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The skills of a good teacher are the ability to communicate, listen, collaborate well
with teachers, students and other workers, adaptability, compassion and patience.
Engaging classroom presence, value of real world learning, exchange of best and
lifelong love of learning are other characteristics of effective teachers. Yes, because
all the competencies commonly can be seen to the professional, the skills are
knowledge, and attributes that are specifically valued by the professional association,
organization and everyone that can be connected to our future career. It is important
that the teacher most possess all the professional competencies to be an effective
teacher. Also, good teachers know their subject well and can communicate with
students in a professional and competent manner. They do the job well. A great
teacher has these qualities, but the ability to motivate students make them love the
subjects and to move beyond the knowledge they give in the classroom. Teachers
are interested in both professional competences and personality traits. I don't think
teachers can be effective when they lack all of the attributes. In order for teachers to
understand the needs of students and be able to ask questions freely, personal
qualities include good communication skills as well as interpersonal competence.
Professional qualities are necessary to learn the basics of method of teaching,
techniques and hands training to handle all kinds of students from all the sections of
the society. In addition, a teacher must have vast knowledge of their subjects and
because once the students ask something they can easily answer it without any
hesitation. The kind of teachers that we remember most, are the teachers that
imparted knowledge throughout the journey of your study. The teacher who has the
ability to communicate with the students easily, have a positive attitude towards to
the students and have harmonious relationship with students. A very patience, caring
attitude and most possess the commitment to teaching and engaging students in


 Which personal traits do I possess? Not possess? Where do I need

improvement in?

I have a good communication skill, a friendly attitude towards my colleagues and

students, some of my personal characteristics. I've got a great ability to lecture my
students, and have an exceptional working attitude. But I'm still lacking in the area of
preparation, so I'm going to have to develop it as best I can, knowing that it's the key
to being a good teacher.

 Which professional competencies am I strongly capable of demonstrating?

I think the competency that I am strongly capable of demonstrating is that I am

always willing to listen and communicate with my students. It is necessary for
teachers to listen first to their student’s words and needs before doing any further

 In which competencies do I need to develop more?

The course that I have chosen requires me to be the best version of myself
especially when it comes to communication skills. I can say that there so many things
that I don’t know yet. As a future language teacher, I need to improve my
professional competencies within me. I do believe that there’s always a room for
improvement and I am looking for that and use it in the future.

 Who are the teachers that we remember most?

The kind of teachers that we remember most, are the teachers that imparted
knowledge throughout the journey of your study. The teacher who has the ability to
communicate with the students easily, have a positive attitude towards to the
students and have harmonious relationship with students. A very patience, caring
attitude and most possess the commitment to teaching and engaging students in

Write Action Research Prompts:


In assisting my Resource Teacher, I observed that personal traits such as good

communication skills, accommodating and she has a communication strategy and I
like how the way she speaks, it is very clear and professional competencies like
creativity resourcefulness were least/not displayed and as a result, students were/
class was lacking and a little bit bored.


The lack of these personal traits and professional competencies (mentioned in #1)
may be caused by lack of learning experiences and learning resources/materials.
Way back when I was elementary and high school, I observed that some of the
teachers are not resourceful in crafting and making their learning materials that’s why
students get bored and it’s hard for the teacher to get the attention of his/her
students. I also observed that they are willing to improve themselves for their

3. PLAN:

I would like to address this problem (mentioned in #2) by conducting and action
research on importance of attending workshops and seminars about alternative
learning materials and resources to meet the demands and needs of the students.

4. ACT:

a) The main objective of my action research is to address the importance of

attending workshops and seminars for student’s learning development

b) My specific research questions are:

• What are the effects of attending workshops and seminars to teacher’s

growth and student’s development?.

• Is there a relationship between attending workshops and seminar and student’s

learning development?.

c) To answer my specific research questions, I will read related research studies
and literature regarding the topic I’ve mentioned above.

Check for Mastery:

1. A
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. C

Work on my Artifacts:

Attach your reflection here.

The world of teachers is so wide and there are a lot of rooms for different aspects.
Every room was designated for every traits and competencies teacher should
possess; teacher as a teacher, teacher as a parent, teacher as a friend, teacher as a
sibling, and teachers as any kind of professions.

The quality of education can always be dependent on how the teacher impose
learning to the students. Personal qualities and professional competencies have it’s
great impact to promote development and learning to the students.

I’ve learned the important of having both the personal traits and professional
competencies in dealing with the demand and needs of the students.

I realized that if I wanted to be a great teacher, I must demonstrate certain

competencies in order to meet the standards of a great teacher. It would be of great
assistance to me since I will be practicing teaching soon. I will do my best to develop
all the competencies, because for me, each competency requires improvement. I
know it won’t be easy, but I am willing to work hard to improve these skills in order to
be a better teacher for my students in the future.


Participate and Assist:

Making a List of Completed Action Research Titles by Teachers in the Field

1. Make a library or on-line search of the different Completed Action Research

Titles Conducted By Teachers.
2. Enter the list in the matrix similar to the one below.
3. Submit your list of five (5) Titles of Completed Action Research Studies to your
mentor as reference.

Inventory of Sample Action Research by Teachers

List of Completed Action Research Titles Author/Authors
Ex. Differentiated Instruction in Teaching
Mary Joy Olicia
English for Grade Four Classes
1. Improvement of Students Academic Andrea Luz S. Englis
Achievement in Science through Strategic Rolan C. Eullaran
Intervention Material
2. Improvement of Learners Mastery in Araling Beda Jovenciana A. Davad
Panlipunan Competencies through Project
3. Enhancement of Learners Reading and Randy D. Duque
Numeracy Skills through Project RANDY
4. Enhancement of Learners’ Performance in Dominador E. Bersa
Mathematics through Project FAIR
5. Improvement of Grade 3 Pupils’ Numeracy Delia A. Alanano
Skills through Project NICE


Based on your activity on Making a List of Completed Action Research Titles, let’s
find out what you have noticed by answering the following questions.

Questions My Answer
1. What have you noticed about the action 1. Identified problem to be solved in the title no.
research titles? Do the action research (AR) • Academic Performance in Science
titles imply problems to be solved? Yes √ 2. Identified problem to be solved in the title no.
No • Learners’ Mastery in Araling Panlipunan
3. Identified problem to be solved in the title no.
If YES, identify the problems from the title you • Learners Reading and Numeracy Skills.
have given. Answer in the space provided. 4. Identified problem to be solved in the title no.
• Learners’ Performance in Mathematics.
5. Identified problem to be solved in the title no.
• Grade 3 Pupils’ Numeracy Skills.
2. What interpretation about action research can Title of the Action Research:
you make out of your answer in Question No. • Improvement of Students Academic
1? Achievement in Science through Strategic
Intervention Material
3. Write the Title and your interpretation of the
study from the title?
From the title, I think, the study Aims to
improve the students’ Academic Performance in
Science through integrating Strategic

Intervention Material.

What do you think did the author/s do with the I think the author/s:
identified problem as presented in their titles? Use strategic material to solved the problem
and use it as their basis to increase students’
academic achievement.


Let us continue to examine and analyze what you have noticed and interpreted in the
previous activity.
My Answer
Key Questions Choose from the options given. You may check
more than one answer:
1. From what source do you think, did the Choices:
authors identify the problems of their action Copied from research books
research? √ From daily observation of their teaching
√ From difficulties they observed of their
√ From their own personal experience.
From the told experiences of their co-

2. What do you think is the teacher’s intention in Choices:

conducting the action research? √ To find a solution to the problematic
To comply with the requirements of the
√ To improve teaching practice
To try out something, if it works
To prove oneself as better than the others

3. What benefit do you get as a student in FS 2 Choices:

in understanding and doing action research? √ Prepare me for my future job
Get good grades in the course
√ Learn and practice being an action
Improve my teaching practice
√ Exposure to the realities in the teaching
Become a better teacher everyday

4. In what ways, can you assist your mentor in √ By co-searching with my mentor
his/her Action Research Activity? By assisting in the design of the
√ By assisting in the implementation of the
By just watching what is being done


1. What significant ideas or concepts have you learned about action research?

Answer: I learned that action research allows us to apply our new knowledge in the
classroom right away and allows us to think critically. It plays an important role in
improving the delivery or quality of learner’s education. It also helps the teachers
understand what is happening in the classroom and identify ways to improve
teaching and learning.

2. Have you realized that there is a need to be an action researcher as a future

teacher? Yes √ No . If yes, complete the sentence below.

Answer: I realized that action research will assist me in gaining a better

understanding of the problems that we may face in the near future. It will also assist
me in developing a concrete solution to the identified problem. Action research
provides opportunities for new ideas.

Write Action Research Prompt


From what teaching principles of theories can this problem be anchored?

 As I have observed, and noticed that Action Research begins with a problem or
a problematic situation.

Write an example of a problematic situation that you have observed and noticed.

• I observed that there are some students in San Francisco National High School
who have difficulty in reading. I noticed that there are lots of them who can’t read, it’s
like they are just same level with elementary.


What have I realized? What do I hope to achieve?

• I have realized that in every teaching-learning problem, there is a solution.

Write a probable solution to the problematic situation above.

• Teacher should focus on them and make a way to improve the difficulty in reading
of the students.


What strategies, activities, innovations can I employ to improve the situation or solve
the problem?

• As a future action researcher I can plan for an appropriate intervention like

I will encourage my students to read and read until they are good enough. I will also
using games and challenges to motivate students. .
practice reading to enhance comprehension and speed, and using games and
challenges to motivate students. .

If I conduct or implement my plan, what can be its title?

 If I will implement my plan in the future, my title would be Implementing Reading

Session to Overcome Reading Difficulties.

Check for Mastery:

1. B
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. C

Work on my Artifacts:

Your artifact will be an Abstract of a completed action research.



Brigitte A. McKown, B.S.

Cynthia L. Barnett, B.S.

This action research project was conducted to improve reading comprehension with
second grade and third grade students. The teacher researchers intended to improve
reading comprehension by using higher-order thinking skills such as predicting,
making connections, visualizing, inferring, questioning, and summarizing. In their
classrooms the teacher researchers modeled these strategies through the think-
aloud process and graphic organizers. This was followed by students using these
strategies through whole class, small group, and independent practice.

The teacher researchers gathered information prior to implementing the reading

strategy interventions. The metacomprehension Strategy Index indicated a lack of
student knowledge of strategies to use before, during, and after reading. The State
Snapshot of Early Literacy given to the second grade students identified 9 of the 16
students below target level. The Test Ready Test given to the third grade students
indicated 10 of the 17 students were at risk for reading comprehension failure.

The information gathered by the teacher researchers after the interventions had been
modeled and practiced showed improvement with the second and third grade
students. The post intervention scores for the Metacomprehension Strategy Index
showed a significant increase in student’s knowledge of the reading comprehension
strategies. The State Snapshot of Early Literacy post-intervention scores indicated
only 6 of the 16 second grade students remained below target level for reading
comprehension. The Test Ready Test given to third grade students indicated only 2
of the 16 students had post-intervention scores that were at risk for reading
comprehension failure.



 What concepts have been emphasized in the task and info graphics? Give at
least four.

1. Recognize the definition of Action Research and its application in the field of
2. Recognize the essential features of an Action Research.
3. Learn about the various models and how to conduct Action Research .
4. Recognize the various Action Research processes.

 Since the 3 models are all for action research, what are the common elements of
the three?

→ They share elements, based on what I’ve seen in the three Action Research
models. They have the same characteristics, which is what they have in common.
They also have a cycle that includes elements like observing, reflecting, planning,
acting, evaluating, and modifying,. The elements I mentioned above are a common
way for action researchers to collect data. To summarize, action research puts ideas
to the test as they are developed and provides real-time feedback on what works and
how it works.


Model B- Nelson, O. 2014

Title and Author of the Action Research: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING
Key Components Entry from your Sample AR
OBSERVE The Problem

1. Describe whether or not and to what extent games improve speaking

2. To identify the situation when games are implemented in the speaking
REFLECT Reflection

The study of conducting action research is invaluable and inspiring

experience that gives the researcher new knowledge. It is hoped that
action research can be implemented by other researchers to achieve a
better teaching and learning process.
PLAN Plan of Action

The researcher analyzed both qualitative data and quantitative data.

Qualitative data are analyzed by using constant comparative method that
consist of four steps namely comparing incidents applicable to each
category, integrating categories and their properties, delimiting the theory
and writing the theory. The quantitative data are analyzed by using
descriptive statistic. Quantitative data, which are collected by conducting
pre test and post test, are analyzed to know the improvement of students’

speaking proficiency.
ACT Implementation

The research is carried out in two cycles; each cycle consists of two
classroom meetings. Every cycle consist of a series of step. They are
identifying the problem, planning the action, implementing the action,
observing the action, reflecting the action and revising the plan. Data are
collected through survey, observation and interview. The observation was
reflected in field notes, research diary, audio-recording and photograph.

 What have you understood about the concept of Action Research and how will
these be utilized in your practice?

→ The action research process is used to improve educational practice. Taking

action, evaluating it, and reflecting on it are some of its methods. It is a method of
gathering evidence in order to make procedure changes. Action research plans are
also developed, implemented, amended, and implemented again, allowing for a
continuous cycle of reflection and revision. Furthermore, these will be used in my
practice teaching to put all of theses strategies into action.


 As a future teacher, is conducting an Action Research worth doing?

- Yes, I can personally say that an action research worth doing.

 Why?

Because it allows teachers to reflect on their practice in order to improve. Action

research will assist teachers in creating a more energizing and dynamic environment
for teaching and learning. This will help me as future educator to be ready in future.
Conducting action research is worth doing because it can inform and influence
practice, guide school improvement, and lead to improved practices.

 How can AR be useful for every classroom teacher?

Action Research can help teachers reflect on what they want to improve, learn about
what others are doing in the field, and experiment with practice in a safe
environment. As a result, teachers who conduct action research will learn how to
improve their teaching and learning by conducting classroom-based research. In
addition by conducting action research, teachers can become leaders in their
communities. Another thing is that they may be able to demonstrate how to be a
reflective teacher or practitioner in their classroom. They can also share their action
research for their classes.

Write Action Research Prompts:


Remembering my classroom observations in FS 1, I noticed that there are many
questions that I raised in my mind. These include:

a. How can we make the discussion not boring?

b. How can we encourage students to actively participate in the classroom?
c. During a discussion, how can we encourage group work and collaboration?


Thinking deeply about those problems, perhaps something must have been done to
solve the problem or answer the question, like:

a. By creating a colorful visual aids, give them activities that they will surely enjoy,
make your lessons interactive and don’t repeat classroom material.
b. By asking the students what their thoughts or opinions were on the topic.
c. By assigning them a task in which each member must contribute and
collaborate with the other members of their group.


Now, that I am in FS 2, I plan to make a plan for my solution to problem (choose from
a, b, c) because making your discussion interesting is important to your
learners. When I was in High School, most of the time I had fallen asleep during the
discussion because some of my teachers were boring. As a future educator, I will do
my best to make my teaching skills interesting. I plan to become creative and be the
best version of myself for my students.


My action will come later, given enough time in FS 2 or during my Teaching


Check for Mastery:

Direction: Check from the choices, what answers respond to the question correctly
and put an X if otherwise.

1.) Action research requires a teacher to be:

√ Observant of what is happening in the classroom

√ Asking oneself of how to improve teaching

√ Following the daily routine all the time

√ Finding ways on how children should learn be how children should learn better
X Blaming learners for their inability to learn.

2.) There are many ways of doing action on research which follow a cyclical process.
The process include:

√ Observe, Reflect, Plan, Act
X Observe, Plan, Act, Reflect
X Reflect, Act, Plan, Observe
X Plan, Observe, Act, Reflect
X Modify, Observe, Plan, Reflect

3.) As an action researcher, I will be developing my skill as skill as a person who is

√ Systematic
√ Reflective
√ Rigorous
√ Futuristic
√ Situational

4.) On which of the of the following would you choose to conduct an Action

√ Changes in the classroom practices. Why?

X Effects of curriculum restructuring. Why?
√ Understanding of self as a teacher.
√ Teaching a new process to the students.

5.) Which of the of the following relates closely to what action research is?

√ Used to address practical problems in the practical problems in the classroom

√ Refers only to everyday life of the learner a life of the learners
√ Allows teachers to study their own classroom
√ Brings theories and practices together

Work on my Artifacts:
Your artifacts will be a full blown completed Action Research.

Student’s classroom participation in English language teaching: The case of

Gozamen General Secondary School in Grade 10A Atalay Mesfin Aneteneh


During my teaching practice at this school, I was placed to teach in lower level
grades in their class room participation, in grade 10A. At the school there were four
grade10 sections, but I performed my practicum in a class which had 47 learners, 23
boys and 24 girls. During my practice the main area that I taught was English and I
didn’t have minor area since I was a Pdsc/English student, how could I find ways to
help twelve learners in grade 10A at Gozamen General Secondary school to improve
their participation during English lesson? I began my action in the week beginning
June 17. I encouraged the learners to participate so that they would be able to
understand the meaning of the pictures which I showed them. This action worked for
five out of twelve learners who participated during my lesson presentation. On this
action seven learners did not take part in the activity. Some learners gave different
reasons- that they were unable to do the running or the jumping activities because
they were sick. But it was a good trial. Keywords: English, Teaching Elementary,
Training, Action research.


I did my School based studies at Gozamen General secondary school. It is an urban

school situated seven kilometers west of Debremarkos town. The school had 836
learners who were being taught in the morning and afternoon session at the school.
The school had a principal (male) and a vice director and many Department Heads.
There were twelve English teachers. The school had nine classrooms. During my
teaching practice at this school, I was placed to teach in lower level grades in their
class room participation, in grade 10A. In the school there were four grade10
sections, but I performed my practicum in a class which had 47 learners, 23 boys and
24 girls. During my practice the main area that I taught was English and I didn’t have
minor area since I was a Pdsc/English student. I had also helped my support teacher
by doing other duties like marking the period register and checking the attendance
register. I was also involved in some of the administrative work and in classroom
management. Through this involvement I came to know about the behavior of the
learners, and how discipline problems were handled in that school and improvements
were seen in the classroom participation of the students. Since in the beginning of
modern education in Ethiopia, at the beginning of 20th c, different curricula had been
designed in accordance with the contemporary education policies. After the “down
fall of the Dereg regime,” educational and training policy was shifted from teacher
center to student centered method. In order to implement this student centered
method, teachers are expected to use different active learning methods; so without
students` participation it is impossible to achieve the desired goal of the subject
matter. One of the advantages of student participation is that it offers the possibility of
the variety of viewpoints exploring the particular individual view of students as well as
the general organizing principles that help to make the topic as a whole. It also
provides an opportunity to share experience with other students and teachers
(Robert Fisher 2005) I am a teacher and have taught in different primary schools, but
since 2004 E.C. I had been assigned to do my practicum in Gozamen General
Secondary School. When I was doing my Practicum course, I taught English in
grade 10A students. During this time I faced a problem of low participation during
English lessons. So I found the problem and wrote a proposal before the time being
now, but now I organize my final action research report.

Significance of the study

As we all know participation is one of the essential elements in implementing active

learning methods which make students active participant in the teaching learning
process and help them to learn more. But at Gozamen General Secondary School
grade 10A students didn’t actively participate in English lesson. Even, when the
students were given some activities to be done in group, they didn’t do it; instead,
they waited for lecture from their teacher. This made students always to wait others
rather than try to do by their own. Therefore, the main reasons which initiated me to
conduct this action research were to: Indicate the means how to make students
active participant during the English language lesson.Show how we formulate
strategies’ to make students active participants during the English language lesson.
Using good strategies’ in teaching learning process help students to participate
actively in the lesson.Initiate the students to participate in different activities to learn
more from their mistakes.Introduce that students get more chance to correct
themselves when they participate.Gather necessary information from the students
which make them passive participant.To get the immediate solution for the problem
of less participation during English lesson. Since low participation was a problem, I
found that it was very necessary to give the meaning of the term in this research
project. In this paper ‘participation’ will refer to taking part in an activity. Learner’s
involvement in the lesson was very important. The learners should be able to

contribute by giving his/her ideas in the lesson, to share ideas with other learners,
and also by asking question.



Participate and Assist:

The problems I identified are:

1. A lack of motivation that results in no progress.

2. A large number of students struggle with reading.
3. Poor comprehension will result from a lack of concentration from reading.
4. Absenteeism of students.
5. Bullying is still prevalent among many students.

Suppose you chose letter A. Conduct a Tutorial. So you have identified the
SOLUTION that matches the PROBLEM which is difficulty in reading.

The problem is: The Action is:

Difficulty in Comprehension
of Learning Conduct a Tutorial
Materials/Reading Materials


 What have you noticed of the problem identified above? Can there be more than
one solution to the problem?. Explain.

- Of course, there will be more than one solution to a problem. More choices of
solution more chance of solving the problem. A creative and innovative teacher can
find one or more than one solution or answer to the same problem. Each solution
matches with the problem. The more solutions identified to choose from, the better
for an action researcher.

Scenario A:

 Can you identify, Miss Fely’s problem?

- To make her students understand and classify the differences between vertebrates and

 Can you find a solution to solve her problem?. Give your two suggestions.
- Yes.
*Try to download videos that will show the differences between vertebrates and
*Observe her students and look what’s really their problem.

• What solution can solve Miss Fely’s problem?

-Integrate technology in her teaching process.

 How?
-Let the students watch videos about vertebrates and invertebrates. Many downloaded
videos, higher possibilities of understanding.

 Are they matched with the problem?
-Yes, it will match the problem. Integrating technology in teaching is such a big help for
every teachers.

Scenario B:

 Can you identify the most probable teaching-learning problem/s in the class of Sir Ryan?

a. Lack of learning materials and resources and deprived of basic human needs.
b. Students’ lack of energy and focused.

 Can you propose a solution to solve one of the problems that you have identified?
-As a future educator, I can make a way and create an organization or groups that will raise
funds/assistance for students.


 After reading the two scenarios given above, how would identifying problematic
situations and finding solutions to these problems help you to become a better

Explain: As a future educator, you must be observant in order to identify problematic

situations. How? By allowing yourself to pay attention to the details that occur in your
surrounding. Identifying problematic situations in the classroom and finding potential
solutions will help me become a better educator someday by improving my ability o
look and observe attentively. Aside from that, it allows me to develop and
comprehend the issues that commonly arise in classrooms.

Write Action Research Prompts:


What problematic situation prevails in the classrooms?

• Student’s lack of interest and motivation.


What changes do you achieve?

• If I am the one who’s teaching in front, I want my learners to give their full attention
on me while I am discussing. I want them to engage themselves on my teaching-
learning process. They should focus on me. I want to help them to build a confidence
and also to overcome any anxiety, stress, and depression they experiencing either it
is personal, family problem and academic difficulty.


What strategies will you use to improve the situation?

• I want to meet and talk to their parents about some matters regarding their child’s
behavior inside their home and inside the classroom. I will ask my students what’s
going on if I noticed some sudden change of their moods and attitudes, ask them if
they have a problem so that I can help them. I will also give them what I have. We
are not just a plain teacher, we can be a sister/mother to them. I will help my students
and give my best to meet their needs.


What would be the title of your Action Research should you conduct the study?



Check for Mastery:

1. F
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. B

Work on my Artifacts:

I. Title of Action Research:
• Improving the Performance of Elementary School Pupils with Strategic Intervention Material (SIM)

II. Author/s: Ronela Encinas

III. Abstract:

This paper attempted to prove that the Strategic Intervention Material (SIM)
can significantly address the least mastered skills and learning competencies from the K-12
curriculum guide. Different and multiple activities were created in order to improve and make the
pupil understand difficult concepts about the subject matter. Assessments were made and subjected
to parallel testing. The items in the test were analyzed. The activities were finalized and
administered in T. Elementary School, with 23 Grade IV pupils as respondents. The mean, mastery
and performance level on the actual lesson and the utilization of SIM were computed. The results
were also compared. The mastery and performance level before and after the use of the Strategic
Intervention Material were interpreted. It showed that there was significant difference on the mastery
and performance levels of pupils. This suggests that the utilization of SIM helps the pupils to master
the difficult and least mastered competencies.

IV. Identify the Problem in the Study

The study's problem is that students are having difficulty understanding how
to improve their performance level through the use of multiple activities.

V. Identify the Action Taken in the Study

Improving the Performance of High School pupils with Strategic Intervention Material (SIM)


Participate and Assist:

What will you do to assist your mentor in setting up a conducive learning environment
in the following conditions:

1.) Bulletin Board Display

To assist my mentor in creating a conducive learning environment, I will assist

her by providing necessary suggestions, related ideas about various subjects,
and extending her innovations that are relevant to the twenty-first century. I will
also help my mentor by conducting creative research and creating a poster,
which is required to create a conducive learning environment. Because I
understand that a bulletin board can be "another teacher" who reflects new
lessons and helps students understand new materials, reinforce new words and
concepts, and challenge students to participate in new ways.

2.) Small Group Discussion

To assist my mentor in leading and initiating this small group discussion, I will
request permission from her to lead and initiate this activity. I will prepare all
necessary related topics and materials. I will also give them enough time and
space to gather their thoughts and contribute to discussions. It will assist
students in making better use of their time and in becoming more productive.

3. ) Checking class attendance in a virtual classroom (i.e. google meet or zoom)

Before the class or meeting begins, I will seek permission from my mentor to
prepare for and monitor class attendance. By starting this, she will be able to
simplify her work.


Learning Environment 1:

 What have you noticed of the display in the class bulletin board? What message or theme
does it convey?

- The class bulletin board serves as the area of disseminating information, upcoming events and
posting of student’s achievement. During my observation in SFNHS, I noticed that some rules
and regulations were posted on bulletin board. They used vibrant colors that can drew the
attentions of the students. The size of the title was enough and clear that could seen in a long
distance. Some of the bulletin board was very simple yet the important information was written in

 What makes it attractive to the learners?

- It makes attractive to the learners because of the fact that the teacher used vibrant colors and
used a materials that was pleasing to the eyes. Some of the bulletin board has a big font. I

noticed that all the things that was posted in there is informative and can truly help students to
have new knowledge/ideas.

 Does it help in the learning process? How?

- Yes, because a bulletin board is a powerful learning tool that is used to relay information to
students, reinforce lessons, and display student work. The use of bulletin boards in the
classroom ensure that learners recognize the essence of posted material.

Learning Environment 2

• If the teacher is using a distance delivery of learning through the modules, where is most likely
the learning space of the students? 

- In their own home, home is the best and most secure place for students to learn. Parents are
responsible for their children's education, and they are the ones who receive the module at

• Can you describe?

- Student’s home/learning space is conducive but most of the time a little bit distracting, noisy
environment and can divert the attention of the students easily.

• How can you as a teacher help to make such environment conducive for learning?

- As a teacher, I will conduct a home to home visitation to see my student’s learning environment.
If I can see some unnecessary things that will distract the learners, I will act to their parents and
ask them to do an action to have a conducive learning environment for my students.


 As a teacher, in which of the two situations would you prefer to manage for
learning? Choose between Learning Environment 1 or Learning Environment 2.

Explain your choice: Why?

- I will choose learning Environment 1, because I don’t like the idea of modular or
online class. I personally experienced it as a student and I can say that it is not best
option for the learners. Face to face class is more effective, in learning Environment
2 I am not motivated and to be honest, it was really hard for me to understand my

There will be a lot of possibilities and opportunities to know personally my students

and know their interests, strengths and weaknesses for me to be able to plan my
teaching that will surely catch their and interest.


Based on my noticing and analysis, I realized that

a. Whether it is online learning or face to face learning, as a Teacher, I need to make

sure that I can adapt to what the situation it is.

b. Face-to-face learning is superior to online learning because it allows children to

become hands-on with various activities while interacting with their peers.

c. As a teacher, it is my responsibility to provide the best environment for the

children to feel and experience a conducive learning environment. I should give some
considerations in every student’s situation.

Write Action Research Prompts:


What probable problem may result from the two situations of the learning

- The possible may arise from the two situation of the learning environment are
student’s losing interest in learning and lack of motivation.


What solutions can I think of to solve the problem?

- As a teacher, I should always check and consult my students whenever I feel or I

noticed that they are not on focus and in some way they become irresponsible on
their school works and responsibilities. I must be adaptable in everything I do
because the future of my students is in my hands.


How should I do it?

I will conduct a home to home visitation to check the situation of my students either it
is face to face learning or online class. I will talk to their parents and ask them the
current situation of my learners. As a teacher, I must have a plan A and plan B to
give the needs of my students. I will create a necessary instructional materials and
make it creative so that I can get the attention of my students. I will give them
activities that will make them active in participation and I will make my discussion fun
and exciting. I will give them prizes to make them motivated. I will adjust all of my
teaching abilities based on their needs and circumstances in order to cater to all of

Check for Mastery:

1. B
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. D

Work on my Artifacts:

In not less than 300 words, write an essay on the topic: “My Conducive Learning

Creating a conducive learning environment is essential for effective learning and

personal growth. As an individual, I have discovered that certain elements contribute
to my ideal learning environment. Firstly, a quiet and organized space is crucial for
me to concentrate and absorb information effectively. A clutter-free desk with all
necessary materials readily available helps me stay focused on the task at hand.
Additionally, a peaceful atmosphere devoid of distractions such as noise or
interruptions allows me to fully engage with the subject matter.

Secondly, having access to various resources is vital in promoting my understanding

and expanding my knowledge. A well-stocked library or online databases provide me
with a wide range of books, articles, and research materials that support my learning
journey. Moreover, technology plays an important role in enhancing my learning
experience by providing access to educational websites, interactive tools, and
multimedia resources.

Furthermore, being surrounded by like-minded individuals who are passionate about

learning creates an inspiring environment. Collaborating with peers who share similar
interests fosters intellectual discussions and encourages critical thinking. Engaging in
group projects or study sessions allows us to exchange ideas and learn from each
other's perspectives. Lastly, having supportive mentors or teachers who are
approachable and willing to guide me through challenges greatly contributes to my
conducive learning environment. Their expertise and encouragement motivate me to
strive for excellence while providing valuable feedback that helps improve my skills.

In conclusion, creating a conducive learning environment involves several key

elements such as a quiet space, access to resources, engaging with like-minded
individuals, and having supportive mentors or teachers. By incorporating these
factors into my own learning environment, I am able to maximize my potential for
growth and success in both academic pursuits and personal development


Participate and Assist:

 Given the concepts and the infographic, how can you participate and assist in
the face-to-face learning environment?

As a future educator, I can participate in and contribute to a face-to-face learning

environment by providing students with a safe, fair, and conducive classroom
environment in which everyone is free to ask questions and participate in class.
I will encourage students to share their thoughts, interact with one another, and
provide feedback on something or the lesson. In addition, I will allow students
to work independently as well as in groups to create and develop their social,
creative, and analytical thinking skills in order to get a better result from their
task output. Furthermore, because we are in this new curriculum, I believe I will
be able to employ a variety of teaching strategies that will greatly benefit and
assist in a face-to-face learning environment. I believe that I can use technology
to engage my students in class and encourage them to reflect on and explore
their learning.

Classroom Environment Before Classroom Environment Now
They only have a green board in front of the We now have flat screens and projectors.
Previously, students were supposed to be in We can now take part in a virtual class through
the classroom to learn. google meet and zoom.
When you report, you must paste manila paper We’re now using a power point presentation.
to the board inside the room.
There are lot of chairs in the classroom It doesn’t matter how many students are in the
because there are so many students. class because virtual classes can accommodate
them all.
If you have to search for something, you have If you need to look for something, you must use
to go to the library. the computer that is available in your classroom.


 What do you think brought the changes in the face-to-face learning environment

With the advent of technology, the traditional learning model has changed. Now,
students are able to learn in new and innovative ways. In addition, teachers are able
to teach in more engaging and interactive ways.

Changes are taking place in the face-to-face learning environment

as a result of the incorporation of technology into the classroom, which provides
effective learning environments. It has an impact on how chairs and tables are
arranged, and there are spaces that must be reserved, among other things.

 From the changes that you identified, choose one that you can do. How will you
do it?

- The most significant changes I believe I can make are to the overall layout of
the classroom; I plan to make my classroom more creative by utilizing available
technologies. I believe that I should focus on things that remove distractions
from the classroom.


 Do you think making the learning environment conducive for a face-to-face

classroom will enable the learners to achieve better learning outcomes? Explain
your answer.

- Yes, because an engaging and enjoyable learning environment not only improves
students’ focus and attention but also encourages them to participate in the teaching-
learning process, which leads to improved student achievement. If the classroom is
conducive, it reduces distractions within the classroom, the students will continuously
absorb the learning, and they will learn how to reflect and explore on the learning
they received.

Write Action Research Prompts:


• What common problem have I noticed in a face-to-face learning environment?

- I noticed that the distractions is everywhere.

- Noisy environment and there are many students who always go outside.

• Can I translate this problem into a question?

- How to reduce distractions?

- How can we help the students to be responsible?


How would I solve the problem?

- I will establish rules and policies that my student need to achieve a good and
relaxing classroom environment.
- As a teacher, I can foster student responsibility in my class by using a various
strategies like for example providing feedback, promoting reflection, setting clear
expectations, and modeling positive behavior.

Will it improve my teaching? How?

- Yes it will help me a lot in improving my teaching. I can be more focused on the
lesson and provide a better learning experience for my students. It will help my
students to be focused also on their studies while still allowing them to interact with
their classmates or peers.


What will I do to solve the problem? Describe briefly how will you do it.

- One thing that is really important for me to solve the problem, is to get the full
attention of my students, if possible I will remove all the things that distracts them. I
can say based on my experience in high school, it’s really hard to focus on the lesson
if there’s a distractions. And when we talk about the word “ responsible”, so as a
teacher, let’s guide them and teach them on how to be a responsible one. It is
important that we teach it to them so that they will practice it and apply it not just
inside the classroom but also everywhere.

Check for Mastery:

1. B
2. D
3. A
4. A
5. B

Work on my Artifacts:

Title: The Face-to-Face Learning Environment

Describe the physical environment:

• The physical environment refers to the overall design and layout of a given classroom and its
learning centers. Teachers should organize the space, furnishings, and materials in the classroom to
maximize learning opportunities and engagement for all students. To do so effectively, teachers can
use the Universal Design for Learning concept, which emphasizes that the environment and the
materials contained within it should be accessible to all. Making this accessibility possible may entail
providing books at various reading levels, placing materials on a shelf within easy reach, or providing
enough space for a wheelchair-using child to move around the classroom.

Describe the psychological environment:

• The psychological environment is without a doubt the most difficult and one-sided in nature.
Teachers express their attitudes, excitement, values, and principles within the psychological
environment. When they begin their educational journey, most students expect to be encouraged
and assisted in
their learning. The psychological environment in the classroom promotes the exchange of ideas,
opinions, and attitudes, as well as the asking of questions and the investigation of concerns.

Describe the social environment:

• The term social environment refers to how a classroom's environment influences or supports
interactions between young children, teachers, and family members. A well-designed social
environment encourages positive interactions between adults and children and allows adults to help
children achieve their social goals. Teachers must plan activities that take the
following factors into account in order to create a classroom environment that promotes positive
social interactions.


My Classroom Management Plan

Philosophical Statement
• As an educator, my primary goal is to create a positive and engaging learning environment for my
students. In my classroom management plan, my philosophical statement is centered around creating
a positive and inclusive learning environment that fosters growth and development for all students. I
firmly believe that every student has the potential to succeed and it is my responsibility as an
educator to provide them with the necessary tools and support to reach their full potential. I will also
create a safe, enjoyable and cooperative learning environment. My philosophical statement in my
classroom management plan will also have the principles of respect, fairness, and collaboration. If
needed and necessary, I will apply the discipline.
Classroom Rules and Procedures
• In any learning environment, rules and procedures are essential for creating a positive and
productive atmosphere. As an educator, I firmly believe that establishing clear guidelines helps
students understand expectations, promotes respect, and fosters a sense of responsibility. My
classroom rules and procedures aim to create an atmosphere where all students feel valued,
respected, engaged, and accountable for their actions. By setting clear expectations from the
beginning of the academic year, I hope to foster a positive learning experience that prepares them
not only academically but also socially for future endeavors. I will establish classroom rules and
procedures such as:

* Show your teacher respect and pay attention to what he or she is saying.
* Be considerate of your classmates.
* Be prepared for class.
* Raise your hand to speak if you want to.
* Remain silent when your teacher speaks.
* Share new concepts
* Maintain a clean classroom at all times.
* Stick to the seating arrangement.
* Use positive language.
* Remain alert at all times.
* Take part in the discussions
* Obey all school regulations.
* Be on time.
* Finish your homework on time.
Teacher-Student Relationships
• Teacher-student relationships are a crucial aspect of education that can greatly impact the learning
experience. A positive and healthy relationship between teachers and students fosters an
environment conducive to effective teaching and learning. When teachers establish a connection with
their students, it creates a sense of trust, respect, and support. To ensure positive relationships with
my students, I will treat them equitably and with courtesy. I will impart moral values and promote
respect for others. Using affirmative language during interactions has proven to be more impactful. I
will educate them on effective communication skills, emphasizing both speaking and listening. It is
essential for them to remember that I am their educator and they are my students, hence they should
keep me informed of any developments.
Schedules and Time frames
• In terms of time and scheduling, I will coordinate my class schedule based on the agreement
reached with my fellow teachers. It is essential to take into consideration the perspectives of my
colleagues and students. I will strive to make every aspect of my lesson engaging and interactive to
capture and maintain my students' focus on the current task. It is important to ensure that all of my

students, including those at the back, are engaged, and I will also be mindful of their emotions and
individual circumstances. Schedules and time frames play a crucial role in the success of any
classroom management plan. As an educator, it is my responsibility to create a structured
environment that maximizes learning opportunities for my students. By establishing clear schedules
and time frames, I can effectively manage instructional time, promote student engagement, and foster
a sense of routine.
Classroom Structure, Design and Arrangements
• An effective classroom management plan requires careful consideration of structure, design, and
arrangements within the learning space. By establishing clear expectations, promoting collaboration
through thoughtful desk arrangements, incorporating visual aids for enhanced engagement, and
optimizing physical space utilization – I aim to create an environment conducive to learning where
students can thrive academically while feeling safe and supported. In order to create a conducive
learning environment for my students, I shall provide them with materials to support their growth and
development. I'm going to be including some of the technology that we use every day in class. In
addition, I'm going to eliminate anything that could distract or stress me in my learners.
Classroom Safety Rules and Procedures
• Classroom safety rules and procedures are an essential component of any effective classroom
management plan. As an educator, it is my responsibility to create a safe and secure learning
environment for my students. By implementing these rules and procedures, I aim to minimize
potential risks and ensure the well-being of all individuals in the classroom. One of the most important
safety rules is to always listen and follow instructions. This ensures that students understand what is
expected of them and can avoid engaging in potentially dangerous activities. Additionally, it is crucial
to establish clear guidelines for using equipment or materials in the classroom. Students must be
taught how to handle tools safely and responsibly.
Strategies for Rewards and Consequences
• Rewards are powerful motivators that can encourage students to strive for excellence. In my
classroom, I will utilize a variety of rewards such as verbal praise, certificates, and small incentives
like stickers or extra free time. By recognizing students' achievements and efforts, I aim to foster a
sense of accomplishment and boost their self-esteem. Additionally, I will implement a system of
class-wide rewards where the entire class earns privileges or special activities when they collectively
meet certain goals or expectations. Consequences on the other hand, help students understand the
impact of their actions. When students experience negative consequences for disruptive behavior or
poor academic performance, they begin to realize that their choices have real-life repercussions. This
understanding can motivate them to make better decisions in the future and take responsibility for
their actions.


1. What salient components have you noted?

The prominent factors that I have noted include accountability, discipline, and the
involvement of both teachers and students. The classroom management plan is
designed to hold students accountable for their behavior. It is like an agreement
between the student and the teacher. The teacher plays an important role in the
success of the teaching and learning process.

2. Why is there a need to utilize the information to create your classroom

management plan?

Using information enables teachers to understand the special needs and

characteristics of their students. Every class is made up of individuals with a variety
of backgrounds, abilities and learning style. Teachers can tailor their management
strategies according to the data collected on students' performance in school, social
emotional development and behavior patterns.

3. What were the significant things that you noticed when you were implementing
your plan?

I've noticed that as teachers, we have to keep an eye on every student's needs. We
must always take into account the level of comfort of students in order for them to
learn and reflect. Routines and procedures in the classroom will be the focus of this

4. Were there items in your classroom/remote learning management plan which

were not tailored to the needs of your students? How will you improve on these?

No, and I believe that in order to improve, I should focus on the items that they
will use rather than those that will only be displayed in the classroom


1. What elements in your classroom/remote learning management plan were

mostly followed/complied with?

The cleanliness of the classroom and the students' moral character were mostly
followed; respecting teachers and students, using positive language, and so on.

2. What elements in you plan were the most difficult to implement? Why?

"Be on time" was the most difficult aspect of my plan to implement because
some students have multiple household choirs and are frequently late for class or
sometimes the reason is that their house is a little bit far from the school.


• What were your realizations after creating and implementing your classroom/remote
learning management plan?

I realized that creating and implementing a classroom or remote learning

management plan requires flexibility, clear communication, relationship building with
students, and self-reflection. These realization will help me grow as a future educator
and it will also help me to have more successful teaching experiences.

Write Action Research Prompts:

1. The problems/challenges I encountered in my writings my classroom
Management Plan.

The process of writing a classroom management plan can be both challenging and
rewarding. As an educator, it is essential to establish a structured and positive
learning environment for students. However, there are problems and challenges that
I encountered during this process. One of the main difficulties was finding the right
balance between being too strict or too lenient in my approach. It was crucial to set
clear expectations and rules while also allowing flexibility for individual student
needs. Striking this balance required careful consideration and reflection on my
teaching style. Another challenge I faced was addressing diverse student needs

within the classroom. Each student has unique strengths, weaknesses, and learning
styles. Therefore, it was important to create a management plan that catered to these
differences while promoting inclusivity and equal opportunities for all students.


2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by

Proposing an action research project on the subject I believe it will help me if I also
consult my plan with other teachers and ask for their feedback and suggestions.


3. Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to improve these


The strategies or solutions that can I can employ to improve these situations/
problems is to obtain feedback from other teachers on these issues and to carry out
action research in order to find a way forward. In addition, I'll ask my students how
they feel about this issue and invite them to express their views. I will try and adjust
my strategy if needed.


4. Based on my answer in nos. 1-3, the possible title of my action research on this
episode is Developing an Effective and Efficient Classroom Management
To Achieve a Conducive Learning.

To further enrich my knowledge on designing my classroom/remote management

plan, whether in the classroom or in remote learning, these are some of the online
resources which will help me in these activities. (include books, websites, youtube
videos and the like and share these to your peers.)

Planning Classroom Management: A Five-Step Process to Creating a Positive

Learning Environment

By: Karen Bosch

Check for Mastery:

1. D
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. A

Work on my Artifacts:
Paste your Classroom/Remote Management Plan

My Classroom Management Plan

Philosophical Statement
• As an educator, my primary goal is to create a positive and engaging learning environment for my
students. In my classroom management plan, my philosophical statement is centered around creating
a positive and inclusive learning environment that fosters growth and development for all students. I
firmly believe that every student has the potential to succeed and it is my responsibility as an
educator to provide them with the necessary tools and support to reach their full potential. I will also
create a safe, enjoyable and cooperative learning environment. My philosophical statement in my
classroom management plan will also have the principles of respect, fairness, and collaboration. If
needed and necessary, I will apply the discipline.
Classroom Rules and Procedures
• In any learning environment, rules and procedures are essential for creating a positive and
productive atmosphere. As an educator, I firmly believe that establishing clear guidelines helps
students understand expectations, promotes respect, and fosters a sense of responsibility. My
classroom rules and procedures aim to create an atmosphere where all students feel valued,
respected, engaged, and accountable for their actions. By setting clear expectations from the
beginning of the academic year, I hope to foster a positive learning experience that prepares them
not only academically but also socially for future endeavors. I will establish classroom rules and
procedures such as:

* Show your teacher respect and pay attention to what he or she is saying.
* Be considerate of your classmates.
* Be prepared for class.
* Raise your hand to speak if you want to.
* Remain silent when your teacher speaks.
* Share new concepts
* Maintain a clean classroom at all times.
* Stick to the seating arrangement.
* Use positive language.
* Remain alert at all times.
* Take part in the discussions
* Obey all school regulations.
* Be on time.
* Finish your homework on time.
Teacher-Student Relationships
• Teacher-student relationships are a crucial aspect of education that can greatly impact the learning
experience. A positive and healthy relationship between teachers and students fosters an
environment conducive to effective teaching and learning. When teachers establish a connection with
their students, it creates a sense of trust, respect, and support. To ensure positive relationships with
my students, I will treat them equitably and with courtesy. I will impart moral values and promote
respect for others. Using affirmative language during interactions has proven to be more impactful. I
will educate them on effective communication skills, emphasizing both speaking and listening. It is
essential for them to remember that I am their educator and they are my students, hence they should
keep me informed of any developments.
Schedules and Time frames
• In terms of time and scheduling, I will coordinate my class schedule based on the agreement
reached with my fellow teachers. It is essential to take into consideration the perspectives of my
colleagues and students. I will strive to make every aspect of my lesson engaging and interactive to
capture and maintain my students' focus on the current task. It is important to ensure that all of my
students, including those at the back, are engaged, and I will also be mindful of their emotions and

individual circumstances. Schedules and time frames play a crucial role in the success of any
classroom management plan. As an educator, it is my responsibility to create a structured
environment that maximizes learning opportunities for my students. By establishing clear schedules
and time frames, I can effectively manage instructional time, promote student engagement, and foster
a sense of routine.
Classroom Structure, Design and Arrangements
• An effective classroom management plan requires careful consideration of structure, design, and
arrangements within the learning space. By establishing clear expectations, promoting collaboration
through thoughtful desk arrangements, incorporating visual aids for enhanced engagement, and
optimizing physical space utilization – I aim to create an environment conducive to learning where
students can thrive academically while feeling safe and supported. In order to create a conducive
learning environment for my students, I shall provide them with materials to support their growth and
development. I'm going to be including some of the technology that we use every day in class. In
addition, I'm going to eliminate anything that could distract or stress me in my learners.
Classroom Safety Rules and Procedures
• Classroom safety rules and procedures are an essential component of any effective classroom
management plan. As an educator, it is my responsibility to create a safe and secure learning
environment for my students. By implementing these rules and procedures, I aim to minimize
potential risks and ensure the well-being of all individuals in the classroom. One of the most important
safety rules is to always listen and follow instructions. This ensures that students understand what is
expected of them and can avoid engaging in potentially dangerous activities. Additionally, it is crucial
to establish clear guidelines for using equipment or materials in the classroom. Students must be
taught how to handle tools safely and responsibly.
Strategies for Rewards and Consequences
• Rewards are powerful motivators that can encourage students to strive for excellence. In my
classroom, I will utilize a variety of rewards such as verbal praise, certificates, and small incentives
like stickers or extra free time. By recognizing students' achievements and efforts, I aim to foster a
sense of accomplishment and boost their self-esteem. Additionally, I will implement a system of
class-wide rewards where the entire class earns privileges or special activities when they collectively
meet certain goals or expectations. Consequences on the other hand, help students understand the
impact of their actions. When students experience negative consequences for disruptive behavior or
poor academic performance, they begin to realize that their choices have real-life repercussions. This
understanding can motivate them to make better decisions in the future and take responsibility for
their actions.



Action Research Proposal

Context and Rationale:

Reading comprehension is important for academic achievement, critical thinking, language

proficiency, information retrieval, empowerment, and personal success. Developing and honing
reading comprehension skills can have a profound and lasting impact on individuals' lives by
expanding their knowledge, improving their cognitive abilities, and enabling them to navigate the
world effectively.

Enhancing reading comprehension of students is an important area of research in the field of
education. Reading comprehension is a fundamental skill that allows individuals to understand and
interpret written texts effectively. It is crucial for academic success, as well as for personal and
professional development.

Numerous studies have shown that many students struggle with reading comprehension. Factors
such as limited vocabulary, lack of prior knowledge, and poor reading strategies contribute to this
difficulty. Therefore, it is essential to identify effective strategies and interventions that can
enhance students' reading comprehension abilities.

One approach to improving reading comprehension is through explicit instruction. This involves
teaching students specific strategies, such as making predictions, summarizing information, and
asking questions while reading. Research has shown that when these strategies are taught
explicitly and practiced regularly, students' comprehension skills improve significantly.

Another important aspect of enhancing reading comprehension is providing students with ample
opportunities for independent reading. By engaging in self-selected texts on a regular basis,
students can develop their vocabulary, background knowledge, and critical thinking.

Enhancing reading comprehension of students highlights the importance of explicit instruction and
independent reading in improving this crucial skill. By implementing effective strategies and
interventions in the classroom setting, educators can help their students become proficient readers
who can comprehend complex texts with ease.

The context for enhancing reading comprehension lies in the fact that reading is not just about
decoding words; it involves making meaning from text. Without strong comprehension skills,
students may struggle to understand complex texts, follow instructions, or critically evaluate
information. This can hinder their academic performance and limit their opportunities for success.

One rationale for enhancing reading comprehension is that it empowers students to become
independent learners. When students can comprehend what they read, they can access a wide
range of information and knowledge on their own. They become active participants in their
education rather than relying solely on teachers or textbooks.

Another rationale is that strong reading comprehension skills are essential for effective
communication. Whether it's writing an essay or participating in a class discussion, students need
to understand what they read to express themselves clearly and coherently.
Action Research Question

1. What are the things that you should do to enhance the reading comprehension of the students?

2. How are you going to make them participate in the classroom and engage themselves in

3. What can you contribute to lessen the number of the students who can’t read and have
difficulties in comprehension?

I. Proposed Innovation, Intervention Strategy Describe Innovation/Intervention/Strategy

Reading comprehension is a vital skill that students need to develop in order to succeed
academically and in their future careers. However, many students struggle with understanding and
retaining information from texts. To address this issue, educators can implement various strategies

to enhance the reading comprehension of their students.

One effective strategy is pre-reading activities. Before diving into a text, teachers can engage
students by activating their prior knowledge on the topic through discussions or brainstorming
sessions. This helps create a foundation for understanding and piques students' interest in the
subject matter.

Another strategy is teaching students how to use graphic organizers. These visual tools help
organize information and make connections between ideas, improving comprehension. By using
graphic organizers such as concept maps or Venn diagrams, students can better understand the
structure of a text and identify key points.

Furthermore, promoting active reading techniques can significantly enhance comprehension skills.
Encouraging students to annotate texts by highlighting important information or jotting down
questions helps them engage with the material on a deeper level. Additionally, teaching them how
to summarize what they have read after each section or chapter aids in consolidating their

II. Action Research Methods (Describe Action Research Methods)

a. Participants/Other sources of Data

• The subject of this study will be the Grade 7 to Grade 10.

b. Data Gathering Methods

This research action will be use a data collection instrument which is the graphic organizer.

c. Data Analysis Plan

The purpose of this action research project is to enhance the reading comprehension of the
High School students.
III. Action Research Work Plan (Summarize Action Research Work Plan)


Enhancing To encourage Practice reading to Teacher and Having no
reading students to enhance comprehension students trouble with
comprehension read often. and speed. letter and
of high school word
students. recognition.
To understand Use games and challenges Teacher and Have no
what they are to make them use their students difficulty in
reading. mind. . understanding
words and

To develop Identify and summarize key Teacher and Have no

their critical ideas. students difficulty in
thinking. answering
about or

discussing a

IV. Cost Estimate (Write cost estimate)

There is no distinguish estimated cost yet.

V. Plan for Dissemination and utilization (Describe how the results will be shared)

Enhancing reading comprehension is an essential skill that has numerous benefits. When
individuals improve their ability to understand written texts, they gain access to a wealth of
knowledge and information. This not only helps them in their academic pursuits but also in their
personal and professional lives.

One of the significant advantages of enhancing reading comprehension is improved critical

thinking skills. When individuals can comprehend complex texts, they are better equipped to
analyze and evaluate the information presented. This enables them to make informed decisions
and form well-reasoned opinions on various subjects.

Enhanced reading comprehension leads to improved communication skills. Individuals who can
understand written texts more effectively are better able to express themselves clearly and
concisely in writing. They become adept at organizing their thoughts and conveying ideas
coherently, which is crucial in both academic and professional settings.

Improving reading comprehension leads to better academic performance. Students who

understand what they read are more likely to excel in all subjects, as reading is a fundamental skill
required across the curriculum. They can effectively extract information from textbooks, articles,
and other resources, enabling them to grasp complex concepts and apply them in their

Moreover, strong reading comprehension skills have long-term benefits beyond the classroom.
Students who can comprehend what they read are better equipped for success in higher education
and future careers. They possess the ability to process large amounts of information quickly and
accurately, which is essential in today's fast-paced world.

Enhancing reading comprehension among students yields numerous positive results such as
improved critical thinking abilities, enhanced academic performance across subjects, increased
enjoyment of reading for pleasure, and long-term benefits for higher education and career
success. Therefore, it is crucial that educators prioritize strategies that promote effective reading
comprehension skills among their students.

VI. References (Write at least three references.)


1.) What was your experience in writing the action research plan?

• To be honest, I find it hard to do the action research plan. I still don’t know how to
do it right. I still need to study so that I have enough knowledge next time and I hope
that soon I can do it with the help of my experiences in teaching field.

2.) What knowledge, attitude, and skills did you have that helped you accomplish it?

• I just based on how I understand the process or procedures of making the action
research plan.

3.) What do you still need to learn and develop in yourself to be skilled teacher-

• There are so many things that I still need to learn and develop to be skilled teacher-
researcher. Here are some characteristics for me to be a good researcher:

1. Curiosity.
2. Analytical ability and foresight.
3. Determination.
4. Collaboration.
5. Communication.

Check for Mastery:

1. A
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. C


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