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Mechanical and Physical Properties of Recycled Con

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Journal of Physics: Conference Series


Mechanical And Physical Properties Of Recycled Concrete Aggregates

For Road Base Materials
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IICESAT Conference, College of Material Engineering, University of Babylon, Iraq IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1973 (2021) 012236 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1973/1/012236

Mechanical And Physical Properties of Recycled Concrete

Aggregates for Road Base Materials

Saber Shah Saberi1, Azman Mohamed2* and Ahmed Salama Eltwati3

Faculty of Engineering, University of Shaikh Zayed, Afghanistan, 25000,
Afghanistan, Khost Afghanistan.
Department of Geotechnics and Transportation, School of Civil Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
Department of Roads and Airports Engineering, Bright Star University, Brega,
Corresponding author: [email protected]

Abstract: The utilization of recycling recycled concrete aggregates (R-RCA) in road base
construction is an option of value-added waste materials. The evaluation of R-RCA
appropriateness as a road base material need to study. The use of massive amount of RCA
in construction projects has acquired wide notoriety. The use of RCA is due to decrease- of
amount natural rock as the original aggregate. The main objectives of this study are to
characterize properties of R-RCA as road material, to determine mechanical and physical
properties as a road base material, and to identify the R-RCA bearing capacity for road
base comparison to natural aggregates. The mechanical and physical properties tests
conducted according to standard, including particle size distribution Los Angeles
Abrasion, Aggregate Crushing Value, Aggregate Impact Aggregate Density, Flakiness
Index, Water Absorption, and California Bearing Ratio (CBR). The results show that the
aggregates have an excellent distribution particle size, durability, and shapes as required by
specifications R-RCA also produced appropriate CBR and strength for road base
applications. These results stipulate exclusive information to utilize R-RCA as aggregates
for road base construction. R-RCA can be used as road base construction materials, and its
engineering properties transform from waste materials to value-added road base
construction. Recycling of RCA not only can diminish the road base construction cost and
decrease landfill space needed for disposal, but it engineering properties prone as road base
construction, and considered a renewable resource.
Keywords: Recycling of RCA, Mechanical and Physical Properties, Road Base Materials

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

Nowadays, RCA that are the main components of old concrete is becoming broadly well known to
be reused and recycled because of exhaustion of regular mineral assets, expanding the expense of
waste removal, material usage, and demand. Conversely, with the end goal of development,
providing ordinary totals have effects on asset deficiency, consumption of energy, and degradation
of the environment [1]. Using aggregates in the road base not only increased the consumption of
the aggregates from natural resources but also the volume of the recycled concrete aggregates
RCA material produced when the service life of the structures comes down to the endpoint.

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of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
IICESAT Conference, College of Material Engineering, University of Babylon, Iraq IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1973 (2021) 012236 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1973/1/012236

The unsustainable consumption and expanding the use of regular resources just as the excessive
amount of the waste which are generated from building construction and demolition are economic
and environmental challenges in the world because of most of these end up in landfills that have
made their management a global problem. Indeed, as the rate of demolition waste is still becoming
larger and the supply of appropriate natural aggregates is becoming lesser due to their over-
exploitation, it is most essential to recycle and reuse the waste which is produced from demolished
waste to save our natural resources. Besides, the deposition of RCA in landfills has caused more
negative impacts on the environment for the long term, high transportation costs, and increased
security issues. The use of recycled concrete aggregates is the only alternative way of
environmental protection [2].

Recycling of RCA not only can diminish the transportation cost of waste material and decrease
landfill space for disposal, but also it will lower road base construction, and the products in the
urban areas can be considered a renewable resource [3]. To conserve natural resources, reduce the
decency on the use of natural aggregates, recycling of RAC as aggregates for road base could be a
replacement material and this will pave the way to the preservation of the environment [2]. RCA
was initially used as fill material and after many research works now we can use it as a road base
material [4].

1.2 Problem Statement

Nowadays, recycled aggregates have achieved the attention of researchers to be used as an

alternative aggregate. The depletion of natural rocks and unrecycled aggregates resulted in
environmental and economic problems. Hence, several attempts were considered to exploit
recycled aggregates as an alternative to natural aggregates in the construction industry. RCA is one
of the possible options to be used as a replacement material. The recycled concrete aggregates
RCA is the main component of old concrete and originates from various sources and compositions.
Recycled, crushed concrete may be used as aggregate in many applications, including new
Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement, bituminous concrete, lean concrete, pavement
subbases, roadway shoulder material, bulk fill for drainage layers, rip-rap for erosion control, and
bedding for utility trenches. Besides, these recycle concrete are discarded as waste in a landfill
after their service life. Some researchers have focused on the application of re-recycling aggregates
as an alternative material in concrete, road base. But still, the RCA is discarded in landfills due to a
lack of engineering properties and history of source recycled concrete aggregate. Limited
literature is available on the utilization of re-recycled/reused concrete aggregate as a substitute
material in the road base. Hence, this research focused on the mechanical and physical properties
of R-RCA to investigate their suitability in a road base.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

(a) To characterize properties of R-RCA as a road base material.

(b) To determine the R-RCA mechanical and physical properties as a road base material.
(c) To identify the R-RCA bearing capacity for road base in comparison to natural aggregates

1.4 Scopes and Limitations of the Study

Determine the resistance of the crushing material, evaluate the level of degradation of the
aggregates, investigate the density and water absorption of material, determine the bearing strength
(CBR) of the material, determine the material particle shape, establish the moisture content range,
and establishing the particle size of R-RCA.

IICESAT Conference, College of Material Engineering, University of Babylon, Iraq IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1973 (2021) 012236 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1973/1/012236

1.5 Importance of the Study

Nowadays, in the world the concrete demolition (C&D) wastes are going up day by day, the rate of
C&D waste, the increase is rapidly filling our future landfill sites, the disposal cost becomes
higher. To tackle this trend, considerable efforts are performing in recycling waste, turning it into a
re-useable by product. Unprocessed C&D wastes using in pavement causes a huge distress
problem due to the difficulty in achieving better particle interaction, poor bearing strength, and
dense uniform mass when loaded.

The outcome of this study could provide guidelines and an understanding of improving RCA
processing and managing as a road base material. This not only for sustainable development but
also can reduce hazardous waste generation, energy consumption, disposal cost, dependence on
natural aggregates, and global warming potential. The utilization of RCA has proven as a base,
sub-base, fill and drainage layers within the pavement construction, structure and performance
have been excellent. RCA is generally considered equivalent to natural aggregates material for
pavement design purposes.

2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Introduction
In the 21 century, the need for practical improvement is felt like never before despite unavoidable
wonders, for example, a dangerous atmospheric deviation and environmental change [5].The
world’s urge to protect the environment together with the preservation of natural raw material has
created the necessity to use to manage the RCA through reprocessing various steps and use it as
road base material. The proportion of the RCA in the strong waste sum is perceptibly higher
contrasted with CB and RAP and subsequently, RCA is all the more normally executed in
development undertakings and street layers [6]. RCA are mainly used as aggregates in granular
base or sub-base applications, as well as for embankment and earth construction work. The reason
is that the quality of RCA is usually lower than the quality of the natural aggregates. The aim is to
have sustainable pavement construction, preserve the natural resources, and reduce the disposal
cost of a huge amount of wastes in landfills hence lower the over-dependence extracted

2.1.1 Recycled Concrete Aggregates (RCA)

The RCA is aggregated that are obtained from the crushing of concrete demolition. To create
RCA, Portland concrete cement is separated and squashed. The major inherent material properties
that limit the utilization of RCA are ingestion, explicit gravity, sufficiency (protection from
ecological conditions, for example, physical and substance enduring), degree and regulation
solvency, and the potential for groundwater tainting. The amount of fines in these aggregates
reaches about 4.8% used as filling material, rocks, and demolished cement concrete can be utilized
as coarse aggregate material or recycled aggregates in the road as a road base construction layer

2.1.2 Material Properties Characterization

According to [8] observation is that RCA total properties tests are required to assess the nature of
the RCA and find new data. The study focused on the kind of material to be characterized and on
the parameters to be determined. RCA testing is made out of standardized tests proposed to give
information about mechanical and physical qualities. The following characteristics of RCA can be
identified, such as particle density and Water Absorption, particle size dispersion and measure of
the fine particles, shape index, Aggregate Crushing Value, California Bearing Ratio (CBR), Los
Angeles abrasion resistance, and Aggregate Impact Value test among others. All tests were carried

IICESAT Conference, College of Material Engineering, University of Babylon, Iraq IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1973 (2021) 012236 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1973/1/012236

out basing on established standards like the American Society for Testing and Material (ASTM) or
the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).

Numerous specialists have concentrated in their work on the potential utilization of RCA and
discovered it to be acceptably applied pavement road base and sub-base, discovered that RCA
should be considered as an alternative to natural aggregates in road base layer construction [9].

[10] In their survey found that RCA is most commonly used as unbound granular material in the
road base course. The most well-known test used to distinguish determination consistency for the
reused material was a particle size analysis using the wet and dry sieve method followed by
Atterberg Limits for consistency. The review shows that the most widely recognized tests for
aggregates quality are the California Bearing Ratio test for aggregate bearing strength, the Los
Angles Abrasion test (LAA) for aggregate for total strength, and the sulphate sufficiency test for
total toughness.

Among other observations have made, RCA particles have more angular surface texture, having
the higher scraped spot esteem, value and lesser scraped spot among other observations made,
RCA particles have more angular surface texture, having higher abrasion value and lesser abrasion
resistance with a decrease in aggregate size compared to natural aggregate. Also, the RCA
requires about 10% more water than NA concrete for similar workability, 25% less compressive
strength, and a 30% decrease in modulus of elasticity. The presence of a high amount of porosity
in RCA increases water absorption significantly. Particle size distribution was genuinely changed
by the compaction procedure.


3.1 Introduction

This explain the methodology and detail of the experimental procedure of this research project that
is to investigate the mechanical and physical properties of R-RCA for road base material. The
detail of the mixing, processing, and testing procedure were discussed in this section—the first
step of the experiment to collect all the raw material needed in the experiment. The raw material
was re-recycled concrete aggregates with 30 MPa strength, which were provided by Geo Scientific
Gravity Material Testing Laboratories (GSMTL) in Kabul Afghanistan. Figure 1shows R-RCA 30
MPa strength materials which are taken from old concrete according to standards in Kabul

Figure 1. R-RCA after process

3.2.1 Processes and Material Samples

The material is building demolish concrete that is re-recycled and provided according to ASTM by
GSMTL Afghanistan and brought to the laboratory for processing. Samples of R-RCA material of
enough quantity for study work packed in unique bags. Visual inspection was done by expert
persons to select samples to minimize pre-sorting and removal of none wanted waste materials.

IICESAT Conference, College of Material Engineering, University of Babylon, Iraq IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1973 (2021) 012236 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1973/1/012236

A summary of tested properties, test methods, and standard specifications that have been
followed in the study is given in Table 1

Table 1. Properties of CBD Aggregate, Test Method Standards, and Specifications.

Properties Test Method Standards Specifications Fraction

Particle Sieve analysis ASTM C136- R-RCA
Size (washing) 06 & NA
Density – ASTM C127- R-RCA
between 40 mm Not Applicable
Oven Dry 07 & NA
and 5 mm
Water ASTM C127- R-RCA
between 40 mm 2% Max
Absorption 07 & NA
and 5 mm
Particle ASTM - D R-RCA
Flakiness index 30% Max
Shape 4791 & NA
Elongation Elongation ASTM - D R-RCA
25% Max
Value Index 4791 & NA
Los Angeles
Abrasion abrasion ASTM C 131 30% Max
& NA
Crushing Aggregate ( ASTM - D R-RCA
30% Min
Strength crushing value 5821 & NA
proctor using
ASTM- C 127- 2.5g/cm3 R-RCA
Density 07 Min & NA
4.5 kg hammer
Bearing bearing ratio ASTM D1883- R-RCA
80% Min
Strength (soaked 07 & NA

4.0 Results and Discussions

4.1 Introduction
The classification of an aggregate used in a road pavement layer can be done by its physical and
mechanical characteristics. This is done by analysing its geometry and performance while in
service life. Laboratory tests on construction and building demolitions done in this study have
yield varying results that are discussed in this chapter.
4.2 Physical Characteristic

4.2.1 Particle Size Distribution

The percentages of retained and passing were determined as showed in Test Report 1 and appendix
A. It can be seen that the maximum size retained for R-RCA is in below graph.
The passing fraction percentage in the respective samples from sieve analysis is shown in Figure 2
The maximum size in both fractions is 37.5 mm and the minimum size for fraction R-RCA is
4.75mm. These values indicate the maximum and minimum size of aggregate.

IICESAT Conference, College of Material Engineering, University of Babylon, Iraq IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1973 (2021) 012236 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1973/1/012236


Passing %
0.04 0.08 0.16 0.32 0.64 1.28 2.56 5.12 10.24 20.48 40.96 81.92
Grain Size (mm)
Figure 2 R-RCA Particle Size Distribution

4.2.2 Fineness Modulus

A fineness modulus is an index number that describes the coarseness or fines of the sample
aggregates. It is obtained by adding the cumulative percentage retained in each sieve and dividing
the sum by 100. The fines modulus values obtained are indicated in table 4.1, for respective
samples. Higher values reflect a coarse material while lower values for finer material. The fines
modulus for coarse aggregate ranges from 5.5 – 8.0.
Table 2 Shows R-RCA material fraction percentage which is pass from sieve 2", 1", 3/8
and No.4 is total 51.0% passing, in ASTM this size aggregate is called gravel, the aggregate which
are passed from sieve No.10 and N0.40 is 39.2% it is called sand and the aggregate which are
passed from sieve No.200 is 9.8% it is called silt or clay.

Table 2. R-RCA Fraction Passing Percentage

Sieve Size Cum Cum Cum Remarks

Retained Retained Passing
(in) (mm) Weight ( %) ( %)
2" 50.0 0.0 0.0 100.0
1" 25.00 695.0 9.3 90.7
3/8 9.50 2564.0 34.2 65.8
No. 4 4.75 3829.0 51.0 49.0 Gravel
Dry weight of Sample 838.0
Passing N0.4 Sieve in
No.10 2.00 238.0 28.40 71.6 35.1
Sand 39.2 %
No.40 0.425 484.0 57.76 42.2 20.7
Silt & Clay
No.200 0.075 670.0 79.95 20.0 9.8
9.8 %
Total Dry weight of
Sample in Grams Total Fraction Passing 100%

IICESAT Conference, College of Material Engineering, University of Babylon, Iraq IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1973 (2021) 012236 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1973/1/012236

4.2.3 Relative Density

The results for the two respective specimens R-RCA and NA tested are given in Table 4.2. It is
seen oven-dry density (ODD) is 2.319 gr/cm3 when compared to natural aggregate dry density
which is averagely 2.805 gr/cm3 the density values of R-RCA are relatively lower.

The results for the two respective specimens R-RCA and NA tested are given in Table 3. It is seen
overall mean oven-dry density (ODD) is 2.319 gr/cm3 when compared to natural aggregate dry
density which is averagely 2.805 gr/cm3 the density values of R-RCA are relatively lower.

Table 3. Results for Relative Density and Water absorption

Sample R-RCA Sample NA

Property R-RCA 1 R-RCA 2 NA 1 NA 2

Relative D-D gr/cm3 2.325 2.314 2.802 2.808

Relative SSD gr/cm3 2.399 2.399 2.809 2.817

Apparent gr/cm3 2.512 2.528 2.882 2.834

Water Absorption % 3.209 3.649 0.244 0.318

4.2.4 Water absorption

The mean absorption for sample R-RCA is higher than NA. Higher water absorption of R-RCA
sample is due to the presence of cement mortar coating on the aggregate which is more porous
with a high absorption rate [11]. Table 4 and 5 shows R-RCA and NA water absorption percentage
with details.

Table 4. R-RCA water absorption percentage

1 2 Average

A Wt. of OD gr/cm3 1997.3 1970.2 1983.75

B Wt. of S.S.D gr/cm3 2061.4 2042.1 2051.75

(B-A/A) x 100 3.429 %

IICESAT Conference, College of Material Engineering, University of Babylon, Iraq IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1973 (2021) 012236 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1973/1/012236

Table 5. NA water absorption percentage

1 2 Average
Wt. of OD Sample
A in Air (A) grams. 2946.3 2768.1 2857.2

Wt. of S.S.D
B 2953.5 2776.9 2865.2

(B-A/A) x 100 0.281%

4.3 Mechanical Characteristic

Mechanical characteristic of material are those properties that involve a reaction to an applied load
or are also used to help classify and identify material such as aggregate abrasion value, aggregate
crush value and California bearing ratio.

4.3.1 Los Angeles Abrasion Value

Table 5 and Table 6 show the test result of degraded R-RCA and NA aggregate in the Los
Angeles machine using 12 number steel spherical balls with 30-33 revolutions per minute. The
aggregate size test fraction ranged from 37.5 mm – 10 mm. The percentage of R-RCA is 26.1%
and the NA percentage is 23.8%. In ASTM international Maximum percentage is 30%, so R-RCA
is in the normal range.

Table 6. R-RCA Los Angeles before the process


A Total Weight of Sample grams 5000

Weight of Sample Retained 0n

B 3810
Sieve # 12 grams
Weight of Sample Passed 0n Sieve
C 1190
# 12 grams

D Abrasion ((C) / A)*100 % 23.8

Average Loss % 23.8%

IICESAT Conference, College of Material Engineering, University of Babylon, Iraq IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1973 (2021) 012236 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1973/1/012236

Table 7. R-RCA Los Angeles after the process

Total Weight of Sample
A 5000
Weight of Sample Retained 0n
B 3693
Sieve # 12 grams
Weight of Sample Passed 0n
C 1307
Sieve # 12 grams
D Abrasion ((C) / A)*100 % 26.1

4.3.2 Aggregate Crushing Value

This Part of BS 812 describes a method for the determination of the aggregate crushing value
(ACV) which gives a relative measure of the resistance of an aggregate to crushing under a
gradually applied compressive load.
All details and samples weights and results of ACV percentage is shown in table 9.

Table 8. Crush Value Result of R-RCA and NA

Test Specimen


Weight of Original Specimen

4092 4230
(M1) by grams
Weight Passing 2.36 mm Sieve
1103 995
(M2) by grams
Weight Retained on 2.36 mm
2989 3235
Sieve (M3) by grams
Weight Passing + Retained (M2
4092 4230
+ M3) by grams
Aggregate Crushing Value (%) 26.95% 23.52%

4.3.3 California Bering Ratio

This test method covers the determination of the CBR of pavement subgrade, subbase, and base
course materials from laboratory compacted specimens and aggregate bearing strength is a key
property considered when designing pavement layers. It can further be seen that the four-day
soaked condition gave the aggregate dry density of 2088 kg/m3 and 2384.11 kg/m3 for the
respective specimens. The moisture content in both tests is 10% and the aggregates had an
insignificant swell.

IICESAT Conference, College of Material Engineering, University of Babylon, Iraq IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1973 (2021) 012236 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1973/1/012236

Figures 3 and 4 CBR values for the respective test specimens at 2.5 mm and 5.0 mm penetration
obtained after tangential curve correction Figure 1.3 R-RCA and NA in the corresponding
specimens. This test was done for three types of blows which are 10, 25, and 56. The larger of
these values is considered CBR for the material.

Load Penetration Curves
120 Penetration at 56 Blows

Penetration at 25 Blows
30 Penetration at 10 Blows

0.0 0.6 1.3 1.9 2.5 3.2 3.8 4.4 5.1 5.7 6.4 7.0 7.6 8.3 8.9 9.510.210.811.412.1

CBR at 100 % Compaction = 93.3

120 CBR at 95 % Compaction = 74.2.3
1.950 2.000 2.050 2.100 2.150 2.200 2.250

Figure 3. CBR final Curve with Dry Density

150 Load Penetration Curves





0.0 0.6 1.3 1.9 2.5 3.2 3.8 4.4 5.1 5.7 6.4 7.0 7.6 8.3 8.9 9.5 10.210.811.412.1

IICESAT Conference, College of Material Engineering, University of Babylon, Iraq IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1973 (2021) 012236 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1973/1/012236

120 CBR at100% Compaction = 99
110 CBR at 95% Compaction = 81

2.180 2.230 2.280 2.330 2.380 2.430

Figure 4. CBR final Curve with Dry Density

5.0 Conclusions and Recommendations

Material properties undergo degradation during the lifetime of structures. Nevertheless, there is
measurable value in most instances that still exists in demolition that material that makes it
reusable. Previous research work has qualified construction and demolition of buildings, a material
good for construction of the base course layer. The studies based their finding on demolition and
its components after carrying out different tests.

5.1 Conclusions
The RCA material in this study is gained from various demolished and wasted building
concrete resources in Kabul Afghanistan. Specimen and all tests are prepared and done in Geo
Scientific Material Testing Laboratories (GSMTL). Laboratories investigations and results have
led to the following:

(a) For the physical properties of RCA, flakiness and elongation index tests were conducted to
determine the size and shape of aggregates. The results showed that the value of flakiness
and elongation index of RCA were lower than Natural Aggregates, The RCA material
relative density was lower when compared to natural aggregate value 2.319g/cm 3 and NA
is 2.80g/cm3 and therefore RCA considered light aggregate due to the surface of cement
particles. The high water absorption of 3.429% of RCA determines porosity and the
possibility of hydration of cement which is coated on the surface of aggregate lower than
the NA. In conclusion, the physical properties of re-recycled concrete aggregate have met
all ASTM standard specifications for aggregate to be used in road base layer construction.

(b) The RCA material had various particles maximum and minimum size and classified as
51% coarse aggregate, 39.2% sand, and 9.8% silt and clay. The particle size distribution
test of RCA had a close value of the results when compared to Natural Aggregate which is
granite and sandstone. This indicates s that re-recycled concrete aggregates can perform
in-field quite similar to natural aggregates.

(c) The shape of RCA in ASTM international specifications is satisfied and acceptable for the
base course layer construction.

(d) The mechanical properties of RCA had sufficient resistance when compared to Natural
Aggregates because Los Anglos Abrasion value of RCA was 26.1% and NA was 23.8%,
and the crushing value of RCA was 26.95% and NA was 23.52%. In conclusion, the

IICESAT Conference, College of Material Engineering, University of Babylon, Iraq IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1973 (2021) 012236 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1973/1/012236

results showed that the mechanical properties of RCA had a close relation to Natural
Aggregates. Therefore, RCA is very suitable to be used in the base course layer.

(e) The bearing strength (CBR) of RCA as determined by the CBR test was 93.3% that is
5.7% lower than NA which is 99% and the strength of the NA is higher than RCA.
Acceptable CBR in ASTM international specification is 80% min for base course
construction and the swell amount percentage of RCA is negligible.

6. Recommendations

While two different materials mechanical and physical properties and comparison of RCA
and NA are represented in this research, the properties of RCA were depended on its resource,
type, and procedure. The RCA exhibits the strength and stiffness properties typical of materials
commonly used in base course layer construction. The selection of RCA as a pavement base
course materials ultimately dependedd on agency preference and RCA availability and cost. While
this research provides engineers with the value of materials properties needed for the design of
RCA base course layer construction, economic analyses must be conducted by the government
agencies to optimize the overall pavement design. The above results are good indicators to a guide
of processing and recycling of recycled concrete aggregate for the use of base course layer
construction in the pavement in Kabul Afghanistan. Below are a few suggestions that may give
some idea to continue the study on the physical and mechanical properties of recycled concrete
aggregates use in road base construction. In order to boost degradation, processing and sorting the
aggregate would help the crushing value and property of bearing strength.

(a) The study should be conducted by using more various samples from different sites.

(b) The RCA material is suitable for average traffic volume roads.

(c) The most important test of RCA was the CBR test which result was very good for
base course layer construction, so we can use RCA for average traffic volume roads.

(d) Additives can be added to RCA aggregates to decrease the percentage of the porosity
of particles.

(e) The related machines and equipment in the laboratory have to be calibrated
and maintained frequently to give effective results.

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Sincere thanks to Universiti Teknologi Malaysia for financial support from High Impact Research
Grant (HIR) Q.J130000.2451.04G54 that enabled the conduct of this research.


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