DE01 High Performance WEB ONLY Article Dec23a
DE01 High Performance WEB ONLY Article Dec23a
DE01 High Performance WEB ONLY Article Dec23a
The global lubricants market is one of continuous evolution. To meet today’s and
tomorrow’s demands, the lubricants industry must deliver high-performance fluids by
taking advantage of new additive technologies.
High-performance fluids and lubricants have come The Changing Nature of Lubricant Performance
a long way. From early simple monogrades to No matter the industry or application, today’s original
today’s formulations, the modern lubricant provides equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are demanding
numerous operational benefits in their end-use higher performance from fluids and lubricants. They’re
applications, from higher levels of efficiency to also demanding fundamentally different performance
long-lasting protection. in some applications. The growing market for
additives reflects this trend, and there’s no reason to
To achieve these levels of performance, lubricants expect it will reverse any time soon. A few examples
have utilized a wide range of additive chemistries. include:
Anti-wear additives, viscosity modifiers, detergents,
dispersants and more all contribute to performance— Electrification and Dedicated E-Fluids. As
and that’s not changing anytime soon. next-generation electric drive units (EDUs) continue
to push the envelope for maximum performance, our
The nature of modern and future applications, along industry should anticipate an increased demand for
with global growth and demographic trends, will dedicated e-fluids. Many first-generation EDUs were
dictate the continued application of high-performance designed with e-motors that were either air cooled or
additives around the world. The drivers of this growth cooled indirectly using a standard automotive coolant
are worth further exploration — and with the right that flowed through a cooling jacket surrounding the
additive partners, lubricant and fluid marketers are in motor. In these designs, the e-fluid used to protect the
a position to capitalise. Here’s how... gear sets was not required to interact with the motor.
Kunal Nadkarni is vice president
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Lubrizol, where he is responsible
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for leading a global team • Essential reading for the entire supply chain
to grow Lubrizol’s additives • Authoritative, original content
business in key growth regions
and segments. He brings over
22 years of experience in the Subscribe here:
oil and gas and industrials, spanning two continents
and multiple industries. He holds his master’s degree
in international business from Symbiosis and in
Commerce from Savitribai Phule Pune University
and has completed his executive Master of Business
Administration from McCombs School of Business at
the University of Texas at Austin.