Reviewer Uts
Reviewer Uts
Reviewer Uts
• Early Childhood Stimulation HUMAN DEVELOPMENT
• Education PHYSICAL
• Nutrition COGNITIVE
• Social Interaction PSYCHOSOCIAL
• Cultural and Intellectual Exposure
• Parenting and Caregiving PHYSICAL DOMAIN
• Stress and Adversity ● The physical development is the most
• Access to Resources visibly obvious domain. This is evident in
• Lifelong Learning the bodily changes, the maturation
process and outward growth.
NATURE vs. NURTURE While arguments
about the predominance of either nature The Physical Self
or nurture is still unresolved, we could “Do I look all Right”
settle for an eclectic standpoint on this ● Concerned about his looks and
issue. We can safely assume that our self changing body.
is BOTH a product of NATURE and ● Takes an unusual amount of time to
NURTURE. complete his bath or dress up.
● Have their own concepts of a body
Adolescence image
A Time of Transition
“Don’t be a Baby, you are big enough -- --
do it”
ADOLESCENCE • Physical development brings in
• The origin of the word Adolescence is expectations about behavior.
from the Latin verb ‘adolescere’, which -Looking after siblings or households.
means “to grow up”. -Controlling emotions.
• It can be defined as the transitional -May feel stressed.
stage of development between childhood COGNITIVE DOMAIN
and full adulthood, representing the This involves learning, attention,
period of time during which a person is memory, language, thinking,
biologically adult but emotionally not at reasoning and creativity.
full maturity. Intelligence
• Major physiological, cognitive, and Ability to deal with different
behavioral changes take place during this aspects of life in an appropriate
period. manner.
• "Adolescence" is a cultural and social Youngster continues to grow in
phenomenon. It varies by culture. intelligence up to 16 years of
• The World Health Organization (WHO) age.
defines it as the period of life between 10 Deal with abstract situations.
and 19 years of age and in terms of a Thrill of making a discovery.
phase of life marked by special attributes. Excelling in academics
Enjoy competitive and creative
These attributes include: tasks
•Rapid physical growth and development Want to explore talents & other
•Physical, social and psychological interests.
maturity, Fantasies
but not all at the same time Conversing with themselves
•Sexual maturity and the onset of sexual Become a famous actor, singer
activity or a model.
•Experimentation Possessing unimaginable
•Development of adult mental processes wealth, riches and power.
and adult identity
● This involves emotions, personality and PSYCHOSOCIAL DOMAIN
social relationships. The primary theory of psychosocial
development was created by Erik Erikson.
Friends Friends and More Friends He was an ego psychologist who
Peers are very important. developed one of the most popular and
Sounding board for ideas, influential theories of development.
thoughts and feelings. Erikson’s theory described the impact of
Take care of loneliness and social experience across the whole
facilitates identification. lifespan. Erikson was interested in how
Restrictions on peer interactions social interaction and relationships played
are taken strongly. a role in the development and growth of
“Just leave me alone” human beings.
Want to be with themselves.
May resort to childish ways.
o biological changes that occur in
Need time to register,
understand and find ways to the body and brain
deal with them. COGNITIVE DOMAIN
acquisition of the ability to
I am in love reason and solve problems.
Sexual maturation brings in natural PSYCHOSOCIAL DOMAIN
attraction towards opposite sex. development of social skills and
Passing fancies, crushes and emotions.
relationships are common.
See saw changes in relationship
and attachments.
Provide opportunities to improve
interpersonal and social skills.
Also, a way of maintaining status
Extremely sensitive and
emotionally liable.
May burst into tears on flimsy
May start laughing or smiling in
the midst of a serious discussion
Swings from one mood to
Expressing emotions helps feel
Constricting emotions leads to
To be diagnosed with a
paraphilic disorder, DSM-5 HIV
requires that people with these GENITAL HERPES
interests: feel personal distress HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS
about their interest, not merely
distress resulting from society’s CHLAMYDIA
disapproval; or have a sexual A bacterial infection of the
desire or behavior that involves
genitals, anus, or throat.
another person’s psychological
This disease usually causes no
distress, injury, or death, or a
desire for sexual behaviors
Chlamydia can cause pain
involving unwilling persons or
during urination, itching around
the sexual organs of a person,
and, critically, a problem called infected person, as well as
pelvic inflammatory disease in through breast milk, during
women. This problem can lead childbirth, and by
to infertility in women affected coming into contact with the
with chlamydia. blood of an HIV positive person.
Treatment-Antibiotics In its early stages, HIV has no
Over 1 million cases are symptoms.
reported each year. The highest Once the illness has progressed,
proportion of cases is among the first symptoms may include
women aged 15 to 24. fever,
rashes, and sores.
GONORRHEA Untreated, HIV can lead to
A bacterial infection of the AIDS, which compromises the
genitals, anus, or throat. immune system
Burning during urination, causes and puts the person at risk of
a wonderful colorful discharge illness and death.
from the penis in men. It is In its final stage, a person with
usually pretty yellow, green, or AIDS may suffer from a variety
white in color and can also of illnesses,
cause the testicles to become including pneumonia and
very painful. In women, cancer.
gonorrhea also cause pain Treatment-antiretroviral therapy
during urination, and, if left
untreated, can result in the GENITAL HERPES
inability to have children, just like a sexually transmitted infection
chlamydia. mainly caused by a virus called
Treatment-antibiotics herpes simplex virus 2.
About 300,000 new cases are This virus is in the same family
reported each year. The highest that causes the cold sores that
rates are among women aged pop up on your lip for everyone
15 to 24 and men aged 20 to 24. to see. Except genital herpes
causes sores in the unspeakable
SYPHILIS regions down below.
Syphilis is the STD that is Treatment-antivirals
famously known for causing a
called a chancre, at the point This is a virus that has been
where the bacterium enters the linked to causing warts and
body. The problem with syphilis Cervical cancer
is that it likes to disappear inside you should be aware that there
the body for decades without is a safe and effective vaccine
causing the person any trouble. that is available that can help
However, when it reappears, it protect you against the diseases
ends up causing everything from HPV
blindness to difficulty walking to causes.
dementia and eventually death.
Treatment-antibiotics FAMILY PLANNING
About 45,000 new cases are
reported each year WHAT IS FAMILY PLANNING?
Family planning helps protect
Human Immunodeficiency Virus women from any
(HIV) health risks that may occur
It is a virus that can be before, during or after childbirth.
transmitted by anal, oral, or Every couple or individual has
vaginal sex with an the freedom to choose how
many children they want to have
and the freedom to decide the Usually, the ovaries release an
timing and spacing of any egg at about the same time each
pregnancy. That is why it is month. That’s called ovulation.
important to learn how to plan a The egg moves through the
family in order to fallopian tubes toward the
have a better life. uterus. An unfertilized egg can
live up to 24 hours.
Family planning helps couples Fertility happens for about 6
and individuals protect days each month: 5 before
themselves and their family’s ovulation and the day of
well-being in significant ways, ovulation. Natural family
such as: planning uses different methods
1. Pregnancy complications can be to pinpoint those fertility days.
2. Adolescent pregnancies can be Rhythm method
reduced One of the oldest ways of natural
3. Infant mortality rates can be cut family planning, this is based
down simply on the calendar.
4. Sexually-transmitted infections A normal menstrual cycle lasts
can be prevented between 28 and 32 days.
5. People get educated and Ovulation usually happens
empowered around day 14. So, you would
avoid unprotected sex on days 8
TWO TYPES OF METHODS IN through 19, since that’s when
FAMILY PLANNING you’re most fertile.
1. The Natural Family People who have regular
Planning Methods menstrual cycles and who are
A. Rhythm method very careful about when they
B. Cervical mucus or have sex usually find it effective.
ovulation method
C. Basal body temperature Cervical mucus or ovulation
(BBT) method method
D. Symptothermal method You track the mucus your
cervix makes.
When you're ovulating, your
2. Contraception methods mucus is clear, stretchy, and
A. Male and Female wet, like raw egg whites.
Condoms You write down what your
B. Diaphragm and mucus is like each day so you
Cervical Cap know when you're ovulating.
C. Vaginal Sponge
D. Hormonal Methods of Basal body temperature (BBT)
Birth Control method
E. IUD (INTRAUTERINE Your temperature can rise
DEVICE) between 0.5 and 1 degree when
F. PERMANENT you ovulate and stay there until
METHODS OF BIRTH your next period.
CONTROL With this method, you take your
temperature before you get
NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING out of bed each morning,
Natural family planning is a form before you have
of birth control that doesn't anything to eat or drink.
involve pills or devices. As a BBT by itself isn't a good way to
result, it doesn’t have side prevent pregnancy, because
effects charting your temperature tells
How It Works? you when
ovulation has already happened. or altering the conditions
required for fertilization and
Symptothermal method implantation.
You combine several methods,
usually BBT and Male and Female Condoms
cervical mucus. A condom is a thin latex or
Using more than one method polyurethane sheath.
can give you a better idea of The male condom is placed
what's going on in your body. around the erect penis.
How Effective Is It? The female condom is placed
Natural family planning isn't as inside the vagina before
effective as other methods of intercourse
birth control. According to the
CDC, the failure rate is 24%. Diaphragm and Cervical Cap
That means about 1 in 4 people A diaphragm is a flexible
who use natural family planning rubber cup that is filled with
will get pregnant. spermicidal cream or jelly. It is
You need to be careful, be placed into the vagina over the
diligent, and have plenty of cervix before intercourse, to
self-control to practice natural prevent
family planning. You have to sperm from reaching the
follow instructions completely to uterus. It should be left in
be successful. place for 6 to 8 hours after
Benefits and Risks Smaller device is called a
Natural family planning cervical cap.
is free.
There are no side Vaginal Sponge
effects Vaginal contraceptive sponges
You can stop anytime, are soft, and contain a
and it won't have an chemical that kills or
impact on your body "disables" sperm.
It also meets most The sponge is moistened
religious guidelines and inserted into the vagina, to
cover over the cervix before
❑ Natural family planning intercourse.
requires you to keep track of
your body Hormonal Methods of Birth
and stick to a schedule. It may Control
not be for you if you have Some birth control methods use
irregular periods or if you’re hormones. They will have either
breastfeeding. both an estrogen and a
❑ the rhythm method and other progestin, or a progestin alone.
forms of natural family planning You need a prescription for most
don’t protect you from hormonal birth control methods.
sexually transmitted diseases Both hormones prevent a
(STDs) woman's ovary from releasing an
egg during her cycle. They do
Contraception methods this by affecting the levels of
It is also known as birth control other hormones the body makes.
methods, are various Types of hormonal birth control
techniques or devices used to methods include:
prevent pregnancy by either Birth control pills
preventing the release of eggs Implants
from the ovaries, blocking
sperm from reaching the egg,
Progestin injections, such as of our sexual choice:
Depo-Provera, that are given Avoid casual, unprotected sex
into the muscles of the Use latex condoms
upper arm or buttocks once Never share needles
every 3 months. Never share razors & tattoo or
The skin patch, such as Ortho piercing instruments
Evra, is placed on your shoulder, Always be a self-advocate with
buttocks, or other place medical professionals
on the body. It releases a Assertively discuss protection
continuous dose of hormones. with partners
The vaginal ring, such as Abstain or refrain from sexual
NuvaRing, is a flexible ring about Activities
2 inches (5 centimeters) Be more sexually aware but less
wide. It is placed into the vagina. sexually active
It releases the hormones
progestin and estrogen.
A vasectomy is a surgical
procedure that involves cutting
or sealing the vas deferens, the
tubes that carry sperm from the
testicles to the urethra, to
permanently prevent the release
of sperm during ejaculation,
thereby providing permanent
Tubal ligation is a surgical
procedure in which a woman's
fallopian tubes are cut, blocked,
or sealed to permanently prevent
eggs from reaching the uterus,
thus providing permanent
Healthy Behavior to
prevent consequences
partake in personal interaction
with the child.
relationships have an impact in
two directions - both away from
the child and toward the child.
For example, a child’s parents
may affect his beliefs and
behavior; however, the child also
THE SELF IN THE SOCIAL affects the behavior and beliefs
SETTING of the parent.
• The number of people who are • In this modern and most
becoming more active online challenging level of
continues to increase worldwide. technologically led changes in
More than half of the population society lies the internet, a global
worldwide now uses the Internet. collection, connection, or
network of individual selves that entice some adolescents to
is able to find expression that make poor decisions about what
goes beyond all cultural to share on social media.
restrictions. These individual
selves in the internet or digital
world can be seen in the form of ONLINE DISINHIBITION
‘profiles’ or ‘avatars’, and are when people behave differently
apparent in professional online than they would in real
networks to social networks to life. It is the lack of restraint
recreational networks. one feels when
• There is greater self- communicating online in
expression from the individual in comparison to communicating
the online world regardless if it is in-person.
true or not. On social networks
one might choose to appear as BENIGN DISINHIBITION
living a grandiose life again • Behavior in which people tend
regardless of the truth in to self-disclose more on the
one’s real internet than they would in real
life. (DIGITAL IDENTITY) life. Also, they tend to go out of
• Ultimately, the internet makes it their way to help someone or
more difficult to define a more show kindness.
stable meaning of ‘self’ and once TOXIC DISINHIBITION
we again face the reality of life • Behavior that in which people
one will be forced to confront tend to use rude language,
and define his or true ‘self’ in the threats, and visiting places of
real world. pornography, crime, and
violence on the internet. They
DIGITAL SELF may also go to places they might
not have been to in real life.
• Adolescents use social media SETTING BOUNDARIES TO
develop and maintain ONLINE SELF: SMART
friendships. SHARING
• Adolescents use social media • The following guidelines will
for self-presentation through the help you share information
ways they choose to represent online in a smart way that will
themselves online by posting protect yourself and not harm
picture and sharing aspects of others. Before posting or sharing
their lives. anything online, consider the
• Youth use social media for following.
impression management by • Is this necessary?
attempting to use these media to • Is there a real benefit to this
control other people’s post? Is it funny, warm-hearted,
perceptions of who they are and teachable- or am I just making
how they act. noise online without purpose?
• Have we (as a family or
CONS parent/child) resolved this issue?
• Cyberbullying • Is it appropriate? Does it stay
• Depression with the boundaries of our family
• Exposure to inappropriate values?
content and the ability to display • Will this seem as funny in 5,
and consequently receive 10, or 15 years?
endorsement through peer
validation of risky behaviors RULES TO FOLLOW
(such as drinking alcohol) may
✓Guidelines for proper sharing
of information and ethical use of
the internet
according to New (2014).
✓Stick to safer sites
✓Guard your passwords
✓Limit what you share
✓Remember that anything you
put online or post on a site is
there forever,
even if you try to delete it.
✓Do not be mean or embarrass
other people online.
✓Always tell if you see strange
or bad people online.
✓Be choosy about your online
✓Be patient