New Club Penguin Island Testing and New Bug Process!

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 December  2 9,  2 017  at  2 :43:33  PM  Pacific  Standard  Time

Subject: READ:  New  Club  Penguin  Island  Tes7ng  and  new  Bug  process!
Date: Thursday,  February  9,  2017  at  10:15:47  AM  Pacific  Standard  Time
From: Ross,  Ka7e
To: #DI  GE  GSR  Team,  #DI  GE  Management  and  Team  Leads
CC: #DCPI  GX  Product  Services

Hi  all,  

Hope  everyone  is  staying  warm  and  having  fun  in  the  snow!!!

EXCITING  NEWS!  There  are  now  going  to  be  players  tes7ng  1.1  (the  world  wide  launch  version)  
HUZZAH!!!  So  here’s  the  overview:

WHO  will  be  tesAng?  

Internal  Disney  people  in  Canada  both  in  and  outside  the  geo-­‐beta  regions

HOW  are  they  tesAng?

TestFlight  and  GooglePlay  invita7ons  will  be  sent  directly  to  par7cipants

WHAT  are  they  tesAng?

iOS  and  Android

Ac7va7on  flows  for  relevant  regions  (UK  players  need  to  have  parents  ac7vate  the  accounts)
Installs  –  does  it  load  from  the  store  properly
Concurrency  –  how  does  the  app  do  with  lots  of  penguins  logged  in  at  once
Connec7on  –  crashes/  errors  etc.
WiFi  vs  data  plans
Overall  experience

So  what  does  that  mean  for  GX  support?

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Memberships  –  same  as  the  first  beta
iOS  players  will  not  have  to  make  a  purchase,  there  will  be  a  flow  that  they  go  through  
that  grants  membership  access  without  charging  their  app  account
Android  users  will  contact  us  to  add  a  month  of  membership  access  to  their  account

Bug  Reports  –  New  process!!!!  Instead  of  using  Slack  snippets,  we  are  going  to  move  to  using  
ar7cles!  I  have  updated  the  ar7cle    CPI  -­‐  Beta  Test  (Feedback+Tracking).  If  you  are  
seeing  a  spike  in  contacts,  s7ll  feel  free  to  reach  out  on  Slack!!!
In  addi7on  to  the  usual  data  that  GX  collects  when  receiving  a  Bug  Report,  we  will  want  
to  gather:

if  the  player  is  using  wifi  or  their  mobile  data  plan
the  app  version  will  be  really  key  as  well
The  player’s  region

If  you  have  any  ques7ons  let  me  know!!!

Katie Ross
GX  Product  Specialist  | Disney Interactive
[email protected]
Tie  line:  8313  4303
Office  phone:  250-­‐980-­‐4303
Cell  Phone:  250-­‐864-­‐5014

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