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Climate Change World

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Divide between the developed and developing world

regarding the
reduction of carbon emission
Stance of the developed world led by US:
climate change is a global problem and carbon emission has
polluted the world Environment.
The world temperature has dangerously increased 1.5 degree
due to more carbon gases emission
for which developed and developing
world equally responsible
China largest emitter emitting about 35% of overall emission
15% US
9% India
9% Europe
there are 40 countries which area emitting gases than their allotted
quota in 1997-Kyoto protocol
therefore it is a collective responsibility to reduce carbon gases emis
sion because earth is a common habitat.
developed world is also called global North or
Europe + North America.
Stance of the developing world/Global south---
led by china and India:
Developed and developing world are not equally responsible
developed world is more responsible for emitting more carbon gases
According to UNFCCC:
67% of the overall post industrial era emission is made by develope
d world.
Europe and US and Canada have been polluting the world environm
ent for
the past 150 years
Industrialization occurred first in Europe and then in north America.
while industrialization in south began in the 1980's and onwards.It is
recent phenomena in Developing countries.
secondly, the developed world make carbon gases cuts first and gi
ve enough time to the developing world to shift onto clean energy
because developed world has attained maximum socio- economic
while the development of the developing has recently began
if it make cuts then growth process would hamper.
Furthermore,developed world has both financial and technological c
apacity toshift onto clean energy industry
while developing world has least f these
Capacities. Therefore developed countries should give time to
developing countries for carbon reduction. And
this divide continued from COP1 (conference of parties) to cop21.
COP21 and Its achievements:
Paris climate agreement during cop21 in 2015.
1. All the major emitters agreed on carbon cut off plan.
For Example:
US agreed to cut carbon gases by 46% in the year 2030 against th
e 2010
Europe also agreed on 45%cut by 2030.
China agreed on 45% cut by 2040.
India , south Africa, Brazil etc also agreed on 45% cuts by 2040.
2. Not only countries but multinational companies also agreed on c
cut off plan.
For example:
23 companies like Exon Mobil, CNPC, Aramco, oil etc.
Transports industries
like Toyota, Ford, Volk wagon etc 45% cuts2030 against 2010 level
3. This was first ever binding agreement before this
first 20 Cops non
Binding which means advisory.
A comprehensive plan of carbon cuts was given:
45% cuts by 2030 by the developed world
45% cuts by developing by 2040 gain the 2010 level
after every five years progress of major emitters would evaluated --
cop26, cop31, cop36, cop 41 etc countries and companies
4. Plantation drive was launched on COP 21
called as Bonn challenge.
countries, international and regional organizations along-with mu
lti national companies were given target of plantation. In
2019 cop 25 it was found that only two countries met the target.
Pakistan and Argentina.
Why COP 21 got successful binding agreement:
1) Barack Obama played the role of a global leader.
first of all he made USA lead by an example because
he declared climate change as the biggest
threat to the nation security.
 The process of decarbonization speed up due to
ban on new coal projects.
 Old projects of coal and oil and gas were directed to install latest
tech i order lesser down the emission.
 Shift to clean energy project
(solar system, wind projects, tidal energy,
 hydel, and civil nuclear etc).
 Thirdly, US mage aggressive plantation across the country.
 Fourthly,Electric cars promoted
secondly , Obama and his sectary of state John Kerry paid visit to almost
every major
emitting country.
convince and pressurize countries to cut emissions and sign Paris
agreement as a binding agreement.
2) China under leadership of Xi Jinping also decided to sign Paris
agreement and binding agreement and make carbon cuts.
 International pressure pressurized Beijing to agree to binding car
bon cuts.
 China is no more an under developed country.
 It has the largest foreign reserves in the world.
 It is the largest producer of solar panels and and wind turbines
due to technology as it is a developed and equipped country.
 Environmental problem across china pressurized Beijing to agree
carbon cuts.
 Urban centers and industrial towns had a major breathing Issues.
Xi jinping leadership played a key role ion the changed policy of chin
China has become increasingly global.
It has to share global responsibilities
largest export
increasing political, technological, geographic role of china in the
Finding of COP 26---Glasgow summit In Scotland:
1. Not a single major emitter met the carbon cut off plan.
In COP 26 first five years plan of cuts in emission was to be evaluate
US , the global leader missed the target badly.It could
not achieve the target even by 25%.
Main reason was the change in US policies under Trump:
When China, India and other major emitters are not ready to make t
required cuts why should US do that alone especially
when the cuts hit the
US industry badly because
production cost has got expensive.He pulled out
US of the Paris climate Agreement.
He lifted up ban on new coal and oil projects
consumption of oil, gas and coal increased instead decrease.
The achievements made by Obama admin were degenerated.
China announce that it would continue increasing and using the hyd
rocarbon till 2030 and then 45% cut from 2030-45.
Neither did India, Brazil, South Russia etc didn't make cuts at all.
Not a single multinational company met the target.
badly miss by Shell, CNPC, Coca-cola etc.
2. Plantation targets set in the past not being met by many countri
In 2009 Copenhagen conference two new forest were to be planted
in Brazil and Indonesia but the project partially successful
the plantation made
was only 70% of the total
and the plant survival ratio was around 70%
resultantly around 50% tree success.
3. secondly the BONN challenge given in Paris climate agreement
partially successful.
only Pakistan and Argentina met the the target
India, china, Brazil, etc partially met the target
majority of world countries especially
Arab world, harsh weather the plant drive was failed story.
Carbon Trading is the major hurdle in Decarbonization.
In 1997 Kyoto protocol carbon gases quota was allotted to every cou
ntry. Countries
were advised to restrict their carbon gases emission as per the
quota allotted.
Result carbon emission continued
Paris climate agreement failure was unable to stop the carbon trading
same Challenges
Fund allocation target being badly missed.
All the major emitters are supposed to financially contribute
COP21-26 100bn $ to be spent but 78 billion $ spent.
COP 27:
One new amendment the establishment of
Loss and Damage Fund.
nearly 60 countries which the efecttess made an alliance before cop
27 and demand
they are worst effectees of climate change caused by major emitter
they are suffering climate devastation due to the emission made by
Pakistan as a case study: 2022 floods.
Worst ever floods in the history of Pakistan
rare case of devastation the
history of the world.
1 million houses demolished majority of agriculture especially in
Sindh and southern Punjab destroyed. And
36 million people displaced
chain of problem followed also
roads, railways, electricity transmission,
govt infrastructure badly damaged 'World
Bank Pakistan faced 32 bn $ loss due to
more rainfall resulted into destructive floods.
These countries demanded countries facing floods, famine,
migration etc must be financially assisted.but the size and criteria of
colecyion and spending was not decided
COP 28 and Loss and Damages Fund---
Pakistan and Climate policies:
1) Projecting Pakistan as a worst effected
2) Demands for Funds:
Loss and damages fund
Concessional loans to pak and existing loan relaxation Pakistan
3) Steps taken by Pakistan:
a. Plantation
Billion tree tsunami 2014-18
10 billion tree1.5 billion planted
Pakistan has met the target of 2030 plantation
b. Shift to clean energy projects
Hydel, wind, solar etc
c. electric cars policy

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