Lesson 4 Allocation and Economic Systems
Lesson 4 Allocation and Economic Systems
Lesson 4 Allocation and Economic Systems
Have you experienced wanting to buy your favorite fruits but there is no supply?
This situation happens in some countries because of the problem of scarcity. In
order to address this problem, people should learn to set their priorities and be
more resourceful.
c. Capitalism – the Industrial Revolution paved the way for the recognition
of rights of the private sector in developing the industries. Adam Smith in
his Laissez Faire doctrine underscore the important role of private sector
in economic development. This principle gave birth to one of economic
system called capitalism. Capitalism is an economic system in which the
ownership of factors of production, land capital, labor and entrepreneur-
is in the hand of private group of individuals. Private property and profit
motives are the foundation of capitalism. Any individual or group is free
to engage in business activity, they can dictate the price of commodity and
produce the desired goods and services. This system is called free
enterprise or free market system.
Characteristics of Capitalism
1. Ownership of Resources and Wealth: all citizens have the freedom to
accumulate wealth and utilize own capital. Private ownership of property
and business is allowed without limitations.
2. Decision-making: Decision-making is decentralized. What does it mean?
Private individuals and company make their own decisions regarding their
business. What to produce and how much to produce are decided by the owners
according to their goals.
3. Pricing: pries of the commodities are based on the prevailing price in
the market. Prices changes depend on the behavior of the consumers and the
producers. In a private business enterprise, pricing is anchored to its
business goals as well as on the consumer’s expectations.