Someone Made This I Dont Know Who or What It Is

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Muster armies
2. Determine Mission – randomly select 1 of each: Deployment, Mission Rule, Primary Mission.
3. Read Mission
4. Place Objective Markers
5. Create The Battlefield – Terrain features should not be set up with any impassable sections (such
as the walls of a ruin) within 1” of any objective markers.
6. Determine Attacker and Defender – Roll off. Winner is picks to be either Attacker (Red
deployment) or Defender (Green deployment). Defender will deploy first.
7. Select secondary missions – secretly pick 2 Fixed missions or that you are instead going to be
doing Tactical missions. Fixed missions are always active and can’t be discarded. Tactical
missions are randomly picked from the full list of Secondaries: At the start of your Command
phase randomize until you have a total of 2 active missions; Can use New Orders Stratagem; An
achieved or canceled mission can’t be randomized again; at the end of your turn, you can cancel
one or more of your active Secondary Mission cards and if it is not BR 5, gain 1CP
8. Declare Battle Formations – secretly note down and reveal: Which leaders will start the battle
attached and if so – to which bodyguard unit; which units start embarked in which Transports;
which units start the battle in Reserves (including Strategic Reserves). No more than half of units
and points can start in Reserves. Units embarked in Transports that are in reserves also count.
Reserves can only arrive in BR2 and BR3; and units that haven’t arrived are considered
destroyed. Units placed into Strategic Reserves are exempt from this.
9. Deploy Armies – Starting with Defender, alternating 1 by 1 unit. Models must be deployed
wholly within deployment zones.
10. Determine First turn – roll off. Winner gets first turn

11. Resolve Pre-Battle Rules – alternate starting with 1 player


12. Begin the Battle – Each player can score max 50VP from primary and/or gambit, 40VP
from secondaries and get 10VP for painted armies, for a total of 100VP. Fixed players can score
max 20VP per secondary. At end of BR3 generate gambits: Pick 2 at random to choose from. Can
choose neither. This is all done in secret and revealed simultaneously. The player attempting a
gambit can‘t score any more VP as listed on the Primary and scores further VP as listed on the
gambit instead
13. End the Battle – end after BR5. If one player has no models in their army remaining, the
other player can continue to play out their turns until end of BR5.
14. Determine Victor

New Orders Stratagem

WHEN: End of your Command phase.
TARGET: One of your active Secondary Mission cards.
EFFECT: Discard it and draw one new Secondary Mission card.
RESTRICTIONS: You can only use this Stratagem once per battle.
1 2 3

4 5
Action – unit that‘s not BShocked and is eligible to shoot. Can‘t shoot or charge this turn.
Resurrecting units count multiple times when destroyed.
# Text
Priority BR 2-5: end of your Command phase 5VP per obj (max 10VP per turn)
Targets End: 5VP per obj (max 15VP)
BR 2-5: 1 action in your Shooting phase. At start of your next command phase, if that
unit is within 1“ of a controlled obj – remove it.
2 BR 2-4: end of your Command phase 5VP per obj (max 10VP per turn)
BR 5: 1st player same as 2-4. 2nd player at end of turn instead
End: 5VP if an obj was removed by you in No Man‘s & 10 VP if in enemy deployment
Take and BR 2-4: end of your Command phase 5VP per obj (max 15VP per turn)
Hold BR 5: 1st player same as 2-4. 2nd player at end of turn instead
End of BR: 4VP if opp unit is destroyed & 4VP if more opp units than friendly destroyed
this BR.
Purge the
4 BR 2-4: end of your Command phase 4VP if control an obj & 4VP if control more than
BR 5: 1st player same as 2-4. 2nd player at end of turn instead
BR 2-4: end of your Command phase 3VP per obj +3VP if your Character on that obj
Sites of
5 (max 15VP per turn)
BR 5: 1st player same as 2-4. 2nd player at end of turn instead
Remove all objs from No Man’s except the one closest to center. 1 action in your
Shooting phase. At end of your turn setup 1 obj within 1” of that unit exactly 9” from
6 The Ritual another obj and not within 6” of another obj.
BR 2-4: end of your Command phase 5VP per obj (max 15VP per turn)
BR 5: 1st player same as 2-4. 2nd player at end of turn instead
7 Deploy Objs in middle are Servo-skulls. End of turn: skulls can be moved by controlling player
Servo-skulls 6“. Can‘t end on other obj, model or inside impassable terrain parts (e.g. ruin walls)
End of your 2-5 turn: 2/7/15VP for each controlled skull wholly within 12“/6“/0“ of
opp deployment.
2 random No Man‘s objs are Alpha and Omega.
BR 2-3: end of your Command phase 5VP per obj in no man’s
Start of BR 4: Remove Alpha.
8 Supply Drop BR 4: 8 end of your Command phase 8VP per obj in no man’s
Start of BR 5: Remove all No Man‘s objs except Omega.
BR 5: 1st player end of your Command 15VP for omega. 2nd player at end of turn
If Mission rule = Hidden Supplies, replace this primary
Remove obj marker closest to center.
9 Vital Ground BR 2-4: end of your Command phase 2/6VP if you control obj in your/opp deployment;
5VP for each No Man’s obj.
BR 5: 1st player same as 2-4. 2nd player at end of turn instead

# Mission rule Text

Player placed objs: roll off and alternate. 1 obj must be wholly within each
deployment, others wholly within No Man’s. 6”+ away from edges, 9”+ away from
1 other objs. If you can’t fit requirements – don’t place. Extra objs are placed the same
way if they are placed during setup. If objs need to be removed, do so after setting
all of them up.
Tactical secondaries use 3 cards instead of 2. Fixed secondaries get 1 Tactical card
Targets of slot to play with just like a Tactical player (but only drawing Tactical cards; can’t
Opportunity discard them to get CP; can use New orders after drawing their Secondary Mission
Setup +1 obj in No Man’s. Unless “Chosen Battlefield” rule, players first move center
3 obj 6” directly to any corner of battlefield (if No Man’s touches a corner, that must
be the corner to move to). Setup the new obj diagonally opposite of the moved obj.
Infiltrators can’t setup/Scouts can’t scout move onto/Reserves or Strat Reserves
4 can’t land onto an obj if it’s in No Man’s or Enemy deployment. Redeploy can’t land
onto an obj if it’s in No Man’s.
5 BR 1-2: Roll D6 if a Reserve unit wasn’t to arrive. 1-2 the Reserve unit doesn’t arrive.
Maelstrom of 2 more random mission rules apply. If “Chilling Rain” is one of them, 2 more random
Battle mission rules apply (3 total)
7 Minefields Advance roll of 6 = 1 MW
8 Supply Lines 1CP on a 4+ if you control obj in your deployment at start of your Command phase
9 Chilling Rain Nothing
10 Vox Static Command Re-roll and New Order strats cost 2CP
In each of your command phases, the first time you draw Secondaries, draw 1 more
11 Secret Intel
and discard 1 active Secondary.
Sweep and Objs controlled at end of your Command phase stay controlled until opp controls
Clear them at end of any subsequent Command phases.

# Secondary Text
1 Behind Enemy End of your turn: 1/2+ non-Aircraft units wholly within opp deployment –
Lines achieved 2/4VP. Tactical gives 3/5VP instead
Fixed: opp Character destroyed = 4VP. Tactical: end of your turn: achieved 5VP if:
2 Assassination
a) 1+ opp Character destroyed this turn b) all opp Characters already destroyed.
Destroyed opp Monster/Vehicle give 2/3/4/5 VP if they have <10/10+/15+/20+
3 Bring it Down
If you score any VP, this mission is achieved. Tactical gives 3/4/5/6 VP instead, but
max 8VP total.
End of your turn: 1+ non-BShocked unit from your army is wholly within 3/4 table
Engage on All quarters and 3”+ away from other quarters – achieve 2/4VP. If you get this
Fronts secondary with <3 non-BShocked units, you can discard and draw another
secondary instead. Tactical gives 3/5 VP instead.
End of your turn: if you control an objective that was controlled by opp at start of
Storm Hostile turn OR opp didn’t control any obj and you control an obj you didn’t control at
Objective start of turn – achieve 4VP. Tactical achieves 5VP instead. Can’t be achieved BR1, if
randomly picked BR1, shuffle back and random another one.
Actions in your Shooting phase. End of your turn: cleanse controlled objs not
6 Cleanse within your deployment, that these units are within. 1/2+ cleansed = achieve
2/4VP. Tactical achieves 3/5 VP instead.
Deploy Teleport 1 action in your Shooting phase. At end of your turn, if that unit is within opp
Homer deployment/within 6” of center – achieve 2/4VP. Tactical achieves 3/5VP instead.
Investigate Actions in your Shooting phase. End of your turn: within 9” of each corner of
Signals battlefield with any of these units – achieve 2VP for each corner
End of opp turn (or battle): you control an obj in your deployment – achieve 3VP.
9 Can’t be achieved BR1, if randomly picked BR1, shuffle back and random another
Secure No
10 End of your turn: you control 1/2+ objs in No Man’s – achieve 2/5VP.
Man’s Land
End of your turn: 1+ your non-BShocked units wholly within 6” of center and no
11 Area Denial
enemy units wholly within 3/6” of center – achieve 3/5VP.
While active each time enemy unit destroyed – 2VP (max 5VP). If any VP scored
12 No Prisoners
during a turn, then this is Achieved.
End of your turn: 1+ objs in controlled in your deployment and 1+ in No Man’s –
Extend Battle
13 achieve 5VP. If only 1 unit remains in your army: End of turn: an obj controlled in
No Man’s Land – achieve 2VP
Overwhelming While active: each time opp unit within obj is destroyed – 3VP (max 5VP). If any VP
Force scored during a turn, then this is achieved.
A Tempting
15 Opp selects 1 obj in No Man’s. End of your turn: control it – achieve 5VP
Capture Enemy
16 End of your turn: 1+ obj in opp deployment – achieve 8VP

# Gambit Text
End of your turn 5: 1+ of your non-BShocked units wholly within 9” of a Battlefield
Orbital Strike Corner and those units are not within your deployment – roll 2d6. +1 for every
Coordinates corner that has 1+ of your non-BShocked and non-engaged units wholly within 9” of
it. If 12+ – score 30VP.
End of your turn 5: roll D6 for each enemy in engagement. +1 if that enemy is
Delaying BShocked and -1 if 1+ of your units in the engagement are BShocked. 4+ = that
Tactics enemy unit is delayed. If # of units delayed >= half # of enemy units engaged (round
up) at end of your fifth turn (min 4) – score 30VP.
End of your turn 5: roll D6 for of your units wholly within 6” of center. -1 if
Emergency BShocked. 4+ = evacuated. If evacuated >= half # of your units that are on the
Evacuation battlefield (round up), including units in Transports that are on battlefield (min 4) –
score 30VP.
Tactical objectives:

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