Ydt Denemesi 4

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1. Bu sınavda YDT soru dağılımları dikkate alınmıştır.
2. Deneme tam kapsam olup 2023 YDT konularının tamamını kapsamaktadır.
3. Bu sınav 80 sorudan oluşmaktadır.

Bu testlerin her hakkı saklıdır. Hangi amaçla olursa olsun, testlerin tamamının veya bir kısmının Millî Eğitim Bakanlığının yazılı
izni olmadan kopya edilmesi, fotoğrafının çekilmesi, herhangi bir yolla çoğaltılması, yayımlanması ya da kullanılması yasaktır.
Bu yasağa uymayanlar gerekli cezai sorumluluğu ve testlerin hazırlanmasındaki mali külfeti peşinen kabullenmiş sayılır.
1. Bu kitapçıkta 80 soru bulunmaktadır.
2. Bu sınav için verilen cevaplama süresi 120 dakikadır (2 saat).
3. Bu sınav puanlanırken doğru cevaplarınızın sayısından yanlış cevaplarınızın sayısının dörtte biri çıkarılacak
ve kalan sayı bu test ile ilgili ham puanınız olacaktır.
4. Kitapçığın sayfalarındaki boş yerleri müsvedde için kullanabilirsiniz.
5. Cevaplamaya istediğiniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz. Bir soru ile ilgili cevabınızı, cevap kâğıdında o soru için ayrılmış
olan yere işaretlemeyi unutmayınız.
6. Bu kitapçıkta yer alan her sorunun sadece bir doğru cevabı vardır. Cevap kâğıdında bir soru için birden çok cevap
yeri işaretlenmişse o soru yanlış cevaplanmış sayılacaktır. İşaretlediğiniz bir cevabı değiştirmek istediğinizde silme
işlemini çok iyi yapmanız gerektiğini unutmayınız.

1. Bu testte 80 soru vardır.

2. Cevaplarınızı, cevap kâğıdına işaretleyiniz.

4. Side effects of antimicrobial treatments may

1. - 15. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere
reflect the antibiotic’s biological or toxicological
uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
properties or may ---- extreme sensitivity or
1. It is believed that any newborn whose nails are allergic reactions.
clipped before the age of six months will turn into
a thief, according to a 19th-century Welsh ----. A) involve
B) confuse
A) treatment
C) compromise
B) innovation
D) implement
C) resident
E) constitute
D) discharge
E) superstition

2. Julius Caesar, a(n) ---- politician, army commander, 5. The New York city council had to ---- the
and emperor, contributed to Rome’s becoming announcement of the environmental development
one of the most dominant empires in history. report due to the highly heated debates with
A) brief
A) run into
B) abundant
B) put off
C) brilliant
C) carry on
D) fragile
D) bring about
E) careless
E) pass away

3. Once a month, employees from the Slovenian and 6. Travel throughout the solar system ----
Slovak embassies get together to swap letters dramatically since the first human being ---- into
that were addressed ----. space in 1961 on the Soviet spacecraft Vostok.

A) functionally A) had changed / would be sent

B) mistakenly B) changed / has been sent
C) cautiously C) used to change / had been sent
D) implicitly D) has changed / was sent
E) deliberately E) was changing / was to be sent

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7. While some researchers speculate that Homer 10. As well as protecting existing habitats and acting
---- on the island of Khios or in a Greek-speaking ---- sea defences, artificial reefs can be effective
city on the eastern shore of the Aegean Sea, other ---- improving fish harvests.
academics ---- such a possibility.
A) for / at
A) must have resided / rejected B) over / of
B) should have resided / had rejected C) as / in
C) could have resided / will reject D) with / on
D) may have resided / reject E) into / by
E) might have resided / are going to reject

8. The world’s first true coins ---- of electrum, a 11. Almost half of the population of the United States
mixture of gold and silver, ---- in the kingdom of watches television every day, ---- individuals who
Lydia in Anatolia. read books on a daily basis make up a significantly
smaller percentage of the total population.
A) to be made / used to be produced
B) having made / were being produced A) whereas
C) making / had been produced B) hence
D) being made / were to be produced C) likewise
E) made / were produced D) just as
E) nor

9. A team of scientists studying the natural body 12. In Sumer, it was very important to keep track of
temperatures of sharks has found out that it takes taxes ---- there were so many transactions, and the
them ---- 40 minutes to cool down after they are only way to stop tax fraud was to keep accurate
released back ---- the water from captivity. and reliable records.

A) around / beneath A) much as

B) off / within B) unless
C) about / into C) in case
D) from / below D) before
E) throughout / by E) since

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13. ---- of the bacteria are either beneficial or harmless,

16. - 20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış
but quite ---- are pathogenic, meaning they can
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
cause infection and spread disease.
Wealth (16) ---- a poor predictor to assess the happiness
A) Many / some of the majority. People have not become happier
B) Several / all (17) ---- time as their cultures have become more
C) Some / a lot affluent. The percentage of Americans (18) ---- surveyors
D) Lots / enough from the National Opinion Research Center that they
are ‘very happy’ has decreased in the last ten years.
E) Most / a few
(19) ---- Americans earn twice as much in today’s
currency as they did in 1957, the decline has gone from
35 to 29 per cent. According to the most recent study,
only the poorest nations, like Bangladesh and India,
think that income is a reliable indicator of emotional
well-being. In most other countries, the (20) ---- between
income and happiness is low.

14. The natural environment of the North Sea is ----

fragile and weak ---- even the most negligible
degradation in its structure can have irreversible 16. A) may be B) must be
consequences. C) had better be D) has to be
E) would rather be
A) neither / nor
B) whether / or
C) such / that
17. A) with B) over
D) so / that
C) on D) for
E) as / as
E) during

18. A) having been told B) to have told

C) to be telling D) telling
E) to tell

15. Beams of light from a lighthouse, a fast car’s

headlights, and a supersonic aircraft all travel at
19. A) When B) Because
the same pace ---- the differences in the speeds of
their sources. C) Although D) Suppose that
E) So that
A) rather than
B) despite
C) in case of
20. A) duration B) establishment
D) in terms of
C) association D) expenditure
E) as well as
E) consumption

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21. - 28. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde 23. Blood pressure is one of the essential indicators
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. of heart health, ----.

21. Most cultures have given value to what they have A) that is, a hypertensive crisis is high blood pressure

seen in the sky, ----. that can cause a stroke

B) so a person’s blood pressure and heart rate are
A) whereas historical scholars have focused on distinct measurements
terrestrial events while ignoring celestial bodies
C) while one first should measure it before eating or
B) even though astrology was closely related to taking any medications in the morning
astronomy, alchemy, meteorology, and medicine
D) but it is challenging to measure it frequently and
C) for example, fortune tellers were regarded as accurately outside of a hospital
sorcerers and had notoriety among people
E) although it is possible to have high blood pressure
D) so some of those civilisations used cosmic and not notice any abnormal symptoms
observations for their own benefit
E) but locals can make important observations
without proper equipment

22. ----, researchers are still concerned about its 24. ----, they pose a threat to human health.
A) Since ozone holes increase ultraviolet radiation
A) Until biogas is also known as marsh gas, sewage levels on the Earth’s surface
gas, compost gas, and swamp gas B) Now that a new ozone hole has been found over
B) Although biogas is a cleaner and greener the planet’s tropical areas
alternative to fossil fuels such as natural gas C) Because the tropics cover half the planet’s
C) Since many power plants generate electricity surface and are home to half the population
from lumber and furniture by-products D) Though human-made industrial pollutants have
D) Despite the fact that biogas was originally used in depleted the ozone layer
the Middle East around 3,000 BC E) While increased ground-level ultraviolet radiation
E) Because humankind has relied on biomass as a can result from ozone layer depletion
source of energy since the discovery of fire

12. SINIF 90 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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25. While youngsters view social media news as less 27. When one thinks about climate change and
reliable, ----. emissions, ----.

A) adolescents prefer skimming through their social A) the first thing that probably comes to mind is
networks to be informed industries that depend on fossil fuels, and exhaust
B) some social media sources are more popular fumes from cars
than others among teenagers B) it is highly unlikely that agriculture practices are
C) most teenagers are abandoning traditional news connected to the phenomenon of global warming
sources in favour of social media C) climate change affects everything from
D) print, TV, and radio outlets are not preferred geopolitics to economies and migration as well as
sources of news for them life expectancies

E) they value and use these services more for D) mining companies all over the world are working
providing a variety of viewpoints on the day’s to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve
major stories net zero
E) they have a warming impact that is more than
20,000 times bigger than that of CO2, and they
are highly powerful

26. Although sleepwalking cases generally involve 28. In spite of the exponential rise in the popularity of
simple, repeated behaviours, ----. electric cars throughout the world in recent years,
A) there are occasional reports of people performing
complex behaviours during sleep A) some companies intend to invest extensively
B) sleepwalkers frequently have little or no memory in gasoline-powered vehicles to satisfy the
of the incident due to their unconscious state enormous demand

C) their eyes are generally open, and their expression B) the adverse effects of traditional cars are generally
is dim and glazed over ignored as these cars have low production costs

D) this may last from 30 seconds to 30 minutes, C) European countries take effective measures to
depending on the person lessen electricity usage in major cities

E) sleepwalking occurs during slow-wave sleep of D) the charging time of electric vehicles depends on
non-rapid eye movement the size of the engine and voltage amplifier
E) in addition to the low pricing, potential consumers
consider the usefulness and negligible cost of
charging environmentally-friendly vehicles

12. SINIF 91 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 4. DENEME

30. It can be inferred from the passage that autism ----.

29. - 31. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
A) will be cured completely in the future
Autism is a common developmental disorder that makes B) does not make any major changes in people’s
it hard to communicate and interact with others. People lives
with autism tend to have few hobbies and interests and C) used to be a bigger problem in the past
often do the same things over and over again. It is seen
D) is difficult to diagnose at an early age
as a neurological and genetic condition that affects how
E) affects people in many negative ways
information is processed on a lifelong basis. This disorder
can also be defined by interlinking problems with social
imagination and interaction. According to scientists,
this impacts one’s capacity to understand and relate
to others in conventional ways, environmental events
and things, and interpret or react to sensory stimuli.
Children with autism cannot learn or think in the same
ways as kids who typically develop. Those kids have
trouble processing speech and understanding verbal
information. Children who suffer from these conditions
frequently find noises uncomfortable, including traffic
noise, and it is challenging to scientifically quantify this
as such extra-sensory stimuli vary significantly from one
autistic individual to another. However, a child’s capacity
to digest information is likely to suffer if they perceive
any noise in their classroom or learning environment to
be upsetting.

29. It is stated in the passage that one suffering from 31. Which of the following could be the best title for
autism ----. the passage?

A) has to struggle with it throughout his life A) How to Detect Autism with Machines
B) has no mental problems other than autism B) Autism and Its Effects on People
C) had better enrich his social environment C) The Relationship between Autism and Sound
D) can learn to speak earlier than other children D) How to Cope with Autism in the Classroom
E) is good at operating particular machines E) Neurological Developments in Autism

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33. According to the passage, experts ----.

32. - 34. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
A) care more about single species than about
Wildlife experts are battling a problem: As the population biological communities
of some threatened animals grows, it puts pressure on B) are indifferent to the plight of the endangered
other vulnerable creatures. According to experts, these species
types of situations involve tradeoffs. However, they C) believe that protecting the natural balance
do not always indicate issues with special protection requires hardly any sacrifices
programmes. This demonstrates the significance of
D) have controversial ideas about endangered
protecting what some scientists refer to as biological
species in need of protection
communities rather than individual species. For example,
E) have discovered that survival rivalry amongst
the resurgence of the famous bald eagle has put a strain
animals has little influence on one another
on rare water birds. Peregrine falcons are making a
comeback as well. However, they pose a threat to the
California’s least tern and the Western snowy plover.
Attacks by protected white sharks also hamper the
recovery of threatened sea otters off the California coast.
Clearly, there are times when experts face conflicts
between species they are attempting to protect.

32. It is pointed out in the passage that ----. 34. The underlined word ‘tradeoff’ is closest in
meaning to ----.
A) as some threatened animal species reproduce,
they put pressure on other susceptible species A) cost

B) it is quite possible that sea otters will make a B) value

comeback in the future C) process
C) the return of peregrine falcons has nothing to do D) sacrifice
with the number of certain birds E) source
D) attacks by white sharks are making it harder for
endangered sea otters to get back to normal
E) there has not been a rise in the population of
peregrine falcons

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36. It is pointed out in the passage that ----.

35. - 37. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
A) the robots worked well in shallow water and are
Chinese researchers say they have developed a expected to function well in deeper water
robotic fish that can remove microplastics from water. B) the fish can absorb several types of microplastics
Researchers hope that robots built for this experiment and even mend itself when damaged
can be utilised to assist in cleaning up the world’s oceans. C) if a robot fish is accidentally eaten by a real fish, it
The robot swimmers are around 1.3 millimetres long and can safely digest the material
are made of a bendable synthetic material. As the robots
D) similar robots might be implanted in people to
go through the water, they may contact the microplastics
eliminate pathogens or harmful substances
there. The team believes the robots will continue to
E) by-products of industrial processes are the only
perform well in future testing in deeper water because
source of microplastic pollution
of their strong performance in shallow water. The robotic
fish is designed to consume microplastic particles, which
are plastic pieces smaller than five millimetres in size.
Several investigations have confirmed microplastic
pollution in even the world’s wild locations. The material
is created from the breakdown of plastics and other
industrial waste. The tiny, lightweight robot is currently
being utilised to gather microplastics for scientific study.
The team intends to increase that application so that the
robot fish can clear out larger quantities of microplastic
debris from the ocean’s depths.

35. It is stated in the passage that the tiny robots ----. 37. It is understood from the passage that ----.

A) did well in deeper water, according to the A) people want to do the right thing in order to protect
researchers the oceans
B) are made out of a synthetic substance that is B) the threats the oceans face have been well
easy to shape understood by the general society
C) are already being used to prevent pollution C) the developed robot technology has had definite
caused by industrial by-products results so far
D) can swim up to 2.76 body lengths per second as D) it is pretty unlikely that the use of the robot fish will
they move through the water be expanded
E) are responsible for microplastic contamination in E) there is hope to eliminate the pollution in deep
certain natural habitats oceans via using recent technology

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39. It is clearly stated in the passage that ----.

38. - 40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
A) mixed breeds were more skilful than other breeds
In the latest study about dogs, samples of breath and when it came to locating stressed samples
sweat were taken from people who had not previously B) dogs had a high success rate at detecting stress,
consumed food or beverages. Samples were taken both which indicated that this was not a coincidence
before and after a demanding math task, along with C) only samples of thirty-six stressed people were
objective physiological measurements like heart rate presented to dogs after three hours
(HR) and blood pressure (BP). Within three hours of
D) researchers were stunned by the capabilities of
being collected, the samples from 36 participants who
dogs, which they had not expected previously
reported feeling more stressed as a result of the exercise
E) a kibble and clicker are the most effective training
and who also had an increase in HR and BP throughout
tools for dogs
the task were presented to trained dogs. Four dogs of
various breeds and breed mixes had been trained to
match odours in a discriminating task using a clicker
and kibble. Dogs were asked to locate the participant’s
relaxed sample, which was collected just minutes before
the activity began, while the participant’s stressed sample
was collected after the task’s conclusion. Ultimately,
dogs were able to recognise and act in an alert manner
on the sample collected under stress in 675 out of 720
trials, or 93 per cent of the time, which is significantly
more often than would be predicted by chance. The
canines accurately alerted to the stressed sample 94 per
cent of the time when they were first presented with a
participant’s relaxed and stressed samples.

38. It can be concluded from the passage that the 40. What is the passage mainly about?
samples ----.
A) Influences of stress on healthy people
A) were obtained from people who were not hungry B) The most suitable way of conducting an
B) consisted of the blood and sweat of unstressed experiment
people C) High detection abilities of trained dogs
C) were separated from those that had been D) Significance of samples taken from stressed
collected before the task people
D) were effective enough to represent the results of E) Animals’ inability to identify stress, especially
the study dogs’
E) demonstrated the difference between heart rate
and blood pressure

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42. According to the passage, ----.

41. - 43. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
A) once a nest has been completed, the female
Ninety-nine per cent of all species have gone extinct never returns to it
during five major extinctions like volcanic eruptions B) gender of young sea turtles is decided by the
and asteroid strikes. In addition, human activities sand’s warmth that it is laid on
have increased extinction rates up to 10,000 times. C) there is enough male-to-female ratio needed to
Loss and habitat deterioration due to deforestation, be able to have successful breeding seasons
overexploitation, invasive species, and climate change
D) sea turtle population is in danger even if we have
are the primary causes. One of the recent consequences
the genetic diversity
of these changes is that the population of sea turtles
E) we can contribute to the preservation of the turtle
in Florida is undergoing shifts due to the state’s rising
population if we establish turtle hospitals
temperatures. As a result of recent heat waves in the
southern state, the sand on the beaches has reached
such a high temperature that almost all of the sea turtles
that hatch on those beaches are female. When a mother
sea turtle constructs a nest for her eggs on the beach,
the temperature of the sand will determine the gender of
the new born sea turtles, which are known as hatchlings.
Because Florida has experienced some of the warmest
summers on record over the past four years, there has
been an increase in the number of female sea turtles.
In fact, in the course of their research on sea turtle
hatchlings and eggs over the past four years, scientists
have uncovered no male sea turtles but have found only
female sea turtles.

41. It is pointed out in the passage that scientists ----. 43. It is stated in the passage that species ----.

A) believe that Florida is the finest place for the A) is not likely to be influenced by deforestation in
reproduction of sea turtles the future
B) still have not realised that sea turtles require B) has an increased rate of extinction only by human
immediate protection for survival activities
C) have located solely female sea turtles in the C) has not been affected by other species
nestlings and eggs D) will not be in danger in terms of future population
D) have found out that the female turtle emerges at E) has become extinct because of human activities
night and searches for a nesting place and natural disasters
E) have witnessed that baby turtles are guided to the
sea usually by moonlight reflecting on the sea

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45. Jimmy:
44. - 48. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan
kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz. – According to a 2015 study, having ten or more
trees in your garden could make you feel as
44. Bank Clerk: healthy as someone seven years younger.
– Because of a payment imbalance, your credit card Judy:
account has been suspended. – ----
Client: Jimmy:

– Impossible! I made all my payments this afternoon. – Why do you think so? I supposed you were the
kind of person living in the light of science.
Bank Clerk:
– ---- – For sure, I am. However, no one in the world can
Client: make me believe that having more trees in your
garden makes you feel healthier than someone
– Thanks! Now, I’m relieved. Then, I believe we have else.
no choice but to wait.
A) Wow! Now, I’m heading towards the nearest
A) You’ve probably heard about these hackers breaking forest to collect some seeds.
into people’s personal accounts.
B) How on earth could that be possible? You had
B) You’re not the first person to say that. We must better change the source you have been reading.
immediately check our system. C) That’s why we have had lots of trees in our
backyard since we bought this house five years
C) So there’s no need to be concerned, sir. It may take
some time to transfer it into the system.
D) As far as I’m concerned, planting trees is cheaper
D) What do you mean? If you don’t believe me, look at than having plastic surgery to feel younger.
the computer screen yourself.
E) I remember reading the same article, which
E) Since yesterday, our systems have been turned off. sounds rather probable and reasonable to me.
We’re sorry for the trouble.

12. SINIF 97 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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46. Juan: 47. Leo:

– It would be great for people to change their – As a parent, it is a bit weird for our children to
way of celebration so as not to hurt other use their mobile phones at school. These devices
animals and damage the environment in which are the most prominent distractors. Although
they live. students aren’t allowed to use phones during
Erik: lectures, they may have a negative effect on
– What makes you think in that way? concentration and success.

Juan: Dennis:
– ---- – ----
Erik: Leo:
– I totally agree with you. All creatures have the – Such incidents are considerably rare, and school
right to live as peacefully as we do. administrators can inform parents rapidly.

A) Sound pollution, especially in big cities, causes
irreversible hearing defects for many animals. – You can never accurately anticipate the possibility

B) Well, all animals, regardless of size, are of unexpected situations when nearly thirty
frightened by fireworks, which also cause students spend almost seven hours together.
C) Traffic congestion may be the reason for waking A) It’s your responsibility to teach your child to use a

up early and consuming more energy during the mobile phone in case of a necessity.
day. B) Don’t get concerned about it. The students are
D) Zoos are ideal places for animals, and caregivers familiar with the appropriate times and procedures
are pretty sensitive about their needs. for using these devices.
E) Crowded cities contain many problems, such C) Mobile phones are an indispensable part of our
as crime, poverty, transportation, and an lives, so they can be life-saving, particularly in states
unaffordable cost of living. of emergency.

D) It would be great for students to have education

about the effective use of social media in the

E) When it comes to bullying, it’s a more serious issue

than having access to mobile phones.

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YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 4. DENEME

48. Nichole:
49. - 53. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın
– If you had a chance, which country would you cümleyi bulunuz.
49. If you are continuously sneezing, coughing, or
Harvey: suffering from a sore throat, the first thing that
comes to mind is a cold or flu.
– A tricky question. I’ve never thought about this,
but I suppose I’d say Australia due to its incredible A) A cold or flu is the first thing that arises in your
biodiversity. mind when you have a sore throat, a cough, or a
Nichole: history of sneezing.

– ---- B) Even if you have persistent sneezing, coughing,

and a sore throat, the first thing that appears in
your mind should not be a cold or flu.
– What do you mean by that? C) The common cold and influenza are the first
Nichole: things that immediately come to mind, given
that someone has a sore throat, and persistent
– Australia is home to approximately 170 kinds
of snakes, including some of the world’s most
D) The first thing that springs to mind unless you are
venomous ones. Think twice.
sneezing, coughing, or have a sore throat is a
cold or the flu.
A) What seems like an advantage at first glance may
E) When you constantly sneeze, cough, or have a
turn out to be a drawback later on. Be careful!
sore throat, cold and flu are the first things that
B) It’s a pretty common practice for Australians to keep come to mind.
snakes as pets in their homes. Don’t be surprised.

C) The brain is the best vehicle to go somewhere. As

much as you preserve your imagination, you can go

D) In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t 50. Some pollinators not only help flowering plants
take along the way. We make our own luck. get fertilised, but they also lay their eggs on the
E) Opportunity isn’t something that just happens to leaves of the plants when they visit them.

you; rather, it’s something that you have to actively A) Some pollinators both fertilise flowering plants
seek for. and lay their eggs on the plants’ leaves during
their visit.
B) Pollinators lay their eggs on the leaves of the
plants when they visit them with the aim of
fertilising the flowering plants.
C) Most pollinators lay their eggs on the leaves of
the plants they visit, but this does not help them
get fertilised.
D) Pollinators lay their eggs on the leaves of plants
after they have visited them so that they can aid
in the fertilisation of flowering plants.
E) In order to help flowers make seeds, some
pollinators leave the leaves of the plants they visit
without laying their eggs on.

12. SINIF 99 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 4. DENEME

51. If the universe is infinite, it can just keep growing 52. Children who play video games for longer than
forever without ever becoming larger since there usual periods of time get smarter than average,
is no size greater than infinity. but watching TV or using social media does not
have a direct positive or negative effect.
A) If the universe were infinite, it could continue to
expand indefinitely since there would be no size A) Children who play video games for longer than
bigger than infinity. adults show more than usual emotional gains,
B) Only if space is unlimited can the universe although the time spent watching television or
continue to expand without becoming larger since using mobile phones has no direct good or bad
there is no number that can be larger than infinity. effect.

C) Provided that the universe is infinite, it can just B) Playing video games for longer lengths can make
keep expanding eternally without ever becoming children more intelligent than their peers, while
bigger since there is no size greater than infinity. spending time watching TV or using social media
may worsen the situation.
D) As infinity is the maximum possible size, it is
possible that the universe will expand indefinitely C) Children who are smarter than average can play
without ever becoming larger. video games longer than usual, but watching TV
or using social media applications does not have
E) There is no size larger than infinity, and
any impact on them directly.
considering the universe is infinite, it can continue
to develop without ever getting larger. D) In order to improve the intellectual levels of
children who play video games longer than in
general, parents should let them watch TV or use
social media less, which can affect them both
positively and negatively.
E) Children who play video games for longer than
usual periods have more than average advances
in their level of intelligence, yet the time spent in
front of the television or on social media has no
direct effect, either good or bad.

12. SINIF 100 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 4. DENEME

53. Before the aircraft takes off, if there are any extra
54. - 58. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş
seats, they may be sold at a discount, allowing the
olabilecek sözü bulunuz.
airline to recover part of the money they would
have otherwise lost. 54. After school, one of your friends wants to hang
out with you. She wants to know what you are
A) Before the plane takes off, unsold tickets have up to. Even though you are free, you do not want
to be sold at standard prices, allowing the airline to see anyone as you have been feeling gloomy
to save part of the money they had lost on other without any reason. You politely make up an
flights. excuse by saying: ----
B) During the flight’s departure, any remaining
A) I’ve told you many times that I don’t have time to
tickets had better be sold at a discount, allowing
spare for you? Why are you so insistent?
the airport to save all of the money they would
have otherwise lost. B) Am I your only friend? I don’t understand why you
always want to see me.
C) Selling unsold tickets before the flight can be
profitable for companies which otherwise would C) Sorry, I can’t meet you today, because I don’t feel
have lost some revenue due to discounted prices. like going out.

D) If there are any excess seats, they can be sold at D) Wonderful! I was just trying to figure out what to
a reduced price prior to takeoff, helping the airline do. Does shopping suit you?
regain a portion of the money they would have E) I’d love to get together with you, but I don’t believe
otherwise lost. we have the same interests.
E) Companies tend to sell some seats with extra
discounts because they may lose nearly half of
their profits on account of unsold tickets before
the flight.

55. You speak English well, and one of your friends

looks up to you. She has been trying to memorise
vocabulary via flashcards to be able to talk, but
this has not worked so far. She wants to improve
her speaking skills in front of people and needs
help. You want to encourage her and give advice
by saying: ----

A) It is essential to put new words into memory, but

it can’t be done using flash cards alone.
B) Trust me, you will do it. You can install a speech
app on your phone, which can help your fluency.
C) You are showing signs of excessive excitement. It
is not feasible to speak in such a manner.
D) Do you comprehend but can’t speak? I believe it
to be an epidemic.
E) If I know you at all, you can do everything you set
your mind on.

12. SINIF 101 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 4. DENEME

56. One of your friends has been to the hairdresser. 58. You are sharing a room with another student
Even though she only had a trim, she paid a lot. while studying at high school. However, there
You like her hairstyle but believe it is too costly. are some issues with this arrangement, such
When she asks your opinion, you honestly say: as loudness and misbehaviour. You find it
---- extremely challenging to concentrate in these
circumstances. You go to the dorm manager and
A) I think your hair looks nice, but you have been
ask him gently to change your room. So, you say:
B) I think that it would be better if the ends were
shoulder-length. A) I’m sick and tired of this guy. Take him out of the
room now; otherwise, unfavourable things may
C) You should have parted your hair in the middle.
happen, and I don’t take responsibility!
D) Please take me next time you go to the same
B) With the upcoming exam week, it is tough to
study in this setting. If possible, would you mind
E) Don’t ask me for my opinion because I don’t want
transferring me to another room?
to break your heart.
C) My roommate and I have been having a lot of
arguments, so I think it would be best if he moved
D) Could you give me my roommate’s parents’
number, sir? I’m sure they have a right to know
their son’s bad behaviours.
E) Before I call the police, you had better fire him. I

57. You have purchased a costly mobile phone can’t stand his negligence any more.

from a well-known technology retailer, and after

a few days of purchase, it has abruptly stopped
operating. You have sent the phone, spoken with
a corporate representative over the phone and
expressed your displeasure with the situation,
yet your broken phone has not been fixed for
twenty-five days. You decide to call again to make
a final warning. So, you say threateningly: ----

A) That’s enough. What a reckless company! From

now on, I have no hope of taking back my phone,
and I want a refund as soon as possible!
B) Unfortunately, I don’t have a spare phone to use,
so I need my phone urgently. Please solve this
problem within the shortest possible time.
C) Unless you send my phone within the next five
days, your business will be taken to court. This is
my last call.
D) After buying this phone, I no longer think your
business is reputable and competent. I’ll never
visit your stores again!
E) I should have instead purchased the more costly
option. I regret that I made the wrong choice.

12. SINIF 102 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 4. DENEME

60. The first step to understanding why the sea is salty

59. - 63. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam
bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi is to know how water moves through the ocean’s
bulunuz. different physical states. The three different forms
of it are ice, liquid, and vapour, respectively. ----
59. ---- It has been named ‘black widow’ because
Because of this, the basins of our oceans are
most of its mass comes from another star that it
filled with a tangled mixture of different mineral
orbits. It has 2.35 times as much mass as our sun.
salts. On the other hand, water and salt are not
Scientists think that the star is close to having
compatible in other phases of water, such as
the most mass possible for something like it. If it
vapour and ice; hence, water vapour and ice are
were any bigger, it would just fall apart into a huge
virtually salt-free.
black hole.
A) We are able to monitor changes in the water cycle
A) A neutron star is the dense collapsed centre of a
immediately if we keep track of the salinity of the
massive star that has exploded in a supernova.
ocean’s surface.
B) The name ‘pulsar’ refers to the kind of neutron
B) Since 86 per cent of global evaporation occurs
star that has a very strong magnetic field.
over the ocean, oceans’ surface salinity explains
C) The denser the material is at the centre of a how freshwater inflow and outflow impact ocean
neutron star, the heavier it is overall. dynamics.
D) The star is thought to have begun as a neutron C) Ocean currents are the continuous, directed flow
star with a typical mass of about 1.4 times that of of seawater caused by gravity, wind, and water
our sun. density.
E) Space scientists have discovered what they D) When water is in liquid state, it can dissolve rocks
believe to be the most massive known example and sediments and react with emissions from
of a neutron star. hydrothermal vents and volcanoes.
E) There is a continuous cycle of freezing and
melting sea ice, as well as evaporation and
precipitation across the seas.

12. SINIF 103 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 4. DENEME

61. Muscle tightness is usually thought of as stiffness 62. Grades consist of numbers, letters, or phrases
or even pain caused by exercise. However, that indicate a student’s school performance
the scientific definition of muscle tightness is during a certain period of time or on a particular
the limited range of motion that comes with it. assignment. In addition to measuring the quality
---- Experienced sports therapists say that it is of a student’s work, grades indicate the progress
important to figure out why your muscles are a student has or has not made. ---- He or she is
tight because it could be a sign of an injury. It then placed at a higher risk of being dismissed the
can happen if you hurt a muscle because the scar following school year. On the other hand, routinely
tissue that forms after a muscle injury makes it high grades indicate that a student is progressing
shorter. In the same way, health problems like well academically and should be promoted to the
inflammatory diseases or tight muscles can also next level.
cause it.
A) There are many ways in which schools place
A) When you go to the doctor, they will ask about number grades with corresponding letter grades.
your medical history and any other symptoms. B) Consistently poor grades indicate that a student
B) Muscle stiffness is when it is harder to move than is not progressing academically.
usual, especially after you have been still for a C) The most common system used at primary
while. schools in the United States is the 10-point scale.
C) In addition to sprains, there are other conditions D) When a student gets to the college level, courses
that can cause muscle stiffness and other are given a credit value.
E) Students receiving average grades typically
D) This usually happens when too much exercise, remain in regular education classrooms.
such as lifting heavy weights, shortens a group of
E) Stand upright or sit on a chair or the floor, and try
to relax your body as much as possible.

12. SINIF 104 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 4. DENEME

63. ---- Costume refers to a fancy dress or carnival

64. - 69. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca
wear; clothing describes the material and the
en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.
technical design, free of any social significance or
ties. Conversely, fashion refers to the social and 64. How a patient is treated can either undermine or
temporal framework that shapes and activates support a sick person’s autonomy; therefore, the
clothing as a social signifier within a specific way a patient is communicated becomes vital.
moment and context. Fashion is distinctive,
self-fulfilling, and can play a significant role in A) Hastanın nasıl davrandığı, onun özerkliğine
a person’s identity. Similar to art, a person’s olumsuz etki yapabilir veya özerkliğini
fashion choices should be an expression of their destekleyebilir, bu yüzden iletişim giderek daha
own taste rather than necessarily being accepted da önemli hale gelmiştir.
by others. B) Bir hastanın özerkliği ele alışı, özgüvenine zarar
verebilir ya da özgüvenini destekleyebilir, bu
A) Even though the terms ‘fashion’, ’clothing’, and nedenle onunla iletişim kurulması çok kritiktir.
‘costume’ are sometimes used interchangeably,
C) Bir hastaya nasıl davranıldığı, hastanın özerkliğine
they are not the same.
zarar verebilir veya özerkliğini destekleyebilir, bu
B) While certain exclusive businesses use it, haute yüzden hastayla iletişim kurulma yöntemi çok
couture is only used by members of the Chambre önemli hale gelir.
Syndicale de la Haute Couture in Paris.
D) Bir hastayla iletişim kurulma yöntemi çok önemli
C) According to stylists, fashion is a form of art olsa da hastaya nasıl davranıldığı onun özerkliğini
that enables individuals to express their distinct destekleyebilir ya da özerkliğine ciddi şekilde
aesthetic preferences. zarar verebilir.
D) An appearance or a manner of expression that is E) Bir hastalığın ele alınış şekli hastanın kişilik
popular at a particular point in time and location is haklarını destekler ya da kişiliğine zarar verir, bu
referred to as a fashion trend. sebeple hastayla iletişim kurmak çok önemli hale
E) In order for anything to be labelled ‘fashionable’, geldi.
there needs to be spread of it, followers and
worldwide adaptation.

12. SINIF 105 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 4. DENEME

65. Using a qualitative method allowed us to obtain 66. Scientists have discovered the largest visible
a deep and nuanced idea of what people find bacterium to date, which is 50 times larger than
attractive about our canine companions. the one that previously held the record.

A) Nitelikli yöntemler kullanarak köpek dostlarımız A) Bilim insanları, rekoru elinde tutandan en az 50
hakkında insanların neleri ilginç bulduğuna dair kat daha büyük olan, bugüne kadarki en büyük
derin ve ayrıntılı düşüncelere sahip olabildik. görünür bakteriyi keşfettiler.
B) Niteliksel bir yöntem kullanmak, insanların köpek B) Bilim insanları, daha önce rekoru elinde tutandan
dostlarımız hakkında neleri çekici bulduğuna dair 50 kat daha büyük olan, bugüne kadarki en büyük
derin ve incelikli bir fikir edinmemizi sağladı. görünür bakteriyi keşfettiler.
C) Nitelikli şekilde kullanılan yöntemler sayesinde C) Bilim insanları daha önce rekoru elinde tutandan
köpeklerin neleri çekici buldukları konusunda 50 kat daha büyük olan ve çıplak gözle görülen
derin ve ince fikirler edinebildik. en büyük bakteriyi keşfedebildiler.
D) Nitelik olarak bütünsel yöntemler kullanmak, D) Daha önce rekoru elinde tutandan 50 kat daha
köpek dostlarımızın insanlarda neleri çekici büyüğünü keşfeden bilim insanları, bunun bugüne
bulduklarına dair derin ve incelikli fikirler kadarki en büyük görünür bakteri olduğunu
edinmemize imkan verdi. söylediler.
E) Nitelik olarak derin ve incelikli fikirler kullanmak, E) Rekoru elinde tutan bakteriden 50 kat daha büyük
insanların köpeklerde neleri çekici bulduklarına olup bugüne kadarki en büyük gözle görünür
dair kullanılan etkili bir yöntemdi. bakteriyi bilim insanları keşfetti.

12. SINIF 106 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 4. DENEME

67. Using gravity waves, scientists have found a 68. In 1970, a severe storm that occurred off the
means to generate more precise estimations of coast of the northwest region of the United States
earthquake magnitude in a shorter time. unearthed a village that had been buried by a
A) Yerçekimi dalgalarını kullanan bilim insanları,
daha kısa sürede daha kesin deprem büyüklüğü A) 1970 yılında, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin
tahminleri üretmenin bir yolunu buldular. kuzeybatı bölgesinin kıyılarında meydana gelen
B) Bilim insanları, daha kısa sürede daha kesin şiddetli bir fırtına, çamur kayması tarafından
deprem büyüklüğü tahminleri üretmek için gömülmüş bir köyü ortaya çıkardı.
yerçekimi dalgalarını kullanmanın bir yolunu B) 1970 yılında, çamur kaymasının gömmüş olduğu
buldular. bir köyü Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin kuzeybatı
C) Bilim insanları daha kısa sürede daha kesin bölgesinin kıyılarında meydana gelen şiddetli bir
deprem büyüklüğü tahminleri üretmenin yerçekimi fırtına ortaya çıkardı.
dalgalarını kullanmaktan geçtiğini buldular. C) Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin kuzeybatı
D) Sadece yerçekimi dalgalarını kullanarak, daha bölgesinin kıyılarında 1970 yılında meydana
kısa sürede ama daha kesin deprem büyüklüğü gelen şiddetli bir fırtına, çamur kaymasının
tahminleri üretmenin mümkün olduğu bulundu. gömdüğü bir köyü ortaya çıkardı.

E) Yerçekimi dalgalarını kullanarak, bilim insanları D) 1970 yılında çamur kayması tarafından gömülmüş
daha kısa sürede daha kesin deprem büyüklüğü bir köyü ortaya çıkaran şey Amerika Birleşik
tahminleri üretmenin bir yolunu buldular. Devletleri’nin kuzeybatı bölgesinin kıyılarında
meydana gelen şiddetli bir fırtınadır.
E) 1970 yılında, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin
kuzeybatı bölgesinin kıyılarında şiddetli bir fırtına
olmasaydı çamur kayması tarafından gömülmüş
bir köy gün yüzüne çıkamazdı.

12. SINIF 107 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 4. DENEME

69. Since living things interact with each other in

70. - 75. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca
dynamic ecosystems, the extinction of one
en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
species can have a far-reaching impact on the
food chain. 70. Mimar Sinan’ın 80 yaşında yaptığı Selimiye Camii,
hem Mimar Sinan’ın hem de Osmanlı mimarisinin
A) Canlılar dinamik ekosistemlerde birbirleriyle en önemli eserleri arasında sayılır.
etkileşime girdiklerinden, bir türün neslinin
tükenmesi besin zinciri üzerinde geniş kapsamlı A) The Selimiye Mosque, built by Sinan the Architect
bir etkiye sahip olabilir. at the age of 80, is definitely the most important
B) Canlı organizmalar dinamik ekosistemlerde work of both Architect Sinan and Ottoman
etkileşim içerisindedir, bu yüzden bir türün architecture.
ortadan kalkması besin zinciri üzerinde geniş bir B) The Selimiye Mosque, which Sinan the Architect
etki alanına sahip olabilir. built at the age of 80, is considered among the
C) Bir türün yok olmasının besin zinciri üzerinde most important works of both Architect Sinan and
kapsamlı etkisinin olması canlıların dinamik Ottoman architecture.
sistemlerde birbiriyle etkileşime girmeleri C) The Selimiye Mosque, which Sinan the Architect
sebebiyledir. built before the age of 80, is considered among
D) Canlıların dinamik ekosistemlerde birbirleriyle the most epic works of both Sinan the Architect
etkileşime girmeleri yüzünden bir tür yok and the Ottoman Empire, respectively.
olduğunda besin zinciri üzerinde geniş kapsamlı D) Considered among the most valuable works of
bir etkiye sahip olur. either Sinan the Architect or Ottoman architecture,
E) Dinamik ekosistemlerde birbiriyle etkileşim the Selimiye Mosque was built by Sinan the
içerisinde olan canlı organizmalardan bir türün Architect at the age of 80.
nesli tükendiğinde besin zinciri üzerinde geniş E) The Selimiye Mosque, one of the works he
kapsamlı bir etkisi vardır. made until the age of 80, is considered the most
important work of neither Sinan the Architect nor
Ottoman architecture.

12. SINIF 108 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 4. DENEME

71. Hakemler, anında karar vermek zorunda oldukları 72. Dünyanın en nadir kaplumbağalarından biri olan
için geniş ve mükemmel bir görüşe sahip olmalı Hope’a, kaçakçılardan kurtarıldıktan sonra tekrar
ve sakin kalmayı başarabilmelidirler. yürümesine yardımcı olmak için protez silindirler
A) Referees must have a broad and excellent view
and remain calm in case they have to make a A) After being rescued from smugglers, Hope was
quick decision. fitted with prosthetic rollers to help her walk again
B) As the referees have to make the right decision, since she was one of the rarest turtles in the
they should have a wide and clear view and not world.
get angry. B) Being one of the rarest turtles in the world, Hope
C) Referees should have a wide and excellent view was fitted with prosthetic rollers to help her walk
and be able to remain calm as they have to make again after smugglers let her go.
decisions instantly. C) As Hope is one of the rarest turtles in the world,
D) Referees, who have to make a quick decision, she was given prosthetic rollers to enable her to
must have a broad and excellent view and be walk again after being rescued from smugglers.
able to remain calm. D) Hope is one of the rarest turtles in the world, and
E) Most referees must have a clear and straight view she was fitted with prosthetic rollers to help her
and be able to remain calm when they have to walk again after being saved from smugglers.
make a correct decision. E) Hope, one of the rarest turtles in the world, was
fitted with prosthetic rollers to help her walk again
after being rescued from smugglers.

12. SINIF 109 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 4. DENEME

73. Arılar, kovanlarını oluşturdukları doğal koşulları 74. Böcekleri, nesneleri saymak ve gruplara ayırmak
taklit etmek için Chittka laboratuvarında yapay ve gibi zor görevleri tamamlamalarının öğretildiği
karanlık yuvalarda tutulur. küçük alanlara aktarmak için uzun bir tüp kullanılır.

A) Bees are kept in both artificial and dark nests A) A long tube can be used to transfer the insects into
at the Chittka laboratory to mimic the natural small arenas where they are taught to complete
conditions in which they form their hives. challenging tasks like counting and sorting things
B) Bees are kept in artificial and dark nests at the into groups.
Chittka laboratory to mimic the natural conditions B) Unless a long tube is used to transfer the insects
in which they form their hives. into small arenas, they cannot be taught to
C) Bees should be kept in artificial and dark nests at complete complex tasks like counting and sorting
the Chittka laboratory, or they cannot form their things into groups.
hives like they do in natural conditions. C) A long tube is used to transfer the insects into
D) Bees are kept in artificial and dark nests at the small arenas where they are taught to complete
Chittka laboratory to mimic the natural conditions difficult tasks like counting and sorting things into
so that they form their hives. groups.

E) If bees are not kept in artificial and dark nests just D) A long tube is used just to transfer the insects into
like their own natural conditions at the Chittka small arenas where they are taught to complete
laboratory, they cannot form their hives. simple tasks like counting and sorting things into
E) Only when a long tube is used to transfer the
insects into small arenas, can they be taught to
complete hard tasks like counting and sorting
things into groups.

12. SINIF 110 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 4. DENEME

75. Atomlar, nötronlar ve protonlar olarak bilinen

76. - 80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
daha küçük parçacıklardan oluşur ve bu atom altı
parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
parçacıkların her biri üç kuarktan oluşur.
76. (I) The Royal Automobile Club monitored that the
A) Atoms are made up of much smaller particles
exhausts of 60,000 automobiles and discovered
known as neutrons and protons, and neither of
that 13 per cent of them were responsible for
these subatomic particles is composed of three
more than half of the pollution. (II) Older vehicles
were the greatest offenders; nevertheless, many
B) Atoms comprise smaller particles known as
relatively recent vehicles were also found to be
neutrons and protons, and each of these
serious polluters due to poor tuning. (III) To remove
subatomic particles is composed of at least three
these offensive polluters from the streets, London
has devised a plan. (IV) Governments and people
C) Since atoms are made up of even smaller worldwide are getting increasingly concerned
particles known as neutrons and protons, either about air pollution caused by automobiles and are
of these subatomic particles is composed of three searching for a solution. (V) The goal is to get the
quarks. dirtiest, most rusted-out cars off the road in order to
D) Atoms are made up of even smaller particles reduce the pollution levels.
known as neutrons and protons, and each of
these subatomic particles is composed of three A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
E) Smaller particles known as neutrons and protons
come together in order to form an atom after they
are composed of three quarks.

77. (I) Biological anthropology is the study of human

bodies and how they change over time. (II) It
investigates how humans live in nature and how their
bodies change as a result of their surroundings.(III) It
also studies the similarities and differences between
humans and animals. (IV) Biological anthropologists
sometimes study human and animal bones to learn
about how previous humans and animals lived.
(V) Anthropology employs a ‘four-field approach’,
which divides it into four broad categories.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

12. SINIF 111 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 4. DENEME

78. (I) According to data taken from the Endangered 80. (I) According to aviation rules, numeric letters
Languages Project, a global project to help differentiate between the several forms of controlled
language preservation and documentation, 2,450 airspace. (II) Controlled airspace below 5,490 metres
global languages are on the edge of disappearing. above sea level and not near an airport is Class E,
(II) In addition, more than 30 per cent of the 700 while uncontrolled airspace is called Class F.
languages known to have been lost in human history (III) Class A airspace is defined as all space above
have become extinct in the previous 60 years. 5,490 metres where high-technology jets can travel.
(III) According to a 2014 study, globalisation has (IV) The distinctions between these groups are
reduced the number of languages. (IV) As people based on the kinds of planes that fly through them.
learn a second language to gain access to global (V) Private jets which enter special airspace without
jobs and other benefits, the next generation will authorisation may risk air traffic control.
typically be less able to communicate in their
native tongue. (V) Small linguistic communities can A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
preserve their languages, but it takes commitment
and devotion.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

79. (I) Australian deer are not native to the country.

(II) During the nineteenth century, they were brought
into the country as part of the acclimatisation
programmes controlling the importation of
foreign animals and birds into Australia.
(III) Throughout history, numerous exotic creatures
have chosen Australia as their permanent home.
(IV) Deer from six different species were released
in diverse areas. (V) The animals spread out and
created wild populations in various parts of Australia,
mainly in the areas where they were let loose into
the wild.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

12. SINIF 112

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