Assessment Tools - Candidate Assessor - PRACTICAL ASSIGNMENT

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115753 Conduct Outcomes Based Assessment

Tool 1 Questionnaire : Prepare hot and cold sandwiches

Complete the following Questions according to the correct principles of sandwich

Time-frame: 15 minutes

1. Choose the correct area in which sandwiches can be prepared to ensure food
hygiene, storage and preservation, and equipment hygiene.

Preparation Area Yes Maybe No

Garden area – Garden table between pot

plants and manure
Garage – Workbench with unassembled
motorbike engine
Cemetery – On the grass next to a open
Bathroom – While sitting in the bathtub before
an important appointment
Kitchen – On the wet sink where raw chicken
was prepared yesterday
Kitchen – Clean surface ,with tools and
equipment used for lunch preparation
Kitchen with clean equipment ,Tools and area

Bathroom – With clean and shiny surfaces

Boot of Motor Vehicle – While changing the

spare wheel.


115753 Conduct Outcomes Based Assessment

2. Andrew is busy preparing a sandwich for his friend. He has nearly completed the
sandwich but then injures himself with a blunt knife. In an effort to continue and finish
the sandwich some of his blood is spilled in the sandwich but Andrew then continues
and hides the blood with extra butter and filling. Do you think he can be deemed
competent .Explain the reason for your answer?


3. True of False

a. Sandwiches can be stored in the oven for long periods


b. Fresh filling can be used on old bread for success in any sandwich type


c. Making a sandwich means that you have to work organised and efficient



115753 Conduct Outcomes Based Assessment

4. Do you think that too much sauces or spreads can spoil the final sandwich? Explain
your answer shortly


Assessment Outcome

1st Submission 2nd Submission 3rd Submission


Assessor Comments: Assessor Comments: Assessor Comments:

Assessor Assessor Assessor

Signature Signature Signature
Date Date Date

115753 Conduct Outcomes Based Assessment

Tool 2 Observation : Prepare cold and hot sandwiches

You are preparing a Sandwich for the Director of you Company .An assessor will observe
this process in order to ensure your competence..

Time-frame: 30 minutes

You are preparing a Sandwich for the Director of you Company .An assessor will observe
this process in order to ensure your competence.

Area C NYC Comments


Using of Clean and Correct


Selecting of right equipment

Availability of correct Product

Selection of correct combination

of fillings


Cutting of Bread or Rolls in

appropriate size

Using of Knifes for correct


Using of prepared surfaces for

preparation method.

Applying of fillings for specific


115753 Conduct Outcomes Based Assessment

Area C NYC Comments

Unexpected Situations

The learner responded well on

the following:

 Broken toasted Sandwich

 Insufficient fillings


Assessment Outcome

1st Submission 2nd Submission 3rd Submission


Assessor Comments: Assessor Comments: Assessor Comments:

Assessor Assessor Assessor

Signature Signature Signature
Date Date Date

115753 Conduct Outcomes Based Assessment

Tool 3 Case Study : Prepare cold and hot sandwiches

Read the following Case Study and answer the questions accordingly.

Time-frame: 30 minutes

Sam is an average city boy staying in a suburb of Johannesburg. Sam has decided on a very
young age that he will have his own restaurant. An excellent opportunity came across his path
after school to gain experience in the restaurant environment. His uncle owns an important
restaurant franchise and provided him with the challenge to work in the kitchen as initial
training before commencing to a waiter position and then maybe management

It is early on a Sunday morning and after unlocking the restaurant Sam immediately started
with some cleaning activities in the kitchen. He realises that it might be a very busy Morning
as most of the people in the area visit the restaurant for breakfast. Eat as Much Pty Ltd is
and was always famous for their French prepared sandwiches and interesting fillings. They
have designed, tested and sold these specific filling with their Rolls Pita Breads, Bagels and
Croissants for the past three years now, but the recipes and methods have always been a
trade secret and the owner, Uncle Harry is very specific and secretive on his recipes.

At about 10:00 in the morning all the waiters, cleaners and chefs are running around to ensure
that all the customers are happy and that the food, tables and cutlery are according to the
correct procedures and requirements. It seems to Sam that this morning will be a record in
business as the customers are queuing outside the shop to gain entrance for a table inside or
on the veranda.

For a moment Sam’s thoughts are focussed on his training in the sandwich making process
as he is now the only chef in the kitchen responsible for the EaM Restaurant famous breakfast
sandwiches. His Uncle showed him a few pictures, explained a few aspects, like not too much
butter and spreads, remember thin slices and also the fresh lettuce.

He realises that most of his training was done in a casual environment with not much attention
to detail and specific procedures. He has started to design his own methods and there are
very little time in busy periods to ask questions.

The supervisors or senior chefs in the restaurant has criticise him several times, but none of
them has taken the time and effort to show him the correct procedures.

115753 Conduct Outcomes Based Assessment

The order came in and most of them are sandwiches with filling of beacon with avocado, sweet
chilly, and mustard, some customers were requesting the banana and cinnamon with eggs
and chutney but this must be toasted. The waiters have started to sell other variations of the
fillings but have never communicated this with him or Uncle Harry.

Sam is starting to fall behind in the orders and nobody is available for help in the kitchen. He
realises that it’s time to get ahead in the orders as Uncle Harry is on his way for his daily
inspections to the kitchen.

He has decided to try some short cuts in some fillings and used no butter in the bagels. The
croissants were too fresh to cut open and his hands were identified as the right tools for
opening the rolls.

Cleaning surfaces was not an important task at this stage and some of the bread rolls fell on
the floor in his preparation actions. The cut from a previous injury suddenly started bleeding
but no time to get a plaster and his kitchen gloves is nowhere to be seen.

Fillings are mixed up in the process and the clients starts to send the sandwiches back with a
lot of complaints. One of the customers insisted to speak to Uncle Harry and Sam realises that
his end of the restaurant career is very near. After completing his next sandwich he thought of
taking a quick puff on his cigarette from early this morning. Suddenly the swinging doors of
the kitchen burst open and Uncle Harry, the thin long owner of the restaurant is filling the
empty space in the doorway.

He started talking in a soft voice and Sam thought that he might have a chance of survival in
this, but as Uncle Harry continue his voice stared to get louder, swearing words were more
intense and now his arms started reacting with his high pitch voice and this was not a calm
reaction at all.

He started swinging his long thin arms in Sam’s direction and Sam could feel the pain already
if one of these limbs will come to close to his body. Then suddenly Uncle Sam throws most of
his unprepared sandwiches all around the floor. Sam was staring in amazement to his Uncles
reaction and his eye catches the steak knife which he used to cut some of the rolls on the
table. He realises that Uncle Harry has also seen the steak knife and decided to save his own
life in this catastrophe. He only hears the knife hitting the window sill as he leaves the backdoor
of the kitchen in a hurry. The door started closing with a bang and the last words of Uncle
Harry Fades in the late morning sun. “You’re stupid, incompetent pestilence, you will never
.......................................................... ”

115753 Conduct Outcomes Based Assessment

1. Do you think that the environment in which Sam was working was sufficient to
guarantee success? Explain your answer shortly.


2. Where and at what stage did Sam’s preparation for this process diverted from the
correct principles. Do you think that proper coaching or observation may have
prepared Sam better for his job? Why or Why not?


115753 Conduct Outcomes Based Assessment

3. How would you handle feedback in this situation and what was done wrong in Uncle
Harry’s feedback?


115753 Conduct Outcomes Based Assessment

4. No mention was made in the above case study that any declaration of competence
were signed before Sam started working in the kitchen. What should Uncle Harry have
done to ensure that Sam was ready for this important position in the kitchen?


5. Think of a few word where you would council Sam in this situation after realising that
he is not performing the way he was told


115753 Conduct Outcomes Based Assessment

6. What did Sam do wrong when realising that he needed to make a decision on more
effective operation within his specific job functions.


115753 Conduct Outcomes Based Assessment

7. Do you think a proper assessment of the making of sandwiches would make a

difference in Sam’s situation and why do you think this?


8. In which specific areas would you assess Sam, and how would you assess these
areas if you were Uncle Harry?


115753 Conduct Outcomes Based Assessment

Assessment Outcome

1st Submission 2nd Submission 3rd Submission


Assessor Comments: Assessor Comments: Assessor Comments:

Assessor Assessor Assessor

Signature Signature Signature
Date Date Date


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