Grade 1 (2024) - SA Pointers

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Grade 1 – SA Pointers 2024

Pointer Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) Agama

1. Agama Islam
- Bab 4 (halaman 55 s/d 57)
- Bab 5 (halaman 72 s/d 75)
- Bab 6 (halaman 94 s/d 96)

2. Agama Buddha
- Bab 1 (halaman 24 - 25)
- Bab 2 (halaman 33 - 34)
- Bab 3 (halaman 42 - 43)
- Bab 4 (halaman 55 - 56)

3. Agama Kristen
- Bab 1 - Aku Ciptaan Tuhan (halaman 2,3,4)
- Bab 3 - Aku Mengasihi Orang Di Sekitarku (halaman 26 dan 27)
- Bab 5 - Merawat Tubuh Ciptaan Tuhan (halaman 52 dan 53)
- Bab 6 - Aku Mau Hidup Rukun (halaman 66, 67, 68, 69)

Pointer Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) Pendidikan Pancasila

⇨ Bab 1 - Aku Cinta Pancasila (halaman 8, 13, 16, 20 s/d 25)

⇨ Bab 2 - Ayo, Patuhi Aturan (halaman 28, 32, 34, 35, 40, 41, 43 s/d 47)
⇨ Bab 3 - Kita Berbeda-beda (halaman 50, 55, 67, 69 s/d 73)

Pointer Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) IPAS

⇨ Bab 1 - Tubuhku (halaman 1-15)
⇨ Bab 2 - Pancaindra (halaman 21-37)
⇨ Bab 3 - Hidup Sehat (halaman 43-63)

Pointer Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) Bahasa Indonesia

Bab 1 Membaca dan Menulis Permulaan Bab 3 Awas Kuman dan Virus
Bab 2 Mari Bermain Bab 4 Aku Pasti Bisa

Pointer Science
Chapter 2 : Senses
Chapter 3 : Sound
Chapter 4 : Materials
Pointer Maths
Chapter 1 : Numbers to 10 Chapter 6 : Addition and Subtraction Within 20
Chapter 2 : Addition Within 10 Chapter 7 : Picture Graphs
Chapter 3 : Subtraction Within 10 Chapter 8 : Shapes
Chapter 4: Ordinal Numbers and Positions
Chapter 5 : Numbers to 20

Pointer English
1. It’s a / It’s an (SB pages 14-15 and WB page 10)
E.g. What’s this?
It’s an __________.
A. pencil B. eraser C. crayon D. ruler

2. It’s a big / small (SB page 20 and WB page 14)

E.g. The car is not small. It’s a ______ car.
A. big B. blue C. orange D. small

3. There is / There are (SB pages 28-29 and WB page 20)

E.g. _________ five paintbrushes.
A. There is B. There C. There are D. Have

4. Possessive Adjective : my / your / his / her (SB pages 46-47 and WB page 32)
E.g. Henry has a crayon. This is _______ crayon.
A. her B. his C. him D. my

5. Who…? (SB pages 52-53 and WB pages 36-37)

E.g. Who’s this?
___ his dad.
A. There is B. This is C. These are D. It’s a

6. Have / Has (SB pages 60-61 and WB page 42)

E.g. Timmy and his father ______ a big nose.
A. has B. have C. is D. do

7. To be : is, am, are (SB page 66 and SB Page 46)

E.g. He ___ tall
A. am B. are C. is D. can

1. Stationery and Art ( SB pages 26-27 and WB page 19)
2. Parts of the Body ( SB pages 58-59 and WB page 41)



Pointer Chinese

Chinese SA materials are taken from Vocabulary List and Meihua (Student’s book & Workbook Lesson 1 - 5).

A. Grammar - Essay
1. Choose the correct answer. (选词填空)
例:( 也,她 ) 她 是我的老师。
B. Reading Comprehension - Essay
2. Complete the sentences (短文填空)

和 弟弟 叫
他是我的 弟弟 , 名字 叫 小明 ,我 和 他

C. Vocabulary - MCQ
3. Choose the correct character (看拼音选汉字)
例:老师,再 jiàn 。
(A)来 (B)看 (C)见 (D)行

4. Choose the correct pinyin (看汉字选拼音)

例:他 有 一个弟弟。
( A ) yào ( B ) yǒu ( C ) méi ( D ) lái

5. Choose the correct character (辨别字)

例:你( )什么名字?
(A)ㄐ (B)口 (C)叫 (D)叶

D. Grammar - MCQ
6. Choose the suitable answer (选词填空)
例:我 ( ) 知道。
(A)不 (B)有 (C)下 (D)去
7. Count the strokes (数笔画)
例:”姐”,有( )画。
(A)五 (B)六 (C)七 (D)八

E. Reading Comprehension- MCQ

8. Read the passage and answer the following questions (阅读理解)

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