Arpropr2 Reviewer Topic 2
Arpropr2 Reviewer Topic 2
Arpropr2 Reviewer Topic 2
SITE UTILIZATION AND LAND-USE STUDIES The architect can render services in any of the
following ways:
The detailed analysis of the site involves the
identification of a site's development potentials through As an individual Architect, he must have
the proper utilization of land. The analysis covers the special training and be knowledgeable in
context of the site as well as that of its surrounding different fields to supplement his skills.
Architect’s Own Staff
By Association, Consultation or Networking and long-distance calls, technical, and laboratory
IV. METHOD OF COMPENSATION tests, licenses, fees, taxes, and similar cost items
needed by the Project.
The architect’s compensation is based on the
Architect’s / architectural firm’s talents, skills, Direct Cost= AN+CN+TN
experience, imagination, and on the type and level of Fee= Direct Cost (Multiplier)
professional services provided. Compensation for pre- Total Cost of Service charged to Client= Fee+ R
design services may be based on one or more of the
The computation is made by adding all costs The SPP provides for more than one method
of technical services (man hours x rate) and then of compensation on a project. Each project should be
multiplying it by a multiplier to cover overhead and examined to determine the most appropriate and
profit. equitable method of compensation.