Project 1

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Project Title

A Project Report Submitted in Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of

Degree of
Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science and Engineering


TEJAS KASHYAP (11212810)


JOSIAS AVITON (11212774)

Under the supervision of


M.M. Engineering College, Mullana, Ambala

Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University), Mullana, Ambala, Haryana, India

October 2024

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

M. M. Engineering College, Mullana , Ambala, Haryana, India


Candidate’s Declaration

We hereby certify that the work which is being presented in the project entitle. “ONLINE
ADMISSION SYSTEM” in fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering of M.M Engineering
College, Mullana, Ambala, Haryana, India is an authentic record of our own work carried
out during a period from July 2024 to October 2024, under the supervision of Mrs.
Neera Batra (professor). The matter presented in this project report has not been
submitted by us for the award of any degree of this or any other Institute/University.

VANSHIKA (11212724)



This is to certify that the above statement made by the above candidates is
correct to the best of my knowledge.


Mrs Neera Batra

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

M.M. Engineering College, Mullana, Ambala, Haryana, India



We wish to express my deep sense of indebtedness and sincerest gratitude to our guide, Neera batra
(professor) for his/her invaluable guidance and constructive criticism throughout this work. She/he
has displayed unique tolerance and understanding at every step of progress and encourages us. We
deem it our privilege to have carried out our project work under his/her able guidance.

We would especially like to thank Dr. Sandip Kumar Goel (Professor and Head, CSE Department,
MMEC) without whom, this work would not have been as it is now.

As a Final Personal Note, We are grateful to our parents, who are inspirational to us in their
understanding, patience and constant encouragement.

Vanshika (11212724)

Tejas (11212810)

Digvijay (1121610)

Josias Aviton (11212774)


Candidate’s Declaration …………………………………………………………………ii

Acknowledgement ……………………………………………………………………... iii

Supervisor Proforma…………………………………………………………………... iv

Abstract…………………………………………………………………………....n ...... v

List of Tables ……………………………………………………………………vi

List of Figures …………………………………………………………………vii

Chapter 1. Introduction about Project ……….……….……………………………1-10

1.1. Description about work ………………………………………………….

1.2. Reasons for Selection of this Project work……………………………...

Chapter 2. Platform Requirements ……………………………………………………...

Chapter 3. Objectives of Project Work………………………………………………….
Chapter 4. Methodology Used …………………………………………………………...
4.1. Proposed Algorithm or Technique ……………………………………….
4.2. Data flow Diagrams Used ………………………………………………...

Chapter 5. Results & Discussion……………………………………………………….

5.1. Screen shots obtained by running project …………………………………
5.2. Description about obtained result …………………………………………

Chapter 6. Future Scope ………………………………………………………………

Chapter 7. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………
REFERENCES ...………………………………………………………………………
List of Tables

Table No. Table Caption Page No.

1. Login

2. Staff

3. Facility

4. Reg

5. Admission details

6. Merit and feedback detail

List of Figures

Figure No. Figure Caption Page No.



Title Of the Project:-
Online Admission System
The purpose of the project is to provide online facility to
Institutes to conduct online exams and to Students to give
online exams. Institutes can enter and edit the questions along
with the students list Also they can view he result. Students
can login and give their respective exams and view their score
then and there. Others can view sample papers to get look and
feel of the online examination system.

 Currently, the system is totally manual.
 The manual system is slow then the computerized
 It is very time consuming.
 It is very complex system.
 It is required more clerical work and use more man
 The current system is not user friendly.
 It takes too much cost to perform procedure.
 In this, Paper losing or burning paper is possible.
 It is difficult to store the data.
 The new system is totally computerized system.
 The system should be flexible.
 It provides security and authorization.
 It save time and cost.
 It is user friendly.
 In new system, use less manpower than manual system.
 In this, the data require less space to store than the
 Students can easily get information about organization
and easily
 Supply for admission.
Project Category:
 Web Designing with Relational Database Management
 Tools: Adobe Dreamweaver, XAMPP. Platform:
Windows XP SP-2 and above.
 Programming Language: HTML, PHP, SQL, J Query,
 Minimum Hardware Requirements: Pentium or AMD
Processor with 1.8
 GHz or above, 1 GB RAM.
Software Requirement Specification
1) Introduction:
1.1 Purpose: The purpose of the project is to provide online
facility to
Institutes to conduct online exams and to Students to give
online exams.
Institutes can enter and edit the questions along with the
students list. Also
they can view the result. Students can login and give their
respective exams
and view their score then and there. Others can view sample
papers to get
look and feel of the online examination system.
1.2 Scope: The website to conduct online Admission for a
University is
“Online Admission System”. This website provides facility to
institutes to
conduct online Admissions by providing a unique id to each
Student. The
institute provides online registration of the student. Institute
also enters the
list of eligible students. All the information entered can be
later edited by
the institute.
In turn student can login with their id, name and Programmed
to give the
forms and can view their Admission status then and there.
Institutes can
also change the status of admission of their students (if
This website reduces the manual work, maintaining accuracy,
increasing efficiency and saving time Also institutes need not
go to develop
new software each time; instead they just register and admit
the students
online. For students, it saves time of going too far away
admission centres
and also they can view their Admission status then and there.
ii) Abbreviations:
PHP stands for Hypertext PreProcessor
HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol
iv) References: IEEE Recommended Practice for Software
Requirements Specification- IEEE
STD 830-1993.
v) Overview: The rest of this SRS document describes the
various system
requirements, interfaces, features and functionalities in detail.
2. Overall Description: In Online Admission system institute
can register
to conduct an online admission and view the academic records
Students can fill the form and their respective academic
records (softcopy),
which helps the registrar to admit the student or reject as per
records. No student can take a particular online registration
more than once.
i.) Product
(i) User interfaces
The application will have a user friendly and menu based
Following screens will be provided:
(ii) A login screen for entering the username, password will be
Access to different screens will be based upon the user.
(iii) There is a screen for displaying information regarding
entries to be made
by institutes.
(iv) There is a screen for displaying information regarding
filling of Admission
form details by institutes.
(v) There is a screen for displaying information regarding
entering student
list for the particular program.
(vi) There is a screen for displaying information menu
regarding what
options the institutes will select while filling entries in the
(vii) There is a screen for displaying course details to the
students when they
are selecting program for admission.
(viii) There is a screen for submitted status for the students.
(ix) There is a screen for displaying of results of students after
taking time
for registrar for selecting and rejecting students in the selected
list and
rejected list.
(x) Hardware interfaces
(i) Support for printer for printing results then and there.
(ii) Screen resolution of at least 800X600 is required for
proper and complete
viewing of screens. Higher resolution will be accepted.
(xi) Software interfaces
(i) Any windows based operating system.
(ii) MYSQL-for database.
(iii) Dreamweaver for developing code.
(xii) Communications interfaces Xampp
(xiii) Memory Constraints At least 512 MB RAM and 5
MB space on hard disk
will be required for running the application.
(xv) Site Adaptation Requirements Web browser with cookies
ii.) Product Functions: The website will allow access only to
users with specific roles (Administrator- maintains the
website, Institutes-
Register to select the forms submitted by the students,
Students-Apply for
admission online) a summary of the major functions that the
website will
a. Provide facility to institutes to register to conduct an online
b. Institutes can enter the number of programs and there
course details and
the list of eligible students selected.
c. Students can login and submit the admission form.
iii.) User Characteristics:
a. Educational level : Users should be comfortable with the
English language.
b. Experience: Users should have prior information regarding
the online
admission process.
c. Skills: Users should have basic knowledge and should be
using general purpose applications on computers.
iv.) Constraints:
 Since the DBMS being used is MYSQL, which is not a
very popular DBMS, it
 will not be able to store a very huge number of records.
 Due to limited features of DBMS being used
performance tuning features
 will not be applied to the queries and thus the system
may become slow
 with the increase in number of records being stored.
 An extra security as SSL must be used to secure the
marks details and other examination information.
v.) Assumptions: The application is online so taking into
consideration that
all the details are true. Students can submit application form
just once.
vi.) Apportioning of Requirements: The future versions of
the website
will be having a better database to handle larger number of
records, in a
more secure way.
Also separate profile will be maintained later for all students
so that he can
view all his previous academic records later.

3. Specific Requirements: This section provides software

requirements to
a level of detail sufficient to enable designers to design the
system and
testers to test the system.
External Interface Requirements:
User Interfaces: Institute Registration Screen: Various fields
available on this screen will be:
 Login Name
 Institute Name
 Email Id
 Password
 Institute Login Screen: Fields available on this screen
 Login Name
 Email Id
 Password
 Entering academic details: Various Fields are:
 Programs
 Course list for each Program
 Admission selected/rejected list Screen: Various Fields
 Student List Screen: Various Fields are:
 Student ID
 Student Name
 Student Login Screen: Various Fields are:
 Student ID
 Student Name
 Institute ID
 Result (Select/Reject)
 Hardware interfaces:
 Support for printer for printing results then and there.
 Screen resolution of at least 800X600 is required for
proper and complete
 viewing of screens. Higher resolution will be accepted.
 Software interfaces:
 Any windows based operating system.
 MySQL-for database.
 PHP for developing code.
 Communications interfaces

ii.) Software Product Features:

Validity Checks: JavaScript provides validity checks for
various fields in the forms.
Sequencing Information: All the information regarding
exam details, student list, question details, display of result
should be handled sequentially that is data should be stored
only in a particular sequence to avoid any inconvenience
Error Handling: If any of the validations or sequencing flows
does not hold true then Appropriate error messages will be
prompted to the user for doing the needful.
iii.) Performance Requirements: This subsection specifies
numerical requirements placed on the software or on the
human interaction with the software, as a whole. Numerical
requirements will include:
Only text information will be supported (HTTP)
All the transactions will be processed within seconds.
iv.) Design Constraints: NONE
v.) Software System Attributes:
 Security: Only authorized users will be able to access the
website by
 entering the correct login name and corresponding
 Maintainability: The website can be maintained in
present or future. It will be easy to incorporate new
requirements in the individual modules.
 Portability: As the website is online so will be easily
portable on various
 systems.
 The website will be also easily portable on any windows
based system that has MYSQL installed.
 Logical Database Requirements: The following
information will be
placed in the database:
 Organization Details: ID, Login Name, Email, Password,
Institute Name.
 Program Details: ID, P name, No. of Course, No. of
Duration, credits.


0 level DFD :-

A code is an ordered collection symbols to provide unique
identification of data. Codes can be used by people who do not with
data processing; the following are characters of a good code
generation. Characteristics of good coding are
 Uniqueness
 Meaningfulness
 Stability
 Uniform Size and Format
 Simplicity
 Conciseness
 Versatility

The goal of the coding or programming phase is to translate the

design of the system produced during the design phase into code in a
given programming language, which can be executed by a computer
and that performs the computation specified by the design. The
coding phase affects both testing and maintenance profoundly. As we
saw earlier, the time spent in coding is a small percentage of the total
software cost , while testing and maintenance consume the major
percentage Thus it should be clear the goal during coding should not
be to reduce the implementation cost, but the goal should be to reduce
the cost of later phases, even if it means that the cost of this phase has
to increase. In other words, the goal during this phase is not to
simplify the job of the programmer. Rather the goal should be to
simplify the job of the tester and the maintainer.
1. CORRECTNESS The tester and the maintainer are not the
programmers itself Therefore it is very important to produce correct
and simple code. The code for the proposed system is correct and
simple. Anyone who knows HTML and PHP can understand the code
very easily.

2. RELIABILITY The program must be reliable, that is, it must be

execute reliably in a variety of systems. The code for proposed system
is consistent.

3. ROBUSTNESS The robustness of the code is associated with

memory management and exception handling. Since he proposed
system is developed with HTML this feature is not ensured

4. DEVELOPMENT EFFICIENCY The PHP ensures development

efficiency by providing compatibility with almost all web servers
used today. Extending PHP is pretty easy. It is a full-fledged
development environment consisting of a several megabytes of source
code. PHP scripts are browser neutral, the script cannot be captured
via a browser’s ’View Source’ capabilities.

5. EXECUTION EFFICIENCY PHP is easy to learn and runs

efficiently and quickly on any compatible web server. The PHP is a
parsed language. The parser which execute PHP produce the desired
result as HTML code. The code written for the proposed system
consists of many PHP files which execute on the web server and
return output as HTML to the browser.

1. PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) PHP, which stands for "PHP:

Hypertext Preprocessor" is a widely-used Open Source general-
purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web
development and can be embedded into HTML. Its syntax draws upon
C, Java, and Perl, and is easy to learn. The main goal of the language
is to allow web developers to write dynamically generated web pages
quickly, but you can do much more with PHP.
PHP is a powerful language and the interpreter, whether included in a
web server as a module or executed as a separate CGI binary, is able
to access files, execute commands and open network connections on
the server. These properties make anything run on a web server
insecure by default. PHP is designed specifically to be a more secure
language for writing CGI programs than Perl or C, and with correct
selection of compile time and runtime configuration options, and
proper coding practices, it can give you exactly the combination of
freedom and security you need
A large selection of options guarantees you can use PHP for a lot of
purposes, but it also means there are combinations of these options
and server configurations that result in an insecure setup. The
configuration flexibility of PHP is equally rivaled by the code
flexibility. PHP can be used to build complete server applications,
with all the power of a shell user, or it can be used for simple server-
side includes with little risk in a tightly controlled environment. How
you build that environment, and how secure it is, is largely up to the
PHP developer. Features PHP manages freeing all resources. Users
does not required to free file handle resource, database resources,
memory, etc, unless programmer need to free resource during script
All resources are released after script execution PHP4 also have
reference count feature. For example, memory for variables is shared
when it assigned to other variable. If contents have been changed,
PHP4 allocate new memory for it. Programmer does not have to use
pass by reference for large parameters for better performance with
PHP4. It would be a nice section for new PHP users, if there is
"Resource Handling" section or like. Explanation about reference
count feature in PHP4 would be very helpful to write better PHP4
scripts also.
2 Macromedia Dream Weaver is a web-designing tool from
Macromedia. Interactive animated web pages can be created quickly
with Macromedia Dream Weaver.
3 My SQL query () sends a unique query (multiple queries are not
supported) to the currently active database on the server that's
associated with the specified link_identifier. The query string should
not end with a semicolon. If the link identifier is not specified, the last
link opened by My SQL connection is assumed. If no such link is
found, it will try to create one as if mysql_connect () was called with
no arguments. If by chance no connection is found or established, an
E_WARNING level warning is generated.

Code optimization aims at improving execution efficiency of a
program. This is achieved in two ways:
 Redundancies in a program are eliminated.
 Computations in a program are rearranged or rewritten to make it
execute efficiently.
 The optimization must not change the meaning of a program.
The optimizes the code by using the optimization techniques such as
dead code elimination and frequency reduction. Thus improves the
execution efficiency.
7.4 VALIDATION CHECKS Validation means observing the
behavior of the system. The verification and validation means that
will ensure that the output of a phase is consistent with its input and
that the output of the phase is consistent with the overall requirements
of the system. The ‘College Alumni’ system performed validation by
verifying the output of each phase. This is done to ensure that it is
consistent with the required output.


Implementation is an activity that is contained throughout the
development phase. It is a process of bringing a developed system
into operational use and turning it over to the user. The new system
and its components are to be tested in a structured and planned
manner. A successful system should be delivered and users should
have confidence that the system would work efficiently and
effectively. The more complex the system being implemented the
more involved will be the system analysis and design effort required
for implementation.
1. IMPLEMENTATION PLANS The major activities in
implementation plan are cost estimation, schedule and milestone
determination, project staffing, quality control plans, and controlling
and monitoring plans The implementation plan involves the
 Testing to confirm effectiveness.
 Detection and correction of errors.
The system has two modules.
 User
 Administrator Students logging is to apply for the course by filling
an application form provided by online. College
principal/administrator logging in may also access/search information
put up by the students.

2 CHANGEOVER METHOD If the implementation is changed from

one data structure to another, the internals of the object need to be
changed, that is the data definitions and the implementation of the
operations. From the outside, the directory object can continue to be
used in the same manner as before, because its interface is not

3 TESTING Software testing is a critical element of the software

development cycle. The testing is essential for ensuring the Quality of
the software developed and represents the ultimate view of
specification, design and code generation. Software testing is defined
as the process by which one detects the defects in the software.
Testing is a set of activities that work towards the integration of entire
computer based system. A good test case is one that has a high
probability of finding an as-yet undiscovered error. A successful test is
one such uncovers or finds such errors. If testing is conducted
successfully, it will uncover errors in the software. It also
demonstrates that software functions are being performed according
specifications and also behavioral and performance requirements are
satisfied. For this, test plans have to be prepared. The implementation
of a computer system requires that test data has to be prepared and
that all the elements in the system are tested in a planned and efficient
manner. Nothing is complete without testing, as it is vital success of
the system.
1. TESTING OBJECTIVES There are several rules that can serve as
testing objectives. They are:
 Testing is process of executing a program and finding a bug. A good
test case is one that has a high probability of finding an undiscovered.
 A successful test is one that uncovers an undiscovered error. If
testing is conducted successfully according to the objectives as stated
above, it would uncover errors in the software. Also testing
demonstrates that software functions appear to the working according
to the specification, that performance requirements appear to have
been met.
2. UNIT TESTING Unit testing is carried out screen-wise, each
screen being identified as an object. Attention is diverted to individual
modules, independently to one another to locate errors. This has
enabled the detection of errors in coding and logic. This is the first
level of testing. In this, codes are written such that from one module,
we can move on to the next module according to the choice we enter.
In this, the entire system was tested as a whole with all forms, code,
modules and class modules.System testing is the stage of
implementation, which is aimed at ensuring that the system works
accurately and efficiently before live operation commences. It is a
series of different tests that verifies that all system elements have been
properly integrated and perform allocated functions. System testing
makes logical assumptions that if all parts of the system are correct,
the goal will be successfully achieved. Testing is the process of
executing the program with the intent of finding errors. Testing cannot
show the absence of defects, it can only show that software errors are
4. INTEGRATION TESTING This testing strategies combines all the
modules involved in the system. After the independent modules are
tested, dependent modules that use the independent modules are
tested. This sequence of testing layers of dependent modules
continues until the entire system is constructed. Though each module
individually, they should work after linking them together. Data may
be lost across interface and one module can have adverse effect on
another. Subroutines, after linking, may not do the desired function
expected by the main routine. Integration testing is a systematic
technique for constructing program structure while at the same time,
conducting test to uncover errors associated with the interface. In the
testing the programs are constructed and tested in the small segments.
5. WHITE BOX TESTING White-box testing is concerned with
testing the implementation of the program. The intent of this testing is
not to exercise all the different input or output conditions but to
exercise the different programming structures and data structures used
in the program. White box testing is also called structural testing. To
test the structure of a program, structural testing aims to achieve test
cases that will force the desired coverage of different structures.
Various criteria have been proposed for this. There are three different
approaches to structural testing: control flow-based testing, data flow-
based testing, and mutation testing.
In black-box testing the structure of the program is not considered.
Test cases are decided solely on the basis of the requirements or
specifications of the program or module, and the internals of the
module or the program are not considered for selection of test cases.
In black-box testing, the tester only knows the inputs that can be
given to the system and what output the system should give. This
form of testing is also called functional or behavioural testing. The
most obvious functional testing procedure is exhaustive testing. One
criterion for generating test cases is to generate them randomly. There
are no formal rules for designing test cases for functional testing. In
fact, there are no precise criteria for selecting test cases.

Maintenance involves the software industry captive, typing up the
system resources. It means restoring something to its original
condition. Maintenance involves a wide range of activities including
correcting, coding, and design errors, updating documentation and test
data and upgrading user support. Maintenance is continued till the
product is re-engineered or deployed to another platform.
Maintenance is also done based on fixing the problems reported,
changing the interface with other software or hardware enhancing the


Any system developed should be secured and protected against
possible hazards. Security measures are provided to prevent
unauthorized access of the database at various levels. An
uninterrupted power supply should be so that the power failure or
voltage fluctuations will not erase the data in the files.
This is associated with technical problems such as exception
conditions detected during execution. This exception should be
programmed in the system itself. System errors are some operation
during the execution may cause it to fail. This is because of logical
programming error. So it is essential to handle these problems
This is associated with computer failure, system crash, disk failure.
Physical problems and catastrophes refers to an endless list of
problems that includes power air conditioning failure, fire, theft,
damage, overwriting disk or tape by mistake.
Some problems occur in organization due to the concurrent execution
of system. Prevention of labour turnover is another security measure
related to the organization.
This security is concerned with offering security to the persons who
are developing and using the system. This is offered by providing
username and password for each and every person using the system.
estimation procedures focus on estimating effort in terms of person
months (PM). By properly including the "overheads" (i.e., the cost of
hardware, software, office space, etc.) in the cost of a person-month,
effort estimates can be converted into cost. For a software
development project, effort and schedule estimates are essential
prerequisites for managing the project.


PERT is a network planning method for managing and controlling
large one-time projects. It is a technique for scheduling complicated
projects comprising many activities, some of which are
interdependent. A PERT network is a flowchart like diagram that
depicts the sequence of activities needed to complete a project and the
time or costs associated with each activity.
1. All of the major activities in the project are specified.
2. The sequences of these activities are determined
3. A network diagram a graphic depiction of the interrelationships
among activities, is constructed.
a. An activity is a work component to be accomplished, and is
represented by an arrow on the network diagram.
b. An event (or node) represents a single point in time that is the
beginning or the ending of an activity.
4. Three time estimates for each activity are determined and an
expected time is calculated for each activity.
5. The critical path is the path of activities and events in the network
that will take the longest time to complete a. Delays on any activities
on the critical path mean that the project will be delayed. b. Slack is
the degree of latitude about when various activities can be started
without endangering the completion date of the entire project.
6. After the project has begun, actual times for completion of each
activity are collected and recorded on the PERT network so that any
rescheduling and adjustments can be made as quickly as possible.

The future scope of this project is very broad Few of them are:
 This can be implemented in less time for proper admission
 This can be accessed anytime anywhere, since it is a web
application provided only an internet connection.
 The user had not need to travel a long distance for the admission
and his/her time is also saved as a result of this automated

This system, being the first We have created in PHP, has proven more
difficult than originally imagined. While it may sound simple to fill
out a few forms and process the information, much more is involved
in the selection of applicants than this. Every time progress was made
and features were added, ideas for additional features or methods to
improve the usability of the system made themselves apparent.
Furthermore, adding one feature meant that another required feature
was now possible, and balancing completing these required features
with the ideas for improvement as well as remembering everything
that had to be done was a project in itself.
Debugging can sometimes be a relatively straight forward process, or
rather finding out what you must debug can be. Since so many parts
of the admissions system are integrated into one another, if an error
occurs on one page, it may be a display error, for example; it may be
the information is not correctly read from the database; or even that
the information is not correctly stored in the database initially, and all
three must be checked on each occasion. This slows down the process
and can be frustrating if the apparent cause of a problem is not
obvious at first. Language used must be simple and easy to
understand and compatibility is paramount.
If this system were not designed as an entirely Web based
application, it would not have been possible to recreate its current
state of portability. Overall, the system performs well, and while it
does not include all of the features that may have been desired, it lives
up to initial expectations. The majority of features that are included
work flawlessly and the errors that do exist are minor or graphical.
 An Integrated approach to Software Engineering,Narosa publishers, Third
edition by Pankaj Jalote.
 The PHP
 Secure PHP Development-Building 50 Practical Applications by
Mohammed J Kabir,Wiley Publishing,inc.
 PHP for Absolute Beginners by Jason Lengstorf

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