Long Answer Questions
Long Answer Questions
Long Answer Questions
Answer: Frost presents nature in a very different manner in the poem. Generally poets take the birds
and trees which are known for their beauty and good qualities like peacock, parrot, cuckoo, mynah
and trees full of beautiful flowers and fruits etc. But here Frost has taken a totally different line, he
chooses crow, a bird which is black in colour with very harsh voice and believed to be the symbol of
bad omen. Likewise, hemlock tree is a poisonous plant with white flowers. It means he has left all
the beautiful colours present in the world and has chosen black and white. Actually the poet has
done so to present his mood and feelings. The crow and hemlock tree represent sorrow and
depression felt by him in this materialistic world. On the other hand the dust of snow is the symbol
of natural joy and energy. It means passing through the sad and depressing moments the poet is
entering into the time full of joy and optimism.
2. Positive attitude in life can make the world a better place to live in. Do you agree or disagree with
reference to the poem “Dust of Snow”? Express your views bringing out the inherent values.
Answer. I completely agree with the statement that positive attitude can make the world a better
place to live in Robert Frost, in ‘Dust of Snow‘, talks of how an otherwise bad day altered into a not
so bad one, due to the action of a crow. It was a seemingly disconnected occurrence that brought
about a change of mood in the poet. One lesson that can be learnt from the poet is to see the
brightness amidst the gloom. The crow, the hemlock and the snow are all dark images, and yet, the
poet sees the colour of happiness. Another lesson is that life is made up of small joys. It is through
them that one can always manage to see positivity in negativity.
3. Our attitude towards a situation evokes both negative and positive responses. Analyse this with
reference to the poem, “Dust of Snow” to bring out the inherent valuable lessons.
Answer. Whatever situation life throws at us, it evokes both positive and negative responses. The
poet, in the poem ‘Dust of Snow’, was in a sorrowful mood. However, when a crow shook down the
Dust of snow on him, his bitter mood changed into a more optimistic one. Now, being in a sorrowful
or bad mood already, the poet could have got angry at the crow also. However, the dust of snow
becomes a positive medium of change for him. It made him cheerful to some extent and helped him
forget his sadness, at least for a few moments. Thus, we see that instead of seeing the negative
aspect of a happening, one should see the positive aspect, and one‘s response may greatly affect the
outcome of incidents. Today, when all of us live in stressful atmospheres, the poem teaches us to
gain happiness from little things.