EXP 7 Yazan

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An-Najah National University ‫جاةالنح الو‬

‫م جا طني‬
Faculty of Engineering and IT ‫كةاهلنوتكنواملعل‬
‫ل دسلوجيا وما‬

Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Control System Laboratory (10651571) Report
Grading Sheet

Instructor Name: Experiment #( 7 ):

Eng. Salama Abdel Fattah PWM Speed Regulator of a DC
Eng.waleed Abuzaina Motor (G14)

Academic Year: 2024/2025


1- Yazan Altawil 2- omar maree
3- ibraheem mubslat 4-opay alfaqeh

Evaluation Criterion Grade Points

Show overall experiment ideas in simple words. 10
Introduction and Theory
Provide simple introduction and theory about the experiment. 5

Theory used Apparatus and Procedure 5

List used apparatus and the procedure of experiment
Experimental Results and Discussion
Results analyzed and discussed correctly. Experimental 40
findings adequately and specifically summarized, in graphical,
tabular, and/or written form, with explanation to those results.
Conclusions and Recommendations
Conclusions summarize the major findings from the 20
experimental results with adequate specificity.
Recommendations appropriate in light of conclusions. Correct
References and appendix 5
You have to use reference for the information you provide
Title page is complete, page numbers applied, content is well 15
organized, correct spelling, fonts are consistent, good visual

An-Najah National University ‫جاةالنح الو‬
‫م جا طني‬
Faculty of Engineering and IT ‫كةاهلنوتكنواملعل‬
‫ل دسلوجيا وما‬

This experiment demonstrates the use of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) in controlling a separately
excited DC motor. It investigates how PWM signals can effectively regulate motor speed by adjusting the
signal's duty cycle, allowing precise control over motor performance. Additionally, a closed-loop control
system is implemented for managing both speed and current, enhancing the system's accuracy and stability
under varying load conditions. Through this setup, the motor's behavior is examined in static and dynamic
states, providing insights into the effectiveness of PWM in industrial applications where stability and
precision are crucial.

Introduction and Theory

This experiment showcases PWM control techniques applied to a separately excited DC motor, a
configuration widely used in industrial applications for its efficiency and flexibility. The system
includes a PWM amplifier and a closed-loop control mechanism for regulating both speed and
current. A unique feature of this setup is the integration of an adjustable mechanical brake, enabling
experiments under various load conditions to analyze performance and control characteristics.
The separately excited DC motor consists of a rotor moving within a magnetic field generated by the

given by 𝑒=𝐾𝐸 is applied, the motor draws current, and in equilibrium, the
stator. As the rotor rotates at an angular velocity (𝜔), it generates an electromotive force (e.m.f)

torque T is proportional to the current (Ia) with a constant KE that relates to

the magnetic flux and rotor winding properties. In ideal conditions with no
losses, the motor’s power can be derived from the product of torque and
angular velocity, equating KE and KE , thereby simplifying the control design.
This experiment begins by examining the motor’s static and dynamic characteristics, followed by an
in-depth analysis of the PWM circuitry and control techniques implemented. The analysis concludes
with an exploration of the system’s closed-loop stability, highlighting the role of PWM in
maintaining precise motor control under varying operational conditions.

3. Theory used Apparatus and Procedure

3.1 Measurement of the open loop speed:
1- Connect point 1 to 18 and 22 to23.
2- Connect all necessary supplies to the module.
3- Switch on the power supply.
4- Connect the voltmeter between terminal 1 and ground and change the value of setpoint from 1-8 volt.
5- Use multimeter to take the value of the output voltage from transducer, after that use the relationship
between voltage and speed to detect the speed of the motor.
6- Fill the result in table 1.

3.2 Voltage duty – cycle speed curve of the PWM regulator:

1- Connect point 1 to 18 and 22 to 23.
2- Connect the oscilloscope to the output of the PWM regulator (point20).
An-Najah National University ‫جاةالنح الو‬
‫م جا طني‬
Faculty of Engineering and IT ‫كةاهلنوتكنواملعل‬
‫ل دسلوجيا وما‬
Connect the voltmeter between terminal 1 and ground.
4- Switch on the power supply.
5- Vary P1 from zero to +8V.
6- Take the time diagram of duty cycle from oscilloscope use flash memory.
7- Fill the result in table 2.
8- Measure the time of cycle (Ton + Toff) using the oscilloscope.
9- Calculate the duty cycle.

3.3 Measurement of the closed loop speed:

1- Connect the instrument to the terminals on the panel and connect between terminal 22 and 23.
2- Carry out of the block diagram of the fig 3.1.

3- Switch on the power supply.

4- Change the value of the setpoint as shown in table 3 by the knob, and use the multimeter to
check the value.
5- Use multimeter to take the value of the output voltage from transducer, after that use the
relationship between voltage and speed to detect the speed of the motor.
6- Fill the result in table3.
7- Measured the speed of motor from the relationship between volt and speed (0-8) volt → (0 –
8- Compare between close loop and open loop speed system.

Experimental Results and Discussion

Close loop control Temperature system with PID controller using NTC transducer and plotting the
characteristic curve of the NTC transducer:

Setpoint (°C) Voutput speed

(volt) (RPM)
1 -0.9 393.75
2 -3.4 1487.5
An-Najah National University ‫جاةالنح الو‬
‫م جا طني‬
Faculty of Engineering and IT ‫كةاهلنوتكنواملعل‬
‫ل دسلوجيا وما‬
3 -6.4 2800
4 -7.5 3281.25
5 -7.5 3281.25
6 -7.5 3281.25
7 -7.5 3281.25
7.3 -7.5 3281.25

Table 1

Set point Ton Toff

0 0 0
1 2 32
2 15 21
3 32 8
4 35 1
5 35 1
6 35 1
7 35 1
7.3 35 1

Table 2

Setpoint (°C) Voutput speed

(volt) (RPM)
1 -0.9 393.75
2 -1.98 866.25
3 -2.94 1286.25
4 -3.98 1741.25
5 -4.99 2183.125
6 -6 2625
An-Najah National University ‫جاةالنح الو‬
‫م جا طني‬
Faculty of Engineering and IT ‫كةاهلنوتكنواملعل‬
‫ل دسلوجيا وما‬
7 -6.95 3040.625
7.3 -7.5 3281.25
Conclusions and Recommendations

The experiment successfully demonstrates the effectiveness of PWM‫اهلة‬ ‫الوط كة‬

techniques ‫ جاةالنج‬the
in controlling
An -Najah National University
speed and current of a separately excited DC motor. By adjusting the PWM duty cycle, the motor’s
speed could
‫ نية ل‬The ‫اح‬closed-loop
Faculty of be controlled with
Engineering andhigh
ITprecision, even under various load
‫املعت‬ ‫ا‬‫وتكن‬
control system proved essential in maintaining stability and performance by dynamically adjusting the
motor’s input based on feedback, which enhanced both speed and current ‫لوم‬ ‫ ولوج‬Additionally, the
relationship between the motor’s torque and speed constants was validated, affirming that the voltage
and torque constants are equal under ideal conditions, confirming the theoretical model.

References and appendix

• Control system laboratory manual by Eng. Waleed Abuzaina

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