Climatology Previous Year Question Paper
Climatology Previous Year Question Paper
Climatology Previous Year Question Paper
nta ins 4 pr int ed pa ge s
[This qu es tio n pa pe r co
... .
Yo ur Ro ll No .... ... ....
per : 7 5 0 7
Sr. No. of Question Pa
Unique Pa pe r Co de
Name of the Pa pe r
y - CBCS
B.A. (Hons.) Geograph
Name of the Co ur se
Se me ste r
M ax im um M ark s : 7 5
Du rat ion : 3 Ho ur s
id at es
In str uc tio ns fo r Ca nd
tel y on rec eip t of
1. W rit e yo ur Ro ll
No. on the top im me dia
thi s qu es tio n pa pe r.
co mp uls or y.
2. Al l qu es tio ns are
eq ua l ma rk s .
3 . All qu es tio ns ca rry ma ps .
ste nc il is all ow ed fo r dr aw in g ou tli ne of
4. Us e of
Hi nd i; bu t the
sw ers ma y be wr itt en eit he r in En gli sh or
5. An e pa pe r.
be us ed thr ou gh ou t th
sa me :rpedium sh ou ld
atm ospher
dif fer en t gases in the
1. Di scu ss the rol e of n wi • d~
th al htu ~I
n in it's co mp os itio
ex pla in the va ria tio OR /3T~rcfl
ll ir ~ ice s of
u .t t~ c tt ~ ~ < De sc rib e the ind
~ ~ _1 'A 'm by hu mi dit y.
<fit ~ I What do you mean
~ ~ <tt ~ ms of co nd en sat ion .
humidity an d for
~ t I antoT ~ ~ ~
OR /an .rc n TIT
~~ 3lttr qtl f
tio n of temp
co un t of the dis tri bu
Gi ve a rea so ne d ac cfiT <!UR~ I
ce :
on the ea rth ' s su rfa eir
rib e in de tai l th
ica l cy clo ne ? De sc
4. What is ex tra -tr op th it.
cia ted wi
er co nd iti on s as so
formation and we ath
sc rib e in de tai l the
pla ne tar y t?~~
2. W ha t is wi nd ? De ~~~~
sy ste m. -man cfiT ~ q$ f ~ , ·
OR/~ Mo ns oo n..
an d me ch an ism of
Discuss the ori gin
affecting an d th~ distribution of
Di scu ss the factors
be lts on the ea rth
,. ll . ..
on an y tw o of th e 10 ow mg
5. Write sho rt no tes
us typ es and
sc rib e it ' s va rio
3. De fin e clo ud . De
P .T .O .
sig nif ica nc e.
f t~
; l
. -k:J·- . ,. . . . . . . . ·-'---------~~ ---~ ·.. ··::-.::: _
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This questio n paper contai ns 3 printed pages I .tl'.ofi:1
I} -
Roll No. IIIIII\\\\\\ l~~J-
S. No. of Questi on Paper : 1652 ~::t
Unique Paper Code : 229I0 2 F
Duration : 3 Houn
: B.A. (Hons.) Geogr aphy
: I
Maxim um Marks : 75
(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of
this question paper.)
m should be
Note Answers may be writte n either in English or in Hindi; but the same mediu
used throughout the paper.
R.~on :·:,~ '. -~~1.l?r 'cfij ·~ ::84u¼ft .l:ft ~ ,,fcfim: -~ '. ~ :-~ ~ ; -~ :lr4T ~ -
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All questiqris are compulsory.
All qtie~ti
ons~~arry equal
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~ am: ?ttgaff ~ cf>RTJT ctlg4 o:g~ cfft ~ ~ f'Rm cfi1 fqtjif1 cf>lf'1il{
,&::\'b:¥t ) rft!S
( 2 )
(~ ,
the sunac
e of the Earth, ~ Explain
• 'b tion on .
rature d1str1 u . . . "f
~ -!:+ olli&4T ct>I '11Q.
ff ss the factors affecting tempe "360icfifc
ISCU ~ ·~ cf>l.(q')I q')I
cl>1 ci:nfc@ ct><.~ . ~,~
1I~ -q'{ ai4411 fqff(OI "Sr • belts~ Write ~
. f. lobal pressure
. to the formation o g . .. . - (a) l
2. Discuss the factors leading . rr ""'"1 r._jfu
...,, I' "-
~ q@. 'cfi-1-{ct>...,.'~>I -!:+ oljj:@ll,
q, I
~ cilgc!.1~ ~ cl>1 -srcqffera . (b) I
. Or
Discuss the forces affecting wind~ . .
~ cfil " S r ~ ~ qffi ·.~ ~-~ · c4'1@'1_: ct>l"f'11Q. _' ./
. . ~
What are the various' forms of condensado~ ? Disctrs;,- -;ny one form in detail.
'' ' I
1652 ~
( 3 )
Explain the mechanism and distribution of Tropical
(a) Troposphere
( b) Instability of atmosphere .
(a) Humidity
("@) qfgii-s{1 11 ~ -.
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.. _-.:.<; 1652 3
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_ · _ _ CD cc
page s .
0/ 2-
[This que stio n pap er conta111s prin 2
· Duration 3 Hours
Maximum Marks 75
1. ~~-~~~tt~~~
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cfil~q I
4. ·~~~ -~~qil~~,
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satisfy I ~~ci:-~ct\T~,~~~qif~~,
ab out tl
befo re t
5. \TI«r~~-"tf<~~'qo Rcf7~ctif ~~ I
they wi
for any
"31SUT ~ ~sfiqk1Y tfi ~ , ~~- ~ -~ ~
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pe r co nt ai ns 2 p, 111ted pa ges. ............ .
11is question pa Your Ro ll No. ....
: 8219 GC
Co de : 12291301
Unique Pa pe r
w ge og ra ph ic
factorg : Climatology
: B.A. (Hons.) G
: 3 hours
: 75
s queslion paper.)
tely on rec~ipl ofthi
. on ;he top immedia
(Write yo ur Roll No RT" ~ ~
-tr ifirrc ~ ~ f.trlfftrr fllF f r,r JTI
(~ rmr-rr:r <t fllrrrr used
medium should be
gl ish or in Hi ndi; but the same
·m ay bepawr itten ei th er in En
Ahnswers per.
1ium in India. t ro ug ho ut th e
itude and season
mp~siti~ '\o f -~onosphere with alt
tion -in the co
Discuss the varia ~I
~ aftt. 1fRN cfi" ~ cf@fcf{Uf ~ O r( ~ ) _ ,
. .
ibution of tem perature. .
!i]~11. -,- - ;: :~ ;-- :;f. fe ct ing..di"--str
----- . - ~
D is c~ s di: ~e n~
~m qffi ~ 41~·-cnr ~
ijJ tJl iR cf," .fcrffiut qj1'
bal pressure belts
s an d distribution of ¥lo
< 6 fq U f; r~ ,
thi:: fa ct or
Discuss ft r~
-c f, 1 ~ c fi B < ff fi ~ 3
~~~ O r( ~ ) -
es affecting wind
Discuss the forc
~ cJ@T ~ <6T
ff i ~ I
cl'Tg cf; ~ qj)- ~
y of the atmosph
'ty and instabilit
. · the stab'J
D ·~ ,
2 This question pap
SI. No. of Ques. J
Or (31'fiff) Unique Paper Cc
Wbot ,re the v,riou, fonn• of ,ondcnsot;on? rnscuss any """ form ;n detail. Name of Paper
,.,,,.-- ~::------- ~ -
-- . Give an a
,.:..!· ~ - -
,,,. __:....,_~ -- 'lffil"'ll -fc
2. Discuss I
'qffif -q ~
~! I
'qffif -q
,3. Discuss
-. 90
Tliis qi ·estion papcl' contains 3 printed pages.
Your I<olt No . ... .. ................. ...... .. .. ..
r···'·· , m,·RR-w ct; ~ ii oiw ftq .,,1) Ailffld
~W~/l~ '4 fdflritJ
·. P. T. 0~
2 the cl
26.59 pisc uss
4. tone s.
eye .
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~ I
1. Discuss the stru ctur e of the atm osp here .
Or .(ar11c1r) ·.
(d) -~
Discuss the various tyPes of Cloud s.. . ,.. . .
cf>lf-.J1Q. I
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