Mole Worksheet
Mole Worksheet
Mole Worksheet
Topic : Mole Concept DDP-(3)
1. What mass of H,SO, will contam 0.S mole o-aloms
8. Boron exist in nature in form of B"&Bil atomic mass of Bis l0.8 amu. Calculate mole %of B" &
B'in the mixture.
() - (2) - (3) - (4)
9. Mass ratio of O; & CO, is 2:1the molar ratio is
() - (2) - (3) - (4) -
10. For NO & NO, mixture, M,p 38, the % mass of cach gas in the mix
() - (2) - (3) - (4) -
11. V.D.of agas mix containing SO, & SO, is 36, the molar composition of the mixture
() (2) - (3) - (4) -
The density of a gaseous mix containing NO & O; is 3.2 g/L at 2.463 atm. & 300 K. What would be the
molar composition of the gascous mixuure
(1) (2) - (3) - (4) -
13. A compound contain 20% S & 90% 0 by mass, what would be the minimum molecular mass of the
CHEMISTRY Mole and Equivalent Concept
1. 20 g NaOH is present in 250 ml. solution having density of 1.2 g ml.. Find
4. Mole fraction of solute in H,0 is 0.2, then find out molality of solution.. (Ans. 13,88 m)
7. Find out molality(m)of aqueous solution of NH,CONH, if mole fraction of urea is 0.1?
|Ans.6.17 m]
8. Find out moles and weight of giucose required to make a solution of 0.2 Min 250 ml solution.
[Ans. 9 g, 0.05 moles]
9. 6.1 gof benzoic acid present in one litre solution. Calculate formality of benzoic acid forming
imer in solution ? (M, of C,H,COOH - 122) |Ans. 0.025 F]
gul. Then find the
10. 784 gof H,SO, is present in lL solution. If the density of the solution is 1.42 |Ans.
M &m. M= 8, m 12.5)
11. Find out weight of glucose which is present in 100 ml solution of 0.1 Msolution.
|Ans. 1.8 g)
12. Find out weight of urea required to make a solution of 2M in 400 mL solution.
IAns. wt 48.0 gl
13. )23 g ethyl alcohol is dissolved in 100 ml water, i density of solution is 0.5 gml then find out
molartty, molality and mole fractlon of ethyl alcohol.
|Ans.E2.03,n-5. X,/,on
m M
14. Find out weight of urea required to make a solution of 2M in 400 ml solution.
Ans. wt- 48.0 al
15. 23 gethyl alcohol is dissolved in 100 mL. water, if density of solution is 0.5 gml' then find out
molarity. molality and mole fraction of ethyl alcohol.
|Ans. Mm2.03, m 5, XhoH 12
1.26 g oxalic acid is present in an aquous solution. Then find the volume required for preparing
centinormal soh1tion. JAns. 2 LJ
The molality (m) of H,so, solution is 0.2 then calculate the total weight of solution having
1000 gof solvent. |Ans. 1019.6 gl
The molarity of ethyl alcohol solution is 7.2 M. The density of the solution is 0.95 gml", Find
molality of soution. |Ans. 11.64)
1. The father of modern chemistry is: 10. Achemical equation is balanced according to the law of:
(a) Piestley (b) Lavoisier (a) multiple proportions (b) constant proportions
() Dalton (d) Mendeleev (c) reciprocal proportions (d) conservation of mass
2. A pure substance can only be: 11, SO; gas was prepared by () burning sulphur in oxygen,
(a) a compound (i) rcacting sodium sulphite with dilute H, SO4 and (ii)
(b) an clement heating copper with conc. H, SO4.It was found that in each
(c) an element or a compound case sulphur and oxygen combined in the ratio of 1 : 1. The
(d) a heterogeneous mixture data illustrates the law of:
3. A purc substance which contains only one type of atoms is (a) conservation of mass (b) multiple proportions
called: (c) constant proportions (d) reciprocal proportions
(a) an element (b) acompound 12. Hydrogen combines with chlorine to form HCI. It also
(c) a solid (d) a liquid combines with sodium to form NaH. If sodium and chlorine
4. One sample of air found to have 0.03% carbon dioxide also combine with each other, they will do so in the ratio of
and another sample 0.02%. This illustrates that: their masses as:
(a) air is a compound (a) 23:35.5 (b) 35.5:23
(b) air is an element (c) I:1 (d) 23: 1
(c) air does not follow the law of constant proportions 13. Zinc sulphate contains 22.65% Zn and 43.9% H, 0. If the
(d) air is a mixture law of constant proportions is true, then the mass of zinc
s. Which of the following is a characteristic property of both required to give 40 g crystals willbe:
mixtures and compounds? (a) 90.6 g (b) 9.06 g
(a) Their properties are same as those of their components (c) 0.906 g (d) 906 g
(b) Energy is released when they are forned 14. 3g of a hydrocartbon on combustion in excess of oxygen
(c) Their masses are equal to the sum of the masses of their produces 8.8 g of CO, and 5.4 g of H,0. The data
components illustrates the law of
(a) conservation of mass (b) multiple proportions
(d) They contain the components in fixed proportions
6. Name the scientist who stated that matter Can be converted (c) constant proportions (d) reciprocalproportions
into energy: [Hint: Mass of carbon in 8.8 g CO) =x 8.8= 2.4g:
(a) Boyle (b) Lavoisier
(c) Avogadro (d) Einstein Mass of hydrogen in 5.4 gH20 =x S4 =06g
7. The law of multiple proportions is illustrated by the pair of Totai mass of (C + H) = 2.4+ 0.6=3.0g]
(a) sodium chloride and sodium bromide 15. In the reaction, N +3H) ’ 2NH3, the ratio of
(b) water and heavy water volumes of nitrogen, hydrogen and ammonia is 1:3:2.
(c) sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide These figures illustrate the law of:
(d) magnesium hydroxide and magnesium oxide (a) constant proportions (b) Gay-Lussac
8. In compound A, 1.0 g nitrogen combines with 0.57 (c) multiple proportions (d) reciprocal proportions
oxygen. In compound B, 2.0 g nitrogen unite with 2.24 g 16. TwÌ volumes of anmmonia, on dissociation gave one
oxygen and in compound C, 3.0 g nitrogen combine with volume of nitrogen and three volumes of hydrogen. How
5.1lgoxygen. These results obey the law of: much hydrogen will be obtained from the dissociation of 10
(a) multiple proportions (b) constant propotions litre of NH;?
(c) reciprocal proportions (d) none of these (a) 30 litre (b) 10litre
(c) 15 litre (d) 20litre
9. Which one is the best example of law of conservation of 17. If6 litre of H, and 5.6 litre of Cl, are mixed and exploded
in an eudiometer, the volume of HCI fomed is:
(a) 6gof carbon is heated in vacuum, there is no change in
Imass (a) 6.0 litre (b) 5.6 litre
(c) l1.2 1itre (d) ll.6 litre
(b) óg of carbon combines with 16 gofoxygen to forn 22 g
of CO; 18. The law of constant proportions was enunciated by:
(c) 6g water is completely converted into steam (a) Dalton (b) Berthelot
(d) A sample of air is heated at constant pressure when its (c) Avogadro (d) Proust
volume increases but there is no change in mass
(a) I:3
(b) l:2
(d) 3:1
19. Animportant postulate of Dalton's atomic theory is: (c) 2:3
protons and neutrons analysiS was found to contain
(a) an atom contains electrons, 30, An organic compound on the conmpound, if
nor destroved nor divisible 0.032% of sulphur. The molecular mass ofis:
(b) atom can neither be created atoms,
identical sulphur
(c) all the atoms of an clement are not its molecule contains two
nature in the fom of (b) 2000
(d) all the elements are available in (a) 200 (d) 200000
atoms (c) 20000
20. The atomic masses of the elements are
usually fractional substance is 4 in comparison to
31. Vapour density ofavolatile mass will be:
because: methane (CH, =1). Its molecular
(a) elements consist of impurities (b) 2
(b) these are mixtures of allotropes (a) 8 (d) 128
(c) 64
(c) these are mixtures of isobars
(d) these are miXtures of isotopes
32. Choose the wrong statement:
(a) Imole means 602x 10
21. The chemical formula of a particular compound represents: (b) Molar mass is mass of one molecule
(a) the size of its molecule mole of asubstance
(c) Molar mass is mass of one
(b) the shape of its molecule
(c) the total number of atoms in a molecule (d) Molar mass is molecular mass expressed in grams
33, 1.0 mole of CO, contains:
(d) the number of different types of atoms in a molecule
22. 1amu is equal to: (a) 6.02 x 1023 atoms of C
(b) 0.000549 g (b) 6.02 x 10 atoms of O
(a) 1.00758 g (c) 18.1x 10 molecules of CO,
(c) 1.66x 10-24 (d) 6.02 x 10-23
(d) 3g-atoms of C0;
23. Atomic mass of chlorine is 35.5. It has twò isotopes of
34. The largest nunber of molecules is in:
atomic mass 35 and 37. The percentage of heavier isotope (a) 28 g of CO (b) 46 g of C, H_ OH
(b) 0s (c) 36g of H) 0 (d) 54 g of N2 O5
(a) 10 35. Which of the following has the smallest number of
(c) 20 (d) 25
with molecules?
24, Atomic mass of boron is 10.8I. It has two isotopes
80% and 20% abundance respectively. The atomnic mass of (a) 22.4 x 10° mL of CO2 gas
the isotope having 80% abundance is 11.01. The atomic (b) 22 g of CO% gas
mass of the other isotope is: (c) 11.2 litre of CO2 gas
(a) 10.8! (b) 11.01 (d) 0.1 mole of CO2 gas
(c) J0.0l (d) 21.82 36. Number of molecules in 1 litre of oxygen at NTP is:
25. 71 g of chlorine combines with a metal giving l1l g of its 6,02 x 1023 6.02x 1023
chloride. The chloride is isomorphous with MgClT 6H,0. (a) 32
(b) 22.4
The atomic mass of the metal is:
(b) 30 (c) 32× 22,4 (d) 32 22.4
(a) 20
(c) 40 (d) 69
metal is 59.5 37. 4.6x 10 atoms of an element weigh 13.8 g. The atomic
26. The vapour density of a volatile hloride ofa mass of the element is:
and the equivalent mass of the metal is 24. The atomic mass
of the element will be: (a) 290 (b) 180
(c) 34,4 (d) 10.4
(a) 96 (b) 48
(c) 24 (d) 12 38. The number of molecules in 89.6 litre of a gas at NTP are:
(a) 6.02 x 103 (b) 2x 6.02 x 1023
27. The density of air is 0.001293 g mL". Its vapour density is:
(a) 143 (b) 14.3 (c) 3x6.02 x1023 (d) 4x 6.02 x1023
(c) 1.43 (d) 0.143 39. The total number of protons in 10 g of calcium carbonate is:
[Hint: Divide with the density of hydrogen, i. e, 0.00009g (a) 3.0115x 1024 (b) 1.5057x 1024
(c) 2.0478 x 1024 (d) 4.09S6 x 1024
28. Mgof asubstance when vaporised occupy a volume of 5.6 40. 19.7 kg of gold was recovered from a smuggler. The atoms
litte at NTP. The molecular mass of the substance will be: of gold recovercd arc: (Au = 197)
(a) M (b) 2M
(d) 4M (a) 100 (b) 6.02 x 023
(c) 3M
29. The vapour densities of two gases are in the ratio of l:3. (c) 6.02 x 1024 (d) 6.02 x I025
Their molecular masses are in the ratio of:
PUNECENTER Mole C on cept
molecular mass of C0, is 44 anu and Avogadro's 52, The density ofa liquid is 1.2 g/ml.. There are 35 drops in 2
mL. The number of molccules in onc drop (molar mass o1
mumber is 602 x 10. Thereforc, the mass of one molecule
of CO, is: liquid = 70) is:
(a) 7.3]x l0 23 (b) 3.65 x J0-23
(c) 101x 10-23 (a) 2.01x l0-23 1.2
(C) -NA (d) 1.2N4
42. Volume of a mixture of 6.02× 10 oxygen atoms and (35)
3.01x 10 bydrogen molccules at NTP is: 23 53. If30 mL ofH, and 20 mL ofO, react to form water, what is
(a) 28.0 litre (b) 33.6 litr 3-0lX\0 left at the end of the reaction?
(c) 11.2 litre (d) 22.4 litre molecules (a) 10mL of H2 (b) 5 mL of H2
43. The number of molecules present in a drop of water, if its (c) 10 mL of O2 (d) 5 mL of O2
volume is 0.05 ml, are: 54. The number of hydrogen atoms present in 25.6gof sucrose
(a) 1.66 xX 102! (b) 1.66x 1022 (C2H2 O11)which has amolar mass of 342.3g, is:
(c) 1.66x 1023 (d) 1.66x 1024 (a) 22 x 1023 (b) 9.91x 1023
44. The haemoglobin from red corpuscles of most mammels (c) 11x1023 (d) 44 x 1023
contain approximately 0.33% of iron by mass. The [Hint: Number of moles of sucrose
molecular mass of haemoglobin is 67200. The number of
iron atoms in cach molecule of haemoglobin is: Mass 25.6
Molar mass 342.3
fá) 4 (b) 3
(d) 1 =0,075
(c) 2
Number of moles ofhydrogen atom = 0.075 x 22
(45.)The percentage of P,0s in diammoniun hydrogen
phosphate, [(NH, ), HPO4] is: Number of atoms of hydrogen=0.075 x 22 x 6.023 x 1023
(a) 23.48 (b) 46.96 =9.9x 10)
(c) 53.78 (d) 71.00
55, The number of moles ofa gas in ! m of volume at NTP is:
46. The percentage of nitrogen in urea (NH,CONH;), is:
(a)4.46 (b) 0.446
(a) 38.4 (b) 46.6
(c) 1.464 (d) 44.6
(c) 59.1 (d) 61.3
[Hint: Im'= 1000 L
47. The chiornde of ametal has the formula MCl3.The formula
of its phosphate is: Number of moles
= 44.6]
(a) M2PO4 (b) MPO4
(c) M3PO4 (d) M(PO4)2 56.If 10 molecules are removed from 100 mg CO2, thei
48. 10 gofhydrofluoric acid gas occupies 5.6 litre of volume at number of moles of C02 left are:
NTP. If the empirical formula of the gas HE, then its (a) 6.10x 10-4 (b) 2.8x 10-3
molecular formula will be: (At. mass ofF = 19) (c) 2.28 x 10-3 (d) 1.36x J0~2
(a) HF (b) H; F; [Hint: Number of moleçules in 100 mg CO)
(c) H,F2 (d) H,F,
Mass x 6.023 >x 1023
[Hint: Molecular mass = 5.6 22.4 = 40] Molar mass
49. How many moles of electron weigh one kilogram? 0 x 6023 x 10
(a) 6.023x 1023 (b)
9108 =1.368 x101
6.023 x 10s4 Molecules remaining = 1.368 x 10 - 10 = 0368 x 102
9108x 6.023X10°
Number of moles renmaining
50. Which has maximum number of atoms ? 0.368 x 102!
(a) 24 g C(12) (b) 56 g Fe(36) 6.023 x 10?301O 39 :00 m
(c) 27 g Al(27) (d) 108 g Ag(108)
(51. How much of sulphur is present in an organic compound, if 57. What volume ofa liquid will contain 4 mole? Molar mass o
Z0.53 gcompound gave 1.158 g ofBaSO4 on analysis? liquid is 280 and its density is I.4 g/mL.
(a) 10% (b) 15% (a) 0.4 L (b) 1.6L
(c) 20% (d) 25% (c) 0.8 L (d) 4.8 x 1o2 L
(e) 30%
[Hint: Let Llhqud contan 4 mole of it. (Hint: (A) CaCO, Cao: CO,
22 4 L
Mas, 10 224 1.
Number of molcs
Molar nass
(B) NazCO; + 2HCI ’ 2NaCl+ H;0 - CO;
I IO0) 14 Imol (106 g) 22 4 L
9.224 L.
4 x280
14x 1000 0.8 1.] (C) C +O) C0)
22.4 L
12 g
2.4 g 448 L.
58. Which of these is closest io thc value of kcal/mol?
(a) x10 joules (b){judes (D)
28 g 22.4 L
(c) 2x 10 20 joules (d) 3x 10-20 joules 0.56 g 0,448 L
[Hint: Ik cal moll1000 x4,185 63. The nolar ratio of Fe to Fe* in a mixture of FeSO4 and
6.023 x Jo3
Fe2(SO4 3 having equal number of sulphate ions in both
ferrous and ferric sulphates is :
X59. Loschmidt number is the number of: (a) 1:2 (b) 3:2
(a) molecules prescnt in I mL of a gas at STP (c) 2:3 (d) none of these
(b) molecules present in Igram mole of a gas at STP [Hint : FeSO4- Fe+ SO
(c) atoms present in 1mL of a gas at STP Feg(S04)3’2Fe+3S0
(d) atoms present in 1gram nmole of a gas at STP
60. Which of the following statements is incorTect? Suppose x mol SO ions are furnished by both FeSO4 and
(a) One gram mole of silver equals 6023 x10-23 Fez (SO4)3.
Number of moles of Fe =x
(b) One mole of CH4 and 17gofNH, at NTP occupy same
volume Number of moles of Fet
(c) One mole Ag weighs more than that of two moles of Ca
(d) One gram mole of CO, is 6023 x 10 imes heavier Fet*: Fe*: x:x
than one molecule of CO, -3:2]
S1. One atom of an element 'r weighs 6664 x 1023 gm. The 64. Number of electrons present in 3.6 mg of NH, are :
number of gram aloms in 40 kg of it is: (a) 1.2% 1021 (b) 1.2x 1020
(a) 10 (b) 100 (c) 1.2x 1022 (d) 2x 10-3
(c) 10000 (d) 1000
62. Match the following (Hint: Number of electrons in one ion of NH,= 10
List-I List-Il(at STP) Number of ions in 3.6 mg NH,
(A) 10g CaCO3 (i) 0.224 L CO) 3.6x103 x6.023 x102 =1.2x1020
Deconposition 18
Excess HCI (i) 4.48 LCO2 .:. Number of electrons in 3.6 mg NH,= .2x100x]0
(B) 1.06 g NagC03 (üi) 0.448 L CO)
-1.2x 102']
Excess O? 65. In the reaction, 44 + 2B + 3C’ A4B, C3, what will be
(C) 2.4 g C Conbustion (iv) 2.24 L CO)
the number of moles of product formed, starting from l mol
Exces O2 (v) 22.4 L CO) of 4, 0.6 mol ofB and 0.72 mol of C?
(D) 0.56g C0
(a) 0.25 (b) 0.3
(c) 0.24 (d) 2.32
The corTect match is: [Hint; 4A + 2B + 3C ’ AgByC;
Imol 0.6 mol 0.72 mol
(a) (iv) (i) (i) (iii) In the present case, reactant 'C will be the limiting reactant
because it will give least amount of product on being completely
(b) () () (ii) (ii)
(c) (iv) (i) (ii) (i)
(ii) 3 mol Cgives l mol product.
(d) (i) (iv) (ii)
.:. 0.72 mol 'C'will give 0.24 mol of product.]
[Hínt: Volume of gold dispersed - density
66. An electrie discharge is passed through a mixture 19
containing 50 cc of 0, and 50 cc of H). The volume of the
gas formed: Volume of goldparticle -x(10x107)
(1) at room temperature, (ii) at 110°C will be: =4.19x 10-cm3
(a) (i) 25 cc (ii) 50 cc (b)(i)50 cc (ii) 75 cc 10-5
(c) ()) 25 cc (i) 75 cc (d) (i) 75 cc (ii) 75 cc Number of goldparticles in ]L water= 4.19x10-18 = 2.4 x10?
[Hint: 2H2(g)+ O, (g) ---’2H,0
2.4 x10!2
50cc H, will combine with 25 cc O, to form 50 cc H,0 Number of gold particles per mm of water 106
O, left = 25 ce
= 2.4 x10° per mm)
Atroom temperature, H,0 will be in liquid state but at l10°C. It at NTP by the
72. What volume of hydrogen will be liberated
will be gaseous. Thus, volume of gases at 25°C and 110°C will be
25 cc and 75 cc respectively]. reactions of Zn on 50 mL of dilute H, SO4 of specific
$7. The mass of carbon present in 0.5 mol of K4[Fe(CN)6 ]is: gravity 1.3 and having purity 40 %?
(a) 3.5 litre (b) 8.25 litre
(a) 1.8 g (b) 18 g (d) 5.94 litre
(c) 6.74 litre
(c) 3.6 g (d) 36 g
68. Caffeins has a molecular weight of194. Ifit contains 28.9% [Hint: Mass of HzSO4 = 100 50x13x40= 26 g
by mass of nitrogen, number of atons of nitrogen in one ZnSO4 + H2
molecule of caffeine is:
Reaction: Zn + H,SO4 22.4 L at STP
Jmol Imo!
(a) 4 (b) 6 98 g
Thus, total number of atoms in I mol of ammonium dichromate 100 mL-’ 25 mL 150 mL
59.6g oxide.
’ 2X + 3H,0
6g ll; will be required by |
(Hint: X;03 + 3H) 2u +48- 159.6
Imol 3 ol
(2a +48) a= 55,8
0.006 g H, is required by 0.1596 g oxide. where, a = atomic mass of
metal M.]
1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (d)
11. (c) 12. (a) 13. (b) 14. (a) 15. (b) 16. (c) 17. (c) 18. (d) 19. (b) 20. (d)
21. (d) 22. (c) 23. (d) 24. (c) 25. (c) 26. (b) 27. (b) 28. (d) 29. (a) 30. (d)
31. (c) 32. (b) 33. (a) 34. (c) 35. (d) 36. (b) 37. (b) 38. (d) 39. (a) 40. (d)
41. (a) 42. (d) 43. (a) 44. (a) 45. (c) 46. (b) 47. (b) 48. (c) 49. (d) 50. (a)
51. (c) 52. (c) 53. (d) 54. (b) 55. (d) 56. (a) 57. (c) S8. (a) 59, (a) 60. (a)
61. (d) 62. (a) 63. (b) 64. (a) 65. (c) 66. (c) 67. (J) 68. (a) 69. (b) 70. (c)
71. (d) 72. (d) 73. (b) 74. (c) 75. (d)
46. For the reaction,
3Na,CO, >le{CO,); + ONaN0, Initially if
52. Calculate the mass of anhydrous HCI in 10
2.5 mole of mL of concentrated HCI (density = 1.2 g /
Fe(NO), and 3.6 mole of mL) solution having 37% HCI by weight.
Na,CO, is taken. If 6.3 mole of
NaNO, is
obtained then % yicld of given reaction is : (1) 4.44 g (2) 4.44 mg
(1) 50 (2) 84 (3)4.44 x 10-5 mg (4) 0.444 ug
(3) 87.5 (4) 100 Ans. (1)
Ans. (3) 53. Calculate the molality of 1 L solution of 80%
47. Calculate the weight of lime (CaO) H,SO, (w/V), given that the density of the
obtained solution is 1.80 g mL-!.
by heating 200 kg of 95% pure
limestone (1) 8.16
(CaCO,) : (2) 8.6
(1) 104.4 kg (2) 105.4 kg (3) 1.02 (4) 10.8
(3) 212.8 kg (4) 106.4 kg Ans. (1)
Ans. (4) 100mL of 10% NaOH (w/V) is added to kl00
mL of 10% HCI (w/V). The resultant solution
48. What is the molarity of SO, ion in aqueous becomes :
solution that contain 34.2 ppm of Al,(SO),? (1) alkaline (2) strongly alkaline
(Assume complete dissociation and dinsity of (3) acidic (4) neutral
solution l g/mL) Ans. (3)
(1) 3 x 104 M (2) 2 x 10-4 M 531 How many millititres of 0.1 M H,SO, must
(3) 104 M (4) None of these be added to 50 mL of 0.1 M NaOH to give a
Ans, (1) solution that has a concentration of 0.05 M
(49. Molarity and molality of a solution of an in H,SO4?
liquid (mol. wt. = 50) in aqueous solution is (1) 400 mL (2) 200 mL
9 and 10 respectively. What is the density of (3) 100 mL (4) None of these
Ans. (3)
(1) lg/cc (2) 0.95 g/cc 56. 1M HCI and 2 M HCI are mixed in volume
(3) 1.05 g/cc (4) 1.35 g/cc ratio of 4: 1. What is the final molarity of
Ans. (4) HCI solution?
50. An aqueous solution of ethanol has density (1) 1.5 (2) 1
1.025 g/mL and it is 2 M. What is the molality (3) 1.2 (4) 1.8
of this solution? Ans. (3)
(1) 1.79 (2) 2.143 57. 4. 4 g NaOH is present in 100 ml solution,
(3) 1.95I (4) None of these molarity of solution is
Ans. (2) (1) 1M (2) 0.4 M
51. 0.2 mole of HCT and 0.2 mole of barium (3) 0.1 M (4)0.01 M
chloride were dissolved in water to produce Ans. (1)
a 500 mL solution. The molarity of the Ci
ions is: Sol. M= weightingrams -x 1000
(1) 0.06 M (2) 0.09 M Molar mass x volume(ml)
(3) 1.2 M (4) 0.80 M 4
Ans. (3) M= x1000 =1
40x 100
103. \ hvdrocarbon gives upon 81. If S00 ml of a 5 M solution is diluted to 1500
(ombuston, 072 of water and 3.08 g of m. what will be the molarity of the solution
(0. he cmprical fornmula of the obtained!
hhdhocabon () L5 M (2) L.66 M
(2) C,H, (3)0.017 M (4) 1.59 M
(4) C,H Ans. ()
Ans. )
Q.1 Determine the molarity of 0.4 mol KOH present in its 20 Laqueous solution(Ans. 0.02 M)
Q.2 Determine the molarity of 4 g NaOH present in 10 Lof its aqueous solution.(Ans. 0.01 M)
Q.3 4.9gH,S0, is present in 500 mlL of aqueous solution. Determine its molarity ?
(Ans. 0.l mol L')
Q.4 How many moles of sugar are present in 10Lof its 0.1 Maqueous solution
(Ans. 1 mol)
(Ans. 0. 10 mol)
Q.5 How many moles of HNO, are present in 2 L of its 05 M
(Ans. 20.0 g)
Q.6 How many grams of NaOH are present in 5 L of its 0.1 M.
(Ans. 1 5g)
0.5 M.
Q7 How many gram of CH,COOH are present in 500 ml of its
(Ans. 0.001m)
Determine the molality.
Q.8 10 kg water is used to disolve 3.42 g sugar in it.
6.3g HNO, is dissolved completely in 500 g water. Determine its molality. (Ans. 0.2 m)
Q.10 4g NaOH is dissolved in 396 g water. Determine
(Ans. 1%6)
(a) mass % of NaOH
Q.4 Determine the mole fraction of the solute in its 0.2 molal aqueous
soution. (Ans. 55.7
molaty gm' and 40%
Calculate the mealtyof NaOH in its aqueous solution having density 2 (Ans. 20)
NaOH by mass. MM
Q.6 Determine the molarity of KOH in its aqueous solution which contains 5.6% KOH by
anddensity of solution is 2g/ml (Ans. 2m)
density of
Q.7 Determine the molarity of HNO, in its aqueous solution which has 10% HN0, by mass,
solution is 6.3 g/mL. (Ans. 10 M)
Determine the mass % of CH,COOH in its 0.5 molar aqueous solution having density =
Q.8 (Ans. 1%)
Q.9 Determine the mass %of H,SO, in its 0.2molar aqueous solution having density = 4.9 g /ml.
(Ans. 0.49%)
Average Molecular mass, E.E and M..
of compound :
1 A compounds was found to contain 5.37% nitrogen. What is the mininum molecular wt.
(C) 260.7 (D) none
(A) 26.07 g (B) 2.607
68Cu and 65Cu.
2. The atomic weight of Cu is 63.546. There are only two naturally occuning isotopesof copper
The natural abundance of the Cu isotope must be approximately : (D) 70%
(A) 10% (B) 30% (C) 50%
and the rest oxVgen. What is its empirical
3. Acertain alkaloid has 70.8% carbon. 6.2% hydrogen, 4.1% nito gen
(A) CzgHzNO4 (B)CaH, NO, (C) C,H.gNO, (D) CzoHygNOS
pressure conditions is :
4. Density of ozone relative to methane under the same temperature & (D) 2.5
(A)1 (B)3 (C) 1.5
1. (C) 2 (D) 3 (A) 4. (B) 5. (B)
6. (B) 7. (B) 8 (D) 9. (B) 10. (C)
Atoms. Molecules. Moles
1. Which of the following contains the largest numbgr of atoms -
(A) 1lg of CO. (B) 4g of H, (C) 5g of NH, (D) 8g of so.
Four containers of 2L capacity contains dinitrogen as described below. Which one contains m3xiNum
number of molecules under similar conditions.
(A) 2.5 gm-molecules of N, (B) 4 gm-atom of nitrogen
(C) 3.01 x 10- N atonms (D)84 gm of dinitrogen
3. What is conect for 10 g of CaCO,
(A) It contains lg-atom of carbon (B) It contains 0.3g-atoms of oxvgen
(C) It contains l2 g of calcium (D) None of these
4. If the atomic mass of Sodiunm is 23, the number of moles in 46 g of sodium is :
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 2.3 (D) 4.6
5. The charge on lgm-ions of AP is: (N, = Avogadro number, e = charge on one electron)
1 1
(A) 27Ae coulomb (B) 3 xNecoulomb (C)xNae coulomb (D) 3x Ne coulomb
6. A sample of aluminium has a mass of 54.0 q. What is the mass of the samne number of magnesium atoms ?
(At. wt. Al = 27. Mg=24)
(A) 12 g (B) 24 g (C) 48 g (D) 96 g.
7. One mole of P. molecules contains -
(A) 1 molecule (B) 4 molecules
(C) 1/4 x 6.022x 10*3 atoms (D) 24.088 x 10 atoms
8. The volume of l mol of a gas at standard temperature and pressure is
(A) 11.2 litres (B) 22.4 litres (C) 100 litres (D)None of these
9. The number of sodium atoms in 2 moles of sodium ferrocyanide Na,(Fe(CN)g], is
(A) 2 (B) 6.023 x 103 (C) 8 x 6.02 x 1023 (D) 4 x 6.02 x 1023
10. Out of 1.0g dioxygen. 1.0 g (atomic) oxygen and 1.0 g of ozone, the maximum number of oxygen atoms
are contained in -
(A) 1.0 gof atomic oxygen. (B) 1.0 g of ozone.
(C) 1.0 g of oxygen gas. (D) All contain same number of atoms.
1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (B) 4. (B) 5. (D) 6. (C) 7. (D) 8. (B)
9. (C) 10. (D)