Exact Solution For Progressive Gravity Waves On The Surface of A Deep Fluid
Exact Solution For Progressive Gravity Waves On The Surface of A Deep Fluid
Exact Solution For Progressive Gravity Waves On The Surface of A Deep Fluid
Nail S. Ussembayev∗
Computer, Electrical, and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Divison
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal 23955-6900, KSA
Gerstner or trochoidal wave is the only known exact solution of the Euler equations for periodic
surface gravity waves on deep water. In this Letter we utilize Zakharov’s variational formulation
of weakly nonlinear surface waves and, without truncating the Hamiltonian in its slope expansion,
derive the equations of motion for unidirectional gravity waves propagating in a two-dimensional
flow. We obtain an exact solution of the evolution equations in terms of the Lambert W -function.
The associated flow field is irrotational. The maximum wave height occurs for a wave steepness of
0.2034 which compares to 0.3183 for the trochoidal wave and 0.1412 for the Stokes wave. Like in
the case of Gerstner’s solution, the limiting wave of a new type has a cusp of zero angle at its crest.
Background.—The water waves problem even in the tial evaluated on the free surface. The expansion coef-
arXiv:1903.11909v1 [physics.flu-dyn] 28 Mar 2019
completely idealized setting of a perfect fluid is notori- ficients simplify remarkably for two-dimensional waves
ously difficult from a mathematical point of view. This propagating in the same direction and the infinite series
is one of the reasons we have very few explicit solutions can be summed in a closed form if the wave steepness
to the fully nonlinear free-surface hydrodynamics equa- is small. From the stationary periodic solution of the
tions despite extensive research over hundreds of years. resulting nonlinear equations, an exact irrotational solu-
The first exact solution was provided by Gerstner [1] in tion to the full system of hydrodynamic equations with a
1802 for pure gravity waves of finite height propagating free surface is then recovered. The solutions are provided
on the surface of an inviscid and incompressible fluid of in Eulerian coordinates [10].
infinite depth. The practical importance of trochoidal Exact solutions play an important role not just because
waves became apparent when in the 1860s Rankine and all the properties of the motion can be conveniently ex-
Froude independently rediscovered them in connection pressed and analyzed without any approximation, but
with the ship-rolling problem [2]. The fact that these also because they can provide a key insight into the na-
waves are rotational and cannot be generated from the ture of more complex and physically more realistic flows,
fluid at rest was seen as somewhat unsatisfactory. More- say, in which waves propagate under the combined influ-
over, since the fluid particles move on a closed circular ence of gravity and surface tension.
orbit, Gerstner’s solution does not predict the observed
Let us finish this introduction with a note that two-
mass transport in the direction of wave propagation [3].
dimensional flows are not of purely theoretical interest.
In 1847 Stokes presented an approximate theory for ir- Their fundamental importance stems from the observa-
rotational waves and showed that for deep water the wave tion that in many situations the motion of water waves
profile coincides with a trochoid to the third order, but can be treated as quasi-two-dimensional. For example,
not to the fourth [4]. He also conjectured the existence waves generated in the open ocean while coming ashore
of the wave of greatest height distinguished by a sharp often appear as a wave-train of very long nearly paral-
edge and argued that the enclosing angle must be 120◦ . lel crests [11] and due to this symmetry can be more
The mere existence of such waves was rigorously verified or less accurately studied and simulated by various two-
only forty years ago [5], clearly illustrating the inher- dimensional models (see, e.g., [12]).
ently complicated structure of the underlying nonlinear Theoretical formulation.—The potential flow φ(x, y, t)
equations. The existence of extreme waves that are, as
an ideal2 incompressible fluid in the region Ω(t) =
hypothesized by Stokes, strictly convex between succes- (x, y) ∈ R : − ∞ < y ≤ ξ(x, t) bounded by the free
sive crests was established very recently, but in spite of surface Γ(t) = {y = ξ(x, t)} satisfies the following set of
some numerical evidence supporting the convexity of all equations:
waves of extreme form their uniqueness remains an open
problem [6].
Apart from Crapper’s exact solution for pure capillary ξt + ξx φx − φy = 0, on Γ(t) (1a)
waves [7] found in 1957 and some explicit Gerstner-type 1 2
φx + φ2y + gξ = 0,
solutions for equatorially trapped waves discovered lately φt + on Γ(t) (1b)
[8], the field of exact solutions for water wave equations
φxx + φyy = 0, in Ω(t) (1c)
has not experienced significant advancement since the
last century. In this Letter, we present an exact solution φy → 0, as y → −∞ (1d)
for planar periodic waves of finite amplitude moving uni-
formly and without change of form on a fluid of unlim- where g is the constant gravitational acceleration in the
ited depth when only gravity acts as a restoring force. negative y direction and subscripts denote partial deriva-
Following Zakharov [9], we use the power of Hamilto- tives. The effects of surface tension are neglected and
nian formalism to write an asymptotic expansion of the the pressure at the free surface is taken to be zero. Once
equations of motion for a pair of canonically conjugate ξ(x, t) and φ(x, y, t) are found, the velocity field and the
variables – the surface elevation and the velocity poten- pressure within the fluid domain follow from
∞ Z n+1 n+1
∂ ξˆk δH X (n+2)
= = |k|ψ̂k + 2 E−0,1,2,...,n+1 ψ̂1 ξi δ k − ki dk12...n+1 , (5a)
∂t δ ψ̂k∗ n=1 i=2 i=1
∞ Z n+1 n+1
∂ ψ̂k δH X (n+2)
=− = −g ξˆk − nE1,2,...,n+1,−0 ψ̂1 ψ̂2 ξˆi δ k − ki dk12...n+1 (5b)
∂t δ ξˆk∗ n=1 i=3 i=1
the Taylor series of the Lambert function we obtain Krasovskii conjectures for the wave of greatest height,
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The author is supported by the KAUST Fellowship.
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[email protected] the plane of the flow.
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