Logical Reasoning Section Expected CET 2024 Ques Paper

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Logical Reasoning MBA CET Mahayagya

Logical Reasoning
7. In a certain code language, 'SAFETY' is coded as
Test 1: 35 Ques 25 mins
'80' and 'EXPAND' is coded as '68'. How will 'GATHER'
Test 2: 35 Ques 50 mins be coded in that language?
1. 68 2. 60 3. 66 4. 64 5. 63
Score ≤ 15 Score 16-25 Score 26+
8. The following Venn diagram shows the number of
Study Books Weak area Mocks Only families who have visited three different places
(Srinagar, Shimla, Gangtok). What is the number of
I II III families who have visited at least two of the places out
Black 2020 35 0 15 of Srinagar, Shimla and Gangtok?
Pro 2021 0 35 20

1. Select the option in which the numbers are related

in the same way as are the numbers of the following
set. (24, 10, 392)
1. (26, 12, 369)
2. (27, 15, 480)
3. (29, 18, 242)
4. (21, 18, 242)
5. (29, 18, 234) 1. 46 2. 47 3. 48 4. 49 5. 50

2. Four letter-clusters have been given, out of which 9. In a certain code language ‘Indian banks are
three are alike in some manner and one is different. associates’ is written as ‘za pn ka sh’, ‘SBI has
Select the letter-cluster that is different.1. NPSV 2. asscociates banks’ is written as ‘pn za bi ti’, ‘national
QTWZ 3. XADG 4. BEHK 5. MDHE and Indian institute’ is written as ‘na ha sh sn’ and
‘national has international banks’ is written as ‘bi na
3. Select the letter-cluster from among the given mn pn’.
options that can replace the question mark (?) in the Find the code for Indian National Bank
following series. a. sh na pn
1. BOZIW c. sh za ka
2. BOAIW d. ti pn na
3. BLZRW e. na pn bi
5. BOZSW 10. Pointing to the photograph of a girl, Raghav said,
“She is my father’s mother’s daughter’s only brother’s
4. In a certain code language, ‘AND’ is written as ‘C- daughter”. How is Raghav’s father related to that girl’s
LP-F’ and ‘NOR’ is coded as ‘P-MQ-T’. How will ‘BUT’ mother?
be written in that language? 1. Father 2. Maternal uncle 3. Son 4. Husband 5. None
1. D-SW-U of these
2. C-SU-V
3. D-SW-V 11. Study the following information and answer the
4. C-TV-W given questions.
5. D-SW-W • D is daughter of N. E is wife of N.
• G is sister of D. C is married to G.
5. Select the option that is related to the third word in • N has no son. K is mother of E.
the same way as the second word is related to the first • Q is only daughter of C.
word. How N is related to K?
Awful : Nice : : Nomadic : ? 1. Brother-in-law
1. Homeless 2. Careless 3. Nocturnal 4. Settled 5. 2. Cousin
Traveler 3. Son in law
4. Sister
6. Select the correct option that indicates the 5. Brother
arrangement of the given words in the order in which
they appear in an English dictionary. 12. When number X multiplied to its next number, the
1. Success 2. Surreal 3. Succumb 4. Suction 5. product 1260 is obtained. When Number X is added to
Surrogate 6. Surprise Number Y, a total of 106 is obtained. Find the value of
1. 1, 4, 3, 6, 2, 5 Number Y. (Assume numbers to be positive)
2. 1, 3, 6, 4, 2, 5 1. 77 2. 61 3. 87 4. 71 5. None of these
3. 1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 2
4. 1, 3, 4, 6, 2, 5 13. Select the combination of letters that when
5. 3, 1, 4, 6, 2, 5 sequentially placed in the blanks of the given series
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Logical Reasoning MBA CET Mahayagya
will complete the series. b _ c e _ k b _ c _ f k b b _ e f Select the number-pair that is different.
_bbc_fk 1. 5237 : 4003 2. 4327 : 2003
1. b, f, b, e, c, e, k 3. 3527 : 2293 4. 2347 : 1113
2. b, e, b, f, c, k, e 5. All pairs are same
3. b, f, b, e, c, k, e
4. b, f, b, c, e, k, e Options for Ques 16 – 18 is given below
5. None of these A.

14. Following are the conditions for selecting a

candidate in an organization.
The candidate must –
(i) have passed class 12 exam with at least 60%
(ii) have passed graduation degree in any discipline
with at least 55% marks. A B
(iii) be not less than 21 years and not more than 30 C D
years of age as on 1.7.2016.
(iv) possess a certificate/diploma/degree course in
Computer Science.
In the case of candidate who fulfills all conditions
except –
(a) at (ii) above but is a post-graduate, case may be
referred to the Executive Director (ED).
(b) at (iv) above but has studied Computer Science as
one of subjects in graduation, case may be referred to
the Vice President (VP).

In question below, details of a candidate are provided

followed by a question and 5 courses of action. Select
the course of action that applies to the person’s
candidature. All these cases are given to you as on
18. Which of the following diagrams best depicts the
relationship among Doctors, Lawyers and
Lakshay is a Commerce graduate with 57% marks. He
had secured 73% marks class 12 examination. He has
19. Which of the following diagrams best depicts the
studied Computer Science as one of the subjects in
relationship among Water, Atmosphere and
class 12. His date of birth is 22.9.1990.
A) if the case is to be referred to Executive Head.
20. Which of the following diagrams best depicts the
B) if the case is to be referred to Vice President.
relationship among Book, Dictionary and Printer?
C) if the candidate is to be selected.
D) if the information is inadequate to take a decision.
21. Statements:
E) if the candidate is not to be selected.
Some bowls are plates.
No plate is a glass.
15. Select the option that is related to the third
number in the same way as the second number is
related to the first number. 21 : 445 : : 24 : ?
I. Some glasses are not bowl.
1. 495 2. 505 3. 523 4. 580 5. 555
II. All glasses being bowl is a possibility.
16. Statements:
1. Either conclusion I or II follows
All dancers are talented.
2. Both conclusions I and II follow
Some girls are dancers.
3. Only conclusion II follows
4. Only conclusion I follows
5. None follows
I. Some girls are talented.
II. All talented are girls is a possibility
G is the mother of F, who is the spouse of D. M is the
III. All girls can be talented
daughter of D, who is the only brother of C. E is the
son of G, who is married to H. A is the niece of C, who
1. Only conclusion III follows
has no sister and is unmarried. T is the father of D and
2. Both conclusions I and II follow
has no daughter. V is the sister-in-law of F. G has only
3. Only conclusion II follows
two children. M is the granddaughter of O.
4. Only conclusion I follows
5. All follows
22. How is V related to M?
A Paternal aunt B Maternal aunt
17. Four number-pairs have been given, out of which
C Sister D Either A or B
three are alike in some manner and one is different.
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Logical Reasoning MBA CET Mahayagya
E None of these

23. How many female members are there in the

A7 B4 C5 D6 E Can't be determined

24. Find the odd one out?


25. How is F's mother-in-law related to T?

A Sister B Father
C Wife D Brother
E None of these

26. Who among the following is the sibling of F?

AG BH CV DE E None of these

27. Statements:
All flowers are plants.
No plant is an stem.
All stems are fruits.

I. All flowers being fruits is a possibility.
II. All stems being flower is a possibility.

1. Either conclusion I or II follows

2. Both conclusions I and II follow
3. Only conclusion II follows
4. Only conclusion I follows
5. None follows

28. Statements:
Some pens are keys
Some keys are locks
All locks are cards
No card is a paper

I. No lock is paper.
II. Some cards are keys
III. Some keys are not paper.

1. Either conclusion I or II follows

2. Both conclusions I and II follow
3. Only conclusion III follows
4. Only conclusion I follows
5. All follows

29. Statements:
Some apartments are flats.
Some flats are buildings.
All buildings are bungalows.
All bungalows are garden

I. All apartments being building is possibility.
II. All bungalows are not buildings.
III. No flat is garden.

1. Either conclusion I or II follows

2. Both conclusions I and II follow
3. Only conclusion III follows
4. Only conclusion I follows
5. All follows
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Logical Reasoning MBA CET Mahayagya
Virat goes to Supermarket store to buy fruits. He enters
the market, turns to his right, walks 7m and takes
oranges. Then, he turns to his left, walks 3m and takes
Peach. Again, he turns to his left, which is towards west,
walks 7m and takes Papayas. Again, he turns to his
right and looks at guavas, which 8m away from him. He
takes guavas and moves to his right, walks 7m and
stops at the counter for billing.

30. In which direction does Virat move for billing?

A North B East C West
D Can’t be determined
E None of these

31. In which direction is the Papaya stall located with

respect to the Orange stall?
A North B South C Northwest D Southeast E None of

32. What is the shortest distance between the Orange

stall and the Billing Counter?
A 11 m B 10 m C 12 m D 7 m E None of these

33. How far is the Papaya stall from the starting

A 3 m B 7 m C 8 m D 6 m E None of these

34. In a certain code language, 6219 means ‘Sachin

is a cricketer’ and 2646 means ‘He played from
Mumbai’. Which of the following is the code for
‘Mumbai is very famous’?
1. 7945 2. 6246 3. 6285 4. 2458 5. 5482

35. Select the option in which the words share the

same relationship as that shared by the given pair of
Dentist : Hospital
1. Engineer : Design
2. Criminal : Police Station
3. Professor : University
4. Doctor : Treatment
5. None of these is correct

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Logical Reasoning MBA CET Mahayagya
Given: ‘AND’ is written as ‘C-LP-F’ and ‘NOR’ is coded
1. the correct answer is "Option 3". as ‘P-MQ-T’.
The logic followed here is: The logic followed here is:
(1st number - 2nd number)2 × 2 = 3rd number
For (24, 10, 392):
(24 - 10)2 × 2 = 14² × 2 = 196 × 2 = 392
Option 1: (26, 12, 369)
(26 - 12)2 × 2 = 142 × 2 = 196 × 2 = 392 ≠ 369
Option 2: (27, 15, 480) And,
(27 - 15)2 × 2 = 122 × 2 = 144 × 2 = 288 ≠ 480
Option 3: (29, 18, 242)
(29 - 18)2 × 2 =112 × 2 = 121 × 2 = 242
Option 4: (21, 18, 234)
(21 - 18)2 × 2 = 32 × 2 = 9 × 2 = 18 ≠ 234
Hence, the correct answer is "Option 3".
2. the correct answer is "Option 1".
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14
Hence, D-SW-V is the correct answer.

By checking options, 5. the correct answer is "Option 4".

(1) NPSV Awful : Nice : : Nomadic : Settled

1. Success 2. Surreal 3. Succumb 4. Suction 5.

(2) QTWZ Surrogate 6. Surprise
6. Option 4 is the correct order: 1, 3, 4, 6, 2, 5

(3) XADG
7. the correct answer is "Option 5".

(4) BEHK Given: 'SAFETY' is coded as '80' and 'EXPAND' is

coded as '68'.
The logic followed here is:
Hence, NPSV is the odd one. • Sum of positional values + no. of consonants in
the word
3. the correct answer is "Option 1". Letters S A F E T Y
Given: BOARD, BOARW, BOAIW, ?, BLZIW, YLZIW Positional Values 19 1 6 5 20 25
The logic followed here is:
• one letter starting from the last letter of the word Sum of Positional 19 + 1 + 6 + 5 + 20 + 25 =
BOARD is changed to its opposite letter in each step Values 76
as shown below,
Number of consonants = 4
Now, 76 + 4 = 80
Letters E X P A N D

Positional Values 5 24 16 1 14 4

Sum of Positional 5 + 24 + 16 + 1 + 14 + 4 =
Values 64
Number of consonants = 4
Now, 64 + 4 = 68
Letters G A T H E R

Positional Values 7 1 20 8 5 18
Hence, BOZIW is the correct answer.
Sum of Positional 7 + 1 + 20 + 8 + 5 + 18 =
Values 59
4. the correct answer is "Option 3".
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Logical Reasoning MBA CET Mahayagya
Number of consonants = 4 14. Option B. (iv) condition is not specified. So move
Now, 59 + 4 = 63 to (b). But this is also not fulfilled so he will not be
Hence, 63 is the correct answer. selected for any job

8. Option 4 is correct 15. Option 4 is correct :

Atleast two means two or there. So all middle values Given: 21 ∶ 445 ∶∶ 24 ∶ ? The logic followed here is: 21 :
22 + 15 + 7 + 5 = 49 445 → 21 × 21 + 4 = 441 + 4 = 445 Similarly, 24 : ? →
24 × 24 + 4 = 576 + 4 = 580 Hence, 580 is the correct
9. Correct is a. sh na pn. answer.

16. Option 5. All conclusions follow.

17. Option 2 is odd man out

The pattern followed here is: The difference between
the numbers in each pair is 1234. Let's check each
10. Option 4 is correct option:
She (girl) is my (Raghav) father's mother's daughter's 5237 : 4003 → 5237 - 4003 = 1234
only brother's daughter, implies Raghav's father is the 4327 : 2003 → 4327 - 2003 = 2324
father of that girl. Therefore, the final family tree is as 3527 : 2293 → 3527 - 2293 = 1234
follows, 2347 : 1113 → 2347 - 1113 = 1234
Hence, 4327 : 2003 is the odd one.

18. Correct Option: A. Doctors and lawyers can be

common. But, both are Professionals.
19. Correct Option: D. Hydrogen is a constituent of
both Water and Atmosphere. Water is present in
20. Correct Option: C. Dictionary is also a type of
Hence, Raghav's father is the husband of the mother Book . But printer has a separate identity
of girl.
21. Correct Option: B Venn Diagram Method:
11. Correct option is 3. Son in law

12. Correct option is 4.

According to the question, X × (X + 1) = 1260 X2 + X -
1260 = 0 By solving the above equation we get, X = 35 22. Correct answer B
and - 36 ⇒ X = 35 (as X is a positive number) And, X + 23. Correct answer D
Y = 106 ⇒ Y = 106 - X Y = 106 - 35 Y = 71 Hence, 71 24. Correct answer E
is the correct answer. 25. Correct answer C
26. Correct answer D
13. Option 3 : b, f, b, e, c, k, e
Given: b _ c e _ k b _ c _ f k b b _ e f _ b b c _ f k
By checking options, (1) b, f, b, e, c, e, k → b b c e f k -
b b c e f k - b b c e f e - b b c k f k (2) b, e, b, f, c, k, e
→ b b c e e k - b b c f f k - b b c e f k - b b c e f k (3) b,
f, b, e, c, k, e → b b c e f k - b b c e f k - b b c e f k - b b
c e f k Here, 'bbcefk' is repeated (4) b, f, b, c, e, k, e →
b b c e f k - b b c c f k - b b e e f k - b b c e f k Only
options (3) b, f, b, e, c, k, e forms pattern when
substituted. Hence, b, f, b, e, c, k, e is the correct
27. Correct Option: D Venn Diagram Method:

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Logical Reasoning MBA CET Mahayagya
35. Correct answer 3
Dentist : Hospital is same as Professor : University

28. Correct Option: E Venn Diagram Method:

29. Correct Option: D Venn Diagram Method:

30. Correct answer B

31. Correct answer C
32. Correct answer A
33. Correct answer A

34. Correct Option: B 6219 means ‘Sachin is a


2646 means ‘He played from Mumbai’

‘Mumbai is very famous’ means ?

Hence, the correct answer is "6246".

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