CHEMISTY TEST Class 7 (2nd)
CHEMISTY TEST Class 7 (2nd)
CHEMISTY TEST Class 7 (2nd)
a. Discuss in brief about chemical bonding and its types. [3]
b. State the contradictions that were made by the Modern atomic theory over Dalton’s atomic theory.
c. State why noble gases are called so? [1]
d. State why hydrogen shows dual nature i.e. properties of both metals and non metals. [1]
a. State the method of separation for the following mixtures: [4]
i. Naphthalene and Mentos
ii. Petrol and milk
iii. Water and Milk
iv. Postal colors- red, yellow and black mixed together to form an ink.
b. State 4 conditions required for chemical reaction to take place. [2]
c. Why do chemical reactions need to be balanced? [1]
d. Define the following terms: [3]
i. Atom
ii. Valency
iii. Radical
a. Name a divalent cation and anion. [2]
b. Element A and B have 5 and 3 valence electrons respectively. Answer the following questions: [5]
i. Which atom of the element will loose electrons and how many?
ii. Which atom of the element will gain electrons and how many?
iii. Why will the atoms of the element loose or gain electrons?
iv. If these 2 elements are allowed to form a compound, what will be the formula of the compound,
and what will the charge on the molecule formed of that compound?
c. You are given a bag of glucose. Now state the following: [3]
i. The molecular formula weight for glucose.
ii. The empirical formula for the same.
iii. The chemical equation showing the formation of the same.
d. State 3 differences between evaporation and boiling. [3]
a. Define elements. State how are they different from compounds? [1+2]
b. Define compounds. Define (with examples) the type of mixtures. [1+2]
c. A burning candle shows both physical and chemical changes. Explain.[2]
d. With reference to chromatography, answer the following questions: [5]
i. Define it.
ii. What is the principle on which this method is based?
iii. State 2 advantages of chromatography.
iv. What is the simplest form of chromatography?
a. State the electronic configuration, atomic structure and valency of the following elements. (Do any 4) [4 x
i. Potassium
ii. Calcium
iii. Argon
iv. Sulphur
v. Hydrogen
vi. Boron
b. Define a catalyst. State the types of catalysts. [2]