RA02 Storage and Handling of Glass

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Storage and Handling glass during manufacturing risk assessment (CG)

Risk assessment number: RA02 Customer: Trained Factory Location: Central Glass Factory Date: 26/4/2022
Brief description of task: Relevant Legislation:
Storing and handling glass during the manufacturing process  Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
 The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
Equipment Used:  The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
 Trollies  The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
 Air powered tools  The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992
 Electric/battery powered tools  The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992
 Staple gun  Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
 Knives

Overall risk rating: LOW

Hazard Identified Who may be Current controls in place L S Risk rating Control Measures to be L S Risk Rating after
harmed before Implemented controls applied
Electric shock from Operators Only used by competent 1 5 Low 1 5 LOW
defective equipment authorised personnel.
or fire from poorly
maintained/used A designated battery charging
electrical station is in place.
(e.g drills). Good space and light within

Annual PAT Testing is carried out.

Use of compressed Operators Contracted maintenance 1 4 Low 1 4 LOW
airlines to remove agreement for servicing of
debris and dust from equipment on an annual basis.
traditional stained
glass and on fret bars On the job training provided to
- leading to eye the operator.
injuries, air ingestion,

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Storage and Handling glass during manufacturing risk assessment (CG)
air embolisms and Operators to wear safety eyewear
infection. when operating compressed air to
remove debris.

Spray only used to clean machine.

Staff are not allowed to interfere
with the compressed air system.
Manual handling of Operators Benches are sizable to allow for 1 3 Low 1 3 LOW
general items larger parts to help positioning.
throughout the shop
floor, including stock Adequate safety footwear to be
items, finished worn at all times.
products, tooling etc.
The job is varied reducing the risk
Back strains from of repetitive strains.
stooping over
benches for lengths Gloves and protective sleeves are
of time. available for handling.

Foot fatigue from Good housekeeping is in place.

standing on cold hard
floor for long periods All Staff have undergone MH and
of time. Glass handling training which is
refreshed every 3 years as advised
Sprains and strains by training body.
Items falling from
benches or when

Foot impact/general
foot injuries.

Repetitive strains

Back strains.
Slips/Trips leading to Operators Good housekeeping in place 1 3 Low 1 3 Low

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Storage and Handling glass during manufacturing risk assessment (CG)
injuries such as cuts
and lacerations from Good room/space between
working in the area machines.
where glass is stored Designated areas where possible
for storing glass to minimize areas
of risk.
Use air powered Operators / those Operatives are trained in the use 1 3 Low 1 3 Low
tooling for nearby of the equipment.
assembling leading
to: Equipment is not used for long
Crush/pinch, cuts and periods of time, (reducing HAVs
abrasion injuries to risk).
fingers and hands,
and eye injuries Tools to be stored in a safe place
when not in use.
Hand Arm Vibration
Syndrome. Air Compressor located outside
the Workshop is regularly
maintained with a written scheme
of examination in place.

Operators trained as part of safe

working guidance to perform
visual checks peruse of any
equipment to check for defects.
Cuts/lacerations from Operators Gloves/protective sleeves/aprons 1 3 Low 1 3 LOW
large sheets of glass available for handling materials.
stored on portable
trollies throughout Ensure all PPE & safety footwear
the factory, and glass worn.
being handled
frequently during Good housekeeping to ensure
manufacturing. there is enough safe space for
MH Injuries from Operators On the job training provided to the 2 3 Low 2 3 LOW
moving and handling Lifting Engineer operator.

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Storage and Handling glass during manufacturing risk assessment (CG)
load when
guiding/loading Crane to take the weight.

Adequate safety footwear to be

worn at all times.

The job is varied reducing the risk

of repetitive strains.

All staff have undergone MH and

Glass Handling training and MH
risk assessment is in place.

This Risk Assessment must be reviewed, amended and signed by the supervisor and the contents understood by the working party prior to work commencing. All operatives
will at all times wear the required PPE as designated by their supervisor.
Whilst on site all operatives will keep good housekeeping.

Signed: Joe Walker – Health and Safety Adviser Date: 26/04/2022

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Storage and Handling glass during manufacturing risk
assessment (CG)

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