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Enron was an energy based company formed in 1986 following merger between Houston Natural
Gas Company and Omaha-based InterNorth Incorporated. After the merger, Kenneth Lay, who had
been the chief executive officer (CEO) of Houston Natural Gas, became the chairperson of Enron’s

Enron Corporation

Lay quickly rebranded Enron into an energy trader and supplier. Deregulation of the energy markets
allowed companies to place bets on future prices. In 1990, Lay created the Enron Finance
Corporation and appointed Jeffrey Skilling, whose work as a McKinsey & Company consultant had
impressed Lay, to head the new corporation. Skilling was then one of the youngest partners at

Enron company divided operations in several major departments, including:

 Enron Online: In late 1999, Enron built its web-based system to enhance customer
functionality and market reach.
 Wholesale Services: Enron offered various energy delivery solutions, with its most robust
industry being natural gas. In North America, Enron claimed to deliver almost double the
amount of electricity compared to its second tier of competition.
 Energy Services: Enron's retail unit provided energy around the world, including in Europe,
where it expanded retail operations in 2001.
 Broadband Services: Enron provided logistical service solutions between content providers
and last-mile energy distributors.
 Transportation Services: Enron developed an innovative, efficient pipeline operation to
network capabilities and operate pooling points to connect to third parties.

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