J100E4 Instruction NB524XA
J100E4 Instruction NB524XA
J100E4 Instruction NB524XA
'iliring method is relevant for emission noise and noise immunity keep the fol:::s.::-..5.
Câbl e bl indé, l eng:b. is
Noise filter l ess than 20m.
Note 1
nL is less than 5cm, and put an insulation tube to screened wire.
sulation tube
Less than 5cm
@Signal w1r1ng
Signal source
• Avoid installing this unit in locations which are subjected to high temperatures, high
humidity, or dew condensation. Also avoid locations exposed to dust and dirt, corrosive
gases, coolant mist. The installation location should be a well-ventilated room which is
not exposed to direct sunlight.
• Be sure to install the unit on a perpendicular wall which is not subjected to vibrations.
• The installation wall should be made of steel sheeting or other nonflammable material.
1.3 Do not connect the power supply to the output, this will damage the inverter.
(Ll) (N)
LI L2 1..3 U V W
. .
. · · · · · · ,�lJ
.. -.... -.. ---.. -- .. . :.:.:.:-:-:•:•-=: :·::;;r/·:·.. ,
Power suppl y
1.4 Do not touch the interior of the inverter or put rods or other abjects inside it when
power is applied. Such action can Iead to electrocution and can cause malfunctions.
1.5 When operating a general-purpose motor at a high frequency exceeding 60 Hz, be sure
to verify with the manufacturers the maximüm rpm of the motor and machine.
1.6 Withstand voltage tests and insulation resistance tests (megger tests) are executed
before the units are shipped, so that there is no need to conduct these tests before
When conducting megger tests as a pan of daily inspection, be sure that these tests are only
executed between the main circuit and the ground. Do not execure megger tests on the
control circuit.
1.7 Do not attach or remove wiring or connectors when power is applied. Also, do not
check signais during operation.
/ Mgo (LI) (N)
Power ,-... \A/ · :: LI, U, L3 �--�u. V, W
supptj----0 O -'r'f--0
Tum ON and OFF
(Good example)
1.9 N'insérez pas de condensateurs de facteur de puissance capacitif ou d'absorbeurs de
chocs entre les terminaisons de sortie du variateur et le moteur.
Power r---.
supply r l--'�� INV
1.11 When inspecting the unit, after turning the power suppl y off be sure to wait unit! the
CHARGE lamp beside the control terminal is off before opening the cover.
(If the lamp is lit or still flickering, then the intemal capaciror' s residual voltage is still
The inverter uses man y semiconductor switching elements such as transistors and IGBTs.
Thus, a radio set or measuring instrument located near the inverter is susceptible to noise
To protect the instruments from erroneous operation due to noise interference, they should
be installed well apart from the inverter. It is also effective to shield the whole inverter
Addition of an EMI filter on the input side of the inverter also reduces the effect of noise
from commercial power line on extemal devices.
Note that external dispersion of noise from the power line can be minimized by connecting
an EMI filter on the primary side of invener.
î -3
For cooling purposes, be sure that the inverter is installed vercically. In addition, be sure chat
it is separated from other components and walls. If foreign matter is introduced inco the
interior of the inverter, this may cause malfunctions, so make sure chat no foreign mltter can
enter it.
--+ or
110 cm or mor
(a) (b)
(__s_. _w_,_R_IN_G____________________)
The terminal board will be exposed when the front cover is removed. Wire the inverter in
this scate.
Control circuit
CW = 6.2. M3)
l ����r2lr2l!Zl!Zll
{Ll} (N)
P RB L1 L2 L3 U V W
'---y---' Motor
Power suppl y
• The inverter will be damaged if the power supply is connected to the motor terrninals U,
V and W, so be sure not to make any mistakes.
• If multiple motors are to be connecced, be sure to attach a thermal relay to each motor.
i'\OTE 3: Be sure that the specified grounding is carried out. Be sure to sep:i.rate ü1e unit's
grounding pole from those of other heavy electric machiner;·, and :ivo:d using
common grounding pales.
If multiple inverters are used, make sure that the grounding connections do not
create a loop.
Proper grounding
Inverter @
Inverter @
Inverter @
NOTE 4: When a frequency arrivai signal is used, be sure to install a surge absorbing
diode in p:i.rallel with the relay. Otherwise, the surge voltage created when the
relay goes ON or OFF may damage the AR output circuit.
NOTE 5: Use a twisted and shielded wire for the signal line, and eut the shielded covering
as shown in the diagram below. Make sure that the length of the signal line is 20
meters or less. If the line must be longer than 20 meters, please use a VX appli
cation contrai device RCD-A (remote control device) or CVD-E (insulated signal
�: 'I'
No grounding necessary
Connect to FG (frame ground)
Connection to the Programmable Controller
( 1) When the internai interface power source is uscd
FW p
2 Regenerative resistor
4 3
5 4
6 5 Alarm output
Inverter common
YTS48 type
transistor output module
2 Regeherative resistor
4 3
5 4
6 5 Alarm output
} contact
Inverter common
YTS48 type
transistor output module
NOTE 1: Do not short circuit the terminals PV24 and CM 1 by rrùstake.
The conrrol power supply may cause a failure.
Part description Funct.ion
AC rcactor for Cette partie est utilisée lorsque le déséquilibre est de 3%
improving ou plus et que l'alimentation est de 500 kV A ou plus, et
t.he power factor qu'il y a un changement rapide dans l'alimentation.
(ALI-OOH) Il améliore également le facteur de puissance.
Radio noise filter Using t.he inverter may cause noise on t.he peripher:ù
�ro phase: rcactor) equipment through the power lines.
(ZCL-A) This part reduces noise.
LI l2 L3
(LI) (N) EMI filter for This part reduces common noise generated between
inverter t.he power supply and t.he ground, as well as nonnal noise.
Inverter (IFJ 100- 0 □) Put it in the primary side of inverter.
Cette pièce est utilisée pour les applications qui
U V W Regenerative nécessitent d'augmenter le couple de freinage de
resistor l'onduleur ou d'activer et de désactiver fréquemment et
(RBOOO -□) de faire fonctionner une charge à forte inertie.
Radio noise filter This part reduces noise generated at the output of
�ro phase rcactor) t.he inverter.
(ZCL-A) (It is possible to use for both input and outpul)
AC reactor for Le fonctionnement des moteurs avec le variateur génère
preventing thermal des vibrations plus importantes qu'avec une alimentation
relay maltfunction commerciale.
and reducing Cette pièce installée entre le variateur et le moteur réduit
vibration l'ondulation du couple.
ACL-L- □□) Lorsque le câble entre le variateur et le moteur est trop
long, cette pièce empêche également le mauvais
fonctionnement du relais thermique.
NOTE 1: IFJl00 series filter is required for EMC directive, but others are not for this
Reactor and others of the above table except EMI filter are for general use for
noise reduction.
5.3 Terminal
-@@ P RB LI
L2 L3
Screw diameter Width (mm)
Main circuit M4 5.2 X 5.2
Control circuit M3 1.7 X 3.0
Grounding M4 -
Main circuit
Tenninal . . .
syrnbol I Tennm al.descnpuon I Function
Ll L2 L3
(Ll), (N) Alim principale Brancher l'alimentation électrique
Tightening torque
Screw Tightening torque
M3 0.5 N·m (max. 0. 7 N•m)
M4 1.2 N•m (max. 1.5 N•m)
l Control circuit
Terminal Description et fonction des bornes
symbol Initial setting
Reverse running command
(NO{e 1)
Close: ON (run)
Marche arrière Initializ.ation USP function
TerminaisonS 1 à 5
Reset input (NO{c 2)
Min. ON time:
�ultistage spccd
12 ms or more
Multistage ;peed 2 stage acc./dec. Terminal (Second stage)
(Second stage) time software loci:
Input 2
(NO{e 3) :'vlultistage spccd
Multistage ;pecd Free run stop
(Third stage) (FIJ'St stage)
Exremal DC Extemal trip
Oarnping one of
the above is sclccted.
PV24 Commun pour les signaux d'entrée
Monitor ™ Analog frequency monitor/Digital frequency Analog frequency
signal monitor/Analog output current monitor monitor
CMl Common for monitor
Frequency H Power supply for frequency command 5 voc
Voltage frequency command 0-5 VOC (nominal)
0-10 VOC (nominal)
(Input impedance
30 k.Œ)
or Current frequency command DC4 -20mA
Input impedance
L Common for frequency command
Output 11 Intelligent output terminal Frequency 27VOC
signal One of frequency arrivai signal, RUN signal, arrivai signal 50 mA max
and Over!oad advance notice signal is
CM2 Common for output
Fault alarm ALO Contact rating
(1) (1) Assurez-vous que les lignes d'alimentation (alimentation d'entrée Ll, L2 et L3(N), et
les terminaux de sortie, U, V et W sont correctement connectés.
(2) Make sure that there are no miscakes in the signal line connections.
(4) (4) Veiller à ce que les bornes autres que celles spécifiées ne soient pas mises à la terre.
(5) Make sure chat the inverter is installed vertically on a wall, and a nonflamrnable material
such as a steel plate is used as a mounting surface.
(6) Make sure that there are no short-circuits caused by stray pieces of wire, solderless terminals
or other objeccs lefc from wiring work. Also, make sure chat no tools have been lefc behind.
(7) Make sure thac the output wires are noc short-circuited or grounded.
(9) · Make sure chat the maximum frequency setting matches the machine specifications.
(10) With the digital operator removed, do not operate the inverter. Make sure that the digital
operacor or remote operator is connected before operating the inverter.
6.2 Test de fonctionnement
Voici un exemple de schéma de connexion général.
Fonctionnement avec l'opérateur numérique : Lors du Fonctionnement à partir d'une commande externe :
réglage de la fréquence, faire fonctionner et arrêter avec Lors du réglage de la fréquence, marche et arrêt à
l'opérateur numérique. partir d'une commande externe (FW, RV Temùnal.).
(De la même manière que l'opérateur à distance (DOP) ou le boîtier de commande (OPE-4MJ2,OPE-8MJ2)
la copie avec (DRW)).
Inverter ELB Inverter
Three --o,-:-;:�---o
D- L1 (LI)
phase --O'r,-: L2 Motor
power --i:{:" L3 (N)
supply :
Regenerative Regencrative
braking unit braking unit
400V class: terminal termi.ru.l
Three phase 4WV class:
380 to 4J5V/50Hz Freq uency sen.cr Three phase
4W to 460V/60Hz 380 to 415V/50Hz
400 to460V/60Hz
200V class:
Single phase A L, Fault alarm signal A 2COV class:
220 to240 V AL, {Normal: AL, } Fault ù. ann Single phase
50/60Hz } ALO·ALl:ON 220 to 240 V
signal 50/60Hz
11 Power off:
rt--,,.,.._-'--0 ALO-ALJ: OFF)
-= Ground
Procédure (fonctionnement avec l'opérateur numérique)
(1) (1) Mettez l'ELB sous tension pour alimenter l'onduleur. S'assurer que le voyant !
POWER ! de l'opérateur numérique s'allume.
(2) Make sure that IFI 91 is changed to I I00I, or 1 1021
(3) Press 1 �;c I twice and display !FI 21 .
(4) Set frequency with �. Check the output frequency and direction of revolution.
(5) Press � and start to run.
(Short circuit FW to PV24 or 5(RV) to PV24 when !FI S'.I is set to 1 1021-)
( 6) Press srff'Jl:./'H,f
oP,AESET and decelerate to a stop.
7S Function Contents of Alarm Terminais
Te rminal name: Alarrn terminal Function No. IC 121)
[ALl, AL2-AL0) to be set 1
1 Precautions 1
1 Function content j • Maintien d'un signal d'alarme
Lorsqu'un signal d'alarme est émis, le
• When an alarm occurs, the fonction contenu de l'alarme est stocké même si
outputs an alann signal from the terminais l'alimentation est coupée. Par conséquent,
en remettant l'appareil sous tension, le
[ALO], [ALI], and [AL2] via the c con contenu peut être confirmé. Cependant,
ta.et. If this occurs, the operator displays lorsque l'alimentation est coupée, la sortie
the alarm content. d'alarme sera réinitialisée (annulée) lors
de la prochaine mise sous tension. Par
1 Terminal setting method 1 conséquent, pour maintenir la sortie
alarrn, maintenez l'alarrn une fois par la
.- Digital operator -----------, séquence externe, puis coupez
l'interrupteur d'alimentation de
• "a contact" or "b contact" can be
• Lorsque la sortie de contact d'alarme est
selected by I C / 21 /. activée pendant le fonctionnement normal
• The initialization is "b contact". (b conta.et), un délai d'attente se produit
jusqu'à ce que le contact soit fermé lorsque
l'appareil est mis sous tension. Par
conséquent, lorsque la sortie de contact
d'alarme doit être utilisée, régler un délai
d'environ 2 secondes lors de la mise sous
tension. (Dans le cas d'un contact b, le
contact peut se fermer à la mise sous
tension ou hors tension. Si un défaut peut
en résulter, prévoir un verrouillage dans le
Contact specification circuit externe).
Maximum Minimum
AC 250V, 2.5A (load R) 0.2A (coso=0.4) AC 100 V, 10 rnA
DC 30 Vm, 3.0A (Joad R) 0.7 A (coso=0.4) DC 5 V,100 mA
The alarrn output terminais are connected as shown in Fig. (a) at the rime of initialization. They
can be changed as shown in Fig. (b) by setting IC 121 !.
(a) b cont.act (at the time of initializatioo) (b) a cont.act
During normal rumùng When an alarm occu" During normal runrùng When an alarm ocam
or power is tumed off or whc:n power is wmed off
1� � 9 - 0 1�
�Jî �r w �r�
Cont.act I Power IRunning saie ALCMLl Al.O·Al..2 Contact I Power RuMing Sl31C Al.O•ALl ALO-Al..2
b O:S: l\"ormal Closed Open ON l\"ormal Open Oosed
(Initiali=:1 o:,; Abnormal O pen Closed a 1 ON Abnormal Closed Open
value) _ OFF Oosed
OFF O pen Closed - Qpcn