EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE: The Effect of Motivation and Job Satisfaction
EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE: The Effect of Motivation and Job Satisfaction
EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE: The Effect of Motivation and Job Satisfaction
Submitted: 20th Feb 2022 | Edited: 19th May 2022 | Issued: 01st June 2022
Cited on: Andreas, D. (2022). EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE: The Effect Of
Motivation And Job Satisfaction. PRODUKTIF: Jurnal Kepegawaian dan
Organisasi, 1(1), 28-35.
Performance is the need of all parties. For employees, performance is a way of self-
preservation and well-being. As for the company, performance is an indicator of goal
achievement. Therefore, performance has always been a major concern in the
organization. Performance is a standardized work process and quality work, so that
performance has a significant impact on the existence of the company. Departing from
this phenomenon, this study is interested in analyzing employee psychological factors
that are thought to have a correlation with performance. This research was conducted
quantitatively with the method of statistical analysis, namely regression. The research
subjects were Candika Wastu Pramathana employees. A total of 35 respondents were
involved in this study, which was conducted purposively. The results of the study
explain that the employee's internal factor that best explains performance is motivation.
Work motivation in question is self-motivation in carrying out tasks and a sense of
pleasure in many things about the organization. This attitude contributes greatly to the
achievement of maximum performance.
Keywords: Internal Factors, Work Spirit, Satisfaction, Process and Quality Work
In the current era of globalization, every company is required to have high
effectiveness and efficiency, because it can be an advantage to survive in the midst of
increasingly rapid competitive conditions. In the competitive world of business, it is
companies that can produce quality goods and services that can enter the global market.
Because of this pressure, in the formation of a highly competitive company, there are
several factors that must be met by the company in order to keep pace with the external
changes that are rapidly occurring in the current era of globalization. One of them is the
leader must know the organizational system applied in the company by paying attention
to good motivation and job satisfaction so that employees feel satisfied at work and can
improve employee performance in the company (Hidayat, 2021).
Jurnal Kepegawaian dan Organisasi
Vol. 1, No. 1, June 2022
Human Resources is one element that has an important role in the company,
because a company is very dependent on the role played by the people in it. Human
Resources in this case are employees who have high performance, play an active role in
carrying out their work and achieve the goals set by the company. Human Resources are
the assets of the company that must be maintained and developed so that they can
contribute optimally to the continuation of the company it self (Rahmawani, & Syahrial,
Every manager needs to predict the efforts to develop managerial skills and
abilities to motivate his subordinates. Managers have a responsibility to help and
influence the behavior of their subordinates so that they can carry out their duties
effectively and efficiently. Thus the success of managers in motivating their
subordinates depends on how managers understand the motives of their employees. In
this case, the company not only expects employees to be capable, capable and skilled,
but most importantly they are willing to work hard and are willing to achieve maximum
performance results (Harahap, & Tirtayasa, 2020).
Employees who have high motivation to occupy a higher position in the
organization are likely to be able to increase work productivity in order to achieve
organizational goals and vice versa. By understanding the role played in motivation, a
manager will be able to increase the work productivity of his subordinates and can
further improve their performance. This can be seen when employees have completed a
job, they get less appreciation from superiors, an employee who has high work
motivation, he also tends to have good and high performance. Therefore, motivation is a
very important factor in efforts to improve employee performance (Rivaldo, &
Ratnasari, 2020).
One of the factors that affect job satisfaction is seen from the level of work, as the
level of work at a higher level tends to feel more satisfied with their work. In practice in
the company Candika wastu pramathana employees feel less satisfied with the
compensai received, in this case related to the problem of salary that is felt to be still
inadequate (Wahyudi, & Tupti, 2019). Therefore, job satisfaction is a very important
factor in efforts to improve employee performance. Of these phenomena hint that job
satisfaction can affect employee performance.
Jurnal Kepegawaian dan Organisasi
Vol. 1, No. 1, June 2022
(Rosmaini, & Tanjung, 2019) argues that performance is the result of work in
quality and quantity achieved by employees in carrying out their duties in accordance
with the responsibilities given to them. If employees have high job satisfaction, then
directly employees will be loyal to the organization and performance will increase.
Employees become very important for the progress of the company in addition to
innovative strategies and products. Good performance is influenced by job satisfaction
obtained in the company. In other words, a quality company is a company that has a
good quality of work life, can prosper employees so as to produce qualified and
competent employees.
Management comes from the English language "to manage" which means
managing an activity to achieve predetermined goals. According to GR Terry (Rene, &
Wahyuni, 2018) states that the notion of management is a distinctive process consisting
of planning, organizing, moving and controlling actions to determine and achieve goals
through the use of human resources and other resources. Understanding Management
according to (Harahap, & Tirtayasa, 2020) suggests that "management is the science
and art of regulating the process of utilizing human resources and other resources
effectively and efficiently to achieve a certain goal".
Human Resource Management
Human resources are one of the most important things in an organization. In
general, an organization (in this case a company) cannot be separated from human
resources. The success of a company in achieving its goals cannot be separated from the
role of effective human resources. The effectiveness of employees' work really supports
the company in achieving organizational goals and improving the company's
performance (Sembiring, et, al., 2021). Efforts to continuously improve the
effectiveness of employees' work must continue to be carried out by the company.
Human resources are employees who are able, ready and alert to achieve
organizational goals. The emergence of the need to assist the function of the
organization in carrying out its objectives is professionalism in work. The need for
professionalism shows that the role of human resources in achieving organizational
Jurnal Kepegawaian dan Organisasi
Vol. 1, No. 1, June 2022
Jurnal Kepegawaian dan Organisasi
Vol. 1, No. 1, June 2022
Population is a generalization area consisting of objects that have certain
quantities and characteristics that are applied by researchers to be studied and then
drawn conclusions (Prayoga, et, al., 2019). Based on the above understanding, the
population of the research carried out is all 35 employees at PT Candika Wastu
Pramathana. Sampling was carried out by saturated sampling, which is a sampling
technique when all members of the population are used as samples. This is often done if
the population is relatively small or the study wants to make generalizations with very
small errors. In this study, because the number of tabulations is less than 100, the
authors make the entire population into the research sample, namely the number of
employees 35 people.
Data is data obtained from sources and is raw or unprocessed Primary data is data
obtained directly from respondents (Prayoga, et, al., 2019). Respondent data is very
necessary to determine the responsiveness of respondents regarding employee
performance seen from the variables of motivation and job satisfaction. In this case the
data is obtained directly with a questionnaire.
Secondary data sources are data sources that do not provide information directly
to data collectors. This secondary data source can be the result of further processing of
primary data presented by other people (Prayoga, et, al., 2019). In this case the
secondary data used comes from library research which can provide a theoretical basis
obtained from supporting text books, scientific journals, the internet and other sources.
Statistical Test
Results t Statistical test results can be seen in Table 4.1, Partial hypothesis testing
is carried out to determine whether or not there is a partial influence of independent
variables on the dependent variable. If the significance value is <0.05 or tcount > ttable,
then Ha is accepted. And vice versa if sig > 0.05 or tcount < ttable, then Ho is accepted.
Based on the SPSS output, the regression equation is obtained as following:
Y= -5.752 + 1.153X1+ 0.700X2 + e
The Effect of Motivation on Performance
The results of hypothesis testing 1 can be seen in the SPSS output, motivation has
Jurnal Kepegawaian dan Organisasi
Vol. 1, No. 1, June 2022
a significance level of 0.000. It is indicated that the motivation variable has a positive
and significant effect on performance because the significance level of the motivation
variable is smaller than 0.05.
Job satisfaction on performance
The job satisfaction variable has a significance level of 0.000. This indicates that
job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on performance because the
significance level of the job satisfaction variable is less than 0.05.
Statistical F Test
Test Simultaneous testing was carried out using the F test to determine whether all
independent variables in the model have an effect on the dependent variable being
tested simultaneously. Table 4.15 below describes the results of the F statistical test.
Based on the Anova test, the calculated F value is 362,134 with significance
0.000. Because the significance level is smaller than 0.05, the regression model can be
said that motivation and job satisfaction have an effect on employee performance.
Determination Test
The coefficient of determination (R2) is an indicator used to describe how much
variation is described in the model. Based on the value of R2, it can be seen the level of
significance or the suitability of the relationship between the dependent variable and the
independent variable in linear regression.
Multiple regression shows the Adjusted R Square value of 0.955 or 95.55%, this
shows that the performance variable that can be explained by the motivation variable,
and job satisfaction is 95.55%. While the rest of 0.55 or 5.5% is another variable that is
not examined by the author.
Based on the results of research and discussion on the effect of motivation and job
satisfaction on performance, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. The motivation variable (X1) partially shows that there is a significant influence
on the employee performance variable (Y).
2. The job satisfaction variable (X2) partially shows that there is a significant effect
on the employee performance variable (Y).
3. The two independent variables, namely motivation (X1) and job satisfaction (X2)
Jurnal Kepegawaian dan Organisasi
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