capture the artistry, power, and precision of the the vertical axis.
sport. Here are some commonly used terms: Stick: To land a skill solidly without extra
Gymnastics Lingo Launch: Jumping with force to initiate
Mount: The skill used to start a routine, Hold: To maintain a position, such as in
particularly on apparatus like the beam. handstands or holds on rings.
Dismount: The skill used to finish a routine, Extend: To lengthen the body in positions
often involving a flip or twist off the like layouts.
apparatus. Balance: Maintaining stability on an
Routine: A sequence of moves performed in apparatus.
succession on any apparatus. Execute: To perform a skill with precision.
Pass: A series of tumbling skills performed Spring: To push off the ground or an
in one continuous line on floor routines. apparatus with power.
Flight: The part of a skill where the gymnast Land: To complete a skill by reaching the
is in the air. ground in control.
Salto: A flip or somersault in the air.
Twist: A rotation of the body around the These terms highlight the unique blend of strength,
vertical axis. technique, and artistry in gymnastics!
Spot: Assistance provided by a coach to
help the gymnast safely complete a skill. Floor exercise in gymnastics combines acrobatics,
Stick: Landing a dismount or skill without dance, and tumbling, requiring a blend of strength,
any extra steps or movement. agility, and grace. Here’s a breakdown of common
Form: The body’s positioning during skills; lingo, adjectives, and verbs specific to floor
good form is essential for scoring. routines:
Amplitude: The height of a skill; often
describes how high the gymnast goes. Floor Exercise Lingo
Combination: A series of skills linked
together in a sequence. Tumbling Pass: A sequence of acrobatic
skills in one continuous line across the floor.
Adjectives Corner: The area where gymnasts start or
end a tumbling pass; often used for setting
Powerful: Describes explosive movements, up or pausing between moves.
especially in vaulting and tumbling. Combination Pass: Multiple tumbling
Graceful: Movements that show elegance, and/or dance skills linked in a single pass to
typically in dance sequences on the floor or maximize difficulty and artistry.
beam. Leap Series: A combination of leaps and
Dynamic: Energetic and high-powered, jumps linked smoothly, usually emphasizing
showing strength and speed. dance and flexibility.
Precise: Indicates exactness in movement Landing: Completing a tumbling pass or
and form. leap with controlled foot placement.
Controlled: Showing mastery over body Layout: A skill in which the body is
movements and not wobbling or adjusting extended (straight) while flipping or
balance. somersaulting.
Fluid: Smooth and continuous movements Pike: A position with hips bent and legs
without interruptions. straight, often used in tumbling skills.
Compact: Tightly-held body positions, Split: When legs are extended in opposite
often seen in tucks and pikes. directions to 180 degrees or beyond,
Stable: Balanced, without any unnecessary showing flexibility.
movement, especially on beam. Full-Twist: A 360-degree rotation of the
Explosive: Sudden power and energy, body in the air while performing a flip.
typically in tumbling. Double-Back: A skill involving two
Clean: Clear, sharp, and well-defined backward somersaults in one jump.
movements. Artistry: The creative and expressive
element of the routine, combining dance
Verbs with gymnastics skills.
6. Consider SEO and Keywords In the vault, Yulo performed a difficult handspring
double front with a half twist, earning near-perfect
Include key terms that help the headline scores for both his height and clean landing. His
appear in search engines. For instance, if the ability to stick the landing with no extra steps
news is about a sports achievement, terms underscored his growth in confidence and technical
like “Olympics,” “Gold,” and the athlete’s mastery since Tokyo 2020, where he narrowly
name are crucial. missed a podium finish. This time, Yulo
demonstrated impeccable form and difficulty, which
7. Review for Accuracy and Engagement secured his place at the top of the standings
Ensure the headline accurately reflects the Yulo’s double gold win marks a historic moment
story’s content without exaggerating. Ask if for Philippine gymnastics, only the second and third
the headline would intrigue a reader while Olympic golds in the country’s gymnastics history.
staying true to the article.
Example Process: Each Execution Score starts at 10.0 points. The judges
on the execution panel deduct points for errors, such as
Story: Carlos Yulo wins Olympic gold in steps on landings, falls, flexed feet, bent knees, etc. The
vault. Difficulty Score starts at zero, and an athlete will earn
Key Information: Carlos Yulo, Olympic points for composition requirements, difficulty of the
gold, vault event. elements and connection value. In women’s gymnastics,
Draft Headline: “Carlos Yulo Takes Gold each routine receives points for the eight most difficult
in Olympic Vault” elements, while in men’s gymnastics, 10 are counted.
How is a gymnast’s final Score. This is determined by the
score determined?
execution and artistry of a
For each Olympic gymnastics gymnast’s routine. This score
event, nine judges are chosen starts at 10.0 and deductions are
from a pool of multinational made for various errors.
candidates approved by the
International Gymnastics The difficulty score and
Federation (FIG). They are execution score are combined
categorized into three groups: for the final score. A score under
the current Code of Points
D-panel: This panel calculates typically lands between 12 and
the Difficulty Score. 15 points.
before the start of a routine, and before the end of the next
uniform or competing
without their competition What is a perfect score in
bid number pinned to their
uniform, etc. The Code of Points was
introduced in 2006 to allow for a
more open-ended scoring their vault again as long as their
system. It removed the ‘Perfect feet do not touch the
10’ (earned by a 10.0 execution springboard and their hands do
score) but that doesn’t mean a not touch the vault table. If they
gymnast can no longer receive a do, this counts and the gymnast
perfect score for their routine. will receive a zero.
The lowest score you can receive your arms) is performed in the
land feet first, they perform the Code of Points states that vaults
safety collar for round-off entry where the gymnast takes off
The "Dead Loop," also known as Due to its brevity, the vault is known as the
apparatus where gymnasts can score big
the Korbut Flip, is one of the towards collective scores – the longer the
routine, the more room for errors – so look out
more infamously banned for teams, or individuals in the all-around
competition, leaping up the table following this
gymnastics moves, first used by piece.
Olga Korbut in the 1972 Munich To win medals at top international level,
gymnasts need to score in the high 14's and
Olympics. The move, performed into the 15's. Occasional 16's wow fans, such
as Maroney’s vault above, which scored
on uneven bars, involves the 16.233.
gymnast standing on the high Scores on all apparatus, including vault, are
made up of an execution score (the E score)
bar, doing a backflip and and the difficulty score (the D score). Both
marks are shown to viewers, so for fans of the
regrasping the bar. It was old-school perfect 10 scoring system, check
out the E score. This starts at 10 and marks
banned in the 1980s because of are removed by judges for loss of form such as
toes that are not pointed or a fall from the
safety concerns. apparatus. Maroney’s E score in the vault
above was 9.733.
7. Prohibited Movements
In men’s gymnastics vault, there is no fixed Carlos Yulo has finally capitalised on his
"highest score" because it depends on the Difficulty otherworldly ability.
Score (D-Score) of the vault performed and the
Execution Score (E-Score) awarded by judges. The history-making Filipino gymnast wrote his
name in the record books once again Saturday
Typical High Scores: (3 August), claiming the gold medal in the
men's floor exercise final at the Olympic
Historically, elite gymnasts performing Games Paris 2024.
exceptionally challenging vaults with
flawless execution achieve final scores in Yulo earned a 15.000 after he stuck his three-
the high 15s to low 16s range. and-a-half twist dismount cold. Savoring the
The vault’s D-Score can go up to 6.0 or moment on the podium, he pumped both his
higher for extremely difficult vaults, while fists before presenting the judges, later saluting
the E-Score ideally would be close to 10.0 the fans in the audience and putting his hands
for perfect execution. to his heart.