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1. The power is transmitted from a power house on high voltage (c) 60 c/s or Hz (d) 120 c/s or Hz
ac because
(a) Electric current travels faster at higher volts 10. The root mean square value of the alternating current is equal
(b) It is more economical due to less power wastage to
(c) It is difficult to generate power at low voltage (a) Twice the peak value
(d) Chances of stealing transmission lines are minimized (b) Half the peak value
(c) times the peak value
2. In an ac circuit, V and I are given by 2

  (d) Equal to the peak value

V = 100 sin (100 t) volts, I  100 sin 100t   m A . The
 3
power dissipated in circuit is 11. In an ac circuit, the instantaneous values of e.m.f. and current
(a) 10 watt (b) 10 watt  
are e = 200 sin 314 t volt and i  sin  314 t   ampere. The
 3
(c) 2.5 watt (d) 5 watt
average power consumed in watt is
(a) 200 (b) 100
3. Alternating current can not be measured by dc ammeter (c) 50 (d) 25
(a) ac cannot pass through dc ammeter
12. In general in an alternating current circuit
(b) Average value of complete cycle is zero
(a) The average value of current is zero
(c) ac is virtual
(b) The average value of square of the current is zero
(d) ac changes its direction (c) Average power dissipation is zero
(d) The phase difference between voltage and current is
4. If instantaneous current is given by i  4 cos ( t   ) amperes, zero
then the r.m.s. value of current is
(a) 4 amperes (b) 2 2 amperes 13. In the circuit shown in the figure the ac source gives a voltage

(c) 4 2 amperes (d) Zero amperes

V  20 cos  2000 t  . Neglecting source resistance, the
voltmeter and ammeter reading will be

5. In an ac circuit, peak value of voltage is 423 volts. Its

effective voltage is
(a) 400 volts (b) 323 volts
(c) 300 volts (d) 340 volts

6. If E0 represents the peak value of the voltage in an ac circuit, (a) 0V ,0.47 A

the r.m.s. value of the voltage will be
(b) 1.68V ,0.47 A
(a) 0 (b) 0
 2 (c) 0V ,1.4 A

E0 (d) 5.6V ,1.4 A
 2

14. If a resistance of 30 , a capacitor of reactance 20 , and

7. The peak value of 220 volts of ac mains is an inductor of inductive reactance 60 are connected in
(a) 155.6 volts (b) 220.0 volts series to a 100V , 50 Hz power source, then‐
(c) 311.0 volts (d) 440 volts (a) A current of 1.0 A flows
(b) A current of 3.33 A flows
8. A 40  electric heater is connected to a 200 V, 50 Hz mains (c) Power factor of the circuit is zero
supply. The peak value of electric current flowing in the (d) Power factor of the circuit is 3/5
circuit is approximately
(a) 2.5 A (b) 5.0 A
15. An inductive reactance, X L  100 , a capacitive
(c) 7 A (d) 10 A
reactance, X c  100 , and a resistance R  100  , are

9. The frequency of ac mains in India is connected in series with a source of 100 sin 50t  volts .
(a) 30 c/s or Hz (b) 50 c/s or Hz Which of the following statement is incorrect?

(a) The maximum voltage across the capacitor is 100V
(b) The net impedance of the circuit is 200 20. A 10 resistance is connected across 220V-50Hz
AC supply. The time taken by the current to
(c) The maximum voltage across the inductance is 100V change from its maximum value to the rms value
(d) The maximum voltage across the series is 100V is:
(a) 2.5ms (b) 1.5ms
16. A series LCR circuit is operated at resonance. Then (c) 3.0ms (d) 4.5ms
(a) Voltage across R is minimum
(b) Impedance is minimum 21. Match List-I with List-II
List-I List-II
(c) Power transferred is Minimum (a) AC generator (I) Detects the presence
(d) Current amplitude is minimum of current in the circuit
(b) Galvanometer (II) Converts mechanical
17. The sharpness of resonance in a series L  C  R energy into electrical energy
resonance circuit, as the resistance of the circuit is (c) Transformer (III) Works on the
increased, goes on principle of resonance in AC circuit
(d) Metal detector (IV) Changes an
(a) Decreasing alternating voltage for smaller or greater value
(b) Increasing Choose the correct answer from the options
(c) Tends from zero to infinity given below :-
(d) Tends from infinity to zero (a) (a)-(II), B-(I), (c)-(IV), (d)-(III)
(b) (a)-(II), B-(I), (c)-(III), (d)-(IV)
(c) (a)-(III), B-(IV), (c)-(III), (d)-(I)
18. In an ac circuit, an inductor, a capacitor and a (d) (a)-(III), B-(I), (c)-(II), (d)-(IV)
resistor are connected in series with X L  R  X C
Impedance of this circuit is: 22. If wattless current flows in the AC circuit, then the
(a) 2R 2 (b) Zero circuit is
(c) R (d) R 2 (a) Purely Resistive circuit
(b) Purely Inductive circuit
(c) LCR series circuit
(d) RC series circuit only
19. In a circuit consisting of a capacitance and a
generator with alternating emf Eg  Eg0 sin t ,VC 23. A sinusoidal voltage V(t) = 210 sin 3000t volt is
and I C are the voltage and current. Correct phasor applied to a series LCR circuit in which L = 10
diagram for such circuit is: mH, C = 25  F and R = 100  . The phase
difference (  ) between the applied voltage and
resultant current will be :
(a) tan-1 (0.17) (b) tan-1 (9.46)
(c) tan-1 (0.30) (d) tan-l (13.33)

24. To increase the resonant frequency in series LCR

(a) Source frequency should be increased
(b) Another resistance should be added in series
with the first resistance.
(c) Another capacitor should be added in series
(a) (b) with the first capacitor
(d) The source frequency should be decreased

25. The rms value of conduction current in a parallel

plate capacitor is 6.9  A. The capacity of this
capacitor, if it is connected to 230 V ac supply
with an angular frequency of 600 rad/s, will be :
(a) 5 pF (b) 50 pF
(c)100pF (d)200pF

26. The potential difference V and the current i flowing through

an instrument in an ac circuit of frequency f are given by
(c) (d) V  5 cos  t volts and I = 2 sin t amperes (where  = 2f).
The power dissipated in the instrument is
(a) Zero (b) 10 W
(c) 5 W (d) 2.5 W E0 I0
(a) P  (b) P  2 E0 I0
27. The resistance of a coil for dc is in ohms. In ac, the resistance E0 I0
(c) P  (d) P = 0
(a) Will remain same (b) Will increase
(c) Will decrease (d) Will be zero 35. An ac generator produced an output voltage
E  170 sin 377 t volts , where t is in seconds. The frequency of
28. In an ac circuit I = 100 sin 200 t. The time required for the ac voltage is
current to achieve its peak value will be (a) 50 Hz (b) 110 Hz
1 1 (c) 60 Hz (d) 230 Hz
(a) sec (b) sec
100 200
1 1 36. An alternating current is given by the equation
(c) sec (d) sec
300 400 i  i1 cos  t  i2 sin  t . The r.m.s. current is given by

1 1
(a) (i1  i2 ) (b) (ii  i2 )2
29. The peak value of an Alternating current is 6 amp, then r.m.s. 2 2
value of current will be
1 1 2 2 1/2
(a) 3 A (b) 3 3 A (c) (i12  i22 )1 / 2 (d) (i1  i2 )
2 2
(c) 3 2 A (d) 2 3 A
 
37. In an ac circuit, the current is given by i  5 sin  100 t  
30. A generator produces a voltage that is given by  2
V  240 sin 120 t , where t is in seconds. The frequency and and the ac potential is V  200 sin (100 ) volt . Then the power
r.m.s. voltage are consumption is
(a) 60 Hz and 240 V (b) 19 Hz and 120 V (a) 20 watts (b) 40 watts
(c) 19 Hz and 170 V (d) 754 Hz and 70 V (c) 1000 watts (d) 0 watt

31. A sinusoidal ac current flows through a resistor of resistance 38. An electric lamp is connected to 220 V, 50 Hz supply. Then
R. If the peak current is Ip , then the power dissipated is the peak value of voltage is
1 2 (a) 210 V (b) 211 V
(a) Ip2 R cos  (b) Ip R
2 (c) 311 V (d) 320 V
4 2 1 2
(c) Ip R (d) Ip R
  39. In a circuit, the value of the alternating current is measured by
hot wire ammeter as 10 ampere. Its peak value will be
32. The r.m.s. value of an ac of 50 Hz is 10 amp. The time taken (a) 10 A (b) 20 A
by the alternating current in reaching from zero to maximum (c) 14.14 A (d) 7.07 A
value and the peak value of current will be
(a) 2  10–2 sec and 14.14 amp 40. The voltage of domestic ac is 220 volt. What does this
(b) 1  10–2 sec and 7.07 amp represent
(c) 5  10 sec and 7.07 amp (a) Mean voltage
(d) 5  10–3 sec and 14.14 amp (b) Peak voltage
(c) Root mean voltage
(d) Root mean square voltage
33. The peak value of an alternating e.m.f. E is given by
E  E0 cos  t is 10 volts and its frequency is 50 Hz. At time
1 41. The r.m.s. voltage of domestic electricity supply is 220 volt .
t sec , the instantaneous e.m.f. is Electrical appliances should be designed to withstand an
instantaneous voltage of
(a) 10 V (b) 5 3 V
(a) 220 V (b) 310 V
(c) 5 V (d) 1 V (c) 330 V (d) 440 V

  42. The process by which ac is converted into dc is known as

34. If a current I given by I0 sin   t   flows in an ac circuit
 2
across which an ac potential of E  E0 sin  t has been (b) Purification (b) Amplification
applied, then the power consumption P in the circuit will be (c) Rectification (d) Current amplification
51. In an ac circuit, the r.m.s. value of current, Irms is related to
43. In an ac circuit with voltage V and current I, the power the peak current, I0 by the relation
dissipated is 1 1
(a) Irms  I 0 (b) Irms  I0
(a) VI  2
1 (c) Irms  2I0 (d) Irms  I 0
(b) VI
(c) VI 52. An alternating voltage is represented as E  20 sin 300t. The
average value of voltage over one cycle will be
(d) Depends on the phase between V and I
(a) Zero (b) 10 volt
44. For an ac circuit V  15 sin t and I  20 cos t the average (c) 20 2 volt (d) volt
power consumed in this circuit is 2
(a) 300 Watt (b) 150 Watt
(c) 75 Watt (d) zero 53. The ratio of peak value and r.m.s value of an alternating
current is
45. A bulb is connected first with dc and then ac of same voltage 1
(a) 1 (b)
then it will shine brightly with 2
(a) AC (c) 2 (d) 1 / 2
(b) DC
(c) Brightness will be in ratio 1/1.4 54. A 280 ohm electric bulb is connected to 200V electric line.
(d) Equally with both The peak value of current in the bulb will be
(a) About one ampere (b) Zero
46. An ac supply gives 30 V r.m.s. which passes through a 10  (c) About two ampere (d) About four ampere
resistance. The power dissipated in it is
(a) 90 2 W (b) 90 W
55. An ac source is rated at 220V, 50 Hz. The time taken for
(c) 45 2 W (d) 45 W voltage to change from its peak value to zero is
(a) 50 sec (b) 0.02 sec
(c) 5 sec (d) 5  10 3 sec
47. The frequency of an alternating voltage is 50 cycles/sec and
its amplitude is 120V. Then the r.m.s. value of voltage is
(a) 101.3V (b) 84.8V 56. If the value of potential in an ac, circuit is 10V, then the peak
(c) 70.7V (d) 56.5V value of potential is
(a) (b) 10 2
48. A resistance of 20 ohms is connected to a source of an
alternating potential V  220 sin(100 t) . The time taken by 20
(c) 20 2 (d)
the current to change from its peak value to r.m.s value is 2
(a) 0.2 sec (b) 0.25 sec
(c) 25  10 3 sec (d) 2 .5  10 3 sec 57. A lamp consumes only 50% of peak power in an a.c. circuit.
What is the phase difference between the applied voltage and
the circuit current
49. Voltage and current in an ac circuit are given by  
(a) (b)
    6 3
V  5 sin 100t   and I  4 sin  100t  
 6  6  
(c) (d)
(a) Voltage leads the current by 30 o 4 2
(b) Current leads the voltage by 30 o
(c) Current leads the voltage by 60 o 58. If an alternating voltage is represented as
o E  141 sin(628 t), then the rms value of the voltage and the
(d) Voltage leads the current by 60
frequency are respectively

50. If an ac main supply is given to be 220 V. What would be the (a) 141 V , 628 Hz (b) 100 V , 50 Hz
average e.m.f. during a positive half cycle (c) 100 V , 100 Hz (d) 141 V , 100 Hz
(a) 198V (b) 386V
(c) 256V (d) None of these 59. The maximum value of a.c. voltage in a circuit is 707V. Its
rms value is
(a) 70.7 V (b) 100 V 68. The average power dissipated in a pure inductor of inductance
(c) 500 V (d) 707 V L when an ac current is passing through it, is
1 2 1 2
(a) LI (b) LI
2 4
60. Choke coil works on the principle of
(a) Transient current (b) Self induction (c) 2 Li 2 (d) Zero
(c) Mutual induction (d) Wattless current
69. An alternating current of frequency ' f ' is flowing in a circuit
61. A choke coil has containing a resistance R and a choke L in series. The
(a) High inductance and low resistance impedance of this circuit is
(b) Low inductance and high resistance (a) R + 2fL (b) R 2  4 2 f 2 L2
(c) High inductance and high resistance
(d) Low inductance and low resistance (c) R 2  L2 (d) R 2  2fL

62. Choke coil is used to control 70. A resonant ac circuit contains a capacitor of capacitance
(a) ac (b) dc 10 6 F and an inductor of 10 4 H . The frequency of electrical
(c) Both ac and dc (d) Neither ac nor dc oscillations will be
(a) 105 Hz (b) 10 Hz
63. Current in the circuit is wattless, if 10 5 10
(c) Hz (d) Hz
(a) Inductance in the circuit is zero 2 2
(b) Resistance in the circuit is zero
(c) Current is alternating 71. Power delivered by the source of the circuit becomes
(d) Resistance and inductance both are zero maximum, when
(a) L  C (b) L 
64. The phase angle between e.m.f. and current in LCR series ac C
circuit is  1 
(c) L     (d) L  C
(a) 0 to  / 2 (b)  / 4  C 
(c)  / 2 (d) 

72. An alternating voltage is connected in series with a resistance

65. A choke coil is preferred to a rheostat in ac circuit as R and an inductance L If the potential drop across the
(a) It consumes almost zero power resistance is 200 V and across the inductance is 150 V, then
(b) It increases current the applied voltage is
(c) It increases power (a) 350 V (b) 250 V
(d) It increases voltage (c) 500 V (d) 300 V

66. An alternating e.m.f. is applied to purely capacitive circuit. 73. An inductive circuit contains resistance of 10  and an
The phase relation between e.m.f. and current flowing in the
inductance of 20 H. If an ac voltage of 120 V and frequency
circuit is or
60 Hz is applied to this circuit, the current would be nearly
In a circuit containing capacitance only
(a) 0.32 amp (b) 0.016 amp
(a) e.m.f. is ahead of current by  / 2
(c) 0.48 amp (d) 0.80 amp
(b) Current is ahead of e.m.f. by  / 2
(c) Current lags behind e.m.f. by  74. Same current is flowing in two alternating circuits. The first
(d) Current is ahead of e.m.f. by  circuit contains only inductance and the other contains only a
capacitor. If the frequency of the e.m.f. of ac is increased, the
effect on the value of the current will be
67. An ac source is connected to a resistive circuits. Which of the
following is true (a) Increases in the first circuit and decreases in the other
(a) Current leads the voltage and both are in same phase (b) Increases in both the circuits
(b) Current lags behind the voltage and both are in same (c) Decreases in both the circuits
phase (d) Decreases in the first circuit and increases in the other
(c) Current and voltage are in same phase
75. A capacitor is a perfect insulator for
(d) Any of the above may be true depending upon the value
of resistance (a) Alternating currents (b) Direct currents
(c) Both ac and dc (d) None of these
76. In a circuit containing an inductance of zero resistance, the 84. An ac circuit consists of an inductor of inductance 0.5 H and
e.m.f. of the applied ac voltage leads the current by a capacitor of capacitance 8 F in series. The current in the
(a) 90o (b) 45o circuit is maximum when the angular frequency of ac source
(c) 30 o
(d) 0 o is
(a) 500 rad/sec (b) 2  105 rad/sec
(c) 4000 rad/sec (d) 5000 rad/sec
77. In a pure inductive circuit or In an ac circuit containing
inductance only, the current 85. The average power dissipation in a pure capacitance in ac
(a) Leads the e.m.f. by 90 o circuit is
(b) Lags behind the e.m.f. by 90 o 1
(a) CV 2 (b) CV 2
(c) Sometimes leads and sometime lags behind the e.m.f.
(d) Is in phase with the e.m.f. (c) CV 2 (d) Zero

78. A 20 volts ac is applied to a circuit consisting of a resistance

and a coil with negligible resistance. If the voltage across the 86. In a region of uniform magnetic induction B  10 tesla , a
resistance is 12 V, the voltage across the coil is circular coil of radius 30 cm and resistance 2 ohm is rotated
(a) 16 volts (b) 10 volts about an axis which is perpendicular to the direction of B and
(c) 8 volts (d) 6 volts which forms a diameter of the coil. If the coil rotates at 200
rpm the amplitude of the alternating current induced in the
coil is
79. A resistance of 300  and an inductance of henry are (a) 42 mA (b) 30 mA

(c) 6 mA (d) 200 mA
connected in series to a ac voltage of 20 volts and 200 Hz
frequency. The phase angle between the voltage and current is
87. An inductive circuit contains a resistance of 10 ohm and an
4 3 inductance of 2.0 henry. If an ac voltage of 120 volt and
(a) tan 1 (b) tan 1 frequency of 60 Hz is applied to this circuit, the current in the
3 4
circuit would be nearly
1 3 1 2
(c) tan (d) tan (a) 0.32 amp (b) 0.16 amp
2 5
(c) 048 amp (d) 0.80 amp

80. The power factor of LCR circuit at resonance is

88. In a LCR circuit having L = 8.0 henry, C = 0.5 F and R
(a) 0.707 (b) 1
= 100 ohm in series. The resonance frequency in per
(c) Zero (d) 0.5 second is
(a) 600 radian (b) 600 Hz
81. An inductance of 1 mH a condenser of 10 F and a resistance (c) 500 radian (d) 500 Hz
of 50  are connected in series. The reactances of inductor
and condensers are same. The reactance of either of them will
89. In LCR circuit, the capacitance is changed from C to 4C. For
the same resonant frequency, the inductance should be
(a) 100  (b) 30  changed from L to
(c) 3.2  (d) 10  (a) 2L (b) L / 2
(c) L / 4 (d) 4 L
82. The natural frequency of a L-C circuit is equal to
1 1
(a) LC (b) 90. A 120 volt ac source is connected across a pure inductor of
2 2 LC
inductance 0.70 henry. If the frequency of the source is 60
1 L 1 C Hz, the current passing through the inductor is
(c) (d)
2 C 2 L (a) 4.55 amps (b) 0.355 amps
(c) 0.455 amps (d) 3.55 amps
83. An alternating voltage E  200 2 sin(100 t) is connected to a
1 microfarad capacitor through an ac ammeter. The reading 91. The impedance of a circuit consists of 3 ohm resistance and 4
of the ammeter shall be ohm reactance. The power factor of the circuit is
(a) 10 mA (b) 20 mA (a) 0.4 (b) 0.6
(c) 40 mA (d) 80 mA (c) 0.8 (d) 1.0
92. L, C and R denote inductance, capacitance and resistance (c) 40 .4 , 5 A (d) 50 , 4 A
respectively. Pick out the combination which does not have
the dimensions of frequency
100. The reactance of a coil when used in the domestic ac power
1 R supply (220 volt, 50 cycles) is 100 ohm. The self inductance
(a) (b)
of the coil is nearly
1 C (a) 3.2 henry (b) 0.32 henry
(c) (d)
(c) 2.2 henry (d) 0.22 henry

93. The power factor of a good choke coil is 101. In a series LCR circuit, operated with an ac of angular
(a) Nearly zero (b) Exactly zero frequency  , the total impedance is
(c) Nearly one (d) Exactly one (a) [R 2  (L  C)2 ]1 / 2
  1  

94. If resistance of 100  , inductance of 0.5 henry and (b)  R 2   L    

  C   
capacitance of 10  10 6 F are connected in series through 50
1 / 2
Hz ac supply, then impedance is   1  
(c)  R 2   L    
(a) 1.876 (b) 18.76   C   
(c) 189.72 (d) 101.3
  1  
(d) (R  )2   L    
95. An alternating current source of frequency 100 Hz is joined to   C   
a combination of a resistance, a capacitance and a coil in
series. The potential difference across the coil, the resistance
102. The reactance of a 25 F capacitor at the ac frequency of
and the capacitor is 46, 8 and 40 volt respectively. The
electromotive force of alternating current source in volt is 4000 Hz is

(a) 94 (b) 14 5 5
(a) ohm (b) ohm
(c) 10 (d) 76  

(c) 10 ohm (d) 10 ohm

96. A 10 ohm resistance, 5 mH coil and 10 F capacitor are
joined in series. When a suitable frequency alternating current 103. The frequency for which a 5 F capacitor has a reactance of
source is joined to this combination, the circuit resonates. If 1
the resistance is halved, the resonance frequency ohm is given by
(a) Is halved (b) Is doubled 100 1000
(a) MHz (b) Hz
(c) Remains unchanged (d) In quadrupled  
(c) Hz (d) 1000 Hz
97. L, C and R represent physical quantities inductance, 1000
capacitance and resistance respectively. The combination
representing dimension of frequency is 104. An e.m.f. E  4 cos( 1000 t) volt is applied to an LR-circuit of
1 / 2
(a) LC (b) (LC) inductance 3 mH and resistance 4 ohms. The amplitude of
1 / 2 current in the circuit is
L C
(c)   (d) 4
C L (a) A (b) 1.0 A
98. In a series circuit R = 300 , L = 0.9 H, C = 2.0  F (c) A (d) 0.8 A
and  = 1000 rad/sec. The impedance of the circuit is

(a) 1300  (b) 900  105. In an ac circuit, a resistance of R ohm is connected in series
(c) 500  (d) 400  with an inductance L. If phase angle between voltage and
current be 45°, the value of inductive reactance will be
 0 .4  (a)
99. In a L-R circuit, the value of L is   henry and the value 4
  
of R is 30 ohm. If in the circuit, an alternating e.m.f. of 200 (b)
volt at 50 cycles per sec is connected, the impedance of the
(c) R
circuit and current will be
(d) Cannot be found with the given data
(a) 11 .4 , 17 .5 A (b) 30 .7 , 6 .5 A
(a) 20 ohm (b) 5 ohm
106. A coil of inductance L has an inductive reactance of X L in an (c) 10 ohm (d) 14 2 ohm
AC circuit in which the effective current is I. The coil is made
from a super-conducting material and has no resistance. The
114. A 12 ohm resistor and a 0.21 henry inductor are connected in
rate at which power is dissipated in the coil is
series to an ac source operating at 20 volts, 50 cycle/second.
(a) 0 (b) IX L The phase angle between the current and the source voltage is
(c) I 2 X L (d) IX L2
(a) 30° (b) 40°
107. The phase difference between the current and voltage of LCR (c) 80° (d) 90°
circuit in series combination at resonance is
(a) 0 (b)  / 2 115. What will be the phase difference between virtual voltage and
(c)  (d)  virtual current, when the current in the circuit is wattless
(a) 90° (b) 45°
(c) 180° (d) 60°
108. In a series resonant circuit, the ac voltage across resistance R,
inductance L and capacitance C are 5 V, 10 V and 10 V
respectively. The ac voltage applied to the circuit will be 116. The resonant frequency of a circuit is f. If the capacitance is
(a) 20 V (b) 10 V made 4 times the initial values, then the resonant frequency
will become
(c) 5 V (d) 25 V
(a) f / 2 (b) 2f
(c) f (d) f / 4
109. When 100 volt dc is applied across a coil, a current of 1 amp
flows through it. When 100 volt ac at 50 cycle s 1 is applied
117. In the non-resonant circuit, what will be the nature of the
to the same coil, only 0.5 ampere current flows. The
circuit for frequencies higher than the resonant frequency
impedance of the coil is
(a) Resistive (b) Capacitive
(a) 100  (b) 200 
(c) Inductive (d) None of the above
(c) 300  (d) 400 

118. In an ac circuit, the potential difference across an inductance

110. The coefficient of induction of a choke coil is 0.1H and
and resistance joined in series are respectively 16 V and 20 V.
resistance is 12  . If it is connected to an alternating current The total potential difference across the circuit is
source of frequency 60 Hz, then power factor will be (a) 20.0 V (b) 25.6 V
(a) 0.32 (b) 0.30 (c) 31.9 V (d) 53.5 V
(c) 0.28 (d) 0.24

119. A 220 V, 50 Hz ac source is connected to an inductance of 0.2

111. For series LCR circuit, wrong statement is H and a resistance of 20 ohm in series. What is the current in
(a) Applied e.m.f. and potential difference across resistance the circuit
are in same phase (a) 10 A (b) 5 A
(b) Applied e.m.f. and potential difference at inductor coil (c) 33.3 A (d) 3.33 A
have phase difference of  / 2
(c) Potential difference at capacitor and inductor have 120. An LCR circuit contains R = 50  , L = 1 mH and C = 0.1 F. The
phase difference of  / 2 impedance of the circuit will be minimum for a frequency of
(d) Potential difference across resistance and capacitor 10 5 1 10 6 1
(a) s (b) s
have phase difference of  / 2 2 2

(c) 2  10 5 s 1 (d) 2  10 6 s 1
112. In a purely resistive ac circuit, the current
(a) Lags behind the e.m.f. in phase 121. In a series LCR circuit, resistance R  10 and the
(b) Is in phase with the e.m.f. impedance Z  20. The phase difference between the
current and the voltage is
(c) Leads the e.m.f. in phase
(a) 30 o (b) 45 o
(d) Leads the e.m.f. in half the cycle and lags behind it in
the other half (c) 60 o (d) 90 o

113. If an 8  resistance and 6  reactance are present in an ac 122. A series ac circuit consist of an inductor and a capacitor. The
series circuit then the impedance of the circuit will be inductance and capacitance is respectively 1 henry and 25 F.
If the current is maximum in circuit then angular frequency (c)  / 4 (d)  / 6
will be
(a) 200 (b) 100
129. The capacity of a pure capacitor is 1 farad. In dc circuits, its
(c) 50 (d) 200/2  effective resistance will be
(a) Zero (b) Infinite
 1  (c) 1 ohm (d) 1/2 ohm
123. An alternating e.m.f. of frequency v    is applied to
 2 LC 
a series LCR circuit. For this frequency of the applied e.m.f. 130. In an ac circuit, the current lags behind the voltage by  / 3 .
The components in the circuit are
(a) The circuit is at resonance and its impedance is made up (a) R and L (b) R and C
only of a reactive part (c) L and C (d) Only R
(b) The current in the circuit is in phase with the applied
e.m.f. and the voltage across R equals this applied emf
131. The reactance of a coil when used in the domestic ac power
(c) The sum of the p.d.’s across the inductance and supply (220 volts, 50 cycles per second) is 50 ohms. The
capacitance equals the applied e.m.f. which is 180o inductance of the coil is nearly
ahead of phase of the current in the circuit (a) 2.2 henry (b) 0.22 henry
(d) The quality factor of the circuit is L / R or 1 / CR (c) 1.6 henry (d) 0.16 henry
and this is a measure of the voltage magnification
(produced by the circuit at resonance) as well as the 132. In an ac circuit, the power factor
sharpness of resonance of the circuit (a) Is zero when the circuit contains an ideal resistance
124. In the circuit shown below, the ac source has voltage (b) Is unity when the circuit contains an ideal resistance only
V  20 cos( t) volts with  = 2000 rad/sec. the amplitude of (c) Is zero when the circuit contains an ideal inductance only
the current will be nearest to (d) Is unity when the circuit contains an ideal inductance only
(a) 2 A
(b) 3.3 A 6 133. A resistance of 40 ohm and an inductance of 95.5 millihenry
are connected in series in a 50 cycles/second ac circuit. The
(c) 2 / 5 A impedance of this combination is very nearly
5 mH, 4 50 F
(d) 5A (a) 30 ohm (b) 40 ohm
(c) 50 ohm (d) 60 ohm
125. The value of the current through an inductance of 1 H and of
negligible resistance, when connected through an ac source of 134. For high frequency, a capacitor offers
200 V and 50 Hz, is (a) More reactance (b) Less reactance
(a) 0.637 A (b) 1.637 A (c) Zero reactance (d) Infinite reactance
(c) 2.637A (d) 3.637 A
135. The coil of choke in a circuit
126. The quality factor of LCR circuit having resistance (R) and (a) Increases the current
inductance (L) at resonance frequency (  ) is given by (b) Decreases the current
L R (c) Does not change the current
(a) (b)
R L
(d) Has high resistance to dc circuit
1/2 2
 L   L 
(c)   (d)  
 R   R  136. In a circuit, the current lags behind the voltage by a phase
difference of  / 2 . The circuit contains which of the
127. Power factor is maximum in an LCR circuit when following
(a) X L  X C (b) R  0 (a) Only R (b) Only L
(c) Only C (d) R and C
(c) X L  0 (d) X C  0

137. The inductive reactance of an inductor of henry at 50 Hz
128. In an ac circuit the reactance of a coil is 3 times its 
resistance, the phase difference between the voltage across frequency is
the coil to the current through the coil will be 50 
(a) ohm (b) ohm
(a)  / 3 (b)  / 2  50
(c) 100 ohm (d) 50 ohm (c) Both are in the same phase
(d) None of these
138. An oscillator circuit consists of an inductance of 0.5mH and a
capacitor of 20  F . The resonant frequency of the circuit is
146. A coil of 200 resistance and 1.0 H inductance is connected
to an ac source of frequency 200 /2 Hz . Phase angle between
(a) 15.92 Hz (b) 159.2 Hz
potential and current will be
(c) 1592 Hz (d) 15910 Hz
(a) 30o (b) 90o
(c) 45o (d) 0o
139. Reactance of a capacitor of capacitance C F for ac frequency
Hz is 25  . The value C is 147. In a LCR circuit the pd between the terminals of the

inductance is 60 V, between the terminals of the capacitor is
(a) 50 F (b) 25 F 30V and that between the terminals of resistance is 40V. the
(c) 100 F (d) 75 F supply voltage will be equal to …
(a) 50 V (b) 70 V
140. The power factor of an ac circuit having resistance (R) and (c) 130 V (d) 10 V
inductance (L) connected in series and an angular velocity 
is 148. Radio frequency choke uses core of
(a) R / L (b) R /(R 2   2 L2 )1 / 2 (a) Air (b) Iron
(c) L / R (d) R /(R 2   2 L2 )1 / 2 (c) Air and iron (d) None of these

141. A circuit has a resistance of 11, an inductive reactance of 149. In a LCR circuit capacitance is changed from C to 2C. For the
resonant frequency to remain unchanged, the inductance
25  and a capacitative resistance of 18. It is connected to an
should be change from L to
ac source of 260V and 50Hz. The current through the circuit (in
(a) 4L (b) 2L
amperes) is
(c) L/2 (d) L/4
(a) 11 (b) 15
(c) 18 (d) 20
150. In an LCR series ac circuit, the voltage across each of the
components, L, C and R is 50V. the voltage across the LC
142. A 0.7 henry inductor is connected across a 120V – 60 Hz ac
combination will be
source. The current in the inductor will be very nearly
(a) 50V (b) 50 2 V
(a) 4.55 amp (b) 0.355 amp
(c) 0.455 amp (d) 3.55 amp (c) 100V (d) 0 V (zero)

143. There is a 5  resistance in an ac, circuit. Inductance of 0.1H 151. A coil has L = 0.04 H and R  12  . When it is connected to
is connected with it in series. If equation of ac e.m.f. is 220V, 50Hz supply the current flowing through the coil, in
5 sin 50t then the phase difference between current and e.m.f. amperes is
is (a) 10.7 (b) 11.7
 
(a) (b) (c) 14.7 (d) 12.7
2 6

(d) 0 152. The current in series LCR circuit will be maximum when  is
(a) As large as possible
(b) Equal o natural frequency of LCR system
144. An inductor of inductance L and resistor of resistance R are
joined in series and connected by a source of frequency  . (c) LC
Power dissipated in the circuit is (d) 1 / LC
(R 2   2 L2 ) V 2R
(a) (b)
V (R   2 L2 )
153. An inductor L and a capacitor C are connected in the circuit
V R 2   2 L2 as shown in the figure. The frequency of the power supply is
(c) (d)
(R   2 L2 )
V2 equal to the resonant frequency of the circuit. Which ammeter
will read zero ampere
145. In a ac circuit of capacitance the current from potential is A1
(a) Forward C
(b) Backward A2

E = E0 sint
frequency of ac source is 50 Hz, then the impedance and
inductance of the solenoid are
(a) 200  and 0.55 henry (b) 100  and 0.86 henry
(a) A1 (b) A2 (c) 200  and 1.0 henry (d) 100  and 0.93 henry
(c) A3 (d) None of these
159. In an LR-circuit, the inductive reactance is equal to the
resistance R of the circuit. An e.m.f. E  E0 cos( t) applied to
154. Which of the following components of a LCR circuit, with ac
the circuit. The power consumed in the circuit is
supply, dissipates energy
(a) L (b) R E2 E2
(a) 0 (b) 0
R 2R
(c) C (d) All of these
E02 E02
(c) (d)
4R 8R
155. In a circuit L, C and R are connected in series with an
alternating voltage source of frequency f . The current leads
160. One 10 V, 60 W bulb is to be connected to 100 V line. The
the voltage by 45°. The value of C is
required induction coil has self inductance of value
1 ( f  50 Hz )
2f (2fL  R)
(a) 0.052 H (b) 2.42 H
1 (c) 16.2 mH (d) 1.62 mH
f (2fL  R )
1 161. In the circuit given below, what will be the reading of the
2f (2fL  R) voltmeter
V 100V 100V
(a) 300 V
f (2fL  R) (b) 900 V
(c) 200 V
200V, 100 Hz
(d) 400 V
156. In an A.C. circuit the current
(a) Always leads the voltage
(b) Always lags behind the voltage 162. In the circuit shown below, what will be the readings of
the voltmeter and ammeter
100 
(c) Is always in phase with the voltage
(d) May lead or lag behind or be in phase with the voltage
157. For the series LCR circuit shown in the figure, what is the 300 V 300 V
resonance frequency and the amplitude of the current at the
220 V, 50 Hz
resonating frequency
8 mH

20 F (a) 800 V, 2A (b) 300 V, 2A

220 V ~
(c) 220 V, 2.2 A (d) 100 V, 2A

44 
163. A bulb and a capacitor are connected in series to a source of
alternating current. If its frequency is increased, while
keeping the voltage of the source constant, then
(a) 2500 rad  s 1 and 5 2 A
(a) Bulb will give more intense light
(b) 2500 rad  s 1 and 5 A (b) Bulb will give less intense light
5 (c) Bulb will give light of same intensity as before
(c) 2500 rad  s 1 and A (d) Bulb will stop radiating light

(d) 25 rad  s 1 and 5 2 A

164. An alternating e.m.f. of angular frequency  is applied
across an inductance. The instantaneous power developed in
158. When 100 volts dc is supplied across a solenoid, a current of the circuit has an angular frequency
1.0 amperes flows in it. When 100 volts ac is applied across  
the same coil, the current drops to 0.5 ampere. If the (a) (b)
4 2
(c)  (d) 2

4 50F
165. The voltage of an ac source varies with time according to the 5mH
equation V  100 sin 100 t cos 100 t where t is in seconds and V
is in volts. Then
(a) The peak voltage of the source is 100 volts
(b) The peak voltage of the source is 50 volts
(a) 0V, 0.47A (b) 1.68V, 0.47A
(c) The peak voltage of the source is 100 / 2 volts
(c) 0V, 1.4 A (d) 5.6V, 1.4 A
(d) The frequency of the source is 50 Hz
170. A telephone wire of length 200 km has a capacitance of 0.014
166. The diagram shows a capacitor C and a resistor R connected F per km. If it carries an ac of frequency 5 kHz, what should
in series to an ac source. V1 and V2 are voltmeters and A is be the value of an inductor required to be connected in series
an ammeter so that the impedance of the circuit is minimum
V1 (a) 0.35 mH (b) 35 mH
(c) 3.5 mH (d) Zero

C R V2 171. In a certain circuit current changes with time according to

i  2 t . r.m.s. value of current between t  2 to t  4 s will
(a) 3 A (b) 3 3 A
Consider now the following statements
I. Readings in A and V2 are always in phase (c) 2 3 A (d) (2  2 )A
II. Reading in V1 is ahead in phase with reading in V2
III. Readings in A and V1 are always in phase which of 172. Match the following
these statements are/is correct Currents r.m.s. values
(a) I only (b) II only (1) x 0 sin  t (i) x0
(c) I and II only (d) II and III only x0
(2) x 0 sin  t cos  t (ii)
167. In the circuit shown in figure neglecting source resistance the x0
voltmeter and ammeter reading will respectively, will be (3) x 0 sin  t  x 0 cos  t (iii)
(2 2 )
(a) 1. (i), 2. (ii), 3. (iii) (b) 1. (ii), 2. (iii), 3. (i)
(c) 1. (i), 2. (iii), 3. (ii) (d) None of these

R = 30 XL = 25 XC = 25

A 173. The reading of ammeter in the circuit shown will be
240 V
(a) 2A XC = 5
V 110 V
(b) 2.4 A
(a) 0V, 3A (b) 150V, 3A (c) Zero
(c) 150V, 6A (d) 0V, 8A (d) 1.7 A XL = 5 R = 55

168. The voltage of an ac supply varies with time (t ) as 174. An ac source of angular frequency  is fed across a resistor r
V  120 sin 100  t cos 100  t. The maximum voltage and and a capacitor C in series. The current registered is I. If now
frequency respectively are the frequency of source is changed to /3 (but maintaining
120 the same voltage), the current in then circuit is found to be
(a) 120 volts, 100 Hz (b) volts, 100 Hz halved. Calculate the ratio of reactance to resistance at the
original frequency 
(c) 60 volts, 200 Hz (d) 60 volts, 100 Hz 3 2
(a) (b)
5 5
169. In the circuit shown in the figure, the ac source gives a
1 4
voltage V  20 cos( 2000 t). Neglecting source resistance, the (c) (d)
5 5
voltmeter and ammeter reading will be
1 1
(a) (b)
175. An LCR series circuit with a resistance of 100 ohm is 3 2
connected to an ac source of 200 V (r.m.s.) and angular 1 1
frequency 300 rad/s. When only the capacitor is removed, the (c) (d)
2 3
current lags behind the voltage by 60 o . When only the
inductor is removed the current leads the voltage by 60 o . The
2 .5
average power dissipated is 183. F capacitor and 3000-ohm resistance are joined in
(a) 50 W (b) 100 W 
(c) 200 W (d) 400 W series to an ac source of 200 volt and 50 sec 1 frequency. The
power factor of the circuit and the power dissipated in it will
176. A virtual current of 4A and 50 Hz flows in an ac circuit (a) 0.6, 0.06 W (b) 0.06, 0.6 W
containing a coil. The power consumed in the coil is 240 W. If (c) 0.6, 4.8 W (d) 4.8, 0.6 W
the virtual voltage across the coil is 100 V its inductance will
1 1 184. The self inductance of a choke coil is 10 mH. When it is
(a) H (b) H connected with a 10V dc source, then the loss of power is 20
3 5
watt. When it is connected with 10 volt ac source loss of
1 1 power is 10 watt. The frequency of ac source will be
(c) H (d) H
7 9 (a) 50 Hz (b) 60 Hz
(c) 80 Hz (d) 100 Hz
177. For a series RLC circuit R = XL = 2XC. The impedance of the
circuit and phase difference (between) V and i will be
185. In an LCR circuit R  100 ohm. When capacitance C is
5R 1 5R 1  1  removed, the current lags behind the voltage by  / 3 . When
(a) , tan (2) (b) , tan  
2 2 2 inductance L is removed, the current leads the voltage by
 / 3 . The impedance of the circuit is
(c) 5 X C , tan1 (2) (d) 5 R, tan1   (a) 50 ohm (b) 100 ohm
(c) 200 ohm (d) 400 ohm

178. In the adjoining ac circuit the voltmeter whose reading will be

186. A group of electric lamps having a total power rating of 1000
zero at resonance is V4 watt is supplied by an ac voltage E  200 sin(310 t  60 ) .
(a) V1 V1 V2 V3 Then the r.m.s. value o the circuit current is
(b) V2 (a) 10 A (b) 10 2 A
(c) V3 L C R
(c) 20 A (d) 20 2 A
(d) V4

179. In the adjoining figure the impedance of the circuit will be 187. Following figure shows an ac generator connected to a "block
box" through a pair of terminals. The box contains possible R,
(a) 120 ohm L, C or their combination, whose elements and arrangements
(b) 50 ohm 90 V are not known to us. Measurements outside the box reveals
(c) 60 ohm that
XL = 30  XC =20
e = 75 sin (sin  t) volt, i = 1.5 sin (  t + 45o) amp then, the
(d) 90 ohm
wrong statement is
(a) There must be a capacitor in
180. If i  t 2 0  t  T then r.m.s. value of current is
the box
T2 T2 ?
(a) (b) (b) There must be an inductor in
2 2
the box
T2 (c) There must be a resistance in the box
(c) (d) None of these
5 (d) The power factor is 0.707

181. A bulb and a capacitor are in series with an ac source. On 188. A resistor R, an inductor L and a capacitor C are connected in
increasing frequency how will glow of the bulb change series to an oscillator of frequency n. if the resonant
(a) The glow decreases (b) The glow increases frequency is nr , then the current lags behind voltage, when
(c) The glow remain the same (d) The bulb quenches (a) n  0 (b) n  nr
(c) n  nr (d) n  nr
182. The r.m.s. current in an ac circuit is 2 A. If the wattless
current be 3 A , what is the power factor 189. If power factor is 1/2 in a series RL circuit R  100  . ac
mains is used then L is
3 (a)RL circuit with R = 1 kΩ and L = 10 mH
(a) Henry (b)  Henry

(b)RL circuit with R = 1 kΩ and L = 1 mH

(c) Henry (d) None of these
3 (c)RC circuit with R = 1 kΩ and C = 1 μF

190. What will be the self inductance of a coil, to be (d)RC circuit with R = 1 kΩand C = 10 μF

connected in a series with a resistance of  3  such

that the phase difference between the emf and the 196. For the given input voltage waveform ( ), the
current at 50 Hz frequency is 30° output voltage waveform ( ), across the
(a) 0.5 Henry (b) 0.03 Henry capacitor is correctly depicted by
(c) 0.05 Henry (d) 0.01 Henry

191. The phase difference between the voltage and the current in
an ac circuit is  / 4 . If the frequency is 50 Hz then this phase
difference will be equivalent to a time of
(a) 0.02 s (b) 0.25 s
(c) 2.5 ms (d) 25 ms

192. A series AC circuit containing an inductor

(20mH), a capacitor (120μF) and resistor (60Ω) is
driven by an AC source of 24 V/50 Hz. The energy
dissipated in the circuit in 60 s is:
(a) 5.65×10² J (b) 2.26×10³ J
(c) 5.17×10² J (d) 3.39×10³ J

√ √
193. In the below circuit, (b)
and . Current in path is and in
path it is . The voltage of AC source is
given by, √ ( ) volts. The phase
difference between and is :


(a) 60° (b) 30°

(c) 90° (d) 0 (d)

194. An alternating voltage ( ) volt

is applied to a purely resistive load of . The
time taken for the current to rise from half of the
peak value is: 197. An AC circuit has and
(a) 5 ms (b) 2.2 ms , connected in series. The quality factor
(c) 7.2 ms (d) 3.3 ms for the circuit is

(a) 20 (b) 2
195. A circuit connected to an source of
(c) 0.5 (d) 400
( ) with in seconds, gives a phase
difference of between the and current .
198. In circuit the inductance and
Which of the following circuits will exhibit this ? capacitance . If a voltage ( )
( ) is applied to the circuit, the current in other hand, onlyinductor is removed the current
the circuit is given as: leads by with the applied voltage. The rms
current flowing in the circuitwill be:
(a) (a) (b)
(b) (c) (d)
(d) 203. An alternating current is given by the equation
coscot. The rms current will be:
(a) ( ) (b) ( )
199. Figure shows a circuit that contains four √
identical resistors with resistance . TWo (c) ( ) (d) ( )
√ √
identical inductorswith inductance and
an ideal battery with emf . The current 204. Find the peak current and resonant frequency
just after the switch isclosed will be: of the following circuit (as shown in figure)

(a) (b)
(c) (d) (a) and (b) and
(c) and (d) and
200. The current ( ) at time and
respectively for the given circuit is : 205. An RC circuit as shown in the figure is
driven by a AC source generating a square
wave. The output wavepattern monitored
by CRO would look close to:

(a) (b)
(c) (d)
201. The angular frequency of alterlating current in
a circuit is . The components
connected areshown in the figure. Find the value (b)
of inductance of the coil and capacity of


206. An AC current is given by

(a) and (b) and .
(c) and (d) and A hot wire ammeter will give a reading:
202. An circuit contains resistance of and
a supply of at angular frequency. If
onlycapacitance is removed from the circuit,
current lags behind the voltage by . If on the
(b) Inductive reactance will be halved
(a) √ (b) √
andcurrent will be doubled.
(c) (d) (c) Inductive reactance will be doubled
√ √
andcurrent will be halved.
207. Match List-I with List II (d) Both, inducting reactance and
current willbe doubled.
List I List II
(1)Phase (i) ; current leads 209. In a series LCR resonance circuit, if we
difference voltage change the resistance only, from a lower
to higher value:
current and
voltage in a (a) The bandwidth of resonance circuit
purely will increase.
resistive AC
(b) The resonance frequency will
(2)Phase (ii)Zero (c) The quality factor will increase.
difference (d) The quality factor and the
between resonance frequency will remain
current and
voltage in a
inductive AC 210. An AC source rated 220 V, 50 Hzis
circuit connected to a resistor. The time taken by
(3)Phase (iii) ; current lags the current to change from itsmaximum
difference voltage to the rms value is:
current and (a)2.5 ms (b)25 ms
voltage in a (c) 2.5 s (d) 0.25 ms
capacitive AC 211. In a series LCR circuit, the inductive
circuit reactance ( )is and the capacitive
(4)Phase (iv) ( ) reactance ( )is . Theresistance (R) in
difference the circuit is 6Ω. The power factor of the
circuit is:
current and
voltage in an (a) (b) √
LCR series
circuit (c)√ (d) √
(a) (1) − (i),(2) − (iii),(3) − (iv),(4) − (ii)
(b) (1) − (ii),(2) − (iv),(3) − (iii),(4) − (i) 212. In the given circuit the
(c) (1) − (ii),(2) − (iii),(3) − (iv),(4) − (i) AC source has   100rads1 . Considering the
(d) (1) − (ii),(2) − (iii),(3) − (i),(4) − (iv) inductor and capacitor to be ideal, what will be the
current I flowing through the circuit?

208. What happens to the inductive

reactance andthe current in a purely
inductive circuit if the frequency is
(a) Both, inductive reactance and
current willbe halved.
Choose the correct answer from the options
given below:

List-I List-II
(a) 1 (i) Current is in
L  phase with emf
(b) 1 (ii) Current relags
L  behind the
applied emf
(c) 1 (iii) Maximum
L  current occurs
(d) Resonant (iv) Current leads the
frequency emf
(a) 5.9A (b) 4.24A
(c) 0.94A (d) 6A Choose the correct answer from the options
given below
(a) (a) -(ii); (b) - (i); (c) - (iv); (d) - (iii) (b) (a)
213. A series LCR circuit
-(ii); (b) - (i); (c) - (iii); (d) - (iv)
driven by 300V at a frequency of 50Hz contains a (c) (a) -(iii); (b) - (i); (c) - (iv); (d) - (ii) (d)
resistance R  3k  an inductor of inductive (a) -(iv); (b) - (iii); (c) - (ii); (d) - (i)
reactance X L  250 and an unknown capacitor. 218. A 0.07H inductor and a 12 resistor are
The value of capacitance to maximize the average connected in series to a 220V, 50Hz ac source.
The approximate current in the circuit and the
power should be : (Take  2  10 )
phase angle between current and source voltage
(a) 4 F (b) 25 F 22
(c) 400 F (d) 40 F are respectively. [Take  as ]
 11 
(a) 8.8A and tan 1   (b)
214. An inductor coil stores
64J of magnetic field energy and dissipates energy  11 
(c) 0.88A and tan 1   (d)
at the rate 640W of when a current 8A of is passed 6
through it. If this coil is joined across an ideal
battery, find the time constant of the circuit in
seconds : 219. A 100 resistance, a 0.1 F capacitor and an
(a) 0.4 (b) 0.8 inductor are connected in series across a
(c) 0.125 (d) 0.2 250Vsupply at variable frequency. Calculate the
value of inductance of inductor at which
resonance will occur. Given that the resonant
frequency is 60Hz .
215. AC voltage V(t)=sin Ωt of frequency 50Hz is
(a) 0.70H (b) 70.3mH
applied to a parallel plate capacitor. The 5
separation between the plates is 2mm and the (c) 7.03 10 H (d) 70.3H
area is 1m . The amplitude of the oscillating

displacement current for the applied AC voltage is 220. A resistance of 40  is connected to a source of
___ [Take  0  8.85 1012 F / m ] alternating current rated 220 V, 50 Hz. Find the
(a) 21.14 A (b) 83.37 A time taken by the current to change from its
maximum value to rms value :
(c) 27.79 A (d) 55.58 A (a) 2.5ms (b) 1.25ms
(c) 2.5 s (d) 0.25 s
216. For a series LCR circuit with R  100 ,
L=0.5mH and C=0.1pF connected across 220V- 221. Given below are two statements :
50Hz AC supply, the phase angle between current Statement-I : The reactance of an ac circuit is
and supplied voltage and the nature of the circuit zero. It is possible that the circuit contains a
is : capacitor and an inductor.
(a) 0 , resistive circuit
(b)  90 ,
0 Statement-II : In ac circuit, the average poser
delivered by the source never becomes zero.
predominantly inductive circuit
In the light of the above statements, choose the
(c) 00 , resonance circuit (d)  900 , correct answer from the options given below :
predominantly capacitive circuit (a) Both Statement I and Statement II are true.
217. Match List-I with List-II : (b) Both Statement I and Statement II are false.
(c) Statement I is true but Statement II in false. resonant frequency, the amplitude of current will
(d) Statement I is false but Statement II is true. be approximately:
(a) 466mA (b) 312mA
222. The current flowing through an ac circuit is (c) 238mA (d) 196mA
given by
I = 5sin(l20  t )A 227. The equation of current in a purely inductive
How long will the current take to reach the peak circuit is 5sin(49  -30°). If the inductance is 30
value starting from zero? mH then the equation for the voltage across the
1 inductor, will be :
(a) s (b)60s
60  22 
 Let   
s (d)
s  7
120 240 (a)147sin(49  t-30°) (b) 1.47sin(49  t + 60°)
(c) 23.1sin(49  t-30°) (d) 23.1sin(49  t+ 60°)
223. For a series LCR circuit, I vs r curve is shown :
228. An alternating emf E = 440 sin 100  t is
(a) To the left of r , the circuit is mainly
applited to a circuit containing an inductance of
(b) To the left of r , the circuit is mainly H. If an a.c. ammeter is connected in the

circuit, its reading will be :
(c) At r , impedance of the circuit is equal to the (a) 4.4 A (b) 1.55 A
resistance of the circuit. (c)2.2A (d) 3.11 A
(d) At r , impedance of the circuit is 0.
229. A coil of inductance 1 H and resistance 100  is
connected to a battery of 6 V. Determine
approximately :
(a) The time elapsed before the current acquires
half of its steady - state value
(b) The energy stored in the magnetic field
associated with the coil at an instant 15 ms
after the circuit is switched on. (Given In2 =
0.693, e-3/2=0.25)
(a)t=10ms;U = 2mJ (b) t = 10 ms; U = 1 mJ
(c) t = 7 ms; U = 1 mJ (d) t = 7 ms; U = 2 mJ
Choose the most appropriate answer from the
options given below:
(a) (a) and (d) only (b) (b) and (d) only 230. A circuit element X when connected to an a.c.
(c) (a) and (c) only (d) (b) and (c) only supply of peak voltage 100 V gives a peak current
of 5 A which is in phase with the voltage. A second
element Y when connected to the same a.c. supply
224. When you walk through a metal detector
also gives the same value of peak current which
carrying a metal object in your pocket, it raises an
alarm. This phenomenon works on 
lags behind the voltage by . If X and Y are
(a) Electromagnetic induction 2
(b) Resonance in ac circuits connected in series to the same supply, what will
(c) Mutual induction in ac circuits be the rms value of the current in ampere ?
(d) interference of electromagnetic waves 10 5
(a) (b)
2 2
225. In a series LR circuit XL = R and power factor of
the circuit is Pl. When capacitor with capacitance (c) 5 2 (d)
C such that XL = Xc is put in series, the power 2
factor becomes P2. The ratio is
P2 231. In the circuit diagram shown, X C  100, X L  200
1 1 and R  100 . The effective current through the source is
(a) (b)
2 2
(c) (d) 2 : 1

226. A series LCR circuit has L = 0.01 H, R = 10  (a) 2 A (b) 2A

and C = 1  F and it is connected to ac voltage of
amplitude (Vm) 50 V. At frequency 60% lower than (c) 0.5 A (d) 2 2A
236. If E 0  200 volt , R  25 ohm . L  0.1H and C
232. The given figure represents the phasor diagram of a series
LCR circuit connected to an ac source. At the instant ‘t’  105 F and the frequency is variable, then the current at
when the source voltage is given by V  V0 cos t  , f  0 and f   will be respectively:
then current in the circuit will be

(a) OA,8 A (b) 8 A, OA

(c) 8 A,8 A (d) OA, OA

237. The quantities RC and  L / R (where R, L and C stand for

(a) I  I0 cos t’   / 6 resistance, inductance and capacitance respectively) have
(b) I  I0 cos t’   / 6 the dimension of:
(a) force (b) linear momentum
(c) I  I 0 cos (  t '  / 3 ) (c) linear velocity (d) time

(d) I  I 0 cos (t '  / 3 )

238. In a series resonant LCR circuit, if L is increased by 25%
and C is decreased by 20%, then the resonant frequency
233. A circuit has three elements, a resistance of 11, a coil of will
inductive reactance 12 and a capacitive reactance of
(a) Increase by 10%
120 in series and connected to an A.C. source of
110V , 60 Hz . Which of the three elements have minimum (b) Decrease by 10%
potential difference? (c) Remain unchanged
(a) Resistance (d)Increase by 2.5 %
(b) Capacitance
(c) Inductor 239. ln an LCR circuit, the resonating frequency is 500 k .Hz . If
(d) All will have equal potential difference the value of L is increased two times and value of C is
decreased times, then the new resonating frequency in
234. In a series L‐C‐R circuit, the voltage across R is 100V and 8
R  1,C  2 F . The resonant frequency  is kHz will be:
200 rad / s . At resonance the voltage across L is: (a) 250 (b) 500
(c) 1000 (d) 2000
(a) 40V (b) 250V
(c) 2.5 10 V (d) None of these XC  R I1 I3
240. If then phase difference between & :
235. Figure shows a series L‐C‐R circuit, connected to a variable
frequency 200V source. C  80 F and R  d 40 .
The source frequency which drives the circuit at resonance

 
(a) (b) 
2 4
2 
(c)  (d) 
25 3 3
(a) 25 Hz (b) Hz

241. An ac circuit contains a resistance R and a reactance X. If
50 the impedance of the circuit is given by
(c) 50 Hz (d) Hz
 Z  50 / 6
Then the resistance and the reactance are, respectively
(in ohms):
(a) Zero; 50 (b) 25 3; 25

(c) 25; 25 3 (d) 25; 25

242. A resistor and a capacitor are connected to an AC supply of

200 volt , 50 Hz in series. The current in the circuit is
2 ampere . If the power consumed in the circuit is 20 R 2 2 2 0 R 2
(a) M  (b) M 
100 watt , then the resistance m the circuit is: L L2
(a) 100 (b) 25 2 2 0 R 2 2 0 R
(c) M  (d) M 
L L2
(c) 125  75 (d) 400

243. The current in a circuit containing a capacitance C and a

resistance R in series leads over the applied voltage of 248. For the given figures, choose the correct options:

frequency by.

1  1 
(a) tan  
 CR 
(b) tan
CR 
1  1
(c) tan ω 
 R
(d) cos
 ωCR 
244. A coil of resistance 300 ohm and self‐inductance
1.5 henry is connected to an ac source of frequency

Hz . The phase difference between voltage and current is (a) The rms current in circuit (b) can never
(a) 0 (b) 30 be larger than that in (a)
(c) 45 (d) 60 (b) The rms current in figure (a) is always
equal to that in figure (b)
(c) The rms current in circuit (b) can be
245. A resistance of 40 ohm and an inductance of 95.5
larger than that in (a)
millihenry are connected in series in a 50 cycles/second ac
(d) At resonance, current in (b) is less than
circuit. The impedance of this combination is very nearly
that in (a)
(a) 30 ohm (b) 40 ohm
(c) 50 ohm (d) 60 ohm 249. A sinusoidal earner voltage is amplitude
modulated. The resultant amplitude modulated
246. In an LC oscillator, if wave has maximum and minimum amplitude of
values of inductance and capacitance become 120 V and 80 V respectively. The amplitude of
twice and eight times, respectively, then the each sideband is :
resonant frequency of oscillator becomes x times (a) 15V (b) 10 V
its initial resonant frequency 0 . The value of x (c) 20 V (d) 5V
(a) 1/4 (b) 16 250. In a series LR circuit with XL = R. power factor is
PI. If a capacitor of capacitance C with X c = XL is
(c) 1/16 (d) 4
added to the circuit the power factor becomes P2.
The ratio of P1 to P2 will be :
247. Find the mutual inductance in the arrangement,
when a small circular loop of wire of radius ‘R’ is (a) 1:3 (b) 1: 2
placed inside a large square loop of wire of side L (c) 1:1 (d) 1:2
(L >> R). The loops are coplanar and their centres
coincide :
251. In the given circuit, rms value of current (I rms) (a) Statement I is false but Statement II is true
through the resistor R is : (b) Both Statement I and Statement II are true
(c) Statement I is true but Statement II is false
(d) Both Statement I and Statement II are false


(a) 2A (b) A
(c) 20 A (d) 2 2 A
As per the given graph, choose the
252. An alternating voltage source V = 260 sin (628t)
correct representation for curve A and
is connected across a pure inductor of 5 mH.
Inductive reactance in the circuit is: curve B
(a)3.14  (b) 6 28  {Where XC = Reactance or pure capacitive
(c) 0.5  (d)0.318  circuit connected with A.C. source
XL = Reactance of pure inductive circuit
connected with A.C. source
253. Match the List-I with List-II.
List I List II R = Impedance of pure resistive circuit
A. AC generator I. Presence of both connected with A.C. source
L and C Z = Impedance of the LCR series circuit}
B. Transformer II. Electromagnetic (a) A=X C,B=R (b) A=XL,B=R
Induction (c) A = X L,B = Z (d) A = XC, B = XL
257. Given below are two statements:
C. Resonance phenomenon
Statement I: When the frequency of an AC
to occur III. Quality factor
source in a series LCR circuit increases,
D. Sharpness of resonance IV. Mutual
the current in the circuit first increases,
attains a maximum value and then
Choose the correct answer from the options given
Statement II: In a series LCR circuit, the
value of power factor at resonance is one.
(b) A-II, B-I, C-III, D-IV
In the light of given statements, choose the
(c) A-II, B-IV, C-I, D-III
most appropriate answer from the
options given below.
254. A capacitor of capacitance 150.0 F is
connected to an alternating source of emf (a) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is
given by E = 36 sin(120 ) V. The maximum true
value of current in the circuit is approximately (b) Both Statement I and Statement II are false
equal to: (c) Both Statement I and Statement II are true
(a) 2 A (b) 2 A (d) Statement I is correct but Statement II is false
258. Given below are two statements:
(c) 2 2 A (d) A Statement I : An AC circuit undergoes
2 electrical resonance if it contains either
255. Given below are two statements: a capacitor or an inductor.
Statement I: Maximum power is dissipated in Statement II: An AC circuit containing a pure
a circuit containing an inductor, a capacitor or a pure inductor consumes
capacitor and a resistor connected in high power due to its non-zero power
series with an AC source, when factor. In the light of above statements,
resonance occurs. choose the correct answer from the
Statement II: Maximum power is dissipated in options given below:
a circuit containing pure resistor due to (a) Statement I is false but statement II is true
zero phase difference between current (b) Statement I is true but statement II is false
and voltage. (c) Both Statement I and Statement II are false
In the light of the above statements, choose (d) Both Statement I and Statement II are true
the correct answer from the options
given below:

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