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Es 2386-2005

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ETHIOPIAN ES 2386-2005

First edition

Terrazzo tiles-Part 1: Terrazzo tiles

for internal use

ICS: 91.100.23
Reference number
Price based on 34 pages. ES 2386-2005
ES 2350-2005


This Ethiopian Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Technical Committee for Concrete &
concrete products (TC 36) and Published by the Quality and Standards Authority of Ethiopia (QSAE).

In preparing this Ethiopian Standard reference has been made to the following:

BSEN 13748-1:2004” Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates – Part 4: Determination of the
voids of dry compacted filler “published by the British Standards Institute (BSI).

Acknowledgement is made for the use of information from the above publication.


Terrazzo tiles-Part 1:Terrazzo tiles for internal use

1 Scope

This European Standard specifies materials, properties and methods of testing for unreinforced cement-bound
terrazzo tiles which are factory made and sold ready to be placed.

The tiles are intended for internal use.

2 Normative references

This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These
normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text, and the publications are listed hereafter. For
dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European
Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the
publication referred to applies (including amendments).

EN 197-1, Cement — Part 1: Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common cements.

EN 450, Fly ash for concrete — Definitions, requirements and quality control.

EN 934-2, Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout — Part 2: Concrete admixtures — Definitions, requirements,
conformity, marking and labelling.

EN 10083-2, Quenched and tempered steels — Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for unalloyed quality steels.

EN 12620, Aggregates for concrete.

EN 13369:2001, Common rules for precast concrete products.

EN ISO 4288, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Surface texture: Profile method — Rules and

procedures for the assessment of surface texture (ISO 4288:1996).

EN ISO 6506-1, Metallic materials — Brinell hardness test — Part 1: Test method (ISO 6506-1:1999).

ISO 48, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of hardness (hardness between 10 IRHD and 100

ISO 4662, Rubber — Determination of rebound resilience of vulcanizates.

ISO 7619, Rubber — Determination of indentation hardness by means of pocket hardness meters.

ISO 8486-1, Bounded abrasives — Determination and designation of grain size distribution — Part 1: Macrogrits
F4 to F220.

ES 2386:2005

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this European Standard, the following terms and definitions apply.

terrazzo tiles
suitably compacted elements of uniform shape and thickness, which are compliant with this standard. The tiles can
be single – or dual – layered They are either individually produced by compression and/or vibration, or cast as
large cement-bound mineral aggregate sheets or blocks by means of vibration and/or compression and/or vacuum,
before being cut to size.

single-layered terrazzo tiles
terrazzo tiles made in a single homogeneous layer of granules or chippings of a suitable aggregate embedded in a
paste of grey or white cement and water. Admixtures and additions can be used

dual-layered terrazzo tiles
terrazzo tiles made up of a facing or wear layer whose composition is similar to single-layered terrazzo tiles and a
second layer known as backing or base concrete layer whose surface is not exposed during normal use and which
in the case of a calibrated tile will be partially removed by specialised processing

work dimension
any dimension of a terrazzo tile specified for its manufacture to which the actual dimension should conform within
specified permissible deviations

actual dimension
dimension of a terrazzo tile as measured

the dimensions of a terrazzo tile as specified in commercial terms, mostly in rounded figures

distance between the upper face and the bed face of the terrazzo tile

upper face
surface intended to be seen when in use

bed face
surface generally parallel to the upper face and in contact with the bedding after laying

facing layer
layer of concrete on the face of a tile of materials and/or properties different to the main body or backing layer of a
terrazzo tile

slip resistance
property of the surface to maintain the adherence of a pedestrian foot

ES 2386:2005

declared value
value for a requirement as declared by the manufacturer, taking into account the accuracy of the test and the
variability of the manufacturing process

textured upper face
not flat upper face, with a regular texture pattern

4 Requirements
NOTE This standard applies to ex-factory products and does not take into account the laying of the product.

4.1 Materials

4.1.1 General

Only materials with established suitability shall be used.

The suitability requirements of the materials used shall be given in the manufacturer’s production control

The suitability of materials shall be established in terms of their properties and performance.

Where, by conformity with relevant specifications, the properties and performance of materials have been
demonstrated, further testing need not be performed.

4.1.2 Cement

EN 197-1 applies. The suitability of cement shall be established in accordance with 4.1.1.

4.1.3 Aggregates

EN 12620 applies. Natural stone or other aggregates may be used provided that their suitability has been assessed
according to 4.1.1.

4.1.4 Mixing water

The suitability of mixing water shall be established in accordance with 4.1.1.

In general in Europe, water from the public supply is suitable.

4.1.5 Admixtures

EN 934-2 applies. The suitability of admixtures shall be established in accordance with 4.1.1.

4.1.6 Additions (including mineral fillers, pigments and polymers)

Where applicable, fly ash shall conform to EN 450. The suitability of the other additions shall be established in
accordance with 4.1.1.

4.2 Finished product requirements

4.2.1 General

When tested in accordance with the methods described in clause 5, the tiles shall comply with the following
requirements at the minimum age of 28 days or at the age declared suitable for use by the manufacturer if earlier.

ES 2386:2005

4.2.2 Geometrical requirements General

The work dimensions of the tiles shall be specified by the manufacturer. Thickness

Thickness class I (Th I): The thickness of the facing layer of the manufactured tile shall be at least 4 mm for a
product that will not be ground after laying.

Thickness class II (Th II): The thickness of the facing layer of the manufactured tile shall be at least 8 mm for a
product that will be ground after laying.

Isolated particles of aggregates protruding into the facing material shall be ignored. No thickness requirements are
applicable to single layered tiles. Dimensional deviations

Individual tiles when tested in accordance with 5.2 shall conform to the manufacturer’s declared work dimensions
within the permissible deviations. These deviations of the actual dimensions from the declared work dimensions
shall be in accordance with Table 1.

Table 1 — Deviation of actual dimensions

The difference between any two measurements of the thickness of a single tile shall be ≤ 3 mm.

Tiles specified as calibrated shall have a tolerance on thickness of ± 1 mm. Shape tolerances General

The format of the terrazzo tiles shall be specified by the manufacturer, including at least the length, the width and
the thickness. For non-square or non-rectangular tiles, the manufacturer shall also specify all the work dimensions
that are required to define the tile. Straightness of edges of the upper face

When measured in accordance with 5.3, the maximum discrepancy between the edge and the ruler shall not
exceed ± 0,3 % of the length of the considered edge. Flatness of the upper face

When measured in accordance with 5.4, no point shall deviate from the surface by more than 0,3 % of the length of
the considered diagonal. This does not apply to textured upper faces.

4.2.3 Surface characteristics and appearance

In natural daylight and dry condition, no projections, depressions, flakes or crazes shall be visible from a distance
of 2 m.

ES 2386:2005

Permanent filling of minor voids is allowed.

Colourings, where applied, shall be provided in a facing layer or throughout the tile. Slight variations in the colour
consistency between batches of tiles can be caused by unavoidable variations in the shade and properties of
cement and aggregates, by the manufacturing process or by time. The manufacturer shall define what he considers
as a batch.

NOTE Special attention should be given to correct storage of the tiles before placing them into the works.

4.2.4 Mechanical strength Breaking strength

The breaking strength shall be tested in accordance with 5.5. Breaking strength requirements

The breaking strength is deemed sufficient when the tiles comply with the following requirements when tested in
accordance with 5.5:

⎯ the mean breaking strength of four specimens shall be more than or equal to 5,00 MPa; and

⎯ no individual result of the failure stress shall be lower than 4,00 MPa. Breaking load requirements

When tested in accordance with the test method described in 5.5, the tiles shall comply with the following


⎯ no individual result shall be less than 2,5 kN for tiles with a surface area less than or equal to 1 100 cm2;

⎯ no individual result shall be less than 3,0 kN for tiles with a surface area of more than 1 100 cm2. Abrasion

Abrasion shall be verified in accordance with the wide wheel test method described in 5.6.1 (modified Capon test)
which is the reference test; alternatively, the Böhme test method described in 5.6.2 may be used. The abrasion
requirement is assumed satisfied :

⎯ if no individual test result exceeds 25 mm, when tested in accordance with the wide wheel test (see 5.6.1,
modified Capon test);

⎯ if no individual test result exceeds 30 cm3/50 cm2, when tested in accordance with the Böhme test (see 5.6.2).

4.2.5 Slip resistance

Used in the conditions they are intended for (in a dry state), terrazzo tiles for internal use have satisfactory slip

If in an exceptional case the unpolished slip/skid resistance value (USRV) is required, the product shall be tested
according to 5.7 and the result declared.

NOTE The slip/skid resistance value relates to the tile as manufactured.

4.2.6 Water absorption General

The water absorption shall be verified by testing in accordance with 5.8.

ES 2386:2005 Water absorption requirements

The water absorption is assumed acceptable when both the following requirements are met:

⎯ when tested in accordance with the method described in 5.8, none of the individual results of the total water
absorption shall be more than 8 % in mass;

⎯ when tested in accordance with the method described in 5.8, none of the individual results of the water
absorption through the tile face shall be greater than 0,4 g/cm2.

4.2.7 Reaction to fire

Terrazzo tiles are considered to be reaction to fire Class A1fl without the need for testing, according to EC Decision
96/603/EEC, as amended.

4.2.8 Thermal conductivity

If terrazzo tiles for internal use are intended to contribute to the thermal performance of an element, the
manufacturer shall declare their thermal properties using data given in Table N.2 of EN 13369:2001.

5 Physical test methods

5.1 Sampling plan and compliance criteria

5.2 Dimensional deviations

5.2.1 Apparatus

A steel rule with an accuracy of 0,5 mm.

Callipers with an accuracy of 0,1 mm.

ES 2386:2005

5.2.2 Procedure

The dimensions shall be measured at 3 points. The maximum and minimum values shall be recorded.

5.3 Straightness of edges

5.3.1 Measuring device

A set of feeler gauges with an accuracy of 0,1 mm.

5.3.2 Testing method

The ruler is placed along the edge and the maximum discrepancy, i.e, between the edge and the ruler is noted (see
Figure 1).

5.4 Flatness of the upper face

5.4.1 Measuring device

Measuring equipment with an accuracy of 0,1 mm.

5.4.2 Testing method

The maximum convex or concave deviations shall be determined along the two diagonal axes of the upper face
(see Figure 2).

ES 2386:2005

5.5 Breaking strength and breaking load

5.5.1 Apparatus

The transverse testing machine shall have a scale with an accuracy of ± 3 % over the range of the anticipated test
loads and be capable of increasing the load at specified rates.

It shall be constructed in such a way that it can induce 3 point bending into the sample without torsion.

The load inducing bar shall be equidistant between the supports.

The length of the supports and the load inducing bar shall be at least equal to the width of the sample to be tested
(see Figure 3).

The upper and lower bearers shall be parallel and rigid, and round or rounded to a radius of (20 ± 1) mm.

If packing pieces are used, they shall be medium density fibreboard and their width shall not exceed 25 mm. Their
thickness shall be (4 ± 1) mm and they shall be approximately 10 mm longer than the size of the specimen’s plane.

ES 2386:2005

The actual span between the bearers shall be within 0,5 % of the specified span rounded to the nearest millimetre.

5.5.2 Preparation

Use whole tiles when their plan shape includes at least two parallel straight edges. In other cases, use sawn
samples with the largest possible plan area which includes two parallel straight edges.

If necessary, remove any burrs, high spots, etc. Immerse the tiles under water at (20 ± 5) °C for (24 ± 3) h, remove,
wipe dry and test immediately.

If a face is rough, textured or curved, prepare it by grinding or capping until fully flat.

Other methods of preparation may be used for routine testing providing there is a correlation between the results of
the two methods, e.g. using unground rough, textured or curved tiles instead of ground tiles.

5.5.3 Procedure

The distance between the supports shall be 2/3 of the length of the tile, with an accuracy of ± 0,5 %.

Place the sample with its upper face uppermost, symmetrically on the bearers of the testing machine and with its
shorter side parallel to the supporting bearers.

Depending on the surface profile of the tile any one of the following shall be used at the discretion of the

⎯ no packing;

⎯ packing;

⎯ capping or grinding.

Apply the load without shock and increase the load uniformly so that the required load is reached within (45 ± 15) s.

5.5.4 Testing of non-rectangular tiles

Non rectangular tiles should be cut to be rectangular.

ES 2386:2005

5.5.5 Calculation of results

Calculate the strength T (in MPa) of the tile tested from the equation:

5.5.6 Test report

Report the strength of the specimens and their mean value to the nearset 0,1 MPa and their breaking load to the
nearest 0, 1kN.

5.6 Abrasion resistance

5.6.1 The wide wheel abrasion test Principle of wide wheel abrasion test The test is carried out by abrading the upper face of a tile with an
abrasive material under standard conditions. Abrasive material

The abrasive required for this test consists of a material comprising fused white fused alumina with a grit size of 80
in accordance with ISO 8486-1. It shall not be used more than three times. Apparatus

The wearing machine (see Figure 4) is essentially made of a wide abrasion wheel, a storage hopper with one or
two control valves to regulate the output of the abrasive material, a flow guidance hopper, a clamping trolley and a

When two valves are used, one shall be used to regulate the rate of flow and can be permanently set while the
other is used to turn the flow on and off.

ES 2386:2005

ES 2386:2005

The wide abrasion wheel shall be made of steel E360 in accordance with EN 10083-2. The hardness of the steel
shall be between 203 HB and 245 HB. Its diameter shall be (200 ± 1) mm and its width shall be (70 ± 1) mm. It shall
be driven to rotate 75 revolutions in (60 ± 3) s.

A mobile clamping trolley is mounted on bearings and forced to move forwards to the wheel by a counterweight.

The storage hopper containing the abrasive material feeds a flow guidance hopper.

The flow guidance hopper may be cylindrical and shall have a slotted outlet (see Figure 5, example 1). The length
of the slot shall be (45 ± 1) mm and the width shall be (4 ± 1) mm. The body of the flow guidance hopper shall be at
least 10 mm bigger than the slot in all directions. In the case of a rectangular hopper with at least one of the sides
inclined down to the length of the slot, these dimensional limitations are not necessary (see Figure 5, example 2).

ES 2386:2005

The distance of the fall between the slot and the axle of the wide abrasion wheel shall be (100 ± 5) mm and the
flow of the abrasive shall be (1 - 5) mm behind the leading edge of the wheel (see Figure 6).

ES 2386:2005

ES 2386:2005

The flow of the abrasive material from the flow guidance hopper shall be at least at a minimum rate of 2,5 l per
minute onto the wide abrasion wheel. The flow of abrasive shall be constant and the minimum level of the abrasive
in the flow guidance hopper shall be 25 mm (see Figure 6).

Useful utensils for measuring the results are a magnifying glass, preferably equipped with a light, a steel ruler and
a digital calliper. Calibration

The apparatus shall be calibrated after grinding 400 grooves or every two months whichever is the lesser and
every time there is a new operator, a new batch of abrasive, or a new abrasion wheel.

The abrasive flow rate shall be verified by pouring the material from a height of approximately 100 mm into a pre-
weighed rigid container with a smooth rim, of height (9 ± 10) mm and of known volume when filled to the top, this
shall be approximately 1 l. As the container fills up, the pourer shall be raised to maintain approximately the 100
mm fall. When the container is filled, the top shall be struck off level and weighed to determine the mass of
abrasive for a known volume, i.e. the density. The abrasive shall be run through the wearing machine for (60 ± 1) s
and collected below the abrasion wheel in a pre-weighed container of at least 3 l capacity. The filled container shall
be weighed and from the density determined above, the rate of abrasive flow can be verified as more than or equal
to 2,5 l per minute.

The apparatus shall be calibrated against a reference sample of "Boulonnais Marble1)" according to EN ISO 4288
and using the procedure in and the counterweight adjusted so that after 75 revolutions of the wheel in (60
± 3) s the length of the groove produced is (20,0 ± 0,5) mm. The counterweight shall be increased or decreased to
increase or decrease the groove length, respectively. The clamping trolley/counterweight assembly shall be
checked for undue friction.

The groove shall be measured using the procedure in to the nearest 0,1 mm and the three results averaged
to give the calibration value.

An alternative material may be used for the reference sample if a good correlation is established with a reference
sample of “Boulonnais Marble”.

At every calibration of the apparatus the squareness of the sample supports shall be checked.

The groove on the reference sample shall be rectangular with a difference between the measured length of the
groove at either side not exceeding 0,5 mm. If necessary check that:

⎯ the sample has been held square to the wheel;

⎯ the clamping trolley and the slot from the flow guidance hopper are parallel to the wheel axle;

⎯ the flow of abrasive is even across the slot;

⎯ the friction in the trolley/counterweight assembly is not undue. Preparation of the specimen

The test specimen shall be a whole product or a cut piece measuring at least (100 x 70) mm incorporating the
upper face of the unit.

The test piece shall be clean and dry.

The upper face, to be tested, shall be flat within a tolerance of ± 1 mm measured in accordance with 5.4 in two
perpendicular directions, but over 100 mm.

If the upper face is outside this tolerance, it shall be ground to produce a smooth flat surface within tolerance.

ES 2386:2005

Immediately before testing, the surface to be tested shall be cleaned with a stiff brush and covered with a surface
dye to facilitate measuring the groove (e.g. painting with a marker pen). Procedure

Fill the storage hopper with dry abrasive material, moisture content not exceeding 1,0 %. Move the clamping trolley
away from the wide abrasion wheel. Position the specimen on it so that the groove produced is at least 15 mm from
any edge of the specimen and fix the specimen on a wedge to let the abrasive flow pass under it. Place the
abrasive collector beneath the wide abrasion wheel.

Bring the specimen into contact with the wide abrasion wheel, open the control valve and simultaneously start the
motor so that the wide abrasion wheel achieves 75 revolutions in (60 ± 3) s.

Visually check the regularity of the flow of the abrasive material during the test. After 75 revolutions of the wheel,
stop the abrasive flow and the wheel. Whenever possible, two tests shall be performed on each specimen. Measuring the groove

Place the specimen under a big magnifying glass nominally at least 2 times magnification and preferably equipped
with a light to facilitate the measuring of the groove.

With a pencil with a lead diameter of 0,5 mm and hardness 6H or 7H, draw the external longitudinal limits (l1 and l2)
of the groove using a ruler (see Figure 7).

Then draw a line (A B) in the middle of the groove perpendicular to the centreline of the groove.

Position a digital calliper with square tips on the points A and B to the inside edge of the longitudinal limits (l1 and
l2) of the groove and measure and record the dimension to the nearest ± 0,1 mm.

Repeat the measurement (10 ± 1) mm from the ends of the groove (C D) to give three readings.

ES 2386:2005

NOTE Some surface dyes can be removed above the groove by action of the abrasive. This should be ignored in producing line
l1 which should be drawn where the sample surface is abraded. Test result

The result is the dimension corrected by a calibration factor and then rounded to the nearest 0,5 mm.

The calibration factor is the arithmetic difference between 20,0 and the recorded calibration value.

For example, if the calibration value is 19,6 mm and the dimension is 22,5 mm, the result is 22,5 + (20,0 - 19,6) =
22,9 mm, rounded to 23,0 mm. If two grooves have been cut in a specimen, the larger value shall be taken as the
result. Test report

The test report shall include the length(s) of the groove(s).

5.6.2 Böhme test method Principle

Square sheets or cubes are placed on the Böhme disk abrader, on the test track of which standard abrasive is
strewn, the disk being rotated and the specimens subjected to an abrasive load of 294 N for a given number of
cycles (see

The abrasive wear is determined as the loss in specimen volume.

ES 2386:2005 Abrasive material2)2)

The standard abrasive used shall be an artificial corundum designed to produce an abrasive wear of 1,10 mm to
1,30 mm when testing standard granite specimens and of 4,20 mm to 5,10 mm when testing standard limestone
specimens. Compliance with these requirements, the homogeneity of the material and the uniformity of bulk density
and grading of the abrasive shall be checked. Apparatus Thickness measuring device. To establish the reduction in thickness, a dial gauge, the plunger of which
shall have a spherical bearing and an annular contact face of 8 mm outside and 5 mm inside diameter, and a
measuring table, shall be used. Disk abrader. The Böhme disk abrader as shown in Figure 8 consists essentially of a rotating disk with a
defined test track to receive the abrasive, a specimen holder and a loading device.

Rotating disk. The rotating disk shall have a diameter of approximately 750 mm and be flat and positioned
horizontally. When loaded, its speed shall be (30 ± 1) revolutions per minute. The disk shall be provided with a
revolution counter and a device that switches off the disk automatically after 22 revolutions.

Test track. The test track shall be annular, with an inside radius of 120 mm and an outside radius of 320 mm (i.e.
be 200 mm wide), and be replaceable.

The track shall be made of cast iron with a perlitic structure, a phosphorus content not exceeding 0,35 % and a
carbon content of more than 3 %. The track shall have a Brinell hardness of 190 HB to 220 HB 2,5/187,5 (as
defined in EN ISO 6506-1), determined as the mean from measurements taken at not less than ten points along
the edge of the track.

The track surface is subject to wear in service; the resulting reduction in thickness shall not exceed 0,3 mm and
any grooves shall not be deeper than 0,2 mm. If these values are exceeded, the track shall be replaced or
refinished. When the track has been refinished three times, its hardness shall be determined anew.

Specimen holder. The specimen holder shall consist of a U-frame approximately 40 mm high, with a clear distance
of (5 ± 1) mm from the test track. The frame shall be positioned so that the centreline distance between specimen
and disk is 220 mm and the angle bead of the specimen holder, which supports the specimen, is located at a
distance of (4 ± 1) mm above the disk. The mounting of the specimen holder shall ensure that, during testing, no
vibration occurs.

Loading device. The loading device shall consist of a lever of two arms of different length, a loading weight and a
counterweight, the lever being pivoted with as little friction as possible and positioned almost horizontally during the
test. The system shall be designed to ensure that the load is transferred vertically via the plunger to the centre of
the specimen. The self-weight of the lever is balanced by the counter-weight and the scale to receive the loading
weight. The force acting on the specimen results from the loading weight multiplied by the leverage ratio, the mass
of the weight being selected to produce a test force of (294 ± 3) N (corresponding to 5,88 N/cm2 or about 0,06
N/mm2), which shall be verified by calculation.

2) Source where information can be obtained:

— Materialprüfungsamt Nordrhein-Westfalen, Marsbruchstrasse 186, D-44287 Dortmund, Germany.

ES 2386:2005 Preparation of specimens

Use square slabs or cubes with an edge length of (71 ± 1,5) mm as specimens.

The contact face and the opposite face of the specimen shall be parallel and flat. For determining the reduction in
thickness as described in, the opposite face shall, if appropriate, be ground parallel or otherwise machined
so as to be parallel.

Generally, the specimens shall be dried to constant mass at a temperature of (105 ± 5) °C, regrinding of the contact
face by four cycles (see being usually required.

NOTE For the exceptional case of testing specimens in the wet or water-saturated condition (see note to, the
specimens will be immersed for not less than seven days and wiped with a damp cloth or sponge prior to each weighing so that
all specimens appear equally damp.

One specimen each shall be taken from no less than three different samples or work pieces of the same type.

Prior to testing, determine the density of the specimen, ρR , by measurements, to the nearest 0,1 mm, and by
weighing, to the nearest 0,1 g.

ES 2386:2005

In the case of multi-layer specimens, determine the density for specimens taken separately from the wearing layer,
such specimens also being ground prior to testing where necessary. Procedure

Prior to the abrasion test and after every four cycles, weigh the specimen to an accuracy of 0,1 g.

Pour 20 g of standard abrasive on the test track. Clamp the specimen into the holder and, with the test contact face
facing the track, load centrally with (294 ± 3) N.

Start the disk, taking care that the abrasive on the track remains evenly distributed over an area defined by the
width of the specimen.

Test the specimen for 16 cycles, each consisting of 22 revolutions.

After each cycle, clean both disk and contact face, and turn the specimen progressively through 90° and pour new
abrasive on the track as described in

When testing damp or water-saturated specimens, prior to each cycle, the track shall be wiped with a lightly damp
sponge and moistened before being strewn with abrasive. From the start of the test, water shall be caused to drip,
at a rate of approximately 13 ml of water (corresponding to 180 drops to 200 drops) per minute onto the track from
a container with an adjustable pivoting nozzle. The drops shall fall through a distance of approximately 10 cm on
the middle of the track at a point 30 mm in front of the specimen. When testing in accordance with this method,
care shall be taken to ensure that the abrasive is continuously returned to the effective area of the track (see Determination of results

Calculate the abrasive wear after 16 cycles as the mean loss in specimen volume ∆V, from the equation: Test report

Report the abrasive wear to the nearest whole number of cm3/50 cm2.

5.7 Slip resistance: Method for the determination of unpolished slip resistance value (USRV)

5.7.1 Principle

The measurement of USRV on the specimen is made using the pendulum friction test equipment to evaluate the
frictional properties of the specimen.

ES 2386:2005

The pendulum friction test equipment incorporates a spring loaded slider made of a standard rubber attached to the
end of the pendulum. On swinging the pendulum, the frictional force between the slider and test surface is
measured by the reduction in length of the swing using a calibrated scale.

5.7.2 Apparatus Pendulum friction test The pendulum friction test equipment shall be manufactured as shown in Figure 9. All bearings and
working parts shall be enclosed as far as possible, and all materials used shall be treated to prevent corrosion
under wet conditions.

ES 2386:2005 The pendulum test equipment shall have the following features:

1) a spring loaded rubber coated slider as specified in to It shall be mounted on the end of a
pendulum arm so that the sliding edge is (510 ± 1) mm from the axis of suspension;

2) means of setting the support column of equipment vertical;

3) a base of sufficient mass to ensure the equipment remains stable during the test;

4) means of raising and lowering the axis of suspension of the pendulum arm so that the slider can:

¾ swing clear of the surface of the specimen; and

¾ be set to traverse a surface over a fixed length of (126 ± 1) mm. A gauge with this distance marked is required
as shown in Figure 10;

ES 2386:2005

5) means of holding and releasing the pendulum arm so that it falls freely from a horizontal position;

6) a pointer of nominal length 300 mm, balanced about the axis of suspension, indicating the position of the
pendulum arm throughout its forward swing and moving over the circular scale. The mass of the pointer shall be
not more than 85 g;

7) the friction in the pointer mechanism shall be adjustable so that, with the pendulum arm swinging freely from a
horizontal position, the outward tip of the pointer may be brought to rest on the forward swing of the arm at a point
(10 ± 1) mm below the horizontal. This is the 0 reading;

8) a circular C scale, calibrated for a sliding length of 126 mm on a flat surface, marked from 0 to 100 at intervals of
five units. The mass of the pendulum arm, including the slider, shall be (1,50 ± 0,03) kg. The centre of gravity shall
be on the axis of the arm at a distance of (410 ± 5) mm from the axis of suspension. The slider shall consist of a rubber pad (76,2 ± 0,5) mm wide; (25,4 ± 1,0) mm long (in the direction of
swing) and (6,4 ± 0,5) mm thick, the combined mass of slider and base shall be (32 ± 5) g. The slider shall be held on a rigid base with a centre pivoting axis which shall be mounted on the end of
the pendulum arm in such a way that, when the arm is at the lowest point of its swing with the trailing edge of the
slider in contact with the test surface, the plane of the slider is angled at (26 ± 3) degrees to the horizontal. In this
configuration the slider can turn about its axis without obstruction to follow unevenness of the surface of the test
specimen as the pendulum swings. The slider shall be spring-loaded against the test surface. When calibrated, the static force on the slider
as set by the equipment calibration procedure shall be (22,2 ± 0,5) N in its median position. The change in the
static force on the slider shall be not greater than 0,2 N per millimetre deflection of the slider. The initial resilience and hardness of the slider shall comply with Table 3, and shall have a certificate of
conformity including the name of the manufacturer and date of manufacture. A slider shall be discarded when the
IRHD value measured in accordance with ISO 7619 fails to comply with the requirements of the table or not later
than three years after manufacture. The edges of the slider shall be square and clean-cut, and the rubber free from contamination by, for
example, abrasive or oil. The slider shall be stored in the dark at a temperature in the range 5 °C to 20 °C. Before using a new slider, it shall be conditioned to produce a minimum width of striking edge of 1 mm as
shown in Figure 11.

This shall be achieved by setting up the tester and carrying out five swings on a dry surface with a friction value
above 40 on the C scale followed by a further 20 swings on the same surface after wetting.

ES 2386:2005 The slider shall be discarded when the width of the striking edge as shown in Figure 11 exceeds 3 mm
or becomes excessively scored or burred. The slider can be reversed to expose a new edge, which will need to be
conditioned. Potable water at (20 ± 2) °C in a container for wetting the surfaces of the test specimen and slider.

5.7.3 Calibration

The apparatus shall be recalibrated at least annually.

5.7.4 Sampling

Obtain a representative sample of five units.

If the sample to be tested has plan dimensions less than (86 x 42) mm, larger specimens of the same materials,
production processes and surface finish shall be tested and this shall be noted in the test report.

ES 2386:2005

NOTE In the case of large units, representative samples will be cut from them for test.

5.7.5 Procedure

Keep the friction test equipment, and slider, in a room at a temperature of (20 ± 2) °C for at least 30 min before the
test begins.

Immediately prior to testing with the friction tester, immerse the sample in water at (20 ± 2) °C for at least 30 min.

Place the friction tester upon a firm level surface and adjust the levelling screws so that the pendulum support
column is vertical. Then raise the axis of suspension of the pendulum so that the arm swings freely, and adjust the
friction in the pointer mechanism so that when the pendulum arm and pointer are released from the right-hand
horizontal position, the pointer comes to rest at the zero position on the test scale.

Before using a new slider, condition it using the method described in

Discard any slider that exceeds the requirements given in

Rigidly locate the test specimen with its longer dimension lying in the track of the pendulum, and centrally with
respect to the rubber slider and to the axis of the suspension of the pendulum. Ensure that the track of the slider is
parallel to the long axis of the specimen across the sliding distance.

Adjust the height of the pendulum arm so that in traversing the specimen the rubber slider is in contact with it over
the whole width of the slider and over the specified swept length. Wet the surfaces of the specimen and the rubber
slider with a copious supply of water, being careful not to disturb the slider from its set position. Release the
pendulum and pointer from the horizontal position, catch the pendulum arm on its return swing. Record the position
of the pointer on the scale. Perform this operation five times, rewetting the specimen each time, and record the
mean of the last three readings. Relocate the specimen after rotating through 180° and repeat the procedure.

5.7.6 Calculation of unpolished slip resistance value USRV

When the slider is used over a swept length of 126 mm, calculate the pendulum value of each specimen as the
mean of the two recorded mean values measured in opposite directions to the nearest 1 unit on the C scale.

The USRV is the mean pendulum value obtained on the 5 specimens.

5.7.7 Test report

The test report shall include the following information:

¾ the mean pendulum test value of each specimen;

¾ the mean USRV of the sample.

5.8 Water absorption

5.8.1 Objective

The method serves to determine the water absorption per unit area (absorption capacity) under atmospheric
pressure and the dry bulk density.

5.8.2 Principle

To determine the dry bulk density, the samples are weighed and measured after drying. The determination of the
density of samples with asymmetrical thickness is done by the water displacement method.

ES 2386:2005

The side faces of the samples shall be sealed (so as to be water-impermeable) and the capillary water absorption
per unit area is measured within a fixed period via the surface (suction face) of the sample. The samples are,
thereafter, completely immersed under water and stored to achieve constant mass. The absolute water absorption
in % (absorption capacity) is to be determined from the absolute quantity of water taken up under atmospheric
pressure and the dry mass of the samples.

5.8.3 Sampling

The surface of the sample (testing area) shall be plane and be at least 100 cm2. The thickness of the samples

depends on the thickness of the floor tiles which shall be maintained even when the floor tiles are cut into halves.

5.8.4 Apparatus and materials

⎯ Potable water with a temperature of (20 ± 2) °C;

⎯ paraffin wax or similar for sealing the side faces (so as to be water-impermeable);

⎯ a brush;

⎯ a soft, absorbent cloth;

⎯ a measuring gauge or narrow slider;

⎯ a precision balance reading in grams;

⎯ a drying oven with a controllable temperature range (105 ± 5) °C;

⎯ a flat based vessel or basin for storage in water.

5.8.5 Preparation of the test specimens

Remove all dust, flashing, etc. with a stiff brush. Dry the specimen at a temperature of (105 ± 5) °C until it reaches
constant mass. This is considered to be achieved when the mass of the sample does not change more than 0,1 %
within 24 h. The drying time shall be at least 3 days.

The samples are cooled down to room temperature prior to weighing. The mass finally established is the decisive
dry mass md. Then the measurements (length = L, width = W and height = H) of the specimens are made and
expressed in cm.

5.8.6 Procedure

The side faces of the samples are sealed (so as to be water-impermeable) and weighed again (mds).

After that the specimen is immersed with the upper face down 2 mm to 10 mm deep in a water bath at (20 ± 2) °C.

To avoid air accumulating under the sample, it is immersed in a slanting position (starting with one edge). The
depth of the immersion is fixed either by means of spacers or a grid adjustable in height placed in the water bath.

The sample is taken out of the water without wetting the back and any water adhering to the upper face is removed
with a moist sponge after (24 ± 0,5) h.

After weighing (mh, 24 h), the sample is immersed under a layer of water of 25 mm to 50 mm deep until constant
mass is reached (change of mass 0,1 % in 24 h) and during at least 3 days. The sample is weighed (mh, c) after
adhering water drops have been removed with a moist sponge.

ES 2386:2005

5.8.7 Calculation of the results Capillary water absorption per unit area under atmospheric pressure.

The capillary water absorption is calculated using the formula:

5.8.8 Test report

The test report shall include the following details:

a) marking of sample (type, date of production, number of batch, …);

b) date of testing;

c) date of test report;

d) surface (suction area) of sample;

e) capillary water absorption per unit area after 24 h;

f) water absorption capacity based on mass %.

ES 2386:2005

6 Evaluation of conformity and compliance criteria

6.1 General

The compliance of terrazzo tiles with the requirements of this standard and with the declared values for the tiles
shall be demonstrated by carrying out:

⎯ type testing of the tiles (see 6.2);

⎯ factory production control by the manufacturer (see 6.3).

In addition, compliance with this European Standard may be assessed by third party certification of the units or by
customer acceptance testing in accordance with clause 5 (e.g. in case of dispute).

6.2 Type testing of the tiles

6.2.1 Age for type testing

The age of tiles for type testing shall be at least 28 days.

6.2.2 Initial type testing

Initial type testing shall be performed to show conformity with this standard. Tests previously performed in
accordance with the provisions of this standard (same product, same characteristic(s), same or more demanding
test method, sampling procedure, system of attestation of conformity, etc.) may be taken into account. In addition,
initial type testing shall be performed at the beginning of the production of a new tile type (unless a member of the
same family) or at the beginning of a new method of production (where this may affect the stated properties).

Sampling for initial type testing shall be representative of normal production.

NOTE Products can be grouped into families where it is considered that the selected property is common to all products within
that family.

The type tests shall be the reference tests given in this standard.

When the manufacturer's testing equipment is reliably calibrated, type testing is normally carried out with that

The results of the initial type tests shall be recorded and available for inspection.

6.2.3 Further type testing

Whenever a change occurs in the raw materials, the proportions used or the production equipment or process,
which would change significantly some or all the properties of the finished tiles, the type tests shall be repeated for
the selected property.

NOTE Examples of major changes:

1) change from river gravel to crushed rock aggregates or change of cement type or class;

2) partial substitution of cement by additions.

6.3 Factory production control

The manufacturer shall establish, document and maintain a factory production control system to ensure that the
tiles placed on the market will conform with the specified or declared values.

The factory production control system shall consist of procedures, regular inspection and tests and the utilisation of
the results to control raw and other incoming materials, equipment, the production process and the product.

ES 2386:2005

The results of inspections requiring action and the results of tests shall be recorded.

The action to be taken when control values or criteria are not met shall be given.

7 Marking and labelling

The following particulars relating to tiles supplied in accordance with this standard shall be marked clearly on the
delivery note, invoice, manufacturer’s or supplier’s certificate or brochure supplied with the consignment of tiles:

a) identification of the producer;

b) identification of this standard;

c) indication of date of production;

d) identification of marking, on each package or at least 3 % of the units;

e) identification of the product;

f) format and classes if applied.

ES 2386:2005

Annex ZA


Clauses of this European Standard addressing the provisions of the EU

Construction Products Directive

ZA.1 Scope and relevant characteristics

This European Standard has been prepared under Mandate M/119 "Floorings" given to CEN by the European
Commission and the European Free Trade Association.

The clauses of this European Standard, shown in this annex, meet the requirements of Mandate M/119 given
under the EU Construction Products Directive (89/106/EEC).

Compliance with these clauses confers a presumption of fitness of the construction products covered by this

European Standard for its intended uses indicated herein; reference shall be made to the information
accompanying the CE marking.

WARNING — Other requirements and other EU Directives, not affecting the fitness of intended use(s), can be applicable to the
construction product falling within the scope of this European Standard.

NOTE In addition to any specific clauses relating to dangerous substances contained in this standard, there may be other
requirements applicable to the products falling within its scope (e.g. transposed European legislation and national laws,
regulations and administrative provisions). In order to meet the provisions of the EU Construction Products Directive, these
requirements need also to be complied with, when and where they apply. An informative database of European and national
provisions on dangerous substances is available at the Construction web site on EUROPA (accessed through

This annex has the same scope as Clause 1 of this standard with regard to the products covered. It establishes the
conditions for the CE marking of terrazzo tiles intended for the use indicated below and shows the relevant clauses
applicable (see Table ZA.1).

Construction product: terrazzo tiles.

Intended uses: for internal uses, including enclosed public transport premises.

ES 2386:2005

Some requirements, considered in the above table, are not applicable in those Member States (MSs) where there
are no regulatory requirements (on that characteristic) for the intended use of the product. In this case,
manufacturers placing their products on the market of these MSs are not obliged to determine nor declare the
performance of their products with regard to this characteristic and the option "No performance determined" (NPD)
in the information accompanying the CE marking (see ZA.3) may be used. The NPD option may not be used,
however, where the characteristic is subject to a threshold level.

ZA.2 Procedure for attestation of conformity

ZA.2.1 System of attestation of conformity

Terrazzo tiles, for the intended uses listed below, shall follow the attestation of conformity system shown in Table

The attestation of conformity of the terrazzo tiles in Table ZA.1 shall be based on the evaluation of conformity
procedures indicated in Table ZA.3 resulting from application of the clauses of this European Standard indicated

ES 2386:2005

ZA.2.2 Declaration of conformity

When compliance with this annex ZA is achieved, the manufacturer or his agent established in the EEA shall
prepare and retain a declaration of conformity (EC Declaration of conformity), which authorises the affixing of the
CE marking. This declaration shall include:

⎯ name and address of the manufacturer, or his authorised representative established in the EEA, and place of

⎯ description of the product (type, identification, thickness class, use …), and a copy of the information
accompanying the CE marking;

⎯ provisions to which the product conforms (i.e. annex ZA of this EN);

⎯ particular conditions applicable to the use of the product (e.g. provisions for use under certain conditions);

⎯ name of, and position held by, the person empowered to sign the declaration on behalf of the manufacturer or of
his authorised representative.

The above mentioned declaration shall be presented in the official language or languages of the Member State in
which the product is to be used.

ZA.3 CE marking and labelling

The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the EEA is responsible for the affixing of the
CE marking. The CE conformity marking consists exclusively of the letters “CE” in the specified form of the
Directive 93/68/EEC.

The CE marking symbol for terrazzo tiles shall appear on the packaging and/or the accompanying commercial
documents and shall be accompanied by the information shown below:

⎯ the name or identifying mark and registered address of the producer;

⎯ the last two digits of the year in which the marking was affixed;

⎯ reference to this EN 13748-1;

⎯ description of the product: e.g. generic name, dimensions, thickness class and intended use;

⎯ information on those characteristics listed in Table ZA.1 which are to be declared (as relevant):

⎯ reaction to fire;

⎯ water tightness;

ES 2386:2005

⎯ breaking strength;

⎯ slipperiness;

⎯ thermal conductivity;

⎯ the “No performance determined” (NPD) statement for characteristics where this is relevant.

The “No performance determined” (NPD) option may not be used where the characteristic is subject to a threshold
level. Otherwise, the NPD option may be used when and where the characteristic, for a given intended use, is not
subject to regulatory requirements in the Member State of destination.

Figure ZA.1 gives an example of the information to be given on the packaging and/or accompanying commercial

In addition, the product shall also be accompanied, when and where required and in the appropriate form, by
documentation listing legislation on dangerous substances for which compliance is claimed, together with any
information required by that legislation.

NOTE European legislation without national derogations need not be mentioned.


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