Bangladesh Startup Ecosystem 2021 22
Bangladesh Startup Ecosystem 2021 22
Bangladesh Startup Ecosystem 2021 22
Ecosystem 2021-22
Coming of Age
July 2022
Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
2. Bangladesh’s Thriving Economy is The Next Asian Tiger
■ A Bird’s Eye View of the Global Startup Ecosystem
■ A Comparison of Startup Investments Across Asia
■ An Overview of the Bangladesh Economy
■ Economic Forces Creating Opportunities for Startups in Bangladesh
Executive Summary (II/II)
Bangladesh’s position as a maturing startup hotspot has also grabbed international attention. Currently, the country
boasts more than 1, 200 active startups creating drastic impacts in day-to-day Bangladeshi lives through new,
innovative products and services. The country has attracted a total investment of USD 504 Mn in 2021 and 2022 (up to
quarter 2), with a total contribution of USD 498 Mn from global investors. In 2021, bKash - the largest mobile financial
services in Bangladesh, raised USD 250 Mn from Softbank, for more than 10% stake, raising its valuation around USD
Startup Growth Has Been Taking off All Over the World
With Asian Startups Increasingly Gaining Global Traction
Hot spots for startup growth have spread
Asian startup growth diverted venture African startups are projected China raised USD 37 Bn in
beyond Silicon Valley, from China to India: capital funds away as U.S. companies to receive more than investments in the first five
saw a 33 percent decrease in funds USD 10 Bn in investments months of 2021
● Venture funding worldwide soared by between 2004 and 2020 by 2025
95 percent from USD 148 Mn in 2020
Source: World Bank, Al Jazeera, Business Times Singapore, India Times,, National Agency for Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization Development 7
Bangladesh Is the 37th Largest Economy in the World
With a Booming Business Sector and a Tech-Savvy Population
Bangladesh is one of the fastest With an increasingly competitive And a youth-driven, digitally savvy
growing countries in the world business sector population paving the future
Source: Bangladesh Bank, World Bank, BTRC, BBS, UN 8
A Stable and Resilient Economy Makes an Ideal Time for Startups
Despite Challenges in Business Environment
Doing business in Bangladesh remains challenging for a number of reasons. In the past 50 years, Bangladesh has pulled itself out of its underdeveloped and
Lengthy bureaucratic processes, limited access to finance and markets, as well as impoverished status, graduating from its LDC status to become a middle-income
weak infrastructure, hinder entrepreneurship in the country. However, the economy.
country has also seen an immense amount of progress in these areas:
● The country has maintained a consistent GDP growth rate of over 5 percent
● Facilities in equity investments, funding and grants, accelerator and for 15 consecutive years.
Bangladesh has Maintained Consistent (~5%) Bangladesh Scored 80 on Nikkei's COVID-19 Recovery Index,
GDP Growth Rate over the Past 5 Years Ranking 5th in the World
Source: Bangladesh Bank, World Bank, e-CAB, Statista, The Financial Express 9
Three Levers Unlocking the Startup Ecosystem in Bangladesh
Digitization, Changing Population Demographics, and Supportive Policies
■ Middle and Affluent Consumers (MAC) population expected to double to 34 Mn people by 2026
A growing MAC Equal to the entire population of Malaysia
population and a ■ The median age in the country is ~28 years
younger, digitally-savvy Compared to 30 years in Malaysia
demographic drive ■ One in three people in Bangladesh have access to the internet
consumption Compared to ~70 percent in Indonesia
■ Over half of all unique mobile subscribers use mobile internet
Policies and public and ■ Multiple incentives in place to encourage foreign investment
private initiatives to
■ Startup Bangladesh set up in 2020 as a flagship venture capital fund of the ICT division
support startups
■ Private accelerator programs such as Grameenphone Accelerator, Banglalink IT Incubator, Biniyog
make up an encouraging
environment Briddhi, and BRAC Urban Innovation Challenge promoting startup growth
Source: Bangladesh Bank, World Bank, e-CAB, Statista, UNCTAD, BASIS, ICT Ministry & LightCastle Partners, Datareportal 10
Government Initiatives and Private Sector Participation
Is the Winning Formula for Bangladeshi Startups Right Now
Multiple events initiate the Ecosystem enablers, accelerators & Local & global investors bet on Govt initiatives boost the startup
entrepreneurship spirit incubators initiate the ecosystem ecosystem to come of age
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 (Up to Q2)
Banglalink IT Biniyog Briddhi
Founder’s Institute GP Accelerator YY Goshti Bangladesh Angels Bangladesh Startup Bangladesh Women
Incubator R-Ventures
Evercare-Apollo M&A
USD 250.00 Mn:
Notable Investments Unilever-GSK M&A Bkash
There Are Over 1,200 Startups in Bangladesh
Generating More Than 1.5 MN in Employment
Over the last decade, the Bangladesh startup ecosystem saw a total investment of USD 808 Mn through 231 deals. In 2021 alone, nearly USD 415 Mn
was raised in investments, including SoftBank’s capital injection of USD 250 Mn in bKash.
Since 2013, around USD 35 Mn investments were raised locally across 99 deals, with an average ticket size of USD 354 K in pre-seed, seed or
Overall, Around 96 Percent of Investments Raised Since 2013 Were From Global Sources In the Past Decade, Homegrown Startups Raised More Than USD 800 Mn Across 231 Deals
Source: Bangladesh Bank, World Bank, e-CAB, Statista, UNCTAD, BASIS, ICT Ministry & LightCastle Partners 15
The Fintech Sector Grabbed Around 70 Percent Of All Investments In The Last Decade
Followed By Logistics & Mobility And Ecommerce & Retail Startups
Sector-Wise Investment Breakdown By Amounts Raised In The Past Decade Percentage Deals By Funding Stages Percentage Investments By Funding Stages
Source: Anchorless Bangladesh, Bangladesh Startup Founders Group, LightCastle Partners, Crunchbase, Techcrunch 16
The Top 6 Sectors Raised More Than USD USD 692 Mn in the Last Ten Years
Of Which More Than USD 500 Mn Went into the Fintech Sector
Source: Anchorless Bangladesh, Bangladesh Startup Founders Group, LightCastle Partners, Crunchbase, Techcrunch Not an Exhaustive List* 17
The Biggest Deals of the Decade
Include Startups in Fintech, Logistics & Mobility, and Ecommerce & Retail
Amount Raised (USD)*
Startup Sector Investor Types Rounds
*Between 2010 and 2022
Ecommerce & Retail Venture Fund, DFI, Corporate Seed, Series A, Series B+, Series C
Sports & Entertainment Venture Fund, Angels Series A, Series B+, Seed
Consumer Services Corporate, Angels, Venture Fund, Grants/Non-Equity Seed, Series-A, Grant
Fintech Accelerator/Incubator, DFI, Angels, Venture Fund Seed 18
Notable Mergers and Acquisitions
From the Past Year
March 2021 November 2021 December 2021 January 2022 February 2022
Source: Anchorless Bangladesh, Bangladesh Startup Founders Group, LightCastle Partners, Crunchbase, Techcrunch 19
The Social Impacts Created by Startups Over the Past Decade
Have Led to Multifaceted Transformations for Bangladeshi Lives
Fintech Logistics & Mobility Healthcare Education Food & Agriculture
Raised USD 331.00 Mn Raised USD 25.00 Mn Raised USD 10.60 Mn Raised USD 5.60 Mn Raised USD 8.50 Mn
Bkash Paperfly Praava Health Shikho Frontier Nutrition Inc.
Raised USD 201.42 Mn Raised USD 1.00 Mn Raised USD 3.50 Mn Raised USD 2.00 Mn Raised USD 8.60 Mn
ShopUp Shuttle Maya 10 Minute School
A full-stack B2B platform providing a A mass transit startup providing A startup with 10 Mn users A web-based learning platform An online platform that provides
market of 4.5 Mn small businesses safe transportation for more than dedicated to making healthcare offering over 25,000 classes and service solutions to the users with
with B2B sourcing, logistical and 20,000 women through more than more accessible for women, skills courses to more than 3 Mn almost 10 thousand service
business support, supporting SMEs 1 Mn successful rides. especially for reproductive and learners. providers registered on the
with a USD 18 Mn annual turnover mental health. platform.
which employ close to 2 Mn people.
Software & Technology Energy E-commerce & Retail
Raised USD 2.80 Mn Raised USD 5.80 Mn Raised USD 500 K Raised USD 6.30 Mn Raised USD 30.00 Mn
iFarmer Truck Lagbe Alice Labs SOLshare Chaldal
A tech-based company that enables An application enabling businesses A startup providing multi-channel An energy-tech company An e-commerce platform with 25
small scale farmers and and individuals with smoother customer service solutions and providing ICT-based services in delivery warehouses in six cities
agri-businesses with access to finance, logistical support to over 43,000 virtual assistance in South and clean energy, energy efficiency providing around 12,000 deliveries
technology and input services. unique shippers, with over 20,000 Southeast Asia serving over 50 and e-mobility in rural and urban daily through innovative grocery
registered trucks. e-commerce stores and enterprises. areas. 20
shopping services.
Source: Crunchbase, Anchorless Bangladesh, LightCastle Analysis, Techcrunch, BIDS, Sturgeon Capital, Singapore Management University, Company Websites, Future Startup, The Daily Star
LightCastle Partners Ⓒ 2022 | Bangladesh Startup Ecosystem 2021-22
Investor Trends
Demonstrate Confidence in Bangladeshi Startups
01 | Increasing Local and Global Investors Are Investing in Bangladeshi Startups
02 | Notable Investors Leading the Local Investment Landscape
03 | Investors From Vibrant Investor Groups Are Pushing the Startup Ecosystem Forward
04 | Investor Participation Trends Over The Decade: Angel Investors
05 | Investor Participation Trends Over The Decade: Corporate Investors
06 | Investor Participation Trends Over The Decade: Venture Funds
07 | Investor Participation Trends Over The Decade: Accelerators & Incubators
Increasing Local and Global Investors
Are Investing in Bangladeshi Startups
Angel Networks
Corporate Foundation
Not an Exhaustive List* 22
Source: Anchorless Bangladesh, Bangladesh Startup Founders Group, LightCastle Partners, Crunchbase, Techcrunch
Notable Investors
Leading the Local Investment Landscape
Not an Exhaustive List*
Source: Anchorless Bangladesh, Bangladesh Startup Founders Group, LightCastle Partners
Investors From Vibrant Investor Groups
Are Pushing the Startup Ecosystem Forward
Type Source Investor Description Portfolio (*Non-Exhaustive)
List*Ecosystem 2021-22
Angel Investors Local
Omicon Group is a conglomerate based in Bangladesh with a mission to
support value-driven businesses with value driven goals and excel
across all ventures.
focusing on customization, scalability, and delivery service processing.
an Exhaustive
| Bangladesh
Corporate Gojek is a company that provides a variety of services from payments,
Investors food delivery, transportation, and logistics.
Valar Ventures is a US-based venture capital fund with investments
focused in technology startups
Rounds of Investment
Biggest Deals
Analysis Includes Disclosed Deals Only* 26
Source: Anchorless Bangladesh, Bangladesh Startup Founders Group, LightCastle Partners, Crunchbase, Techcrunch
Investor Participation Trends Over The Decade
Corporate Investors
Corporate investors invested at an average ticket size of over USD 3.50 Mn across 28 deals, since Sectors of Investment
2013. The majority of these deals were in the series-A and seed stages of companies. These include
investments from global sources such as Ecom Express, Go-Jek, and SEEK. Notable local investors 71.5% - Logistics & Mobility
include BRAC, ACI, and Robi.
13.0% - Consumer Services
Rounds of Investment
Biggest Deals
Rounds of Investment
Biggest Deals
Analysis Includes Disclosed Deals Only*
Source: Anchorless Bangladesh, Bangladesh Startup Founders Group, LightCastle Partners, Crunchbase, Techcrunch
Investor Participation Trends Over The Decade
Venture Funds
With an average ticket size of around USD 5.58 Mn (excluding the bKash-Softbank deal of USD Sectors of Investment
250 Mn in 2021), venture fund deals made up 74 of 229 deals since 2013. The majority of these
deals were in Series-A and Series-B+ rounds. Notable investors include Anchorless Bangladesh,
SBK Tech Ventures, Softbank, Valar Ventures, and Wavemaker Partners. 84.5% - Fintech
4.4% - Ecommerce & Retail
Rounds of Investment
Biggest Deals
Factors Fuelling the Growth of the Bangladesh Startup Ecosystem
Government Commitment to Entrepreneurship, Digitization, and Public and Private Support
● Government commitment to developing entrepreneurship and tech-based skills promoting “Coding for Kids”:
Policy frameworks demonstrate a strong commitment from the government to support startups through ICT sector development
strategies and policies, as well as government-led facilities for investments and accelerator and incubator programs. The government is
also planning to incorporate coding for kids in the national curriculum to educate the next generation with coding knowledge to meet the
● Rise of local mobile manufacturing hubs and affordable internet costs fuel digital penetration across the country:
Phone manufacturing has grown into a massive industry in only five years, prior to which the market was entirely import-dependent.
Bangladesh has also met the affordability target on internet prices set by the United Nations Broadband Commission for Sustainable
Development in 2021.
● Increasingly digitized markets and public and private initiatives enhance market access:
Social media platforms and B2B and B2C platforms provide more opportunities for entrepreneurs. NGO and government-led initiatives
also ensure that market access is extended to rural and marginalized communities. Trends in digitization were catalyzed by the impacts of
the COVID-19 pandemic and boosted affordability of smartphones. This, combined with government efforts towards digitization under
the banner of “Digital Bangladesh”, promoted greater access to technology which creates greater opportunities for startups to harness
Source: LightCastle Partners 31
Bangladesh’s Startup Ecosystem Is Heating Up, but Still Facing Challenges
Limitations in Policies, Access to Skills Development and Financial Markets
● Limited access to finance and support for business links and networks:
Due to the risky nature of startups, banks and other financial institutions are usually reluctant to provide loans or they offer loans at
unfeasibly high costs. This is amplified by the insufficient number of angel investors available in the market. Furthermore, female
entrepreneurs face a greater burden of this inaccessibility due to institutional and cultural constraints.
While the overall scale and availability of support for businesses is inadequate, there is also a disparity in the support available in Dhaka
compared to the rest of the country.
Source: LightCastle Partners 32
Recommendations to Propel the Startup Ecosystem Forward:
Boosted Promotion of Startups, Supportive Policies for Investment & Stronger Capacity Building
● Startup Policy: With the Digital Bangladesh agenda in Government’s core, it is eminent to form a startup policy to offer multiple benefits
for the startup and ecosystem players such as ease of access to debt finance, reducing the cost of doing business, ease of doing business,
fiscal policy support - VAT/tax exemptions and rebates. An enabling policy will promote the growth of startups and the ecosystem
attracting foreign investment in the ecosystem, benefiting the country's growth and employment rate.
BBS Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics MENA Middle East and North Africa
Startup Bangladesh Limited is the flagship venture capital fund of ICT Division and Anchorless Bangladesh is a New York-based early stage venture capital fund
the first and only venture capital fund sponsored by the government of the people’s dedicated to investing in fundamentally critical businesses required to empower
Bangladesh Angels is the country’s first angel investing platform, founded with a BD Startup Founders Group is the leading startup community of Bangladesh that
mission to elevate the country’s startup entrepreneurs to the highest level. To be connects the prominent active startup founders and ecosystem builders in the
registered as an independent, not for profit company, it is a collaborative endeavor country. The group strives to serve as a common platform for all startups, aiming to
bringing together the leaders in the local entrepreneurial ecosystem and global be the voice of the startup community and support founders in their journey as well
partners – who share a passion to create value and growth for the startups. as connect to key private and public stakeholders.
LightCastle Partners Ⓒ 2022 | Bangladesh Startup Ecosystem 2021-22
At LightCastle, we take a data-driven approach to creating opportunities for growth and impact. We consult and
collaborate with development partners, public sector and private organizations to promote inclusive economic growth
that positively changes the lives of people at scale.
Our services include Management Consulting, Entrepreneurship Ecosystem & Investments, Market Entry Advisory and
Digital Transformation. Till date, we have consulted for 150+ development partners & private organizations on 250 +
projects, collaborated with 500+ SMEs & startups, mobilized USD 50 million+ in investments and supported 40+
accelerator/ incubator programs across Bangladesh.
LightCastle also hosts the largest market and industry datasets in Bangladesh across 30+ industries.
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