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Race Academy General English Part A

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8. TENSES 34














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Come in Arrive/be useful
1. Phrases and Their Meaning Come under Included
Come up Arise
Come back to To return to
A phrasal verb is a verb phrase created when a main verb is
combined with a preposition, an adverb or both. They have Cut down Reduce
different shades of meaning, depending on the preposition or Cut in Interrupt
adverb which follows the main verb. Cut off Stop
Cut out Have talent
Come across - to meet or find by chance Do away with Discard/kill
Do for Serve the purpose
Do over Do again
We come across many cows in the village.
Do with Manage
Come along - to go with someone else who takes the lead
Draw back Retreat
Example: Draw on Depend
The man asked his son to come along to carry the things they
bought. Drop in Informal visit
Drop out Leave
Most Commonly Used Phrasal Verbs
Get along Manage
Phrasal Verbs Meaning
Get out Escape from
Act for Officiate
Get down Descend/swallow/ depress
Act on Act according to an effect
Get up Wake up
Act up to Act fully
Back up Support Give away Distribute
Back out Quit Give back Return
Bear away Win Give off Emit
Bear out Confirm Give out Be exhausted
Give up Abandon
Break down To stop/repair
Break into Enter illegally
Go about Set to work
Break out Appear suddenly
Go ahead of Pass/take over/Surpass
Break up End/disperse
Go ahead Make progress
Bring about to make it happen
Go back on Fail to keep promise
Bring along Come with
Go for Attack
Bring on Produce/Cause
Go into Examine/leave/ proceed well
Bring out Expose
Go off /explode
Bring up Rear
Go through Pass through
Call for Require Go with Match
Call up To telephone
Get in Come in
Call at Visit
Get out Go out
Call off Cancel
Get down Descent
Call on Visit
Get up Stand
Carry on Continue Get through Finish a thing
Carry out Fulfil/execute Get away Remove
Carry over Postpone Get into Enter
Come about Happen Get along Manage
Come across Find by change Get over Recover
Come round Recover/change Get at Reach

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Hand over Transfer Exercise

Hang back Hesitate
Aback Backwards, behind
Hang on Hold

Hold back Restrain/keep secret Abandon Give up, forsake

Hold down Control Abase Lower, humiliate

Hold off Keep away
Abdicate Renounce, resign
Hold on Wait on the phone/ grasp

Knock down Struck Accord Agreement

Knock out Stop working Adversity Distress, misfortune

Knock up Exhausted
Alliance Union, partnership
Look after Take care of
Look ahead Plan for future Annoy Irritate, harass
Look away Turn one’s eyes aside
Banish Exile, expel
Look down Feel pride
Look out To take care of Blandish Flatter, overpraise
Look for Search Boisterous Violent, rough
Look into Make an investigation
Look on Regard as Bulwark Rampart, protection

Pass away Die Brute Stupid, cruel

Pass by Go by the side of
Bury Inhume, entomb, immure
Pass off Take place
Chastity Virginity, celibacy
Put across Convey
Put in Contribute Circuitous Indirect, devious
Put up with Endure
Clamant Appellant, indicator
Put away Give up
Put off postpone Cognition Perception, sensation

Run across Find by chance Defective Faulty, imperfect

Run after Follow
Demolish Pull down, destroy
Run along Go away
Run for Contest election Detached Unattached

Set on Determined Essential Indispensable, intrinsic

Set out Start
Fidelity Faithfulness, loyalty
Set up Establish
Fade Disappear, vanish
Stand aside Be idle
Truism Obvious truth
Stand against Oppose
Stand for Represent Hostile Opposing
Stand up for Defend/support
Earnestness Seriousness

Take after Resemble

Prosecute pursue
Take down Write
Take up To continue Feasible Practicable, possible
Take out Go out with
Spirit Feeling
Turn down Reject Cause Reason
Turn off Return
Fabricate Construct, manufacture
Write down Record
Write up Compose Indispensable Essential

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Evaluate Estimate, calculate Vanity Conceit, pride

Convenience Comfort Vague Obscure, unclear

Especially Particularly Vitiate Corrupt, debase

Succeeding Following Wicked Iniquitous, sinful

Retain Keep, continue Wrangle Quarrel, dispute

Scramble Struggle Wither Shrink, shrivel

Fanned out Spread out Wizard Magician, sorcerer

Fortunate Lucky, favourable Yearning Longing, wish

Gigantic Huge, enormous Zeal Eagerness, readiness

Gather Assemble, collect Absurd Ridiculous, laughable

Fortunate Lucky, favourable Concert Performance

Glorify Praise, dignify, honour Chase Run behind

Heretic Apostate, unbeliever Opulence Lavishness

Hideous Repulsive, horrible Tragedy Disaster, sad happening

Hurdle Obstacle, impediment Battered Worn out, damaged

Immense Huge, enormous Indispensable Essential

Impending Approaching, imminent Hide Conceal

Ignoble Base, dishonourable Clogged Blocked

Jeopardy Hazard, peril, risk Penalised Punished

Knotty Difficult, complex Valour Bravery

Lavish Extravagant Grandeur Splendour

Lubricious Slippery, smooth Clogged Blocked

Meddle Interfere, tamper Strange Uncommon

Miserable Distressed, despicable Charming Delightful, attractive

Nullify Invalidate,
Popular Famous, well known
Obsolete Disused, discarded
Reverence Great respect, high regard
Recede Move back, withdraw
Invidious Unjust, unfair
Recite Declaim, narrate
Miserable Unhappy, sad
Recreation Amusement, diversion
Grief Great sorrow
Salutary Beneficial, advantageous

Satire Sarcasm, irony Rumour Gossip

Savage Barbarous, cruel Forlorn Lonely, miserable

Tale Story Erupt Explode, break out

Vindicate Justify Swarm Crowd

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Shanty town A poor area

2. SYNONYMS Unfulfilled Unrealised

Prominent Noticeable
Word Synonym Determined Will-powered
Broad, flat limbs used for
Flippers Correspondent Reporter
Haul Pull with force Commitment Dedication

Slash Cut Never-say-die Don’t stop trying

Civilian Ordinary people
Laboriously With great effort
Deed Act/achievement
Snout The pointed nose of an animal
Scheme Plan
Cavity A hollow space
Fame Glory
Emerge Come out
Mate Companion/partner
Camouflage Hide or disguise something Spirit Will/determination
Incubate Hatch eggs using warmth A material made of a network
of wire or thread
Survive Live
Swaying Moving slowly or rhythmically
Facts that are difficult to
Mysteries Snaking Moving like a snake
Fascinating Attracting greatly Laughed in half-suppressed
Decade A period of ten years
Clinging Fitting closely to the body
Cheerful Happy
Scream Cry in a high pitch
Gently Softly, mildly
Quickly seize (someone) in a
Able to produce a lot of plants rude or eager way
or crops
Trumpeting Making a loud noise
Abandoned Left without care
Persuade (someone) gently to
Vigorous Healthy and strong do something
To make a low, continuous,
Protested Opposed/disagreed Murmur
indistinct sound/grumble
Nightmare A frightening dream To make a rush at or sudden
attack upon a person or thing
Interfering Stopping
Lumping Carry with difficulty
Rambling Wandering
See or perceive briefly or
Spectacular Eye-catching partially
To signal (someone) with your Hang so that it stretches in a
long line
Beckoned hand to ask the person to
The outer areas of a city or a
come closer or follow Outskirts
Quivers Shakes quickly
Parched Very dry
Pleasant Enjoyable Desperation Losing hope
Rattle off Recite
Untenanted Not occupied
Recognised Known
Scrabbled Moved hands and feet around
Acknowledged Accepted
Cosy Comfortable
Privilege Honour
Rumble A low sound like thunder
Consecutive One after another Sniffed To breathe in air in a noisy way
Passion Desire Whined Made a high-pitched cry

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Snarled Made a deep angry noise Retreat To move away

Soaked Completely wet Unpleasant Disagreeable

Wallowed To lie and roll in mud Sage A wise man

Multitude A large number of people Yore Long ago

Mused Thought over

Trampling Crushing
Curious Eager to learn more
Meagre A small quantity
Mystery Puzzle
Gratitude Thankful
Stout Thick in structure
Verdant Green with grass
A plaited lock of hair worn
Suspiciously Doubtfully Pigtail
singly at the back
Summoned Called Wreck Worn out
Fortune Luck Stentorian Extremely loud
Contentment Satisfaction Battered Damaged
Stuttered Spoke with difficulty Pock-marked Scarred
Four-square Solidly Ponderous Dull and lacking grace
Blaze Bright flame or fire Lumbered Walked or moved clumsily
Leap To jump high Verdict A judgement or opinion
Dusty Covered with tiny bits of sand Agitated Troubled emotionally
Exploring Travelling for discovery Anticipation Expectation/hope
Imposing Grand/impressive Menacingly Threateningly
Invariably Always Frantically In an uncontrolled manner
Crowed Boasted Staunchly Faithfully
Billowed out To flare out in the wind Astonished Amazed
Threatening Warning Chore A routine duty or task
Blur Unclear Bedraggled Untidy/messy
Abruptly Suddenly

Momentum The force of a moving body Dazzling Extremely bright

Tattered Torn
Unfortunate Unlucky

Startled Frightened Suburbs Outskirts

Resplendent Brilliant in appearance Gaily In bright colours

Gaped Stared
Magnificent Grand
Enjoyed or took pleasure in the
Stampede Rush Relished
Dislodged Freed Tongs A tool used to hold hot things
Groan An utterance expressing pain Precious Valuable
Bellowed The cry of a cow Wretched Unhappy
Scrambled To move or climb hurriedly Devoured Consumed
Awkward Sensitive Squirm Turn
Haughtily Arrogantly Desperation Hopelessness
Scowl Threatening look Panting Breathing quickly

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Exertions Effort All people being valued,

irrespective of differences
Aggravated Irritated
Cutthroat Competitive
A cry made to show
Snort Less privileged Disadvantaged
Anxiously Tensely Animate Living

Loop Curve Fend Look after

Moaned Make a long, low sound Critical Extremely important

Haunted Possessed Indiscriminate Without careful judgement

Decayed, collapsed building or The protection or promotion of
Ruins Consumerism
place the interests of consumers
Terrible Fearful The action of damaging or
destroying something
The low point on a ridge
Saddle Engulf Eat or swallow as a whole
between two summits
Crumbling Breaking apart into small pieces Anything that feeds on dead
Scavenger animals
Scuttled Ran with short quick steps (e.g.: crow)
Whistling thrush A small singing bird Perch To rest on/to stay on
Spreading out in different Enslaved Make someone a slave
Commercial Money-minded
Forbidding Unfriendly/frightening
Contemplate Think deeply about something
Foliage thrashing Hitting leaves and branches
Intolerance towards others
Flicker Shine Bigotry
with a different opinion
Startled Frightened Illuminated Light up

Remnant What was left Harsh Rough

Crouching Bending down Doth Does

Puddle A pool of water Whisper Low voice

Blotted out Hid Accents Emphasise

Streak Line Anxious Feeling worried/showing worry

Hissed like something hot on a Grieve Be sorrowful
frying pan
Depart Leave/go
Stumbled Lost one’s balance
Endure Suffer patiently
Giggle Laugh lightly
Toiled Worked hard
Huddle Crowded together
Vain Producing no results
Excitedly Feeling great eagerness
One refusing to change one’s
Champed Bit and chewed upon noisily Stubborn
Smote Knocked loudly Strife Disagreement

Perplexed Confused Eternity Without end

Thronging Crowding Bullying Teasing others

Hearkening Listening attentively Humiliate Make others feel ashamed

Notorious Famous for some bad qualities Consequences Result/effect

Influence from members of the
Cellar Lower ground floor/basement Peer pressure
same group

Recognised Identified Dejected Sad and depressed

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Nightmares Frightening dreams Locomotive Railway engine

Understand and share other’s The line at which the earth’s
feelings Horizon surface and the sky appear to
Loyalty Strong support/being loyal meet

A man who served his lord as a Gazing Look steadily

mounted soldier in armour Hasty Quick
Incredible Unbelievable
Halt Stop
Hilarious Amusing/entertaining
Acacia A thorny tree
Ogre Monster/giant
Snapped Became angry
Combat Fighting between armed forces
Furious Extremely angry
Prodigious Impressively great in extent
Foreseen Predicted
Steed A horse that is ridden
Obstacle Difficulty
A device with a small spike or a
spiked wheel that is worn on a Hesitation Unwilling
rider's heel and used for urging Conveyance Transportation
a horse forward
A long weapon with a wooden Rapidly Quickly
shaft and a pointed steel head, Persisted Continued
formerly used by a horseman in
charging Refused Not willing

Impressions Feelings Point-blank Bluntly

Exploits Adventure Flurried Worried

Adroit Clever/skilful Yielded Accepted

Congested Overcrowded A seat for riding on the back of

an elephant
Grunted Made a low sound
Perched Positioned
Crouching Sitting on heels The north star is the pole star
Determination Firmness to do something that tells the sailor where North
Star to steer
is and thus, they can steer the
Serene Calm ship correctly
Blurred Become unclear Flung Threw

Blush Show shyness Spume Seafoam

Stumbled Lost balance Vagrant Wanderer

Immobilised Stopped from moving Whetted Sharpened

Tottered over Moved unsteadily way A long or rambling story,

Yarn especially one that is
Startled Surprised impossible
A kind of stringed musical Flurried Worried
Rover Wanderer
Roam Wander, travel
A period of stay on the ship
Kindred Relations Trick
after the voyage
Lays Songs, stories Phenomena Events

Tarry Wait, delay Trembling Shaking

Fate Destiny, luck Terrified Frightened

Proceeded Moved Tossed Thrown about

Fertile territory Rich vegetated area Quenched Satisfied by drinking

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Poured out Expressed freely A place or situation that is too hot, chaotic
or noisy
Hardship Severe suffering
Heaving To raise or lift with force
Witnessed Observed
Dismally Cheerless
illegally seized control of an
Hijacked Serenity State of being calm
aircraft, ship, etc.
A sudden event causing great Encounter Brief meeting
damage or distress
Clutched Grasped (something) tightly
Assaulted Attacked violently
The feeling of annoyance when Imposing Grand and impressive in appearance
Frustration one’s actions are prevented Embarrassed Felt awkward, self-conscious or ashamed
from progressing or succeeding
Caused something unpleasant Nuisance Causing inconvenience or annoyance
to be suffered by Walked or moved unsteadily, as if about to
A person not in the armed fall
services or police force Wagging Move rapidly to and fro
Posthumously After the death of a person Feeling or expressing bitterness or
A group of people who work on indignation at having been treated unfairly
a ship, aircraft or train Smiling broadly
Injustice Lack of justice/unfairness
Crouch or sit with one's knees bent and
Happening or done
Instantaneous Squatting one's heels close to or touching the back of
one's thighs
Flickered Shone unsteadily
Hustling Push roughly/jostle
Strive Make great effort
Shrieked Uttered a high-pitched piercing sound
Firmly established and hard to
Ingrained Mowed Moved slowly into the crowded station
Patronising Treat in a way that is apparently kind
Self-centred Concerned with the self In a way that is easily perceived or
Disdain Feeling of contempt or scorn understood clearly
Jolted Pushed abruptly and roughly
Muck heap Heap
Unique Distinctive/uncommon
Grub Food
A judicial officer with limited authority to Exhaust Tire out
administer and enforce the law Energise Give energy
The state of being dishonoured or covered
Disgrace Passionate Intense/heartfelt
with same
Ignorant Unaware Accurately Exactly
Comforted (someone) in the time of grief Fiction Imaginative writing
or disappointment
Spare Extra
Suspected Believed to be a cause or at fault
Impairment Disability
Flutter To flap or wave quickly but irregularly
Miniature Very small of its kind
Confined Restricted/kept in a limited space or area
Accomplished Fulfilled
Panic Frightened
Magnifying Enhancing
Cruel Merciless/heartless
Exhibited Show/reveal
Gravely In a grave or serious manner
Revitalise Re-energise
Tenderness Gentleness and kindness
To adapt
Everlasting Indefinitely
A decorative cup that is given as a token of
Special Different from what is usual Trophy

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Shattered Break, damage or destroyed Unfasten Undo, disconnect, untie, disjoin

Breeding Procreation Revived Restored to life or consciousness

Rational Intelligence Crouched Bent, stopped (down)

Ajar Slightly open Threshold Doorstep , entrance

Cackle Informal laugh Snatched , grabbed, held of suddenly and

Construct Establish/create
Ambush Surprise attack, trap, entrap, pounce on
Vigorous Powerful
Ineffable Beyond expression in words, unspeakable
Hesitate Pause before saying or doing something
Languid Moving slowly
Fatality An occurrence of death by accident
Plaintive Sounding sad
Restricted Limited extend
Ministration The act of helping or caring
Pursuit Search
Wrought Caused
Encroachment To advance beyond usual limits
Clustering Forming a group
Preservation Protection
Belching To let air come up
Ingenuity The ability to invent things/creativity
Veritable More exciting
Contrived Created/invented
Garb Clothes
Apprentice Works for someone to learn skill
Bower Shelter under the shade of trees
Acquiring Getting knowledge or skill
Wreathing Cover, surround, encircle something
Pried Investigated
Pall Covering
Funnel shaped bins for feeding grains into
Hopper Rills Clear stream
Delighted Sprinkling Falling in fine drops
Falling flat on the ground as a mark of
Miniature A very small model Prostrated
Curiosity Eagerness Eloquent Fluent, expressive

Accustomed Something familiar with Discourse Discussion, spoken communication

Gazing Looking steadily and intently Spellbound Fascinating, captivating

Ceased Stopped Resolved Firmly determined to do something

Grace Elegance, charm Ritual A religious or solemn ceremony

A hope or ambition of achieving
Aspiration Enthusiastically Interest, eager enjoyment
something, desire, wish
Courage Bravery, valour Apologetically Show regretful acknowledgment

Gleam Shine brightly Spate Rush, run, flood

Glimpse Glance, quick look Jocularly Humourous, funny

Worthwhile Valuable, purposeful Pious Spiritual, devoutly religious, dedicated

Heritage Inheritance Guffaw A loud and hearty laugh

Proclaimed Announced officially Naivety Lack of experience, innocence

Absorbed Took in/soaked up Dawn Day break, early morning

Famous, eminent, distinguished,
Renowned Intrigued Arouse the curiosity of, fascinate, attract
Affairs Event, incident Obeisance Respect, reverence, honour

Moaning Sob, cry Bifurcate Divide into two separate parts

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Amuse To make someone laugh or smile Board Get on or into a vehicle

Vacation Holiday Console Comfort someone at the time of grief

Merge Join together Exchange Give something and receive something

Scorching Extremely hot Competition An event or contest

A cream or lotion rubbed on the skin to Affected Cause a change in someone or something
protect it from the sun
Nervously In an anxious or uneasy manner
Exhausted Feeling tired
Unconscious or heatstroke brought about Astounded Shocked or greatly surprised
by excessive exposure to the sun To be reluctant or wait to act because of
Giddy Having a sensation of falling down fear
Dumbfounded Speechless with amazement
Nauseated Sickening, stomach-turning
The knowledge to be with difficulties and Dropped The act of a person or thing that drops
Street smart
dangers Kindness Humble
A chemical or natural substance added to
Fertiliser Bloom Come into
land to increase its fertility
A liquid that can be added to water to Tiniest Smallest
lower its freezing point
Forgotten Out of mind
Hazardous Risky/dangerous
Deserve Be qualified for
A dangerous situation that requires
immediate action Boomerang Come back to the person who threw it
Bang A sudden loud, sharp noise Medication A form of medicine that is used to treat
A short, sharp cry, especially of pain or
Yelp Incredible Unbelievable
To shake slightly/short movements from Anticipating Expecting
Screw gauge A measuring tool
Rushing Moving with urgent haste/fast
To scan/to casually look through in order
Couch A type of high bed/sofa to find items of interest
Adopt a position where the knees are bent Frightened Scared
Crouch and the upper body is brought forward and
Bother To disturb or annoy
Relating to or characteristic of culture of
Kennel A small shelter for a dog Cyber computers, information technology and
Fright A sudden intense feeling of fear virtual reality
Prone to behave in a way that involves
A gate across a road or bridge at which Aggressive
Tollgate attacking or arguing
travellers must stop and pay
Beneficial Helpful or good to something or someone
Sturdy Strong
Brainy Very intelligent
Groan Deep sound
a set of leather straps tied around the neck Absent-minded Being forgetful
of a horse to control it Vanish Disappear
An innate typically fixed pattern of
Dreadful Unpleasant
Instinct behavior in animals in response to certain
stimuli Gobbled Ate hastily or greedily
A dead stop A complete and sudden stop
Erratically Unsteadily or unpredictably
Consisting of many different and
connected parts Squirm To twist the body in discomfort
Demand Ask authoritatively Nap To sleep for a short period of time
Establish Set up on a firm and permanent basis Wonder Surprised
Decide Having a clear opinion Offline Not connected to the internet

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Shriek To scream in a sudden fright someone else

Someone who attempts to deceive by

Imposter Make (someone) legally or morally
using an assumed name or identity Oblige
bound to do something
Confide To trust A hard, strong bound in which
To use phone and internet in a safe and substances are crushed to powder
responsible way Withered Become dry and shriveled
Criminal activities done using computers or
Cybercrime A mechanical gate consisting of
the internet
revolving horizontal arms fixed to a
Scary Frightening Turnstile
vertical post, allowing only one
person at a time to passthrough
To match or surpass typically by A tall Eurasian plant of the mallow
Emulate Hollyhocks
imitation family, with large showy flowers
Impressed so much that they are
Overawed Colonel A rank of officer in the army
silent or inhibited
The action or process of including A rank of officer in the army above
Induction Brigadier
someone in an organisation the Colonel
A horizontal bar hanging by two
Rigorous Extremely thorough and careful
Trapeze ropes and free to swing, used by
Subtle changes in or shades of acrobats in a circus
meaning, expression or sound
Muttered To utter words in a low tone
Pursue Follow or chase
Slide or slip unsteadily on a loose
The ability to sustain or prolong Slithered
Stamina or slippery surface
physical and mental effort
Pruning The act of trimming a plant
Kitbag A long cylindrical canvas bag
An ornamental shrubby climbing
A step or stage in progress towards Bougainvillea plant that is widely cultivated in
an aim tropics
A feeling of self-conscious, shame Making melodious ringing sounds,
Embarrassment Chiming
or awkwardness typically to indicate the time
Melee A confused crowd of people A small Australian bird of the
Budgerigars parrot family, often kept in a cage
Transpire Come to be known/revealed as a pet
The act of turning a handle to start
Showing a prudent awareness of Cranking
Farsightedness an engine
future possibilities
To make oneself absent from a Sprightliness Lively and full of energy
class or session
Wrath Anger
Queer Strange, odd

Straps and fittings by which a Foe Enemy

Harness horse is fastened to a cart or
Deceitful Cunning, treacherous

Frozen In ice form Wiles Tricks

Sweep To move swiftly and smoothly Veiled Covered

Downy Soft and fluffy Crinkly With many folds or lines

Flake A small piece of snowflake Awfully Very extremely

A space just below the roof used as
Tit-bit A small piece of tasty food Attic
a storeroom
Moving or causing to move rapidly
Wagging Scornful Feeling or expressing contempt
to and fro
Having or showing a great desire to Something that is done in a proud
Covetous Loftily
possess something belonging to or haughty manner

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Very tired, especially from hard
Century A period of one hundred years Weary
In a casually calm and relaxed A room where beverages, food and
Nonchalantly Pantry
manner dishes are stored
Bringing down (one’s foot) heavily
Stamping Subtle Delicate or faint and mysterious
on the ground
To praise or compliment
Cloudburst A sudden violent rainstorm Flattering

Pitcher A large jug Counsellor A person who advises

Catch one’s breath with an open Inspired with an intense but short-
Gasp mouth, owing to pain or Infatuated lived passion or admiration for
astonishment someone or something
Shiver typically as a result of fear An act of casting or thrusting
Shudder Plunge forcibly or suddenly into
or revulsion
something liquid
Hark Listen, pay attention
A fraudulent or ignorant pretender
hitting or striking heavily, to medical skill
Thumping especially with the fist or a blunt Often claiming falsely that one has
instrument a quality or feeling
To poke or thrust abruptly or
Jab Frenzy A state of uncontrolled excitement
sharply with a short, quick blow
The brown, hard outer portion or An acrobatic movement either
Crust forward or backward in which the
surface Somersaults
body rolls end over end, makes a
Leprous Covered with scales
complete revolution

Hide The strong thick outer skin Petrified Extremely frightened

A hypothetical substance believed

Miniature Very small
Elixir to maintain life indefinitely/a
Structure or piece of equipment substance believed to cure all ills
poorly made and likely to collapse Characterised by great swelling
Tremor A slight earthquake waves or surges
Abundantly filled, especially with
The state of being decayed or Teeming
Devastation living things
Trickling To flow slowly and without force
Haphazardly In a random manner
A solid substance that is produced
Scattered pieces of rubbish or Precipitate from a liquid during a chemical
remains process
A heap of burnable material for A hard outer covering of
Pyres burning a corpse as part of a something
funeral ceremony A structure, such as a basin or a
an enclosed area of water in a port Catchment reservoir, used for collecting or
draining water
Docks for the loading, unloading and
repair of ships a longboat with a flat bottom, used
for carrying freight on rivers
The act of keeping something
Concealed A cluster of leaves, flowers and
secret or hidden Foliage
To reveal secrets indiscreetly and
Blabbing Touching or hitting something
Glancing lightly from the side, without
Pips Small hard seeds in a fruit causing much damage
Becoming greater in intensity or
Chunks Thick large pieces of something volume
Riverbanks where roses (flowers)
A tidy room in a house used for Rose-banks
Parlour appear along
entertaining guests
Acting quickly and without thought
Winding A twisting movement or course Impetuous
or care

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An illogical or surprising lack of compatibility
Tending Going in a particular way Discrepancy
or similarity between two or more facts
With the head first and the rest of Used to describe a person, respected and
Headlong Distinguished
the body following admired for excellence
The third person singular form of
Hath Devouring Destructively consuming
the word ‘have’ in the past
Life continuing without end after
Eternity Disembark To leave a ship/aircraft after a journey
Very thin and weak, usually because of
Stumpy Short and thick Emaciated
illness or extreme hunger

Bawled Cried noisily Agonising Causing extreme physical or mental pain

Going through an area making a lot of noise

Procured Obtained Rampaging
and causing damage
Prodded Dug, poked Chore A routine task, especially a household one

Droll Curious and amusing A piece of enclosed land planted with fruit
Pudgy Short and fat A hard, transparent mineral substance, us ed
in making electronic equipment
Formidable Dangerous
Exotic Unusual and exciting
Roistering Celebrating noisily
Void A completely empty space
Stalked Walked stiffly with pride To face, meet or deal with a difficult
situation or person
Saucy Cheeky, impertinent The action of leaving, especially to start a
A person who drives cattle while journey
Hazer Ceremony in which a priest gives a talk on a
on horseback Sermon
religious or moral subject
Confounded Confused
Fascinated Extremely attracted
Ignominiously Shamefully
Deed A brave or noble act
Conscientiously Carefully and meticulously
Starving Suffering or dying from hunger
Feigned Faked/not genuine
Governed in an unfair and cruel way and
Stupid and unreasonable, silly in a Oppressed prevented from having opportunities and
humorous way freedom
Unlimited space, time, amount; a
Infinity Sacred Considered to be holy and deserving respect
number large beyond any limit
Very interesting because of being
Intriguing Serene Peaceful and calm
unusual or mysterious
A child who shows a great ability at Not nervous or worried, usually despite a
Prodigy Unruffled
a young age difficult situation
A large formal meeting of people who have a
Dingy A dark and dirty place Convention
similar interest
The branch of biology that deals
Shatter To break suddenly into very small pieces
Physiology with the normal functions of living
organisms and their parts
Away from the correct path or correct way
Unkempt Not neat/cared for of doing something

Mirth Laughter, humour or happiness

Uncouth Behaving in an unpleasant way

An opinion or conclusion formed Comrade A friend

Conjecture on the basis of incomplete An agreement to stop fighting or arguing for
information Truce
a period of time

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A trench that is dug and roofed over as a
Dugout Tormenting Making someone suffer or worry a lot
shelter for troops
A religious folk song or popular hymn, Dreadful Extremely bad or unpleasant
particularly one associated with Christmas A man of very high social rank in
Trench A long, narrow ditch some European countries/a king
To take something important or
Injure or wound seriously and leave Deprive
Maim necessary away from someone
permanent damage to body or parts
Resistance The act of fighting against something
Splatter A small quantity of something moist or liquid
Fatigue Extreme tiredness
Slog Work hard over a period of time
Vexation Worry or anger
Muck Dirt, rubbish or waste matter
Famished Extremely hungry
Trip or momentarily lose one's balance;
almost fall Voracious Very eager for something

Bewilderment A feeling of being perplexed and confused To be very sorry for something bad
you have done
Lot of loud noise made by people
A narrow shelf that juts out from a Hullabaloo
Ledge who are excited
vertical surface
Producing a high-pitched and piercing Patrolman A patrolling police officer
voice or sound A space or room inside or partly
A long silverfish that swims in large inside the roof of a building
groups in the sea Shutting a door or window forcefully
To eat something eagerly and in large and loudly
amounts, so that nothing is left Gruffly Sadly
A sharp, broken noise or cry of a hen,
Cackle Without conscious reasoning,
goose or seagull Intuitively
A sea fish with a strong taste, often instinctively
used as a food Whammed Struck something forcefully
Gnaw To bite or chew something repeatedly
Bevelled Reduced to a slopping edge
To run at a moderate pace with short
Trot Rending Tearing to pieces
A very steep side of a cliff or a Yanked Pulled with a jerk
A musical instrument consisting of a
Whet To sharpen flat wooden soundbox with numerous
strings stretched across it, placed
Preening Cleaning feathers with beak
horizontally and played with fingers
Plaintively Sadly, calling in a sad way A domesticated tailless South
To move very quickly and easily Guinea pig American rodent originally raised for
Swoop food
through the air
Affected by wildly uncontrolled
Making a gesture with the hand or Hysterical
Beckoning head to encourage someone to emotion
approach or follow Making a squeaking sound when
being moved
Mourning Feeling or expressing great sadness Feeling or showing anger or
To hide or cover something so that Indignant annoyance at what is perceived as
Veils you cannot see it clearly or unfair treatment
understand it A holder made of leather for carrying
A prize or position offered for being handgun
the best A beam forming part of the internal
A long search for something that is framework of a roof
difficult to find A person who leaves the armed force
Unreluctant Willing to do something without permission

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Dissatisfaction with one's respect to confidence especially in
circumstances the face of hardships
Amiss Not quite right Innate Inborn and natural
Make a low guttural sound in the
Growl Stake Risk
A complaint about something in a Persistence Determination
bad-tempered way
Sigh Expressing grief
Gloomy To appear depressing or frightening
Mess with To tease or play a joke
Queerest The strangest or the most unusual
Prankster A person who acts mischievous
Accept or admit the existence or
truth of Groans Complaints and grumbles
Terrible Extremely bad or serious
Moans Grieves
Walking or moving in a leisurely or
Wandering An act of cutting a shape or pattern
aimless way Carving
into wood or stone
Aboriginal Native, local A long, loose outer garment reaching
Use of irony to mock or convey the ankles
contempt Bending the body forwards from the
Bowed waist, especially to show respect for
Fringed Bordered
Plumage A bird’s feather collectively Bifurcated Divided into two
Sludgiest Wet mud Revive To bring something back to life
Grumpiness Bad-tempered Soothing Making someone feel calm
Squirt Spray Rustic Typical of the countryside
A wolf like wild dog, native to North
Coyote Dilated Widened than usual
Streaks Line, strap Ascertained Confirmed

Tantrum Outburst, flare-up Overwrought State of being upset

The space or room at the top of a
Crinkly Wrinkly Attic
building, under the roof
To travel all the way around
Circumnavigate Crumbled Broken
something, especially the earth
A tall, pointed structure on top of a
Indigenously Naturally/innately/inherently
Spire building, especially on top of a church
Agreement or compatibility between tower
opinions or actions
Unperturbed Undisturbed
To act as a master or captain of a
vessel especially a small boat Affluent Wealthy
Restoration of a stock or supply to a
former level or condition Accustomed to Be used to
Anxious or fearful that something bad
Apprehensive Gay Glad, joyful
or unpleasant will happen
Strenuous effort/struggling together Crumb Piece of bread
in opposition
Additional/used as a reserve or Famine Extreme scarcity of food
substitute in case of need
Miserly Hesitant to spend money
To foresee/to realise beforehand/to
expect/be sure of Quoth Said
The production of light by living
Bio-luminescence Hastily Hurriedly
Morale Emotional or mental condition with Warrant Guarantee, promise

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A man's personal male attendant,
Despotic Tyrannical, cruel
Valet who is responsible for his clothes and
Proclamation Announcement appearance
Making a short, sharp high pitched
Barbarous Extremely brutal or mercilessly harsh Chirping sound (usually by small birds or
Abandon Desert, give up completely insects)
Bustle Move in an energetic manner
Reverence Deep respect
Unison A simultaneous utterance of words
Mandate An official order
Striking with a series of rapid audible
The topmost point of a hill or Rapping
Summit blows
A book which has been read often
An order restraining someone from Thumbed and bearing the marks of frequent
performing an act handling
Wrinkled and contracted due to old
Shriveled Cranky Strange
age or due to strain
Gravely Seriously Lean, especially because of suffering,
hunger or age
To fight, especially in order to win Give short, sudden jerking
something Twitched
Permanent tightening of the muscles Spreading of a disease from one
Cerebral palsy Contagious
caused by damage to the brain
person to another by direct contact
A software that recognises speech
Dragon dictate Make a deep inarticulate sound
and converts it to text Groan
conveying pain or despair
A person who assists with
Assistive A contagious bacterial disease
technological gadgets to overcome Plague
technologist characterized by fever
Closed the door with a bar that slides
Gaze Stare at something for a long time into a socket
Liberator A structure of wood or marble above
A special device used to communicate Mantlepiece
communication or around the fireplace
with eye movements A disturbed state of mind
device Delirious
The act of including someone or characterised by restlessness
something Frail Weak and delicate
Cloister Enclosed by
Startled Felt sudden shock or alarm
Collaborative Produced by or involving two or more
process parties working together Scuffle To have a sudden short fight
An enclosed structure in which Ingenious Clever, original and inventive
Furnace material is heated to very high
temperatures An extensive, persistent desire, an
Wrought Beaten out of shape by hammering Spiteful, intended to harm or upset
An instrument that measures someone
perfection in appearance and quality
Queer Strange, odd
Thousandth A fraction of thousand
Appalled Horrified, shocked
Haul Pull or drag with effort or force
Oddity The quality being strange or peculiar
Comprehend Grasp, understand
Closet Cupboard
Vanish Disappear suddenly and completely Incredible Impossible to believe
A telegraphic transmission including Cook up, hatch a plan by the
Phototelegrams Contrive
images deliberate use of skills
Jovians Inhabitants of the Jupiter Despotic Tyrannical, autocratic

A person or animal that lives in or Avarice Extreme greed for wealth

occupies a place
Jest A joke

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Danger x Safety
3. ANTONYMS Death x Birth

Definite x Indefinite
Abandon x Retain Defy x Obey
Able x Unable Delusive x Real
Absence x Presence Departure x Arrival
Abundance x Scarcity Desirable x Undesirable
Accumulated x Dissipate Difficult x Easy
Achievement x Failure Dignify x Degrade
Admire x Abhor Diminish x Magnify
Advantage x Disadvantage Disappear x Appear
After x Before Discipline x Indiscipline
Agitated x Calm Disgrace x Honour
Always x Never Domestic x Wild
Ancient x Modern Dreary x Cheerful
Annoy x Amuse Eager x Indifferent
Appreciated x Misapprehend Easy x Difficult
Artificial x Natural Effective x Ineffective
Ascend x Descend Efficiently x Inefficiently
Assemble x Disperse Empty x Full
Balance x Imbalance End x Begin
Beautiful x Ugly Erase x Record
Belief x Disbelief External x Internal
Better x Worse Exterior x Interior
Brave x Cowardly Famous x Notorious
Bright x Dark Fascinating x awful
Broad x Narrow Forget x Remember
Certain x Uncertain/doubtful Fortunate x Unfortunate
Charming x Repulsive Frail x Sturdy/strong
Clean x Dirty Fury x Calm
Clear x Vague Gentle x Rough
Close x Open Give x Take
Comfort x Discomfort Glorify x Defame
Commence x Close Grateful x Ungrateful
Contemn x Admire Happy x Sad
Continuous x Discrete Harmonious x Discordant

Creative x Destructive Immediately x Later

Curse x Bless Important x Unimportant

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Impressive x Ridiculous Match each word with its antonyms.

Imprison x Release 1. shady (a) misery

2. bored (b) calm
Include x Exclude
3. glee (c) interested
Interesting x Boring
4. panic (d) slow
Inward x Outward 5. hasty(e) sunny

Kindness x Cruelty Answers

1 - (e)
Lazy x Diligent
2 - (c)
Magnificent x Vulgar 3 - (a)
4 - (b)
Majestic x Lowly
5 - (d)
Minimum x Maximum
Add a prefix or suffix to the following words and find
Neglect x Care their antonyms.
Notorious x Famous 1. privileged
2. animate
Obey x Disobey
3. discriminate
Obscure x Clear/bright
4. empty
Optimist x Pessimist 5. communicate

Panic x Calmness 6. learn

Possible x Impossible
1. Privileged × Underprivileged
Private x Public
2. Animate × Inanimate
Proud x Humble 3. Discriminate × Indiscriminate
4. Empty × Unempty
Refuse x Accept
5. Communicate × Miscommunicate
Regular x Irregular
6. Learn × Unlearn
Respect x Scorn
Find the antonym for the following words.
Rich x Poor 1. delight
Rude x Polite 2. disgrace
3. careless
Strange x Common
4. secret
Stupid x Wise
5. confine
Sturdy x Fragile Answers
Sublime x Low/base 1. Delight x Sorrow
2. Disgrace x Honour
Sudden x Gradual
3. Careless x Careful
Tragedy x Comedy 4. Secret x Open
Terrify x Pacify 5. Confine x Free

Unique x Common Choose correct antonyms for the words given in italic.
Vanish x Appear 1. Ajay suffered an injury.
a) sorrow b) endure
Veteran x Novice
c) hurt d) mourn
Vile x Worthy 2. Ajay mastered the techniques of painting.
Vindictive x Forgiving a) skilled b) proficient
c) unskilled d) experienced
Warmth x Coolness
3. Ilavazhagi won the world championship in 2008.
Whole x Part a) win b) succeed
Withhold x Release c) lost d) well-skilled

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Answers 3. Vairavan is having a spot of bother with the law.

1. b) endure a) worry b) annoy
2. c) unskilled c) pester d) please
3. c) defeat 4. He asked the manager to improve the facility in the hall.
a) amenity b) comfort
Choose the correct antonym for the italicised word.
c) uneasy d) shortcoming
1. His grandmother was very kind to him.
5. A good diet is beneficial to health.
a) affectionate b) loving
a) benefit b) helpful
c) disrespectful d) cruel
c) harmful d) useful
2. The boy seemed to have a taste for mathematics.
a) delicious b) sweet
1. c) strengthen
c) distaste d) against
2. a) well known
3. Isaac possessed a wonderful faculty of acquiring 3. a) worry
knowledge. 4. b) comfort
a) owned b) controlled 5. c) harmful
c) lacks d) have Match the correct antonyms for the given words.
Answers 1. concentrate - incomplete
1. d) cruel 2. inevitable - distract
2. c) distaste 3. occasional - wise
3. c) lacks 4. complete - continual
5. insane - preventable
Choose the correct antonyms for the italicised word.
1. Karan visited his ancestral village.
1. concentrate - distract
a) offspring b) family
2. inevitable - preventable
c) house d) relative
3. occasional - continual
2. We should use our mobile safely.
4. complete - incomplete
a) unsafely b) securely
5. insane - wise
c) protect d) save
3. Medicine should be stored. Find the antonyms for the underlined words in the
a) consumed b) deleted following sentences.
c) preserved d) registered 1. Seventeen oranges were hidden in the narrator’s pockets.
4. The neem tree provided shelter to many birds. a) exposed b) masked
a) residence b) unprotection c) concealed d) buried
c) home d) security 2. Clem Jones was ordered to open the box.
5. It is the latest mobile. a) prepared b) arranged
a) updated b) outdated c) forced d) requested
c) new d) modern 3. Pongo locked the narrator inside the cabin.
Answers a) closed b) sealed
1. a) offspring c) released d) chocked

2. a) unsafely 4. Pongo carefully searched the narrator’s pockets.

3. b) deleted a) attentively b) carelessly
4. b) unprotection c) cautiously d) strictly
5. b) outdated 5. The narrator of the story felt very sick for a week.
a) healthy b) disordered
Choose the correct antonyms for the italicised words. c) feeble d) unhealthy
1. The explosion had weakened the building’s foundations.
a) dreary b) dull
1. (a) exposed
c) strengthen d) weak
2. (d) requested
2. A stranger was roaming around the street. 3. (c) released
a) well-known b) newcomer 4. (b) carelessly
c) unknown d) foreigner 5. (a) healthy

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Match the word with its antonym.

1. distribute - trivial
4. Prefix & Suffix
2. infinite - sorrow
3. significant - collect Prefix
4. delight - clean A prefix is a letter or a group of letters that is added to the
beginning of a word in order to modify its meaning. They
5. unkempt - conclude
modify the meaning of the words to which they are added.
6. initiate - fact
Prefix and their examples
7. conjecture - measurable
A- Aside, apolitical abroad, ashore, asleep
Ambi- Ambidextrous
1. distribute -collect
2. infinite -measurable Auto- Autobiography, automotive

3. significant - trivial Mis- Mislead, misdeed, misuse, misinterpret

4. delight -sorrow Dis- Disagreement, distrust, dislike
5. unkempt - clean
Dia- Diametre
6. initiate -conclude
For-, fore- Forgive, foresee, foretell, forecast
7. conjecture -fact
Counter- Counter-clockwise
Find out the antonym of the underlined word in each of
Im- Immortal, immobile, imprudent
the following sentences.
In- Income, inland
1. …which are not to be despised.
En- Enable, entrust, enact
a) hated b) liked
c) respected d) defeated Em- Empower

2. One does not feel wise, braver or more optimistic. Over- Overlook, overflow, overwork

a) opportunistic b) cheerful Il- Illogical, illegal

c) realistic d) pessimistic Co-, cor- Co-operation, coexist, correlation
3. Not the flat, shallow type…
Un- Unaware, undo, unable
a) narrow b) wide
Inter- International
c) deep d) direct
De- Decode, defame
4. Predicting the arrival of visitors…
Ex-, extra- Extract, extravagant, extraordinary
a) journey b) departure
c) migration d) perusal Under- Underestimate, undergo, underground

5. ...but they are sufficient to show how subtilized the whole With- Withstand, withdraw, withhold
business has become. Anti- Antiwar, anticipate
a) enough b) suffocative Uni- Uniform, unilateral
c) inadequate d) submissive
Pro- Pronoun, proclaim
Answers Hyper- Hypersensitive, hyperactive
1. b) liked
Re- Reorganise, redo, return
2. d) pessimistic
Semi- Semicircle, semiannual
3. c) deep
Sub- Submarine
4. b) departure
Out- Outcast
5. c) inadequate
Micro- Microbiology,microscope
Tele- Telephone

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Suffix -ion Action, abduction, union

A suffix is a letter or a group of letters linked to the end of a -ice Service, cowardice
word. By adding suffixes, the grammatical function of the
words gets changed. -ure Pleasure, exposure
-mony Harmony, testimony, matrimony
Suffix and their examples
-cy Fancy, lunacy, bankruptcy
-ile Projectile, volatile
-age Bondage, marriage, leakage, package
-ling Princeling, duckling, hireling, darling, weakling
-let Booklet, leaflet, eaglet

-ette Novelette, kitchenette 5. Articles

Visibility, ability, durability, sensibility,
capability, ductility
The words ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’ are known as articles. 'A’ and ‘an’
Popularise, familiarise, criticise, vandalise, are singular and are known as indefinite articles. ’The’ is a
publicise, verbalise, exercise
definite article as it specifies the thing or person spoken of.
Slowly, sweetly, frequently, immediately, ‘The’ may be singular or plural.
hopefully, sadly
Article ‘a’
-ful Scornful, doubtful, joyful, fruitful, hopeful
We use the article ‘a’ with singular nouns and adjectives,
-ster Youngster, spinster, songster which begin with a consonant sound.
-hood Adulthood, childhood, manhood Example: a computer, a unit (yu+nit), a wonderful artist, a
good boy, a book, a beautiful girl
-ism Fanaticism, feminism, patriotism
Foolish, childish, reddish, publish, punish, Article ‘a’ is also used to show a kind, class or species.
-ish Example: A cow is a useful animal.
banish, nourish

-ion, - Abduction,Digestion courageous,

Sometimes, article ‘a’ is used to show rank, profession or
ous adventurous, copious
Thirsty, healthy, slimly, greedy, needy, rocky, Example: a nurse, a teacher
muddy, dirty, victory, misery
Article ‘an’
Happiness, sadness, darkness, boldness,
-ness We use the article ‘an’ with singular nouns and adjectives,
goodness, sweetness
which begin with a vowel sound.
Appointment, punishment, judgement, Example: an artist, an MLA (em.el.a), an honest shopkeeper,
improvement an umbrella, an egg, an honest man (The letter ‘h’ is silent
Hopeless, cordless, fearless, senseless, here and begins with a vowel sound)
It is clear that the usage of the indefinite article ‘an’ is based
-cracy Democracy, aristocracy on the beginning vowel sound and not the vowel letter.
-ship Friendship, hardship Example: a European lady (‘Yu’ sound), A One-hundred note
(‘W’ sound), A University (‘Yu’ sound)
-graph Autograph

-like Childlike If certain abbreviations begin with a vowel sound though they
-ist Artist, chemist have consonants at the beginning, we write the article ‘an’
before them.
-ward Downward, upward

-able Honourable Example: an MP (the consonant ‘M’ is pronounced as ‘em’

and also begins with a vowel sound), an MA, an MLA
-ous Dangerous, onerous

Theology, pathology, zoology, biology, The article ‘a’ is often used with particular phrases.
astrology, sociology Example: a noise, a pity, a pleasure, a headache, in a hurry, a
pair, in a loud voice, a nuisance
-al Comical, national, fatal, legal, mortal

-ate Fortunate, temperate, advocate Rules for Using the Definite Article ‘The’
-eer Engineer Article ‘the’ is used to refer to a person or thing

25 | P a g e Copyright © Veranda Learning Solutions

Example: The man you met yesterday is already a retired The first sentence where the has been used twice speaks of
official. two different persons — one is a singer and the other a
It is used before a noun which is repeated after it has been lyricist. The second sentence suggests that the same person is
introduced once. both a singer and lyricist.
Example: Once there was a fox in the forest. The fox was very
Omission of Articles
1. A non-specific uncountable noun
It is used when a singular noun represents the whole class. Example: I drink coffee.
Example: The dog is a faithful animal.
2. A non-specific plural noun
It is used with nouns which are names of unique things. Example: I love children.
Example: the Earth, the Sun, the sky, the moon
3. Before a proper noun
It is used with words like first, third, last and same. Examples: Chennai is the capital of Tamil Nadu.
Example: the first row, the next room, the third boy, the X India is a democratic country.
same book
4. Before an abstract noun
It is used with the names of rivers, seas and oceans.
Examples: Anger is dangerous.
Example: The Brahmaputra, The Pacific Ocean, The Indian
Wisdom is the gift of God.
Ocean, The Red Sea

It is used with the names of the mountain ranges. 5. Before the name of a language
Example: The Alps, The Himalayas, The Nilgiri Hills Example: English is an international language.

6. Before the names of materials

It is used with the names of trains, ships and aeroplanes.
Example: The Shatabdi Express, The Brtish Airways Example: Gold is one of the costliest metals.

7. Before common nouns (used in their widest sense)

It is used with the names of holy books and scriptures.
Example: The Quran, The Upanishads, The Vedas Example: What kind of book is this?

It is used with the names of newspapers. 8. Before common nouns (‘the’ is not used in pairs)
Example: The Times of India, The Hindustan Times Examples: husband and wife, father and mother

It is used before the name of the musical instruments. Some nouns can be counted and they are called countable
Example: the guitar, the violin nouns. Some cannot be counted and they are called
uncountable nouns.
It is used with the names of historical monuments and well- We use ‘a’ or ‘an’ only before countable nouns.
known buildings.
Examples: The Red Fort, The Golconda Fort Examples:
A leaf fell off the tree. (countable)
It is used before adjectives in the comparative degree.
Rain can cause flooding. (uncountable)
Example: The older he grew, the wiser he became.
We use ‘the’ with uncountable nouns when it is clear to the
It is used with superlatives.
reader which things we are referring to. We do not use ‘the’
Example: the hottest planet, the oldest man, the lowest point
with uncountable nouns when we are talking in general.
It is used with the names of countries, if the name contains (Uncountable nouns do not take the plural forms).
common nouns like states or kingdom. Examples:
Example: The United Kingdom, The United States Of America The rice in this supermarket is good. Rice is the staple food of
It is used before nd adjective when it represents a class.
Example: the rich, the underprivileged The word ‘some’ can be used with both countable and
uncountable nouns in the following ways.
It is used before a noun to show a unit of measurement. Examples:
Example: Milk is sold by the litre and eggs are sold by the I want some apples.
dozen I want some papers.

Repetition of Article ‘The’ Note:

The singer and the lyricist were present at the occasion. Words beginning with consonant letters do not always begin
The singer and lyricist was present at the occasion. with consonant sounds.

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Similarly, words beginning with vowel letters do not always 37. She has returned home for ___________ moment's rest.
begin with vowel sounds. 38. Please hand me ____ autobiography
39. _________man is mortal.
Honour (sounds like onour)
European (sounds like yuropean) 40. The baby rolled under _______ chair which was nearby.
Fill in the blanks with suitable articles.
1. a 21. the
1. Copper is _______ useful metal.
2. the 22. an
2. _________ reindeer is a native of Norway. 3. the 23. an
3. Honest men speak _________ truth. 4. the 24. the
5. a 25. an
4. Do you see ___________ blue sky? 6. an 26. a
5. Varanasi is ___________ holy city. 7. the 27. the
8. the 28. a
6. He returned after _________ hour.
9. a 29. a
7. _________ school will shortly close for the Puja holidays. 10. a 30. a
8. __________ sun shines brightly. 11. The, a 31. an
12. A 32. a
9. I first met him ___________ year ago. 13. An 33. an
10. Yesterday, ________ European called at my office. 14. The 34. a
15. The 35. an
11. _________ Ganga is ________ sacred river.
16. An 36. the
12. You are _________ fool to say that. 17. An 37. a
13. French is __________ easy language. 18. a, an, a 38. an
19. the, the 39. No article
14. Who is _________ girl sitting there? 20. the 40. the
15. Which is __________ longest river in India?
16. She is _________ untidy girl. Model 1
17. The children found ___________ egg in the nest. Nagarajan and Dhanalakshmi want to buy a new house.
They have come to see a house for sale. Complete the
18. I bought __________ horse, __________ ox and
conversation below by adding suitable articles.
_________ buffalo.
19. English is _________ language of __________ people of Nagarajan: Well, here we are, No. 8, Kaveri Street. I think this
England. is _______ house we
saw online. What do you think of ________ location?
20. Let us discuss ___________ matter seriously.
21. John got _________ best present. Dhanalakshmi: It is in ________ nice neighbourhood and it’s
22. He looks as stupid as __________ owl. close to the railway station.

23. He is __________ honour to this profession. Nagarajan: ________ bus stop is not too far away.
24. India is one of ___________ most industrial countries in
Dhanalakshmi: How many rooms are there?
25. Sri Lanka is _________ island. Nagarajan: There are three rooms, ________ kitchen and
________ balcony.
26. The doctor says that it is _______ helpless case.
27. I like to live in ________ open air. Dhanalakshmi: There is ________ lawn behind ________
28. __________ opportunity missed is lost forever. house, right?

29. __________ one rupee note has become rare now.

Nagarajan: That’s right. _______ lawn is actually quite large.
30. Mohan is _________ university scholar. Did you see any photos of ________ living room online? What
31. Prabhakar is __________ S.P. does it look like?
32. Don't be ___________ nuisance to your mother. Dhanalakshmi: ________ living room looks great. It looks
33. He set __________ example to others. bright and airy. It has _______ nice view of ________ hills.
34. It is _________ pity that old people are not cared by their But _______ kitchen looks _______ little small.
own children.
Nagarajan: I remember you said there isn’t _______
35. Every child jumps with joy at the sight of ___________ storeroom, right?
36. I went to __________ airport to catch a flight to Delhi. Dhanalakshmi: No, but there is _________ attic, where we
can store things.

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Nagarajan: I hope this house is ________ better option.
6. Preposition
Dhanalakshmi: Let’s wait for _________ real estate agent.
She said she would be here at three o’clock.
Nagarajan: Look, there she is! The word 'preposition' means that which is placed before a
Answers noun or a pronoun. It is used to show the relationship of a
Nagarajan: Well, here we are, No.8, Kaveri Street. I think this noun or pronoun to another word in the sentence.
is the house we saw online. What do you think Types of Prepositions
of the location?
Prepositions of Place and Position
Dhanalakshmi: It is in a nice neighbourhood and it’s close to They often indicate the position of something with respect to
the railway station. something else or give us information about the place where
it is kept or lies.
Nagarajan: The bus stop is not too far away. Examples:
The children are in the playground.
Dhanalakshmi: How many rooms are there? The school is on Nehru Road.

Nagarajan: There are three rooms, a kitchen and a balcony. In the above sentences, ‘in’ and ‘on’ are prepositions. Some
other prepositions of place and position are above, across, in,
Dhanalakshmi: There is a lawn behind the house, right?
at, on, the, right, between, among, behind, below, beside,
Nagarajan: That’s right. The lawn is actually quite large. Did beyond, near, on the left, under, upon and beneath.
you see any photos of the living room online? What does it Correct Use of Prepositions of Place
look like?
Among & Between
Dhanalakshmi: The living room looks great. It looks bright The word ‘among’ is used with more than two persons or
and airy. It has a nice view of the hills. But the kitchen things. ‘Between’ is used with two persons or things.
looks a little small. Examples:
The purse is kept among the bags.
Nagarajan: I remember you said there isn’t a storeroom, There are no mountains between the Atlantic Ocean and the
right? St. Lawrence river.

Dhanalakshmi: No, but there is an attic where we can store On & Upon
things. The word ‘upon’ is used with things in motion whereas both
on and upon can be used while indicating things at rest.
Nagarajan: I hope this house is a better option. Examples:
The framed photograph is on the table.
Dhanalakshmi: Let’s wait for the real estate agent. She said
The dog jumped upon the chair.
she would be here at three o’clock.
In & At
Nagarajan: Look, there she is! The word ‘in’ is used to indicate a large area, region and is
used while speaking of bigger towns, nations and states. ‘At’
Model 2 is used to refer to a specific point.
Read the paragraph below and fill in the blanks using Examples: At Lajpat Nagar in Delhi, at Mathura in Uttar
sutiable articles. Pradesh, at the end, at the corner, in the middle, in a shop.
It is said that (1) ___________ computer is (2) ___________ The word ‘in’ also conveys the idea of something contained.
electronic extension of the human brain. Therefore, in ‘At’ conveys the idea of a general neighbouring area.
principle, (3) ___________ computer can do all those Examples:
activities which (4) ___________ human brain can do. Today, The pens are in the drawer.
computers are found to be (5) ___________ most useful I will see you at the prime mall.
devices as knowledge providers. Another important field of
application of computers is (6) ___________ development of Over & Above
robots. (7) ___________ internet has brought (8) ‘Over’ and ‘above’ mean higher than something. We can us e
___________ drastic change in communication systems. either of them sometimes.
Answers The eagle flew over the tree.
1. a 2. An 3. the The eagle hovered above my head for some time.
4. the 5. The 6. the
7. The 8. a ‘Over’ can also be used to indicate covering or vertically

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Examples: 8. ‘On’ is used before days of the week and dates.
The fan is over her head.
We will meet again on Friday.
The fruit vendor spread a plastic sheet over his trolley when it
started raining. Note: No preposition is used in, ‘We met last Friday and
will meet next Friday again.
Under & Below 9. Around - about
Both ‘under’ and ‘below’ are used to indicate lower than
I will see you around 5 o'clock.
something. We can use either of them.
‘Below’ is also used to suggest being lower in measurement. 10. Throughout - from the beginning to the end of a period
Examples: The play went on throughout (through, all through) the
The humidity was below average yesterday. night.
‘Under’ also indicates vertically below. It also suggests the
11. 'Until’ (always replaceable by till) marks the end of a
idea of contact. period.
The villager slept off under a tree. We waited (did not leave) until 12 o'clock.
She kept the receipt under the table and forgot. 12. ‘Within’ suggests that the performance of an action is
limited to a certain period.
Some prepositions, along with their example sentences, are
We must be back within (in) fifteen minutes.
given below.
The cat is under the table. Prepositions of Direction
The book is on the table. Prepositions of direction denote the direction or movement
The pen is in the box. of persons or things with respect to something else.
The ball is near the box. Examples:
The dog is behind the girl. He jogged around the pond.
The house stands between two trees. He swam across the British Channel.
In the above examples, ‘around’ indicates movement in a
Prepositions Expressing Relationship in Time
circular motion all around the pond. The preposition ‘across’
Before - earlier than
indicates movement from one side to the other of the British
After - later than
Come before or after 8 o'clock.

1. At is used with a point of time. Some Important Prepositions of Direction

I'll meet you at 8 o'clock. (at sunrise, at dinner) ‘Towards’ shows direction and ‘to’ indicates the sense of
2. By - not later than
We must leave by 4 o'clock or we shall not arrive in time. They went to the hospital.
3. ‘During’ is used while the period of time or event is in The car went towards the gate.
‘Into’ indicates movement towards the interior of something.
Nobody was allowed to go out during the examination.
4. ‘For’ denotes the time during which an action or state The dolphin jumped into the water.
continues The candidates walked into the room for the interview.
I walk for two hours everyday and then I take rest for an
hour. ‘For’ suggests the beginning of a moment.
Example: Father left for office just now.
5. ‘From’ marks the beginning of a period.
The bank will be open from 10 o'clock onwards. ‘At’ it denotes the point of a place.
6. 'In' is used for a specific period of tim.e Example: They throw the ball at me.

In the morning, in the evening, in January, in (the)

‘Against’ shows contact or pressure.
Example: He threw the stone against the wall.
Note: We met in June last and shall meet again in January
next. From is used to indicate the point of departure.
(or) We met last June and shall meet next January. Example: The doctor has already gone from the clinic.

7. ‘In’ marks the end of a period of time.

‘Off’ shows separation. It is used to indicate from the surface
I'll call again in five minutes. (after an interval of 5 of down from.

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Examples: Exercise
She fell off the bicycle.
1. The public are warned ____________ pickpockets.
The ball rolled off the road.
(a) an (b) of
‘Out of’ is the opposite of 'into'. (c) off (d) none of the above
Example: The butterfly flew out of the window. 2. Will you walk ____________my parlour?
(a) away (b) from
Correct Use of Important Prepositions
(c) into (d) none of the above
With & By
3. Do not cry ____________ split milk.
‘With’ relates to the particular object with which the action is
done. (a) on (b) in
‘By’ is used to show the agent or doer of an action. (c) over (d) none of the above
Examples: 4. We cannot live ____________ water.
The chair was hit by the policemen with a stick. (a) with (b) within
The tree was pruned by the gardener with a pruner.
(c) without (d) none of the above
5. She is afraid ____________ dogs.
Beside & Besides
‘Beside’ means by the side of. ‘Besides’ means in addition to. (a) of (b) on
Examples: (c) with (d) none of the above
The chair was beside the table. 6. She got tired ____________ waiting.
She ate yoghurt besides the chocolate cake. (a) on (b) with
(c) of (d) none of the above
After & In
‘After’ is used to refer to some period of time in the past. 7. Age is kind ____________ her.
‘In’ is used to indicate some period of time in the future. (a) to (b) on
Examples: (c) for (d) none of the above
He will reach there after two hours. 8. She spoke ____________ me in Urdu.
She will return to the office in an hour. (a) on (b) to
(c) on (d) none of the above
On time & In time
‘On time’ indicates at the arranged time, neither before nor 9. I have known her ____________ a long time.
after the fixed time. (a) for (b) since
Examples: (c) in (d) none of the above
I reached the airport on time. 10. They live ____________ the same roof.
He reached the auditorium in time for the inaugural speech. (a) over (b) with
(c) under (d) none of the above
Phrase Prepositions
Sometimes, there are groups of words that are used as 11. They selected me for the job only ____________ merit.
prepositions. They are called phrase prepositions. (a) on (b) in
Examples: (c) along (d) none of the above
In spite of the rough weather, she went for a swim. 12. I am fond ____________ music.
The law was framed in accordance to the rules given in the
(a) on (b) off
(c) of (d) none of the above
He tried to please the people with an eye to the coming
elections. 13. We are going ____________ a holiday next week.
(a) in (b) on
(c) for (d) none of the above
Some Other Phrase Prepositions
14. Good people care ____________ others.
Words like according to, with a view to, in case of, by mean s
(a) in (b) for
of, regarding, concerning, barring, considering and so on are
(c) of (d) none of the above
often used without any noun or pronoun attached to them 15.The door was fitted ____________ a new handle.
and do the work of propositions. (a) with (b) in
Examples: (c)on (d) none of the above
Regarding the dacoity, an enquiry has been initiated.
Concerning the demand of the labourers, a draft has been 1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (b) 9. (a) 10. (c) 11.
prepared. (a) 12. (c) 13. (b) 14. (b) 15. (a)

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Choose the most appropriate preposition from the brackets. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositional phrases given in
1. We have been living in Chennai _________ eight years. brackets.
(for/since) (in favour of, in case of, according to, on the whole, on
2. Abdul has taken ______ his father. (after/at) account of, on behalf of, in spite of, instead of)
3. Vimal generally goes to his workplace ______ bus. (by/on)
4. The cricket ball was hidden ______ the leaves. 1. ___________ Kiran, Rajesh may attend a programme.
(among/between) 2. Many tourists visited Ooty ___________ heavy rains.
5. Mani divided his toys ______ his brothers and sisters.
3. Expressing gratitude ___________ others is common in a
vote of thanks.
4. ___________, I had a happy childhood.
1. for 2. after 3. by 4. among 5. among
5. Our teacher always acts ___________ her students.
Fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate 6. ___________ his laziness, the boy remained passive for a
prepositional phrase from the long time.
given options.
1. Everything falls to the ground _______ the earth’s 7. ___________ Gandhiji, ahimsa means infinite love.

gravitational pull. 8. ___________ rain, take an umbrella.

a) in addition to b) because of Answers
c) cause of d) none of the above
1. Instead of
2. The trial was conducted ___________ the procedure of
2. in spite of
3. on behalf of
a) in accordance with b) due to 4. On the whole
c) despite of d) none of the above
5. in favour of
3. There is a temple right ________ my house.
6. On account of
a) in back of b) apart from 7. According to
c) in front of d) none of the above
8. In case of
4. As a ________ of his hard work, he achieved the target.
a) instead of b) result of Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositional phrases given
c) apart from d) none of the above below.
5. Failure is often the __________ negligence.
over under on between
a) effect of b) consequence of
c) reason of d) none of the above among into with since
6. Children are given toys ____________ sweets on Children’s in front of near/beside
a) on top of b) in addition to 1. The boy jumped _____ a narrow stream.
c) due to d) none of the above
2. Afsar will meet me _____ Friday morning.
7. The parents must be informed ___________ any
3. The temple is _____ the bank.
indiscipline conduct of their wards.
a) because of b) in case of 4. My friend will meet me _____ his brother tomorrow.
c) in spite of d) none of the above 5. There is usually a garden _____ a bungalow.
8. He didn’t turn up ____________ his busy schedule. 6. Yuvan has been studying well _____ childhood.
a) consequence of b) due to 7. A trekker climbed _____ a mountain meticulously.
c) except for d) none of the above
8. There was a skirmish _____ my brother and sister.
9. Global warming is ______________ the green house
emission. 9. The laudable thoughts were apparent _____ many scholars
in a conference.
a) an effect of b) in spite of
c) in addition to d) none of the above 10. It is easy to work _____ the aegis of a visionary leader.
10. _____________ several warnings, he continued to swim.
a) due to b) in spite of
1. into 2. on
c) because of d) none of the above
3. near/beside 4. with
Answers 5. in front of 6. since
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (b) 6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (a) 10. (b) 7. over 8. between
9. among 10. under

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Model 2 Examples:
• He hardly works, does he?
Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositional phrases given • They seldom speak, do they?
• She rarely comes late, does she?
• He told nothing, did he?
(after, with, on, before, of, in, for)
Points to Remember
(1) _______ the interview, Solomon was confident (2) • Affirmative statements will have negative tags.
__________ getting the job. He knew that he was qualified • Negative statements will have affirmative tags.
(3) _______ the job. He was interested (4) _______ • The tag will contain a pronoun.
• The tag will follow a comma and begin with a small letter.
discharging his duty perfectly. The interview panel was
impressed (5) _______ his attitude and skills. So (6) ______ Shortened Forms of the Negative Tags:
the interview, he was (7) ______ cloud nine. Auxiliary Verb Negative (in contracted) Form
is not isn’t
Answers am not aren’t
1. Before 2. of 3. for 4. in
5. with 6. after 7. on was not wasn’t
were not weren’t

Question Tag do not don’t

did not didn’t
A question tag is a small question at the end of a statement. have not haven’t
They are used when asking for agreement or confirmation.
has not hasn’t

a) A positive statement is followed by a negative question had not hadn’t

tag. shall not shan’t
will not won’t
• She is a doctor, isn’t she?
• The books are interesting, aren't they? should not shouldn’t
• I can swim, can't I? would not wouldn’t
• We should obey the elders, shouldn't we? can not can’t
• The car was once costly, wasn't it?
could not couldn’t

b) A negative statement is followed by a positive question may not mightn’t

tag. does not doesn’t
• We don't have enough time, do we?
• He is not playing well, is he?
• You were not listening, were you? 7. Questions Tag
• Chandini hadn't seen you before, had she?
• Children shouldn't watch TV too much, should they?
1. The bus is early today, _________?
c) When the verb in the main sentence is in the simple 2. There is no water in the tank, _________?
present, we form the question tag with do/does. 3. People must keep the streets clean, _________?
4. I shall carry the bags for you, _________?
• You play the guitar, don't you?
• Alison likes tennis, doesn't she? 5. The conductor will not give you change for ₹ 10,
d) If the verb is in the simple past, we use did.
6. Our team will win the match, _________?
7. The flag has four colours on it, _________?
• They went to the cinema, didn't they?
• She studied in New Zealand, didn't she? 8. I haven’t answered your questions, _________?
9. Plants give out oxygen during the day, _________?
e) Statements using barely, hardly, rarely, scarcely, neither,
10. You should treat each other with respect, _________?
no, nobody, none, nothing and seldom are treated as
negative statements. 11. It‘s raining, _________?

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12. You are free, _________? a) mustn't they b) shouldn't we
13. She can swim well, _________? c) mustn't we
8. I'm right, ________?
14. Gopi broke the glass, _________?
a) amn't I b) am not I c) aren't I
15. Your sister cooks well, _________?
9. So you bought a car, ________?
16. You aren’t busy, _________? a) did you b) haven't you c) weren't you
17. She can’t swim, _________? 10. You wouldn't like to invite my Dad, ________?
18. Mohan doesn’t work hard, _________? a) did you b) would you c) won't you
19. They haven’t come yet, _________?
1. b 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. c
20. It’s very hot, _________? 9. a 10. b
21. Let us celebrate them, _________?
Correct the error found in the question tags in each of the
22. The road is not good, _________?
23. Henry won’t apologise, _________? 1. The evildoers cannot cross the path of truth, can’t they?
24. They haven’t been working since Monday, _________? 2. The vegetables in the fridge are still fresh, aren’t it?
25. She is an academician, _________? 3. The village head understood the intention of the politician,
26. Krishnan will go day after tomorrow, _________? doesn’t he?
27. You have a new computer, _________? 4. I claim to be a person of faith and prayer, aren’t I?
28. He is going to Canada, _________? 5. The employees are seldom allowed to meet their boss,
29. Kumar has some original ideas, _________? aren’t they?
30. Jahir will join you, _________? 6. Let’s organise a trip to Goa, can we?

Answers : 7. The landlady will charge me for the damage, shan’t she?
1. isn’t it 16. are you 8. Both the sisters have left for Canada, aren’t they?
2. is there 17. can she 9. That’s definitely not the right thing to do in this situation,
3. oughtn’t they 18. does he
4. shan’t I 19. have they isn’t that?
5 will he 20. isn’t it 10. We needn’t apply for a bank loan, do we?
6. won’t they 21. shall we
11. The chief guest spoke a few words, did he?
7. Hasn it 22. isn’t it
8. have I 23. will he 12. The rhinoceros has a horn made of keratin, haven’t they?
9. don’t they 24. have they
10. shouldn’t you 25. isn’t she Answers
11. isn’t it 26. won’t he
1. can they 2. aren’t they
12. aren’t you 27. haven’tyou
3. didn’t he 4. don’t I
13. can’t she 28. isn’t he
14. didn’t he 29. hassn’t he 5. are they 6. shall we
15. doesn’t she 30. won’t he 7. won’t she 8. haven’t they
9. is it 10. need we
Fill in the blanks with suitable questions tags. 11. didn’t he 12. hasn’t it
1. He is still sleeping, ________?
a) is not he b) isn't he c) wasn't he Add suitable question tags to the following sentences and
2. You go to school, ________? punctuate properly.
1. The children are very happy today.
a) do you b) aren't you c) don't you
3. Let's go for a walk, ________? 2. You have not returned my books yet.
a) shall we b) shan't we c) will we 3. We enjoyed the trip very much.
4. We won't be late, ________? 4. Let’s clean the shelves this weekend.
a) won't we b) will we c) are we
5. My mother rarely travels by bus.
5. Nobody called, ________?
6. Somebody must bell the cat.
a) do they b) didn't they c) did they
6. They will wash the car, ________? 7. Anita never comes late to the office.
a) will it b) won't they 8. I am always the winner.
c) wouldn't they 9. Don’t commit this mistake again.
7. We must lock the doors, ________?
10. There is a pharmacy near that bus stand.

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11. Bacteria can never survive in extreme weather conditions. 7. Anita never comes late to the office, does she?
12. I am not as smart as you are. 8. I am always the winner, aren’t I?
13. The boys broke the windowpane last evening. 9. Don’t commit this mistake again, will you?
14. Leaves wither during autumn. 10. There is a pharmacy near that bus stand, isn’t there?
15. You should add a little salt to the buttermilk. 11. Bacteria can never survive in extreme weather conditions,
can they?
12. I am not as smart as you are, am I?
1. The children are very happy today, aren’t they?
13. The boys broke the windowpane last evening, didn’t
2. You have not returned my books yet, have you?
3. We enjoyed the trip very much, didn’t we?
14. Leaves wither during autumn, don’t they?
4. Let’s clean the shelves this weekend, shall we?
15. You should add a little salt to the buttermilk, shouldn’t
5. My mother rarely travels by bus, does she?
6. Somebody must bell the cat, mustn’t they?

8. Tenses

Tense Signal Word Use Example Sentence

• Every day
• Something that happens repeatedly
• Sometimes
• How often something happens
• Always
Simple • One action follows another
• Often
Present/Present • Things in general The sun rises in the east.
• Usually
Simple • With the following verbs (to love, to hate, to think, etc.)
• Seldom
• Future meaning: timetables,
• Never
• First ... then

• Now
• At the
• Something is happening at the same time of speaking or
around it
• Look!
• Future meaning: when you have already decided and The boys are playing
Present Continuous • Listen!
arranged to do it (a fixed plan, date) hockey.
• Last ...
• Action finished in the past, mostly connected with an
• ... ago
expression of time
• In 1990
• Yesterday

• An action that happened in the middle of another action

Past Continuous • While • Someone was doing something at a certain time (in the She was singing.
past) that you do not know whether it was finished or not

• Just
• Yet
• Never
• Ever • You say that something has happened or is finished in the
• Already past and it has a connection to the present
Present Perfect He has just gone out.
• So far • An action that was started in the past and
• Up to now continues up to the present
• Since
• For
• Recently

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• All day
• The whole day • An action that began in the past and has just stopped Mala has been suffering
Present Perfect
• How long • How long the action has been happening from cold for the last two
• Since • Emphasis: length of time of an action days.
• For
• Mostly when two actions in a story are related to each
• Already
other: the action which had already happened is put into The train had started
Past Perfect • Just
past perfect, the other action into simple past when he came.
• Never
• The past of present perfect
• How long Anand had already been
Past Perfect • How long something had been happening before
• Since teaching there for five
Continuous something else happened
• For years.
• Predictions about the future (you think that something will
• You decide to do something spontaneously at the time of I'm sure Helen will get a
Will - future
speaking (you haven't made a first class.
decision before)
• The main clause in type I of the ‘if clauses’
• When you have already decided to do something in the
I am going to the cinema
Going to - future future
• What you think what will happen
• An action will be in progress at a certain time in the future. My friend will be meeting
Future Continuous This action has begun before the certain time me by this time
• Something happens because it normally happens tomorrow.
By the end of this month,
• Something will have already happened before a certain I will have
Future Perfect
time in the future worked here for five
• Something will have already happened before a certain By next March, we shall
Future Perfect
time in the future have been living here for
• Emphasis: length of time of an action four years.

Tense Form 3. I ______ him only one letter up to now. (sent, have sent,
Simple Present S + V1 + O
4. She ________ worried about something. (looks/looking/is
Present Continuous S + am/is/are + (V + ing) + O looking)
Present Perfect S + have/has + V3 + O 5. It started to rain while we _________ tennis. (are
S + have/has been + (V + ing) playing/were playing/had played)
Present Perfect Continuous 6. He _________ fast when the accident happened. (is
driving/was driving/drove)
Simple Past S + V2 + O
7. He _______ asleep while he was dining. (falls/fell/has
Past Continuous S + was/were + (V + ing) + O fallen)
Past Perfect S + had + V3 + O 8. I'm sure I ________ him at the party last night. (saw/have
seen/had seen)
Past Perfect Continuous S + had been + (V + ing) + O
9. He _____ a mill in this town. (have/has/is having)
Future Simple S + will + V + O
10. He ______ here for the last five years. (worked/is
Future Continuous S + will be + (V + ing) + O working/has been working)
11. He thanked me for what I _______. (have done/had
Exercise done/have been doing)
1. The Earth ________ round the Sun. 12. I _________ a strange noise. (hear/am hearing/have been
(move/moves/moved) hearing)
2. My friends _________ the Prime Minister yesterday. 13. I _______ him for a long time. (know/have known/am
(see/have seen/saw) knowing)

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14. I ___________ English for five years (study/am 7. Manju _______ (call) after we reached home.
studying/have been studying) 8. The show _______ (complete) one thousand episodes by
15. Don't disturb me, I _________ my homework. (do/did/am next month.
doing) 9. Don’t worry, we will be _______ (reach) the airport in
16. Abdul _______ to be a doctor. (wants/wanting/is
17. The soup ________ good. (taste/tastes/is tasting) 10. Prasanna has _______ (fall) sick after eating some s nacks
18. He __________ TV most evenings. (watches/is watch/is at the street side shop.
19. He _________ out five minutes ago. (has gone/had
1. was having a 2. was spitting
3. did not make 4. heard
20. When he lived in Hyderabad, he ______ to the cinema
5. left 6. had been playing
once a week. (goes/went/was going)
7. called 8. will have been completed
Answers 9. reaching 10. fallen
1. moves 11. had done
2. saw 12. hear Choose the correct form of the present tense of the verb
3. have sent 13. have known from the options given.
4. looks/is 14. have been studying 1. All children __________ something new every day.
5. were playing 15. am doing (learn/learns/learned)
6. was driving 16. wants
2. A good student always ________ hard.
7. fell 17. tastes
8. saw 18. watches
3. Engineers ___________ bridges. (build/builds/built)
9. has 19. went
4. My sister is an architect. She __________ skyscrapers.
10. has been working 20. went
Fill in the blanks with the past perfect tense of the given 5. The Himalayas ______________ India from the cold winds .
word. (protect/protects/protected)
1. When Usha looked out of the window, dark clouds 6. It always ________ here in the afternoon.
__________ (gather) over the mountains. (drizzle/drizzles/drizzled)
2. She had no umbrella with her. The weather 7. My mother _____________ in a factory.
__________________ (seem) so fine just a few hours ago. (work/works/worked)
3. All was dark again. Night __________ (fall). 8. Kamali ________ English very well, but she doesn’t
4. She ran towards the big gap in the wall through which she understand Hindi. (speak/speaks/spoke)
___________ (enter). 9. Cows __________ us milk. (give/gives/gave)
5. Usha looked back at the ruins. The sun ____________ 10. The trains to Chennai always _________ on time.
(come) up and was touching the top of the walls. (run/runs/ran)

Answers Answers
1. had gathered 2. had seemed 1. learn 2. works 3. build 4. designs
3. had fallen 4. had entered 5. had come 5. protect 6. drizzles 7. works 8. speaks
9. give 10. run
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verbs
given in the brackets.
Fill in the blanks using the verbs in the brackets in the future
1. When the burglars broke into the house, everybody
_________ (have) sound sleep.
2. The milk ____ (spill) over as she went to see the crowd 1. We ________ not ________ to the market, in case it
passing by with loud slogans. rains. (go)
3. If Karthik _________ (not + make) any mistake, he will be 2. Keerthi ________ his work by next week. (do)
rewarded. 3. The peon ________ the bell by the time I reach the school.
4. They were watching the TV when they _________ (hear) a
loud bang at the door.
4. I ________ my sister's house next April if I go to
5. The bus _________ (leave) the stop before we could catch
Uttarkhand. (visit)
6. Arya _______ (play) the same song for the last three days. 5. If you listen carefully, you ________ my point.
It has become boring now. (understand)

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6. By next year, I ________ in Chennai for fifteen years. (live) Answers
7. The new edition of this book ________ out shortly. (come) 1. had never seen 2. did not reserve 3. had been
8. She hopes you ________ her. (help) 4. had lived 5. had experienced 6. had lost
7. had been 8. had chased 9. visited
10. had called
1. will, go 2. will do/will be doing
3. will be ringing 4. will visit
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in
5. will understand 6. shall have lived
the brackets.
7. will come 8. will help
1. Everyone ___________ when the earthquake hit the small
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in town. (sleep)
brackets. 2. Evangelene ___________ her job a couple of years ago.
The people of India, as a whole, (1) ___________ (be) warm-
hearted and hospitable. Any calamity in any part of the world
3. Where ___________ your last holidays? (you spend)
immediately (2) ___________ (arise) their charity and
4. I think Suresh ___________ for Tiruvallur next morning.
generosity and a committee (3) ___________ (be) promptly
(4) ___________ (set) up to collect funds to help the
5. I was angry___________ that I such a mistake. (make)
distressed. The most endearing quality in them (5)
6. My mother was tired yesterday because she ___________
___________ (be) the respect they show for the work done
well the night before. (not sleep)
in any capacity. They (6) ___________ (believe) in what we
7. Her parents___________ in Coimbatore for two weeks
(7) ___________ (call) the dignity
from today. (be)
of labour.
8. Nothing much ___________ when I got to the meeting.
Answers (happen)

1. are 2. arouses 3. is 4. set 9. Scientists predict that by 2050, man ___________ on Mars.

5. is 6. believe 7. call (land)

10. Sh! Someone ___________ to our conversation. (listen)

Fill in the blanks using the past tense form of the verbs. 11. The plane ___________ off in a few minutes. (take)

1. I ____________ never _______ (see) such a beautiful 12. They ___________ about me when I interrupted their

sunrise before I came here. conversation. (talk)

2. We were not able to stay overnight as we ___________ 13. Justin and his parents ___________ in an apartment right

not (reserve) the tickets in advance. now because they can’t find a cheap house. (live)

3. Nirmala ___________ (be) to the concert several times. 14. Rajini Prem’s family ___________ in Chengalpet now.

4. Mariappan knew Pudukottai so well because he (be)

____________ (live) there for five years. 15. Yusuf ___________ to the movies once in a while. (go)

5. Yusuf understood the problem because he __________ 16. This ___________ an easy quiz so far. (be)

(experience) the situation earlier. 17. Our team ___________ any games last year. (not win)

6. Catherine did not have any cash because she 18. We ___________ a wonderful film at the cinema last

____________ (lose) her purse. night. (see)

7. My father _________ (be) to Mumbai once before. 19. Hurry up! The movie __________. (already begin)

8. The cat ___________ (chase) the bird before it flew out of Answers

the yard. 1. was sleeping 2. had quit 3. did you spend

4. left 5. had made 6. had not slept 7. will be
9. Edith _____________ (visit) several doctors before she
8. had happened 9. will land 10. is listening
found out what the problem was with her knee. 11. will take 12. were talking
10. If we _______ (call) the manager ahead, we would not 13. are living 14. is 15. goes
16. has been 17. did not win
have needed to wait so long for a table.
18. saw 19. may have already begun

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• The object of the active voice should be changed into the

9. Active and Passive Voice subject of the passive voice.
Active Passive
I Me
Somu helps Ramu.
We Us
Ramu is helped by Somu.
You You
Both the sentences express the same meaning.
He Him
In the first sentence, the form of the verb shows that the
She Her
person denoted by the subject does something.
It It
Somu (the person denoted by the subject) does something.
They Them
The verb ‘helps’ is said to be in the active voice.
In the second sentence, the form of the verb shows that The verb form should be written in the passive form (past
something is done to the person denoted by the subject. participle form).
Something is done to Ramu (the person denoted by the The tense should not be changed.
The verb ‘helped’ is said to be in the passive voice. Rules for Passive Voice (All Tenses)
The places of the subject and object in a sentence are
Active Voice
interchanged in the passive voice.
A verb is in the active voice when its form shows that the
The third form of the verb (past participle) will be used only
person or thing denoted by the subject does something or in
(as the main verb) in the passive voice.
other words, is the doer of the action.
The active voice is so called because the person denoted by Auxiliary Verbs for Each Tense
the subject acts. Simple Present Tense
Active Voice Passive Voice
Passive Voice
He sings a song. A song is sung by him.
A verb is in the passive voice when its form shows that
I write a book. A book is written by me.
something is done to the person or thing denoted the
Subject + verb(s) + Object + is/are + past participle + by
object + me/us/him/her/it/them
The passive voice is so called because the person or thing
denoted by the subject is not active but passive, i.e. suffers or Present Continuous Tense
receives some action.
Active Voice Passive Voice

Voice I am writing a letter. A letter is being written by me.

You are beating the cat. The cat is being beaten by you.
Voice is that form of a verb which shows whether what is
denoted by the subject does something or has something Subject + am/is/are + Object + am/is/are + being + past

done to it. (verb+ing) + object participle + subject

We refused them admission. (Active Voice) Simple Past Tense
Admission was refused to them by us. (Passive Voice) Active Voice Passive Voice
I killed a snake. A snake was killed by me.
Edison invented the bulb. The bulb was invented by Edison.
When the verb is changed from the active voice to the
Subject + past form of Object + was/were + past
passive voice, the object of the transitive verb in the active
the verb + object participle + by + subject
voice becomes the subject of the verb in the passive voice.
Since the object of a verb in the active voice becomes the
Past Continuous Tense
subject of the passive form, it follows that only transitive
Active Voice Passive Voice
verbs can be used in the passive voice because an intransitive
He was driving a car. A car was being driven by him.
verb has no object.
We were kicking the The ball was being kicked by us.
While changing a sentence from active voice to passive voice,
the following points should be carried over. Subject + was/were + Object + was/were + being + past
(verb + ing) + object participle +by/me/us/you
• The subject of the active voice should be written as the
agent of the passive voice.

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Past Perfect Tense Active Voice Passive Voice
Active Voice Passive Voice Put on the light. Let the light be put on.
They had completed the The assignment had been Don’t hate anybody. Let nobody be hated by you.

assignment. completed by them. Ask him to stand out. Let him be asked to stand out.

They had not completed The assignment had not been Alternative Method
the assignment. completed by them. Active Voice Passive Voice
Subject + had + past Object + had + been + past Walk on the platforms. You are advised to walk on the
participle + object participle + by + subject Please shut up. platform.
You are requested to shut up.

Simple Future Tense

Sentences Beginning With Let
Active Voice Passive Voice
Active Voice Passive Voice
She will buy a car. A car will be bought by her.
Let him buy the book. Let the book be bought by him.
We shall meet the Chief The Chief Minister will be met
Minister. by us. Let him eat the mango. Let the mango be eaten by him.
Subject + shall/will+verb Object + shallbe/will be + past
Change of Voice in the Infinitives
+object participle + by + me /us
Active Voice Passive Voice
/you/him/her/it/them It is time to attend the It is time for the function to be
function. attended.
Future Perfect Tense You will have to do it. It will have to be done by you.
Active Voice Passive Voice
Use of Prepositions
You will have started the The job will have been started
Active Voice Passive Voice
job. by you.
They speak to him. He is spoken by them.
You will have completed This painting will have been
the painting. This glass contains water. Water is contained in this
completed by you.
Subject + shall/will have + Object + shall/will have + been
past participle + object + past participle + by + me Interrogative Sentences
me/us/you/him/her/it them Active Voice Passive Voice

(or) subject Do you know me? Am I known by you?

Shall we do the homework? Will the homework be done
Note: The following tenses cannot be changed into passive
by us?
Present perfect continuous tense
Tense Active Voice Passive Voice
Past perfect continuous tense
Coffee is made by
Future continuous tense Simple Present He makes coffee.
Future perfect continuous tense Present He is making Coffee is being made
Sentence having intransitive verbs Continuous coffee. by him.
He has made Coffee has been made
Special Cases Present Perfect
coffee. by him.
Use of the Modals Coffee was made by
Simple Past He made coffee.
Active Voice Passive Voice him.
I can lift this box. This box can be lifted by me. He was making Coffee was being
Past Continuous
They may win the The match may be won by them. coffee. made by him.
match. He had made Coffee had been
Past Perfect
coffee. made by him.
Imperative Sentences
He will make Coffee will be made
An imperative sentence in the passive voice begins with Simple Future
coffee. by him.
‘let’.It has the following form, ‘Let + subject + be + past
He will have Coffee will have been
participle’. Future Perfect
made coffee. made by him.

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Active Voice Passive Voice Answers
Post this letter. Let this letter be posted. 1. The mouse was killed by the cat.
Don't open the door. Let the door not be opened. 2. The tree was cut down by the man.
Keep your promise. Your promise should be kept. 3. America was discovered by Columbus.
Who helped you? By whom you were helped 4. He was praised by his teacher.
Enter by front door You are asked to enter by front 5. The dog was teased by the boy.
door 6. The horse is fed by the syce every day.
They laughed at her. She was laughed at by them 7. He was arrested by the police.
I taught him English. He was taught English by me. 8. A kite was being made by Rama.
You surprise me. I am surprised. 9. The ball was caught by the boy.
They must do it. It must be done.
10. A letter will be written by my father.
Rama loves Sita. Sita is loved by Rama.
11. He will be conquered (by me).
The mason is building the The wall is being built by the 12. I was kept waiting by him.
wall. mason.
13. The lion was shot by the hunter.
The peon opened the gate. The gate was opened by the
14. The door was opened by Hari.
15. The thief was caught by a policeman.
Some boys were helping The wounded man was being
16. The ball was thrown by Sohran.
the wounded man. helped by some boys.
17. Twenty runs were scored by him.
He will finish the work in a The work will be finished by
18. I am vexed by your behaviour.
fortnight. him in a fortnight.
19. Character is revealed by manners.
Who did this? By whom was this done?
20. A very remarkable discovery was made by him.
Why did your brother write Why was such a letter written
21. Great oaks are felled by little strokes.
such a letter? by your brother?
22. The pony will be brought by Dhondu.
Convert the following sentences from the active voice to the 23. He is loved by everyone.
passive voice.
24. This picture has been drawn by my cousin.
1. The cat killed the mouse.
25. Good news is expected by us.
2. The man cut down the tree.
3. Columbus discovered America. Convert the following active sentences into passive
4. His teacher praised him. sentences by supplying an appropriate passive verb form.
5. The boy teased the dog.
1. She will not recognise us. / We ____________ by her.
6. The syce feeds the horse every day.
a) will not recognise
7. The police arrested him.
b) will not being recognised
8. Rama was making a kite.
c) will not be recognised
9. The boy caught the ball.
10. My father will write a letter. 2. They didn’t invite me, but I went anyway. / I
11. I will conquer him. ________________, but I went anyway.
12. He kept me waiting. a) wasn't invited
13. The hunter shot the lion. b) wasn't being invited
14. Hari opened the door. c) wasn't inviting
15. A policeman caught the thief.
3. They broke up the table for firewood. / The table
16. Shohran threw the ball.
____________ up for firewood.
17. He scored twenty runs.
a) broke
18. Your behavior vexes me.
b) had broken
19. Manners reveal character.
c) was broken
20. He made a very remarkable discovery.
21. Little strokes fell great oaks. 4. She has won the first prize. / The first prize
22. Dhondu will bring the pony. ______________ by her.
23. Everyone loves him. a) has won
24. My cousin has drawn this picture. b) has been won
25. We expect good news. c) had been won

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5) A friend of mine is repairing the car. / The car Change the following sentences to the other voice.
_______________ by a friend of mine. 1. The manager appointed many office assistants.
a) is repairing 2. You are making a cake now.
b) is repaired 3. That portrait was painted by my grandmother.
c) is being repaired 4. Malini had bought a colourful hat for her daughter.
6) Begin the work tomorrow. / Let the work ____________ 5. They have asked me to pay the fine.
tomorrow. 6. The militants were being taken to prison by the police.
a) be begun 7. His behaviour vexes me.
b) begin 8. Rosy will solve the problem.

c) is beginning 9. Our army has defeated the enemy.

10. The salesman answered all the questions patiently.
7. They speak English in New Zealand. / English
_______________ in New Zealand. Answers
a) is speaking 1. Many office assistants were appointed by the manager.
b) is spoken 2. A cake is being made by you now.
c) is being spoken 3. My grandmother painted that portrait.
8) His attitude shocked me. / I _______________ by his 4. A colourful hat had been bought by Malini for her
attitude. daughter.
a) had shocked 5. I have been asked to pay the fine by them.
b) had been shocked 6. The police were taking the militants to prison.
c) was shocked 7. I am vexed by his behaviour.
9. She had already sent the parcel. / The parcel 8. The problem will be solved by Rosy.
_______________ by her. 9. The enemy has been defeated by our army.
10. All the questions were answered by the salesman
a) has already been sent
b) had already been sent
c) was already sent
Change the following into passive voice.
10. Her silence worries me. / I _______________ her silence.
1. Please call him at once.
a) am worrying by
2. How did you cross the river?
b) am worried by
3. No one is borrowing the novels from the library.
c) have worried by
4. Will you help me?
Answers 5. Go for a jog early in the morning.
1. c 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. c 6.a 7. b 8. c 9. b 10. b 6. Why have you left your brother at home?
7. Nobody should violate the rules.
Change the following into passive voice. 8. Someone has to initiate it immediately.
1. Stanley will inform you later. 9. Have you invited Raman to the party?
2. People speak Portuguese in Brazil. 10. Please do not walk on the grass.
3. My grandfather built this house in 1943. 11. Cross the busy roads carefully.
4. Do not hurt the animals. 12. When will you book the tickets to Bengaluru?
5. You must not drop litter in the streets.
6. Carry it home.
1. You are requested to call him at once.
7. They are decorating the wall.
2. How was the river crossed by you?
8. He has already mended the TV set.
3. The novels from the library are not being borrowed.
Answers 4. Shall I be helped by you?
1. You will be informed by Stanley later. 5. You are advised to go for a jog early in the morning.
2. Portuguese is spoken in Brazil (by the people). 6. Why has your brother been left at home by you?
3. This house was built in 1943 by my grandfather. 7. The rules should not be violated.
4. Let not the animals be hurt. 8. It has to be initiated immediately by someone.
5. Litter must not be dropped in the streets (by you). 9. Has Raman been invited to the party by you?
6. Let it be carried home. 10. You are requested not to walk on the grass.
7. The wall is being decorated by them. 11. You are advised to cross the busy roads carefully.
8. The TV set has already been mended by him. 12. When will the tickets be booked to Bengaluru by you?

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(Adjective modifying ‘suggestion’)
10. Infinitives, Gerund and • The manager called her to give the last warning.
(Adverb modifying the verb ‘called’)
We use plain/bare infinitives with these modals.
Shall Will Do Did Would Make Need
Finite Verb May Might Could Must Let Dare See
A verb that indicates tense and changes according to the
The infinitive may function as a subject, direct object, subject
subject is a finite verb.
complement, adjective or adverb in a sentence. Although an
infinitive is easy to locate because of the ‘to + verb’ form,
My brother goes to the temple daily.
We have already finished the project. deciding what function it has in a sentence depends on the
The words ‘goes’ and ‘finsihed’ in the examples are finite
Finite verbs indicate the tense and time of actions. • To wait seemed foolish when decisive action was

Finite verbs undergo a change as and when the subject required. (Subject)
(number or persons) changes. • We intended to leave early. (Direct object)
Finite verbs change tense and number according to the • His ambition is to fly. (Subject complement)
subject. • He lacked the strength to resist. (Adjective)
Examples • We must study to learn. (Adverb)
• Arun invited Suresh to his daughter’s birthday. Gerunds
• Her friends presented the girl with a toy. A gerund is an action word that ends in ‘-ing’ and functions as
• His friend presented a watch. a noun.
A gerund phrase consists of a gerund plus modifier(s),
Non-Finite Verbs object(s) and ‘and/or’ complement(s).
A non-finite verb (also known as a verbal) is used to describe Examples:
a verb that does not indicate tense according to the subject. • Jumping is fun.
Non-finite verbs are called gerunds, infinitives and participles. (Subject to a verb)
Non-finite verbs do not indicate the tense and time of • My son enjoys skiing.
actions. (Object to a verb)
Non-finite verbs do not change even when the subject • Kala has a unique way of teaching.
(number of persons) changes. (Object to a preposition)
• It is no use crying.
Classification of Non-Finite Verbs
(In opposition to a pronoun)
i. Gerunds 1. Walking is a healthy habit.
(verb + ing) (Present participle is used as a noun) Participles
ii. Infinitive 2. I like to walk early in the morning. A participle is a verb that ends in ‘-ing’ (present particle) or ‘-
(to + verb) (to infinitive) ed’, '-d’, ‘-t’, ‘-en’ and '-n’ (past particle).
iii. Present 3. These are my walking shoes. Participles may function as adjectives, describing or modifying
participle (Present participle is used as an adjective) nouns.
iv. Past 4. Having walked a long distance, I felt tired. Examples:
participle • The dancing parrots entertained the crowd.
• The wrecked sailboat washed up on the shore.
Seeing the tiger, the man ran away.
• The infinitive is often called as ‘to verb’.
• Usually, it functions as a noun. It can also function as an In the above example, the word ‘seeing’ is a form of the verb
and has an object, namely, tiger. The word 'seeing’ is also like
adjective or an adverb.
an adjective as it qualifies the noun, man. It is, therefore,
• Infinitives may be used without ‘to’ and we call such
called a participle.
infinitives as a plain infinitive or a bare infinitive.
Examples: A participle is partly a verb and partly an adjective. It is a
verbal adjective.
• She made me do my project.
I saw a man running along the road.
• I have a suggestion to offer.
The child spoke with a girl selling flowers.

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Hearing a loud sound, they rushed out of the room. 11. But we really want ____________ (visit) other planets and
The boy cried, thinking that he would be beaten. find out if life exists on them.

In all the above sentences, the words given in bold are 12. Can you imagine ___________ (walk) up to a Martian and
shaking hands and ____________ (say), “Hello, how are
present participles as they indicate an unfinished action.
However, the sentences are determined by finite verbs such 13. We really look forward _____________ (meet) alien
as saw, spoke, rushed and cried. creatures and ________ (find) out what they are really like.
14. Many scientists have warned us not _____________
• Driven by heavy rain, we took shelter under a tree.
(take) this dangerous journey, but we are not discouraged.
• We saw a goods train loaded with grains.
15. Travelling to faraway planets involves ____________ (risk)
• Stricken with grief, she kept herself alone in the
our lives for the thrill of discovery.
room. 16. However we won’t delay ____________ (blast) off into
• Time once lost is gone forever. space.
In the above sentences, the highlighted words are called pas t 17. Would you like __________ (accompany) us on our
journey if you could?
participles as they indicate a completed action. Past
18. During our training, we have got used to ___________
participles usually end with ‘-ed’, '-d’ ‘-n’, ‘-t’ or ‘-en’.
(be) weightless and ___________ (live) under difficult
Apart from the above, present participles and past participles
are used as adjectives to qualify the nouns. 19. Scientists admit to __________ (be) intensely curious
Examples: about life on other planets.
This is a dancing doll. 20. I’m sure they would also enjoy __________ (travel) with
Mother bought a tilting grinder. our crew.
21. We told them ____________ (come) with us on our trip,
These are rotten fruits.
but some of them think it is a waste of time ____________
The police returned the stolen jewels to its owner. (search) for life that doesn’t exist.
Here the words such as dancing, tilting, rotten and stolen 22. We have been taught how __________ (endure)
hardships during our training and now we can’t afford
qualify the nouns that follows them.
__________ (waste) money.
However, ‘dancing’ and ‘tilting’ are present participles, while
‘rotten’ and ‘stolen’ are past participles. Answers
1. to complete 2. to survive
Write the gerund/infinitive form of the verbs in the blanks. 3. trying 4. to be
5. quitting 6. to achieve
1. The astronauts managed ___________ (complete) their
7. studying 8. to help
training in record time.
9. preparing 10. travelling
2. They learned how __________ (survive) in space without
11. to visit 12. walking, saying
13. to meet, finding 14. to take
3. The best astronaut almost quit _________ (try) to learn the
15. risking 16. blasting
complex information.
17. to accompany 18. being, living
4. Their mission appeared __________ (be) in jeopardy.
19. being 20. travelling
5. Marina encouraged him by saying, "It’s no good
21. to come, searching 22. to endure, to waste
__________ (quit) the project right at the end".
6. Being an astronaut will enable you __________ (achieve) Use the gerund form o the verb in the brackets and fill in the
great success in life. blanks.
7. If you give up ____________ (study) now, our mission will 1. ________ (exercise) is good for health.
be scrubbed. 2. ________ (fly) a kite is fun.
8. Think of your fellow astronauts who wouldn’t hesitate 3. ________ (shop) is my favourite hobby.
__________ (help) you in times of trouble. 4. My friend waited for the ________ (meet).
9. We astronauts must keep on _______________ (prepare) 5. Huckleberry Finn was responsible for __________ (signal).
for our space launch.
10. Some say it’s no use _____________ (travel) to distant
1. Exercising 2. Flying 3. Shopping
planets, because it takes too long.
4. meeting 5. signaling

43 | P a g e Copyright © Veranda Learning Solutions

Fill in the blanks with the correct infinitives.
1. Deva forgot _________ the letter. 11. A - Sentence Pattern
2. The doctor advised the patient __________ his medicines
without fail.
There are five elements of a sentence.
3. Rajesh went to the airport _______ his friend.
Subject (S)
4. The bear climbed up the tree _______ the honey.
Verb (V)
5. The boys went to the forest _____________ birds.
Object (O)
6. I tried hard _______ both ends meet.
Adjunct (A)
7. The archaeologists are trying __________ the ruins of
Complement (C)
The object (O) is divided into Direct Object (DO) and Indirect
8. Solar energy is used ________ electricity.
Object (IO).
9. ________ concession, you have to apply well in advance.
Subject (S)
10. We have plans ________to London during summer
Ask the question ‘who’ before the verb to get ‘subject’. It
consists of nouns or pronouns. It occurs before a verb.
Answers Examples:
1. to post 2. to take
Nancy danced well. Here ‘Nancy’ answers the question ‘Who
3. to receive 4. to drink
danced well?’)
5. to watch 6. to make
The child broke the glass. (Here ‘the child’ answers the
7. to study 8. to generate
9. To get 10. to go question ‘Who broke the glass?’)

Verb (V)
Combine each of the following pairs of sentences using
A verb shows an action, activity or work done by the subject.
1. The baby cried. She was feeling sleepy. It also tells the status. Ask the question ‘What does the
2. He lived alone. He had forgotten everybody. subject do?’ to get the verb.
3. She walked out. She was smiling. Examples:
4. The child says he needs attention. He shouts loudly. Jems wrote a letter. (Here, 'wrote' answers the question
5. I threw the pen. It was broken.
‘What did Jems do?’)
6. His coat is tattered. It needs mending.
He is a doctor.
7. I heard the noise. I turned around.
8. He was dissatisfied. He quit his job. The baby is crying.

9. The politician entered the campus. He was accompanied by

Object (O)
many comrades.
Ask the question ‘what/whom’ to get the object. Usually,
10. The girl entered the room. She was singing a song.
‘what’ is posed for things
and ‘whom’ is posed for persons. Persons may be nouns or
1. Feeling sleepy, the baby cried.
2. Having forgotten everybody, he lived alone. Examples:

3. She walked out smiling. He bought a pen.

4. Shouting loudly, the child said she needed attention. He handles the computer.
5. Throwing the pen caused it to break/I threw the broken I saw him.
pen. Direct Object (DO)
6. His tattered coat needs mending.
The direct object is the phrase or word which answers the
7. Hearing the noise, I turned around.
question ’what’.
8. Being dissatisfied, he quit his job.
9. Accompanied by many comrades, the politician entered Indirect Object (IO)
the campus.
The indirect object is the phrase or word which answers the
10. Singing a song, the girl entered the room.
question ‘whom’.

44 | P a g e Copyright © Veranda Learning Solutions

Sentence Pattern
A group of words that gives complete sense is called a
sentence. The basic sentence patterns are:
• SV (Subject + Verb)
• SVO (Subject + Verb + Object)
• SVIODO (Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object)
• SVC (Subject + Verb + Complement)

Complement (C) • SVOC (Subject + Verb + Object + Complement)

The words that are required to complete the meaning of a Note: Adjunct could be added to all these five patterns.
sentence are called complement.
Usually, it follows ‘be form’ verbs (is/am/was/are/were) or 1. SV (Subject + Verb)
1. God / forgives.
become, elected, appointed, make, sold, grew, appeared,
christened, call, suppose, prove, think, consider, find, believe,
2. Caesar / hath wept.
guess, judge, baptize, call, etc. 3. The crowd / laughed.
Examples: 4. Gold / glitters.
He is a dentist. 5. The telephone / rang.
She named the boy John.
It grew dark. 2. SVO (Subject + Verb + Object)
Ronaldo / scored / three goals.
The object complement answers the questions ’how’ that is S V O
asked on the object. He / would not take / the crown.
Examples: The collector / inspected / the building.
He painted the car blue. (‘Blue’ answers the question ‘How He / has donated / his eyes.
did he paint the car?’) Brutus / stabbed / Caesar.
Here the word blue answers the question ‘how’ asked on the
object ‘car’. 3. SVIODO (Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object)
Adjunct (A) You / lend / me / your ears.
Adjunct is an adverb or an adverbial expression of place, S V IO DO
purpose, time, etc. It answers the questions when, where, Viji / bought / Mary / a gift.
how and why. Normally, an adjunct can come anywhere in a He / gave / her / a beautiful bouquet.
He / taught / me / Hindi.
sentence — in the beginning, at the end or in the middle.
Adjuncts are just additional units. Any number of adjuncts can
4. SVC (Subject + Verb + Complement)
be added to a sentence. Even without adjuncts, what remains This lesson / is / interesting.
will still be a complete and meaningful sentence. S V C
Examples: Brutus / is / an honourable man.
He went to Delhi. (Where) She / is / a dermatologist.
She writes slowly. (How) He / remained / a bachelor.
My friend came home yesterday. (When) The white rose / looks / beautiful.

Where? How? When? 5. SVOC (Subject + Verb + Object + Complement)

Why? (Reason)
(Place) (Manner) (Time) They / elected / her / the class leader.
Here, there By bus/cycle Now, later Due to cold S V O C
Through After two The committee / declared/ him / the winner.
Everywhere Through floods
efforts years He / painted / the car / blue.
When Under They / appointed / him / the vice-captain.
In the sky By mixing
young compulsion
In the 6. SVA (Subject + Verb + Adjunct)
At home By hard work Carefully We / are meeting / on Friday.

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7. SVOA (Subject + Verb + Object + Adjunct)
The crowd / cheered / him / lustily.
S V O A 1. The wall collapsed.

Man / hunts / animals / mercilessly. (a) SV (b) SVO

The Americans / have sent / a rocket / to the Mars.
2. During the war, many people lost their homes.
(a) SVO (b) SVIODO
8. SVCA (Subject + Verb + Complement + Adjunct)
(c) ASVO (d) ASVA
He / is / a professor / with a lot of experience.
3. I promised the children a trip to the zoo.
(a) SVO (b) SVDOIO
9. SVOCA (Subject + Verb + Object + Complement + Adjunct)
4. In 1998, Frank moved to London.
The committee / appointed / him/ the chairperson / on
(a) ASVA (b) ASVO
(c) SVIODO (d) SVO
5. Pooja hired a bicycle.
(a) SV (b) SVO
10. SVAA (Subject + Verb + Adjunct + Adjunct)
(c) SVA (d) ASVO
The stars / twinkle / in the sky /at night.
S V A A Answers
1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (b)
11. SVIODOA (Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct
Choose the correct sentences for each pattern.
Object + Adjunct)
1. SV
Trees / give / us / fruits / year after year.
(a) Melissa reads
S V IO DO A (b) She sees her sister
(c) I like eggs
13. ASVO (Adjunct + Subject + Verb + Object)
(d) Jack ran slowly
Due to gravity / the Earth / could hold / everything.
2. SVO
(a) He is smart
(b) She is eating
14. ASVIODO (Adjunct + Subject + Verb + Indirect Object +
(c) I like eggs
Direct Object)
(d) Sarah is here
In this lesson, / Gaia / tells / the man / her tale.
3. SVC
A S V IO DO (a) Sarah is here
(b) Jack ran slowly
15. ASVC (Adjunct + Subject + Verb + Complement) (c) He is smart
Now a days, / life / has become / hectic. (d) My father presented me a watch.
(a) Ram danced well
16. SAVA (Subject + Adjunct + Verb + Adjunct)
(b) Science has made man’s life comfortable
We / always / work / hard.
(c) She sees her mother
S A V A (d) My brother presented me a cycle
17. SVAC (Subject + Verb + Adjunct + Complement)
(a) She gave money to the poor
Arun’s answer / is / almost / right. (b) She read the book
S V A C (c) Melissa was the class president
(d) My father presented me a watch
18. ASAVO (Adjunct + Subject + Adjunct + Verb + Object)
That day, / Priya / quickly / finished / her dinner.
1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (d)

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20. Vacation long holidays
11. B - Homophones 21.
Tail the back part of an animal/a thing
22. Adapt make suitable
Homophones are words having similar pronunciations but
Adopt take in one’s family as son or
different spellings and meanings. daughter
Examples: tail, tale, by, buy 23. Object Thingmiserable
Homonyms are words with similar pronunciations and similar 24. Apposite proper
Opposite contrary
spelling but different meanings.
25. Accessary helper in crime
Examples: fair (county fair), fair (reasonable) Accessory extra useful things
26. Ark a boat
Guidance Arc a part of a circle
See the following homophones and homonyms with their 27. Bail security
meanings and usage in a sentence. Bale big packing
28. Dye to colour
Die expire
1. Ail disturb
Ale beer 29. Pray offer prayer
2. Altar a sacred place of worship Prey animal/bird hunted for food
Alter change 30. Plain simple
3. Berth a sleeping seat in train Plane surface
Birth coming to life 31. Rice a food grain used mainly in India
4. Beach seashore (staple diet)
Rise come up
Beech a tree
32. Desert sandy land
5. Blue colour
Dessert a sweet (or) fruit dish served after
Blew produce a current of air
6 Cost price 33. Sealing mark with stamp
Cast act of throwing
Ceiling inner roof
7. Heal to restore to health
34. Capital seat of administration
Heel the back part of the human foot
Capitol building of the United States Congress
below the ankle
35. Dual double
8. Deer a kind of fearful quick running wild
Duel a fight between two persons with
Dear lovable
36. Differ disagree
9. Dairy the place where milk and milk
Defer postpone
Diary products are made
a personal record of daily events 37. Dew drops of moisture in the morning
10. Fair acting in an honest and honourable Due what one deserves
manner 38. Decent looking nice
are money charged for a journey Descent coming down
11. New latest 39. Cession yielding
Knew aware Session period of working of committee,
12. Sell give in exchange for moneybasic college, etc.
Cell structural and functional unit of life 40. Council an assembly of selected nominated
13. Wait delay acting members
Weight the gravitational force of an object Counsel advice, suggestion
towards the Earth 41. Confirm make permanent
14. Steal take secretly Conform comply with
Steel a hard alloy of iron 42. Device toolto find a plan or method
15. Right morally good Devise
Write make letters or other symbols 43. Lightening decrease
16. Sea the expanse of salt water that covers Lightning a flash in the cloud during rains and
See the earth visualise storms
44. Precede go before
17. Peace state of freedom of the mind Proceed continue
Piece a bit 45. Check prevent
18. Some a few Cheque pay order by a bank
Sum Particular amount of money or sum of 46. Canvas a rough cloth
two or more numbers. Canvass recommend
19. Principal chief, head 47 Roll form in a cylindrical shape
Principle basic or General Scientific theorem Role part

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48. Sole the bottom surface of the shoes
Soul spirit
12. Find Out the Error
49. Angle the space between two lines meeting
at a point or three places meeting at a
Ankle the joint that connects the leg with
(Articles, Prepositions, Nouns, Verbs,
the foot Adjectives, Adverbs)
50. Vain useless
Vein the blood vessel that takes blood to Directions: Some of the sentences are grammatically correct
the heart
and some are incorrect. Find out which part of the sentence
51. Coarse rough has an error and mark that part. If there is no error, mark that
Course onward movement
part as your answer.
52. Complement that completes
Compliment expression of regard/gift 1. It is an university (a) / situated at Bodh Gaya (b) / in
53. Corps division of army
Bihar (c) / No error (d)
Corpse dead body
54. Cannon a big gun 2. He saw (a) / that the clock (b) / has stopped (c) / No
Canon rules
error (d)
55. Effect produce an impact or change
Affect Infect or Influence 3. If it will rain (a) / I shall not attend (b) / the meeting (c) /
56. Mail post
No error (d)
Male masculine gender
57. One ordinal number 4. Lakshman is the one (a) / who always finds (b) / fault
Won victory
with whatever Ramesh does (c) / No error (d)
58. Meat the flesh of an animal
Meet see in person 5. We know where it begins (a) / but we don't know (b) /
59. Scene stage performance
that where it ends (c) / No error (d)
Seen visualised
60. Ear part of the body used to hear the 6. The simplest method (a) / of welding two pieces of metal
sound together (b) / is known as pressure welding (c) / No error (d)
the time taken by the Earth to orbit
Year the Sun 7. One of the important benefits (a) / of machine age (b) /
61. Tide hold together
Died stop living is that our standard of life has improved (c) / No error (d)
62 Price value of a thing 8. There is sense of urgency (a) / in locating alternative
Praise flatter
63. Aunt uncle’s wife sources of water to (b) / augment the dwindling supply (c) /
Ant a small creature No error (d)
64. Root the underground part of a plant
Route way 9. Although there is virtually no production in India (a) / the
65. Nun the female member of a religious
'Encyclopedia Britannica' estimate (b) / that India has perhaps
None no one the largest accumulated stocks of silver in the world (c) / No
error (d)
66. New latest
Knew aware
10. Neither the severe earthquake (a) / or the subsequent
67. Week the space of seven days in a calendar
Weak lacking strength famine (b) / could demoralise the people of the country (c) /
No error (d)
68. Sale an act of selling
Sail to set out on a voyage
11. As soon as I shall reach New Delhi (a) / I shall send you
69. Lessen mitigate
the file (b) / you have asked for (c) / No error (d)
Lesson the prescribed portion of instruction
70. Pass get through 12. Ramesh made (a) / an universal appeal (b) / to
Pause stop karthikeyan (c) / No error (d)
71. Gilt Gold-coloured
Guilt sinfulness 13. I bought (a) / a HMT watch (b) / ( for my brother (c) / No
error (d)
72. To a preposition
Too an adverb meaning excessively
14. Sam is a tallest boy (a) / in the class (b) / said by Arun (c)/
Two number
No error (d)

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15. Raja (a) / has passed (b) / his M.A in 1967 (c)/No error (d)

16. The Scientist said (a) / that water boiled (b) / at 100 13. Comprehension
degree centigrade (c) / No error (d)

17. We are all proud (a) / for our (b) / old culture (c) / No (A) Punzo entered the arena. He was dressed in navy blue
error (d) jeans and a shirt. The crowd cheered him with loud applause.
18. Academicians (a) / are committed for (b) / their teaching The huge bull, sulking at the corner, rushed madly at him. He
assignments (c) / No error (d) waved a red cloth, which increased the bull's fury. He quickly
caught hold of its horns and hung in mid-air, suspended for a
19. The Vice-Chancellor (a) / is annoyed upon (b) / his
officers because of their negligence (c) / No error (d) moment. It looked as though the bull might throw him off
and trample him down. But the next minute, Punzo had the
20. I have (a) / great fondness (b) / of sweets (c)/No error (d)
situation under control. He twisted the bull's head with all his
21. Have (a)/you bought (b)/some mangoes? (c)/No error (d) might. The bull fell down with a loud roar, rolled over on the
ground and lay very still. For a second, there was absolute
22. India and Russia (a) / have always (b) / supported one
silence all around the arena. Then the crowd cheered the
another (c) / No error (d)
matador in wild ecstasy.
23. Ramesh is wiser (a) / than old (b) / told by his
grandmother (c)/No error. 1. What did Punzo do when the bull rushed at him?

24. No less than (a) / five litres of milk (b) / is there in the Ans: Punzo waved a red cloth when the bull rushed at him.
pot (c) / No error (d)
2. Did the bull trample him down?
Answers Ans: No, the bull did not trample him down.
1. (a) a university
3. Why did the crowd cheer Punzo?
2. (c) had stopped
3. (a) Remove ‘will’ Ans: Punzo had overpowered the bull. So, the crowd cheered
4. (d) No error
5. (c) Remove 'that' 4. What is the meaning of ecstasy?

6. (b) Remove 'together' Ans: 'Ecstasy' means wild joy.

7. (b) Use 'the machine age' 5. By what name is a bull-fighter called?
8. (a) Add 'a' before 'sense'
Ans: A bull-fighter is called a ‘matador’.
9. (b) Use 'estimates'
(B) Orlando, the youngest son of Sir Rowland de Bois, had
10. (b) Use 'nor' for 'or'
been left in the care of his eldest brother, Oliver, when their
11. (a) Remove 'shall' father died; but Oliver proved an unworthy brother.
12. (b) a universal Disregarding the orders of his dying father, he kept Orlando
13. (b) an HMT at home, untaught and entirely neglected. But Orlando
resembled his noble father so much in his good qualities that
14. (a) the tallest
even without education, he seemed like a youth who had
15. (b) Remove ‘has’
been brought up with the utmost care. Oliver envied him
16. (b) boils bitterly and wished he were dead. To bring this about, he
17. (b) of our persuaded him to engage in a wrestling match with a famous
wrestler who had killed many men. It was this cruel brother’s
18. (b) committed to
neglect of him that made Orlando wish to die, being so
19. (b) annoyed with
20. (c) for sweets
1. Who was Oliver?
21. (c) Change ‘some’ into ‘any’
Ans: Oliver was the eldest son of Sir Rowland de Bois.
22. (c) each other
2. What was the order given to Orlando by his father. to do?
23. (a) more wise
Ans: Orlando's father ordered him to take care of his eldest
24. (d) No error
son Oliver.

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3. Did Oliver do his duty? If not, why? 5. Do you think that the author has any strange habits? If so,
what is it?
Ans: Oliver did not do his duty. He envied Orlando bitterly
Ans: Yes. The author has a strange habit. He eats eggs only if
and wished he were dead.
they are boiled in milk.
4. How did Oliver try to kill his brother?

Ans: Oliver tried to kill his brother by persuading him to

engage in a wrestling match with a famous wrestler who had
14. Select the Correct Sentence
killed many men.
Choose the correct sentence from the given sentences
5. Why did Orlando wish to die?
1. a) Me favorite color was green.
Ans: Orlando wished to die because he was friendless and his b) Me favorite color is green.
cruel brother neglected him. c) My favorite color is green.

(C) I have always been attracted by people of unusual habits. d) My favorite color are green.

By this, I do not imply hippies and drop-outs or anyone of that

2. a) I am happy then.
band of unhappy people for whom modern society is too sick
b) I happy now.
and uncivilised to bear. No, I mean those quiet, orderly
c) I am happy all time
people, living apparently blameless lives, who enrich their
d) I am happy now.
humdrum existences by adopting odd quirks and passions,
unlikely routines or harmless manias for useless objects. Like 3. a) What time is it?
the secretary I had, who collected earwigs, though what she b) What time it is?
did with them I never knew. I believe that she loved them c) What time is?
because they were small and thin like herself and had a way d) What time was it?
of scuttling about in very much the same way she did. Life, I
4. a) My head hurts.
am sure, would be very much poorer without such people in
b) My heads hurt.
it. Sometimes, I feel I am lacking in personality since I have c) My heads hurts.
none of these strange habits unless you count the fact that I d) My head hurt.

never eat eggs unless they are boiled in milk. 5. a) When we going to eat?

1. What attracted the author? b) When we want eat?

c) When are we going to eat?
Ans: People of unusual habits attracted the author.
d) When we want to eat?
2. According to the author, who are the people who have
6.a) He don’t like vegetables.
unusual habits?
b) He does not like vegetables.
Ans: Quiet, orderly people, living apparently blameless lives c) He didn’t like vegetables.
who adopt odd quirks, have unusual habits according to the d) He did not like vegetable.
7. a) They had been speaking.
3. What did the author's secretary collect?
b) They has been speaking.
Ans: The author's secretary collected earwigs. c) They will speaking.
d) They shall be speaking.
4. According to the author, why did the secretary love
earwigs? 8. a) She did her homework every night.

Ans: The secretary loved the earwigs because they were small b) She done her homework every night.

and thin like her and had a way of scuttling about in very c) She does her homework every night.

much the same way she did. d) She does her homework last night.

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9. a) I am leaving now.
b) I will leave now. 15. Odd Words
c) I will leaving now.
d) I leaving now.
10.a) I go now.
A noun is the name of a person, place or thing.
b) I am going now. • A common noun is the name of a person, place or thing
c) I will going now. in general such as man, school and book.
d) I will go now. • A proper noun is the name of a particular person, place
or thing, such as Sam, Chennai, Onida etc. All proper nouns
11. a) I want three eggs. start with a capital letter.
b) I want three egg. • A collective noun is a name given to a group of things,
c) I wanted three egg. such as a flock of birds or a herd of cows.
d) I wants three egg. • An abstract noun is something you can't see, hear, touch
or taste. These can be emotions (happiness, sorrow) or states
12.a) We was learning English. (peace, quiet).
b) We are learnt English. • A material noun is the name of the material with which a
c) We are learning English. thing is made of.
Examples: cotton, wool, silk, etc.
d) We are learned English.

13. a) The cabinet will decided on the bill next week. Verb
b) The cabinet will decide on the bill last week. Verbs are words that show action. They indicate different
dimensions of time — the present, past and future called
c) The cabinet will decide on the bill next week.
d) The cabinet will be decide on the bill next week.
Examples: sing, sang, will/shall sing

14. a) Here is comes Caesar.

A verb denotes what a person or a thing does.
b) Here is coming Caesar.
c) Here will come Caesar.
He teaches in our school.
d) Here comes Caesar. He often visited his village.

15. a) My father sold his car last week. A verb denotes what is done to a person or a thing.
b) My father will sell his car last week. Examples:
c) My father was sold his car last week She was punished.
d) My father selling his car last week. Mala was taught a lesson.

16. a) The child was lying cramped when the doctor coming A verb denotes what a person or a thing is.
She is a pretty village girl.
b) The child was lying cramped when the doctor came in.
My brother is a chemist.
c) The child will be lying cramped when the doctor came in.
d) The child were lying cramped when the doctor came in. Auxiliaries are otherwise known as helping verbs. These
words are used with present/past participles to make a
17. a) I shall ask him tomorrow when I will seeing him. complete verb.
b) I shall ask him tomorrow when I saw him. Example: be/do/have verbs.
c) I shall ask him tomorrow when I see him.
Most action words show tense in a regular way and we state
d) I shall asked him tomorrow when I see him.
them under regular verbs.
Answers Examples: dance - danced; show – showed.
1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (b) 11. Yet, there are certain verbs which change their spelling to
(a) 12. (c) 13. (c) 14. (d) 15. (a) 16. (b) 17. (c) show the past tense and the past participle.

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Examples: ring/rang/rung; do/did/done. Adjectives of Number (Numeral Adjectives)
Such words are said to be irregular verbs. They answer the question ‘how many’.
Observe the given irregular verbs. Six Students present in the drawing class.
Present Past Past Participle Note: Numeral adjectives are of three kinds — definite,

Arise Arose Arisen indefinite and distributive.

Choose Chose Chosen

Definite Numeral Adjectives
Eat Ate Eaten
They denote an exact number.
Give Gave Given Examples:
Know Knew Known The hand has five fingers.
Meet Met Met We have two eyes to see.
Ride Rode Ridden She ate three bananas.

See Saw Seen

Ordinal Adjectives
Begin Began Begun
An ordinal number is an adjective that denotes what place
Draw Drew Drawn an object has in a certain order.
Fall Fell Fallen Examples:
Hurt Hurt Hurt Sunday is the first day of the week.
Lie Lay Lain Kalpana Chawla was the first Indian-born woman to go to
Pay Paid Paid
Manmohan Singh is the fourteenth Prime Minister of India.
Spend Spent Spent
Take Took Taken Indefinite Numeral Adjectives
They do not denote an exact number. Some of the indefinite
Adjective numeral adjectives are all, no, many, few, some, any and
An adjective is a word that is used to qualify a noun or several.
pronoun in order to highlight its meaning.
I have many pencils.
Part A Part B
He is a man of few words. (He doesn't talk much)
Ramya is a girl. Ramya is a cheerful girl.
He needs no introduction. (Everyone knows him)
Jasmine is a flower. Jasmine is a fragrant flower.

When you add the adjectives 'cheerful' and 'fragrant' to the Adverb
nouns 'girl' and 'flower', the meaning of the nouns are An adverb is a word that is used to add something to the
qualified and enhanced. meaning of a verb.
He sings loudly.
Adjectives of Quality (Descriptive Adjectives)
Example :
They answer the question ‘of what kind’.
Parts of Function of
Examples: Examples
Speech Job
The ant is a tiny but wise creature. Live, was, were, decide, learn,
He is an honest man. Verb Action or state attend, scold, walk, tired, busy,
The Taj Mahal is a wonderful building. chat, play, missed
Bicycle, farmer, sister, brother,
A person,
Adjectives of Quantity Noun mother, father, village, road,
place or thing
school, family
They answer the question ‘how much’.
Describes a Hardworking, two, eleven, lazy,
Examples: Adjective
noun old, brand new, upset
She ate the whole apple.
Describes a
Babu ate some rice.
verb, an Always, regularly, gruffly, along,
He showed much patience. Adverb
adjective or an often
He spent all his money. adverb

52 | P a g e Copyright © Veranda Learning Solutions

The following prefixes or suffixes at the beginning or end of - Munificence Munificent Munificently
the word determine whether they are verbs, nouns,
adjectives or adverbs. Harmony Harmonious Harmoniously
Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
En- -ment -able -ly Magnani Magnani
- Magnanimity
Im- -ness -ible (Most of the adverb ends mous mously
-es -tion -ive with -ly. Some exceptions - Hercules Herculean -
-ed -sion -ful such as fast, hard, often,
Construct Construction Constructive Constructively
-ire/ise -ance -al nearby, etc.)
Portrayed Portray Portrayal -
-fy -cy -ant
-en -ity -ic Patronise Patronage - -
-ate -th -ave Anoint Anointment Anointed -
-ish -ce -ent
Devotee, Devoted, Devotedly,
-dom -ant Devote
devotion devotional devotionally
-ship -ar
Dedicate Dedication - -
-hood -ing
-er/or -y Feared Fear Fearful Fearfully

- - Proper Properly

Verb Noun Adjective Adverb Valued Value Valuable -

Apply Application Applicable - Imagine Imagination Imaginary -

Think Thought Thoughtful Thoughtfully Appreciate Appreciation Appreciative Appreciatively

- Purpose Purposeful Purposely Remember Remembrance - -

Lovable, Announce Announcement - -

Loved Love loving, Loveably Decide Decision Decisive Decisively

- Classics Classical Classically

Clear Clarity Clear Clearly 16. Formation of Plurals
Live Life, living Live, alive Lively
Social, A noun that denotes one person or thing is said to be in a
- Society Socially
sociable singular form, e.g. boy, book, pen.
Entertain Entertainment Entertaining - A noun that denotes more than one person or thing is said to
be in a plural form, e.g. boys, books, pens.
- Seriousness Serious Seriously
Usually, nouns will form plurals by adding ‘s’ to the singular
Lose Loss Lost - forms. Some unusual formations of plural forms are given
Brief Brevity Brief Briefly below.
Observe Observance Observable -
- Certainty Certain Certainly
1. Some nouns do not change while taking the plural form.
Organise Organisation Organised - Singular Plural
Act Action, act Active Actively Deer Deer

Activate Activity - - Dozen Dozen

Aircraft Aircraft
Sing Song, singing - -
Gross Gross
Public, Hundred Hundred (when used after numerals)
Publicise Public -
Means Means
Sensitive, Sensitively, News News
Sensed Sense
sensible sensibly Swine Swine
Resemble Resemblance - - Furniture Furniture

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2. Nouns ending in ‘-y’ form the plural by changing '-y' into '-i' 6. Nouns ending with '-a' form their plural by changing into '-
and adding ‘-es’. ae’.
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Authority Authorities Alga Algae
Formula Formulae
Baby Babies
Amoeba Amoebae
Copy Copies
Difficulty Difficulties
7. Nouns ending with '-um' form their plural by changing into
Family Families ‘-a’.
Lady Ladies Singular Plural
Story Stories Bacterium Bacteria
Curriculum Curricula
3. Some nouns ending in ‘-o’, ‘-s’, ‘-ch’, ‘-sh’ or ‘-x’ form the Medium Media
plural by adding ‘-es’ to the singular. Corrigendum Corrigenda
Singular Plural Datum Data

Bench Benches
8. Nouns ending with ‘-is’ form their plural by changing into ‘-
Box Boxes
Brush Brushes Singular Plural
Bus Buses Analysis Analyses
Class Classes Axis Axes
Dish Dishes Basis Bases

Echo Echoes Diagnosis Diagnoses

Ellipsis Ellipses
Hero Heroes

Mango Mangoes 9. Nouns ending with ‘-us’ form their plural by changing into ‘-
Match Matches i’.

Potato Potatoes Singular Plural

Tax Taxes Alumnus Alumni

Watch Watches Bacillus Bacilli

Genius Genii
4. A few nouns ending in '-o’ generally those which are in less Hippopotamus Hippopotami
common use.
Radius Radii
Singular Plural
Piano Pianos
10. A compound noun generally forms its plural by adding ‘-s’
Photo Photos
to the main word.
Stereo Stereos
Ratio Ratios Singular Plural

Dynamo Dynamos Commander-in-chief Commanders-in-chief

Daughter-in-law Daughters-in-law
5. Nouns ending with ‘-f’ or ‘-fe’ form their plural by changing
‘-f’ of ‘-fe’ into ‘-v’ and adding ‘-es’. Governor-general Governors-general

Singular Plural Manservant Menservants

Knife Knives Man-of-war Men-of-war
Leaf Leaves Passer-by Passers-by
Shelf Shelves
Runner-up Runners-up
Thief Thieves
Son-in-law Sons-in-law
Wife Wives

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11. Plurals of irregular forms. 24 Hypothesis Hypotheses
Singular Plural 25 Index Indices
Child Children 26 Locus Loci
Foot Feet
27 Matrix Matrices
Goose Geese
28 Medium Media
Man Men
29 Memorandum Memoranda
Mouse Mice
Ox Oxen 30 Nucleus Nuclei

Woman Women 31 Nebula Nebulae

32 Ovum Ova
12. Some nouns have two plural forms. 33 Oasis Oases
Singular Plural 34 Phenomenon Phenomena
Aquarium Aquaria/aquariums 35 Plateau Plateaux
Cactus Cacti/cactuses 36 Radius Radii
Curriculum Curricula/ 37 Stratum Strata
Fungus Fungi/funguses 38 Stylus Styluses
Medium Media/mediums 39 Symposium Symposiums
Stadium Stadia/stadiums 40 Stimulus Stimuli
Syllabus Syllabi/syllabuses
41 Synopsis Synopses
Terminus Termini/terminuses
42 Tableau Tableaux/tableaus
43 Thesis Theses
Some More Examples
44 Tooth Teeth
S. No. Singular Plural
45 Ultimatum Ultimata
1 Addendum Addenda
46 Volcano Volcanos/volcanoes
2 Apex Apexes/apices
47 Vertebra Vertebrae
3 Apparatus Apparatuses
48 Wolf Wolves
4 Antenna Antennae/antennas
5 Appendix Appendices
Write the plural form of the given words.
6 Automation Automata
1. Food –
7 Aircraft Aircrafts 2. Radius –
8 Bureau Bureaux/bureaus 3. Governor-general –
9 Cactus Cacti 4. Syllabus –
10 Calf Calves 5. Datum –
6. Commander-in-chief –
11 Chasis Chasses
7. Thesis –
12 Child Children
8. Forum –
13 Crisis Crises 9. Cattle –
14 Criterion Criteria 10. Genius –
15 Datum Data 11. Chair –
16 12. Eskimo –
17 Dictum Dicta 13. Loaf –
14. Hero –
18 Dilettante Dilettanti
15. Apex –
19 Dwarf Dwarfs
20 Ferry Ferries Answers
1. Food 2. Radii 3. Governors-general 4. Syllabi
21 Erratum Errata
5. Data 6. Commanders-in-chief 7. Theses 8. Fora
22 Forum Fora
9. Cattle 10. Geniuses/genii 11. Chairs 12. Eskimos
23 Focus Foci 13. Loaves 14. Heroes 15. Apexes

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17. Simple, Complex & Compound I go, he/she/it goes, we go.
In the above-given example, the verb ’go’ has been changed

Sentence according to the tense of the verb and number and person of

A sentence may consist of one or more clauses. the subject.

In spite of/despite, being, on account of, having besides and
the like are phrases used in simple sentences.
A clause is a group of words with a subject and a predicate. A
clause has a subject and a finite verb of its own.
1. Ramu is too poor to buy a bicycle.

Main Clause 2. Despite his old age, Raghav walked fast.

A clause that can stand independently and make complete 3. In the event of not consulting a doctor, you cannot
sense is called the principal or main clause. recover.
4. On seeing the teacher, the children stood up.
Subordinate Clause
5. Due to a heavy downpour, the match was cancelled.
A clause that can’t stand on its own and depends on another
clause to make complete sense is called the subordinate
clause. Compound Sentence
A compound sentence joins two or more independent
Coordinating Conjunctions
For, so as well as, no less than, therefore, but, yet, still, or
The most common coordinating conjunctions are and, or,
only, so on, and
otherwise, but, yet, therefore, etc.
Subordinating Conjunctions Examples:
That, when, after, while, whenever, till, since, where, as, so Ramu is very poor and he cannot buy a bicycle.
that, if, unless, though, although, even though Raghav was old, yet he walked fast.
You consult a doctor otherwise you cannot recover.
Types of Sentences
The children saw the teacher and they stood up.
Sentences can be of three types.
There was a heavy downpour and the match was cancelled.
• Simple
• Complex
• Compound
Complex Sentence
A complex sentence has one independent clause and one or
Simple Sentence more dependent clauses.
It has one independent clause (A clause is a group of words
with a subject and a verb).
Though he is poor, he helps others.

Example: ‘Though he is poor’ is the subordinate clause and ‘he helps

The boy sat under a tree. others’ is the main clause.

Which is the verb in the sentences? sat

Is there any other verb in this sentence? No. There is no other Other Examples:
verb. Ramu is so poor that he cannot buy a bicycle.
So this sentence has only one verb. Such a sentence that has Though Raghav was old, he walked fast.
only one finite verb is called a simple sentence. Unless you consult a doctor, you cannot recover.
As soon as the children saw the teacher, they stood up.
Finite Verb
As there was a heavy downpour, the match was cancelled.
A finite verb shows the tense, person and number of the
(The parts of the sentences given in bold are the main

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5. a) Being busy, Jeba could not attend the wedding. (Simple)
b) As/Since Jeba was busy, she could not attend the wedding.
c) Jeba was busy and so she could not attend the wedding.

6. a) The coffee is too hot to drink. (Simple)

b) The coffee is so hot that I cannot drink it. (Complex)
c) The coffee is very hot and so I cannot drink it. (Compound)
Subordinate conjunctions such as ‘because, since, although,
when, while, where, which, that, after, etc.,’ are used to
S. Simple Complex Compound
connect independent clauses with the dependent clauses in No
complex sentences. 1 Inspite of + verb Though/although But/yet/still
Coordinate conjunctions such as ‘but, and, or, yet, so, etc.,’ + ing Despite + Eventhough
are used to connect independent clauses in compound
2 In the event of If ...... can/will Or ..... not
sentences. /could/ would
In case of Unless ....... And
Transformation of Sentences
On + (Verb + When/as soon as And/at once
To transform a sentence is to change the sentence from one ing)
grammatical structure to another without altering the 3 Being As/since/because And so
meaning of the sentence. Such a process is called the
4 As a result of
transformation of sentences. On account Since/as/because And/and
of/because of so/therefore
Examples (Conversion Simple into Compound and Complex)
Due to/owing to
5 Too .... to So. ... that .... Very .... and so
1. a) Inspite of/Despite her poverty, Anuja stood first in the
can/could not
examination. (Simple) 6 In order to So that And so
b) Although/Eventhough/Though Anuja was poor, she s tood 7 Besides .... + (V Not only .... but And/as well as
+ ing) also
first in the examination. (Complex)
8 Without ..... + (V After Must .....
c) Anuja was poor, yet/but/still she stood first in the
+ ing) otherwise
examination. (Compound)
Transform the following sentences as instructed.
2. a) On hearing the good news, Agnel felt happy. (Simple)
1. On seeing the teacher, the children stood up.
b) When Agnel heard the good news, he felt happy. (into complex)
(Complex) 2. At the age of six, Varsha started learning music.
c) Agnel heard the good news and he felt happy. (Compound) (into complex)
3. As Varun is a voracious reader, he buys a lot of books.
3. a) In the event of running first, you will win the race.
(into simple)
4. Walk carefully, lest you will fall down. (into complex)
b) If you run fast, you will win the race. (Complex) / Unless
5. Besides being a dancer, she is a singer. (into compound)
you run fast, you will not win the race. (Complex)
6. He is sick, but he attends the rehearsal. (into simple)
c) Run fast or you will not win the race. (Compound)
7. If Meena reads more, she will become proficient in the
4. a) On account of/Because of/Due to/Owing to/As a result language. (into compound)
of bad weather, the match was postponed. (Simple) 8. He confessed that he was guilty. (into simple)
b) As/Since the weather was bad, the match was postponed. 9. The boy could not attend the special classes due to his
(Complex) mother’s illness. (into compound)
c) The weather was bad and so the match was postponed. 10. He followed my suggestion. (into complex)

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Answers 3. I must get a visa. I can travel abroad.

1. When the children saw the teacher, they stood up. I must get a visa to travel abroad. (Simple)

2. When Varsha was six, she started learning music. Unless I get a visa, I cannot travel abroad. (Complex)

3. Being a voracious reader, Varun buys a lot of books. I must get a visa or I cannot travel abroad. (Compound)

4. If you don’t walk carefully, you will fall down.

4. I saw a tiger. It was wounded.
5. She is not only a dancer but also a singer.
I saw a wounded tiger. (Simple)
6. Inspite of his sickness, he attends the rehearsal.
I saw a tiger, which was wounded. (Complex)
7. Meena should read more or she will not become proficient
I saw the tiger and it was wounded. (Compound)
in the language.
5. There was a bandh. The shops remained closed.
8. He confessed his guilt.
In the event of a bandh, the shops remained closed. (Simple)
9. The boy’s mother was ill and so he could not attend the
The shops remained closed because there was a bandh.
special classes.
10. He followed what I had suggested.
There was a bandh and so the shops remained closed.

Combine the pairs of sentences below into simple, co mp lex

and compound.
Complete the following sentences.
1. Radha was ill. She was not hospitalised.
1. Dinesh and Prabhu wanted to meet Varsha at the bus stop.
2. The students were intelligent. They could answer the
They went to the bus stop. (Change into a compound
questions correctly.
3. I must get a visa. I can travel abroad.
2. Varsha reached the railway station. She was waiting for
4. I saw a tiger. It was wounded.
them there. (Change into a compound sentence)
5. There was a bandh. The shops remained closed. 3. While she waited at the train station, Varsha realised that

the train was late. (Change into a simple sentence)

Answers 4. Dinesh and Prabhu left the bus stop. Varsha rang them.

(Change into a complex sentence)

1. Radha was ill. She was not hospitalised.
5. The trio met at the station. Varsha left for Madurai.
Inspite of her illness Radha was not hospitalised. (Simple)
(Change into a complex sentence)
Though Radha was ill, she was not hospitalised. (Complex)

Radha was il,l but she was not hospitalised. (Compound)


2. The students were intelligent. They could answer the 1. Dinesh and Prabhu wanted to meet Varsha at the bus stop

questions correctly. and so they went to the bus stop.

Being intelligent, the students could answer the questions 2. Varsha reached the railway station and she was waiting for

them there.
correctly. (Simple)
3. Waiting at the railway station, Varsha realised that her
Since the students were intelligent, they could answer the
train was late.
questions correctly. (Complex)
4. After/When Dinesh and Prabhu left the bus stop, Varsha
The students were intelligent and so they could answer the
rang them.
questions correctly. (Compound)
5. After the trio met at the railway station, Varsha left for


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Positive Comparative Superlative
18. Degrees of Compassion Bold Bolder Boldest

Long Longer Longest

An adjective can be written in three different types to
Great Greater Greatest
denote three degrees of comparison.
• Positive degree
• Comparative degree
Positive Comparative Superlative
• Superlative degree Just More just than The most just

The comparison may be of a quality or a quantity, an Wrong More wrong than The most wrong

adjective or an adverb. Real More real than The most real

1. The positive degree is used to denote the mere existence

• If the positive ends in one consonant preceded by a short
of quality.
vowel, the consonant is doubled before adding ‘-er’ and ‘-est’.
She is a tall girl. Positive Comparative Superlative

She is as tall as Mala. Hot Hotter Hottest

Rani is not so tall as Geetha. Fat Fatter Fattest

Kumar is a kind man.

• Adverbs of more than one syllable take more and most.
It is a tall building.
Positive Comparative Superlative
Mango is sweet to taste.
Quickly More quickly than The most quickly
2. The comparative degree is used to compare the quality of Slowly More slowly than The most slowly

two persons or things.

Examples: • When the positive ends in ‘-e’, only ‘-r’ and ‘-st’ are added.
Khan is shorter than Gopi. Positive Comparative Superlative

The lion is stronger than the tiger. Large Larger Largest

A tsunami is more destructive than a cyclone. Fine Finer Finest

Wise Wiser Wisest
This building is taller than any other building.

Mango is sweeter than pineapple.

• When the positive ends in ‘-y’ preceded by a consonant,
3. The superlative degree is used when more than two the ‘-y’ is changed into ‘-i’ before adding ‘-er’ and ‘-est’
Positive Comparative Superlative
persons or things are compared. It singles out one from all
Pretty Prettier Prettiest
the rest.
Happy Happier Happiest
The elephant is the biggest animal on land. Exceptions:
Mahatma Gandhi is one of the best leaders in the world. Positive Comparative Superlative
Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world. Shy Shyer Shyest
This is the tallest building. Sly Slyer Slyest
Mango is the sweetest fruit.
• If ‘-y’ is preceded by a vowel, then ‘-y’ is not changed into

Titbits: If the positive ends in two consonants or in a single ‘-i’.

consonant preceded by two vowels, '-er’ and ‘-est’ are added. Gray Grayer Grayest

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• The adjectives which have two syllables will take more and Johnson is one of the richest men in the town. (Superlative)
most to form a comparative degree and superlative degree, Johnson is richer than most other men in the town.
respectively. (Comparative)
Very few men in the town are as rich as Johnson. (Positive)
Gymnastics is one of the most fascinating events in the
Positive Comparative Superlative
Olympics. (Superlative)
Beautiful More beautiful Most beautiful Gymnastics is more fascinating than most other events in the

Valuable More valuable Most valuable Olympics. (Comparative)

Very few events in the Olympics are as fascinating as
Popular More popular Most popular
gymnastics. (Positive)
Honest More honest Most honest
Type III – Positive Comparative Model
Industrious More industrious Most industrious
Here, only two persons or things are compared. There is no
• Some adjectives have irregular ways of forming their
superlative degree.
comparatives and superlatives.

Kamala is shorter than Kala.

Kala is not as short as Kamala.
Positive Comparative Superlative Silver is not more useful than iron.
Good/well Better Best Iron is as useful as silver.
Bad/ill Worst Worst

Little Less Lest Exercise

Much/many More Most
1. Very few girls in the school are ________________ Uma.
Far Farther Farthest
(a) taller than (b) as tall as
Fore Former Foremost (c) tallest as (d) none of the above

Type I – ‘The, Any, No’ Model 2. Shakespeare is one of the ________________ dramatists
in the world.
Here, more than two persons or things are compared. It is a
(a) better (b) good
matchless type.
(c) best (d) none of the above

Humayun was the weakest king in the Mughal Empire.

3. No other player is _________________ Bala.
(a) swifter than (b) swiftest as
Humayun was weaker than any other king in the Mughal
(c) as swift as (d) none of the above
Empire. (Comparative)
No other king in the Mughal Empire was so weak as 4. Mala is ____________ other students in her class.
Humayun. (Positive) (a) as hard-working as (b) more hard-working than
(c) most hard-working as (d) none of the above
The dog is the most faithful animal. (Superlative)
5. She is _____________ of the two.
The dog is more faithful than any other animal.
(a) the tallest (b) taller than
(c) the taller (d) none of the above
No other animal is as faithful as the dog. (Positive)
6. Iron is __________ any other metal.
Type II – ‘One of the, Most, Very few’ Model (a) as useful as (b) more useful than
Here, more than two persons are compared in plural form. (c) most useful as (d) none of the above

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7. Mumbai is ___________ any other city. 8. Ram is _________ Eswar.
(a) most crowded as (b) most crowded than (a) the tallest (b) taller
(c) more crowded than (d) none of the above (c) as tall (d) taller than

8. Very few actors are ____________ Kiran. 9. Meghna is the ________ girl in the class.
(a) more popular as (b) most popular than (a) intelligent (b) more intelligent
(c) as popular as (d) none of the above (c) most intelligent (d) as intelligent as

9. This lesson is _____________ any other lesson. 10.Russia is the __________ country in the world.
(a) as interesting as (b) most interesting than (a) big (b) bigger
(c) more interesting than (d) none of the above (c) biggest (d) bigger than

10. He is ____________ boy I have ever seen. Answers

1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (c)
(a) the responsible (b) the most responsible
(c) more responsible (d) none of the above

Answers 19. Form a New Word by

1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (c) 9. (c) 10. (b)
Blending the Words

1. Very few Indian languages are __________ Tamil. A blended word or a blend is a word formed from parts of

(a) most ancient than (b) as ancient as two or more other words.

(c) ancient (d) ancient as Example:

Interpol arrested the criminal.

2. A tiger is ______ than a fox.
Here ‘Interpol’ is formed by combining ‘international + police’.
(a) strong (b) stronger
(c) strongest (d) as strong as They are formed by the process of blending or combining two

3. Gold is not _______________ than iron. words.

(a) more useful (b) as useful as

Advertisement + inflation = adflation
(c) useful (d) most useful
Beauty + utility = beautility
4. Grapes are not _____________ apples.
Binary + digit = bit
(a) most expensive than (b) as expensive as
Breakfast + lunch = brunch
(c) more expensive than (d) expensive
Camera + recorder = camcorder
5. Teaching is _________ of all professions.
Cremated + remains = cremains
(a) the noblest (b) noble
Channel + tunnel = chunnel
(c) nobler than (d) as noble as
Diplomacy + economics = diplonomics
6. Shakespeare is _________ many other dramatists of the Documentary + drama = docudrama
Manmohan + economics = manmohanomics
(a) the greatest (b) greater
Electro + execute = electrocute
(c) as great as (d) greater than
Fantastic + fabulous = fantabulous
7. No other planet in our solar system is _______ Neptune.
Feeble + debility = feebility
(a) the coldest (b) colder
Fantatic + magazine = fanzine
(c) as cold as (d) colder than

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Feminine + seminar = feminar Find out the blended words.
1. International + police –
Gigantic + enourmous = ginormous
2. Helicopter + pad –
Helicopter + airport = heliport
3. Motor + hotel –
Man + animal = manimal 4. Education + satellite –
5. Electronic + commerce –
Laundry + automat = laundromat
Medical + evacuation = medevac
1. Interpol
Medical + care = medicare 2. helipad

Motor + bike = mobike 3. motel

4. edusat
Motor + hotel = motel
5. e-commerce
Motorcar + cavalcade = motorcade

News + broadcast = newscast

20. Compound Words
Parachute + troops = paratroops

Smoke + fog = smog

A compound word is a combination of two or more words
Television + evangelist = televangelist that function as a single unit of meaning.

Work + welfare = workfare 1. Noun + Noun

head + master - headmaster
Travel + catalogue = travelogue
key + board - keyboard
Electro + execute = electrocute
cell + phone - cell phone
Helicopter + airport = heliport
school + boy - schoolboy
Vegetable + hamburger = vegeburger
eye + sight - eyesight
Lecture + demonstration = lecdem home + work - homework

High + technology = high-tech moon + light - moonlight

Educational + satellite = edusat sea + food - seafood

Wipe + sweep = swipe star + light - starlight

honey + bee - honeybee

Splash + surge = splurge
note + book - notebook
Picture + element = pixel
tax + payer - taxpayer
Motor + pedal cycle = moped
sun + light - sunlight
Modulator + demodulator = modem
match + box - matchbox
Flap + drop = flop
motor + cycle - motorcycle
By + cause = because dream + world - dreamworld

Television + broadcast = telecast post + man - postman

Twist + fiddle = twiddle tape + recorder - tape recorder

Wade + toddle = waddle hand + shake - handshake

school + girl - schoolgirl

Teleprinter + exchange = telex
Dumb + confound = dumbfound taxi + driver - taxi-driver

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2. Gerund + Noun 5. Noun + Adjective

dining + room - dining room snow + white - snow white

working + day - working day world + wide - worldwide

washing + machine - washing machine life + long - lifelong

drinking + water - drinking water dead + slow - dead slow

waiting + hall - waiting hall radio + active - radioactive

cooking + gas - cooking gas light + sensitive - light-sensitive

sewing + machine - sewing machine

6. Preposition + Noun
walking + stick - walking stick
back + ground - background
calling + bell - calling bell
up + stream - upstream
baking + soda - baking soda
over + coat - overcoat
drawing + room - drawing room
over + bridge - overbridge

down + hill - downhill

3. Noun + Gerund

air + conditioning - air conditioning

7. Adjective + Noun
house + cleaning - house cleaning nobleman, gentleman, old boy

white + washing - whitewashing

8. Adverb + Noun
day + dreaming - daydreaming insight, outpost, fast food

4. Noun + Verb 9. Verb + Adverb

washout, flashback, make-over
snow + fall - snowfall

car + park - car park 10. Adjective + Verb

book + mark - bookmark free-drive, dry-clean, deep-fry

cat + walk - catwalk

11. Adverb + Verb
rain + fall - rainfall outrun, well-defined, downcast

hair + cut - haircut

12. Adjective + Adjective
tooth + ache - toothache pale blue, light green

night + fall - nightfall

13. Adverb + Participle
day + break - daybreak
outsourcing, incoming
water + fall - waterfall
14. Noun + Verb
bus + stop - bus stop
daybreak, waterfall, phone call, house arrest
sun + set - sunset

snow + drop - snowdrop 15. Noun + Preposition

countryside, root out

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16. Verb + Noun Form compound words from the box given below and fill in
showroom, watchman, playground, spare time
the blanks in the sentences that follow with the appropriate

compound words.
17. Verb + Adjective
fly high, tax-free waiting, out, income, green, sun, room, tax, alarm, dry, traffic,

wall, house, clock, jam, glasses, hair, cleaning, cut, put, paper
18. Verb + Preposition
put on, give up, look down
1. Siva visited the hair stylist to have a clean __________.

19. Verb + Gerund 2. Tharani had given the sarees for __________.
watch making, typesetting
3. The __________ is a natural process that warms the earth’s

20. Adjective + Verb
whitewash, clear cut, sidewalk 4. Never wait for an __________ to wake you up.

5. The children were late to school as there was a

21. Adjective + Gerund
__________ near the toll plaza.
hard-working, good looking
6. The government expects every individual to promptly pay
22. Preposition + Verb
the __________.
underplay, overact, outlook
7. People usually wear __________ during summer.

Choose the best answer to make a compound word. 8. The patients were asked to sit in the__________ until the

1. Which can be placed after ‘soft’? doctor arrived.

a) play b) ware
9. With teamwork, we are able to multiply our __________.
c) run d) cycle
10. The room was looking bright with the colourful
2. Which can be placed before 'light’?
a) try b) sun
c) horse d) cat

3. Which can be placed after ‘safe’?

1. haircut 2. dry-cleaning
a) chair b) guard
c) shop d) van 3. greenhouse 4. alarm clock

5. traffic jam 6. income tax

4. Which can be placed after ‘blue’?
a) cane b) print 7. sunglasses 8. waiting-room

c) see d) land 9. output 10. wallpaper

5. Which can be placed after ‘water’?

a) food b) stick
c) fall d) out

1. b 2. b 3. b 4. b 5. C

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