23-24 BIOL10272 Skills Portfolio-GBA ISTIYAK CHOWDHURY ISTI
23-24 BIOL10272 Skills Portfolio-GBA ISTIYAK CHOWDHURY ISTI
23-24 BIOL10272 Skills Portfolio-GBA ISTIYAK CHOWDHURY ISTI
NTU Student No.: N1228909 Submission Date 17/11/23 Grade Date: 30/11/23
Module Code: BIOL10272 Module Name: Practical Techniques Module Leader: Ishwinder Kaur
Abstract/ A succinct summary of the work that A suitable summary of the work that The summary of the work is The summary of the work is of low Work of
Summary A suitable summary of the work that no merit
includes the approach taken, the main includes the correct information but with includes the correct information but satisfactory but has several quality or absent. Provides inadequate
of findings, the biological significance of the with several omissions. An external inaccuracies and omissions. Provides or inaccurate information. Not suitable or
evidence some omissions. Allows an external absent
findings and the conclusion. Allows an reader to understand the evidence reader may not be able to fully inadequate information for an for an external reader.
external reader to understand the evidence presented but further reading may be understand the purpose of the external reader to understand the Portfolio is of a poor standard that
presented without reading the rest of the needed. evidence presented. evidence presented. draws only on prescribed material and
document. Portfolio is of a good standard but Portfolio is of a moderate standard that is very superficial.
Portfolio is of a very good standard and
Portfolio is of an exceptional standard and draws mainly on taught material. draws only on taught /prescribed draws only on prescribed material and
draws on material beyond the prescribed material. is mostly superficial.
Portfolio Exceptional demonstration of laboratory and Very good demonstration of Good demonstration of laboratory / Sufficient demonstration of Poor and inconsistent demonstration of Work of
Evidence transferable skills, producing a high-quality laboratory / transferable skills transferable skills producing a mostly laboratory / transferable skills but laboratory / transferable skills. The vast no merit
(Presentatio piece of evidence. producing a high-quality piece of good quality piece of evidence. shows considerable variation in the majority of the work falls below a or
n of Evidence is of an exceptional standard, evidence. Evidence is mostly of a good standard quality of the work. satisfactory quality. infograp
Results/ concise, relevant and supports the laboratory Evidence is of a very good standard and but does not always align with the Evidence is sufficient in parts but Evidence is inadequate and superficial h
Quality of and transferable skills presented. Work supports the skills presented. Work skills presented or is of variable mostly shallow and inconsistent. with limited depth and several discussi
portfolio includes appropriate display of evidence includes appropriate display of evidence quality. Work demonstrates errors/omissions in the written work. on
evidence/ (e.g., tables /figures/images with (e.g. tables /figures/images with superficial/limited depth with several absent
Scientific writing is mostly sound but Limited attempt to communicate
Debate comprehensive titles and legends), shows appropriate titles and legends), Evidence errors/omissions.
with some errors/omissions and outcomes from a Bioscience
Infographic) strong scientific writing. shows sound scientific writing but with shallow in parts. Satisfactory attempt to communicate debate. Limited understanding
Excellent use of infographics to communicate minor errors. outcomes from a Bioscience debate. of issues
Good use of infographics to
outcomes from a Bioscience debate. Very good use of infographics to Some understanding of issues
communicate outcomes from a The portfolio evidence is below
Excellent understanding of issues communicate outcomes from a Bioscience Evidence requires further input and
Bioscience debate. Good standard for use in prospective
All Evidence is described effectively and debate. Very good understanding of issues improvement before it is appropriate
understanding of issues. Some employment applications.
concisely and are appropriate for delivery to Mostly concise and appropriate for for delivery to a prospective
evidence is appropriate for delivery
a prospective employer and reflects the skills delivery to a prospective employer. employer.
to a prospective employer.
Reflective Clear and strong evidence of reflection in the Good evidence of reflection in the work. Some evidence of reflection in the Little or no evidence of reflection in No evidence of reflection in the work. Work of
practice work. Clear acknowledgment of how the Acknowledgment of how the evidence work but relatively little identification the work and fails to identify any No indication of transferable skills. no merit or
Interview evidence links to transferable skills. Good links to transferable skills is evident. of strengths, weaknesses and future meaningful progression. Very limited absent
questions and identification of strengths, weaknesses and Sound identification of strengths, directions. Limited acknowledgement indication of transferable skills.
alignment with future directions. weaknesses and future of transferable skills.
Bioscience job. directions.