To cite this article: Oliver Leis, Benjamin T. Sharpe, Vincent Pelikan, Julian Fritsch,
Adam R. Nicholls & Dylan Poulus (06 Aug 2024): Stressors and coping strategies in
esports: a systematic review, International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, DOI:
In recent years, the world of esports has gained immense popularity, attracting a diverse
global audience and becoming an area of interest for sport and exercise psychology
research (e.g. Leis et al., 2021). Esports, defined as individual- or team-based activities
involving specific competitive video games with ranking systems at amateur and
professional levels (Pedraza-Ramirez et al., 2020), share similarities with traditional sports
in terms of performance demands. Success in esports is associated with high levels of confi
dence, sustained focus, and immersion in flow states (Nagorsky & Wiemeyer, 2020; Poulus
et al., 2022a). To maintain cognitive (e.g. strategical thinking) and motor performance
(e.g. eye-hand coordination) as well as well-being, esports demand effective coping
with stressors within the competitive environment (Leis et al., 2021, 2022). Guided primar
ily by Lazarus’ transactional perspective (Lazarus, 1999; Lazarus & Folkman, 1984), research
has provided insights into key stressors and coping strategies in esports (Leis et al., 2022;
Poulus et al., 2022b, 2022c; Smith et al., 2019). While an expanding body of literature
explores stressors and coping in esports, diverse methodologies (e.g. participant
samples, data collection methods, and stressor/coping descriptions) pose challenges
for meaningful comparisons and conclusions across studies (e.g. Nicholls et al., 2016;
Nicholls & Polman, 2007). Acknowledging this heterogeneity, we provide an overview
of stressors and coping strategies in esports. By synthesizing existing findings, our aim
is to gather insights and enhance our understanding of the multifaceted nature of stres
sors and coping in esports. This synthesis offers an overview that not only captures the
diversity of stressors and coping strategies, but also serves as a resource to guide and
inform future research and inform applied practices.
Theoretical framework
Stress can be defined as the result of a transaction between the individual and the
environment (Lazarus, 1999, 2000). According to this transactional perspective, stress is
dependent on the appraisal of stimuli (Lazarus, 1966), which involves primary and second
ary appraisal (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984). Primary appraisal describes the evaluation of a
stimulus as relevant to one’s beliefs, values, goal commitments, and situational intentions
(Lazarus, 1999), while secondary appraisal involves the evaluation of one’s control,
resources, and likelihood to manage the stimulus (Lazarus, 1999; Lazarus & Folkman,
1984). If an individual perceives external and/or internal demands as taxing or exceeding
one’s resources (i.e. stressors), they may employ coping strategies. Coping involves
ongoing cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage specific stressors (Lazarus &
Folkman, 1984).
Building on this transactional perspective, Fletcher and Fletcher (2005) developed the
meta-model of stress, emotion, and performance. This meta-model includes three stages:
person-environment fit, emotion-performance fit, and coping and overall outcome (see
Fletcher et al., 2006). In the first stage, the primary and secondary appraisal of the
person-environment transaction takes place (e.g. Lazarus, 2000), followed by a second cog
nitive process of relational meaning, including tertiary and quaternary appraisal, in the
second stage. Tertiary appraisal describes the evaluation of one’s positive and negative
response to primary and secondary appraisal as relevant to an individual’s performance,
while quaternary appraisal assesses available coping strategies. In the last stage of the
meta-model (i.e. coping and overall outcome) coping strategies are employed, leading
to positive and negative outcomes that affect the perception of future stressors (e.g.
Fletcher & Fletcher, 2005). Overall, the meta-model provides an appropriate framework
to investigate stressors and coping relating to stress in competitive environments (e.g.
Fletcher et al., 2006).
Empirical evidence
Research providing support for the meta-model of stress, emotion, and performance in
the sports context highlights a variety of stressors resulting from the person-environment
transaction (e.g. Fletcher et al., 2006). In sports, stressors are frequently categorized into
competitive, organizational, and personal stressors (Fletcher et al., 2006; Neil et al., 2011;
Sarkar & Fletcher, 2014). Whereas competitive stressors are directly related to aspects of
sports performance (e.g. rivalry, poor preparation, match outcome), organizational stres
sors are primarily and/or directly associated with the sports organization (e.g. travel, sche
dules, coaching style; Didymus et al., 2021). Personal stressors refer to an individual’s
personal life outside of sport (e.g. finances, family issues, work-life balance; Didymus &
Jones, 2021).
Coping strategies in sports are classified in different ways (see review by Crocker et al.,
2015; Nicholls & Polman, 2007), but were traditionally categorized as either problem- or
emotion-focused (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984). Problem-focused coping strategies describe
attempts to manage the respective stressor (e.g. planning and goal setting), whereas
emotion-focused strategies describe attempts to regulate the emotions tied to the
stress situation (e.g. breathing and visualization; Lazarus, 1999). Additional categories of
coping have since been proposed (e.g. Nicholls & Polman, 2007; Skinner et al., 2003).
Nicholls et al. (2016) proposed a classification of coping, including mastery coping, internal
regulation, and goal withdrawal, so that comparisons could be made across different
studies that used different classifications of coping. Mastery coping can be defined as
attempts to take control of a stressful situation and thus eliminate the stressor (e.g.
problem-focused, task-oriented, approach coping). Internal regulation refers to attempts
to manage internal resources to stress (e.g. emotion-focused, avoidance-focused; Nicholls
et al., 2016). Goal withdrawal defines individuals ceasing in their efforts to achieve a goal
(e.g. disengagement-oriented coping, mental disengagement; Nicholls et al., 2016).
Lazarus (1999) argued that coping strategies are intertwined, affect each other, and are
part of a complex process that aims to influence the transaction between a person and
the environment. In addition, research shows that personal (e.g. age, gender) and situa
tional characteristics (e.g. type of stressor) influence the use and effectiveness of
coping strategies (e.g. Anshel & Wells, 2000; Nicholls & Polman, 2007). Furthermore,
studies indicated that athletes’ cognitive appraisal (e.g. primary and secondary appraisal)
is related to both, the use of coping strategies and performance outcomes (see review by
Nicholls & Polman, 2007). In 2013, Crum et al. introduced the concept of the stress
mindset, which refers to an individual’s believes in whether stress contributes to enhan
cing or debilitating associated outcomes (e.g. performance, health, well-being, and
growth). Research has provided substantial evidence regarding the role of ‘stress-is-
enhancing’ and ‘stress-is-debilitating’ mindsets across domains such as performance
(Akinola et al., 2016; Crum et al., 2017), well-being (Crum et al., 2013), and psychophysio
logical responses (e.g. Crum et al., 2017; Journault et al., 2023). Regarding coping, a meta-
analysis by Nicholls et al. (2016) demonstrated a relationship between mastery coping and
positive affect, whereas internal regulation was associated with negative affect. Conver
sely, mastery coping was positively associated with sports performance, while goal with
drawal was negatively associated with performance. However, no significant association
was found between performance and internal regulation (Nicholls et al., 2016). In
summary, research among athletes has highlighted the relationship between stress
appraisals, emotions, and coping and performance satisfaction (Britton et al., 2019; Mar
tinent & Ferrand, 2015; Neil et al., 2011; Nicholls et al., 2012).
Study purpose
Leis and Lautenbach (2020) provided an overview of empirical evidence on stress
responses in esports, highlighting varied results related to competitive gameplay.
Among the five studies reviewed in competitive gameplay, three showed no hormonal
reaction (Chaput et al., 2011; Gray et al., 2018; Oxford et al., 2010), one demonstrated
increased anxiety and cortisol levels in winners postgame (Schmidt et al., 2020), and
two studies identified sympathetic nervous system activation (Behnke et al., 2020;
Chaput et al., 2011). Following the authors’ call for more research on psychological and
physiological stress in esports, studies have demonstrated endocrine and cardiovascular
responses during competitive gameplay (e.g. Kraemer et al., 2022; Mendoza et al., 2021).
Although research on esports players’ experiences (e.g. stressors) and behaviors (e.g.
coping) has proliferated over recent years (e.g. Leis et al., 2022; Poulus et al., 2022b;
Smith et al., 2019), there is a lack of an overview of stressors and coping in esports
similar to Leis and Lautenbach’s (2020) review of stress responses. In addition, existing
esports research uses various categories to report stressors and coping strategies. For
instance, Leis et al. (2022) categorized stressors into performance expectations, internal
evaluation, team issues, audience and social media, and environmental constraints. In
contrast, Poulus et al. (2022b) outlined performance, teammate, external individuals, bal
ancing life commitments, and technical issues as stressor categories. This diversity under
scores the absence of standardized approaches in the field, impacting the comparability
and generalizability of findings. The substantial increase in the number of studies on stres
sors and coping strategies, along with heterogeneity among participant samples, descrip
tions of stressors and coping, and classifications used, contributes to ambiguity when
comparing studies (e.g. Nicholls et al., 2016; Nicholls & Polman, 2007). Practitioners in
esports (e.g. coaches and sport psychologists) would find it difficult to compare existing
studies to identify the most prevalent stressors and coping strategies. Additionally, prac
titioners new to esports may encounter challenges in transferring knowledge from more
established areas, such as traditional sports, due to the nuances of the demands associ
ated with esports and traditional sports. Therefore, summarizing this information in
one paper and providing stressor and coping categories across esports research could
benefit research by generating new ideas and the applied practices of practitioners
such as coaches and psychologists working in esports. (e.g. Leis et al., 2021). For
example, this resource could enable coaches to efficiently assess prevalent stressors
and coping strategies within their teams, optimizing their engagement with esport
players within the constraints of their time (e.g. Norris et al., 2017). To inform future
research and applied work on a broader basis, this review also focused on associations
between stressors and coping strategies with other constructs that likely influence esports
players’ experiences (e.g. appraisals, gender dynamics). Additionally, providing a
summary of existing research is also needed to identify gaps in the literature and to
provide ideas for future research. Accordingly, the main aim of this review was to syn
thesize findings on stressors esports players’ experience and coping strategies these
players use to manage the demands in the competitive esports environment. Through
this synthesis, we aimed to identify recurring themes and patterns in stressors and
coping in esports. The secondary aim was to synthesize existing research on the relation
ship between stressors and coping with related constructs, including appraisals (e.g.
threat vs challenge), gender dynamics, emotional responses, and heatlh outcomes. There
fore, this review will highlight directions for future research and facilitates the identifi
cation of common stressors and coping strategies in esports, and their associations
with related constructs, offering a practical resource for coaches and sport psychologists.
Protocol and eligibility criteria
The literature review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
Meta-Analyses guidelines (PRISMA; Page et al., 2021). In addition, we also considered
guidelines for systematic reviews in the field of sport and exercise psychology (Gunnell
et al., 2020; Gunnell et al., 2022), such as publishing study materials and using the
SPIDER framework (Cooke et al., 2012). The SPIDER framework was used to ensure the
identification of studies relevant to the aim of this review, as shown in Table 1 (Cooke
et al., 2012). While stressors referred to ‘environmental demands (i.e. stimuli) encountered
by an individual’ (Lazarus, 1999, p. 329), coping referred to ‘constantly changing cognitive
and behavioral efforts to manage specific external and/or internal demands that are
appraised as taxing or exceeding the resources of the person’ (Lazarus & Folkman,
1984, p. 141). Due to the ongoing debate regarding which games represent esports
(e.g. Pedraza-Ramirez et al., 2020), the literature search was restricted to certain competi
tive video games. These games are presented in the online supplementary material
( To narrow our
focus on valid results, unpublished studies were excluded to reduce the risk of bias. Simi
larly, exclusion criteria were applied for psychological (e.g. drug addiction) and physio
logical conditions (e.g. heart disease) as participant health can significantly affect stress
appraisal and coping strategies. The study and protocol were pre-registered through
the Open Science Framework on May 8, 2023:
Data analysis
Selection process
At first, all results (i.e. titles and abstracts) were uploaded to the reference manager soft
ware Mendeley (Version 1.19.8) to check for duplicates. To minimize bias and reduce
errors, two reviewers (authors 1 and 3) independently screened all titles and abstracts,
and then retrieved full-texts for papers that met inclusion criteria for full eligibility screen
ing. Consistency in this approach was maintained by repeating the same process during
the updated search. Uncertainty regarding the inclusion of full-text articles was resolved
through discussion, with no major disagreement. Overall, interrater reliability was κ =
0.99, representing almost perfect agreement (Landis & Koch, 1977). This high level of
agreement between the two researchers could be attributed to factors including the
Synthesis methods
The in-depth analysis was conducted collaboratively by the first and last author and
started with familiarization and initial assessment of the included studies. Relevant sec
tions from each study, addressing stressors and coping strategies, were extracted and
organized in an Excel spreadsheet. Subsequently, the two researchers immersed them
selves in the data, reflecting on the most appropriate way to categorize the information
regarding stressors and coping. To ensure consistency and build upon existing frame
works, the researchers adopted the stressor classification framework proposed by
Didymus et al. (2021), which includes competitive, organizational, and personal stressor
categories. For coping strategies, the framework by Nicholls et al. (2016) was utilized,
including mastery coping, internal regulation, and goal withdrawal strategies. To
ensure accurate and reliable coding, a codebook was used for the analytic process (see
supplementary material). After independently coding the data, the coding of both
reviewers was compared to determine inter-rater reliability. Inter-rater reliability was k
= 0.75 for stressors and k = 0.72 for coping, indicating substantial agreement between
the researchers. Challenges influencing the agreement included incomplete reporting
of stressors and coping contexts and limited access to raw data from identified studies.
The subsequent discussion with the fifth author helped resolve disagreements in
coding the coping strategies. In addition, this discussion prompted the two researchers
to explore alternative ways of coding the stressors due to potential overlaps between
competitive and organizational stressors. Following three additional discussions
between the first and last author, stressors were re-coded into demands associated
directly or indirectly with esports performance in competition and training (i.e. perform
ance stressors), members of the team during and outside of competition (i.e. team stres
sors), interactions and relationships outside the team environment (i.e. social stressors),
the esports organization (i.e. organizational stressors), and personal life outside of
esports (i.e. personal stressors). Both researchers performed this process simultaneously
to ensure consistency and suitability. The verification process revealed no significant dis
agreements regarding the new coding scheme (for the coding spreadsheet, see sup
plementary material). Finally, both stressors and coping strategies were summarized in
a table with representative codes, that provide a comprehensive understanding of the
data. This process was performed by the first author and verified by the last author.
Quality assessment
To assess the quality of the identified studies, an own checklist adapted from the Standard
Quality Assessment Criteria for Evaluating Primary Research Papers (Kmet et al., 2004) was
used. Two researchers independently assessed the quality of each included study using a
three-point-scale (‘1′ = yes, ‘0′ = unclear, and ‘−1′ = no) across nine criteria. These criteria
encompassed methodological appropriateness (‘Was the methodological approach used
in the study appropriate for addressing the research question and problem?), theoretical
framework (‘Is there a clear connection between the research question, methodological
approach, and a reported theoretical framework?’), participant characteristics (‘Are
there sufficient and relevant baseline characteristics or demographic data describing
the participants (e.g. N, age, gender) provided?’), eligibility criteria (‘Are the eligibility cri
teria clearly specified?’), measurements (‘Are the measurement instruments well-
described and suitable for replication?’), data analysis (‘Is the data analysis adequately
described and appropriate?’), reporting the results (‘Are the results adequately detailed?’),
control of confounding and verification procedures (‘Was confounding controlled for or
addressed using verification procedures?’), and acknowledgement of limitations (‘Are
study limitations acknowledged?’). In cases where discrepancies arose between the two
assessors, a consensus approach was employed to resolve disagreements. This involved
the two researchers (authors 1 and 4) discussing their differing assessments and
working together to find a resolution that both agreed upon. Following the independent
quality assessment, the interrater agreement was κ = 0.75, representing substantial agree
ment (Landis & Koch, 1977). Factors contributing to this agreement may include variances
in the interpretation of criteria among researchers and subjectivity in assessing aspects
such as data analysis, control of confounding variables and verification procedures.
Study selection
As shown in Figure 1, the search via databases resulted in 4.120 articles. Following the
removal of 42 duplicates and 882 records marked as ineligible by automation tools,
titles, and abstracts of 3.196 articles were screened. A total of 3097 records were excluded
due to not meeting eligibility criteria (i.e. peer-reviewed studies focusing on stressors and/
or coping in esports), resulting in 99 full-texts for further screening. Of these, 88 were
excluded because: they did not focus on stressors and/or coping (k = 44), they did not
include esports (k = 30), their study design was inappropriate for the research question
(k = 11; e.g. intervention study), or did not appear in peer-reviewed publications (k = 7).
Multiple reasons could be applied to the same article. The search of studies, conducted
through contacting experts, citation searching, reference list searching, and Research
Rabbit, resulted in 3.040 records. This search led to the identification of additional eligible
Study characteristics
Within the 19 identified studies, 15 articles focused on players’ experiences of stres
sors and/or coping strategies, whereas seven articles addressed the association
between stress, coping, and other constructs such as gender, personality or mental
toughness. Several studies covered both aspects (e.g. Poulus et al., 2020; 2022b). In
alignment with the systematic literature review’s objective, the results will be pre
sented in two sections: one for stressors and coping strategies and another for their
relationships with other constructs. Consequently, this review will detail the study
characteristics of stressors and coping first, followed by associations with other con
structs separately.
The following research methods were included in the 15 studies that examined stres
sors and coping (see Table 2), which included five survey studies (Behnke et al., 2021;
Leis et al., 2023; Pereira et al., 2021; Poulus et al., 2020, 2022c), one observational
study (Hussain et al., 2021), and ten interview studies. The interview-based studies
comprised eight semi-structured interviews (Cote, 2017; Himmelstein et al., 2017;
Hussain et al., 2021; Leis et al., 2022; Poulus et al., 2022a; Sabtan et al., 2022; Schubert
et al., 2022; Smith et al., 2019) and one focus-group interview (Polat et al., 2023).
In the seven studies focusing on the relationship between stressors, coping, and other
constructs (see Table 2, highlighted with asterisk), methodologies included six survey
Leis et al. To investigate internal and NR 25 practitioners from a Survey study with participants Internal factors negatively impacting
(2023), GER external factors perceived by variety of esports asked to report the three main performance most frequently
practitioners to negatively (7 female; 8 internal/external factors that included limited coping ability, lack
impact esports players’ performance coaches, negatively influence the of self-confidence, unhealthy
(Continued )
Table 2. Continued.
(Continued )
Table 2. Continued.
as threats.
Problem-focused coping (mastery
coping) was the most frequently
used coping strategy., and both
problem-focused and emotion-
focused coping (internal regulation)
were considered more effective at
reducing stress than avoidance
coping (internal regulation).
Poulus et al. To explore the sources of stress Cognitive-motivational- 270 esports players from Cross-sectional survey with Stressors included performance
(2022c), AUS experienced by competitive relational theory of stress a variety of esports participants asked to list a single (general performance, outcome,
esports athletes. (Lazarus, 2000) Mage = 22.40 (4.12) stressor they had encountered critical moment performance,
years recently when competing in an injury), teammate (teammate
Mexperience = NR open-ended stressor box. communication, teammate mistake,
Mgameplay/week = NR teammate general, anti-social
86.3% non- behavior, criticism), external
professional individuals (crowd, coach, official,
opponent), balancing life
commitments, and technical issues.
Ruvalcaba To understand female gamers’ NR Study 1: 92 gamers (61 Study 1:Survey study No gender difference was observed in
et al. (2018), experiences with positive and female) 13 questions on time spent receiving criticism among gamers
USA * negative feedback and sexual Mage = NR (NR) years playing, frequency of interaction and in negative comments directed
harassment in esports. Mexperience = 3.43 (1.37) with others (1–10), and questions at female (1.6%) and male
years on praise/criticism from male/ streamers (1.8%). Female streamers
Mgameplay/week = 4.90 female gamers. received a higher proportion of
(5.66) hours Study 2: Observation study sexual harassment comment
Study 2: 87 Twitch Text from chat during Twitch (1.83%) than male streamers
streaming players (39 streams (14.284 chat messages). (0.18%).
Sabtan et al. To investigate current coaching NR 4 head coaches, 1 Interviews covering performance Challenges included long practice
(2022), CAN practices and challenges in LoL analyst, 1 general assessment methods, training, hours, player attitudes, mental
professional teams. manager (1 female) general game knowledge, and stress, and other health concerns
Mage = 28.80 (NR) challenges a coach faces in such as back and wrist injuries.
years esports.
Mexperience = NR
Mgameplay/week = NR
Schubert et al. To shed light on the perceptions Classification of doping and 9 male professional Semi-structured interviews Stressors included high-performance
(2022), BEL of doing and performance- enhancement in sport esports players in the covering esports knowledge, pressure, a volatile playing field
enhancing substances in subject to legality and ‘bevestor Virtual perceptions about esports and (annual rhythm with new releases,
professional esports players. (perceived) legitimacy Bundesliga Club FIFA, knowledge and experience patches, and relearning), and rather
(Schubert & Könecke, 2015) Championship’ with performance-enhancing a low prize money with
Mage = NR (range 18– practices, and anti-doping qualification tournaments.
27) efforts.
Mexperience = NR
Mgameplay/week = NR
Smith et al. To extend an understanding of Transactional Model of Stress 7 male CS:GO players Semi-structured interviews Stressors included team issues (e.g.
(2019), UK the stressors that esports and Coping (Lazarus & Mage = 20.57 (2.07) covering stressors and coping communication issues, intra-team
players experience and coping Folkman, 1984) years strategies during the competition criticism), individual issues (life
strategies players use to deal Mexperience = 3.43 (1.37) weekend and general balance and difficulty with
with these stressors. years competitive experience. managing lifestyle), scrutiny and
Mgameplay/week = NR criticism (opposition and social
media), and event issues (e.g. event
audience and media interviews).
Coping strategies were organized
into five forms: emotion-focused-
(e.g. exercise), problem-focused-
(e.g. communicating with
teammate), approach- (e.g. non-
game related group activities),
avoidance-(e.g. not doing
interviews), and appraisal coping
(e.g. re-framing comments from
Smith et al. To examine the predictors of NR 313 competitive Survey including an own stressors Stressors significantly predict sleep
(2022), UK * mental ill health in esports university level measure, Pittsburgh Sleep quality, burnout, and social phobia
athletes. esports athletes from Quality Index, Athlete Burnout anxiety. Stressors, sleep quality,
a variety of esports (30 Questionnaire, Social Phobia burnout, and social phobia anxiety
female) Inventory, General Health were positive predictors of mental
Mage = 19.80 (2.00) Questionnaire – short form, ill health.
years Patient Health Questionnaire,
Mexperience = 2.80 (4.90) and Distress Screener.
Mgameplay/week = NR
Note. Studies highlighted with asterisk indicate those that examined the relationship between stressors, coping, and additional constructs. POL = Poland; USA = United States of America; UK =
United Kingdom; GER = Germany; BRA = Brazil; TURK = Turkey; AUS = Australia; CAN = Canada; BEL = Belgium; NR = not reported; CS:GO = Counter-Strike: Global Offensive; LoL = League of
studies (Behnke et al., 2021; Pereira et al., 2021; Pereira et al., 2022; Poulus et al., 2020;
Ruvalcaba et al., 2018; Smith et al., 2022), one observational (Ruvalcaba et al., 2018),
and one diary study (Poulus et al., 2022b). Some of these studies employed a combination
of methods.
Study focus
The stressor and coping studies’ research questions focused on various aspects, such as
situations eliciting positive and negative emotions (Behnke et al., 2021), stressors and
coping strategies (Leis et al., 2022; Poulus et al., 2022c; Smith et al., 2019), and challenges
in professional esports teams (Sabtan et al., 2022). Four studies exclusively focused on
competitive contexts (Leis et al., 2022, 2023; Poulus et al., 2022b; Smith et al., 2019),
whereas 11 studies focused on aspects such as challenges experienced by players relating
to training and competition.
On the other hand, the seven studies on relationships focused on esports in general,
including training and competitive contexts (Behnke et al., 2021; Pereira et al., 2021;
Pereira et al., 2022; Poulus et al., 2020; Poulus et al., 2022b; Ruvalcaba et al., 2018;
Smith et al., 2022). The studies focused on the relationship between emotions and
gaming situations, distress, anxiety/depression symptoms, big five personality traits,
mental toughness, stress, stress appraisal, coping effectiveness, predictors of mental ill
health, and feedback and sexual harassment, including coping strategies, in esports.
Sample characteristics
Among the 15 studies focused on stressors and coping strategies, sample sizes varied,
ranging from 5 to 652 participants, with an average of 93.3 participants (SD = 183.1).
Gender information was absent in one study (Polat et al., 2023), but the majority of
studies predominantly included male esports players (89%), with none including non-
binary participants. Four out of 15 studies did not report the mean age of their sample
(Cote, 2017; Hong & Connelly, 2022; Polat et al., 2023; Sabtan et al., 2022). Among
studies that did report the average age, the average age of the participants was 22.8
years (SD = 3.1). Moreover, 11 studies did not provide information on player experience,
and 13 studies lacked detail on weekly playing time. Among studies with available
data, the average playing experience was 4.4 years (SD = 2.4), and the mean weekly
playing time was 38.3 h (SD = 26.4). The participants engaged in League of Legends (n
= 10), Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (k = 7), Defense of the Ancient 2 (k = 4), Overwatch
(k = 4), Rainbox Six Siege (k = 5), FIFA (k = 4), Tekken (k = 3), Pro Evolution Soccer (k = 2),
Streetfighter (k = 2), PUBG (k = 2), Fortnite (k = 2), and Valorant (k = 2).
The number of participants across the seven studies ranged from 6 to 617 participants,
with an average of 258.7 participants (SD = 212.1). The total participant pool across all
studies was 1804, with 162 female players (12%). No study reported non-binary partici
pants. The participants had an average age of 22.1 years (2.6). Three out of seven
studies reported player experience (M = 4.4 years; SD = 3.6), and two studies acknowl
edged the hours spent playing per week (M = 23.8; SD = 23.3). Participants were involved
in various esports, including League of Legends (k = 3), Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (k
= 4), Overwatch (k = 2), Defense of the Ancient 2 (k = 2), Rainbox Six Siege (k = 2), FIFA (k =
2), Valorant (k = 1), HeartStone (k = 1). For a brief description of included esports games,
please see supplementary material.
Explored associations
This section investigates the relationships of stressors and coping strategies among ident
ified studies with other constructs, including appraisals (Poulus et al., 2020: Poulus et al.,
2022a), gender (Ruvalcaba et al., 2018), personality (Pereira et al., 2021; 2022), emotional
responses (Behnke et al., 2021) and health outcomes (Pereira et al., 2021; Smith et al.,
2022). Focusing on stress appraisal, Poulus et al. (2020) found that players more frequently
appraised stressors as a challenge (M = 6.2; SD = 2.6) than a threat (M = 4.1; SD = 3.0).
Expanding on this, Poulus et al. (2022a) noted that team stressors were more likely to
perceived stress intensity was negatively associated with mental toughness, while perceived
control was positively associated with mental toughness (Poulus et al., 2020).
Regarding gender dynamics stressors among esports players, Ruvalcaba et al. (2018)
explored feedback and sexual harassment differences. Despite most comments being
neutral for male (96%) and female streamers (93%), female streamers received more posi
tive feedback directed towards themselves (3%) and appearance-related compliments
(37%) compared to males (1% and 8%, respectively). This feedback coexisted with a
higher incidence of sexual comments for female streamers (approximately 2% vs. 0%).
Stressors also impact emotional responses and mental health outcomes (Behnke et al.,
2021; Smith et al., 2022). Behnke et al. (2021) found that anger and sadness are related to
performance and team stressors. Specifically, they found anger was associated with team
issues (43%), negative performance outcomes (28%), and opponents’ actions (20%), while
sadness was primarily associated with negative performance outcomes (45%) and under
performing (25%). Examining stressors, including team and performance stressors, Smith
et al. (2022) identified a negative impact on sleep quality and a positive prediction for
burnout and social phobia anxiety. The most influential predictors across the three
social phobia anxiety components were personal concerns and in-game pressure (27%
fear, 16% avoidance, 16% physiological symptoms).
With a focus on coping strategies, Pereira et al. (2021) observed that both effect sizes
were small, with a stronger association of maladaptive coping with anxiety symptoms (r =
0.14**) compared to adaptive coping (r = −0.06**). The coping strategies categorized as
maladaptive coping also correlated with sleep disturbances, alcohol consumption and
poor eating habits (i.e. internal regulation, goal withdrawal), whereas adaptive coping
related to better sleep, reduced alcohol intake, and healthier eating habits (i.e. mastery
coping). Another study found several personality factors were positively associated
with the Athletic Coping Skills Inventory-28 (ACSI-25BR) dimensions, with conscientious
ness related to emotion-focused coping (internal regulation) and neuroticism correlating
with coping skills for adversity, motivation, and being worry-free (Pereira et al., 2022).
Quality assessment
The quality assessment of the 19 studies against nine criteria generally suggests good
quality of the included studies. Across all criteria, studies received a range of two to
nine ‘yes’ ratings (M = 6.4, SD = 2.3), zero to five ‘no’ ratings (M = 1.4, SD = 1.5), and zero
to five ‘unclear’ ratings (M = 1.2, SD = 1.4), as shown in Table 5. Specifically, the methodo
logical appropriateness (item 1) and reporting of results (item 7) received 18 ‘yes’ ratings
and one ‘unclear’ rating each. However, six ‘no’ scores were reported for the theoretical
framework (item 2) and participant characteristics (item 3), while eligibility criteria (item
4) and control of confounding variables (item 8) received five ‘no’ scores each. Overall,
studies demonstrated variability in meeting the nine criteria, highlighting areas for con
sideration in the interpretation of the findings.
The purpose of this systematic review was to provide an overview of the existing literature
on stressors and coping strategies in esports, while demonstrating their relationship with
related constructs such as appraisals and gender. Adhering to the PRISMA guidelines
(PRISMA; Page et al., 2021) and guidelines for systematic reviews in the field of sport
and exercise psychology (Gunnell et al., 2020; Gunnell et al., 2022), we synthesized
findings from 19 studies. Specifically, performance stressors, notably performance
pressure, emerged as the most frequently reported stressor, along with team stressors,
social stressors, organizational stressors, and personal stressors. The predominant
coping classification used was internal regulation (e.g. communicating with teammates)
and mastery coping (e.g. increasing effort). Goal withdrawal strategies, such as venting
negative emotions, were infrequently reported. While this review demonstrates the
association between stressors and psychological aspects (e.g. anger, sadness, sleep
quality, burnout), and coping strategies with psychological factors (e.g. mental toughness,
personality traits), there remains limited depth in understanding mediating and moderat
ing factors. For example, the competitive characteristics of participants, such as their
levels of competition (e.g. amateur, professional), roles (e.g. players, streamers), and
specific esports contexts, can influence the stress and coping process. Advancing our
current understanding of stressors and coping strategies in esports is needed to
develop targeted interventions that support esports players’ well-being and performance
in the competitive environment.
Comparison with traditional sports reveals parallels in experienced stressors. Specifi
cally, similarities include performance stressors (e.g. inadequate preparation, injury,
underperformance, opponent rivalry, and self-presentation), team issues (e.g. teammates
behaviors, personality, and goals), organizational stressors (e.g. schedule and time
conflicts), and personal stressors (e.g. academic commitments, balancing personal com
mitments with a job; e.g. Arnold & Fletcher, 2012; Arnold & Fletcher, 2021; Sarkar &
perfectionism, optimism, competitiveness, hope and proactivity; see review by Sarkar &
Fletcher, 2014), and self-confidence (see meta-analysis by Jekauc et al., 2023). Similarly,
while existing evidence in traditional sport has explored variations in factors such as
age, gender, and sports types (e.g. Nicholls & Polman, 2007; Simpson et al., 2021), a
gap exists in the study of similar distinctions among esports players.
Theoretical and methodological limitations in identified studies
A notable limitation of the present review is the paucity in this domain, in comparison to
traditional sports. The lack of studies impairs the comprehensive understanding of how
esports players assess stressors within the esports environment and tailor their coping
responses accordingly. A more detailed understanding is further limited by several of
the included study’s research questions that specifically focused on stressors and
coping in the competitive environment. Since the identified studies primarily focused
on esports players’ experiences of the competitive environment, insights into personal
stressors are limited. However, understanding personal stressors seems of particular
importance as a professional career in esports is considered highly difficult (Salo, 2017;
Smithies et al., 2020) with players struggling to balance life commitments and esports
(Poulus et al., 2022b, 2022c). Similarly, research on shared stressors (demands experienced
by two or more players within a team) and communal coping strategies (collective efforts
to manage a stressor) is limited, restricting understanding of how players collectively
appraise and navigate stressors in esports. There also remains a limited understanding
of the impact of factors such as age, gender (especially among female gamers), cultural
context, and experience on appraisal and coping. Moreover, the quality assessment of
the included studies underscored deficiencies in reporting regarding a theoretical frame
work, participant characteristics, eligibility criteria, and control for confounding variables.
These limitations, in turn, constrain the interpretation of their findings.
For instance, the classification of ‘partying’ as internal regulation, despite its potential
alignment with goal withdrawal, stems from its utilization by players for emotional regu
lation after victories and losses (Leis et al., 2022). Moreover, this review does not provide
detailed insights into protective factors such as motivation, confidence, and perceived
social support (Sarkar & Fletcher, 2014).
Future research
While this review offers valuable insights, several avenues remain limited, offering oppor
tunities for future research. To advance the interpretation of future research, it is crucial
for studies to define key terms, including stressors and coping. Drawing upon Lazarus and
Folkman’s (1984) definition, as presented in our introduction, provides a framework for
conceptualizing stressors and coping strategies in esports. While Nicholls et al.’s (2016)
framework could enhance the categorization of coping strategies, the stressor categories
identified in this review (i.e. performance, team, social, organizational, and personal stres
sors) could foster a better understanding of stress and coping within esports. The devel
opment of the new category, social stressors, may enhance future research by addressing
interactions outside the organization, such as social media, and providing a more holistic
view of stress affecting performers. Furthermore, frameworks, as used in the present
review, should be validated for future relevance, ensuring their applicability to evolving
contexts. To enhance our understanding, contextual reporting of stressors and coping
strategies is crucial. For a broader perspective, future research should examine stressors
by considering the frequency, intensity, duration, perceived controllability, and severity
(e.g. Arnold & Fletcher, 2021). Moreover, exploring personal stressors in greater detail
can inform intervention strategies for players’ personal development, well-being, and per
formance. Future research could enhance our understanding of stressors and coping by
incorporating additional variables such as personality traits, motivation, self-confidence,
perceived support, performance, and well-being. In addition, a dynamic approach
could reveal how appraisal and coping strategies evolve over time in relation to personal
and environmental factors. Studies should also differentiate among various levels of per
formance, considering the definition outlined by Bubna et al. (2023) regarding esport
players and the classification system provided by Poulus et al. (in press). Existing theoreti
cal frameworks, such as the meta-model (Fletcher et al., 2006) may be applied to better
understand how appraisals, coping, and esports performance are related. Similarly,
exploring the effectiveness of combined coping strategies, especially within specific
player demographics (e.g. age, gender, cultural context, performance levels), can lead
to tailored interventions (e.g. Crocker et al., 2015; Tamminen, 2021). For instance, the
research highlighted the role of performance levels, stress appraisal, self-regulation,
psychological skill use, and perceived social support in esports, pointing toward tailored
interventions for specific populations (Poulus et al., 2023; Trotter et al., 2021, 2023). While
initial steps have been taken in developing esports specific interventions, such as work
shops to develop team cohesion (Swettenham & Whitehead, 2022) or adapting coping
effectiveness training for esports contexts (Poulus et al., 2023), future research should
refine and expand upon existing approaches. Exploring individual and collective apprai
sals and coping efforts, such as player-player, player-coach, and player-parent inter
actions, can yield valuable insights into the potential benefits of group-based
Practical implications
Effective intervention strategies should be tailored to individual players (Cottrell et al.,
2019), encompassing the player’s holistic environment, including coaches and staff
(Henriksen et al., 2014). Given research indicating the efficacy of mastery coping in
stress reduction (e.g. Nicholls et al., 2010), players may benefit from teachings on
mastery coping (e.g. goal setting, attention management), supporting players to
control and, thus, eliminate stressors (Nicholls et al., 2016). In contrast, avoiding goal
withdrawal strategies during competitive events seems advisable due to their negative
impact on coping effectiveness. Importantly, this process of change requires time and
effort from players and, potentially sports psychologists (e.g. Henriksen et al., 2019).
Interventions aimed at fostering trust, communication, and team cohesion can
enhance perceived and available social support, supporting players in coordinating col
lective activities under pressure and openly communicating challenges. This approach
facilitates collective problem-solving under pressure and encourages discussions
among teammates, including interactions with sports psychologists, to refine strategies
and address stressors such as online harassment and antisocial behavior (e.g. Swetten
ham & Whitehead, 2022). Practical initiatives, such as tailored workshops, can serve as
effective initial steps in implementing these interventions (e.g. Leis et al., 2023). These
workshops could prioritize discussions on effective communication, nutrition, and
recovery strategies. For example, interventions could focus on enhancing team cohe
sion by fostering players’ self-awareness and understanding of others through colla
borative exploration of their individual strengths profiles (Swettenham & Whitehead,
2022). Encouraging non-game related activities, such as physical exercise (e.g. gym ses
sions and leisurely walks), weekly board game nights, watching movies, or engaging in
hobbies, can positively contribute to player’s overall well-being and team cohesion
(e.g. Pedraza-Ramirez et al., 2024). Encouraging players to openly discuss performance,
organizational, team dynamics, and personal stressors with researchers or stakeholders
can help identify individual challenges and inform more inclusive intervention
Although research on stressors and coping in esports is limited, the present review
provides an overview of the current state of research. The review highlights several
performance, team, social, organizational, and personal stressors. Particularly notable
is the addition of social stressors, which enriches the understanding of stressors in
this performance context. This study further emphasizes mastery, internal regulation,
and goal withdrawal coping strategies in esports. Thereby, this review provides a prac
tical resource for players and coaches and offers a starting point for future research on
stressors and coping in esports. In conclusion, exploring appraisal and coping as a
dynamic process with interpersonal elements, and different effectiveness across
diverse populations while accounting for personal and environmental aspects can
pave the way for targeted interventions that support performance and well-being in
We would like to thank all authors that responded to our requests.
Author contributions
Oliver Leis Conceptualization, Methodology, Study Selection Process, Data analysis, Risk
of Bias Assessment, Writing – Original Draft, Project Administration; Benjamin T Sharpe:
Methodology, Writing – Review & Editing; Critical Friend; Vincent Pelikan: Study Selec
tion Process; Julian Fritsch: Quality Assessment, Writing – Review & Editing; Adam
Nicholls: Critical Friend, Writing – Review & Editing; Dylan R Poulus: Methodology,
Data Analysis, Writing – Review & Editing.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
This research did not receive grants from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-
profit sectors.
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