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Industrial Training Report 100290L

Preface Page
The training report includes skills, knowledge and experiences I got during my 24 weeks of training.
The report contains 3 main chapters.

The first chapter contains information about the training establishment such as functions, organization
structure, SWOT analysis, performance, profitability and usefulness of the company. The second
chapter contains information about works carried out in site, designing work, and handling with
equipment, labour handling, site visits and experiences and skills gathered. The third chapter contains
the conclusion of the training program and suggestions to improve training program.

Training program provide the chance for apply my theoretical and practical knowledge which I gained
from my university, and gave a wide knowledge in the areas of management, labour handling, cost
management and working skills. Now I have the perfect idea about how to works as a civil engineer
and what are the responsibilities.

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Acknowledgement page
First I would like to thank National Apprentice and Industrial Training Authority and Training
Division of University of Moratuwa for providing such a training programme which enhanced my
skills, knowledge and experiences.

I would like to thank Mr. S. Kodikara inspector of NAITA, for his guidance to improve the training
program and how to complete the daily diary.

Also I would like to thank Dr.K.Baskaran, training coordinator of Department of Civil Engineering
for guiding me to achieve good performance in training.

I would like to thank Mr. Manjula , Human Resource Officer of ICC (PVT) LTD for providing me
placement at the establishment.

I would like to thank Mr. Gamini Wijesinghe, Project Manager and Officer in Charge of
Undergraduate of CMC-B-Project and Mr.Deeptha Liyanage Project Manager and Officer in Charge
of Undergraduate of Havelock city Phase II Project to supervising ,guiding and teaching during the
training programe.

I would like to thank Mr. Samintha Jayakody , Divisional Grand Manager of ICC (PVT) LTD of
helping during the training.

I would like to thank Mr.Nandana, Site Engineer of CMC-B-Project for helping during the training.

I would like to thank Mr.Tharanga, Site Manager of Havelock City Phase II for helping during the

I would like to thank Site Agents, Supervisors and Technicians for helping and supporting me. Also I
would like to thank other staffs and labor who helped me to successfully complete my training.

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Contents Page

Table of Contents
Preface Page .............................................................................................................................................. i

Acknowledgement page ........................................................................................................................... ii

Contents Page .......................................................................................................................................... iii

CHAPTER 1 ............................................................................................................................................. 1

1.Introduction to the Training Establishment ........................................................................................... 1

1.1 Company Profile ............................................................................................................................ 1

1.1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1

1.1.2 Company Overview................................................................................................................. 1

1.2 About ICC (PVT) LTD .................................................................................................................. 2

1.2.1 Other Operations and Services provided by the company ...................................................... 3

1.2.2 project categories..................................................................................................................... 3

1.2.3 Current projects of the company ............................................................................................. 3

1.3 Team of ICC (pvt) Ltd ................................................................................................................... 4

1.4 Awards ........................................................................................................................................... 4

1.5 Origination chart of ICC ................................................................................................................ 5

1.6 SWOT analysis of ICC ................................................................................................................... 6

1.6.1 strengths .................................................................................................................................. 6

1.6.2 Weaknesses ............................................................................................................................. 6

1.6.3 Opportunities ........................................................................................................................... 6

1.6.4 Threats ..................................................................................................................................... 7

1.7 Suggestions to improve company .................................................................................................. 7

CHAPTER 2 ............................................................................................................................................. 8

Training Experiences................................................................................................................................ 8

2.1 Site Locations and Project Descriptions......................................................................................... 8

2.1.1 Site Location 1 ........................................................................................................................ 8

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2.1.2 Site Location 2 ........................................................................................................................ 8

2.2 Site management ........................................................................................................................... 9

2.2.1Main roles in a project .............................................................................................................. 9

2.2.2Management structure of a site ................................................................................................ 9

2.2.3 Site meetings ......................................................................................................................... 11

2.2.4 Documents at site .................................................................................................................. 12

2.3 Safety at site ................................................................................................................................. 12

2.3.1 Safety procedures .................................................................................................................. 13

........................................................................................................................................................ 14

2.4 Ready mix plant visit.................................................................................................................... 14

2.4.1Tests for concrete ................................................................................................................... 15

2.4.2Admixtures ............................................................................................................................. 17

2.5. Concreting at site ........................................................................................................................ 17

2.6 Supervised works in road site....................................................................................................... 20

2.6.1 Construction of parking bays & bus bays ............................................................................. 20

2.6.2 Centre median construction work ......................................................................................... 23

2.6.3 Bell mouth Construction work .............................................................................................. 23

2.6.4 Water pipe line work ............................................................................................................ 24

2.7 Structural information of Havelock city site .............................................................................. 25

2.8 Works & duties carried out at Havelock city site......................................................................... 25

2.8.1 Plastering ............................................................................................................................... 25

2.8.2 Water Proofing at Site .......................................................................................................... 29

2.8.3 Reinforcement at site ............................................................................................................. 34

2.8.4 Tilling .................................................................................................................................... 38

2.8.5 Tile grouting .......................................................................................................................... 41

2.8.6 Timber flooring .................................................................................................................... 42

2.8.7 Door frame and Door sash fixing .......................................................................................... 43

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2.8.8 Block masonry work ............................................................................................................ 45

2.8.9 External painting ................................................................................................................... 46

2.8.10 Scaffolding arrangements .................................................................................................... 49

2.9 Management practices .................................................................................................................. 51

2.10 Problems and difficulties during training period........................................................................ 52

CHAPTER 3 ........................................................................................................................................... 53

CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................................... 53

Annex 1 .................................................................................................................................................. 55

Technical data sheet of C800 water proof adhesive ........................................................................... 55

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List of figures
Figure 1 ICC Logo ................................................................................................................................... 1
Figure 2 saftey helmet ............................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 3 cylinders to protect fire ............................................................................................................ 13
Figure 4 saftey notice board ................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 5 saftey notice board ................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 6 slump test apparatus ................................................................................................................. 16
Figure 7 Waker ....................................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 8 Timber box ............................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 9 parking bay construction work ................................................................................................ 20
Figure 10 sand cone test apparatus ......................................................................................................... 21
Figure 11 Getting subgrade sample ........................................................................................................ 22
Figure 12 Kerb type A ............................................................................................................................ 22
Figure 13 Kerb type C ............................................................................................................................ 22
Figure 14 Chicken meshs ....................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 15 Water proofing at Block C ..................................................................................................... 32
Figure 16 intial ponding ......................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 17 preperation for water proofing ............................................................................................... 33
Figure 18 Initial ponding in passage way............................................................................................... 33
Figure 19 Reinforcement work at floor 22 ............................................................................................. 34
Figure 20 Prepared Reinforced bar ........................................................................................................ 34
Figure 21 Machine for r/f preperation work........................................................................................... 37
Figure 22 Our site R/F work shop ......................................................................................................... 38
Figure 23 Typical door frame arrangement ............................................................................................ 44

List of tables

Table 2-1 ................................................................................................................................................ 15

Table 2-2 ................................................................................................................................................ 15
Table 1-3 ................................................................................................................................................ 45

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1.Introduction to the Training Establishment

1.1 Company Profile

1.1.1 Introduction
International Construction Consortium private limited is one of the leading construction contractors in
Sri Lanka, which serves and develops our country in construction industry. ICC was established on
23rd May 1980. ICC Pvt. Ltd is a group company of FINCO GROUP . ICC is having multi sector

1.1.2 Company Overview

Company Name: International Construction Consortium Private Limited

Industry: Construction Industry

Company Logo:

Figure 1 ICC Logo

Mission: International Construction Consortium private limited is

committed to provide a quality service at an affordable
price and on time.

Rehabilitation of Galle Road and R.A.De Mel Mawatha –

Project worked Package – B

Havelock City Phase II Project

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Head Office Address:

70, S. De. S. Jayasinghe Mawatha
Sri Lanka

Telephone: 00 94 11 4400600

Email: [email protected]


Current C.E.O : Mr. Namal Peries

1.2 About ICC (PVT) LTD

During these 28 years of period ICC Construction Company became a major construction company in
Sri Lanka. It is presently having 7 main divisions. They are

1. Project Development Division (To handle Development Projects either on its own
or in Joint Venture with both Local and Foreign Collaborators on turnkey basis or
2. An infrastructure Development division
3. A Building Construction division (To handle high-rise buildings, Shop and Office
Complexes and other commercial buildings, factories, warehouses, housing
complexes, etc)
4. A Water supply & Sanitation Division
5. A Road Construction Division
6. A Pilling Division
7. A Housing Development division
ICC carried out projects all over Srilanka. Also ICC was carried out projects in Doha, Qatar and
Republic of Maldives.

ICC has 3 fully owned subsidiaries, ICC Housing (pvt) ltd, Durra Building Systems and Nivasie
Developers (pvt) ltd.

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1.2.1 Other Operations and Services provided by the company
 Ready mix Concrete manufacture & supply unit
 Precast and Pre-stressed Concrete Yard
 Quarry and Crusher Plant
 Asphalt Concrete manufacturing and supply unit
 Joinery Workshops
 Luxury Apartments for Rent

1.2.2 project categories.

 High Rise Commercial Building
 Housing Complex
 Roads and Bridges
 International Projects
 Sports, institutional and hotel complex
 Power stations and industrial installations
 Irrigation and Sanitation projects

1.2.3 Current projects of the company

Ongoing projects are:

 Havelock city phase 2

 Design & Construction of Secretariat for Personal Identification
 Construction of Housing for Relocation of Underserved Settlements in the City of Colombo
 Construction of Iceland Business Center
 Metro Colombo Urban Development Project Rehabilitation of Galle Road and R.A.De Mel
 Metro Colombo Urban Development Project Rehabilitation of Galle Road and R.A.De Mel
Mawatha from Liberty Roundabout to Dharmarama Road Junction
 Metro Colombo Urban Development Project Rehabilitation of Galle Road and R.A.De Mel
Mawatha From Galadari Roundabout to Kollupitiya Junction
 Construction of 209 Houses with all Infrastructure Facilities at Malabe
 Rehabilitation/Improvements to A-029 Vavuniya - Horowupathana Road
 Construction of 10 nos of Four Storied 100 Rooms Hostels
 Construction of New 154 key Resort Hotel at Tangalle

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1.3 Team of ICC (pvt) Ltd
Vice chairman- Mr.Harsh De Saram

CEO- Mr. Namal Peries

General Manager Construction- Mr. Chula Thennaweera

Executive Plant and Equipment – Mr. Indika Jayasooriya

Executive Director/ Manager – Mr. Neita De Mel

Executive Director Roads and Bridges – Mr. Lalith Jayasinghe

Executive Director Designs and Estimetes – Mr. Vajira Nagadavithana

HRD Manager – Ishani Gunawarda

1.4 Awards
 The company is an ISO 9002:2000 certified companies and is backed by three Banking
consortiums ensuring adequate banking facilities to undertake major construction projects.

 The country hosted the International Federation of Asian and West pacific Contractors
Association and ICC was the only Sri Lankan Company to win a gold award for civil
engineering for their road construction project in 2007.
 Another award company won the Award for Construction Excellence for their construction of
SLIIT Building at Malambe in 2007, given by the Institute for Construction Training and
Development, Sri Lanka. (ICTAD)
 Won the ICTAD award for Construction Excellence for their construction Of Iceland
Residencies in last year.
 ICC has also won the following awards presented by the National Chamber of Commerce of
Sri Lanka
First Runner-Up award for „Best Realized Growth‟ in 2004.
Winner of Best Construction and Engineering Company presented in 2006.
Second Runner Up for the best company under large category presented in 2006.

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1.5 Origination chart of ICC









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1.6 SWOT analysis of ICC

1.6.1 strengths
 Company has long history which created legacy and trust among stakeholders.
 Company certified with the ISO 9001: 2008 standard
 Company has adequate working capital and banking facilities which help the company to
undertake major projects.
 It has global market presence & international projects.
 Since ICC has its own supplier basis for building material supply, company can able to get
quality and cheaper materials.
 Company has good organization structure which easy for decision making and control.
 High employee safety, safety officers are recruited in each site and employees are guided to use
safety procedures and equipment.
 Good labour resource & salary.

1.6.2 Weaknesses
 Lack of engineers and technical staff at sites.
 Higher cost of construction materials.
 Lack of skilled workers.
 Company is over reliance on single industry, if construction industry affected company‟s
going concern is questionable.
 Low supply of high grade steel, this one issue affected by construction companies in Sri
 High labour and material wastage.
 Mainely target projects in Colombo
 Language problems at site.
 Lack of machineary equipments.

1.6.3 Opportunities
As the Government of Sri Lanka, nowadays encourage and focus on the development projects mostly,
the involvement to the construction industry has rapidly grown up. Therefore, the chances and
opportunities are growing for every bodies connected to this field. I think, this will become a blessed

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future to the company as well.Company can invest in E-commerce, which will increase future sales
such as sales of housing complexes..Company can expand the business in other international countries.

1.6.4 Threats
 Delay of project.
 Economic factors & unemployment
 Safety of staff & workers & site .
 Competition from other construction firms is a threat for the company.
 Bad weather may cause delay.
 Rules & regulations
 Legal problems
 Labour resource- lack of salary for labours when compared with other companies.
 Maintenance of labour camps.

1.7 Suggestions to improve company

Currently number of engineers working in the company is less compared to the other staffs. The
company can recruit more number of engineers.

Increase the number of staff will reduce the material & labour wastage.

Pay more attention on safety.

Provide final drawings to the site which not change further.

Concern about the machinery resource.

Pay more attention on trainees ( field visites , site lectures , sharing experience ).

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Training Experiences

2.1 Site Locations and Project Descriptions

2.1.1 Site Location 1

Project Details

Project Name : Metro Colombo Development Project

Contract package B (CMC-B-Project)

Rehabjlitation of Galle Road From Bambalapitya Juntion to

South city limit

Contract No : MCUDP/CMC/W/12(B)

Clint : Government of the Democratic Socialst Republic Of Srilanka

Contractor : International Construction Consortium Pvt Ltd.

Funding Agency : The World Bank

Implementing Agency : Municipal Engineer‟s Department, CMC

Consultant : Renardet S.A Consulting Engineers in association with

Resources Development Consultants (PVT) Ltd.

Value : 1.1 Billion

2.1.2 Site Location 2

Project Details

Project Name : Construction and maintenance of Phase II of Havelock City

Development Project in Colombo,Srilanka

Location : Havelock City, Havelock Road, Colombo-05

Employers Name : Mieka Homes Pvt Ltd

Contractor : International Construction Consortium Pvt Ltd.

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Architectural & MEP engineer : East China Architectural Design & Research Institute co Ltd

Contract period : 26 months

Conrtact commencement date : 01.03.2012

Conrtact complement date : 02.05.2014

Contract Amount : 4.5 Billion rupees

Vat : 12%

Performance Bond : 10% of contract sum

2.2 Site management

Site management is the most important factor in every site . It is the knowledge of how to handle
officers, labours & materials efficiently. It gives the idea to how to manage and order the site works &
and finish the works on the mentioned periods. Normally project manager should concern more on
this area , but for a successive site everybody should have the basic idea of site management.

2.2.1Main roles in a project

Client- He is the person who wants to get job done by others according to his necessity.

Consultant - He is the Engineer who designs, estimates, prepare tender documents and all the drawings
of the job according to the requirement of Client./ after the job is executed, it is the responsibility of
the consultant to follow the work whether it is according to his design.

Contractor - The work designed by the consultant to be given group of person or organization known
as Contractor.. It‟s contactor‟s responsibility to carry out the work according to the B.O.Q. and given
drawings and also finish the job in specified time period.

2.2.2Management structure of a site

1. Project manager –

 Project manager is the person who has to communicate with head office and site manager.
 Advising the client at outset of the project on financing and land acquisition, preparing the brief
and appointment of consultant and contractors.
 Planning, controlling and directing for the client.
 Responsible for all section of the administration, technical and other parts.

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 Preparation of program and progress charts for the site organization.

 Coordinates between head office and site and between the client and contractor.
 Coordinating with different sub contractors agencies to maintain the speed of construction
project work.
 He should give instruction to the site Managers, Engineer, Asst Engineers and officers as it
required by the site conditions.

2. Site manger – Site Managers should maintain construction documents such as weather reports,
concrete pouring charts, drawings etc. he should update daily work approval sheets, information of
labor, machinery, tools and progress of the previous day work.

 Administrative function of the site engineer

 Maintain attendance register

 Site security

 Store control reports

 Maintain disciplinary at the site

3.Engineering staff

This group consists of engineers, assistant engineers, technical officers and training engineering staff.
The site engineer divides work among those persons. They have to check the all works with
technically which are under going their section. Material requisitions are approved and checked the
material consumption. They should ensure that the work is carried out according to the details in
construction drawings and specifications and prepare reinforcement schedules of the project. Attend
the daily site meeting and discuss about the problems uncounted.

 Ensure the work process according to the plan.

 Supervisig function of engineering staff

 Supervise labour out put and control the labours.

 Quality control especially

 Ensure tools and equipments are not misused

 Ensure site is kept steady and clean.

 Sign of labor supply daily.

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4.Addministrative officer -

He is the person who is responsible for every administrative work in the site. He is instructed by the
site manager. He always contact with the administrative section at head office. Every purchasing
material is arranged by him. In addition, he is responsible for preparing of sub contractors bills and
other bills and as follows

 Security services should be carefully checked on daily basis and report promptly all
shortcomings to project manager.

 Maintenance and movements of machineries vehicles and arrange it requirement in time.

 Keep well assistance with storekeepers to find out requirement to store daily.
 All the copies of attendance sheet and any other documents pertaining to employees form be
carefully packed and dispatched to need office at the end of every month. Every personal
accident looks after the purpose of employee and he should take action.

5.Consultant –

Consultant is agent of client who carried out the work for him and he has to design and prepare the
details of the project to the satisfaction of the client. He has to administer the work units its
completion. In this task, a consultant has to administer the work until its completion. In this task, a
consultant has to give details and certification wherever necessary. he has to supervise the work

 Review the progress and propose remedial action

 Inspect and certify the bills

 Inspect and approved the quality of work

 Check and approved the quality of material

 Supervise the rectification work during maintenance orders

2.2.3 Site meetings

Normaly site meetings are carried out by project manager.The meetings carried out were

In site location 1 (CMC – B- Project)

 Saftey meeting (twice a week held on labour camp)

 Work process meeting ( once a week at site office – in evening times 6.00pm)

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 Site work process meeting by site agent (in case of nessary ,for site supervisors)

In site location 2 ( Havelock city phase II)

 Saftey meeting ( at site on Tuesdays & Fridays morning by safety officer ,following project
manager(PM) or divisional grand manager(DGM) address to the staff & labours, site managers
also talk for some minutes to inform the work for the week to labours)

 Site meeting (at site meeting room , by PM or DGM , about the work process with staff)

 Sub contractors meeting(at site meeting room , by PM or DGM, with sub contractors)

 Technical meeting (at site meeting room , by PM or DGM,with technical officers)

2.2.4 Documents at site

When we involve in a construction work, always we have to check the dimension and quality of the
work and progress of work. For this work, we have to refer many documents at site. Such as

 Details drawings, bar chart.

 Shop drawings

 RFI ( requestion for inspection)

 Work process report

 Bills of quantities

 Accident reports

 Method statement, so on

 In CMC-B-Road Project we maintain daily work report

2.3 Safety at site

ICC (PVT) LTD is very concern about safety of employees and public. It has won award for its safety
measures and construction practices. Safety is important in each and every construction stage.

There are lot of accidents can happen in any construction work. Safety procedures can manage to stop
these accidents and maintain a safty site environment to reduce the chances for accidents.

Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems are accordance with the OHSAS 18001:2007
requirements. There are lot of boards displayed at site & office to show how to prevent the accidents
and the procedure of work with safety.

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Safety wears used in site : When all are working at a site, field or any other risky place they must be
worn proper safety equipments for safety. There are many safety equipments that all are worn. Some
of them are Safety helmet, Safety boots, Safety belt, Gloves,Eye protectors,Ear protectors , etc.

2.3.1 Safety procedures

 Staffs and labors are not allowed to work at site without helmets.
 Labors are advised to use safety boots, especially during pouring of concrete. Also company
has provided safety shoes for staffs.. Since when working in trenches in order to avoid
accidents of electric current.
 Company has provided dust mask for all staffs and labor, where in construction dust is hazard
for health.
 fire cylinders are kept at office & required places.
 Also since diesels are kept at site store, smoking cigarettes are strictly prohibited at the site
 In order to prevent accidents at sites warning boards are kept at sites, so accidents can be
reduced while construction work.
 To prevent dust at road sites, water bowsers are used, water is sprayed on the road to reduce
 All the safety instructions are displayed in the notice board.
 Safety belts for those who are working on scaffolding.
 Keep the site clean as much as possible.
 Welders & grinders should be use goggles.

Figure 2 saftey helmet

Figure 3 cylinders to protect fire

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Figure 4 saftey notice board

Figure 5 saftey notice board

2.4 Ready mix plant visit

When I worked at Havelock city project I got the opportunity to visit ICC Readymix plant. It is located
at Bokundara , Pilliyandala.

Quality management system of ICC Readymix concrete plant bears the DNV ISO 9001 YEAR 2008
certification. The plant comprise a fully computerized batching plant of 50m3 per hour capacity.
Readymix concrete is covered by BS 1926.

There are two types of batching concrete

 Volume batching – measuring volume of materials ( only for small concrete volumes)
 Way batching – measuring mass of materials .

Batching is done by batching plant.

Basic components of concrete : Cement , fine aggregates , Coarse aggregates ,Water , Air , Admixtures

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Mixing ratio of some grades of concrete :

grade Target mean Cement : sand : metal Water cement ratio

30 38 1:1:2 0.5
20 28 1:2:4 0.55
Table 2-1

Material Bulk density Specific gravity

Cement 1441 kg/m3 3.15
River sand 1500 kg/m3 2.61
metal 1450 kg/m3 2.70
Table 2-2

Handling of aggregate : We have to prevent segregation and control of moisture of the material . This
can be minimized by proper storing.

Process of mixer :

 Add 10% of mixing water before add aggregate & cement.

 Then cement should be added after 10% of aggregate was added.
 Water was continuously added throughout the charging of aggregate
 Admixtures should be batched separately to avoid interactions between them.

Ready mix concrete can obtain better quality concrete by using automated equipment. Truck mixtures
are required to transport.

2.4.1Tests for concrete

 Concrete slump test - cone filled by 3 layers of concrete . each layer should be tamped atleast
25 times with tamp rod of 16mm diameter &600mm length .After cone removed and alloed for
slumping . Slump measured by steel rule. Different types of possible slumps are normal slump
, shear slump , collapse slump . For a given type and maximum size of aggregate, the higher the
water content the higher the slump. This test is very useful to know the workability of concrete.

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Figure 6 slump test apparatus

 Casting concrete test cubes –

Apparatus – test cube mould (150 ×150 ×150 mm) ,steel compacting bar(1.8kg), scoop,
steel trowel

Procedure – placed the mould in horizontal surface . placed mix concrete in the mould using scoop in
layers. Each layer was about 50mm . each layer was compacted by compacting bar. After
casting the cubes,stored them in a place of free vibration and prevent conditions of
moisture loss. (casted for 24 hours) . Remove the cubes from the mould and marked that
for indentification and immediately palced under water in a curing tank until such time
that compressive strength testing is done.

 Compressive strength test –

Casted cubes should be tested after 7 days and 28 days for 15/20, 20/20, 25/20, 30/20 types of
concrete. The 7 day test results shall generally be made use of as an indicator of the strength at
28 days and unless otherwise decided by Engineer.
After 7 days 75% of estimated strength should be obtained and after 28 days 100% of the tests
should be obtained. Acceptance criteria shall be that the average 28 days compressive strength
of the 3 cubes exceeds the characteristic strength of the concrete and that the difference
between the greater and lowest strengths is not more than 20% of the average.
When load is applied cracks are formed. Some instance maximum strength may deviate very
much between cubes, these are written off as casting error and the results are not taken into
final calculations. Casting error may be the surface may not even, compaction may not enough
and also finishing may not be good.

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Admixtures are materials other than the basic ingredients of concrete which are added to the concrete
to obtaining specific results.

Commonly used admixtures

 Retarding admixtures – used to slow down the initial setting time .

Eg : Pozzolith 300R (dosage : 250 to 300 ml per 100kg cement )
Improves workability , Reduces segregation , Greater durability
 Water reducing admixtures – eg : Rheobuild 100 (high range water reducing admixture)
very high durability , Low shrinkage , Superior cohesion
Dosage : 0.7 to 1.2 liters per 100kg cement
 Accelerating admixtures – used to speed up initial setting time
 Special additives – Fly ash ,Silica fume

2.5. Concreting at site

Today the concrete, is the most important material for all types of construction works. Some
forms of concrete are reinforced cement concrete, plain concrete, precast concrete, pre-stressed
concrete & many others.

In CMC-B-Project we did concreting for bus bays, parking bays & some earth structures. Also we used
precast concrete structures as strom line pipes, kerbs , manholes , catch pits ,etc.

In Havelock city phase II project we did concreting for car park , man holes and balance structural
works. We went to ICC Readymix plant as a field visit.

Transportation of concrete : the concrete is came from ICC readymix plant for the CMC-B-Project. So
the transportation is a important factor for delivered the concrete in correct time. Here the concrete
transported by truck mixtures which having rotating drums. So segregation can be avoided.
Segregation is the process of separation of concrete into mortar and aggregate .By proper rotation it
can be avoided . Infact the transportation should be done with minimum delay to avoid hardening.

Preperation before placing concrete

 Moistering the subgrade (by water )

 Compacting the sub grade (plate rammer , waker )

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 Field density ttest was carried out for subgrade.

 Layered ABC up to 200mm
 ABC was compacted by roller.
 Field density test carried out for compacted ABC
 Timer framework is done to avoid concrete leaking

Spreading and Rolling of ABC

 Before laying of ABC surface should be cleaned to make sure surface is free of dust.
 After compacting the minimum thickness of ABC layer is 75mm and the maximum thickness
should not exceed 200 mm.
 In order to minimize segregation, the material should be kept wet during transport and
 Mix should be thoroughly mixed in order to get uniform mix of ABC.
 Segregated coarse and fine coarse

Figure 7 Waker

Placing concrete –

concrete is transfer from trucks by bob cat vehicle . The concrete should be placed in its final position
rapidly so that it is not too stiff to work. All the instruments must washed before taking concrete.

Concrete is compacted by vibrators and leveled.

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Concrete pouring

Concrete should be thoroughly compacted during

and immediately after depositing. This can be
carried out by mechanical vibration. During concrete
compaction these factors should be considered.

 Vibrator should have capability to transfer Figure 8 Timber box

adequate vibration frequencies and intensity.
 Vibrators should inserted and withdrawn slowly from concrete. Vibration should be given to
sufficient duration with intensity, but should be continued so as to cause segregation.
 Vibrators should be manipulated to thoroughly work the concrete around the reinforcement and
embedded fixtures and into the corners and angles of the forms.
 Chute is used to convey concrete in order to prevent segregation and excessive quantity of
water by conveying concrete in practically continuous flow.
 Concrete should not be dropped greater than height of 1.5 meters.
 All frameworks are made leak proof and there is no loss of mixing water or grout from the

Volume batch cement preparation at road site

We used this concrete mixer to produce concrete for kerb beds where small volume is required. For
preparation of concrete using volume batch it is important to maintain volume ratio of
Cement:Aggregate:Sand . In order to measure the volume, a wood box is prepared, where the volume
of the timber box is equal to the volume of 50 Kg cement. So volume of Aggregate, Sand can be
measured. It is always likely to produce concrete that can maintaining it‟s slump within 150mm.

Quarry dust used as sand the ratios of Cement:Aggregate:Sand for different grades of concrete.

15/20 – 1: 3: 4 W/C ratio – 0.60

20/20 – 1: 2.5: 3 W/C ratio – 0.53

25/20 – 1: 2: 3 W/C ratio – 0.49

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2.6 Supervised works in road site

2.6.1 Construction of parking bays & bus bays

First we marked the outlines of the parking bay with the help of drawing and 7m line marked from the
centre line. Also we used the points marked in the road by surveyor. After we marked the lines we
excavated the area by excavator & baker . Then we cleaned the area. After it we did the leveling by
leveling instrument .Normally according to plan we put four steel bars at four cornerns & additionaly
put some bars on both sides.

All the informations are given in the plan for leveling such as finish level at road edge , cross fall ,
chainage ,width ,offset from C/L to P/B edge & finish level.

We marked the levels which gained by leveling instrument on steel bar by shallow tape . Connect the
all bars by using a twin .Then we ensure that the height of subgrade should be 400mm from twin level.
if it not there we did the excavation for the requied height .Then we asked for the RFI from the RDA
surveyor to check the levels . After got permission we compacted the subgarde by roller around 15-20

 Here all areas cannot be rolled by roller because of existing manholes , catch pits ,pipe lines &
concrete slabs. So we used plate rammer & waker to compact these areas.

After we compacted the subgrade again check the levels and 400mm height. Then we requested to the
lab for the field density test to obtain the degree of compaction.

Figure 9 parking bay construction work

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After got approval we put the ABC aggregate for 200mm height from the twin level .Then we moisture
the ABC layer by water & compact the ABC layer by roller & waker .Then we agained required to
check the compaction degree of ABC layer. After we again asked the RDA surveyor to check the
levels and height and got permission for start kerb bed excavation . excavation was done for required
width & height . After it we did the timer frame work to avoid leakage while concreting . then we
concreted the kerb bed for 100mm thick. Then we start to construct kerbs accoriding to paln . The
finishing levels of kerbs always checked by leveling instrument .

After it asked to check RDA surveyor for the levels of kerbs and required permission for concreting
the parking bay . Then we did concreting. We layered 200mm thickness of class C concrete . After it
we did proper curing for some days & clean the area too.

Machines used : excavator , roller , plate rammer , waker

Field density test

Field density test carried out for subgrade soil and ABC layer. By conducting field density test
compaction of the layer can be determined. Sand cone method was used in our lab for this test.

We have obtained field density more than 100% this may be due to grading difference between
gradation of ABC in the lab and field, mixing may not be well in the field, segregation may exist,
moisture may be different in the field and size of the roller is different, where in lab compaction is
given by hammers it is differ from compaction given by roller.

When doing field density some soil areas were removed and replaced with ABC. It is a problem of soil
and due to that compaction cannot be done for that soil.

Figure 10 sand cone test apparatus

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Figure 11 Getting subgrade sample

Kerbs we used :

Figure 13 Kerb type C Figure 12 Kerb type A

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2.6.2 Centre median construction work

Design level

60mm Interlock paving

20mm sand

100mm ABC

Subgrade level


We had first construct the centre line kerbs according to design level . After got approval from RDA &
consultant we start to compact the subgrade soil by waker & plate rammer . the height of subgrabe soil
layer from design level is 180 mm. after we did the field density test for obatain the compaction
percentage . then got the approval for filling ABC . Then we filled the 100mm of ABC layer and
moisture it and compacted. Again we did the field density test and got approval from consultant.

2.6.3 Bell mouth Construction work

Marking 2m off set line from the design centre line of the by road. Completed the curve line marking
with the help of drawing and surveying . cut the marked two lines by floor saw. Excavation of the area
for kerb bed.thw width for kerb bed was nearly 700mm and height was 190 mm. for conformed the
height of design by using a twin line which was hanged on steel bars located on the subgrade soil at
design distance. The height of twin was marked by level instrument according to design level. After
finished all excavation work the area was concreted by grade 20 concrete. Then kerbs are constructed
according to design.

ABC trail testing

I had observed the ABC trial test and knew how they did it. The tested area was cleaned and 75mm
holes were made by the help of baker machine and the trial ABC was filled the area. Then the area was
compacted by the roller and the number of rolling was counted. Field density test was carried out after
18th & 28th passing of roller. The test was done randomly selected points in the area. The results was
for 18th passing is 100.7% , 94.4% & for 28th passing 103.3% ,96.8%.

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For ABC degree of compaction should be greater than 98%. For the trial test they looking for get
more than 100% degree of compaction. Because moisture content can be differ in the field & the trial
mixing might be not well.

2.6.4 Water pipe line work

Here we construct the new pipe line . we had to excavated the subgrade at both road side edges (mostly
in pavement areas) about 700mm if it is possible to excavate. After the excavation we layered the
drinking water pipes . here we used PVC pipe of 6m length & 160mm diameter. At some places we
had T joints. After layering pipe we backfilled the area with quarry dust and layered the warning tape
and filled quarry dust again to road level.

Here the main problem is we cannot keep the straight line for excavation because of existing features
such as concrete slabs , strom water pipes , man holes , and other cables. So we have to decide the path
of excavation always to reduce the bending of pipe line often. After it we measured the off set lengths
from 7m line from centre line for the drawing purpose.

Pressure test was carried out to check for the leakages . . If the initial pressure is 9 Bars, every 1 hour
the test is carried out. If the initial pressure is 6 Bars every 24 hours pressure drop is measured.

Disinfection of pipelines test

All new pipelines which will convey filtered water should be disinfected with Chlorine and a
satisfactory bacteriological analysis of the water certified.

The amount of content of Chlorine solution applied should be provided a dosage of not less than 50 mg
per litre, introduced into the lines. After a contact period of 24 hours, the chlorine residual at the end of
the pipelines should not be less than 25 mg per litre.

Amount of Bleaching powder needed for 50g residual chlorine;

Residual Chlorine in bleaching powder 33%

Chlorine 33g Bleaching powder 33%

1m3 volume of pipelines require 150g Bleaching powder. Accordingly Bleaching powder requirement
can be calculated, and 10% can be added for wastages.

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2.7 Structural information of Havelock city site
 Life time – 50 years
 Eigen period – 0.35 s

Concrete grades used in different locations :

 Pile cap foundation – G 30

 Below elevation 17.4 m – G 40
 Above elevation 17.4 m – G 30

Design loads in site :

 Dead load : floor finishes – 1KN/m2

 Live load - 2KN/m2
 Basic wind speed – 33.5 m/s
 Shape factor – 1.4

Cover to reinforcement

 Shear wall – 20mm

 Embedded column – 30mm
 Floor slab & staircase – 20mm
 Top of roof slab – 25mm
 Bottom of roof slab – 20mm
 Floor beam – for stirrup 20mm & r/f 30mm
 Column - for stirrup 20mm & r/f 30mm

2.8 Works & duties carried out at Havelock city site

2.8.1 Plastering
Plastering is the process of covering rough walls and uneven surfaces. After completing brick work
plaster is applied to give better uniform smooth surface for walls. Normally plastering is done after the
roof was covered.

Plastering is used to provide

 Thermal insulation & Sound insulation

 To protect the surface from harm full effects of atmospheric conditions.
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 Fire resistance
 To provide a true, even smooth and finished surface to the work and improve the appearance.
There are several type of plasters

 Lime plasters
 Cement plasters
 Lime-Cement plasters

Factors Considerd before plastering

 Cleaned the related area which we hope to start plastering without timber parts & nails.
 Chipped extra concrete surfaces & loose concrete particles.
 Removed oil or paint surfaces
 The walls should be well washed, cleaned, and kept wet for at least one hour before the plaster
is applied.
 Placed chicken mesh to edges of connecting of brick wall and concrete wall.

Method of Application

We need to place the mortar level gauges before plastering a wall. For this purpose we used center
plumb bob to establish the level gauges on wall surface.

Centre plumb bob hang over to 300mm off line near the bottom corners of the walls, then the
measuring tape is kept perpendicular to the plumb string and paste the bottom level gauges according
to the mentioned plaster thickness. A tile piece is embedded top of the each gauge to identifie them.

By using bottom gauges other gauges are placed with the help of stretched string. The top level gauges
are fixed using a plumb bob.

Tools used for plastering

 Centre plumb bob - This is used to fix gauges by taking distance from the off line.
 Level bar - Level Bar is used to make surface vertical. It is used to checked plaster whether it is
finished. Correctly to spot gauge to spot gauge. should be long enough to cover between two
gauges. And also it shold be straight.
 Sponge piece - Sponge piece are used to make final plaster using this make a smooth surface.

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 Trowel(float) – This is the most important tool to apply plater . It used to spread the mortar on
requird surface.
 Hawk – It is used to temporarly hold plaster.

 Proper curing is needed.

 Plaster need to check for hollowness after some days.

Placing Gauges

Plumb bob


Chicken Mesh


Block work

Chicken Mesh

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Purpose of this chicken mesh is it can avoid cracks between wall and plaster in their edges.

In the site, Chicken mesh required where the block walls contact with structural concrete or stud

The expansion rate of concrete and block wall are different. So there will be chance for cracks.
Chicken mesh used to prevent such cracks.

The mesh is nailed to the joining place of the blocks and concrete and plaster is made.

Figure 14 Chicken meshs

Here we used plastering ratio= Cement :Sand =1:3

Defects in Plastering

 Cracks - Plastered surface may be developing cracks, which may thin hairline cracks. , or wide
open cracks. If cracks are not easily noticeable, they are not considered as defects. The
development of thin hair cracks is known as “crazing” and it may be due to the following
o Excessive thickness of plasters causing excessive shrinkage.
o Finished surface being very smooth; generally rough finished surfaces cracks less than
smooth finished surfaces.
o Expansion or shrinkage of the plaster itself during drying.
o Movement in the backing due to expansion or shrinkage of backing materials.

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 Fall of plaster - Iit may due to the following.

o Bond of plaster with the background may not be perfect.
o Too much thermal changes either in backing or plaster itself.
o At places of excessive absorption by the backing material, the plaster does not have
good bond strength.
 Blistering or blowing of plaster - This defect occurs due to slaking of unslaked particles present
in plaster and hence small patches of plaster swelling beyond the plastered surface.
 Efflorescence - All the materials making plaster and backing materials have some soluble salts
present in them. When a newly constructed wall or newly plastered wall dries out, the soluble
salts are brought to the surface and they appear in the form of a whitish crystalline substance
such a growth is known as efflorescence.

2.8.2 Water Proofing at Site

In our site we did water proofing at several areas and addition to it our project manger did a lecture
about water proofing.


A Building is constructed for the purpose of providing its occupants and contents, protection
from the elements such as rain, wind and heat. The subject of water proofing relate mainly to
rain water which is shielded by the roof , floors and the walls. The objective of any water
proofing application is to inhabit the penetration of water into the substrate , may it also be a
slab, wall or a floor of a building.

Areas where water proofing is required

 Concrete surfaces- Over head tanks , toilet areas , Terrace slabs, Basement slabs, under ground
water sumps
 Block walls – Toilet areas, Over haed tanks
 Joints – Expansion joints , construction joints
 Weak concrete – Honeycombs, cracks

Water proofing or water resistant describes objectives relatively unaffected by water or resting the
ingrees of water under specified conditions.

Water proofing makes a object as water resistant.

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Available types of waterproofing

 Crack controlling & self healing

Self healing by hydration process
Crack control by proper curing & thermal control concrete (use ice / fly ash)
 Integral systems – Cement crystalline applications
Applied on concrete surfaces
Eg : Xypex concentrate , Thoroseal SLX
 Integral systems – Chemical admixtures
Can be added while batching concrete
Eg : Xypex C1000 NF
 Cement polymer memberance type applications
Applied by brush
Applied in tolilet areas , over head water tanks
Eg ; Throseal , Masterseal 540 ( baralastic ) , Masterseal 555
 Bituminous water proofing memberances
Appled in roof terraces & external surfaces
Eg : Bitumat Roofseal , Bitumat polyflex
 Bituminous water proofing applications
Used in external water proofing
Eg : Elatiflash , Aquashield BX
 Water bars
Used for expansion and construction joints
Type of water bars - mild steel , PVC water bars (embedded and surface type) ,
Swelling type
 Repair Mortars & injection resins
Construction Grouts , Masterflow 98

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Roof waterproofing

Materials : Roof seal –P , Bituprime as primer coat , Master flow 96 , Synroof HB –Arcylic joint

Filler, Esscofoam – extruded polystyrene insulation

Method of application

 Clean the surface free from dust & cement deposits

 Surroundings of gullies , water outlets were sealed with master flow 96
 Layed 1:3 cement :sand mortar scred to a slpoe toward gullies & wall plaster up to minimum of
300mm height .
 All inner right angle (900) edges filled with angle fillets
 Primed the dry surface with BITUPRIME.
 Layed 4mm thick roofseal black finish , anchor to screed by torch on mmberance with 15cm
 Seal the memberance termination at parapet walls with an alluminium strip sealed with
 Check the water tightness for 2 days by filling with water minimum upto 50mm deep.
 Layed 25mm thick ESSCOFORM insulation board staggering joints on roof slab.

Initial ponding – Water was filled into the grouted area (masterflow 96 grout ) & observerd after 24
hours. The water leakage was checked & if there was any leking it was repaired by using construction

 At memberance type water proofing



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Toilet , Bathroom & terrace water proofing

Marerials : Masterseal 540 Part B

Masterseal 540 Part A

Glasscote 60 (glass fiber net )

Method of application

 Clean the surface free from dust , mortar deposits.

 The surroundings of gullies , pipes were sealed by using masterflow 96 construction grout.
 All ineer edges 900 edges were filled by 1:3 cement :sand angle fillets
 Holes of walls also filled by construction grout
 Glasscote 60 was applied to the intersections of walls ^ floors
 Thin layer of water was srayed (initial ponding )
 1st coat of master seal 540 was applied , and after 12 hours 2nd coat was applied. Again water
ponding was done & kept for two days & checking was done.

Figure 15 Water proofing at Block C

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Figure 16 intial ponding

Figure 17 preperation for water proofing

Figure 18 Initial ponding in passage way

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2.8.3 Reinforcement at site
Concrete is much strong in compressive but very weak in tension. Hence concrete can not be used
where tensile forces are developed. There for reinforcement was used to gain tensile strength in
construction activities.

Here we did Reinforcement arrangements for car parking, Man holes. And also we did some small
reinforcement works for some floors.

And also we attended a lecture on how to do reinforcement in site by our project manager. He
explained about the work process at the site work shop.

Figure 19 Reinforcement work at floor 22

Figure 20 Prepared Reinforced bar

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Type of Bars :- Plain bars 250 N/mm2

Tor Steel 460N/mm2

QT or TMT bars 500N/mm2

BRC Mesh

Here we used 10mm ,12mm , 16mm ,20mm bars for these small reinforcement works.

Notification of R/F bars : 15Y10 – 5 – 200C/C – B2

Here 15 - Number of bars

10 - Bar size

5 - Type of bar

200C/C – spacing (cetre to centre)

B1 – Location

We discuss about the design work of Reinforcement bars with our desogn engineer. They used codes
BS 8666:2005 – Reinforcement shape codes & BS 8110: Part1 1985 Part three for the reinforcement
design work.

Procedure of fixing R/F bars

 Submission of material application and obtaining the approval for the brand R/F bar
 Estimating & ordering the required quantity of R/f bar.
 Stacking the R/F bars in orderly manners.
 Preparation of bar bending schedules and obtaining approval from the consultants.
 Requesting required quanity of bars from the store.
 Cutting & bending bars as per the bar bending schedule
 Fixing bars in accordance with relavent drawings & specifications
 Obtaining approval for fixed bars.

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Possible Defects

 Wrong diameter.

 Wrong cutting length.

 Wrong shape.

 Wrong arrangement.

 Splicing/ Lapping at incorrect locations.

 Improper staggering of Lap locations.

 Missing R/F bars.

 Inadequate lap/ Anchorage length.

 Inadequate covering / More covering to R/F bar.

 Improper placement of cover blocks.

 Honeycombs/ cracks in concrete.

Testing Requirments : Tensile test – Yield strength , Ultimate tensile strength

Bending test – Bending strength

Things to considered

 Bar bending schedules should be prepared in accordance with the drawings and specifications
and get it approved by the consultants.
 Bars should be cut and bent according to the bar bending schedule.
 The R/F bars should be fixed/ tied in accordance with the drawing.
 The specified covering to the steel bars should be maintained.
 Check the diameter of the bars , number of bars , spacing between bars , lap lengths , anchor
lengths & covering.
 Check the proper arrangement.

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Lapping of bars - When a bar continues to a length longer than a single bar‟s length more number of
bars are needed together and this is known as the lapping of bars. The lap length depend on the bar
diameter and the structural member.

Tying of bars - The bars crossing one another were tied together at every intersection. Binding
wires were used for this purpose. They were twisted tightly to make the steelwork rigid. It
prevents the displacement of r/f during the time of concreting as well as vibrating.

At the work shop

In our site we did Tapered treaded R/F bar couplers. The advantages are

 Cost effective
 Easy and simple method
 Tightening can be checked with Torque wrench

Other types of R/F bar couplers

 Parallel treaded R/F bar couplers

 Cold extrusion press system
 Lock couplers

Figure 21 Machine for r/f preperation work

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Figure 22 Our site R/F work shop

2.8.4 Tilling
Tiles are the most popular floor finishing material. Floors and wallss laid with ceramic tiles are
becoming very popular these days. Different types of ceramic tiles from cheap glazed tiles to very
expensive fully vitrified tiles and porcelain tiles are available in the market. They can be laid on thick
cement mortar bed or laid on thin bed by using modem adhesives. As flooring can be an expensive
item, much care should be taken in its selection and construction.

Before tiliing we have to finished the floor bed .

Preperation of floor bed

Materials : Cement , Sand , Bara emulsion 57 , Water

 The floor surface should be clean without dust.

 Then the surface need to chip.
 Whole surface wet by bara emulsion which can act as bonding agent between concrete and
 Gauges shold be placed according to the drawing. Put a smaal amount of mortar berg and put a
tile piece on it .
 Then setout the leveling insturument . The levels are mentioned in the drawing plan. Hold the
level staff above gauges and add or remove until get the required level. Here we used the 1000
level of the wall for leveling procedure .
 Prepare the mortar using cement : sand = 1:3 .

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 Apply mortar upto fixed gauges levels. Level the surface using straight edge.

According to the plan the living room , store room & kitchen room beds are same level (spirit levelled)

In bathrooms & terrae the floor bed had slopes towards gullies.

Level of terrace bed according to diagram

1075 1065



1060 1060 1060

Normally the drop is around 15mm for floor beds.

The floor bed need to be proper curing & after some days need to check for hollowness.

Steps of Tilling

 Clean the existing surface

 Set tiles according to tile diagram
 Fixing tiles with waterproof adhesive pasting .
 Level the tiles using spirit levels.
 Put tile spacers at four corners of tile.
 Check for tile hollowness after some days.
 Check for lineout & damaged tiles.
 If any case of errors , remove the tiles and fix new one.
 After it remove the tile spacers and clean the edge.
 Grout the tiles using specific tile grouts.
 Clean whole tile surface by using tile cleaner & thinner.
 Get approval from the consultant.

Tools used : Rubber hammer , Hand grinder , Spirit level , Trowel

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Important things to observe while Tilling

 The wall tilling was finished first and then the floor tiles should start.
 All tiles should be fixed according to drawing.
 Tile grove lines must be straight.

 Tile groove lines in wall & floor should be matched.

 Groove space should not be greater than 2mm.

 Wall tiles should be perfectly vertical.


 Tile level should be more considered at door openings.

 All floor corners should be 900.
 Damaged tiles should be removed.

Tile dimensions we used in site

 Main bathroom wall – 95mm × 600mm

 Servent bathroom wall – 148mm × 600mm
 Bathroom & terrace floor – 298mm × 298mm
 Kitchen wall – 148mm × 298mm
 Living room , kitchen floor– 600mm × 600mm
 Passages – 600mm × 600mm , 200mm × 600mm , 50mm × 600mm (rough tiles)

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Waterproof tile adhesive C800

It is use to fix tiles . C800 is a dry premix, water proof , cement based thin bed for fixing tiles.

Application method :

 The background of tile must be clean , free from dust .

 Tile adhesive mixed with portable water.
 Used trowel , the tile adhesive was paste on tile backface about 5mm thickness.
 Fixed the tile.

See annex 1 for technical data of C800

2.8.5 Tile grouting

Application method :

 Clean the grout joints as free from dirt , debris & tile spacers .
 Mixed the grout and pack joints full with grout .
 Remove excess grout.
 After grout was set clean the tile faces.
 At corners put masking tape both side from up to down. Grout the edges & after 2-3 hours
using sand paper and smooth the edges to get 900.

Here we used LATICRETE@600 Grout.

 Bath room wall tiles – Smoke grey

 Bathroom floor tiles – Marble beach
 Bathroom corner edges – Armonld
 Living room floor tiles – Marble beach

All above grouts were unsanded grouts. Mixing ratio 10kg bag : 3.75 l water .

Grout joints should be less than 3mm wide.

Grouting gives uniform color , hard & durable.

Bellinzoni Mastice 2000 paste used to mix with Armonld grout.

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2.8.6 Timber flooring
Timer flooring has done for bed room floors.

Material – Burma teak timber planks

Type – Hardwood

Dry density – 620-720kg/m3

Botanical name – Tectona Grandis

Method of timber flooring

 1000 FFL was marked in the bed room walls

 Lines are marked on the floor in 300mm spaces
 Floor has grinded along these lines to got adequate height (1041mm from 100 FFL )
 Timber batterns were fixed with stainless steel screw nails .
 Floor bed was put upto the timber batterns level.
 Proper curing (for 3 weeks)
 The floor was cleaned
 Timber planks were strated to fix using power nails (fixed in random length)


300mm Timber planks 15mm × 90mm

25mm × 40mm Timer battern

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Timber flooring finishes

 Timber planks were sanded with 36,60 & 100 sand paper.
 Then it finished with 3 coats of HD Water Borne coatings (kept a day for drying between each
 After final coat we allowed 2 days for drying and curing.
 Then we used the floor for light use & after one week is ready for normal usage.

Tools used for timber flooring

1. Drill machine hilty – for drilling existing floor

2. Drill machine – for drilling timber battons
3. Floor cutting machine – sanding timber floor
4. Finishing sander – sanding corner area
5. Microsaw , jigsaw ,cross cutter – for cutting timber battons
6. Hand plainer – for plain uneven battons .
7. Nailer machine – for fixing timber planks.

Advantages of HD Water Borne coating :

 Extreme durability and scratch resistance

 Exceptionally fast hardness development (floor possible to use in some days after final coat)
 Very low odour
 Low solvent content

2.8.7 Door frame and Door sash fixing

Doors are meant to provide access to the rooms of a building. They admit ventilation and light.

Method of door frame fixing

 First we marked the door frame opening size in wall according to design.
 For that purpose we used steel tape , marking code & plumb bob . there are sample aluminum
door frames . we can used them to mark door size when they available. Important thing to did
is checked the lines are vertically perfect (used plumb bob & spirit level )

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 After mark lines on walls , if it was need to cut the wall we grinded that area for get required
size and width. ( if we need to grind below 20mm we grind that on one side & if it more than
20mm we grind both sides )
 Then the door frames are fixed to wall using hold fastners . we used 5/8” brass wood screws for
fixed hold fastners on door frame . concrete nail was used to fix hold fastners on wall.

Always used the plumb pob and spirit level to check the door frame was fixed horizontally &
vertically accurate. We used aluminum box bars (2”×2”) and wood box bars to hold the door frame
vertically until mounting foam was applied. Also used wood begs for that purpose .

Quality officer checked that door frame arrangement was correct or not . After approving 1K PUR
mounting foam was applied to the gap between door frame and wall reval. When the mounting foam
expand aluminium and wood box bars prevent the bending of door frame . Door frames was sealed by
masking tape to protect from damages.

After one day or more excess mounting foam was cut and consultant checked the door frame
arrangement and give approval to fix door sashes. Three hings were used to fix a door sash After fixed
it , door locks and handles were fixed. Here we used double key cylinders to main doors & thumb turn
cylinders to other doors. We had to checked that door can be closed smoothly or not.

Door frame arrangement

Figure 23 Typical door frame arrangement

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Door opening sizes

Location Type Height (mm) Width (mm) Reveal (mm)

Living room SD-2a 2200 1200 240
Store room SD-1a 2200 800 250
D-2b 2200 800 155
Kitchen D-2a 2200 1100 305
Bed room 1 D-3 2200 950 140
Bed room 2 D-3 2200 950 140
Bed room 3 D-31 2200 950 240
Toilet 1 D-2 2200 800 155
Toilet 2 D-2 2200 800 155
Mock room D-1 2200 600 140
Table 1-3

2.8.8 Block masonry work

Balance Block masonary work was carried out in ground floor on my training period. Brick masonry
work is done by laying one brick on another brick by means of a bonding agent. This bonding agent &
the bricks should be strong enough to give stronger walls. The commonly using bonding agent is
mortar. So the brick & the mortar are the most important factors of a brick wall.

Materials : Cement , Sand , Concrete , Reinforcement Y12,Y10,R6 , Chemical anchors(concressive

1441S) , Mcyco flowcable admixture ,12mm thick regiform

Leveling instrument was used to check levels. The walls filled with 100mm and 200mm thick cement
blocks inside the building blocks and with clay bricks in external cladding wall. The blocks should be
laid to a regular bond , usually half bond where possible.

Corners may be bonded by cutting standard blocks. For the supporting of block wall stiffner column
shall be introduced besides timber door openings ,edge of cantilever filler walls and at some corners of

If the length of filler wall exceeds 5m, one intermediate stiffner column shall be introduced. Tie beams
at lintel level also be introduced along fillr walls.

Here we used 1:5 cement sand mortar for block masonry work construction.

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Method of block masonary work :

 The slab surface should be clean to free from dust , mud ,grout & oil.
 According to drawings suitable offlines marked on the floor. Openings & stiffner column
locations also marked .
 After got approval ,formwork for concrete ledges can started.
 Reinforcement of the stiffner column as per drawings.
 After concreted first course of bloc wall was laid
 After the concreting was finished remaining block wall continued upwards.

We have to checked vertically alignment of block work. Also need to observe shrinkage cracks on
mortar bed.

Tools used in block work masonry

 Trowel -This is used for spreading mortar, forcing joints and cutting bricks
 Plumb bob- This is used for plumbing and maintaining the vertically
 Straight edge- Straight edge is the timber plant which is used for checking alignment of faces
of bricks
 Cord- This is used for levelling
 Sprit Level- This is used for levelling
 Square - This is used for setting out right angles and marking bricks for cutting.
 Chisel-Chisel is used for cutting the bricks.
 Meter rule or measuring tape- This is used to measure the distance to, place to place.

2.8.9 External painting

Painting is very essential in finishing work. This was done for most beauty of the building and other

This system consists in four phases such as substrate preparation , leveling compound , architectural
texture base and Compos Silicon W55 finishing coats. The total area of external surface should be
(above level 03 ) 31,337m2.

External paint materials – Cement and Acrylic based leveling compound (NARA)

Acrylic based external texture putty – asian paints

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SK Color binder EX Primer –SKK

SK Compo Silicon W55 Top Coat – SKK

Tools used : Electric compressors , Airless spray gun , Manual sanders , Infrared moisture meter ,
Moisture machine , Steel float handles , Roller brush , Line marker boat

Method of application

1.Preperation of surface –

 The surface was prepared by means of minor srcrping of loose materials.

 Cleaned the substrate by means of high pressure water jetting and allowed to dry atleast 1-2 das
to evoprate moisture
 The moisture level was checked (by moisture meter)

2.Preperation of groove line

 The centre line for horizontal groove line was marked

 Aluminium / PVC groove spacer was placed as per approved groove thickness

3.Application of leveling compound

 In the case of prevent other objects , they were masked.

 1st coat of cementitious polymer skin leveling compound was applied over prepared substrate
by means of steel float and allowed for drying of atleast 4-6 hours
 After 2nd coat of leveling compound was applied and allowed for drying (4-6 hours)
 The skim coat was leveled by manual sanding

4. Application of texture base

 Powder particles were removed by brush.

 One coat of SKK color binder EX Primer was applied by roller and allowed for drying (2
 Protect other objects to avoid texture spreading.
 Sprayed 1st coat of medium mound texture. allowed to cure for 10-15 minuts.
 Removed groove spacers
 Applied head cut roller over the medium mound texture and allowed drying for 4- hours.

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5.Application of SK Compo Silicon W55 top coats

 Applied SKK primer along the grove by art brush and allowed for drying 4-6hours)
 Applied 2nd coat of SK Compo Silicon W55 white colour along the groove line with over
coating intervals of 2 hours.
 Applied two coats of SK Compo Silicon W55 overall with approved colour by manual roller
and allowed for drying(2 hours)
 Remove all masking

SK Compo Silicon W55 is rain water imperbiable ,can reflect the chloride ion in salty environment &
it repelled the carbon dioxide present in the air. It is a superb sodium chloride resistance.

Comparison graph of resistance against chloride penetration

Depth of chloride penetration

Convention water based powder

SKK Silicon Primer


2.8.10 Application of Eleganstone Granite like coating

We applied this below level 3

Materials : SKK CT Under base coats , SKK Eleganstone texture , SKK Cerami top SI clear top coats,

Double side foam tape

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Method of application

 The surface cleaned as free from loose materials.

 Cleaned the substrate by means of high pressure water jetting and allowed for drying atleast 1-
2 days to evaporate moisture.
 The moisture level was checked by moisture meter.
 1st coat of CT-Under was applied using roller.alloed for drying (2-3 hours)
 2nd coat of CT-Under was applied using roller & allowed for drying (minimum 16 hours)
 Centerline for horizontal groove line was marked. Double side foam tape was fixed along the
centre line.
 Mode protection to avoid texture being spread to other trades. 1st coat of Eleganstone texture
coat (base coat) was sprayed & allowed for drying (4-5 hours). 2nd coat of Eleganstone texture
(top coat) was sprayed & allowed for drying (one day).
 Removed dounle side foam tape & other protection trade.
 Applied 1st coat of Cerami top SI coat by roller & allowed for drying(2-3hours). Then 2nd coat
was applied & allowed for drying (minimum one day)
 Removed all masking & clean the area.

Tools used : Electric compressors , Airless spray gun , Infrared moisture meter , Mixing machine ,

Roller brush , Liner marker boat

 It is always important to wear safety gears while working.

2.8.10 Scaffolding arrangements

It is a temporary platform which is to do the overhead works where can‟t easily reach. It can be made
by timber or steel. In past bamboo trees are commonly used for scaffoldings. But now in most sites
they used in steel. Steel scaffolding is easy to install and also safety. In our site also used steel
scaffoldings. The Scaffolding must be spacious & strong enough to support the men & materials
during construction. In our site for doing block work, plastering, plastering, ceiling and painting works
scaffoldings were used.

Basic requirements of scaffoldings

 They should be strong enough to carry the loads placed on them .

 Materials should not fall from the working platform.

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 The scaffold members should be kept in correct positions.

 It should not bend or more in any direction.

Scaffolding fittings

 Scaffolding Frame - This is the main item of scaffolding. It is made by hollow steel sections of
circular shape. Scaffolding is available in various sizes.
 Cross Bracings - This is used for fixing of two scaffolding frames in a same level. It is consist
of two steel circular bars how they are coupled together where their centers, by a pin. Each one
can be rotate around the pin.
 Joint pin - This is used for fixing of two scaffolding frames where in two adjacent layers,
 Arm Lock - This is helped to lock two frames in adjacent layers.
 Cat walk panel - This is the flat form where on the scaffolding frames.
 G.I. pipes - Scaffolding can also be erected by using G.I. pipes only. But it‟s very difficult and
they can used to support the scaffoldings.
 Clamps - There are in two types. Fix and Adjustable clamps (If there has to couple two G.I.
pipes or scaffolding with a G.I. pipe, how produce a right angle to one another this type can be
used). Free and Adjustable clamps(This type can be used to couple two G.I. pipes or
scaffolding frame with a G.I. pipe, how produce any angle).
 Jack base - Help to maintain the level of the scaffolding sets, when scaffolding has to be
erected on uneven surface.
 Stands - A vertical tube member support on a base plate which rest upon a sole plates.
 Transom - Horizontal tubes supported by ledgers and supporting scaffold boards.

Scaffolding safety check list

 All standards are correctly aligned and properly supported at their base.
 No undue deflection in ledgers putlogs or transoms.
 No member of a structure has been removed.
 All braces and ties are effective in stabilizing the structure.
 All couplers are properly tightened.
 All boards are sound and properly supported.
 All guardrails and toe boards are in place.
 All ladders are sound and properly supported secured.

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2.9 Management practices
Phase of 5S

During my training I have learned about 5-S practices, which is a methodology which make work
place arrangement efficiently and effectively.


Seiri –Sort

Seiton – Streamline

Seiso- Shine

Seiketsu- Standardize

Shitsuke – Sustain

 Sort - Eliminate all unnecessary tools, parts, and instructions. Go through all tools, materials,
and so forth in the plant and work area. Keep only essential items and eliminate what is not
required, prioritizing things as per requirements and keeping them in easily-accessible places.
Everything else is stored or discarded.
 Streamline - There should be a place for everything and everything should be in its place. The
place for each item should be clearly labeled or demarcated. Items should be arranged in a
manner that promotes efficient work flow, with equipment used most often being the most
easily accessible. Workers should not have to bend repetitively to access materials. Each tool,
part, supply, or piece of equipment should be kept close to where it will be used – in other
words, straightening the flow path. Seiton is one of the features that distinguishes 5S from
"standardized cleanup". This phase can also be referred to as Simplifying.
 Shine - Keep the workplace tidy and organized. At the end of each shift, clean the work area
and be sure everything is restored to its place. This makes it easy to know what goes where and
ensures that everything is where it belongs. A key point is that maintaining cleanliness should
be part of the daily work – not an occasional activity initiated when things get too messy.
 Standardize - Work practices should be consistent and standardized. All work stations for a
particular job should be identical. All employees doing the same job should be able to work in
any station with the same tools that are in the same location in every station. Everyone should
know exactly what his or her responsibilities are for adhering to the first 3 S's.

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 Sustain - Maintain and review standards. Once the previous 4 S's have been established, they
become the new way to operate. Maintain focus on this new way and do not allow a gradual
decline back to the old ways. While thinking about the new way, also be thinking about yet
better ways. When an issue arises such as a suggested improvement, a new way of working, a
new tool or a new output requirement, review the first 4 S's and make changes as appropriate.

2.10 Problems and difficulties during training period

 Language problem – In both side it is easy to communicate with project manager , site engineer
& site manager in English. But it was very difficult to communicate with
supervisors in English. I had more difficulties to attend the phone calls.
from them. And also most of the labors was spoke Sinhala. I felt
difficulties to explain them about the work . I had very hard time with
communication at CMC-B –Project. But day by day I increase my Sinhala
speaking ability and felt comfortable when I was at Havelock city site.
 Lack of practice in surveying – Here after a long time I set the the level instrument . I think I
did this in 2011 earlier. So some difficulties in first few days
but I picked up quickly.
 Health problems – It was a very difficult situation at CMC –B –Project. Whole day I need to.
spend at site . So my body was not accept the hot weather and I sick in the
early days.

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Most of construction companies in Sri Lanka, providing great opportunities to fresh engineers to
improve their knowledge and to get more experience, As a trainee I was joined to the International
Construction Consortium (Pvt.) Ltd. in my first training. I got an opportunity to work with talented
project managers, Site Engineers, Quantity Surveyors, Surveyors, Technical Officers and supervisors
and store keepers. Civil Engineering construction works are not only an academic subject. Therefore
practical experience is a very important factor.

I was able to identify the ways of industry developing talent and attitude and what are the
responsibilities that should be recognize as a professional engineer in the future. Industrial training not
only gives us the practical knowledge, it gives the management tactics greatly needed by a civil
engineer. . Now I have enough confidence, this will definitely help me in my career. I have learnt
duties of Engineer and responsibility. . I was able to gain a wide knowledge and great experience
about construction work from sites. And also I could understand the real situation in the industrial
organizations and their related environment.

Most of the time, my time was spent at construction sites. When look back into the past, I was really
fortunate enough to cover substantial area of construction field in this tiny period of time. As I could
stay in for about two different sites, I could experience different procedures and methodologies
undertaken by different contractors and work with different personalities. That gave us a kind of life
experience as well. Further, it was a fine experience for me to visit site to ready mix plant where I had
never been before. Those memories leave me with unforgettable experience I gained in the time of my
training session.

Thus we do not get the chance to practice in the field by working under responsibility and gain some
experience on labor handling, material handling, work management and managing documents of the
site etc. Still, we were allowed to manage all the documents at the site given by the contractor to
consultant party and hence could gain knowledge on the document management at the site for some
extent. But, it would be more preferable if there were any tasks appointed on us that would allow us to
work under pressure at the site. That problem will be helped if every trainee had been given exposure
to work under both consultant and contractor parties. Then one can understand the different
responsibilities and tasks performed by each party. It is true that by splitting twenty four weeks for two
sessions will not afford a considerable time period to grab many things from one party. Then, it is
better if training period could extend for even two months period long, if possible.

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On the other hand, I wish if more intrusion from the responsible authorities would increase. In our
training period, no people from NAITA came to inspect us. When the students are known that
someone really concern on the time we spend, it will help them to motivate and warm up on their work
more than they do. So, more visits from NAITA and Training Division will help students to make this
a great success.

Finally, I would say except these lesser number of faults, the advantages existing are high. I consider I
could attain maximum possible out of this short period and the knowledge I gained will help me in
future in my career as a Civil Engineer in the field.

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Annex 1

Technical data sheet of C800 water proof adhesive

Figure 24 Technical data sheet of C800

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