Main Questions For Exams

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1. The multiplexer bellow with the Select inputs S1S0=10, S0 (LSB), which data input will the output be
connected with?
2. The multiplexer bellow with the Select inputs S1S0=01, S0 (LSB), which data input will the output be
connected with?
3. What is the minimum value of the high level input for the TTL family?
4. How goes the output current from a logic gate through the input of a logic gate (loading)?
5. Given K-map with 3 inputs and “don’t care”, determine the minimum output expression.

6. The DAC has 5 bits of 10110 and the step size K=0.5V, what is the value of the analog output voltage?
7. Given K-map with 4 inputs and “don’t care”, determine the minimum output expression

8. Given the IC 555 oscillator, in which R1=R2=2kOhm, R3=8kOhm, C1=C2=0.01uF, ln2=0.7, what is the
9. What are the input voltages of one TTL logic gate?
10. What is the 4 to 2 encoder? Draw the block diagram, Table, Equations?
11. Given IC 555 with RA=4 kOhm, RB=3 kOhm, C=0.05uF, ln2=0.7, determine the frequency, f.
12. Given IC 555 with R1=2 kOhm, R2=3 kOhm, C=0.05uF, ln2=0.7, determine the period T?
13. Given the multiplexer with the Select inputs S2S1S0=110, (S0: LSB), which input is the output connected
14. Given the multiplexer with the Select inputs S1S0=11, which input is the output connected with?
15. What is a logic gate, when all of its inputs and output are HIGH?
16. Given the block diagram bellow, if A=0, B=1, what are the outputs S and C0?
17. What is the open collector of a logic gate with the TTL family?
18. What is the binary value corresponding to the decimal number of 9.25?
19. What is the decimal value corresponding to the Binary number of 1001.01B?
20. Add 2 digits of Hex (0011 1000 and 0110 0111), what is the result?
21. Add 2 digits of Hex (1000 0011 and 0111 0110), what is the result?
22. Given the 4 to 2 encoder, what are the functions of the outputs O1 and O0?
23. Given the following 2 to 4 decoder, what are the functions of the outputs?
24. What is the 2’s complement of 1000?
25. The following number (11011) is a five-bit signed binary number in the 2’s-complement system, what is its
correct decimal value?
26. Given IOL(max) = 20mA, IIL(max) = 0.5mA, IOH(max) = 2mA, IIH(max) = 20µA, what is Fan-out of the
27. When is one FF with Ck having the outputs Q with no change?
28. What is the 74HC08 family?
29. Which Flip-Flop has the output Q equal to the input, when 1 Ck is supplied?
30. What is the 74ALS00 family?
31. What is the asynchronous counter?
32. Given the input/output parameters of the TTL family in Table, determine the noise margin with the High

33. What is the BCD code corresponding to the binary of 1111110?

34. What is the BCD code corresponding to the binary 11111?
35. Given the input/output parameters of the TTL family as in Table (question 32), determine the noise margin
with the Low level.
36. What is the synchronous counter?
37. Given one NAND logic gate of 74LS connected with its inputs and parameters in Table, determine Fan-out
of the logic circuit.
38. Draw and explain one DECODER with 3 input bits?
39. Which type of the counter can count the states of 12-13-14-15-16-17? Why?
40. What is the Ring counter with Ck?
41. Given one NAND of 74 to drive one NOT gate of 74S and two gates AND of 74AS (Table in question 37),
determine the correct loading value for the normal operation circuit.
42. What is the Johnson counter with Ck?
43. Which type of FF is the shift register often used to design?
44. Given one IC of the TTL 74LS, with IIL=0.4 mA and VIL(max)=0.8 V, determine Rmax
45. Which type of the counter using JK-FF can be used to count the states of 0,1,3,2,5?
46. Draw a TTL logic gate (source gate) possibly connected to the input of a CMOS logic gate (load gate)?
47. How many bits are needed to count up to a maximum of 511?
48. How many bits are needed to count up to a maximum of 1011?
49. Given the MOD-12 asynchronous up-counter with 4 bit (Q3Q2Q1Q0), Q3 (MSB), which can the Q outputs
be connected with the NAND inputs to clear the circuit for re-counting?
50. Given the MOD-13 asynchronous up counter with 4 bit (Q3Q2Q1Q0), Q3 (MSB), which can the outputs of
Qs are connected the NAND inputs to clear and re-count?
51. What is the asynchronous down counter?
52. What is the asynchronous up counter?
53. Draw the asynchronous up counter with 4 bit (Q3Q2Q1Q0), Q3 (MSB) and the outputs of Q3Q1Q0 are
connected the NAND inputs to clear and re-count.
54. Draw the asynchronous down counter with 4 bit (Q3Q2Q1Q0), Q3 (MSB) and the outputs of Q3Q1Q0 are
connected the NAND inputs to clear and re-count.
55. One resistor connected between digital IC and Led is for what?
56. Subtract two binary numbers corresponding to the decimal numbers (01000-00100) with 5 bits in the 2’s
complement system, what is the result?
57. Given the comparator with two 4-bits groups (GA=1000 and GB=0111), what are the outputs?
58. One DAC with 5 bits has the binary input of 10110 and the voltage output Vout= 11 V, what is the
resolution (size step) K?
59. One DAC with 5 bits has the binary input of 11110 and the resolution (size step) K=0.5 V, what is the
voltage output?
60. Given one decoder with 3 input bits, 101, what is its output?
61. Given one decoder with 4 input bits, 0101, what is its output?
62. Given TTL families (Table in question 37), the output of one NOT gate of the TTL 74LS is connected to
the inputs of the TTL 74, determine the number of inputs connected to this output.
63. Given the parameters of currents of the TTL family (Table in question 37), a NOT gate with the 74LS is
connected to the inputs of the TTL 74, how many can the inputs of the 74 (loads) be connected.
64. Given the parameters of currents of the TTL family (Table in question 37), a NOT gate with the 74ALS is
connected to the inputs of the TTL 74, how many can the inputs of the 74 (loads) be connected
65. What are the address inputs of one memory ROM/RAM IC?
66. IC decoder 74138 has 3 Enable Pins E1=E2 (Active Low), E3 (Active High), this IC can operate for
decoding and the inputs A2A1A0=011, what are Enable?
67. How many the memory words can a semiconductor chip with 4Kbyte and 8 data lines be stored?
68. How many the memory registers can a semiconductor chip with 16Kbyte and 8 data lines be stored?
69. Given the ROM block diagram bellow, the byte numbers, which can be accessed

70. Given the ROM block diagram bellow, the byte numbers, which can be accessed

71. Show the order steps to read data?

72. Show steps in order to write data?
73. What is ROM?
74. What is RAM?
75. Convert one hex number 1A2 to its decimal number.
76. Convert one hex number 1A2 to its binary number.
77. Given the memory EPROM, how many are there address lines, data lines and registers?
78. How are the outputs of one when GA>GB?
79. The following comparator with bit groups has A3A2A1A0=0100; B3B2B1B0=0011, what are its outputs?
80. A five-bit DAC has a current output of 20 mA corresponding to the digital input of 10110, what is Iout of the
largest digital input?
81. A five-bit DAC has a current output of 10 mA corresponding to the digital input of 10100, what is Iout of the
largest digital input
82. Given the Boolean expression Y=B(A + B), determine the minimum expression.
83. Given the Boolean expression Y=B\(A + B), determine the minimum expression.
84. Given the logic circuit using the Boolean expression Y=B\(A+B)+C, which gates need to be used for
85. Given the logic circuit using the Boolean expression Y=A\B+AB\+C\, which gates need to be used for
86. Given IC NE555, there are (R1+2R2) = 1kOhm, T = 7s, determine the C value.
87. Given the following expression Y=A\B\C+A\BC\+AB\C+ABC\, determine the minimum expression.
88. The DAC has 8 bits of 10000000 and the analog output voltage is 1,28V, determine the step size K.
89. The DAC has 8 bits of 10000000 and the analog output voltage is 1,28V, if the digital input is 11111110,
determine the corresponding analog voltage output.

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