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Isnaini Achmad Renaldi







The goal of this research is to identify a problem that exists at this school and to
investigate it further. The research object was selected based on a survey and the
researcher's assessment of what makes this location special. The researcher will request
the data as needed to conduct the research and hopes to be able to finish it entirely and
acquire a reliable data source.

One method for teaching reading that is easy to use and has straightforward
phases is the PQRST strategy. Numerous earlier studies have been conducted that are
pertinent to this one. Dewi conducted the first previous study in 2019, and the findings
indicated that the PQRST approach has an impact on students' reading comprehension
because there is a difference in test scores between the pre- and post-test.

the third prior study, which was carried out in Sholikah 2019, data was gathered
by administering tests (pre- and post-test) to the experimental group. In order to
determine whether a student's score changed before and after learning the PQRST
technique, the researcher administered pre- and post-tests. There has been a noticeable
improvement when comparing the pre- and post-test results. It indicates that improving
children' reading scores through the use of the PQRST (preview, question, read, state,
and test) strategy is successful.

Additionally, Wati 2020 did the prior research, which also utilised a quasi-
experimental research method. Data was collected by administering a pre- and post-test
in a class experiment and a class control; the test consisted of 20 multiple-choice items.
The independent sample t-test was computed using SPSS for data analysis. The data
analysis result indicates that the PQRST Strategy has a considerable impact on pupils'
reading comprehension.
The result of preliminary research by interviewed the English teacher of SMP
PGRI 2 Sukadana Agustian Reonitama, S.Pd. In teaching reading the teacher uses
skimming and scanning strategy especially teaching the reading descriptive text. But he
said that there were several problems in the teaching and learning process of reading.
The first, students had difficulties in understanding reading texts including descriptive
text due to lack of mastery of grammar. The second is students feel difficulties in
finding the meaning of text. The last the lack of concentration of students in the
teaching process especially reading descriptive text.

Besides conducting interview to the teacher. All students were also given questionnaire
to know the necessity and the weakness of students. It was found that most students had
assumptions that English was a difficult subject. Especially in reading a text, students
find it difficult to understand a reading because of the weak mastery of vocabulary and
the inability to understand a reading text including descriptive text. When working on a
descriptive text problem students do not fully understand the meaning in the reading
text because they do not know the meaning

The capacity to comprehend a reading well enough to sum it up is known as

reading comprehension. The capacity of students to deduce and comprehend the major
ideas and content for accurate reading is known as reading comprehension skills. The
student's reading objectives are as follows: 1) identify the main idea, sentence,
paragraph, or discourse; 2) identify the key points; 3) comprehend the instructions and
flow; 4) identify the structure of the reading materials; 5) identify visual images and
other reading images; 6) draw a conclusion; 7) infer the meaning and conclusion; 8)
summarise the discourse read; 9) discern between opinions and facts, and 10) gather
data from a range of sources, including digital annotation tools, atlases, encyclopaedias,
and maps (Azmuddin et al., 2020).

The instructor may give a reading comprehension test to gauge the pupils'
proficiency. This exam measures your capacity to read written materials that have been
supplied by other people. The purpose of the reading skill exam is to gauge pupils'
comprehension of the material or subject they have read. As a result, material that
requires student comprehension must be included in the discourse exam (Irwansyah &
Nurgiyantoro, 2019). Students' comprehension of the material they are given and their
ability to retain and analyse it is assessed using another reading proficiency exam
(Febrina et al., 2019).
According to reading intelligence test findings, pupils must be able to evaluate
particular details in an essay they have read. They watch, recognise, sort
communications and opinions, and so forth. This task requires more cognitive work
than just comprehending the discourse material. A more critical comprehension and
detail to identify a more particular section from an essay is another necessary reading
comprehension skill. Through synthesis capabilities, this reading aptitude exam can
relate to and generalise discourse concepts. These abilities, which include the ability to
forecast and solve problems, are part of synthetic level cognitive activity. These are
sophisticated and difficult tasks (Lazarus, 2020; Salem, 2018).
The main reading issue that frequently affects children whose first language is
not English was revealed by Saraswati (2021) in her study on the difficulty pupils have
understanding what they read, which was gathered through reading comprehension
assessments for eighth-grade students. Among these issues is the inability to understand
written material. Additionally, the language is not commonly taught to students.
The elements that affect reading comprehension as well as the techniques
employed by EFL learners in reading comprehension were examined by Riadil (2020).
Li (2021) looked on the causes of English language learners' (ELLs') problems
with reading comprehension. The findings revealed that while the two groups did not
differ in higher-level skills, ELL poor comprehenders scored lower than EL1 poor
comprehenders in vocabulary breadth, listening comprehension, and morphological
awareness. There includes discussion of the theoretical and instructional ramifications
for identifying and teaching ELLs who struggle with comprehension.

a. Objectives of the research

Based on the formulation of the problem, the objective of the research is: To
know perception of using PQRST (Preview, Question, Read, State, Test)
strategy towards students‘ ability in reading explanation text at the second
semester of the eleventh grade of SMA Pesantren Putri Yatama Mandiri.

b. Research Gap

Examining student perception of PQRST on students at the Yatama Mandiri Women's

Islamic Boarding School

c. Significance of the research

The researcher anticipates that some parties may benefit from the research's findings.

1. Theoretically: to bolster earlier hypotheses regarding how the PQRST technique

affects students' comprehension of explanation texts.

2. Real-World Importance This study's research remains within the purview of

education. Overall, it is anticipated that the findings of this study will help in reading
instruction. Specifically, it can be used to:

1. To enable the school to assess the level of comprehension of explanation texts

2. This study will assist English teachers in determining the best teaching method for
reading comprehension in explanation texts.

3. For the student Finding of the research will also be useful for the students to improve
their reading ability, especially in reading explanation text.

d. Scope

1. Research topic
The research's subjects were the eleventh-grade students at SMA Pesantren Putri
Yatama Mandiri.

2. The study's goal

Student perception of PQRST (Preview, Question, Read, State, Test) technique and
students' comprehension of explanatory texts were the study's main goals.

3. The researcher conducted the study at SMA Pesantren Putri Yatama Mandiri.
Agustian Reonitama, The English Teacher of SMP PGRI 2 Sukadana, An Interview for
Preliminary Research, (January 14th,2019), Unpublished

11 The Eighth Grade Students in SMP PGRI 2 Sukadana, An Interview for PrelimInary

Research,(January 14th,2019), Unpublished

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