes me feel anxious about the next workday.
4. I often worry about missing important work-related messages during my
personal time.
5. I struggle with sleep because of thoughts related to work after school hours.
6. I feel mentally exhausted from trying to balance after-hours work and
personal time.
7. Work-related stress outside of school hours affects my mood or emotional
8. I have noticed a decline in my mental well-being due to work demands after
9. I feel unable to manage the stress caused by after-hours work
10. After-hours work demands make it difficult for me to relax or engage in
4. Job Satisfaction
1. I am satisfied with my current workload during official school hours.
2. The expectation to be available after hours reduces my overall job
3. My school provides adequate support to manage after-hours
4. I feel motivated to perform my job despite after-hours work demands.
5. The lack of boundaries for after-hours work has led to dissatisfaction with
my job.
6. I believe my school values my time outside of work as much as my time in
7. After-hours work demands affect my passion for teaching.
8. I am satisfied with my ability to balance after-hours work with classroom
9. My school has taken steps to improve teacher job satisfaction regarding
work demands outside of hours.
10. I feel underappreciated due to the additional work I handle after school

5. Professional Burnout
1. I feel emotionally drained from constant after-hours work demands.
2. I feel less engaged in my teaching due to the burden of work outside of
school hours.
3. I experience fatigue because of the need to address work tasks beyond
regular hours.
4. After-hours work demands make me feel like I’m constantly “on call” without
a break.
5. The amount of work I handle outside of regular hours leads to feelings of
6. I feel less committed to my role as a teacher due to after-hours work
7. My health has deteriorated because of the stress caused by work demands
outside of school hours.
8. I sometimes feel detached from my professional responsibilities due to
exhaustion from after-hours work.
9. I believe that the high volume of after-hours work is affecting my ability to
perform well in class.

10. I am considering leaving the teaching profession due to the burnout

caused by after-hours demands.

5 items per variable

1. After-Hours Work Demands

1. I frequently receive work-related tasks or communications after school
2. I feel pressured to respond to work-related communication outside of
regular hours.
3. My school expects me to be available for work even after official working
4. The amount of after-hours communication has increased in recent years.
5. I believe after-hours communication negatively affects my personal time.

2. Work-Life Balance
1. After-hours work demands often disrupt my personal or family time.
2. I find it challenging to maintain a healthy work-life balance due to after-
hours work expectations.
3. Work-related tasks outside of school hours negatively impact my ability to
4. I struggle to participate in personal activities because of after-hours
5. I often feel like work responsibilities intrude on my personal time.

3. Mental Health and Stress

1. I feel stressed because of after-hours work communication.
2. After-hours work demands make it difficult for me to unwind.
3. I experience anxiety related to after-hours work expectations.
4. My mental well-being is negatively affected by work demands after school
5. I often feel overwhelmed by the amount of work I handle after official school

4. Job Satisfaction
1. My job satisfaction has decreased due to after-hours work expectations.
2. I feel less motivated to work because of after-hours work communication.
3. The additional work I handle outside of school hours affects my enjoyment
of teaching.
4. After-hours work demands contribute to a decrease in my overall job
5. I believe my school could improve teacher satisfaction by limiting after-
hours work expectations.

5. Professional Burnout
1. I feel emotionally drained due to after-hours work demands.
2. I often feel burned out from the amount of work I handle after school hours.
3. The constant need to respond to work-related tasks after hours leads to
feelings of burnout.
4. My overall energy and enthusiasm for teaching have decreased due to
after-hours work expectations.
5. I have considered leaving the teaching profession due to burnout caused
by after-hours work demands.

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