Practical Examination Hall Ticket Generated by Skill India Digital Hub
Practical Examination Hall Ticket Generated by Skill India Digital Hub
Practical Examination Hall Ticket Generated by Skill India Digital Hub
1. The Examination Centre Address on this hall ticket might be changed. Please confirm with the Principal of your
institution at least two days before the examination.
2. Please carry a valid photo identity card along with this hall ticket to the examination centre(s).
3. Please ensure that you report to the examination centre at least 45 minutes prior to the start time.
4. The date of Practical examination mentioned above is the first day of practical examination. Please get the entire
schedule for Practical examination from the Principal of your institution.
5. The QR Code provided above contains the encoding of the data on this hall ticket. Please do not tamper / fold the
paper along this code.
6. For any other errors in the hall ticket, please contact the Principal of your institution. Any corrections on this hall
ticket must be counter-signed by the Principal.
Note:Please visit for NSQF curriculum, course material, videos, question banks and mock test etc, for
CTS, ATS and CITS schemes of DGT