CV - Moti Ram Giri F1
CV - Moti Ram Giri F1
CV - Moti Ram Giri F1
Academic Qualifications
• Master’s Degree in Transportation Engineering
➢ From: IOE, Pulchowk Campus, Tribhuvan University
➢ Aggregate Percentage: 82.06% (4/4 – As converted with ScholaroGPA)
Relevant Modules
➢ Transportation Planning and Management, Transport Economics, Operational Research, Pavement
Management System, Pavement Engineering, Road Pavement Construction Material.
Thesis Work
Prediction of Optimum Bitumen Content in Marshall Mix Design Using Artificial Neutral Network
➢ Task Performed: Literature review, Development of Research Framework, Selection of
Variable, Data collection, Compliance Analysis, Outlier Analysis, Data Preparation, Statistical
Model Development: MLR, ANN, DNN, SVM & RF and selection of best model, Development
of Graphic User Interface of best model, External validation of prediction model
➢ Giri, M. R., & Tamrakar, G. B. S. (2024). Trends of Marshall Mix Design Practices in Nepal: A
Perspective on Compliance with Standard Specification of Road and Bridge Work 2016 Section
1309 and Fuller’s Maximum Density Gradation. International Journal on Engineering
Technology,1(2), 268–282.
➢ Giri, M. R., & Tamrakar, G. B. S. (2024, May). Evaluating Multiple Linear Regression Prediction
Model for Optimum Bitumen Content in Marshall Mix Design. Proceedings of 15th IOE
Graduate Conference,15, 300–306. Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
➢ Giri, M. R., & Tamrakar, G. B. S. (2024). Prediction of Optimum Bitumen Content in Asphalt
Mix Design Using Artificial Neural Network, Central Library, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
Relevant Modules
➢ Transportation Engineering - I and II, C Programming, Road Construction Technology,
Numerical Methods, Computational Techniques, Geometric Design of Highway, Highway
Materials, Traffic Engineering, Surveying I and II
Academic Projects:
➢ The geometric design of a road by conducting a topographical survey and by using the
software SWDTM [ Mini Project]
➢ Bridge site survey, road survey, and reporting. [Survey Camp Training]
➢ Design of RCC bridge over Bagmati river, Bungmati, Lalitpur. [ Final year project]
Academic Project
➢ Geometric Design of a Road Manually, by profile and cross-sectional Survey technique [Project]
Teaching Experiences
• Survey Camp Instructor
➢ Instructed undergraduate Civil engineering student of Universal Technical College, Pokhara University in
Survey Camp 2076
➢ Instructed undergraduate Civil engineering student of Himalaya College of Engineering, Tribhuvan
University in Survey Camp 2080
Professional Experience
• Senior Civil Engineer at Habile Engineering Consultancy Pvt.
Jan-2023 --
Ltd, Lalitpur, Nepal
➢ Preparation of RMTMP or MTMP of Different Local Levels in Nepal includes ward-level
field consultation, information decimation related to Right of Way, understanding
transportation demand of locals, field validation and GPS tracking, GIS mapping of
existing road tracks and Analytic Hierarchy Processing based ranking and Prioritization.
• Civil Engineer at Agricultural Development Office,
Dec-2019 to Sep- 2021
Salyan, Karnali Province, Nepal
➢ Conducted through design, and quantity estimation and prepared the abstract of cost for
various agricultural infrastructural such as agricultural roads, Small Irrigation Projects,
Contract Document Preparation
➢ Performed public consultation, project supervision, and quality control work during the
execution at work and public audit and hearing of at the end of the project.
➢ Supervised and solved the problems related to the construction of small irrigation
➢ Prepared the running bills after actual estimation of the performed work items and field