RIS-Assisted Physical Layer Security in Emerging RF and Optical Wireless Communication Systems A Comprehensive Survey
RIS-Assisted Physical Layer Security in Emerging RF and Optical Wireless Communication Systems A Comprehensive Survey
RIS-Assisted Physical Layer Security in Emerging RF and Optical Wireless Communication Systems A Comprehensive Survey
This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
Abstract—Security and latency are crucial aspects in the design theoretic security of RIS-based RF and optical systems. The
of future wireless networks. Physical layer security (PLS) has article first discusses the fundamental concepts of PLS and
received a growing interest from the research community in RIS technologies, followed by their combination in both RF
recent years for its ability to safeguard data confidentiality and OWC systems. Subsequently, some optimization techniques
without relying on key distribution or encryption/decryption, are presented in the context of the underlying system model,
and for its latency advantage over bit-level cryptographic tech- followed by an assessment of the impact of RIS-assisted PLS
niques. However, the evolution towards the fifth generation (5G) through a comprehensive performance analysis. Given that the
technology and beyond poses new security challenges that must computational complexity of future communication systems that
be addressed in order to fulfill the unprecedented performance adopt RIS-assisted PLS is likely to increase rapidly as the number
requirements of future wireless communication networks. Among of interactions between the users and infrastructure grows, ma-
the potential key-enabling technologies, reconfigurable intelligent chine learning (ML) is seen as a promising approach to address
surface (RIS) has attracted extensive attention due to its ability to this complexity issue while sustaining or improving the network
proactively and intelligently reconfigure the wireless propagation performance. A discussion of recent research studies on RIS-
environment to combat dynamic wireless channel impairments. assisted PLS-based systems embedded with ML is presented. Fur-
Consequently, the RIS technology can be adopted to improve thermore, some important open research challenges are proposed
the information-theoretic security of both radio frequency (RF) and discussed to provide insightful future research directions,
and optical wireless communications (OWC) systems. It is worth with the aim of moving a step closer towards the development and
noting that the configuration of RIS in RF communications is implementation of the forthcoming sixth-generation (6G) wireless
different from the one in optical systems at many levels (e.g., RIS technology.
materials, signal characteristics, and functionalities). This survey
paper provides a comprehensive overview of the information- Index Terms—Physical layer security (PLS), reconfigurable
intelligent surface (RIS), smart radio environment, beyond 5G
This work was supported by McMaster University and by the Natural (B5G) networks, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), mil-
Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada under its limeter wave (mmWave), terahertz (THz), unmanned aerial
Discovery Grant (DG) program (RGPINs 2019-04626 and 2021-03323). The vehicle (UAV), device-to-device (D2D) communication, cognitive
work of Jules M. Moualeu was supported by the Centre for Telecommunica- radio networks (CRNs), simultaneous wireless information and
tions Access Services (CeTAS) under the Telkom Centre of Excellence (CoE) power transfer (SWIPT), energy harvesting (EH), mobile edge
Program. The work of Sylvester Aboagye was supported by the University computing (MEC), satellite communications, multicast commu-
of Guelph. The work of Marco Di Renzo was supported in part by the nications, cell-free networks, relay-aided networks, vehicular
European Commission through the Horizon Europe project COVER under communications, wireless body area network (WBAN), integrated
grant agreement number 101086228, the Horizon Europe project UNITE
under grant agreement number 101129618, and the Horizon Europe project
sensing and communications (ISAC), internet-of-everything (IoT),
INSTINCT under grant agreement number 101139161, as well as by the industrial internet of thing (IIoT), internet of medical things
Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) through the France 2030 project (IoMT), backscatter communications, wireless sensor networks
ANR-PEPR Networks of the Future under grant agreement NF-Founds 22- (WSNs), optical wireless communications (OWC), visible light
PEFT-0010, and by the CHIST-ERA project PASSIONATE under grant communications (VLC), free space optical (FSO), high-altitude
agreements CHIST-ERA-22-WAI-04 and ANR-23-CHR4-0003-01. platform systems (HAPs), coordinated multipoint (CoMP) com-
Majid H. Khoshafa, Omar Maraqa, and Telex M. N. Ngatched are with munications, blockchain technology, Ad-hoc networks, under-
the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McMaster Uni- water communications, mixed reality, optimization, performance
versity, Hamilton, ON L8S 4L8, Canada (e-mail:{[email protected], analysis, machine learning (ML), non-orthogonal multiple access
[email protected], [email protected]}).
Jules M. Moualeu is with the School of Electrical and Information Engi-
neering, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 2000, South Africa
(e-mail: [email protected]).
Sylvester Aboagye is with the School of Engineering, University of Guelph, C ONTENTS
Guelph, ON N1G 2W1, Canada (e-mail: [email protected]).
Mohamed H. Ahmed is with the School of Electrical Engineering and List of Abbreviations 3
Computer Science, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5, Canada (e-
mail: [email protected]).
Yasser Gadallah is with the Department of Electronics and Communications
I Introduction 3
Engineering, The American University in Cairo, New Cairo 11835, Egypt (e- I-A Related Work and Existing Surveys . . 5
mail: [email protected]). I-B Paper Organization . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Marco Di Renzo is with Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, CentraleSupélec,
Laboratoire des Signaux et Systémes, 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette, France (e-mail:
[email protected]). II PLS Fundamentals 6
II-A Introduction to PLS . . . . . . . . . . . 6
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frequency bands to mitigate privacy and security threats (e.g., in the open literature that presents a comprehensive overview
jamming, eavesdropping, and pilot contamination attacks). of the information-theoretic security aspects in both the RIS-
assisted RF and OWC systems. This is the knowledge gap
our survey paper aims to partially fill by emphasizing on the
A. Related Work and Existing Surveys
following aspects:
Few works have reported the progress made on the integra- • Integration of RIS technology with PLS in RF commu-
tion of RIS in RF and/or optical systems for the development nication systems: We first introduce some PLS tech-
of future wireless communications to provide a plethora of niques such as AN, BF and cooperative jamming to
services to the users (see [34]–[36] and references therein). mitigate the security threats in different scenarios for
In [34], a contemporary overview of the RIS architecture and RF wireless communication systems. Subsequently, we
deployment strategies in the future 6G was presented. On the provide valuable insights into the adaptability and opti-
latter, the authors particularly focused on the integration of the mization of RIS for various RF wireless communication
RIS technology with other 6G-enabling applications such as scenarios. We also highlight the scalability and adapt-
non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), THz/mmWave, un- ability of RIS-assisted PLS techniques when the network
manned aerial vehicle (UAV), mobile edge computing (MEC) complexity increases. Moreover, we outline the integra-
and PLS for the system performance improvement. The re- tion of RIS in emerging RF communication systems,
search work of [35] provided an in-depth survey on the inte- namely with multi-antenna communications, mmWave
gration of RIS and UAV in the context of emerging commu- communications, THz communications, UAV communi-
nications, deep reinforcement learning (DRL), optimization, cations, D2D communications, cognitive radio networks
secrecy performance, and IoT. The authors of [36] presented (CRNs), wireless power communication (WPC)/SWIPT,
a comprehensive tutorial on the design and application of MEC, satellite-enabled networks, multicast communica-
the RIS technology in indoor VLC systems. Moreover, an tions, cell-free networks, relay-aided networks, vehicular
overview of optical RISs was provided and the differences with communications, wireless body area network (WBAN),
RF-RIS in terms of functionalities were highlighted. However, Ad-hoc networks, ISAC, radar communications, IoT net-
the security aspect of these systems was not investigated. works, backscatter communications, wireless sensor net-
Only a handful of research works has considered the inte- works, and high-altitude platform systems (HAPS).
gration of RIS-assisted PLS for future wireless systems [26], • Integration of RIS technology with PLS in OWC systems:
[37]–[39]. In [26], the authors conducted a literature review We review the integration of RIS-assisted PLS in VLC
on the information-theoretic security of RIS-assisted wireless systems by discussing its evolution from single-user sce-
networks focusing on the classification of the RIS-assisted narios for static or mobile user to multi-user scenarios.
PLS applications, on multi-antenna configurations, and on Furthermore, an extension of the RIS-assisted PLS in
optimization problems for the maximization of some perfor- hybrid VLC-RF and FSO-RF systems is discussed with
mance metrics (e.g., secrecy rate (SR), secrecy capacity (SC)). emphasis on the motivation for such mixed systems and
In [37], the authors reviewed the security challenges impacting some useful secrecy performance measures.
the integration of RIS in future wireless networks. To this • Optimization techniques: We first review state-of-the-art
end, they outlined the security and privacy threats associated optimization techniques for PLS and then summarize
with the adoption of RIS and mmWave, THz, Device-to- existing optimization strategies for the SR maximization
Device (D2D), IoT networks, MEC, simultaneous wireless in- and various secrecy metrics associated with RIS-assisted
formation and power transfer (SWIPT), integrated sens- PLS systems such as: (a) alternating optimization (AO)
ing and communications (ISAC), and UAVs. In [38], the and block coordinate descent (BCD)) to decouple joint
authors discussed the designs of RIS-assisted PLS for 6G- optimization variables into sub-problems; (b) semidef-
IoT networks against security and privacy attacks. Moreover, inite relaxation (SDR) to relax non-convex RIS phase
simulation results are provided to illustrate the effectiveness constraints; (c) majorization-minimization (MM), succes-
of RIS from an information-theoretic security viewpoint. The sive convex approximation (SCA), and quadratic trans-
authors in [39] discussed the various secrecy performance form for non-convex and nonlinear objective functions
metrics of wireless networks and presented an overview of the and constraint; (d) convex-concave procedure (CCP) to
RIS-assisted PLS for various antenna configurations including solve the base station (BS) BF sub-optimization prob-
single-input single-output (SISO), multiple-input single-output lem. A discussion on the optimization of the SR and
(MISO) and MIMO. Some common points of the existing various secrecy metrics (e.g., signal-to-noise ratio (SNR),
research works are: (a) the reported studies of RIS-assisted power consumption, computation and energy efficiencies,
PLS are mainly investigated in RF systems; (b) the issue of ergodic secrecy rate, channel gain, secrecy key rate, utility
security from an information-theoretic security perspective is function, and outage probability) ensue.
partially investigated except for [39]. • Machine learning techniques: Machine learning (ML)
However, considering the aforementioned antenna archi- has become popular in wireless communications due to
tectures, the work of [39] mainly focuses on exploring the its ability to solve complex optimization problems in
RIS-assisted PLS in RF systems –with a brief discussion in wireless networks. We explore state-of-the-art ML tech-
optical wireless communication (OWC) systems. To the best niques for optimizing RIS-assisted PLS in RF and OWC
of the authors’ knowledge, there is no up-to-date survey work systems, such as DRL and unsupervised learning. Be-
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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
sides addressing the issues associated with the stringent A. Introduction to PLS
requirements of future wireless communication networks, Wireless communication is crucial in connecting individ-
the adoption of ML algorithms in improving the security uals globally, regardless of location or time. While wireless
of wireless networks results in some advantages, such as technologies offer numerous advantages, it is essential to ac-
proactive detection and preventive threats. knowledge the significant risk users face from potential attacks
• Performance analysis: We explore the improvement of due to the broadcast nature of wireless signals. As a result,
some performance metrics (SNR, SC and secrecy out- the attention to communication security has increased. The
age probability (SOP)) via the integration of the RIS conventional approach to enhancing communication security
technology within the context of PLS in RF and OWC involves employing encryption techniques in the upper layers
systems. Furthermore, we highlight the important role of of the communication stack to protect user data [8]. However,
RIS to mitigate the noise and increase the signal strength these methods have limitations regarding adaptability and flex-
on one hand and to improve the SC and reduce the SOP ibility owing to computational tasks and system complexity.
on the other hand. Nevertheless, the unique characteristics of wireless channels
• Applications and challenges: We give a general review of enable signals to be transmitted securely between transmitters
applications of RIS-assisted PLS towards future wireless and receivers at the physical layer. This concept has proven
networks including all the aforementioned technologies effective in improving communication security. Consequently,
mentioned in the first two bullets. Moreover, we discuss PLS has emerged as a prominent topic of interest, given the
how the integration of RIS and cutting-edge technologies advancements in wireless communication techniques [9], [40].
can improve the security of future wireless networks. In this section, we will provide the fundamentals of PLS,
Finally, we highlight some key research challenges and covering its concepts, technical evolution, and applications in
future directions for RIS-assisted PLS in upcoming wire- wireless networks.
less networks. In 1949, Shannon established the information-theoretic prin-
ciples that form the basis of modern cryptography [41].
B. Paper Organization Shannon’s model encompassed the assumption that a non-
The remainder of this survey paper is organized as follows. reusable private key, denoted as K, is employed to encrypt
Section II presents the basic concepts of PLS followed by a a confidential message, referred to as M, generating a cryp-
description of the type of attacks and performance metrics togram, denoted as C. This cryptogram is subsequently trans-
in PLS. Section III introduces the RIS technology and its mitted across a channel that is assumed to be noise-free.
fundamental principles that enable its basic operation. A The eavesdropper is assumed to have unlimited computational
description of the RIS architectures and the integration of power, full knowledge of the transmission coding scheme,
this emerging technology in optical systems is subsequently and access to an identical copy of the signal intended for
provided. Section IV discusses PLS techniques associated with the receiver. The concept of perfect secrecy was introduced,
RIS-aided systems, and further explores the efficacy of inte- which necessitates that the a posteriori probability of the
grating RIS with RF-based emerging technologies for security eavesdropper correctly deducing the secret message based on
and privacy improvements of future wireless communication the received signal is equal to the a priori probability of
systems. Section V elaborates on PLS in wireless systems that message. In essence, perfect secrecy implies that the
that integrate RIS with OWC. Some optimization techniques eavesdropper gains no additional knowledge about the secret
tailored for RIS-assisted PLS are comprehensively reviewed message beyond what was already known before intercepting
in Section VI. Section VII explores various ML techniques the signal. From the information-theoretic perspective, perfect
adopted for the optimization of RIS-assisted PLS for both secrecy can be expressed as
RF and optical systems. Section VIII highlights the impact
I(M; C) = 0, (1)
of RIS-assisted PLS from a performance analysis viewpoint.
Section IX highlights the key challenges and future research where I(·; ·) represent mutual information. Equation (1) states
directions associated with the adoption of RIS-assisted PLS in that the mutual information between the message M and the
future wireless networks. Further discussions on the integra- cryptogram C is zero, indicating their statistical independence.
tion of PLS and cutting-edge technologies to improve wireless This absence of correlation implies that there exists no means
network security are presented. Concluding remarks are given for the adversary to obtain information about the original
in Section X. message. Thus, perfect secrecy can only be assured if and
only if the secret key K possesses entropy that is equal to or
II. PLS F UNDAMENTALS greater than that of the message M, i.e., H(K) ≥ H(M),
This section provides some description on the information- where H(·) is the entropy.
theoretic security through some basic concepts, and in the con- In 1975, Wyner introduced a significant advancement in the
text of attack classifications and performance metrics ranging area of information-theoretic security with the proposal of the
from SR, SC, SOP, probability of non-zero secrecy capacity wiretap channel [42]. Wyner’s system, in contrast to Shannon’s
(PNSC), intercept probability (IP), ergodic secrecy capacity original secrecy system, incorporated a random noise channel,
(ESC) to effective secrecy throughput (EST). Moreover, we which is considered an inherent element of physical communi-
introduce some techniques for achieving information-theoretic cations. As illustrated in Fig. 2, the system consists of a legiti-
security, including AN and BF. mate transmitter and receiver, which are commonly referred to
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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
5) Intercept Probability: The IP, Pint , is a performance met- techniques, among others, have demonstrated their effective-
ric used to assess the vulnerability of wireless communication ness in enhancing the security of wireless communications
systems to eavesdropping attacks. The IP is the likelihood at the physical layer (see [60] and the references therein).
that Cs of a wireless communication system is below zero, Their selection and adaptation depend on system requirements,
indicating a situation where the system fails to achieve secure channel conditions, and potential eavesdropper capabilities,
communication [50], [51], and is given by and combining multiple techniques can further bolster commu-
nication security. The significance of PLS approaches within
Pint = Pr (Cs < 0) . (6) relay networks is highlighted by the heightened susceptibility
This probability quantifies the vulnerability of the system of intermediate relay nodes to potential wiretapping compared
to unauthorized interception and provides insight into the to other network terminals [61], [62].
probability of unsuccessful secrecy establishment. A lower IP
indicates a more secure system, while a higher IP indicates III. RIS: A RCHITECTURE AND C APABILITIES
a higher vulnerability to eavesdropping. It serves as a crucial An important aspect of this survey paper is the RIS
metric for evaluating system security and guiding the imple- technology. In that regard, this section first gives a brief
mentation of PLS techniques to mitigate interception risks and introduction of the RIS technology, followed by a review of
enhance the confidentiality of communication. its basic architecture and fundamental working principles that
6) Ergodic Secrecy Capacity: The ESC refers to the sta- enable both its mode of operation and deployment techniques.
tistical mean of the secrecy rate across fading channels. This Moreover, the versatility of the RIS technology is presented
metric provides insights into the system’s ability to maintain by highlighting its integration into standalone RF and OWC
confidentiality over time. Mathematically, the ESC, C¯s , can be systems.
represented as
C¯s = E Cb − Ce , 0 .
(7) A. Introduction to RISs
RISs are man-made sheets of electromagnetic (EM) material
7) Effective Secrecy Throughput: The EST is a metric with programmable macroscopic physical characteristics that
introduced in [52] to explicitly account for the reliability and intelligently reconfigure the wireless propagation environment
secrecy constraints inherent in wiretap channels. This metric by guiding or modifying the impinged radio waves in a desir-
quantifies the average rate at which confidential information is able direction (e.g., through reflection, refraction, diffraction
transmitted from the transmitter to the receiver without being properties) to boost the signal power at intended receivers
wiretapped. In this regard, the EST can be obtained by [52] and/or to suppress interference at unintended receivers [22],
[23], [63]–[65]. Furthermore, they consist of a large number
EST = (Rb − Re ) [1 − Or (Rb )] [1 − Os (Re )] , (8)
of low-cost and low-power scattering elements that can in-
where Or (Rb ) = Pr(Rb > Cb ) and Os (Re ) = Pr(Re < Ce ) dividually adjust the wireless channel with amplitude and/or
are the reliability outage probability and the SOP, respectively. phase shift control of the incident signals and act as mere
supportive technology for communication (passive RISs). They
can also integrate power amplifiers in some elements to further
D. Techniques for Achieving PLS improve the tuning mechanism of the reflected signals (active
PLS techniques have been extensively studied and devel- RISs), making the RIS technology attractive to fulfill one of
oped to enhance the security of wireless communications at the requirements for future wireless communication systems.
the physical layer. These techniques exploit the unique char- In general, RISs can be considered as nearly-passive devices as
acteristics of the wireless channel to protect the confidentiality they require power only to ensure their reconfigurability. Re-
and integrity of transmitted data. One well-known technique is cently, hybrid RISs have been proposed where some elements
AN generation [53], which involves deliberately introducing may be active [66]. Unlike similar key-enabling technologies
carefully designed random noise to confuse eavesdroppers for 5G and beyond (e.g., active relays, massive MIMO, ultra-
and make it difficult for them to decode the desired signal dense networks and mmWave communications [67]) that can
accurately. BF is another effective technique [54] that focuses compensate or adapt to limited control over dynamic wire-
the transmitted signal toward the intended receiver while min- less channels, RISs provide an innovative and cost-effective
imizing signal leakage to unintended eavesdroppers, thereby approach to achieve the KPIs of 5G and beyond (see Fig. 1)
improving communication security. Secure coding schemes, without the need for power amplifiers, RF chains, and infor-
incorporating error correction and channel coding techniques, mation encoding/decoding algorithms [2].
add redundancy and error correction capabilities to thwart In light of the potential benefits, the RIS technology has
eavesdroppers’ decoding attempts [55]. Physical layer key emerged as a promising solution to mitigate a range of prac-
generation leverages the channel’s randomness to establish tical challenges inherent to future wireless systems, such as
shared secret keys between communicating parties [56]. Inter- ever-increasing energy consumption, hardware cost, and intra-
ference alignment aligns interference caused by eavesdroppers /inter-system interference. Besides controlling the wireless
to minimize its impact on the desired signal [57]. Cooperative environment to a certain extent, RISs are economical and
jamming involves the coordinated transmission of jamming environmentally friendly due to their low power consumption
signals to disrupt eavesdroppers’ reception [58], [59]. These and carbon footprint. Moreover, they yield improvement of key
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performance metrics such as network coverage, spectral effi- • Single connected RIS: This is the conventional archi-
ciency, throughput, and energy efficiency (EE), especially in tecture widely adopted in the literature in which each
deep-fade and non-line-of-sight (NLoS) environments wherein RIS reflecting element is independently controlled by a
the transmitted signal cannot reach the end user with enough reconfigurable impedance connected to the ground. It is
power. Moreover, they can readily and seamlessly be inte- the simplest of all the RIS architectures with limited
grated into existing wireless networks by mounting them on performance.
various structures such as building facades, walls, ceilings, • Fully connected RIS: In this setup, each RIS element is
roadside billboards, clothes as well as mobile vehicles due to connected to all the other reflecting elements through
their flexibility [68]. a reconfigurable impedance network. This architecture
enables an improvement of the RIS received signal power
B. Working Principles and Basic Architecture due to the additional degrees of freedom [80]. However,
In what follows, we provide an overview of the working this performance gain comes at the cost of a complex
principles of the RIS technology as well as its architecture circuit topology.
from a hardware architecture and operating principles view- • Group or partially connected RIS: As the number
point. of reconfigurable impedance components in the net-
1) Working Principles: An RIS is a two-dimensional (2D) work becomes increasingly large, the practical use of
planar metasurface consisting of a very large number of nearly- the fully connected RIS is limited. Consequently, the
passive elements that reflect the impinging EM in a desired group/partially RIS architecture represents a good trade-
manner by adjusting the amplitude and/or the phase of the off between complexity and performance as it combines
incident signals. In practice, an RIS can be implemented by both the single and fully connected RIS architectures.
using different technologies, such as liquid crystals (LCs), A novel type of RIS referred to as beyond-diagonal RIS
microelectromechanical systems, doped semiconductors, and (BD-RIS), which goes beyond the conventional RIS with inter-
electromechanical switches [69]. Broadly speaking, to operate element circuit connections and diagonal phase-shift matrices
an RIS needs a smart controller, and it often consists of three at the expense of increasing circuit complexity, has recently
layers: been proposed in [80]. Recent results have shown that BD-
• A meta-atom layer that consists of a large number of RISs are especially useful in the presence of mutual coupling
passive scattering elements interacting directly with the among the RIS elements, as they enable better control of the
incident signals. EM coupling among the elements [81].
• A control layer that aims at adjusting the reflection
amplitude and phase shift of each meta-atom element,
C. Reflection Modes and Deployment Techniques
triggered by the smart controller.
• A communication layer that serves as a gateway to 1) Reflection Modes: Fig. 4 depicts the reflected and re-
communicate between the control layer and other network fracted signals from the incident signal of a generic RIS ele-
components (e.g. BSs, access points (APs), etc.). ment. With an appropriate design of the geometric parameters
As mentioned, the most studied implementation for RIS as- and arrangement of the meta-atoms, the incident signal on the
sumes that the RIS elements are nearly passive, i.e., they do meta-surface can be controlled in three possible modes [82],
not amplify the incident signals (see [20], [22], [23], [63], [83]: reflective, refractive, and reflective-refractive.
[70]–[72] and references therein). Due to the absence of power • In the reflective-refractive mode, the surface can simul-
amplifiers, a nearly-passive RIS needs to be sufficiently large taneously reflect and refract the incident signal to serve
in size in order to achieve the desired BF gain in the far users on either side of the surface. This surface is also
field, since in this regime the path-loss scales with the product called intelligent omni-surface (IOS) [84] or simultane-
of the transmitter-RIS and RIS-receiver links [73], [74]. To ous transmitting and reflecting (STAR)-RIS [85], [86],
increase the coverage of an RIS-aided link while keeping the and has been proposed to address the half-space limitation
size of the RIS small, a possible solution is to use active or of reflecting-only RISs [22], [87], [88]. Here, the am-
hybrid RISs [75]–[78]. The reflecting elements of an active plitude response of both the reflection and transmission
RIS consist of active RF components, which are capable of coefficients, denoted by Γl and Γr , respectively, are non-
amplifying the incident signals. Although the basic operation negligible.
principle is the same in both the passive and active RIS, the • In the reflective mode, the surface fully reflects the
latter necessitates additional power consumption during the incident signal in the direction of the users located on
amplification process to support the active elements. the same side of the transmitter. This is possible through
2) RIS Architecture: Each RIS reflecting element is con- an RIS [89] whose transmission coefficient is close to
ventionally controlled by a tunable circuit, which can be zero to ensure that the energy of the incident signal can
modeled as a tunable impedance connected to the ground [79]. be optimally reflected by the surface.
In [80], two new circuit topologies have been proposed, • In the refractive mode, the surface also known as recon-
wherein all or a subset of the RIS reflecting elements are figurable refractive surface (RRS) (see [90]) fully refracts
connected via a reconfigurable impedance network. Based on the incident EM wave to serve users located on the
the connection configuration of the reflecting elements, an RIS opposite side of the transmitter with respect to the surface.
can be classified into three types of architecture (see Fig. 3): To ensure that the incident signal fully penetrates the
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Fig. 3. 4-element RIS with (a) single connected reconfigurable impedance network, (b) fully connected reconfigurable impedance network, and (c) group
connected (2 groups and group size of 2) reconfigurable impedance network.
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Fig. 5. An RIS-aided multi-user downlink communication system with different RIS deployment strategies.
D. Optical RIS
The RIS technology discussed thus far in this section is
based on its integration for RF communications. Unlike RF
systems where RISs can manipulate the phase of the reflected
signal, the integration of RIS in optical wireless systems2 is
possible using either a mirror arrays-based RISs or a meta-
surface based RISs designed to steer the light [104]–[106].
In RIS-aided VLC systems, phase control is not directly
applicable, as these systems preferably operate with inten-
sity modulation and direct detection (IM/DD), focusing solely
on the non-negative and real part of the signal [107]. There
are three primary approaches to incorporating RIS into VLC
Fig. 6. An stacked intelligent metasurface-assisted multi-user MISO downlink systems, namely, mirror array-based RIS [107]–[111], meta-
system. surface-based RIS [112]–[116], and LC-based RIS [117]–
[120]. Both the mirror array-based and meta-surface-based
optical RISs consist of nearly-passive elements in the form
non-diagonal scattering matrix1 is to leverage the multi-layer of mirror arrays or intelligent metasurfaces used to control
RIS architecture that is presented in [99] and [100], and is incident lights based on the light reflection or refraction
illustrated in Fig. 6. A multi-layer RIS is constituted by closely principle and the manipulation of the EM waves, while the
spaced refracting metasurfaces. The incident signal illuminates latter uses LCs as front-row materials embedded in a layered
the first layer, which then refracts the signal towards the second structure to control light reflection and/or refraction.
layer, etc..., until the signal reaches the last layer, where it is 1) Mirror Array-based RIS: The mirror array-based RIS is
finally radiated towards the receiver. As the wave propagates typically made of glass with a flat or curvy surface covered
through the layers, it is appropriately shaped by the tunable by a reflective coat. Moreover, it relies on geometric optics
meta-atoms in each of the layers, resulting in an end-to- principles such as the generalized Snell’s law of reflection
end scattering matrix that is not diagonal any more thanks and refraction. Each mirror within the array is controlled by
to the broadcast nature of wireless signals when propagating a mechanical unit which enables independent rotation around
from one layer to another [100, Eq. 7 and Fig. 2]. In other two axes that are both orthogonal.
words, a non-diagonal scattering matrix is obtained by utilizing 2) Meta-surface-based RIS: In contrast, the meta-surface-
based RIS relies on a range of meta-materials to control
1 A scattering matrix denoted by Φ ∈ CN ×N provides the complete
the light propagation behavior [121]. These materials are
description of the scattering characteristics of an N -port reconfigurable
impedance network regardless of specific circuit designs [80]. These character-
metallic nanospheres in a dielectric structure, thin metallic
istics depend on the circuit topology of the N -port reconfigurable impedance
network. From an RIS perspective, a conventional RIS where each port is 2 OWCs have gained significant interest in recent years due to (a) their
only connected to its own reconfigurable impedance, leading to a diagonal ability to offer large bandwidth required for the next generation of wireless
scattering matrix. However, a BD-RIS yields a scattering matrix not limited applications and beyond [101]–[103] and (b) their low cost and ease of
to diagonal as all the ports are connected to each other. implementation with cheap transceivers.
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rods isotropically distributed in a dielectric medium, splitting Furthermore, the section highlights the seamless integration of
metallic elements in a dielectric structure, negative index RIS with various advanced RF technologies, such as mmWave,
meta-materials, and hyperbolic metamaterials among others. THz, UAV communication, and CRNs, demonstrating RIS’s
Unlike its mirror-array counterpart, which does not operate adaptability to diverse communication environments. By ad-
in refractive mode as it only reflects the incident light, the dressing the specific security challenges associated with these
meta-surface-based RIS can yield all light phenomena related cutting-edge technologies, Section IV highlights the versa-
to the impact of photon on the unit surface, i.e., reflection, tility of RIS in enhancing PLS, offering a basis for future
refraction, scattering, and absorption. However, this versatility research and contributing significantly to the survey’s broader
comes at the expense of cost and complexity. Furthermore, objectives. Furthermore, by discussing system models, this
a mirror array-based RIS exhibits better performance gains section also lays the foundation for the subsequent sections
than its meta-surface-based RIS counterpart in VLC systems on optimization techniques, machine learning techniques, and
according to the findings in [122]. performance analysis of RIS-assisted PLS.
3) Liquid Crystal-based RIS: This type of RIS primarily
consists of LC materials due to their duplex transparency
A. RIS-Assisted PLS Techniques
which can be used as reflectors and/or refractors [117], [118],
since an RIS element can smoothly steer and amplify the RIS offers a unique opportunity to enhance the PLS in
light signal owing to its electrically controllable birefingence wireless communication systems through their ability to ma-
property. Furthermore, RIS-based LC materials can be placed nipulate the wireless channel characteristics intelligently. Here
(a) in front of the light emitting diode (LED) arrays of the VLC are some techniques that can be used in conjunction with RIS
transmitter for high data rates and adequate illumination per- to improve PLS.
formance [119], (b) in the VLC receiver for light amplification 1) Artificial Noise: To enhance the security of communi-
and beam steering [120], and (c) in the channel as a refractor cation, AN is deliberately injected into the transmitted signal
surface for coverage extension [118]. The integration of LC with the purpose of confounding potential eavesdroppers [53].
in RIS-aided systems can greatly contribute to satisfying the A critical aspect of AN design lies in its ability to avoid
joint illumination and communication needs of indoor VLC causing interference to the intended receiver while simul-
technology. taneously degrading the intercepted signal quality for the
eavesdropper. To achieve this objective, AN is integrated with
multiple-antenna techniques. By leveraging the spatial degrees
of freedom provided by multiple transmit antennas, spatial BF
RIS-assisted PLS has emerged as a promising strategy allows for the joint adjustment of AN and the transmit signal’s
for enhancing the security of RF communication systems. directions, thereby optimizing the secrecy performance [123],
By incorporating the RIS, this approach introduces a new [124]. The effectiveness of AN depends on the transmitter’s
paradigm for mitigating eavesdropping risks and achieving CSI accuracy. When the transmitter possesses perfect CSI, it
secure wireless communication. RIS elements act as passive gains access to the maximum spatial degrees of freedom for
reflecting surfaces that can intelligently modify the wireless designing the beamformer. However, in practical scenarios, the
channel characteristics. Through careful adjustment of the CSI at the eavesdropper’s end is often imperfect or entirely
reflection coefficients, transmitted signals can be manipulated unavailable, introducing challenges and limitations to the AN’s
to optimize signal strength at legitimate receivers while simul- overall performance.
taneously degrading signal quality at potential eavesdroppers. Integrating AN into RIS presents a promising avenue to
Achieving this dual optimization involves joint consideration enhance PLS in wireless communication systems. By strategi-
of BF, power allocation, and RIS phase shifts. RIS-assisted cally incorporating AN during transmission, RIS can introduce
PLS not only enhances SC but also enhances the performance controlled random noise alongside the primary signal, con-
of RF communication systems against eavesdropping attacks. founding potential eavesdroppers and enhancing the confiden-
Various aspects of RIS design and deployment have been ex- tiality of transmitted information. This approach benefits from
plored, including RIS placement, channel estimation, resource RIS’s unique channel manipulation capabilities, enabling it to
allocation, and signal processing algorithms, to optimize the create constructive interference at the intended receiver and
efficacy of RIS-assisted PLS techniques. Integration of RIS destructive interference at unauthorized recipients. Combining
technology with PLS in RF communication systems holds sub- AN and RIS can strengthen security measures, reducing the
stantial potential for addressing security challenges in wireless risk of unauthorized data interception and providing addi-
networks and enabling secure and reliable communication in tional protection beyond conventional encryption techniques.
applications such as IoE, 5G/6G, and future wireless systems. The potential benefits of integrating AN to enhance the SR
This section is pivotal in the survey by introducing RIS- in a wireless communication system assisted by RIS were
assisted PLS as a novel and practical security paradigm for investigated in [125]. To optimize the achievable SR, a joint
RF communication systems, particularly in emerging 5G/6G design problem was formulated for optimizing transmit BF
technologies. It provides a comprehensive discussion on how with AN or jamming alongside RIS reflect BF. The complexity
RIS elements can be strategically deployed to enhance signal of the problem arises from its non-convex nature and coupled
strength at legitimate receivers while degrading the signal variables, leading to the proposal of an efficient AO algorithm
quality at eavesdroppers, addressing key security concerns. as a suboptimal solution. Simulation results demonstrate the
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benefits of incorporating AN in transmit BF, particularly in shifts, trajectory, and transmit power of the UAV to improve
the context of RIS reflect BF. Notably, the findings reveal the secrecy performance of the downlink communication. A
that the RIS-aided design without AN performs worse than prototype of the aerial-ground communication system was
the AN-aided design without RIS, particularly when a higher implemented, revealing the superiority of the proposed scheme
number of eavesdroppers are in proximity to the RIS. The and showing significant performance improvement. Given the
authors in [126] proposed an approach based on the virtual imperfect CSI possessed by potential eavesdroppers, the au-
division of RIS into two distinct segments. This division aims thors in [25] introduced a strategy for optimizing the system
to strategically configure the phase shifts for each partition, sum rate while ensuring that information leakage to eavesdrop-
enhance the achievable rate for legitimate users, and strengthen pers remains within acceptable bounds. However, acquiring
the impact of AN on illegitimate users. Two optimization the CSI of potential eavesdroppers is challenging, particularly
problems were formulated, one focusing on maximizing SC in scenarios where a passive eavesdropper aims to remain
and the other on minimizing power consumption. Closed-form inconspicuous within the network. Furthermore, increasing the
solutions were derived by jointly optimizing the partitioning transmitted power corresponds to an increased susceptibility
ratio and signal or noise power levels while considering rate of the eavesdropper to extract valuable information, thereby
constraints for both legitimate and illegitimate users’ effective- decreasing the secrecy performance. The utilization of the
ness of the proposed RIS-partitioning strategy in significantly RIS characterized by multiplicative randomness to enhance
improving the SC. In [127], the PLS for an RIS-aided NOMA security against passive eavesdropping in wireless communica-
was investigated, considering scenarios involving both internal tion systems was investigated in [131]. Enhanced security was
and external eavesdropping. A sub-optimal scheme, combining achieved without prior knowledge of specific wiretap channels
joint BF and power allocation, was proposed to enhance by applying the dynamic adjustment of reflection coefficients
the system’s PLS against internal eavesdropping, while AN during data transmission while maintaining the reliability of
scheme was introduced to counter external eavesdropping the main channel. Performance assessment employs DoF,
effectively. spectral efficiency, and bit error rate (BER). The investigation
Using AN for a STAR-RIS-assisted NOMA transmission highlighted the potential of RIS-enabled multiplicative ran-
system was investigated in [128] to maximize the sum se- domness to enhance wireless network security substantially.
crecy rate (SSR). To address the inherent non-convexity of 2) Beamforming: Employing BF techniques together with
the optimization problem, a decoupling strategy was proposed, RIS presents a significant advancement in enhancing PLS
wherein the optimization of active and passive BF vectors within wireless communication systems [132]. BF, a signal
at the BS and STAR-RIS, respectively, were separated. It processing method, holds the potential to profoundly influence
is found that the proposed algorithm provides better secrecy the signal propagation characteristics by focusing the radiated
performance with less AN power compared with the other energy in a specific direction or spatial region, thereby shaping
schemes by using more RIS elements to reduce the AN the wireless channel for improved communication quality and
power. Increasing the number of transmit antennas at the BS performance [133]. Two main approaches exist: passive BF
reduces the AN power if the eavesdropper is quite close to at the RIS and active BF at the transmitter [92]. Passive
the transmitter while improving it when the eavesdropper is BF employs an RIS to reflect incoming signals, directing
far away. The authors in [126] utilized the AN and RIS- the desired signal toward the intended receiver and creating
partitioning to optimize secure communication. The proposed null zones around eavesdroppers. It is an energy-efficient
technique maximizes the legitimate SC while constraining solution for resource-constrained applications like the IoT and
Eve’s achievable rate by simultaneously reflecting the signal wireless sensor networks [134]. On the other hand, active BF
towards the legitimate user and jamming Eve with AN. The involves controlling the phase and amplitude of an antenna
proposed scheme showed improved SC performance com- array at the transmitter to direct the beam toward the intended
pared to traditional AN-only and RIS-only scenarios. An receiver. Although this approach necessitates complex signal
AN-aided secure MIMO wireless communication system was processing, it provides higher gain and adaptability. Active
investigated in [129], where an advanced RIS technology was BF is particularly suitable for high-security and dynamic
employed, and multiple antennas were deployed at the BS, environments, such as massive MIMO systems. The choice
legitimate receiver, and Eve. The main objective is to maxi- between passive and active BF depends on the unique needs
mize the SR while considering transmit power constraints and of the specific application. When integrated with RISs, BF
unit modulus conditions on RIS phase shifts. The efficacy of confers several substantial benefits that enhance PLS. Firstly,
the proposed approach was demonstrated through simulation strategically manipulating the reflecting elements’ phase shifts
results, affirming the effectiveness of the RIS in enhancing through BF enables precise control over signal propagation
system security. paths [135]. This control extends to actively steering the
The authors in [130] proposed a secure aerial-ground com- transmitted signal towards intended legitimate users while
munication system integrated with RIS to counter potential simultaneously attenuating or redirecting signals intended for
eavesdropping threats via AN. The proposed system involves potential eavesdroppers. Such targeted control over signal
confidential data transmission from a UAV operating at a distribution significantly mitigates eavesdropping, thereby im-
fixed altitude to a legitimate user, while an RIS strategically proving the security of transmitted information. Secondly, the
placed on a building’s facade enhances secrecy communica- adaptability of RISs in real-time facilitates dynamic adjust-
tion performance. The focus is jointly optimizing the phase ments to the reflecting elements’ configurations, responding
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to changing communication scenarios [136]. Integrating BF algorithm was proposed to utilize the mathematical structure
with RISs allows for real-time adjustments in signal direction- of optimal active BF vectors, in which the iterative updates
ality and spatial focus, thereby aiding in establishing secure between transmit and RIS-reflecting beamformers were not
communication links amidst dynamic and potentially insecure required. Robust and secure BF in an RIS-assisted mmWave
environments. This adaptability also empowers the system MISO system was investigated in [144] in the presence of mul-
to counteract eavesdropping attempts through instantaneous tiple single-antenna eavesdroppers near the legitimate receiver,
reconfiguration of the reflecting elements, making identifying and the CSI of cascaded wiretap channels was imperfectly
secure transmission paths challenging for potential adver- known to the legitimate transmitter. The target was formulating
saries [137]. Moreover, the integration of BF with RISs aug- optimization design problems to maximize worst-case achiev-
ments the overall link quality by mitigating signal fading and able SR while considering constraints on total transmission
shadowing effects. By intelligently redistributing and focusing power and unit modulus. Maximizing SRs in a mmWave
energy, the combined approach enhances SNRs and minimizes network containing a BS, multiple RISs, multiple users, and
the impact of interference, thereby contributing to improved a single eavesdropper was introduced in [145]. The objective
communication reliability and strength against unauthorized was to ensure fairness in SRs among users, which gives rise to
access. a mixed integer problem under a max-min fairness criterion.
In [138], a self-sustainable RIS was employed to enhance The proposed algorithm converges to a Karush-Kuhn-Tucker
the security at the PLS within a MISO broadcast configuration point for the original problem, and its overall convergence and
featuring multiple eavesdroppers. The unique characteristic computational complexity were analyzed.
of the RISs is their ability to manage the activation status The authors in [146] investigated integrating secure direc-
of their reflecting elements, directing them either for signal tional modulation in RIS-assisted communication networks.
reflection or energy-harvesting purposes. The authors in [139] The technique involves selecting specific antenna subsets to
proposed a secure communication system between UAVs and generate randomized signals, enhancing PLS. However, in-
ground stations, where the operation of an RIS was incorpo- troducing RIS poses the challenge of aligning an additional
rated. A joint optimization endeavor concerning the optimal beam, which can lead to high sidelobe effects due to discrete
trajectory of the UAV and the passive BF configuration of optimization in antenna subset selection. To address this,
the RIS, where imperfect CSI on the RIS-eavesdropper and a cross-entropy iterative method was proposed to achieve
UAV-eavesdropper connections were considered. In addition, low-sidelobe hybrid BF for secure directional modulation
enhancing the ergodic SR within a secure communication in RIS-aided networks. The approach minimizes maximum
paradigm employing MIMO architectures was investigated sidelobe energy and employs the Kullback-Leibler divergence
in [140], where direct links between the BS and authorized to select suitable antenna subsets. The RIS-assisted single-
users, and potential eavesdroppers were blocked, with sta- input multiple-output (SIMO) system was utilized in [147] to
tistical CSI for the RIS. A deterministic approximation for improve the PLS, considering the presence of a multi-antenna
this scenario was derived using random matrix theory. The eavesdropper. To do so, the legitimate receiver employs active
resource allocation in multi-user communication networks was full-duplex jamming while simultaneously coordinating the
investigated in [141], focusing on a scenario where an RIS passive BF capabilities of the RIS with legitimate reception
enhances a wireless transmitter. The aim was to minimize the and jamming. This coordination leads to a joint optimization
total network transmit power by optimizing RIS phase BF and approach encompassing receive BF, active jamming, and pas-
BS transmit power, subject to user signal-to-interference-plus- sive BF. The complexity of this optimization was managed
noise ratio (SINR) constraints. A dual technique was proposed, through a BCD framework, utilizing techniques such as the
transforming the problem into a semidefinite programming generalized eigenvalue decomposition and SDP. In [148], us-
(SDP) form. A closed-form RIS phase BF was provided, and ing an RIS from the standpoint of wireless attackers to degrade
an optimal transmit power was obtained based on standard communication performance in a time-division duplex system
interference functions. Simulation results highlighted the pro- was examined, considering a time division duplexing (TDD)
posed method’s effectiveness, achieving substantial reductions massive MIMO system. The RIS was strategically employed
in total transmit power compared to maximal ratio transmis- to disrupt channel estimates obtained by the BS during the
sion and zero-forcing BF techniques. training phase and distort signals received by users during
In [142], the RIS was used to reduce power consumption the transmission phase. The performance assessment utilized
and enhance information security in a multi-user cellular mean square error (MSE) of users, and an efficient method for
network, particularly with imperfect angular CSI. The main optimizing the RIS’s reflection pattern was proposed based on
objective was to maximize worst-case sum rates by designing theoretical findings. In [149], considering active and passive
the system to optimize the receive decoders, digital precoding, eavesdroppers, the authors investigated a multi-antenna secure
and AN at the transmitter and analog precoders at the RIS. transmission system with RIS enhancement. A zero-forcing BF
The optimization was done while meeting the constraints, in- strategy was proposed to nullify the transmit beam towards
cluding minimum achievable rate, maximum wiretap rate, and active eavesdroppers’ channels and simultaneously enhance
maximum power allocation. The authors in [143] investigated SNRs for legitimate users and passive eavesdroppers, even
enhancing PLS in a multi-antenna communication system without perfect CSI. The goal was to optimize the user’s
using an RIS by jointly optimizing the active and passive SNR while respecting constraints on transmit power, SNRs
BF to maximize SRs and minimize power consumption. An of passive eavesdroppers, and RIS reflection.
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3) Cooperative Jamming: In wireless communication sys- of configuring RISs to counter jamming attacks in a multi-
tems, ensuring robust security while maintaining efficient data user OFDMA system was discussed in [157], with the uncer-
transmission has become an increasingly critical challenge. tainties posed by an uncooperative jammer and limited CSI
The emergence of the RIS technology has introduced a novel availability. To tackle this problem, a DRL-based approach
dimension to enhancing the PLS. This subsection investigates was proposed. The DRL framework efficiently learned the
the promising avenue of employing cooperative jamming RIS configuration, expedited learning through this strategy,
methods to increase the security of systems featuring RIS inte- and achieved rapid convergence in simulations.
gration. As an advanced signal processing strategy, cooperative
jamming offers the potential to prevent eavesdropping attempts
B. Integrating RIS with Enabling Technologies for Secure
and optimizes the use of RIS-enabled BF to enhance the
confidentiality of information transmission [150]. As shown
in Fig. 7, RIS presents a novel approach to strengthening Current research contributions have demonstrated that RIS
communication security through intelligent manipulation of plays a pivotal role in increasing the levels of security and
the wireless propagation channel. RIS can induce destructive confidentiality within wireless networks. This notable secrecy
interference by strategically reflecting signals with a phase performance enhancement holds considerable potential for
shift towards potential eavesdroppers, significantly degrading application across diverse wireless communication networks.
the intercepted signal. Additionally, active sensing elements This subsection dives into the integration of RIS with emerging
embedded within the RIS can gather real-time information re- and cutting-edge technologies, which encompass mmWave,
garding the eavesdropper’s location. Friendly jamming signals THz, UAVs, NOMA, CRN, D2D communications, and other
can also be reflected by the RIS to disrupt the eavesdropper’s pertinent technologies. In this subsection, we explore the
reception further. efficacy of integrating the RIS with emerging technologies
Enhancing secure communications through an RIS-assisted to heighten wireless networks’ security and confidentiality,
MISO wireless communication network with independently offering tangible benefits for various wireless communication
cooperative jamming was investigated in [151]. The main networks. In the following, we delve into integrating RIS with
objective of maximizing EE was achieved through the joint current technologies, clarifying these integrations’ contribu-
optimization of BF, jamming precode vectors, and the RIS tions to wireless communication security. The integration of
phase shift matrix under perfect and imperfect CSI conditions. RIS in PLS-aided systems with RF-enabling technologies for
Additionally, a trade-off between SR and EE was observed, secure communications is summarized in Fig. 8.
highlighting the capacity of the RIS to enhance EE, even 1) RIS-Assisted Secure mmWave Communications: Inte-
when faced with cases of imperfect CSI. The authors in [152] grating RIS into mmWave communications represents a sig-
investigated the potential of utilizing the RIS, focusing on nificant advancement in enhancing security. RIS’s adaptability
aerial RIS (ARIS), for anti-jamming communications. A joint enables dynamic adjustments to the propagation environment,
ARIS deployment and passive BF optimization through an establishing secure communication channels in mmWave con-
AO framework was explored, effectively mitigating jamming texts. Its role in optimizing BF and channel characteris-
attacks and ensuring the security of legitimate data transmis- tics addresses the directional communication requirements
sions. In [153], the RIS was utilized to suppress interference of mmWave, minimizing the risk of unauthorized intercep-
and jamming in radio wireless communication systems. The tion. The authors of [307] investigated the secrecy rate of
goal was to enhance the quality of service (QoS). The results a mmWave system improved by an RIS with low-resolution
demonstrated the significance of employing RIS, yielding digital-to-analog converters, focusing on mitigating hardware
significant anti-interference and jamming benefits. An ap- losses and improving secrecy rates by integrating with RIS.
proach to enhance the resistance of wireless communication The obtained results demonstrated the effectiveness of RIS
systems against jamming interference using RIS was presented in reducing hardware losses. Secure BF in the mmWave
in [154] by improving signal reception for legitimate users MISO system, aided by an RIS, was explored in [144]. The
while mitigating jamming signals. An optimization problem presence of multiple single-antenna eavesdroppers near the
was formulated to jointly optimize transmit power allocation at legitimate receiver was addressed, taking into account imper-
the BS and reflecting BF at the RIS, resulting in anti-jamming fect knowledge of cascaded wiretap CSI at the transmitter
performance enhancement. A passive secure communication and the colluding and non-colluding eavesdropping scenarios.
scheme using an RIS was investigated in [155], where the RIS Simulation results showed the superior performance of the
allocated power from incoming signals to transmit confidential proposed scheme in terms of average secrecy rate (ASR).
information and generate passive jamming signals simultane- 2) RIS-Assisted Secure THz Communications: In the THz
ously. Each RIS’s reflection coefficient served communication communications domain, incorporating RIS represents a note-
and jamming functions, and their joint optimization aimed worthy advancement, elevating security within this frequency
to maximize the SR. The authors of [156] investigated the band. Leveraging the adaptability of RIS, the propagation en-
secure communication techniques utilizing a fixed RIS in vironment undergoes dynamic modulation to optimize BF and
conjunction with an aerial platform equipped with another RIS channel characteristics, particularly salient in the distinctive
and a friendly jamming device to enhance security. The ARIS context of THz communications. The authors in [200] in-
improved the legitimate signal, and the fixed RIS reinforced vestigated a secure THz-empowered network, which involved
cooperative jamming, considering imperfect CSI. The problem transmitting confidential information from a low earth orbit
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Fig. 7. RIS-enabled techniques for enhancing PLS: Destructive interference, active sensing, and friendly jamming.
satellite to a UAV via RIS-mounted HAPS in the presence of 4) RIS-Assisted Secure D2D Communications: RIS
an untrustworthy UAV. The RIS phase shifts were optimized presents a compelling avenue for strengthening the security
to enhance the secrecy performance. In [201], a THz MIMO- infrastructure of D2D communications. The capacity of
NOMA system with the assistance of an RIS was investi- RIS to dynamically modulate surface properties affords the
gated, considering the presence of an eavesdropper. Results selective manipulation of wireless signals, establishing secure
demonstrated that deploying RIS led to substantial BF gains, communication channels by redirecting signals away from
effectively mitigating eavesdropping threats. potential eavesdroppers or unauthorized users. Through careful
manipulation of the propagation environment, RIS engenders
3) RIS-Assisted Secure UAV Communications: Integrating the dynamic reconfiguration of wireless communication
RIS with UAVs offers significant potential for increasing channels, confusing interception and interference by
security measures within wireless communication networks. unauthorized devices, thereby adding an additional level
This convergence between RIS and UAV technologies rep- of security. Furthermore, the precision of RIS in producing
resents a pivotal advancement, as it harnesses the unique highly directional communication links heightens privacy
capabilities of both systems to address security challenges and security by constricting signal exposure to unintended
across various operational scenarios. Utilizing a swarm of recipients, thereby attenuating the susceptibility to signal
UAVs with ARIS presents an effective avenue for increasing interception. These diverse capabilities, encompassing the
ground users’ PLS through control of phase shifts, spatial mitigation of jamming, interference, and dynamic signal
placement, and strategic movement. Additionally, a traceable BF, collectively form a robust security framework for D2D
PLS mechanism conducive to secure vehicle-to-everything communications. The authors of [227] explored the RIS
(V2X) communications was introduced in [308]. Utilizing an technology’s application to enhance the reliability and
RIS in the presence of UAVs acting as potential eavesdroppers robustness of D2D communication and improve the security
was analyzed in [208], where enhanced security was achieved level of cellular networks. New analytical expressions were
through RIS deployment. The authors of [156] proposed a derived for the cellular SOP, PNSC, and the D2D outage
strategy for enhancing wireless security by employing aerial probability. In [226], an RIS was introduced to enhance
reflection and jamming techniques to address channel uncer- system robustness and security against eavesdropping threats,
tainties effectively. ARIS mounted on a UAV was introduced employing an FD jamming receiver. In [228], the RIS-aided
to improve the wireless secrecy of fixed-deployed RISs and secure uplink communication scheme was investigated by
optimize the ARIS trajectory to maximize average secrecy maximizing the ASR for the cellular network while improving
rates [207]. The authors of [212] investigated a secure multi- the achievable rate of D2D communication.
user UAV communication system supported by an RIS and 5) RIS-Assisted Secure Cognitive Radio Networks: Regard-
considered hardware impairments in the transceiver and the ing the CRN, the utilization of RIS aims to enhance the PLS
RIS. In [214], the minimum number of reflecting elements of the network. Leveraging the numerous reflecting elements
required for secure and energy-efficient RIS-assisted UAV in the RIS facilitates establishing a highly directional and
systems was investigated, considering the phase estimation manipulable wireless transmission environment. Furthermore,
errors. Robust optimization methods were utilized, and aerial integrating RIS allows for generating multiple virtual chan-
deployment was accomplished through DRL. Additionally, the nels, which can effectively separate legitimate and malicious
superiority of flexible deployment of ARIS over fixed RIS signals, providing an additional layer of protection against
was highlighted, and significant security improvements were eavesdropping and jamming attacks. The authors in [229] pro-
achieved through the collaboration between fixed RIS and posed a novel system model that utilized the RIS technology
ARIS. to enhance simultaneous wireless communication and security
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Fig. 8. The integration of RIS in PLS-aided systems with RF enabling technologies for secure communications.
in CRN environments. It aimed to improve the transmission of the primary network concurrently. In [231], utilizing an RIS
the secondary network and enhance the secrecy performance of in CRN was explored, focusing on improving secrecy rates
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System related content RIS related content Security related content Performance
CSI Channel RIS PLS Metric(s)
Technology System Model RIS(s) Eve(s)
Condition Model Type Technique
[151] SU-MISO-DL Rayleigh Passive Single Jamming Multiple EE
[158] SU-MISO-DL Perfect Rician Passive Single BF Single ASR
[159] MU-MISO-DL Statistical Rician Passive Single BF Single SSR
[160] MU-MISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Multiple BF Single SR
[161] SU-MISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single AN Single SR
[162] MU-MISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Multiple BF Multiple SR
[163] SU-MISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single BF Single SR
[164] SU-MISO-DL Perfect Rician Passive Single BF Single SR
[165] SU-MISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single BF Single SR
[166] MU-MISO-DL Perfect Rician Passive Single BF Multiple SR
[167] MU-MISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single BF Single Transmit power
[168] MU-MIMO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single AN Single SR
[169] MU-MIMO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Multiple Jamming Single Sum rate
[170] MU-MISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Active Single BF Multiple SSR
[171] MU-MISO-DL Perfect Nakagami-m Passive Single BF Single
and ASR
[172] SU-MIMO-DL Perfect Passive Single BF Single ASR
[173] MU-MIMO-DL Imperfect Rayleigh Passive Single - Multiple Secrecy EE, SR
[174] SU-MISO-DL Perfect Rician Passive Single BF Multiple SOP and ESC
[175] SU-MISO-DL Statistical Rayleigh Passive Single BF Single SOP
Perfect/ Rayleigh/
[176] MU-MIMO-DL Passive Single Jamming Single Sum rate
Imperfect Rician
Multi- Rayleigh/
[177] SU-MIMO-DL Perfect Passive Single BF Single SR
antenna Rician
commun. Correlated
[178] MU-MIMO-DL Statistical Passive Single AN Single Ergodic SR
[179] SU-MISO-DL Perfect Passive Multiple BF Multiple Secrecy EE
[180] SU-MISO-FD Imperfect Passive Single BF Single Worst-case SSR
[181] SU-MISO-DL Statistical Rician Passive Single BF Single Ergodic SR
[182] SU-MIMO-DL Perfect Passive Single BF Single SSR
[183] SU-MIMO-DL Perfect Passive Single AN Single SR
[184] MU-MIMO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single - Single ASR
[185] MU-MISO-DL Unavailable Passive Single BF Single Ergodic SR
[186] SU-MISO-DL Imperfect Passive Single AN Multiple Transmit power
[148] MU-MISO-DL Statistical Rayleigh Passive Single - Single MSE
[187] SU-MIMO-UL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single - Single User SINR
[188] SU-MIMO-DL Statistical Rayleigh Passive Single AN Single Ergodic SR, SOP
[189] SU-MISO-DL Perfect Active Single BF Multiple Secrecy EE
[190] MU-MIMO-UL Imperfect Rayleigh Passive Single AN Multiple SR
[191] MU-MIMO-DL Imperfect Rayleigh Passive Single AN Single Ergodic SR
[192] MU-SIMO-UL Perfect Rician Active Single BF Single Sum SR
Perfect/ Rayleigh/
[193] SU-MIMO-DL Passive Single AN Single SR
Unavailable Rician
[194] SU-MISO-DL Perfect - Passive Single AN Single ASR
[195] SU-MISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single BF Single SR
[196] MU-MISO-DL Imperfect Rayleigh Passive Single BF Multiple SSR
[144] SU-MISO-DL Imperfect Passive Single BF Multiple SR
[145] MU-MISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Multiple BF Single SR
[197] SU-MIMO-DL Perfect Passive Single BF Single SC
[198] SU-MISO-DL Imperfect Passive Multiple BF Single SR
[199] SU-MISO-DL Perfect - Passive Single AN Single Ergodic SR
[200] MU-MISO-DL Perfect - Passive Single BF Single SSR
[201] SU-SISO-DL - Passive Single - Single Ergodic SR
THz Statistical
[202] commun. SU-MISO-DL Imperfect - Passive Multiple BF Single Worst-case SR
[203] SU-MISO-DL Perfect - Passive Single BF Single SR
[204] SU-SISO-DL Statistical - Passive Single - Multiple SC
under various scenarios, including perfect/imperfect Eve’s CSI. Additionally, an AN-aided approach was proposed for
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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
System related content RIS related content Security related content Performance
CSI Channel RIS PLS Metric(s)
Technology System Model RIS(s) Eve(s)
Condition Model Type Technique
[205] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single BF Single SR
[130] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Rician Passive Single AN Single ASR
[206] MU-SISO-DL Perfect Rician Passive Single AN Single ASR
[207] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Multiple BF Multiple ASR
[139] SU-SISO-UL/DL Perfect Rician Passive Single BF Single ASR
[156] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Rician Passive Multiple Jamming Multiple SR
[208] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single BF Multiple SC
[209] SU-MISO-DL Perfect Rician Passive Single BF Multiple SR
[210] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Rician Passive Single BF Single ASR
[211] MU-MISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single BF Multiple SSR
[212] MU-SISO-DL Perfect Rician Passive Single - Single SSR
[213] SU-MISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single - Single ASR
Number of
[214] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Nakagami-m Passive Single - Multiple
RIS elements
[215] UAV MU-SISO-UL Perfect Rician Passive Single - Multiple Secrecy EE
[216] commun. SU-MISO-DL Perfect Rician Passive Single BF Multiple ASR
[217] SU-SISO-UL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single BF Multiple
[218] SU-SISO-DL Outdated Passive Single BF Single ASR
[219] SU-SISO-DL Imperfect Passive Single Jamming Single ASR
[220] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single BF Single ASR
[221] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single AN Multiple Ergodic SC
[222] MU-MISO-DL Statistical Passive Single BF Multiple Multicast rate
[223] MU-SISO-UL Perfect Nakagami-m Passive Multiple BF Single EC, ECP, ESC
[224] SU-MISO-DL Rayleigh Passive Single BF Single ASR and SOP
[225] MU-MISO-DL Imperfect Rician Active Single BF Single Transmit power
[226] SU-SIMO Perfect Rayleigh Passive Multiple AN/BF Single Ergodic capacity
[227] SU-SISO Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single Jamming Single SOP and PNSC
[228] SU-SISO Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single BF Single Data rate and SR
[229] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single Jamming Single SOP and PNSC
[230] SU-MISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single BF Multiple SR
[231] SU-MISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single AN Single SR
[232] SU-MISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Active Single AN Single SR
[233] SU-MISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single BF Multiple Secrecy EE
[234] SU-MISO-DL Imperfect Quasi-static Passive Single BF Multiple Worst-case SR
[235] MU-SISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive single BF Multiple
[236] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Passive Single - Single ASR
[237] MU-MISO-DL/UL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single BF Single
[238] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Passive Single BF Single SOP, and EST
[239] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Passive Single BF Single ESC
[240] SU-MISO-DL Statistical Rician Passive Single BF Multiple ASR
[241] SU-MISO-DL Perfect Rician Passive Single BF Single SR
[242] MU-MISO-DL Statistical Rician Passive Multiple AN Multiple
WPC/ consumption
SWIPT Rayleigh/
[243] MU-MISO-DL Perfect Passive Single Jamming Multiple Transmit power
[244] MU-MISO-DL Imperfect Passive Single AN Multiple Outage rate
[245] SU-SISO-UL Perfect Passive Single Jamming Single SR
[246] MU-MISO-DL Statistical Rayleigh Passive Single AN Multiple SR
[247] SU-MISO-DL/UL Perfect Active Single BF Multiple SR
[248] SU-MISO-DL/UL Imperfect Passive Single BF Single SR
[249] SU-MIMO-DL Perfect Passive Single AN Single SR
scenarios without Eve’s CSI to enhance the secrecy rate. The of the BF, AN, and reflection coefficients. The provided results
authors in [232] focused on employing an active RIS in a revealed the superior performance of the active RIS scheme
secure cognitive satellite-terrestrial network to optimize the in enhancing secrecy within the network.
secrecy rate. This involved concurrently optimizing the design
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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
System related content RIS related content Security related content Performance
CSI Channel RIS PLS Metric(s)
Technology System Model RIS(s) Eve(s)
Condition Model Type Technique
Secure energy
[250] MU-FD-UL/DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single AN Multiple
Sum secrecy
[251] MU-SISO-UL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single - Multiple computation
[252] MU-MISO-UL Perfect Passive Single BF single SR, secure EE
MEC Rician
[253] MU-SISO-UL Perfect Rician Passive Single Jamming Single computational
[254] MU-FD-UL/DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single BF Single computational
[255] SU-SISO-DL Statistical Passive Single - Single transmission
[256] SU-MISO-DL Imperfect Active Single BF Single Transmit power
[257] Satellite SU-MISO-DL Imperfect Rician Passive Single BF Multiple SR
commun. Rayleigh/
[258] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Passive Single - Multiple SOP
[259] MU-MISO-DL Imperfect Rayleigh Passive Single Multiple Sum rate
[260] SU-MISO-DL Perfect Passive Single Jamming Single Eve SINR
[261] MU-MISO-DL Perfect Rician Passive Single - Single SC
[262] MU-MISO-DL Imperfect Rayleigh Passive Single BF Single SR
Bounded/ Rayleigh/ Power
[263] Multicast SU-MISO-DL Active Single BF Multiple
Statistical Rician consumption
[264] MU-MISO-DL Imperfect Rayleigh Passive Single Jamming Multiple Secure EE
Rayleigh/ worst
[265] MU-MISO-DL Imperfect Passive Single BF Multiple
Rician Bob SNR
Perfect/ Rayleigh/
[266] MU-MISO-DL Passive Multiple BF Multiple Weighted SSR
Cell-free Imperfect Rician
[267] networks MU-MISO-DL Perfect Rician Passive Multiple - Single Secure EE
[268] MU-MIMO-DL Perfect Rician Passive Multiple BF Single ASR
[269] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single Jamming Single SR
Rayleigh/ ASR and
[270] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Passive Single BF Single
Rician throughput
[271] Relay SU-MISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single BF Single ASR
networks Perfect/
[272] MU-MISO-DL/UL Rayleigh Active Single BF Single SSR
[273] SU-SISO-DL Statistical Rayleigh Active Single - Single SOP and IP
[274] SU-MISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Semi-active Single - Single Secrecy EE
[275] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single - Single SOP
[276] SU-SISO-DL Imperfect Rayleigh Passive Single BF Single ASR
[277] SU-MISO-DL Unavailable Rayleigh Passive Single AN Single SR
[278] MU-SISO-DL Imperfect Rayleigh Passive Single - Single OP and IP
[279] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single BF Multiple SOP and SC
Semi- Anti- Eve rate, energy,
[280] WBAN SU-SISO-D2D Estimated Rayleigh Single Single
passive jamming latency, SC
[281] SU-MISO-DL Perfect Rician Passive Single BF Single ASR
[282] MU-MISO-DL Perfect Rician Active Single BF Single ASR
[283] MU-MISO-DL Perfect Passive Single BF Single SNR
[284] SU-MISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single BF Single Ergodic SR
[285] MU-MISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single BF Single SR
[286] SU-MISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Active Single BF Single SR
[287] MU-MISO-DL Perfect Rician Passive Single Jamming Single SR
[288] MU-MISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single BF Single SSR
Rayleigh/ Radar sensing
[289] MU-MISO-DL Perfect Passive Single BF Multiple
Rician power
[290] commun. MU-MISO-DL Statistical Passive Single BF Single Radar SINR
[291] MU-MIMO-DL Perfect Passive Single AN Single SR
6) RIS-Assisted Secure WPT and SWIPT: An RIS’s utility while ensuring secure communication channels. By manipu-
extends further to secure wireless power transfer (WPT) and lating EM waves, an RIS improves signal strength, reduces
SWIPT communications, optimizing energy transfer efficiency interference, and establishes secure communication links. This
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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
System related content RIS related content Security related content Performance
CSI Channel RIS PLS Metric(s)
Technology System Model RIS(s) Eve(s)
Condition Model Type Technique
[292] MU-SISO-UL Perfect Passive Single BF Multiple Computation EE
[293] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single Jamming Single ASR
[294] IoT MU-MISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single BF Multiple SSR
Networks SOP, PNSC,
[295] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Nakagami-m Passive Single - Single
and ASR
Passive/ SSR and
[296] MU-MISO-DL Perfect Rician Multiple BF Multiple
Active Secrecy EE
[297] MU-MISO-DL Perfect Rician Active Single BF Multiple ASR
[298] SU-MISO-DL Unavailable Nakagami-m Passive Single AN Single SR
[299] MU-MISO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Active Single BF Multiple SR
[300] SU-MISO-DL Perfect Rician Passive Single BF Multiple
[301] MU-SIMO-UL Estimated Rayleigh Passive Multiple BF Single SSR
[302] SU-SISO-DL Rayleigh Passive Single - Single SOP
[303] SU-SIMO-UL Perfect Rician Passive Single BF Single
[304] MU-SISO-UL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single BF Single SNR
[305] MU-SIMO-UL Perfect Rayleigh Active Single - Single SR
[306] MU-MIMO-DL Perfect Rayleigh Passive Single BF Multiple EE
[115] MU-SISO-UL Perfect Nakagami-m Passive Single - Single SOP and PPSC
Perfect/ Gamma-
[201] SU-SISO-DL Passive Single - Single Ergodic SR
Statistical Gamma
integration ensures safe and efficient power and data trans- a passive eavesdropper was investigated in [254]. A harvest-
mission, protecting against eavesdropping and unauthorized then-offload protocol was the main focus, where users were
access in modern wireless technologies. Integrating anRIS into charged by the AP in the first slot, and harvested energy was
a secure WPCN multicast setup was proposed in [235] to used to offload computation tasks in the second slot, assuming
enhance energy transfer efficiency and ensure secure com- concurrent local computation during energy harvesting. Strate-
munication. Specifically, the energy was initially harvested gies to enhance the security of MEC systems by leveraging the
from a power station and subsequently utilized to transmit RIS technology and AN in the IoT, were explored in [250],
data to multiple IoT devices in the presence of multiple aiming to strengthen users’ signals while simultaneously at-
eavesdroppers. The BF optimization challenge within an RIS- tenuating eavesdroppers’ signals by manipulating RIS phase
enhanced SWIPT framework was investigated in [240], with configurations.
energy users accounted for as potential eavesdroppers. The
purpose was to maximize the average worst-case SR while 8) RIS-Assisted Secure Satellite Networks: The sophisti-
adhering to power and energy harvesting constraints. The cated integration of the RIS technology into satellite com-
authors of [238], [239] explored the PLS of a WPC system munication systems provides insights into applications for
with enhancements provided by an RIS in the presence of enhancing communication security in space-based systems.
a passive eavesdropper. Three secure modes for RIS-WPC In doing so, security protocols are strengthened, ensuring
systems were introduced and examined. In [236], an RIS was secure and efficient data transmission while mitigating risks
utilized to maximize secure SWIPT systems with a power such as unauthorized access and eavesdropping. This strategy
splitting scheme. The objective was to optimize the system’s is essential for protecting sensitive data and upholding the
SR by choosing the optimal transmitter power and RIS phase reliability of satellite communication systems. The authors
shifts while ensuring user energy-harvesting requirements and of [255] introduced a two-hop content delivery strategy within
adhering to transmit power constraints at the transmitter. a cache-enabled satellite-terrestrial network supported by an
7) RIS-Assisted Secure MEC: The integration of an RIS RIS. The system incorporated probabilistic caching policies at
into MEC enhances the security of edge networks. Through both the satellite and ground station. The analysis evaluated
the dynamic configuration of the wireless environment, an the system’s connection and secrecy probability, utilizing
RIS contributes to securing data transmission and computation asymptotic and closed-form expressions. In [256], a secure
processes in MEC systems. This integration enhances data BF design for cognitive satellite-terrestrial networks with an
processing and storage security at the network edge, which active RIS was introduced, considering CSI. The objective
is crucial for protecting sensitive information and prevent- was to minimize the transmission power at the BS while
ing unauthorized access in MEC environments. The authors ensuring an acceptable SR for primary users and an acceptable
of [292] presented an approach for ensuring secure task rate for secondary users. Two configurations of RIS-aided
offloading and efficient wireless resource management in MEC space-ground networks, double-RIS and single-RIS schemes,
networks equipped with an RIS, considering IoT devices’ were explored in [257] to maximize the SR. The superiority
secure computation rate constraints. The secure computation of the double-RIS scheme in terms of security performance
performance in an RIS-assisted WPT and MEC system with compared to the single-RIS method was demonstrated.
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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
9) RIS-Assisted Secure ISAC: Integrating an RIS with inherent broadcast nature of wireless EM communications. In
ISACs systems enhances secrecy performance by dynamically response, a secure MEC network framework was proposed
controlling signal propagation. The RIS enables precise com- in [292], leveraging RIS to enhance security in task offloading.
munication through dynamic BF, directing signals to intended 11) RIS-Assisted Secure Other Cutting-Edge Technologies:
recipients and reducing interception threats. By incorporating The exploration extends to RIS-assisted secure multicast
an RIS into ISAC systems, security measures can be signifi- communications, strategically deploying an RIS to reinforce
cantly enhanced, ensuring safe and efficient data transmission security in the face of the unique challenges posed by one-
while preventing unauthorized access or eavesdropping. The to-many communication paradigms [261]–[264]. RIS-assisted
combined optimization of transmit and reflection BF for secure cell-free networks utilize an RIS to optimize the sig-
secure RIS-ISAC systems was analyzed in [283]. The results nal coverage and mitigate interference in distributed antenna
validated that the proposed design enhances the radar SNR systems [266], [268]. Transitioning to relay networks, an
performance, confirming the benefits of incorporating an RIS RIS dynamically configures relay paths and signal reflections,
in secure ISAC systems. The authors of [284] introduced a enhancing the security and reliability of relayed communica-
BF design assisted by RIS in an ISAC system to enhance the tions [269], [270]. In vehicular networks, a critical domain
PLS. The objective was to maximize the secrecy performance for secure communication, the strategic deployment of an RIS
while meeting the minimum requirements for communication to optimize communication links in vehicular environments,
and sensing performance. An RIS-assisted secure ISAC system addressing security concerns and improving overall network
was examined in [285] wherein the objective was to maximize performance was proposed in [275]. WBANs find an RIS
the SR by concurrently optimizing the transmit BF, AN matrix, enhancing communication security and reliability in health-
and RIS phase-shift matrix. The results confirmed the signifi- care and wearable technologies, especially in wearable health
cance of the proposed DRL algorithm compared to benchmark monitoring devices [280].
techniques. The secure transmission in an active RIS-assisted Integrating an RIS with a radar system enhances security
ISAC in THz was discussed in [286], where the target was by dynamically controlling the EM wave propagation. This
considered as a possible eavesdropper. The objective was to integration improves signal directionality, supports stealth and
maximize the secrecy rate while ensuring the lowest illumina- camouflage, facilitates adaptive radar sensing, and mitigates
tion power for the target. In [287], a secure transmission within interference [289], [291]. Moreover, backscatter communica-
a STAR-RIS-assisted ISAC system was investigated, where the tions can be integrated with an RIS to improve security per-
system was partitioned into distinct sensing and communica- formance by dynamically optimizing signal reflection, estab-
tion regions. The STAR-RIS was strategically positioned to lishing secure signal directionality, adapting security configu-
establish LoS links for confidential signal transmission to users rations, and creating secure zones [297]–[299]. Furthermore,
and for target sensing and confidential signal transmission to the benefits of using an RIS to improve the secrecy perfor-
users using NOMA. The PLS of RIS-assisted ISAC systems mance of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) were investigated
was investigated in [288], where AN was utilized. The main in [304]. As summarized in Tables II(a) to II(d), the attractive
objective was to maximize the multi-user sum secrecy rate by advantages of an RIS-assisted PLS have generated enor-
optimizing a joint active and passive BF. mous studies investigating its applicability to 5G/6G cutting-
10) RIS-Assisted Secure IoT: Incorporating an RIS into IoT edge wireless technologies such as multi-antenna communica-
networks optimizes security through dynamic signal reflec- tions, mmWave communications, THz communications, UAV
tion control, interference mitigation, secure zone establish- communications, D2D communications, CRNs, WPC/SWIPT,
ment, adaptability to changes, jamming prevention, and en- MEC, satellite-enabled networks, multicast communications,
hanced privacy measures [309]. This collaborative integration cell-free networks, relay-aided networks, vehicular commu-
strengthens the overall security resilience of IoT networks, nications, WBAN, ad-hoc networks, ISAC, radar communi-
providing robust protection against a spectrum of potential cations, IoT networks, backscatter communications, wireless
threats. An innovative approach was presented in [295] to sensor networks, and HAPS.
enhance confidentiality in low power wide area networks
(LPWANs) by combining the RIS technology with UAV, C. Lessons Learnt
improving the secure data transmission between IoT sensors This section explores how an RIS can enhance the PLS in
and gateways within LPWAN environments. Analytical ex- wireless communication systems. Here are the key takeaways:
pressions were derived for the SOP, PNSC, and ASR, consid- • RISs can be combined with various techniques to enhance
ering Nakagami-m fading channels. The impact of the eaves- the PLS. It can control the direction of ANs to confuse
dropper’s locations was also explored. An IRS-based model eavesdroppers, manipulate signal reflection paths for BF,
was introduced in [294] to tackle security challenges in IoT and optimize jamming strategies in cooperative jamming
environments with diverse trusted and untrusted devices, where approaches. Understanding how these techniques address
untrusted devices could pose eavesdropping risks. The secrecy attacks like eavesdropping and jamming provides valu-
rate of trusted devices was optimized for the model while able insights. Moreover, understanding how cooperative
ensuring the QoS for all legitimate devices. The low-latency strategies, possibly involving multiple RIS elements, im-
computing demands of IoT devices with limited resources have pact the overall security of the communication system
been acknowledged and addressed by the MEC. However, can provide valuable insights into the potential for col-
security risks could be created for these devices due to the laborative security tools against potential threats.
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• RISs empower a versatile PLS approach applicable to [110], the mirror-array-based RIS elements are optimized to
various communication systems. By manipulating high- increase the channel gain difference between the trusted user
frequency propagation such as mmWave and THz, RIS and the untrusted user. In [108], the closest LED to the
mitigates eavesdropping across diverse scenarios. Inte- eavesdropper is employed to send an unintended interference
grating an RIS with a UAV communication enables flex- to the eavesdropper in an attempt to degrade its SINR. In [109],
ible and secure links, while in D2D communication, an the transmit BF of the VLC AP is optimized to maximize the
RIS controls the environment for directional beams and system’s SC. Lastly, in [111], an RIS is deployed close to
enhanced security. The CRN and WPT systems benefit a jamming receiver, which transmits a jamming interference
from improved secrecy and optimized energy transfer, toward the eavesdropper.
respectively. Similarly, the MEC leverages an RIS for 2) RIS-Assisted Secure VLC-RF: The high data rates of
secure data transmission and computation. An RIS’s VLC and the extended coverage of RF communications have
dynamic control extends security to satellite networks, motivated the research of VLC-RF hybrid systems. In [113],
ISAC systems, and IoT networks, maintaining overall [114], a two-hop scenario is considered, where in the first
network resilience. Furthermore, an RIS-assisted PLS hop, VLC is used for data transmission in an EM-sensitive
presents promising applications in emerging technologies environment, and in the second hop, a relay that can perform
like secure multicast communications, cell-free networks, an optical-to-electrical conversion is deployed next to an RIS
and various network types. to extend the communication coverage. Additionally, there
• The real-world potential of an RIS-assisted PLS hinges exists an eavesdropper in the second hop trying to wiretap the
on addressing implementation challenges, scalability, and RF link. The aforementioned works evaluated both the SOP
adaptability. Research works explore how well an RIS and the SPSC of the proposed systems without employing a
scales with complex networks and adapts to dynamic specific PLS technique. Rather, the introduction of the RIS is
communication scenarios. Additionally, an active RIS is shown to increase the SOP to a certain extent.
a potential solution for the dual-fading issue in RIS- 3) RIS-Assisted Secure FSO-RF: The motivation for
supported links, although it comes with increased com- RF/FSO networks arises from the need for high-speed, reli-
plexity and power consumption. Active RIS elements able, and flexible communication solutions in various scenar-
amplify reflected signals, offering improved the PLS ios, ranging from urban environments with high data demands
compared to mostly passive RIS modules. to remote areas with limited infrastructure. The security of
• The success of reliable beamforming and optimal reflec- the FSO links is inherently assured by the laser beam’s
tion in RIS-assisted wireless communication systems is narrow and imperceptible nature, while the inherent broadcast
intrinsically linked to the precise acquisition of the CSI. nature of wireless RF communication implies the likelihood
Despite the well-established conventional channel esti- of information leakage to eavesdroppers [115]. However, the
mation methods in traditional wireless systems, applying propagation characteristics of the FSO link need to be taken
these techniques to RIS-assisted secured wireless commu- into account, such as the pointing errors, the path loss due
nications presents significant challenges. As observed in to random atmospheric radio medium, and the atmospheric
Table II, much of the existing research assumes perfect turbulence. In [116], a secure mixed RF/FSO RIS-aided system
CSI for RIS-assisted secured wireless communications. is proposed, where a secure message is conveyed from an RF
Additionally, the Rayleigh fading channel is predomi- transmitter to an FSO receiver with the assistance of a decode-
nantly utilized, whereas more complex channel fading and-forward intermediary relay. This work deploys one RIS
models are seldom employed, as indicated in Table II. between the RF transmitter and the relay and another one
Furthermore, although various types of RIS exist, passive between the relay and the FSO receiver. Such deployment
RIS is the most prevalent in the literature due to its is suitable in urban environments. In [115], a secure mixed
relative simplicity in analysis. RF/FSO RIS-aided HAPS-UAV collaborative system is pro-
posed, which is suitable to serve remote areas users. A wiretap
V. RIS-A SSISTED PLS IN OWC S YSTEMS RF link is assumed from the users to an eavesdropper.
This section discusses the potential of the adoption of
the RIS technology to secure OWC networks. Specifically, B. Lessons Learnt
the integration with VLC, VLC-RF, and FSO-RF, which are
The lessons learnt from this section can be summarized as
summarized in both Fig. 9 and Table III.
• The literature on RIS-assisted PLS VLC agrees that
A. Integrating RIS with OWC Enabling Technologies for Se- increasing the number of RIS elements improves the over-
cure Communications all security performance of VLC systems. Specifically,
1) RIS-Assisted Secure VLC: When it comes to the integra- additional RIS elements enable spatial BF and nulling,
tion of RIS-aided PLS in VLC systems, the research started allowing precise directional control of transmitted light
with single user scenarios for a static user [107], [110], [111] and the formation of constructive interference patterns
or a mobile user [109], then evolved to multi-user scenar- directed toward intended receivers, while creating de-
ios [108]. These works employed different PLS techniques to structive interference for potential eavesdroppers. The
improve the secrecy rate performance. Specifically, in [107], greater flexibility provided by a larger number of RIS
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Fig. 9. The integration of RIS in PLS-aided systems with OWC enabling technologies for secure communications.
System related content RIS related content Security related content Performance
System CSI RIS RIS PLS Metric(s)
Technology RIS(s) Eve(s)
Model Condition Type Arch. Technique
[107] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Passive Single gain Single SC
Mirror Unintended
[108] MU-SISO-DL Perfect Passive Single Single SR
array interference
VLC Mirror
[109] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Passive Single BF Single SC
[110] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Passive Single gain Single SR
[111] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Passive Single Jamming Single SC
[113] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Passive Single - Single SOP and SPSC
[310] SU-MISO-DL Perfect Passive Multiple and BF Single SC
[114] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Passive Single - Single SOP and SPSC
Meta- SOP, SPSC, IP,
[116] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Passive Multiple - Multiple
surface ASC, and EST
[115] FSO-RF MU-SISO-UL Perfect Passive Single - Single SOP and PPSC
[311] SU-SISO-DL Perfect Passive Single - Single
surface and EST
elements supports continuous optimization to adapt to mark Blind PLS algorithm, which uses a combination of
changing environmental conditions, thereby enhancing spread-spectrum watermarking and a jamming receiver to
security against eavesdropping attempts. This increased achieve confidentiality, have been implemented in VLC.
spatial diversity and improved SNR at the legitimate Recent research has explored leveraging RIS technology
receiver enhances the reliability of communication links, alongside such advanced PLS techniques, demonstrating
thereby raising the difficulty for unauthorized entities further enhancements in VLC security. Overall, the ca-
attempting to intercept communications. pabilities of the RIS technology pave the way for the
• VLC offers inherent properties that make it suitable for effective adoption of novel PLS techniques in VLC,
advanced PLS techniques. These properties, combined significantly improving its security.
with the potential of using red-green-blue (RGB) LEDs • The research of RIS-assisted PLS in OWC is still in its
as transmitters, open doors for improved security in infancy compared to the more developed investigations in
VLC systems. For instance, advancements like the Water- RF systems. This is evident in the amount of presented
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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
works in Table III as compared to Table II. Hence, and sequential rank-one constraint relaxation methods while
most works presented in Table III considered simple considering constraints on the RIS phase shifts and the RIS
scenarios (e.g., the assumption of perfect CSI, passive location. In [142], the authors examined a worst-case sum
eavesdropper, etc.) to illustrate the feasibility of such in- rate maximization problem under minimum achievable rate,
tegration. Exploring more practical scenarios (e.g., multi- maximum wiretap rate, and maximum transmit power con-
cell scenarios, imperfect CSI, active eavesdropper, and straints. An algorithm to design the receive decoder at the
LoS blockage) is needed to better understand the potential users, both the digital precoder and the AN at the BS, and the
and complexity of the integration of RIS-assisted PLS in analog precoder at the RIS, was developed by leveraging on
OWC systems. AO, another iterative optimization method, the MM method,
quadratically constrained quadratic programming (QCQP), and
VI. O PTIMIZATION T ECHNIQUES FOR RIS-A SSISTED PLS the Riemannian manifold optimization technique. In [240],
the authors investigated a stochastic SCA-based algorithm to
A general mathematical optimization problem typically has optimize the BF vectors at the BS and the phase shifts of an
the form RIS to maximize the average worst-case SR subject to both the
min f (x)
x power constraint at the BS and energy harvesting constraints
s.t. (9) at the energy harvesting users.
gi (x) ≤ bi , i = 1, 2, . . . , m, A SR maximization problem to optimize the BS BF vector
hi (x) = cj , i = 1, 2, . . . , n, and RIS phase shifts was explored and solved using the AO,
where the function f (x) is the objective function that needs to SDR, SCA, and the linear conic relaxation method in [266].
be minimized, x is the set of optimization variables, gi (x) ≤ The authors in [147] developed an algorithm based on the SDR
bi and hi (x) = cj , are the inequality and equality constraints and the BCD framework to optimize BS BF vector and RIS
that restrict the feasible region, respectively, m denotes the phase shifts while considering constraints on the BS transmit
number of inequality constraints, and n is the number of power and RIS phase shifts. In [231], the authors proposed an
equality constraints. The optimization problem in (9) is a algorithm to optimize the BF vector of the BS and the RIS
constrained optimization problem and can be a convex or phase shift subject to total power constraint at the secondary
non-convex problem. It is convex if f (x) and gi (x) are transmitter, interference power constraint at the primary re-
convex functions and hi (x) − cj is affine [318]. In the context ceiver as well as unit modulus constraint at RIS. Under the
of optimizing RIS-assisted PLS, typical objective functions assumption of both continuous and discrete RIS phase shift
include SR, SC, SOP, PNSC, IP, secure EE, and transmit resolution, the joint optimization of transmit covariance matrix
power. The decision variables include resources such as power at the BS and RIS phase shifts to maximize the SR under
and bandwidth allocation, RIS phase shifts and deployment, power budget, the positive semi-definite constraint on transmit
beamformer/precoder design, and antenna selection. A brief covariance matrix, and RIS phase constraints was investigated
introduction of the various optimization techniques in this in [172]. In that paper, the authors proposed an AO-based algo-
section can be found in [319], [320]. This section reviews rithm in which, given the reflecting coefficients at the IRS and
state-of-the-art optimization techniques for RIS-assisted PLS by leveraging the SCA, a convex approach was used to solve
and summarizes existing optimization schemes for SR maxi- the transmit covariance matrix optimization at the AP, while
mization and other secrecy metric optimization in Tables IV the transmit covariance matrix at the AP, AO was explored to
and V, respectively. find the RIS phase shits. In [237], the authors maximized the
sum SR by optimizing the downlink/uplink time allocation, the
energy transmit covariance matrix of a BS, the information
A. Secrecy Rate Optimization transmit BF matrix of users and the RIS phase shift matrix
In [130], the authors investigated SR maximization by subject to constraints on energy/information transmit power at
optimizing the phase shifts of the RIS, the trajectory of a the hybrid BS/users and the RIS phase shifts. The proposed
drone BS, and its transmit power. In this paper, the authors AO algorithm involved the MSE method to reformulate the
first used the BCD approach, an iterative optimization method, original problem, an AO algorithm, and the dual subgradient
to decompose the joint problem into three subproblems. A method to optimize the energy covariance and information BF
closed-form expression of the optimal phase shifts given the matrices, a one-dimensional search to obtain the optimal time
drone’s trajectory and transmit power was proposed. Then, allocation, and second order cone programming (SOCP), SCA,
an SCA method was developed to obtain an approximate and the MM algorithm to find the RIS phase shifts.
solution for the drone trajectory subproblem. Finally, a one- A worst-case rate maximization problem to optimize the
dimension search method was designed for the transmit power joint transmissive and reflective phase shifts, cascaded angular
allocation subproblem. Under the criteria of maximizing the uncertainties, and the unknown jamming and BSs BF vectors,
SR, the authors in [143] proposed a low-complexity technique under power budgets, secure QoS requirements, and RISs’
based on the Riemannian conjugate gradient approach to phase shift constraints was explored in [169]. The authors
optimize the BS BF vector and the RIS phase shift under proposed several optimization techniques for the individual
transmit power budget and RIS phase constraint. In [312], subproblems. First, an Akaike information criterion-based di-
the RIS phase shift and location were optimized to maxi- agonalization method was designed to estimate the unknown
mize the SR by exploiting the Charnes-Cooper transformation jamming covariance matrix. Second, a double deterministic
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[#] Optimization variables Optimization techniques Constraints
RIS phase shifts, drones’ trajectory, Drone mobility, Power, and RIS phase
[130] Continuous BCD, AO, SCA, One-dimension search
transmit power constraints
Heuristic search, Charnes-Cooper transformation,
[312] Continuous RIS location, RIS phase shifts RIS location and RIS phase constraints
Sequential rank-one constraint relaxation
[266] Continuous BS beamforming vector, RIS phase shifts AO, SDR, SCA, Linear conic relaxation Min. SNR and RIS phase constraints
[147] Continuous BS beamforming vector, RIS phase shifts AO, SDR, BCD Power and RIS phase constraints
Interference threshold, power,
[231] Continuous BS beamforming vector, RIS phase shifts AO, Dinkelbach Method, SCA, CCP
and RIS phase constraints
Continuous/ Power, transmit covariance matrix, and
[172] Transmit covariance matrix, RIS phase shifts AO, SCA, Dinkelbach Method
Discrete RIS phase constraints
Time allocation, energy transmit covariance Mean-square error method, AO,
Energy and information transmit power
[237] Continuous matrix, information transmit beamforming dual subgradient method, MM, SCA,
constraints, RIS phase constraints
matrix, and RIS phase shifts Second-order cone programming
Akaike information criterion, BCD, AO,
BS beamforming vector, phase shifts for transmitting SR, power, and RIS phase shifts
[169] Continuous Double Deterministic Transformation,
and reflecting RISs, users’ digital decorder constraints
Lagrange multiplier method, Penalty method
BS precoding matrix, number of data streams, AN Power, thermal noise, and RIS phase
[168] Continuous AO, MM, Manifold optimization
covariance matrix, combining matrix, RIS phase shifts shifts constraints
[165] Continuous BS covariance matrix, RIS phase shifts AO, Bisection search Power and RIS phase shifts constraints
[158] Continuous BS beamforming matrix, RIS phase shifts AO, SDR Power and RIS phase shifts constraints
AO, Manifold optimization,
[313] Continuous BS beamforming vector, RIS phase shifts Power and RIS phase shifts constraints
Fractional programming
[163] Continuous BS beamforming vector, RIS phase shifts AO, SCA, SDR Power and RIS phase shifts constraints
[261] Continuous Transmit covariance matrix, RIS phase shifts Logarithmic barrier method Power and RIS phase shifts constraints
BS beamforming vector, RIS amplification and BS and RIS reflecting power budget,
[314] Continuous AO, Dual-SCA, SDR
phase shifts matrix and SOP constraints
BS power budget, Min. SNR requirement,
BS beamforming vector, RIS reflective and transmissive
[315] Continuous AO, SOCP, SCA transmissive and reflective phase shifts and
SIC order constraint
AO, SCA, SDR, multi-dimensional quadratic BS power budget, Min. SINR requirement,
[316] Continuous BS beamforming vector, RIS phase shifts
transform RIS phase shift, and SIC order constraint
AO, SDR, SCA, Dual ascent, Quadratic
[317] Continuous BS beamforming vector, RIS phase shifts Power and RIS phase shifts constraints
transform method
[108] N/A RIS-LED association matrix Bipartite graph, Kuhn-Munkres algorithm RIS-LED association and fairness constraints
BS beamforming vector, RIS phase shifts, UAV-mounted SCA, Sequential rank-one UAV and BS power budgets, RIS phase shifts
[209] Continuous
RIS location constraint relaxation, Penalty method constraint
RIS phase shifts constraints, UAV power
[210] Continuous UAV trajectory, BS beamforming vector, RIS phase shifts Dinkelbach method, SCA
budget, UAV mobility constraints
Radar receive beamforming, RIS phase shifts, BS transmit Radar detection QoS, power budgets of
[282] Continuous Quadratic transformation, MM
beamforming BS and RIS
UAV trajectory constraints, UAV power
[212] Continuous BS transmit precoding matrix, RIS phase shifts, UAV trajectory AO, SDR, SCA, Riemannian Manifold gradient
budget, RIS phase shifts constraint
UAV trajectory constraints, jamming and
AP and UAV transmit power, UAV trajectory, RIS transmit
[293] Continuous SCA, SDR transmit power budget, power splitting ratio
and reflective phase shifts, power splitting factor
constraint, harvested energy and RIS phase shifts
[262] Continuous BS beamforming vector, RIS phase shifts AO, SCA BS transmit power budget, RIS phase shift constraint
BS transmit and receive beamforming vectors, AN covariance BS transmit power budget, RIS phase shift constraint,
[284] Continuous AO, SCA, SDR
matrix, RIS phase shifts Min. data rate and sensing SNR requirements
UAV BS beamforming, UAV’s trajectory, BS transmit power budget, RIS phase shift constraint,
[297] Continuous BCD, SDP, SCA, Reinforcement learning
RIS phase shifts UAV trajectory constraints
[299] Continuous BS beamforming vector, RIS phase shifts AO, SDP BS transmit power budget, RIS phase shifts constraint
BS transmit power budget, minimum rate requirement,
[107] Continuous BS transmit power, RIS allocation matrix Heuristics, Adaptive restart genetic algorithm
RIS allocation constraints
[228] Continuous User transmit power, RIS phase shifts AO, MM, Difference of concave programming User transmit power budget, RIS phase shifts constraints
BS transmit power budget, RIS phase shifts constraints,
[200] Continuous BS transmit power, RIS phase shifts AO, SDR
Min. data rate requirement
[201] Continuous RIS phase shifts SDR RIS phase shifts constraints
BS transmit power budget, interference threshold,
[232] Continuous BS beamforming vector, BS AN, RIS phase shifts AO, QCQP
RIS phase shifts constraints
Ground BS beamforming vector, ground and satellite
[257] Continuous Dinkelbach’s method, AO BS transmit power budget, RIS phase shifts constraints
RIS phase shifts
[269] Continuous BS transmit power, RIS phase shifts AO, SDR BS transmit power budget, RIS phase shifts constraints
[164] Continuous BS beamforming vector, RIS phase shifts Fractional programming Manifold optimization BS transmit power budget, RIS phase shifts constraints
[110] Continuous RIS orientation angles Particle swarm optimization RIS orientation angle constraints
UAV BS beamforming vector, RIS phase shifts, UAV BS Power, minimum rate, RIS phase shifts, and
[195] Continuous AO, Exhaustive search, SDR
and RIS positions UAV position constraints
BS receive beamforming vector, BS amplification power budget
[192] Continuous BCD, SCA
Active RIS reflection coefficients, Users power budget Users’ transmit power budget
[198] BS transmit beamforming vector, RIS phase shifts Fractional programming, SCA BS power budget, RIS unit-modulus
Iterative algorithm, SCA,
[220] Continuous ARIS 3D deployment, ARIS phase shifts UAV’s mobility, RIS phase shifts
Phase alignment methods
QoS constraints for user and Eves,
[221] Continuous ARIS 3D deployment, ARIS user portions Iterative algorithm
total number of active RIS elements
AP energy transmit beamforming vector, AP transmit power budget,
[247] Continuous AP receive beamforming vector, AO, SCA ARIS amplification power budget,
ARIS time allocation, ARIS phase shifts RIS amplitude constraint
Transmission time allocation constraints, AP transmit
AP transmit beamforming vector, time allocation,
[248] Continuous AO, SDR, Gaussian randomization procedure power budget, RIS modulus constraints of the energy
RIS energy and information reflection coefficients
and information refection coefficients
AO, SCA, augmented Lagrange method,
[272] Discrete BS beamforming matrix, RIS phase shifts RIS unit-modulus, BS power budget
and the quasi-Newton method
[286] Continuous BS transmit beamforming, RIS phase shifts AO, majorization-minimization, SDR Target minimum illumination power, BS power budget
BS transmit beamforming, BS artificial jamming,
[287] Continuous AO, SCA Target minimum beampattern gain
STAR-RIS passive transmission and reflection beamformings
transformation method was proposed to tackle the cascaded solutions to RISs’ phase shifts. Focusing on SR maximization,
angular uncertainties. Third, a two-layer iterative Lagrange the authors in [168] proposed an algorithm to optimize the
multiplier algorithm was developed to obtain the globally BS precoding matrix, the number of data streams, the AN
optimal solution of the digital precoder. Finally, a polyblock- covariance matrix, the receive combining matrices for the
based multiple penalty method was designed to obtain the legitimate user and eavesdropper, and the RIS phase shifts
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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
for the legitimate and malicious RISs under constraints on transmit power constraint at the BS, phase shifts constraints
undesired amplification of thermal noise, power budget, and of the RIS, the successive interference cancellation (SIC) de-
RIS phase shifts constraint. The designed algorithm was based coding constraints and the SOP constraints for single-antenna
on AO, MM, and manifold optimization. In [144], the authors and multi-antenna BS scenarios. For the single-antenna BS
proposed a scheme based on AO and SDR techniques to scenario, the authors derived the exact SOP in closed-form
optimize the BS BF matrix and the RIS phase shifts under expressions and proposed a ring-penalty-based SCA algorithm.
power and unit-modulus constraints to maximize worst-case In addition, a Bernstein-type inequality approximation based
SR. AO algorithm that uses the Dinkelbach method and the ring-
In [166], the authors explored a minimum SR maximization penalty based SCA algorithm was proposed for the multi-
problem to optimize BS BF vector and RIS phase shifts under antenna BS case. The study in [315] considered a maximum
power budget and RIS phase shifts constraint. The proposed SR problem and proposed an SCA-based AO algorithm to
solution involved AO to deal with the coupled optimization design the BS BF vector and the reflective and transmissive
variables and the path-following algorithm to handle the phase shift vectors of STAR-RIS under constraints on the
non-convexity of the objective function. A SR maximization minimum SINR of legitimate users, BS maximum transmit
algorithm that optimizes the covariance matrix of the BS and power, SIC decoding order, and the reflective and transmissive
the RIS phase shifts subject to transmit power and RIS phase coefficients of the RIS.
shifts constraints was explored in [165]. By exploiting AO and In [316], the authors investigated sum SR maximization by
the bisection search method, the authors developed closed- optimizing the BS transmit BF vector and the RIS phase shifts
form and semi-closed-form solutions for the BS transmit under constraints on minimum SINR requirements for legiti-
covariance and the RIS phase shift matrix, respectively. An mate users, maximum transmit power, SIC decoding condition,
algorithm based on AO and SDR techniques to maximize and the RIS phase shifts. An AO-based solution was proposed
SR by optimizing the BS BF vector and RIS phase shifts that uses the multi-dimensional quadratic transform method
under the RIS unit modulus constraints and BS power budget and the SDR technique to transform the non-convex objective
was proposed in [158]. In [313], the authors developed a SR functions into convex forms and the SCA algorithm to deal
maximization algorithm based on fractional programming and with the non-convex constraints. Optimization techniques to
manifold optimization to optimize the BS BF vector and RIS maximize the average SR by adjusting the BS BF vector and
phase shifts under BS power budget and RIS phase shifts the RIS phase shift under transmit power budget and RIS phase
constraint. In [163], the authors investigated SR maximization shifts constraints were studied in [317]. An iterative Khun-
while ensuring the transmit power constraint on the BS BF Munkres algorithm was proposed in [108] to maximize the
vector and the unit modulus constraint on the RIS phase sum secrecy rate in an RIS-aided VLC system by optimizing
shifts. An AO-based minimum SR maximization algorithm the association of LEDs to RIS elements. In [211], the authors
that exploits the SCA and SDR techniques to optimize BS optimized the hovering position of UAV, the transmit BF
BF vector and RIS phase shifts under power budget and RIS of AP, and the phase shift matrix of RIS to maximize the
phase shifts constraint was proposed in [162]. worst-case sum secrecy rate. An AO-based algorithm whereby
In [160], the authors investigated a max-min problem re- the non-convex hovering position optimization sub-problem is
garding SR by optimizing the BS BF matrix, RIS phase transformed into a convex problem by the SCA and the BF
shifts, AN matrix, and the RIS-user association matrix under and RIS phase shift optimization sub-problems are converted
constraints on BS power budget, RIS phase shifts, and that into rank-constrained problems by the SCA and tackled by
each user should be served by one RIS. A SR maximization SDR is developed. A secrecy rate maximization problem was
algorithm based on the difference of convex programming, formulated in a UAV-mounted multi-functional-RIS assisted
SCA, and manifold optimization to optimize BS BF vector and secure communication system by optimizing BS BF, RIS
RIS phase shifts under power and RIS phase shifts constraint phase shifts, and the 3D location of the UAV-enabled RIS
was explored in [194]. Aiming to maximize SR in a UAV and in [209]. Under the consideration of BS and UAV power
RIS assisted mmWave wireless network, the optimization of budgets and RIS phase shift constraints, an AO algorithm that
UAV BS and RIS positions, the UAV BS BF vector, and the exploits SCA and the sequential rank-one constraint relaxation
RIS phase shift was investigated in [195]. To tackle this non- method was proposed. In [156], the authors proposed a two-
convex problem, the AO approach, SDR technique, and the layer worst-case secrecy rate maximization algorithm for a
exhaustive search method were exploited to propose a solution UAV-enabled RIS and fixed RIS and secured communication
method. A logarithmic barrier method-based SR maximization system. The inner layer optimizes RIS phase shifts and jam-
algorithm was proposed to optimize the transmit covariance ming by the aerial RIS via the BCD framework while the
matrix and RIS phase shift under power budget and RIS phase outer layer solves the UAV deployment problem using DRL
shifts constraints in [261]. Focusing on maximizing the worst- technique. An AO algorithm based on fractional programming
case SR and weighted sum SR by optimizing BS BF vector, and SCA was developed in [210] to maximize secrecy rate
RIS phase shifts and amplification coefficients under BS and via the optimization of BS BF vector, trajectory of UAV, and
RIS power budgets, maximum RIS amplification coefficient, RIS phase shifts. In [145], the authors proposed an algorithm
and SOP constraints, two AO-based algorithms were proposed that exploits continuous relaxation, BCD approach, SCA, and
in [314]. In [321], the authors maximized minimum SR by penalizing methods to maximize the minimum secrecy rate by
designing BS BF vector and RIS phase shifts subject to optimizing BS BF vector and RIS phase shifts matrix under
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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
BS power budget and RIS phase constraints. The optimization rithm involved SDP and SCA techniques for beamformer and
problem to maximize the worst-case secrecy rate by designing RIS phase optimization and a DRL scheme for the trajectory
UAV’s trajectory, RIS phase shifts, and UAV and BS transmit optimization. An alternating algorithm to optimize RIS phase
power under constraints on UAV trajectory, RIS phase shifts shifts and BF vector at the BS under constraints on total
and transmit power budgets was considered and a solution transmit power and RIS phase shifts was developed in [299].
based on SCA and SDR was proposed in [139]. To achieve In [107], the authors proposed an algorithm to maximize
the maximum worst-case secrecy rate via optimizing power the secrecy rate of the trusted user under minimum rate
allocation, RIS phase shifts, and UAV trajectory, an AO- requirements for the untrusted user and transmit power budget
based algorithm that leverages SDR and SCA was investigated by optimizing NOMA power allocation and RIS allocation
in [276]. matrix. In [228], the authors studied the optimization of D2D
A particle swarm optimization-based algorithm was pro- transmit power and RIS phase shifts to maximize secrecy rate
posed in [110] to optimize the orientation of RIS mirrors while guaranteeing transmit power budgets and RIS phase
and maximize the secrecy rate. An algorithm that exploits constraints. An optimization problem to maximize secrecy
fractional programming and manifold optimization to optimize rate by optimizing BS power allocation and RIS phase shifts
BS BF and RIS phase shifts for secrecy rate maximization subject to the total transmit power budget, minimal achievable
was proposed in [164]. An iterative algorithm based on SDR rate requirements, and RIS phase shifts was examined and
for optimizing RIS phase shift and BS power allocation to solved in [200].
maximize secrecy rate under the constraints of unit modulus
and total power is developed in [269]. In [257], the authors
B. Other Secrecy Metrics for Optimization
proposed two AO-based algorithms to maximize secrecy rate
by optimizing the BF vector of a ground BS and phase 1) Signal-to-Interference-Noise/ Signal-to-Noise Ratio Op-
shifts of a pair of RIS under power budget and RIS phase timization: In [322], the authors studied SINR maximization
constraints. In [232], the authors focused on maximizing problem via RIS phase shift and BS precoding vector op-
the secrecy rate subject to the transmit power constraint timization. By utilizing the BCD technique, a brute force-
and interference threshold by proposing an AO scheme to maximum likelihood detection method was proposed to ob-
optimize the beamformer and AN at the BS and the RIS tain the BS precoding vector, while a penalty method-based
phase shifts. In [201], the authors developed an algorithm to solution was developed for the RIS phase shift optimization.
optimize RIS phase shifts by using the SDR method. A secrecy Focusing on maximizing SNR of the legitimate user, the
rate maximization problem via the optimization of radar authors in [149] considered the joint optimization of BS BF
receive beamformers, RIS phase shifts, and radar transmit vector and RIS phase shifts while considering constraints on
beamformers under minimum radar detection SNR and total the SNR of the eavesdropper, the RIS phase shifts, and the
system power budget constraints was studied in [282]. The maximum transmit power. An AO solution method that uses
authors tackled this problem by exploiting MM and fractional the SDR technique to solve the RIS phase shift optimization
programming techniques to achieve a solution. In [212], the subproblem and the SCA and CCP to solve the BS BF
authors focused on maximizing the secrecy rate by optimizing optimization subproblem was developed. In [268], the authors
BS transmit precoding matrices, RIS phase shifts matrices, proposed Dinkelbach-style algorithms to optimize the transmit
and UAV trajectory under constraints on UAV flying distance, power of BSs and the RIS phase shifts to minimize the SINR
maximum transmit power, and RIS phase shifts. For this of the eavesdroppers subject to constraints on the legitimate
design problem, an AO-based procedure where SDP is used users’ SINR, BS power, and RIS phase shifts. In [304], the
to solve the transmit precoding and RIS phase shift matrices authors proposed an SDR-based iterative algorithm for RIS
while SCA is used to obtain the UAV trajectory was proposed. phase shifts and sensor nodes precoding vector optimization
An SCA-based procedure to maximize secrecy rate by to maximize the SNR at the fusion center under constraints
optimizing BS and UAV transmit powers, UAV trajectory, on transmit power budgets for sensor nodes, RIS phase shifts,
transmit and reflect phase shifts of RIS, and power splitting and the SNR at the eavesdropper.
factor at the legitimate receiver under UAV trajectory con- 2) Power Consumption Optimization: In [143], the au-
straints, power budgets, power splitting and energy harvesting thors proposed a BS BF vector and RIS phase optimization
constraints, and RIS phase constraints was examined in [293]. scheme based on the Riemannian conjugate gradient method
The study in [201] focused on maximizing the secrecy rate by to minimize the total power consumed while considering
optimizing BS BF vector and RIS phase shifts under transmit the minimum SR requirement. An alternating algorithm to
power budget and RIS phase shift constraint. An optimization optimize the BF vectors for cognitive and primary BSs and
problem to maximize ergodic secrecy rate by optimizing BS the phase shifts of an RIS while considering rate requirements
transmit and receive beamformer, the covariance matrix of the of primary and secondary users, interference thresholds, and
AN, and RIS phase shift matrix was considered and solved power budgets of the BS was designed in [230]. In [326],
by exploiting SCA and Rayleigh-quotient techniques in [284]. the authors proposed an alternating algorithm to optimize the
In [297], the authors investigated secrecy rate maximization beamformer vector at the BS and the RIS phase shift under SR
by optimizing UAV BS BF vector, UAV trajectory, and the constraints and power budget in order to minimize the total
RIS phase shifts with constraints on power budgets, UAV power consumption. A transmit power minimization algorithm
trajectory, and RIS phase shifts. The proposed AO-based algo- based on AO and SDR techniques to optimize BS BF vector
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[#] Optimization variables Objective Optimization techniques Constraints
[240] Continuous BS beamforming vector, RIS phase shifts Stochastic SCA Energy harvesting and Power constraints
[166] BS beamforming vector, RIS phase shifts AO, Path-following algorithm Power and RIS phase shifts constraints
[144] Continuous BS beamforming vector, RIS phase shifts AO, SDR Power and RIS phase shifts constraints
BS beamforming matrix, RIS phase shifts, RIS-user single connectivity, power,
[160] Continuous AO, SDR, SCA
AN matrix, RIS assignment matrix and RIS phase shifts constraints
[162] Continuous BS beamforming vector, RIS phase shifts AO, SCA, SDR Power and RIS phase shifts constraints
BS beamforming vector, RIS amplification AO, Dual-SCA, SDR, Dinkelbach BS and RIS reflecting power budget, maximum
[314] Continuous
and phase shifts matrix method, Bisection search amplification coefficient and SOP constraints
Min. rate requirement of legitimate users, LoS
UAV position, AP transmit beamforming
[211] Continuous AO, SCA, SDR connection requirement, power budget, RIS phase
phase shifts matrix
constraints, UAV position constraints
UAV position, covariance of jamming signal
Jamming Power budget, RIS phase constraints,
[156] Continuous by UAV RIS, fixed RIS and UAV RIS phase Maxmin SR AO, BCD, SDP, SCA, DRL
UAV position constraints
shifts matrix
BS Power allocation, RIS phase shifts, BS Power budget, RIS phase constraints,
[276] Continuous AO, SCA, SDR
RIS-UAV trajectory UAV position constraints
UAV BS transmit power, RIS phase shifts, BS and legitimate user power budget, RIS phase
[139] Continuous AO, SCA, SDR
UAV trajectory constraints, UAV position constraints
[145] Continuous BS beamforming vector, RIS phase shifts BCD, SCA, SDP BS power budget, RIS phase constraints
AP power budget, user minimum energy
AP transmit beamforming, AP AN
harvesting requirement, SOP constraint,
[246] Continuous covariance matrix, RIS phase shifts, AO, SDR, SCA
non-negativity of AN convariance matrix,
User power allocation
RIS phase shift
Transmit power allocation, receiver filter,
[305] Continuous AO algorithm User and RIS transmit power thresholds
RIS amplification matrix, RIS phase shifts
AO, Ring-penalty based SCA, BS power budget, RIS phase shifts,
[321] Continuous BS beamforming vector, RIS phase shifts
Dinkelbach method users’ SIC decoding, and SOP constraints
Receive decoder, digital precoder, analog AO, MM, QCQP, Riemannian Minimum user and eavesdropper rates,
[142] Continuous Maxmin rate
precoder, artificial noise manifold optimization transmit power budget and RIS phase constraint
Interference constraints, Power and
[322] Continuous RIS phase shifts, BS precoding vector Max. SINR BCD, Brute force, Penalty method
RIS phase constraints
[268] Continuous BS transmit power, RIS phase shifts Min. SINR AO, SDR, Dinkelbach method Minimum SINR, power, and RIS phase constraints
[149] Continuous BS beamforming vector, RIS phase shifts AO, CCP, SDR Power, SNR, and RIS phase constraints
[304] Discrete BS precoding vector, RIS phase shifts Max. SNR AO, SDR Power budget, eavesdropper SNR constraint
BS beamforming vector, RIS phase shifts, BCD,SDR, MM, Quadratic Communication QoS, secure transmission rate,
[283] Continuous Max. radar SNR
radar receive filter transformation power budget and RIS phase shifts constraint
Maxmin approximate AO, CCP, SDR, MM,
[323] Continuous BS beamforming vector, RIS phase shifts Power and RIS phase constraints
ergodic SR Quadratic transform, BCD, SOCP
Max. variance of
[324] Continuous RIS phase shifts SDR RIS phase shifts constraints
Eve-RIS channel
Water-filling algorithm, Bisection
RIS unit-module constraint, channel measurement
[325] Continuous BS precoding matrix, RIS phase shifts Max. secret key rate search, Grassmann manifold
constraints, power budget
[167] Continuous BS BF vector, RIS phase shifts AO, SDR Minimum rate requirement, and RIS phase shifts
BS transmit beamforming, AN spatial distribution at the BS, Minimum rate requirements,
[186] Continuous AO, SDR, penalty CCP method
RIS phase shifts Outage probability limitation
Min. power
Minimum rate requirements, Interference
[230] Continuous BS BF vector, RIS phase shifts SOCP
threshold, and RIS phase
[326] Continuous BS BF vector, RIS phase shifts AO, SCA SR and Power
Min. power, Riemannian gradient-
[143] Continuous BS BF vector, RIS phase shifts Power budget, Minimum SR and RIS phase
Max. SR based method
[161] Continuous BS BF vector, RIS phase shifts Max. power Alternating direction algorithm Power, minimum SNR, and RIS phase shifts
Max. AN power, difference of convex programming,
[194] Continuous BS BF vector, RIS phase shifts Power, RIS phase shifts and minimum rate
Max. SR SCA Manifold optimization
IoT transmit power, RIS phase shifts, Maxmin computation AO, SCA, BCD, SR, Minimum computation requirements, Power,
[292] Continuous
computing frequencies, time assignment efficiency Dinkelbach method Time, Computing frequencies, and RIS phase
BS receive BF vector, AN covariance matrix,
AO, SDR, Task offloading, BS and users’ Power, Delay,
[250] Continuous RIS phase shifts, users’ offloading time Min. secure energy
Dinkelbach Method Computation, BF, and RIS phase
transmit power, local computation tasks
BS BF vector, Jamming BF vector, Minimum rate requirement, power and RIS phase
[151] Continuous AO, SDR, Dinkelbach method
RIS phase shifts shifts
Active RIS reflecting matrix, Min. SR threshold, BS power budget,
[189] Continuous SCA, Lagrange dual method
BS beamforming vector RIS amplitude constrain
Max. secure EE
Transmit covariance matrix, RIS phase shifts,
[173] continuous AO, concave-convex procedure SOP, Power and RIS phase shifts
and redundancy rate
Continuous/ BS BF vector, RIS phase shifts, AO, Path-following procedure,
[264] SOP, Power and RIS phase shifts
Discrete and transmission rate Quadratic transformation
Signal waveform and peak-to-average-power ratio
Transmission waveform signal, BS BF vector, Max. received radar Distance-majorization constraints, amplitude on transmit and reflective
[289] Continuous
RIS transmit and reflective phase shifts sensing power based algorithm, AO RIS, constructive interference for communication
users, security constraints for malicious radar targets
AO, SDR, Sequential
[263] Continous BS BF vector, RIS phase shift Eve’s worst-case SNR and SNR OP
Min. BS rank-one constraint relaxation
transmit power Minimum SINR requirements for legitimate
[298] Continuous BS BF vector, RIS phase shift BCD, SDP
user, RIS phase shifts
Stackelberg game, AO,
Energy price, energy transfer time, energy Scheduling and RIS phase shifts constraints
[235] Continuous Max. utility function SDR, BCD, Golden
and information phases matrices, BF vector and Power budget
search method, SCA
Max. secure
AO, Bisection search,
[255] Continuous Redundant rate, caching probability transmission Caching probability and cache storage capacity
Exhaustive search
Min. ground BS
[256] Continuous Transmit power, RIS phase shifts AO, S-procedure Min. secrecy rate requirements
transmit power
[175] Continuous BS BF vector, RIS phase shifts Min. SOP AO, SDR, Manifold optimization BS transmit power budget, RIS phase shifts
RIS phase shift, UAV deployment, Max. Secure Non-negative SR, UAV and user power constraints,
[253] Continuous BCD method
power and computing resource allocation computational tasks UAV location, RIS phase shift
[290] Continuous RIS phase shift Max. radar SINR Manifold optimization RIS unit modulus constraints
[301] Continuous BS transmit waveform, RIS phase shifts Max. sum rate AO, SCA, manifold optimization Aerial Eve SNR and Cramer-Rao lower bound
Max. inter-user RIS amplitude coefficients
[184] Continuous RIS phase shifts Projected gradient-based algorithm
interference RIS phase shifts
AO, Lagrangian dual transform,
UAV transmit power, UAV trajectory Max. average UAV’s mobility, UAV’s power budget,
[219] Continuous Quadratic transform,S-procedure,
RIS phase shifts secrecy rate RIS amplitude constraint
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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
and RIS phase shifts subject to the SR and RIS phase shifts EE maximization by optimizing the BS transmit covariance
constraints was investigated in [167]. In [161], the authors matrix, RIS phase shifts, and the redundancy rate subject
proposed an alternating direction algorithm to optimize the BS to SOP constraint, RIS phase shifts constraints, and transmit
BF vector and RIS phase shifts under QoS, transmit power, and power constraint. The proposed AO-framework explored the
RIS phase shifts constraints. In [194], an SCA-based algorithm CCP and the Dinkelbach algorithm.
was proposed to maximize the AN power by optimizing the 5) Ergodic Secrecy Rate: In [323], the authors investigated
BS BF vector, the RIS phase shifts, and AN power under the optimization of the BS BF vector and the phase shifts
transmit power and minimum user rate constraint. Focusing of the reflecting elements at the RIS so as to maximize the
on minimizing the transmit power at the ground BS while weighted minimum approximate ergodic SR subject to BS
guaranteeing the achievable secrecy rate of the satellite user transmit power constraint and RIS phase shifts constraint. To
and the achievable rate of the terrestrial user, an AO-based solve this problem, the joint problem was first decoupled into
algorithm for optimizing BS precoding matrix and RIS phase two tractable subproblems, which were tackled alternatively
matrix was proposed in [256]. via the BCD method. Two different methods were proposed to
3) Computation Efficiency Optimization: In [292], the au- solve the two subproblems. The first method exploited SOCP,
thors studied the optimization of time-slot assignment, RIS CCP, and the quadratic transform, while the second method
phase shifts, local computing frequencies, and the transmit was based on the MM algorithm.
power of IoT devices, with the objective of max-min compu- 6) Channel Gain: An SDR approach to maximize the
tation efficiency, while guaranteeing the IoT devices’ secure variance of the Eve-RIS generated deceiving channel by
computation rate and minimum computation requirements. optimizing RIS phase shift was investigated in [324].
The authors proposed an iterative algorithm in which the 7) Secret Key Rate: In [325], the authors investigated an
Dinkelbach method and the BCD technique are utilized to RIS-assisted key generation system by focusing on the design
tackle the fractional objective function and coupled optimiza- of precoding and phase shift matrices to fully exploit the ran-
tion variables, respectively. A secure energy consumption min- domness from the direct and cascaded channels. First, a water-
imization problem that optimizes the BS receive BF vectors, filling algorithm was proposed to find the upper bound on
AN covariance matrix, RIS phase shifts, users’ offloading time, the key rate of the system. In addition, the authors developed
transmit power, and local computation tasks was examined an algorithm by exploring the bisection search method and
in [250]. To efficiently solve this non-convex problem, the Grassmann manifold optimization to obtain the phase shift
authors decomposed the joint problem and adopted a SDR al- and precoding matrices such that the key rate approaches
gorithm to optimize the BS receive BF vectors, AN covariance the upper bound. The authors in [327] proposed a multi-user
matrix, and RIS phase shifts, and the Dinkelbach method to secret key generation system that utilized RISs within the
optimize the power and local computation tasks. The design given environment. The channel model induced by RISs was
constraints included task offloading time, users’ maximum characterized as the sum of products involving the channel
power constraint, maximum delay constraint, maximum local from the transmitter to the RIS, the phase shifts introduced
computation tasks constraint, BS receive BF vectors constraint, by the RIS, and the subsequent channel from the RIS to the
maximum power constraint for BS transmitting AN, and the receiver. A closed-form expression for the secret key rate was
phase shifts constraint of the RIS. In [254], the design problem derived, providing a general analytical representation of the
of maximizing the secure computation task bits of users key generation process.
by optimizing the AP energy transmit BF, the RIS phase 8) Utility Function: The study in [235] explored the inte-
shifts, users’ uplink transmit power, users’ offloading time, gration of RIS in a wireless-powered communication network,
and the local computation frequency of users under energy focusing on energy harvesting from a power station and secure
harvesting, energy BF, and RIS phase constraints and users’ information transmission to IoT devices in the presence of
transmit power budget was examined. The authors proposed an eavesdroppers. In that paper, the authors proposed an RIS-
alternating solution method in which SDP and SDR algorithms aided energy trading and secure communication scheme that
were used to optimize the energy transmit BF of the AP employs a Stackelberg game model between the transmitter
and the RIS phase shifts, and the Lagrange duality method and power station where the transmitter optimizes the energy
and Karush-Kuhn-Tucker condition were utilized to obtain the price, wireless energy transfer time, RIS phase shift, and BF
users’ transmit power and computation time. vector to maximize its utility function. On the other hand, the
4) Energy Efficiency Optimization: An EE maximization power station adjusts the transmit power based on the energy
problem to optimize BS BF vector, jamming BF vector, and price of the transmitter.
RIS phase shifts under minimum SR requirement, power bud- 9) Outage Probability: In [175], the authors first developed
gets, and RIS phase shift constraints was investigated in [151]. an expression of SOP as a metric for RIS-assisted PLS
To tackle the problem, the authors proposed an AO-based system and then formulated a SOP minimization problem that
algorithm that leverages the SDR technique and Dinkelbach optimizes BS BF vectors and RIS phase shift matrices under
method. In [264], the authors proposed an AO algorithm that RIS phase constraints and BS transmit power budget. An AO-
exploits a path-following procedure and quadratic transforma- based procedure that involves a closed-form solution for the
tion to maximize EE by optimizing BS BF vector, RIS phase optimal BF vector and two techniques for phase shifter matrix
shift, and transmission rate under SOP, BS power and RIS optimization (i.e., SDR-based and manifold-based methods)
phase shifts constraint. In [173], the authors studied secure were proposed. An iterative scheme to maximize the secure
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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
transmission probability of an IRS-assisted cache-enabled within wireless communications, showing significant advance-
space-terrestrial network by optimizing the transmission rates ments. A notable advantage of ML lies in the capability to
and caching probability under cache storage capacity limita- detect and prevent security threats. Applying ML strengthens
tions was explored in [255]. PLS by mitigating eavesdropping, jamming attacks, and unau-
thorized access. Moreover, DRL can be utilized to optimize
C. Lessons Learnt adaptive strategies for securing communication channels over
time. This section reviews state-of-the-art ML techniques for
This subsection has investigated various optimization frame- RIS-assisted PLS and summarizes existing ML schemes for
works for RIS-assisted PLS systems. A summary and the key SR maximization and other secrecy metric optimization in
points are presented below. Table VI.
• Most objective functions and constraint sets in RIS-
assisted PLS systems are inherently non-convex and
non-linear, involving highly coupled decision variables. A. Deep Reinforcement Learning
This complexity is compounded when RIS phase shift Reinforcement learning (RL) is a potent ML technique with
optimization is integrated with techniques like BS BF, significant implications for advancing artificial intelligence
UAV trajectory optimization, and RIS location design. (AI). In RL, an autonomous agent undergoes a learning
To address these challenges, various transformation and process, consistently making decisions by observing environ-
convexifying techniques are often employed. As an exam- mental states and autonomously adjusting its approach to attain
ple, AO and BCD are used to decouple joint optimization an optimal policy [332]. However, the time-intensive nature of
variables into subproblems, SDR is used to relax non- this learning process renders RL less suitable for large-scale
convex RIS phase constraints, MM, SCA, and quadratic networks, given the dynamic nature of wireless channels over
transform are used for non-convex and non-linear ob- time. Consequently, RL applications face substantial limita-
jective functions and constraints. Although these current tions in real-world scenarios [333]. Recently, the emergence
approaches are effective, they often yield suboptimal of deep learning [334] has been identified as a transformative
solutions. In order to realize practical and optimal so- approach capable of addressing RL’s shortcomings. In light
lutions, future research should focus on advanced global of these considerations, DRL is proposed, representing a
optimization techniques capable of handling coupled vari- revolutionary development in AI and a promising avenue for
ables without decomposition, addressing non-convexity, autonomous systems. Presently, deep learning facilitates the
and efficiently navigating large solution spaces. This shift scalability of RL to previously intractable problems. DRL
could lead to more optimal and robust solutions for RIS- algorithms find application in robotics, enabling real-time
assisted PLS systems. learning from inputs, such as camera data, by leveraging the
• Most studies in the literature focused on SR optimization.
advantages of deep neural networks (DNNs) to enhance the
However, 6G and beyond networks seek significant im- learning speed in the DRL [334], [335]. In [329], a secure
provements in EE, connection density, mobility manage- communication system utilizing RIS in a full-duplex setting
ment, transmission latency, and the support for sensing was investigated, considering the impact of hardware impair-
services. There is a pressing need to formulate novel ob- ment. An optimization problem was formulated to maximize
jective functions and multi-objective optimization prob- the SSR through joint optimization of transmit BF at the
lems that concurrently address these diverse requirements. BS and phase shifts at the RIS. Due to the mathematical
This holistic optimization strategy will ensure that RIS- intractability, a DRL-based algorithm was proposed to obtain a
assisted PLS systems align with the comprehensive per- solution. The efficacy of the developed DRL-based algorithm
formance targets of next-generation networks. in enhancing SSR was validated through extensive simulation
• It can be observed from Tables IV and V that most
results. An RIS-assisted secure ISAC system was investigated
existing works assume continuous, i.e., infinite reso- in [285]. The technique aimed to maximize the SR through the
lution, phase shifts for RIS, which is impractical for joint optimization of transmit BF, AN matrix, and RIS phase-
real-world implementations. There is a significant gap shift matrix. An algorithm based on DRL was introduced
in understanding the impact of limited phase shifts on to tackle the optimization problem. The effectiveness of the
system performance, particularly on secrecy rates. Future proposed technique revealed higher secrecy performance. An
studies should rigorously analyze the performance degra- energy-efficient and secure wireless personal area network
dation due to discrete (finite-level) phase shifters and (WPAN) transmission system, enhanced by RIS and RL,
develop optimization techniques tailored to these realistic was introduced in [280]. The sensor encryption key, transmit
scenarios. This practical perspective is crucial for the power, and optimized RIS phase shifts were coordinated to
deployment of RIS in actual network environments. minimize eavesdropping rates. Secrecy performance improve-
ment was achieved through a DRL approach. ARIS-assisted
VII. M ACHINE L EARNING T ECHNIQUES FOR secure communications were explored in [207] to enhance se-
RIS-A SSISTED PLS curity. The proposed approach involved trajectory design based
ML has demonstrated high success across various fields, on RL and reflection optimization. The PLS enhancement was
including solving optimization problems in wireless communi- validated through simulation results. The RL was utilized to
cation systems. Integrating ML techniques into enhancing PLS maximize the eavesdropping rate in [331] in the presence of
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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
[#] Optimization variables Objective ML technique(s) Constraints
BS transmit power,
[154] Continuous Fast-policy hill-climbing RL algorithm Minimum SINR, transmit power
RIS phase shifts
BS beamforming vector,
[328] Continuous Deep Q-learning algorithm BS transmit power
RIS phase shifts
BS BF matrix,
[329] Continuous DDPG RL algorithm BS transmit power, RIS phase
RIS phase shifts
BS BF matrix,
[294] Continuous DDPG RL algorithm Minimum SINR, BS transmit power, RIS phase
RIS phase shifts
BS BF, BS AN vector,
[285] Continuous Soft actor-critic DRL algorithm BS transmit power, maximum error
RIS phase shifts
Max. SR
UAV BF matrix,
[196] Continuous UAV trajectory, Twin-DDPG RL algorithm SOP
RIS phase shifts
ARIS deployment, Inner layer: semidefinite programming
[205] Continuous ARIS location, ARIS phase
ARIS phase shifts and outer layer: deep Q-learning algorithm
RIS phase shifts, Inner layer: manifold optimization and
[207] Continuous UAV flying waypoints and velocities, RIS phase
UAV trajectory outer layer: DRL algorithm
BS BF vector,
[281] Continuous Unsupervised projection-based DNN algorithm BS transmit power, RIS phase
RIS phase shifts
AP BF vector,
[109] N/A DDPG RL algorithm BF weights, orientation angles limits
RIS mirror orientations
BS BF matrix, Post-decision state and prioritized experience
[330] Continuous Maxmin SR Minimum SR and data rate, power, RIS phase
RIS phase shifts replay DRL algorithm
Relay selection, Max. SR,
[270] Discrete Distributed multi-agent RL algorithm delay, secrecy, RIS phase
RIS phase shifts Max. throughput
BS BF matrix,
Max. SR,
[252] Continuous Jammer BF matrix, DDPG RL algorithm BS transmit power, user minimum SR, RIS phase
Max. secure EE
RIS phase shifts
[331] Discrete RIS phase shifts Max. Eve rate Double DQN algorithm RIS phase, proactive eavesdropping
RIS phase shifts, Max. achievable
[213] Continuous Q-learning and DQN algorithms UAV horizontal coordinate, RIS phase
UAV trajectory rate
RIS phase shift, Weighted sum
Device power control, secrecy
[251] Continuous DDPG RL algorithm Device transmit power, RIS phase
Device computation rate, computation
Device time allocation efficiency
UAV trajectories,
Maxmin multicast
[222] Continuous UAV active BF, Multi-agent RL algorithm Flight duration, SOP
RIS passive BF
UAV BF matrix, Max. ASR,
Proximal policy optimization algorithm
[224] Discrete UAV trajectory, Min. secrecy BS transmit power, RIS phase, UAV speed
and DRL algorithm
RIS phase shifts outage duration
Batch normalization (BN), Backhaul capacity limit,
BS power,
[267] Continuous Max. system EE prioritized experience replay (PER), minimum user SR, BS transmit power,
RIS phase shifts
and DDPG RL algorithm RIS phase
LED BF weights,
mmWave AP BF weights, Orientation angles limits, mmWave RIS phase,
[310] Continuous Max. SC DDPG RL algorithm
RIS mirror orientations, LED and mmWave AP BF weights
mmWave RIS phase shifts
legitimate RIS to assess the eavesdropping performance. The munication networks. The DDPG’s ability to handle contin-
authors in [270] utilized the multi-agent DRL-based technique uous action spaces makes it a strategic choice for optimiz-
to design RIS reflection coefficients and relay selection to ing decision-making processes about PLS. The deterministic
secure buffer-aided cooperative networks. To enhance the anti- policy inherent in DDPG facilitates precise and strategic
jamming strategy of wireless communication systems, the RIS decision-making for secure wireless communication systems.
was used in [154], where the fast RL technique was presented The DDPG provides a sophisticated framework capable of
to achieve the optimal anti-jamming design. adapting security strategies in response to the dynamic na-
1) Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient: deep determinis- ture of wireless channels by integrating DNNs for policy
tic policy gradient (DDPG) is a specialized RL algorithm formulation and value function evaluation. The advantages
for addressing challenges associated with continuous action of implementing RIS in MEC to secure the industrial in-
spaces. Extending the foundations of the deterministic pol- ternet of things (IIoT) networks were investigated in [251].
icy gradient (DPG), DDPG incorporates DNNs for both the The optimization of RIS phase shift, power control, local
policy and value function [336]. Noteworthy is its adoption computation rate, and time slot was collectively undertaken to
of a deterministic policy, directly mapping states to specific maximize the weighted sum secrecy computation efficiency,
actions, offering a streamlined approach for learning in con- in which a DDPG-based algorithm was developed to ad-
tinuous action domains. The algorithm employs an actor- dress the intricate optimization problem. Simulation results
critic architecture, where the actor-network formulates the demonstrated that deploying RIS in MEC-enabled IIoT net-
optimal action policy, and the critic assesses the selected works enhanced task offloading security, and the proposed
actions. Integration of experience replay involves storing past DDPG-based algorithm surpassed baseline methods in terms
experiences in a buffer, mitigating temporal correlations in of weighted sum secrecy computation efficiency (WSSCE). A
training sequences [337]. cooperative jamming technique, incorporating DRL for RIS-
enhanced secure cooperative network in the IoT, was intro-
Utilizing the DDPG in PLS introduces an innovative ap-
duced in [252], considering the presence of eavesdroppers.
proach to addressing security challenges within wireless com-
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The primary objective was maximizing the ASR by jointly approach’s effectiveness in enhancing security. The findings
optimizing transmit and jamming BF matrices and the RIS indicated that the DQN algorithm was more suitable than the
phase-shift matrix, where the DDPG optimization algorithm Q-learning algorithm for systems with huge action and state
was proposed. The obtained results show improvements in spaces. In [328], the security of RIS-enabled wireless networks
secrecy rate compared to benchmark schemes. Secure com- was investigated in the presence of intelligent attackers. The
munication within diverse multi-device IoT environments was DQN was introduced to enable adaptive modulation of BS
explored in [294]. The classification of legitimate devices into and RIS reflection BF. When an eavesdropping attempt was
trusted and untrusted categories addressed varying levels of detected, the BS allocated a portion of transmit power to emit
network security in the presence of potential eavesdroppers. AN, disrupting eavesdroppers. The provided results demon-
A joint optimization problem involving active and passive BF strated the efficacy of the proposed strategy, contributing to
was formulated to maximize the SSR of trusted devices while enhancing the SR in RIS-assisted wireless communication
ensuring performance guarantees for all trusted and untrusted systems.
devices. An algorithm based on the DDPG was introduced
to obtain the optimal phases for RIS and the transmit BF
matrix. The results demonstrated a significant increase in the B. Unsupervised Learning
SR of trusted devices. The authors of [109] introduced a Unsupervised learning-based algorithms do not rely on la-
DRL-based approach for a secure VLC system utilizing RIS. beled training data to enhance and optimize processes. Instead,
The adjustment of BF weights at light fixtures and mirror these algorithms autonomously uncover patterns and structures
orientations within the mirror array sheet to optimize SR was within the data, making them particularly valuable in situations
controlled by the DDPG-based algorithm. The adaptability of where labeled data is limited or costly to obtain. In [281],
the DDPG-based algorithm in managing the system’s high an ASR maximization for secure RIS-aided aeronautical Ad-
complexity and user mobility was demonstrated. Findings hoc networks (AANET) has been designed through a deep
indicated enhancing the security of the VLC communication unsupervised learning algorithm. Specifically, the proposed
system. In [196], the robust and secure transmission of RIS- algorithm relied on a projection-based DNN to get suitable
assisted mmWave UAV communications was explored. A solutions. The DNN addresses the given optimization problem
DDPG algorithm was introduced to maximize the SR for all without constraints. Simultaneously, the projection method
authorized users. Simulation results confirmed that superior ensures that the DNN’s output is subsequently mapped to the
performance could be attained compared to several benchmark constrained domain.
methods through the joint optimization of UAV trajectory and
active (passive) BF.
2) Deep Q-learning Algorithm: deep Q-learning (DQN) C. Lessons Learnt
extends the capabilities of the Q-learning algorithm by in- This subsection investigates the promising ML techniques
corporating DNNs to manage intricate and high-dimensional for RIS-assisted PLS. Here are the key takeaways:
state spaces effectively. In DQN, the conventional Q-table • Integrating ML techniques into RIS-assisted wire-
is replaced with a neural network called the Q-network, less communications to enhance PLS holds significant
which approximates Q-values for each action within a given promise across various dimensions. Supervised and un-
state. This adaptation equips DQN to navigate scenarios with supervised ML algorithms offer robust frameworks for
continuous or extensive state spaces proficiently. The neural proactive threat detection and prevention, addressing at-
network undergoes training to minimize the disparity between tacks like eavesdropping, jamming attacks, and unautho-
its predicted and target Q-values, computed using the Bellman rized access. Specifically, DDPG algorithms, known for
equation. DQN has demonstrated notable success in tackling managing continuous action spaces effectively, are pivotal
demanding problems within RL, especially in domains like in optimizing decision-making processes related to PLS.
playing intricate video games, where the conventional Q- Supervised learning algorithms enable proactive threat
learning approach encounters challenges due to the expansive detection by learning from labeled datasets to recognize
and continuous state space. Integrating DNNs enables DQN security breach patterns, while DDPG’s deterministic
to generalize and acquire insights into intricate patterns, es- policy enhances decision precision in establishing secure
tablishing it as a robust tool in AI. communication channels and optimizing parameters like
Secure communications enabled by ARIS were explored RIS phase shifts and beamforming matrices. Additionally,
in [205], employing ARIS deployment and passive BF, with algorithms like DQN enhance security protocols in RIS-
the strategic design leveraging DQN. Simulation results re- enabled systems by managing complex state spaces and
vealed that the proposed DQN successfully approximated optimizing deployment strategies to mitigate evolving se-
optimal deployment, resulting in significant improvements in curity risks without relying on labeled data, making them
security performance compared to baseline methods. More- cost-effective solutions for optimizing PLS in wireless
over, a better performance could be achieved with more reflect- networks.
ing elements. The authors of [213] presented ARIS, wherein • From Table VI, it is evident that much of the exist-
UAV and RIS capabilities were utilized to enhance average ing literature on RIS-enabled PLS in wireless networks
downlink achievable rates in wireless networks. The imple- assumes continuous phase shifts, implying infinite res-
mentation used Q-learning and DQN algorithms to evaluate the olution, whereas practical implementations necessitate
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discrete phase shifts. This contrast highlights the gap be- forwarding signals from the BS to users. Secrecy performance
tween theoretical assumptions and real-world application for integrated satellite and UAV relay networks with multiple
scenarios. Furthermore, the majority of research efforts vehicle eavesdroppers was investigated in [258] by employing
have focused on leveraging DRL to enhance secrecy an RIS. The UAV was used to relay the legitimate signal to
performance in RIS-assisted PLS for wireless networks. the destination user, facilitated by the RIS. The authors in [75]
However, there remains potential in exploring advanced proposed a novel technique by designing active elements in
ML techniques such as federated, graph-based, transfer, the RIS to overcome the double-fading problem introduced
and quantum machine learning for optimizing RIS func- in the RIS-aided link in a wireless communications system
tionalities. Incorporating these advanced ML methods for secure data transmission. In this approach, the reflected
offers novel insights and potentially superior performance incident signal was amplified by RIS’s active elements, de-
in practical deployments, addressing existing constraints parting from the sole reflective function observed in passive
and paving the way for more robust and efficient RIS- RIS modules. The analysis and simulation results revealed
assisted wireless communication systems. a significant reduction in the required size of the RIS to
achieve a specified performance level when active elements
VIII. P ERFORMANCE A NALYSIS FOR RIS-A SSISTED PLS were employed. Additionally, a practical design for active RIS
The performance analysis for RIS-assisted PLS represents was proposed.
an essential aspect of evaluating the potential of RIS tech-
nology in enhancing the security of wireless communication B. Secrecy Capacity Enhancement
systems. In the context of PLS, RIS holds promise for strength-
ening security measures by selectively adjusting signal charac- This subsection focuses on enhancing the SC through using
teristics, managing interference, and mitigating eavesdropping RIS within the context of PLS. Recent research conveys
attempts. This section focuses on conducting a comprehensive how the reconfigurable nature of RIS strategically influences
performance analysis to assess the impact of RIS-assisted channel dynamics, strengthening the system’s capacity for
PLS in terms of SNR improvement, SC enhancement, and secure data transmission through adaptive configurations that
SOP reduction. By examining the performance of RIS-enabled dynamically manipulate signal propagation, offering insights
systems under different scenarios, valuable insights can be into potential gains in secure communication. The results illus-
gained into the significance and feasibility of leveraging RIS trate how the RIS contributes to heightened SC by dynamically
to enhance wireless communication systems’ PLS. adapting to the communication environment and strategically
configuring itself to minimize the impact of potential eaves-
dropping attempts. Comparative analyses against scenarios
A. SNR Improvement with RIS without an RIS intervention further highlight the high improve-
This subsection explores the SNR enhancement via RIS ments in the SC obtained by the RIS. This integrated approach
within the paradigm of PLS, highlighting its crucial role in clarifies how the RIS enhances the SC, establishing its role as
mitigating noise and optimizing signal strength. Significantly, a promising technology in improving the PLS. The effective-
the adaptive nature of RIS facilitates dynamic adjustments, ness of STAR-RIS in enhancing security within the MISO
a feature of paramount significance in addressing varying network was explored in [353]. Three transmission protocols,
interference patterns and ensuring high SNR. The high SNR namely, energy splitting, mode selection, and time splitting,
contributes to fortifying communication links, particularly in were examined to maximize the weighted sum secrecy rate.
challenging urban settings. This increases communication reli- In [240], high passive BF gains for signal enhancement were
ability and directly impacts security by strengthening commu- achieved by RISs through the dynamic adjustment of their re-
nication links against eavesdropping and other security threats. flection coefficients, improving wireless security and RF-based
The secrecy capabilities of wireless communication systems wireless power transfer efficiency. An RIS-assisted secure
enhanced by using an RIS were examined in the presence SWIPT system was investigated for transferring information
of a potential eavesdropper, where an RIS was strategically and power. The worst-case downlink secure communication
placed between the source and the intended user, creating an scenario was addressed in [276], applying RIS-UAV as an
intelligent environment to maintain link security. The results aerial passive relay to enhance communication. The objective
confirmed the positive influence of RIS utilization on improv- was to maximize the worst-case downlink secrecy rate by opti-
ing the secrecy performance of wireless systems [227], [350]. mizing power allocation, RIS passive BF, and UAV trajectory.
The performance analysis of secure communications assisted The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed
by RIS with discrete phase shifts was investigated in [342], scheme compared to other benchmarks. The impact of hard-
[344], [351]. The security performance of a communication ware impairments on the secrecy performance of an mmWave
system aided by RIS was examined in [208], with spatially system assisted by an RIS was investigated in [199]. In this
random UAVs serving as eavesdroppers. The obtained results regard, a system model was constructed without considering
highlighted the security enhancements achieved through the hardware impairments, and optimal solutions were presented
deployment of RIS. The secrecy performance of a relay com- for signal and AN powers, BF design, and phase shifts of the
munication system utilizing an RIS on a UAV was investigated RIS elements. The authors in [354] explored the PLS of active
in [352] in the presence of multiple ground eavesdroppers. RIS-assisted NOMA networks in the presence of external and
Specifically, a UAV equipped with an RIS was a passive relay, internal eavesdroppers. Specifically, closed-form expressions
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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
Phase-shift Security Eavesdropper Performance
[#] Main Findings
resolution attack type metric(s)
[338] Continuous Jamming Passive Impact of electromagnetic interference’s on secrecy performance
[339] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive Enhancing the PLS using RIS
[115] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive Analyzing secure RIS-assisted HAP-UAV joint MU mixed RF/FSO system
[340] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive Utilizing cooperative jamming and BF design to improve the PLS of NOMA
[341] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive SOP Utilizing cooperative jamming and BF design to improve PLS of NOMA
[342] Discrete Eavesdropping Passive Revealing the SOP’s scaling law for RIS’s elements and quantization’s bits
[343] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive Reducing the secrecy performance due to residual hardware impairments
[275] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive Enhancing secrecy performance of V2V communications with the aid of RIS
Investigating an RIS-aided ambient backscatter communication (BackCom) with
[302] Discrete Eavesdropping Passive perfect and imperfect CSI and showing the superior secrecy outage behaviors
compared to the conventional BackCom networks
[227] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive Friendly Jamming Eve using RIS to improve the security performance
[229] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive Improving the secrecy performance of primary network using secondary RIS
[239] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive Designing phase shift to maximize information at the legitimate destination
[75] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive Enhancing secrecy performance of wireless network using active RIS
[295] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive Improving a secure data transmission of LPWAN IoT sensor
[171] Continuous Jamming Active Reducing the secrecy performance due to residual hardware impairments
[344] Discrete Eavesdropping Passive SOP, ASR Unveiling the secrecy loss due to phase resolution
[345] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive SOP, ASC Investigating the effect of REs on the secrecy diversity orders
[174] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive SOP, ESC Showing the effects of RE on the SOP and ESC
[346] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive SOP HARQ is beneficial to improve system security-reliability balance
[188] Eavesdropping Passive SOP, ESR Investigating the fundamental limits of RIS-aided wiretap MIMO communications
Showing that the active RIS improves the UAV system security and reliability
[273] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive SOP, IP
tradeoff (SRT) more than passive and hybrid RIS
[116] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive Exploring secure RIS-assisted relaying system for mixed RF/FSO system
[347] Discrete Eavesdropping Passive PNSC, ESC Investigating the influence of RIS’s size and location on the secrecy performance
[131] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive Enhancing the security by using RIS as a source of multiplicative randomness
SR Investigating a secure RIS-aided vehicle road cooperation (VRC) system with
[277] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive
consecutive artificial noise and index modulation
[170] Continuous Spoofing Active Sum SR Detecting spoofing and designing BF to improve secrecy performance
[146] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive Reducing the side-lobe energy toward Eve
[208] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive Enhancing the secrecy performance by integrating multiple antennas with RIS
[348] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive IP Improving secrecy performance by using friendly jamming and RIS
[268] Continuous Spoofing Active ASR Utilizing RIS in increasing the reliability of CF mMIMO systems
[349] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive Secret key rates Analyzing the impact of cooperative multi-Eve scheme
[201] Discrete Eavesdropping Passive Investigating secure transmission of an LEO satellite using ARIS-equipped HAP
ESR Investigating secure massive MIMO RIS-aided system with CSI imperfections,
[191] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive
transceiver hardware impairments, RIS phase noise, and correlated Rayleigh fading
[238] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive ESC Enhancing the PLS of WPC system via RIS
Investigating three secure UAV wireless-powered NOMA transmission modes
[223] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive EC, ECP, ESC
under Nakagmi-m channels and phase compensation errors
Investigating secure RIS-Aided cognitive V2X networks with imperfect CSI over
[278] Continuous Eavesdropping Passive OP, IP
double Rayleigh fading channels
for the SOP and secrecy system throughput were derived, approaches strengthen the communication link, while con-
considering both imperfect SIC and perfect SIC. An innovative trolled AN and collaborative RIS networks add complexity to
approach to enhancing the secrecy performance of anLPWAN intercepted signals, maintaining confidentiality and reducing
by integrating an RIS with an UAV was introduced in [295]. the SOP. Utilizing RIS presents an opportunity to increase PLS
The primary goal was to improve the secure data transmission in wireless communication systems, as highlighted in [171].
between an IoT sensor and a gateway in LPWAN applications. One strategy involves leveraging RIS to implement virtual
Closed-form expressions for the SOP, PNSC, and ASR were BF, enabling the product of multiple directed beams toward
derived for the proposed network operating over Nakagami- different users. This can potentially enhance the secrecy per-
m fading channels. Additionally, the practical impact of the formance of cellular networks by reducing the signal strength
eavesdropper’s location was explored. The obtained results at unintended receivers, thereby confounding the eavesdrop-
illustrated that integrating an RIS-UAV significantly improves pers and decreasing the SOP. Also, an RIS can establish a
the secrecy performance of the LPWAN, enabling reliable secure communication zone by directing the signal towards
long-range transmission. the intended receiver while diverting it away from potential
eavesdroppers [208]. Additionally, an RIS can serve as a
friendly jammer to disrupt eavesdropper signals [147]. The
C. Secrecy Outage Probability Reduction unique capabilities of RIS extend to detecting and identifying
By employing thorough techniques, RIS has great promise eavesdropper locations. By doing so, an RIS can assess the
in reducing the SOP in wireless communication. Through proximity of unintended receivers and adjust BF to minimize
selective signal reflection and BF, RIS directs signals precisely signal strength at those locations. To secure the transmission
to the intended receiver, minimizing the risk of information link, the RIS was strategically placed near the eavesdropper,
leakage. The dynamic adaptability of RIS allows real-time effectively shortening information disclosure and heightening
adjustments in response to changing wireless conditions, en- the confidentiality of the wireless network [127]. The secrecy
hancing secrecy against evolving threats. Intelligent jamming performance of a communication system assisted by RIS was
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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
investigated in [174] in the presence of spatially random proach overlooks the growing threat of active eaves-
eavesdroppers, where closed-form expressions for the SOP dropping. Active attackers can disrupt communication
and the eavesdropper SC were derived. To evaluate the SOP, or manipulate signals, making passive-only analysis in-
the STAR-RIS-assisted cognitive NOMA-hybrid automatic re- sufficient. Moreover, the RIS technology itself can be
peat request (HARQ) network was investigated in [346]. exploited for jamming by active attackers. Future research
The reviewed performance analysis works on RIS-assisted needs to prioritize active eavesdropping scenarios to
PLS are summarized in Table VII. Future research needs to ensure robust security, including developing analytical
prioritize further investigation into improving the SNR, SC models for these attacks and designing secure signal
enhancement, and SOP reduction to strengthen the PLS in processing techniques to detect and mitigate them.
emerging technologies such as movable antenna technology
and multiband networks, as well as in generalized fading IX. O PEN R ESEARCH C HALLENGES AND F UTURE
models like α-µ, κ-µ, and η-µ fading models. These new D IRECTIONS
technologies introduce dynamic propagation environments and
This section highlights key challenges and future research
complex channel conditions that challenge secure communi-
directions for RIS-assisted PLS in emerging RF and OWC
cation. Optimizing RIS-assisted systems to adaptively manage
networks aiming at improving wireless network security.
the SNR, SC, and SOP under these conditions is essential
for mitigating eavesdropping and ensuring reliable, secure
transmission. A. RIS-Assisted Secure Wireless Communications From Opti-
mization Techniques Perspective
D. Lessons Learnt The optimization of RIS-assisted secure wireless communi-
cations usually involves challenging mathematical problems
This subsection analyzes how the RIS technology improves due to the multiple and typically coupled variables, non-
the performance of the PLS in wireless communication sys- convex objective functions and constraints, the presence of
tems. Here are the key takeaways: discrete and continuous decision variables, and the high
• An RIS effectively reduces the SOP by precisely directing dimensionality of the optimization problems. As a result,
signals to intended receivers and minimizing leakage. most proposed approaches adopt relaxation, approximation,
The strategic placement of RIS creates intelligent envi- and decomposition techniques, which lead to suboptimal per-
ronments that enhance link security. Techniques such as formance or result in heuristics without any performance
intelligent jamming and controlled AN add complexity to guarantee. This calls for studies on the application of advanced
intercepted signals, further improving the secrecy perfor- optimization techniques such as global optimization solution
mance. This setup is especially effective in maintaining methods, i.e., [355], and non-convex non-smooth optimization
secure communication links in complex scenarios, includ- such as [356], [357]. Metaheuristics, on the other hand, can
ing urban settings and diverse network configurations. tackle various optimization problems without any stringent
• Deploying RIS in relay communication systems, includ- requirements (e.g., convexity, continuity, and differentiability)
ing satellite and UAV networks, enhances security against for objective functions and constraints and can cope with high
multiple ground eavesdroppers. Incorporating active ele- dimensional optimization problems. It is therefore important
ments in RIS design addresses the double-fading issues, to examine the application of some recently proposed meta-
resulting in smaller RIS sizes without compromising heuristics [358] in optimizing RIS-assisted secure wireless
performance. This innovation highlights the potential systems.
for more compact and efficient RIS deployments that
maintain high security and signal quality, showcasing the
versatility of the RIS technology in various applications. B. RIS-Assisted Secure Wireless Communications via Ad-
• Conducting thorough performance analyses of RIS-
vanced ML Techniques
assisted PLS provides valuable insights into SNR im- Utilizing advanced ML techniques with RIS (see [319]
provement, SC enhancement, and SOP reduction. These and the references therein) offers a compelling avenue to
analyses demonstrate the feasibility and significance of increase PLS within wireless communication systems. Fed-
leveraging the RIS technology to bolster the security of erated learning, characterized by decentralized model training
wireless communication systems. Investigating real-world while preserving data privacy, could be utilized to collectively
scenarios, such as hardware impairments and spatially optimize RIS configurations across distributed network nodes,
random eavesdroppers, emphasizes the practical applica- protecting sensitive information. Graph learning techniques
bility of the RIS technology. This ensures that theoretical have the potential to facilitate the analysis of complex interac-
benefits translate into tangible security improvements in tion patterns between RIS components and wireless channels,
real-world deployments, highlighting the crucial role of thereby enabling more accurate prediction and mitigation of
RIS in enhancing wireless communication security. potential security vulnerabilities. Transfer learning, involving
• From Table VII, it is clear that most existing research knowledge transfer from related tasks to enhance RIS config-
on RIS-assisted PLS performance primarily focuses on uration optimization for PLS, could expedite the convergence
passive eavesdropping, where attackers only intercept of security-aware RIS designs. Quantum learning techniques,
communication. While mathematically tractable, this ap- leveraging the computational power of quantum computing,
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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
could offer unprecedented capabilities for optimizing RIS in future wireless networks while enabling secure and reliable
configurations and cryptographic protocols, strengthening PLS networks for practical scenarios.
against quantum-based attacks. Additionally, meta-learning
strategies could empower RISs to autonomously adapt and E. RIS-Assisted Secure Systems in Generalized Fading
refine their security mechanisms based on past experiences
Exploring the potential of RIS to improve the information-
and emerging threats, strengthening the resilience of wireless
theoretic security of wireless systems in generalized fading
communication systems against security challenges. Exploring
scenarios represents a promising direction for future studies.
the integrated deployment of these advanced ML techniques
The generalized fading models such as α-µ, κ-µ and η-µ,
with RIS represents a promising future research direction to
adequately fit real-time experimental data and can be used
advance PLS within wireless communication systems.
to characterize small-scale fading in the mmWave and THz
bands where a large contiguous bandwidth is available and
C. RIS-Assisted Secure Multiband Networks can be exploited to support the demand for bandwidth-hungry
The 6G technology will enable the standalone and integrated applications in ultra-dense networks. As in the case of classical
deployment of various transmission frequencies, including fading models such as Rayleigh, Rician, Nakagami-m, etc...,
conventional RF, mmWave, THz, and VLC to offer a trade- wireless transmissions over generalized fading channels are
off between capacity, latency, network coverage, and mobility. susceptible to security vulnerabilities. In this context, the
However, this comes at the expense of some drawbacks deployment of RIS wireless systems subject to generalized
among which is wireless security. Malicious users can exploit fading emerges as an appealing direction for future investiga-
the different signal propagation characteristics of the various tions. However, it is worth noting the analytical intricacies of
frequency bands for enhanced eavesdropping. A promising obtaining the exact statistics of RIS-aided secure systems in
avenue for future research studies is to leverage the RIS such fading models, let alone the various exact performance
technology for the security improvement of multiband wire- measures. Addressing these challenges is crucial and will,
less networks (MWNs), which can be intricate. This is due therefore, constitute an advancement to the current state-
to the fact that with the coexistence of multiple spectrum of-the-art. Furthermore, utilizing PLS performance metrics
transmissions, employing RIS for security improvement to such as the SC and the SOP is crucial for evaluating RIS-
operate in one frequency band may not necessarily work as assisted secure systems in generalized fading scenarios. These
well on another spectrum band. Moreover, RISs have different metrics provide valuable insights into the system’s ability
capabilities in various frequency bands. These capabilities to enhance secure communication. By improving the SNR,
affect the role of RIS and the decision variables that need maximizing the SC, and reducing the SOP, RIS can mitigate
to be optimized in enhancing PLSs. It is therefore important the security vulnerabilities inherent in α-µ, κ-µ and η-µ fading
to investigate the role of multiband RISs in PLS. models, ensuring robust and secure wireless transmissions in
challenging propagation environments like mmWave and THz
D. RIS-Assisted Secure Wireless Communications using a bands.
Movable Antenna Technology
Movable antenna (MA) is a novel antenna architecture F. RIS-Assisted Secure Communications With Other Emerging
(see [359] and the references therein) that enables the perfor- Wireless Technologies
mance improvement of wireless communication systems by This subsection highlights the key challenges and future
fully leveraging the dynamic transmit/receive antenna place- research directions for emerging applications that have not
ment at positions with more favorable channel conditions in a yet been explored in terms of information-theoretic security
confined region3 . This architecture can be integrated into the through the RIS technology.
RIS technology to ensure the dynamic nature of the latter with 1) RIS-Assisted Secure CoMP Communications: RIS-
a non-uniform activity across all its elements and thus facil- assisted secure coordinate multi-point (CoMP) Communica-
itate more real-time adjustments to wireless communications tions are considered an open research area that aims to
properties than the fixed position antenna (FPA)-RIS setup. enhance the performance and security of wireless networks. By
However, obtaining precise CSI at the transmitting/receiving integrating RIS within the CoMP framework, the technology
ends or optimizing antenna positions that yield the best endeavors to optimize parameters such as signal strength,
communication performance can be very challenging. There is coverage, and overall system capacity while simultaneously
limited research on the adoption of RIS in MA-based wireless addressing issues such as interference mitigation and signal
systems, let alone in the context of PLS. Exciting areas worth confidentiality enhancement. Key areas of research focus in-
investigating include jointly optimizing MA position, power clude the development of efficient strategies for RIS deploy-
allocation, and RIS deployment and parameters, such as phase ment and joint optimization of CoMP and RIS to increase
shifts for RF-based RISs and orientation angles for optical the security level. Despite the complexity of such challenges,
RISs tuning to maximize the PLS. Exploring this research RIS-assisted secure CoMP communications maintain signif-
direction has the potential to bring significant advancements icant promise in securing wireless communication networks
3 A similar approach to MA is the fluid antenna technology wherein an
by offering enhanced performance and security capabilities
antenna can freely switch positions in a fixed-length linear space in search of that align with the evolving requirements of next-generation
the strongest signal [360]–[362]. applications and services.
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2) RIS-Assisted Secure Blockchain Technology: Integrat- meters and underwater RF wireless communications that is
ing RIS into secure blockchain technology is an innovative suitable for short-distance propagation of around 10 meters
strategy for reinforcing the security and confidentiality of can be an attractive area for future research. One possible way
distributed ledgers [363]. RIS actively plays a role in mitigat- to attain this is by mounting RISs on underwater entities such
ing potential attacks, such as jamming from malicious nodes, as autonomous underwater vehicles, submarines, and divers, at
by intelligently redirecting and optimizing communication sea level or at the ground level under the sea while employing
links. Consequently, the security of blockchain technology is one of the PLS techniques.
improved, establishing a more robust and reliable framework. 6) Mixed RIS/FSS-Assisted Secure Wireless Networks: De-
Moreover, the adaptability and flexibility of RIS align with spite providing more security and interference immunity, the
the decentralized nature of blockchain, offering an additional users’ confidentiality of a frequency selective surface (FSS)-
layer of security. Despite existing challenges in deployment aided wireless communication system may still be compro-
and integration, the prospective advantages of RIS-assisted mised through the FSS filters which may expose users’ sen-
secure blockchain technology lie in its ability to elevate the sitive data, including location information, behavior patterns,
reliability and robustness of decentralized systems, resulting etc., by revealing the users’ communication frequency usage.
in secure and efficient blockchain applications. In this context, the deployment of RIS in FSS-assisted commu-
3) RIS-Assisted Secure RSMA-based Systems: NOMA has nication networks emerges as an appealing research direction
emerged as a key-enabling technology for 5G networks [364]. for future studies to mitigate users’ security. Although both
However, major challenges such as hardware complexity, re- the RIS and FSS belong to the family of intelligent surfaces,
ceiver design, and error propagation in SIC, just to name a few, they differ in their structure and working principle. To this
have hampered its development for 5G and beyond wireless end, the adoption of RIS in the present context is undeniably
systems. To this end, rate splitting multiple access (RSMA) is of utmost interest for the development of 6G communication
envisioned as a key-enabling multiple-access scheme that ad- networks since it is likely to bring forth design issues as well
dresses the massive connectivity problem by accommodating as challenges on the optimization of the signal quality and
different users in future heterogeneous networks. Incorporating coverage.
RIS into RSMA-based systems may be used to improve
the network performance in the context of PLS. By taking
advantage of the reflective elements in the RIS technology, it
is feasible to establish a highly directional and controllable This paper has provided a comprehensive review on the up-
wireless transmission environment. This capability may facil- to-date research for the information-theoretic security of RIS-
itate the improvement of the legitimate user’s signal strength enabled future wireless systems. To begin with, an overview
or the attenuation of the malicious’ signal, thereby enhancing of the PLS fundamentals has been presented by focusing on
the overall wireless security of practical RSMA-based systems the various types of attacks, the techniques used to achieve
without the need for extra processing and signaling. This is PLS, and the secrecy performance metrics. Moreover, the
worthwhile to be explored as a potential direction for future working principles and architecture of the RIS technology
research studies. have been explored, followed by its corresponding deployment
4) RIS-Assisted Secure AR and VR Communications: strategies for future wireless communication systems. Besides,
AR and VR applications require seamless communications the RIS technology suited for OWC has also been presented.
with negligible latency and ultra-high bandwidth that can be Subsequently, RIS-enabled PLS scenarios and techniques in
achieved via abundant spectrum bands, such as mmWave and both RF and OWC systems have been discussed. Furthermore,
THz bands, at the expense of limited range and high blockage the state-of-the-art optimization techniques for PLS have been
by physical barriers. To this end, ensuring the wireless security reviewed and some existing optimization methods for secrecy
of such applications is a challenging task. A potential research performance maximization have been summarized. To address
direction on RIS-aided secure AR and VR communications the complexity issues associated with the rapid increase in
may focus on leveraging RIS to enhance the security of com- the number of interactions between users and infrastructures
munication channels in AR and VR applications. The goal is to in future wireless networks, the adoption of ML in RIS-
strategically deploy RIS elements to ensure the confidentiality assisted PLS-based systems has been well investigated. A
of sensitive data transmitted in immersive environments. The comprehensive discussion on the performance analysis of RIS-
investigation will address challenges such as adapting RIS assisted PLS-based wireless systems has been presented, and
configurations to the dynamic nature of AR and VR and useful insights into the adoption of the RIS technology for
balancing security needs with low-latency communication. performance improvement have been provided. Finally, some
5) RIS-Assisted Secure Under-water Communications: insightful open research challenges have been proposed and
Achieving secure underwater wireless communications is a thoroughly discussed, and corresponding future research direc-
necessity for governments, commercial companies, and the tions have ensued to further close the knowledge gap towards
military. This is because underwater wireless communications the development of forthcoming wireless technologies. We
play an important role in both civilian applications, such as hope that this survey paper will serve as a valuable resource
oil and gas exploration, and military applications. Exploring for researchers and practitioners in an effort to bring the
the potential of securing both underwater OWCs that has deployment of RIS-assisted PLS in emerging wireless systems
a medium communication range that spans between 50-100 closer to reality.
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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
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© 2024 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
[341] Y. Pei, X. Yue, W. Yi, Y. Liu, X. Li, and Z. Ding, “Secrecy outage [363] Y. Liu, Z. Su, and Y. Wang, “Energy-efficient and physical-layer secure
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[344] I. Trigui, W. Ajib, and W.-P. Zhu, “Secrecy outage probability and Majid H. Khoshafa (Member, IEEE) received
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[345] Z. Tang, T. Hou, Y. Liu, J. Zhang, and L. Hanzo, “Physical layer munications Engineering from King Fahd Univer-
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Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 71, no. 7, pp. 7821–7834, Apr. 2022. Arabia, in 2017, and his Ph.D. in Electrical and
[346] X. Sheng, X. Li, G. Chen, G. Huang, C. Han, and Z. Ding, “Perfor- Computer Engineering from Memorial University of
mance analysis of STAR-RIS assisted secure cognitive NOMA-HARQ Newfoundland (MUN), Canada, in 2022. From 2009
networks,” IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett., vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 696–700, to 2010, he worked as a Radio Network Planning
Mar. 2024. and Optimization Engineer at MTN Telecommunica-
[347] X. Gu, W. Duan, G. Zhang, Q. Sun, M. Wen, and P.-H. Ho, “Physical tions, Sana’a, Yemen. He is currently a Postdoctoral
layer security for RIS-aided wireless communications with uncertain Fellow in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at McMas-
eavesdropper distributions,” IEEE Syst. J., vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 848–859, ter University, Canada. Previously, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at
Mar. 2022. Queen’s University, Canada, from 2022 to 2023. His research interests include
[348] S. Lin, Y. Zou, B. Li, and T. Wu, “Security-reliability trade-off analysis wireless communications, reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) technology,
of RIS-aided multiuser communications,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., physical layer security, AI, and 6G and beyond enabling technologies. Dr.
vol. 72, no. 5, pp. 6225–6237, May 2023. Khoshafa serves as a Technical Program Committee (TPC) Member for the
[349] Z. Wei, W. Guo, and B. Li, “A multi-eavesdropper scheme against RIS IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference and a reviewer for several IEEE
secured LoS-dominated channel,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 26, no. 6, journals. He has received several awards from MUN, including the Fellowship
pp. 1221–1225, Apr. 2022. of the School of Graduate Studies, the Recognition of Excellence Award,
[350] L. Yang and Y. Yuan, “Secrecy outage probability analysis for RIS- the International Student Recognition Award, and the Graduate Academic
assisted NOMA systems,” Electron. Lett., vol. 56, no. 23, pp. 1254– Excellence Award.
1256, Nov. 2020.
[351] P. Xu, G. Chen, G. Pan, and M. Di Renzo, “Ergodic secrecy rate of RIS-
assisted communication systems in the presence of discrete phase shifts
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no. 3, pp. 629–633, Mar. 2021. trical Engineering from Palestine Polytechnic Uni-
[352] W. Wang, H. Tian, and W. Ni, “Secrecy performance analysis of IRS- versity, Palestine, in 2011, the M.Sc. degree in
aided UAV relay system,” IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett., vol. 10, Computer Engineering and the Ph.D. degree in Elec-
no. 12, pp. 2693–2697, Dec. 2021. trical Engineering from King Fahd University of
Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi
[353] H. Niu, Z. Chu, F. Zhou, and Z. Zhu, “Simultaneous transmission
Arabia, in 2017 and 2022, respectively. He is cur-
and reflection reconfigurable intelligent surface assisted secrecy MISO
rently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the De-
networks,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 25, no. 11, pp. 3498–3502, Aug.
partment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, at
McMaster University, Canada. He was recognized
[354] X. Li, Y. Pei, X. Yue, Y. Liu, and Z. Ding, “Secure communication of as an exemplary reviewer for IEEE C OMMUNICA -
active RIS assisted NOMA networks,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., TIONS L ETTERS in 2023. He serves as a Technical Program Committee (TPC)
vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 4489–4503, May 2024. Member for the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, and a reviewer
[355] M. Nerini, S. Shen, and B. Clerckx, “Closed-form global optimization for several IEEE journals. His research interests include optimization and
of beyond diagonal reconfigurable intelligent surfaces,” IEEE Trans. performance analysis of emerging wireless communications systems.
Wireless Commun., vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 1037–1051, Feb. 2024.
[356] A. Cutkosky, H. Mehta, and F. Orabona, “Optimal stochastic non-
smooth non-convex optimization through online-to-non-convex con-
version,” in Int. Conf. Machine Learning, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Jules M. Moualeu (Senior Member, IEEE) received
PMLR, Jul. 2023, pp. 6643–6670. the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from the
[357] M. Jordan, G. Kornowski, T. Lin, O. Shamir, and M. Zampetakis, “De- University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa,
terministic nonsmooth nonconvex optimization,” in The 36th Annual in 2013. During the Ph.D. studies, he was a Visiting
Conf. Learning Theory (COLT), Bangalore, India. PMLR, Jul. 2023, Scholar with Concordia University, Montreal, QC,
pp. 4570–4597. Canada, under the Canadian Commonwealth Schol-
[358] A. Alorf, “A survey of recently developed metaheuristics and their arship Program offered by the Foreign Affairs and
comparative analysis,” Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell., vol. 117, p. 105622, International Trade Canada (DFAIT). In 2015, he
Jan. 2023. joined the Department of Electrical and Informa-
[359] G. Hu, Q. Wu, J. Ouyang, K. Xu, Y. Cai, and N. Al-Dhahir, “Movable- tion Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand,
antenna-array-enabled communications with CoMP reception,” IEEE Johannesburg, South Africa, where he is currently
Commun. Lett., vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 947–951, Apr. 2024. an Associate Professor. He is also a visiting Associate Professor at the
[360] X. Lai, T. Wu, J. Yao, C. Pan, M. Elkashlan, and K.-K. Wong, “On Lappeenranta-Lathi University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland. From
performance of fluid antenna system using maximum ratio combining,” 2018 to 2021, he was an Affiliate Assistant Professor with Concordia
IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 402–406, Feb 2024. University. His current research interests include 5G and 6G enabling tech-
[361] W. K. New, K.-K. Wong, H. Xu, K.-F. Tong, C.-B. Chae, and Y. Zhang, nologies, optical wireless communications, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces,
“Fluid antenna system enhancing orthogonal and non-orthogonal mul- and physical-layer security in wireless networks. He received the Exemplary
tiple access,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 218–222, Jan. Reviewer Award of IEEE C OMMUNICATIONS L ETTERS, from 2018 to 2022,
2024. and IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON C OMMUNICATIONS in 2021. He served as an
[362] H. Xu, G. Zhou, K.-K. Wong, W. K. New, C. Wang, C.-B. Chae, Associate Editor for IEEE ACCESS from 2018 to 2023. Currently, he serves as
R. Murch, S. Jin, and Y. Zhang, “Channel estimation for fas-assisted an Associate Editor for Frontiers in Communications and Networks and IEEE
multiuser mmwave systems,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 28, no. 3, pp. T RANSACTIONS ON C OGNITIVE AND N ETWORKING, a Senior Reviewer for
632–636, Mar. 2024. the IEEE O PEN J OURNAL OF THE C OMMUNICATIONS S OCIETY, and the
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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
Sylvester Aboagye (Member, IEEE) received the Mohamed H. Ahmed (Senior Member, IEEE)
B.Sc. degree (Hons.) in telecommunication engi- obtained his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering
neering from the Kwame Nkrumah University of in 2001 from Carleton University, Ottawa, where he
Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, in 2015, worked from 2001 to 2003 as a senior research asso-
and the M.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical ciate. In 2003, he joined the Faculty of Engineering
engineering from Memorial University, St. John’s, and Applied Science, Memorial University where he
NL, Canada, in 2018 and 2022, respectively. He has worked as a Full Professor until Dec. 2019 and
received many prestigious awards, including the as an adjunct Professor from Jan. 2020. Dr. Ahmed
Governor General’s Academic Gold Medal. He was is currently an LTA Professor at the University of
a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Department Ottawa. He has published more than 155 papers in
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at international journals and conferences. He served as
York University, Canada, from January to December 2023, and is currently an Editor for IEEE Communication Surveys and Tutorials from 2007 to 2018
an Assistant Professor with the School of Engineering, University of Guelph, and as a Guest Editor of a special issue on Fairness of Radio Resource
Canada. His current research interests include the design and optimization of Allocation, EURASIP JWCN in 2009, and as a Guest Editor of a special
multiband wireless networks, visible light communication systems, terrestrial issue on Radio Resource Management in Wireless Internet, Wiley Wireless
and non-terrestrial integrated sensing and communication networks, and 6G and Mobile Computing Journal, 2003. Dr. Ahmed is a Senior Member of the
and beyond enabling technologies. Dr. Aboagye serves as an Editor for IEEE. He served as a co-chair of the Signal Processing Track in ISSPIT’14
IEEE C OMMUNICATIONS L ETTERS, a Technical Program Committee (TPC) and served as a co-chair of the Transmission Technologies Track in VTC’10-
Member for the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, and a reviewer for Fall, and the multimedia and signal processing symposium in CCECE’09. Dr.
several IEEE journals. He was recognized as an Exemplary Reviewer by IEEE Ahmed won the Ontario Graduate Scholarship for Science and Technology
C OMMUNICATIONS L ETTERS and IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON N ETWORK in 1997, the Ontario Graduate Scholarship in 1998, 1999, and 2000, and
S CIENCE AND E NGINEERING in 2023. the Communication and Information Technology Ontario (CITO) graduate
award in 2000. His research interests include radio resource management in
wireless networks, multi-hop relaying, cooperative communication, vehicular
ad-hoc networks, cognitive radio networks, and wireless sensor networks. Dr.
Ahmed’s research is sponsored by NSERC, CFI, QNRF, Bell/Aliant, and other
governmental and industrial agencies. Dr. Ahmed is a registered Professional
Engineer (P.Eng.) in the province of Newfoundland, Canada.
Authorized licensed use limited to: National Institute of Technology Patna. Downloaded on November 06,2024 at 05:45:11 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
© 2024 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2024.3487112
Authorized licensed use limited to: National Institute of Technology Patna. Downloaded on November 06,2024 at 05:45:11 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
© 2024 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.