X-Geo-Ho-5-Chapter-5-Minerals and Energy Resources-2024-2025
X-Geo-Ho-5-Chapter-5-Minerals and Energy Resources-2024-2025
X-Geo-Ho-5-Chapter-5-Minerals and Energy Resources-2024-2025
1 ‘Minerals are an indispensable part of our lives’. Justify the statement. 3
i) In all stages of life, human beings have used minerals for their livelihood,
decoration, festivities, religious and ceremonial rites.
ii) The railway lines, the tarmac of the roads, our implements and machinery are
made from minerals.
iii) Almost everything we use, from a tiny pin to a towering building or a ship, all
are made up of minerals.
2 How do geologists define a mineral? How many minerals have been identified so 2
i) Geologists define mineral as a ‘homogenous naturally occurring substance with a
definable internal structure’.
ii) Over 2000 minerals have been identified. Only a few minerals are found
abundantly in most of the rocks.
3 Define rocks. 1
Rocks are combination of homogenous substances called minerals.
4 Which are the properties used by the geologists to classify minerals? 2
i) A particular mineral that will be formed from a certain combination of elements
depends upon the physical and chemical conditions under which the material
ii) This in turn, results in a wide range of colours, hardness, crystal forms, luster and
density that a particular mineral possesses. Geologists use these properties to
classify the minerals.
5 How do geographers and geologists differ in their interests in minerals? 3
i) Geographers study minerals as a part of the earth’s crust for a better
understanding of landforms.
ii) The distribution of minerals resources and associated economic activities are of
interest to geographers.
iii) A geologist is interested in the formation of minerals, their age, physical and
chemical composition are of interest to geologist.
6 Where are minerals usually found? What is an ‘Ore’? 2
Minerals are usually found in ores. Ore is an accumulation of minerals mixed with other
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7 How are minerals classified? 3
We can classify minerals as:
i) Metallic minerals can be subdivided into Ferrous, Non-ferrous and Precious
metals. Ferrous Minerals-E.g. iron ore and manganese. Non-ferrous Minerals-E.g.
copper, bauxite, lead, zinc, tin, etc. Precious Metals-E.g. Gold, silver, platinum, etc.
ii) Non-metallic minerals - E.g. mica, limestone, granite, sandstone, potash, salt, etc.
iii) Energy minerals- E.g. Coal, petroleum and natural gas.
8 Analyse the various mode of formation of minerals with suitable examples. 5
In igneous and In sedimentary Decompositi As Alluvial In ocean
metamorphic rocks on of surface deposits waters
rocks rocks
Occur in cracks, Occur in beds or As a residual Occur in Ocean
crevices, faults and layers. mass of sands of waters and
joints. weathered valley ocean beds
material. floors and contain vast
base of quantities of
hills. minerals.
In most cases they 1. Formed as a Involves the Contain These are
are formed when result of decompositio minerals too widely
minerals in liquid accumulation n of surface that are not diffused to
or molten and and concentration rocks, and the corroded by be of
gaseous forms are in horizontal removal of water. economic
forced upward strata under great soluble significance.
through cavities heat and pressure constituents,
towards the earth’s 2. Formed as a Containing
surface. They cool result of ores.
and solidify as evaporation in arid
they rise. regions.
Examples: Tin, 1. Examples: Coal, Example: Examples: Examples:
copper, some forms of iron Bauxite Gold, Common
lead and zinc ore silver, tin, salt,
2. Examples: platinum magnesium,
Gypsum, potash bromine and
and sodium salt manganese
9 Mention the reasons for the variations in the distribution of minerals in India. 1
The variations in the distribution of minerals exist largely because of the differences in
the geological structure, processes and time involved in the formation of minerals.
10 ‘The mineral resources in India are unevenly distributed’. Support the statement 3
with proper illustrations.
India has rich and varied mineral resources but these are unevenly distributed.
i) Peninsular rocks contain most of the reserves of coal, metallic minerals, mica and
many other non-metallic minerals.
ii) Sedimentary rocks on the western and eastern flanks of the peninsula in Gujarat
and Assam have most of the petroleum deposits.
iii) Rajasthan with the rock systems of the peninsula has reserves of many non-
ferrous minerals. The vast alluvial plains of North India are almost devoid of
economic minerals.
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11 Mention the factors that play an important role in affecting the economic viability 1
of a reserve.
The concentration of minerals in the ore, the ease of extraction and closeness to the
market play an important role in affecting the economic viability of a reserve.
12 Give two examples on the important iron ore found in India. 2
Magnetite Hematite
1 Finest ore with 70% iron 1 50-60% iron content.
2 Excellent magnetic 2 Important industrial iron ore in terms of
qualities, use in electrical quantity used.
13 What are the uses of Manganese? How much manganese is required to produce one 2
tonne of steel?
i) Manganese is mainly used in the manufacturing of steel and ferro-manganese
alloy. It is also used in manufacturing bleaching powder, insecticides and paints.
ii) Nearly 10 kg of manganese is required to produce 1 tonne of steel.
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17 Give an account of copper, bauxite, mica and limestone. 5
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22 Examine the measures to be taken to conserve minerals. 3
The following measures are to be taken for the conservation minerals.
i) Use mineral resources in a planned and sustainable manner.
ii) Improved technologies need to be constantly evolved to allow use of low grade
ores at low costs.
iii) Recycling of metals, using scrap metals and other substitutes.
23 ‘Mining has a great impact on health of the miners and environment.’ Justify the 3
statement. Suggest few measures to prevent mining from becoming a “killer
i) The dust and noxious fumes inhaled by miners makes them vulnerable to
pulmonary diseases.
ii) The risk of collapsing mine roofs, inundation and fires in coal mines are a
constant threat to miners.
The water sources in the region get contaminated due to mining. Dumping of waste and
slurry leads to degradation of land, soil and increase in stream and river pollution.
The two factors that are essential to prevent mining from becoming a “killer industry":
i) Stricter safety regulations.
ii) Implementation of environmental laws.
24 What are the uses of energy resources? 1
To cook, to provide light and heat, to propel vehicles and to drive machinery in
25 Name the Fuel minerals. 1
Coal, petroleum, natural gas and uranium are called fuel minerals.
26 Distinguish between Conventional and Non-conventional sources of energy. 1
Peat coal Lignite coal Bituminous coal
a) Decaying a) Lignite is a low a) Coal that has been a) It is the
plants in swamps grade brown coal, buried deep and highest
produce peat. which is soft with subjected to increased quality of
b) It has a low high moisture temperatures is hard coal.
carbon and high content. called bituminous coal.
moisture b) Principal b) It is the most popular
contents and low lignite reserves coal in commercial use.
heating capacity. are in Neyveli in c) Metallurgical coal is
Tamil Nadu and high grade bituminous
are used for coal which has special
generation of value for smelting iron in
electricity. blast furnaces.
35 Give an account of the distribution of petroleum in India. State the important oil 3
fields in those regions.
Petroleum is found in the following areas:
i) Mumbai High: India’s 63 percent of petroleum production comes from Mumbai
ii) Gujarat Region: It produces about 18 percent of India’s petroleum. Ankeleshwar
is the most important field of Gujarat.
iii) Assam Region: Assam is the oldest oil producing state of India. It produces 16
percent of India’s petroleum. Digboi, Naharkatiya and Moran-Hugrijan are the
important oil fields of India.
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36 Why is natural gas considered as an environment friendly fuel? What are the uses 1
of natural gas?
i) Natural gas is considered as an environment friendly fuel because of low carbon
dioxide emissions and is therefore the fuel for the present century.
ii) It is used as a source of energy as well as industrial raw materials in the
petrochemical industry.
37 Give an account of the distribution of natural gas in India. 3
i) Large reserves of natural gas have been discovered in the Krishna-Godavari
ii) Along the west coast the reserves of the Mumbai High and allied fields are
supplemented by finds in the Gulf of Cambay.
iii) Andaman and Nicobar Islands are also important areas having large reserves of
natural gas.
38 State two characteristics of Hazira-Vijaipur-Jagdishpur (HVJ) gas pipeline. 3
i) HVJ gas pipeline is 1700 km longs.
ii) It connects Hazira-Vijaipur-Jagdishpur.
iii) It is a cross country gas pipeline links that Mumbai High and Bassien with the
fertilizer, power and industrial complexes in western and northern India.
39 Name two industries which are the key users of natural gas. 1
Power industry and fertilizer industry are the two industries which are the key users of
natural gas.
40 Which gas has replaced liquid fuels for vehicles? 1
Use of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) for vehicles to replace liquid fuels is gaining
wide popularity in the country.
41 How is electricity generated in India? 1
Electricity is generated mainly by running water and burning of fossil fuels.
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45 Name four raw materials used in the production of biogas for domestic 2
consumption in rural areas. What is the advantage of biogas?
i) Shrubs, farm waste, animal and human waste.
ii) Decomposition of organic matter yields gas, which has higher thermal efficiency
in comparison to kerosene, dung cake and charcoal.
46 What are ‘Gobar Gas plants’? What twin benefits do they give to the farmer? 2
i) The plants using cattle dung are known as ‘Gobar gas plants’.
ii) Twin benefits-provides energy and improved quality of manure.
47 Give two reasons to justify that biogas is the most efficient use of cattle dung. 1
i) It improves the quality of manure.
ii) It prevents the loss of trees and manure due to burning of fuel wood and cow
dung cakes.
48 How can ocean tides be used to generate electricity? 3
i) Floodgate dams are built across inlets.
ii) During high tide water flows into the inlet and gets trapped when the gate is
iii) After the tide fall outside the flood gate, the water retained by the floodgate flows
back to the sea via a pipe that carries it through power generating turbine.
49 Which region in India provides ideal conditions for utilising tidal energy? 1
In India the Gulf of Khambhat, the Gulf of Kuchchh in Gujarat on the western coast and
Gangetic delta in Sunderban regions of West Bengal provide ideal conditions for
utilising tidal energy.
50 What is geothermal energy? Name two experimental projects located in India to 3
harness geothermal energy.
i) Geothermal energy refers to the heat and electricity produced by using the heat
from the interior of the earth.
ii) The Parvati Valley near Manikarn in Himachal Pradesh and The Puga Valley,
51 Why does geothermal energy exist? 3
The geothermal energy exists because of the following reasons:
i) The earth grows progressively hotter with increasing depth.
ii) Where the geothermal gradient is high, high temperatures are found at shallow
iii) Groundwater in such areas absorbs heat from the rocks and becomes hot. It is so
hot that when it rises to the earth’s surface, it turns into steam. This steam is used
to drive turbines and generate electricity.
52 ‘Energy saved is energy produced’. Examine the cautious steps that could be 3
adopted for the judicious use of limited energy resources.
i) As concerned citizens we can do our bit by using public transport systems instead
of individual vehicles.
ii) Using non-conventional sources of energy.
iii) Switching off electricity when not in use and using power-saving devices.
53 ‘There a pressing need to use renewable energy resources.’ Justify the statement. 3
There is a pressing need to use renewable resources due to the following reasons:
i) The growing consumption of energy has resulted in the country becoming
increasingly dependent on fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas.
ii) Rising prices of oil and gas and their potential shortages have raised uncertainties
about the security of energy supply in future which in turn has serious
repercussions on the growth of national economy.
iii) Increasing use of fossil fuels also causes serious environmental problems.
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54 Examine the implication of the use of solar energy in India. 5
Imagine you are going to attend an interview for the post of solar energy consultant.
You have to prove in the interview that solar energy holds the key to a brighter and
sustainable future for India. Highlight the points that you will speak to impress the
interview panel regarding the bright future of solar energy in India.
4 The larger occurrences of minerals of igneous and metamorphic rocks are called: 1
a) Veins b) Lodes c) Beds d) Layers
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5 What role is Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) playing for vehicles? 1
a) Large reserves of Natural gas b) Replacing liquid fuels
c) Hardly any role d) More CNG vehicles are coming about
6 Which of the following is the oldest oil producing state of India? 1
a) Gujarat b) Madhya Pradesh
c) Assam d) Andaman and Nicobar Island
7 Which one of the following is largely derived from ocean water? 1
a) Bauxite b) Magnesium c) Gold d) Mica
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17 In the question given below there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and 1
Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the correct option:
Assertion: Natural gas is referred to as an environment friendly fuel.
Reason: Natural gas contains low carbon dioxide emissions.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.
18 In the question given below there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and 1
Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the correct option:
Assertion: Mining activity is often called a “Killer Industry”.
Reason: Stricter safety regulations and implementation of environmental laws are
essential to prevent mining.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.
19 In the question given below there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and 1
Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the correct option:
Assertion: Oceanic tides can be used to generate electricity.
Reason: There are several hundred hot springs in India, which could be used to generate
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.
In igneous and metamorphic rocks minerals may occur in the cracks, crevices, faults or
joints. The smaller occurrences are called veins and the larger are called lodes. In most
cases, they are formed when minerals in liquid/ molten and gaseous forms are forced
upward through cavities towards the earth’s surface. They cool and solidify as they rise.
Major metallic minerals like tin, copper, zinc and lead etc. are obtained from veins and
lodes. In sedimentary rocks a number of minerals occur in beds or layers. They have
been formed as a result of deposition, accumulation and concentration in horizontal
strata. Coal and some forms of iron ore have been concentrated as a result of long periods
under great heat and pressure. Another group of sedimentary minerals include gypsum,
potash salt and sodium salt. These are formed as a result of evaporation especially in arid
regions. Another mode of formation involves the decomposition of surface rocks, and the
removal of soluble constituents, leaving a residual mass of weathered material containing
ores. Bauxite is formed this way.
i) Mention the mode of occurrence of minerals in igneous, metamorphic and
sedimentary rocks. (2)
ii) Give examples of minerals formed in sedimentary rocks. (1)
iii) How is bauxite formed? (1)
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1 Name the mine and state from which lignite coal is obtained. 1
3 Explain the cautious steps that could be adopted for the judicious use of limited 3
energy resources.
4 Write the two important uses of Manganese ore, coal, bauxite, lead, Uranium. 1
5 What is the implication of use of solar energy in India? 3
7 Describe the need to develop wind energy and solar energy to solve the energy crisis in 3
8 Describe in detail coal under the following heads: 3
a. Distribution of coal in India. 4
b. Demerits of Indian coal.
9 What are the impacts of mining on health of the miners and environment? Which two 3
factors are essential to prevent mining from becoming a “killer industry”?
10 Distinguish between Conventional and non-conventional sources of energy. 3
12 How minerals are formed in sedimentary rocks? Name any two mineral formed due to 3
evaporation especially in arid region.
13 How can biogas solve the energy problem mainly in rural India? Give your suggestions. 3
16 ‘The mineral resources in India are unevenly distributed’. Support the statement with 5
proper illustrations.
17 Analyse any three ways to conserve energy resources. 3
18 ‘Energy is required for all activities.’ Support the statement with examples. 3
20 ‘Minerals occur in igneous and metamorphic rocks.’ Examine the statement with 2
21 ‘The ocean waters contain vast quantities of minerals.’ Examine the statement with 2
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